# JsModules > [JsModules] is a Sublime Text Plug-in to convert CJS modules to ES modules. ## Installation [JsModules] is compatible with both Sublime Text 2 and 3, and all supported Operating Systems. ### Requirements - [Sublime Text] - Text editor for code - [node.js] - JavaScript runtime - [yarn] or [npm] - Package manager for JavaScript - [cjs-to-es6] - CLI to convert JavaScript files from CommonJS to ES6 modules ### Install cjs-to-es6 If you installed [cjs-to-es6] globally (using the [yarn] or [npm] command below), there's nothing else you need to do. ```bash # using yarn: yarn global add cjs-to-es6 # using npm: npm install -g cjs-to-es6 ``` ### Install JsModules via Package Control The easiest and recommended way to install Js​Modules is using [Package Control]. From the **main application menu**, navigate to: - `Tools` -> `Command Palette...` -> `Package Control: Install Package`, type the word **JsModules**, then select it to complete the installation. ### Install JsModules Manually 1. Download and extract Js​Modules [zip file] to your [Sublime Text Packages directory]. 2. Rename the extracted directory from `SublimeJsModules-master` to `JsModules`. **Default Sublime Text Packages Paths:** - **OS X:** `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text [2|3]/Packages` - **Linux:** `~/.Sublime Text [2|3]/Packages` - **Windows:** `%APPDATA%/Sublime Text [2|3]/Packages` > **NOTE** Replace the `[2|3]` part with the appropriate Sublime Text > version for your installation. ## Usage To run the `JsModules` command... open the Sublime Text **Command Palette** (super + shift + p) and type ***JsModules: Convert file to ES module***.