var __spreadArray = (this && this.__spreadArray) || function (to, from) { for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++) to[j] = from[i]; return to; }; /** * OCDots * * OCDots is a javascript library for creating evenly distributed * points inside a polygon * * Copyright (C) 2021 Luiz Eduardo Amaral * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { simplify } from './simplify.js'; // Default values export var DEFAULTMASS = 1; export var DEFAULTCHARGE = 1; export var BASEFORCE = 4; export var DRAG = 0.1; export var VISCOSITY = 0.1; export var MAXMOMENTUM = 5; export var PARALLELFORCES = true; export var WALLFORCES = 1; export var ATTENUATION = 0.001; export var SIMPLIFYPOLYGON = 0; var GEO_MILIMITER_PRECISION = 100000000; var polyCache = new WeakMap(); var sCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Moves points according to the applied forces into it. The forces * are: 1) between points, 2) between the point and walls of the * polygon. * * The points moves according to it's momentum up to maxMomentum. * Drag reduces the momentum with the square of the momentum. * Viscosity lowers the momentum of points with high forces. * * Runs one iteration * * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @param {Array} congig.points - The points to move * @param {Array} config.momentum - Accumulated momentum for each point. [0, 0] * when the points are stopped. * @param {Array} config.polygon - Set of points that describes the polygon that * contains the points. This polygon should be ordered (clockwise * or anticlockwise) and closed i.e. first points equals the last * point. * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.mass - Mass or masses of the points. * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.charge - Charge or charges of the points. * @param {Number=} config.baseForce - The force constant * @param {Number=} config.drag - The drag coeficient * @param {Number=} config.viscosity - The viscosity coeficient * @param {Number=} config.maxMomentum - Maximum momentum for each point * @param {Boolean=} config.parallelForces - Sum line segmen parallel forces * as well. * @param {Number=} config.wallForces - Walls forces constant * @param {Number=} config.simplifyPolygon - Simplify polygon tolerance (0 disabled) * * @return {Array[]} points, momentum - Updated points and momentum * arrays */ export function movePoints(_a) { var points = _a.points, momentum = _a.momentum, polygon = _a.polygon, _b = _a.mass, mass = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULTMASS : _b, _c = _a.charge, charge = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULTCHARGE : _c, _d = _a.baseForce, baseForce = _d === void 0 ? BASEFORCE : _d, _e = _a.drag, drag = _e === void 0 ? DRAG : _e, _f = _a.viscosity, viscosity = _f === void 0 ? VISCOSITY : _f, _g = _a.maxMomentum, maxMomentum = _g === void 0 ? MAXMOMENTUM : _g, _h = _a.parallelForces, parallelForces = _h === void 0 ? PARALLELFORCES : _h, _j = _a.wallForces, wallForces = _j === void 0 ? WALLFORCES : _j, _k = _a.simplifyPolygon, simplifyPolygon = _k === void 0 ? SIMPLIFYPOLYGON : _k; // Loads/sets cache var S; var poly; if (!polyCache.has(polygon)) { if (polygon.length < 3) { throw new RangeError('Polygon must have at least 3 vertices'); } poly = __spreadArray([], polygon); if (simplifyPolygon != 0) { poly = simplify( (pt) { return { x: pt[0], y: pt[1] }; }), simplifyPolygon, false ).map(function (pt) { return [pt.x, pt.y]; }); } if (poly[0][0] != poly[poly.length - 1][0] || poly[0][1] != poly[poly.length - 1][1]) { poly.push(poly[0]); } S = polygon.reduce(function (acc, cur) { return acc + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cur[0], 2) + Math.pow(cur[1], 2)); }, 0); polyCache.set(polygon, poly); sCache.set(polygon, S); } else { poly = polyCache.get(polygon); S = sCache.get(polygon); } var p = __spreadArray([], points); var m = __spreadArray([], momentum); var _mass = Array.isArray(mass) ? mass : new Array(p.length).fill(mass); if (_mass.includes(0)) { throw new RangeError('Mass cannot be zero.'); } var _charge = Array.isArray(charge) ? charge : new Array(p.length).fill(charge); var N = points.length; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { // Calculate forces var pt = points[i]; var pf = pointForces(pt, _charge[i], points, _charge); var bf = polygonForces(pt, poly, parallelForces); var force = [ Math.pow(10, baseForce) * (pf[0] + (Math.abs(_charge[i]) * wallForces * N * bf[0]) / S), Math.pow(10, baseForce) * (pf[1] + (Math.abs(_charge[i]) * wallForces * N * bf[1]) / S), // Polygon forces are normalized to it's total length and // multiplied by wallForces ]; // Update momentum var mx = force[0] / _mass[i] + m[i][0]; var my = force[1] / _mass[i] + m[i][1]; var norm = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mx, 2) + Math.pow(my, 2)); var mf = norm * (1 - drag); mf = mf < maxMomentum ? mf : maxMomentum * (Math.exp(-viscosity * (mf - maxMomentum)) * viscosity + (1 - viscosity)); m[i] = [(mf * mx) / norm, (mf * my) / norm]; // Update position for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { // We move points as close to the polygon as possible var px = pt[0] + m[i][0]; var py = pt[1] + m[i][1]; if (checkInbounds([px, py], poly)) { p[i] = [px, py]; break; } // Lose momentum if colliding into the walls m[i][0] /= j + 2; m[i][1] /= j + 2; if (isNaN(m[i][0]) || isNaN(m[i][1])) { m[i][0] = 0; m[i][1] = 0; } } } return [p, m]; } /** * Calculates forces on pt from points. * @private * * @param {Array} pt The point to measure forces * @param {number} c The point charge * @param {Array} points The points acting on pt * @param {Array} charge Array of other points charges * * @return {Array} force Sum of forces acting on pt */ export function pointForces(pt, c, points, charge) { var f = [0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { var vdx = pt[0] - points[i][0]; var vdy = pt[1] - points[i][1]; var norm2 = Math.pow(vdx, 2) + Math.pow(vdy, 2); norm2 = norm2 != 0 ? norm2 : Infinity; var norm = Math.sqrt(norm2); f[0] += (c * charge[i] * vdx) / norm / norm2; f[1] += (c * charge[i] * vdy) / norm / norm2; } return f; } /** * Calculates forces on pt from polygon. The forces are the integral * of the forces for each line segment for a charged wire as in: * * * The default behavior is to sum perpendicular and parallel forces * for each line segment, setting `parallelForces` to `false` sums * only perpendicular forces, but this may lead to instability * because of nonlinearity in the forces for concave polygons. * @private * * @param {Array} pt The point to measure forces * @param {Array} polygon The polygons vertexes * @param {Boolean} parallelForces Sum line segmen parallel forces * as well. * * @return {Array} force Sum of forces acting on pt */ export function polygonForces(pt, polygon, parallelForces) { if (parallelForces === void 0) { parallelForces = PARALLELFORCES; } var f = [0, 0]; for (var i = 1; i < polygon.length; i++) { // Useful vectors var a0 = polygon[i - 1]; // A from origin var b0 = polygon[i]; // B from origin var t = perpendicularToLine(pt, a0, b0); var y2 = Math.pow(t[0], 2) + Math.pow(t[1], 2); var y = Math.sqrt(y2); var normal = [b0[0] - a0[0], b0[1] - a0[1]]; var n2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(normal[0], 2) + Math.pow(normal[1], 2)); var xn = [normal[0] / n2, normal[1] / n2]; var yn = [xn[1], -xn[0]]; var apt = [a0[0] - pt[0], a0[1] - pt[1]]; var bpt = [b0[0] - pt[0], b0[1] - pt[1]]; // The Magic var thetaT = Math.atan2(t[1], t[0]); var thetaA = thetaT - Math.atan2(apt[1], apt[0]); var thetaB = thetaT - Math.atan2(bpt[1], bpt[0]); var thetaDiff = thetaB - thetaA; // Align thetaDiff between 0 and +PI thetaDiff = thetaDiff <= 0 ? thetaDiff + 2 * Math.PI : thetaDiff; thetaDiff = thetaDiff > Math.PI ? thetaDiff - 2 * Math.PI : thetaDiff; var Ex = 0; // Parallel fraction var Ey = 0; // Perpendicular fraction if (y != 0) { // Just in case. We pretend nothing happens if segment is colinear with point. Ex = parallelForces ? (Math.cos(thetaB) - Math.cos(thetaA)) / y : 0; Ey = (Math.sin(thetaB) - Math.sin(thetaA)) / y; } f[0] += Ey * yn[0] + Ex * xn[0]; f[1] += Ey * yn[1] + Ex * xn[1]; } return f; } /** * Returns the perpendicular line to segment v1 -> v2. * @private * * @param {Array} pt Point to calculate perpendicular to * @param {Array} v1 Line segment vertetx 1 * @param {Array} v2 Line segment vertetx 2 * * @return {Array} p Perpendicular vector */ export function perpendicularToLine(pt, v1, v2) { var v1v2 = [v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1]]; var nv1v2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v1v2[0], 2) + Math.pow(v1v2[1], 2)); var v1p = [v1[0] - pt[0], v1[1] - pt[1]]; var n = [v1v2[0] / nv1v2, v1v2[1] / nv1v2]; var d = v1p[0] * n[0] + v1p[1] * n[1]; return [v1p[0] - d * n[0], v1p[1] - d * n[1]]; } /** * Tests if a point is Left|On|Right of an infinite line. * From: * * See * * @param {object} p0 x,y point * @param {object} p1 x,y point * @param {object} p2 x,y point * * @returns {number} * >0 for P2 left of the line through P0 and P1, * =0 for P2 on the line, * <0 for P2 right of the line */ function isLeft(p0, p1, p2) { return (p1[0] - p0[0]) * (p2[1] - p0[1]) - (p2[0] - p0[0]) * (p1[1] - p0[1]); } /** * Checks if the point pt is inside polygon. * From: * * * * * @private * * @param {Array} pt The point to measure forces * @param {Array} polygon Set of points that describes the polygon. * This polygon should be ordered (clockwise or anticlockwise) and * closed i.e. first points equals the last point. * * @return {boolean} inbound True if pt is inside the polygon */ export function checkInbounds(pt, polygon) { if (polygon.length < 3) { throw new RangeError('Polygon must have at least 3 vertices'); } var n = polygon.length; var newPoints = polygon.slice(0); newPoints.push(polygon[0]); var wn = 0; // Wn counter // loop through all edges of the polygon for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (newPoints[i][1] <= pt[1]) { if (newPoints[i + 1][1] > pt[1]) { if (isLeft(newPoints[i], newPoints[i + 1], pt) > 0) { wn++; } } } else if (newPoints[i + 1][1] <= pt[1]) { if (isLeft(newPoints[i], newPoints[i + 1], pt) < 0) { wn--; } } } // The pt is outside only when this winding number wn===0, otherwise it's inside return wn !== 0; } /** * Creates N points inside the polygon * * @param {Number} N Number of points * @param {Array} polygon Set of points that describes the polygon. * This polygon should be ordered (clockwise or anticlockwise) and * closed i.e. first points equals the last point. * * @return {Array} points N points inside the polygon */ export function randomInPolygon(N, polygon) { var points = []; var _a = polygon.reduce( function (acc, v) { acc.xMin = v[0] < acc.xMin ? v[0] : acc.xMin; acc.xMax = v[0] > acc.xMax ? v[0] : acc.xMax; acc.yMin = v[1] < acc.yMin ? v[1] : acc.yMin; acc.yMax = v[1] > acc.yMax ? v[1] : acc.yMax; return acc; }, { xMin: Infinity, xMax: -Infinity, yMin: Infinity, yMax: -Infinity, } ), xMin = _a.xMin, xMax = _a.xMax, yMin = _a.yMin, yMax = _a.yMax; var deltaX = xMax - xMin; var deltaY = yMax - yMin; while (points.length < N) { var pt = [xMin + Math.random() * deltaX, yMin + Math.random() * deltaY]; if (checkInbounds(pt, polygon)) { points.push(pt); } } return points; } /** * Creates N points inside a geo polygon, * * @param {Number} N Number of points * @param {Array} geoPolygon Polygon of geo coordinates {lat, lng} * * @return {Array} points N points inside the geo polygon */ export function randomInGeoPolygon(N, geoPolygon) { return randomInPolygon( N, (p) { return [GEO_MILIMITER_PRECISION *, GEO_MILIMITER_PRECISION * p.lng]; }) ).map(function (p) { return { lat: p[0] / GEO_MILIMITER_PRECISION, lng: p[1] / GEO_MILIMITER_PRECISION, }; }); } /** * Runs several iterations of movePoints(). The drag increases in every * iteration attenuating the movement. * * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @param {Array} config.points - The points to move * @param {Array} config.momentum - Initial momentum. [0, 0] for all points if * ommited * @param {Array} config.polygon - Set of points that describes the polygon that * contains the points. This polygon should be ordered (clockwise * or anticlockwise) and closed i.e. first points equals the last * point. * @param {Number} config.iterations - Number of iterations to run * @param {Function=} config.callback - Callback function to run at every * iteration (optional). Callback args: points, momentum, polygon, * baseForce, currentDrag, viscosity, maxMomentum * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.mass - Mass or masses of the points. * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.charge - Charge or charges of the points. * @param {Number=} config.baseForce - The force constant * @param {Number=} config.drag - The drag coeficient * @param {Number=} config.viscosity - The viscosity coeficient * @param {Number=} config.maxMomentum - Maximum momentum for each point * @param {Boolean=} config.parallelForces - Sum line segmen parallel forces * as well. * @param {Number=} config.wallForces - Walls forces constant * @param {Number=} config.simplifyPolygon - Simplify polygon tolerance (0 disabled) * @param {Number=} config.attenuation - Rate of attenuation * * @return {Array} points Last iteration points positions */ export function relaxPoints(_a) { var _b; var points = _a.points, momentum = _a.momentum, polygon = _a.polygon, iterations = _a.iterations, callback = _a.callback, _c = _a.mass, mass = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULTMASS : _c, _d = _a.charge, charge = _d === void 0 ? DEFAULTCHARGE : _d, _e = _a.baseForce, baseForce = _e === void 0 ? BASEFORCE : _e, _f = _a.drag, drag = _f === void 0 ? DRAG : _f, _g = _a.viscosity, viscosity = _g === void 0 ? VISCOSITY : _g, _h = _a.maxMomentum, maxMomentum = _h === void 0 ? MAXMOMENTUM : _h, _j = _a.parallelForces, parallelForces = _j === void 0 ? PARALLELFORCES : _j, _k = _a.wallForces, wallForces = _k === void 0 ? WALLFORCES : _k, _l = _a.simplifyPolygon, simplifyPolygon = _l === void 0 ? SIMPLIFYPOLYGON : _l, _m = _a.attenuation, attenuation = _m === void 0 ? ATTENUATION : _m; var p = __spreadArray([], points); var m = momentum == undefined ? () { return [0, 0]; }) : __spreadArray([], momentum); for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { var currentDrag = drag + (1 - drag) * Math.tanh(i * attenuation); (_b = movePoints({ points: p, momentum: m, polygon: polygon, mass: mass, baseForce: baseForce, drag: currentDrag, viscosity: viscosity, maxMomentum: maxMomentum, parallelForces: parallelForces, wallForces: wallForces, simplifyPolygon: simplifyPolygon, })), (p = _b[0]), (m = _b[1]); if (callback != undefined) { callback(p, m, polygon, baseForce, currentDrag, viscosity, maxMomentum); } } return p; } /** * Calls relaxPoints for N random points placed inside the polygon. * * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @param {Number} config.N - Number of points * @param {Array} config.polygon - Set of points that describes the polygon that * contains the points. This polygon should be ordered (clockwise * or anticlockwise) and closed i.e. first points equals the last * point. * @param {Number} config.iterations - Number of iterations to run * @param {Function=} config.callback - Callback function to run at every * iteration (optional). Callback args: points, momentum, polygon, * baseForce, currentDrag, viscosity, maxMomentum * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.mass - Mass or masses of the points. * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.charge - Charge or charges of the points. * @param {Number=} config.baseForce - The force constant * @param {Number=} config.drag - The drag coeficient * @param {Number=} config.viscosity - The viscosity coeficient * @param {Number=} config.maxMomentum - Maximum momentum for each point * @param {Boolean=} config.parallelForces - Sum line segmen parallel forces * as well. * @param {Number=} config.wallForces - Walls forces constant * @param {Number=} config.simplifyPolygon - Simplify polygon tolerance (0 disabled) * @param {Number=} config.attenuation - Rate of attenuation * * @return {Array} points Last iteration points positions */ export function relaxNPoints(_a) { var N = _a.N, polygon = _a.polygon, iterations = _a.iterations, callback = _a.callback, _b = _a.mass, mass = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULTMASS : _b, _c = _a.charge, charge = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULTCHARGE : _c, _d = _a.baseForce, baseForce = _d === void 0 ? BASEFORCE : _d, _e = _a.drag, drag = _e === void 0 ? DRAG : _e, _f = _a.viscosity, viscosity = _f === void 0 ? VISCOSITY : _f, _g = _a.maxMomentum, maxMomentum = _g === void 0 ? MAXMOMENTUM : _g, _h = _a.parallelForces, parallelForces = _h === void 0 ? PARALLELFORCES : _h, _j = _a.wallForces, wallForces = _j === void 0 ? WALLFORCES : _j, _k = _a.simplifyPolygon, simplifyPolygon = _k === void 0 ? SIMPLIFYPOLYGON : _k, _l = _a.attenuation, attenuation = _l === void 0 ? ATTENUATION : _l; var points = randomInPolygon(N, polygon); var momentum = () { return [0, 0]; }); return relaxPoints({ points: points, momentum: momentum, polygon: polygon, iterations: iterations, callback: callback, mass: mass, baseForce: baseForce, drag: drag, viscosity: viscosity, maxMomentum: maxMomentum, parallelForces: parallelForces, wallForces: wallForces, simplifyPolygon: simplifyPolygon, attenuation: attenuation, }); } /** * Converts geoPoints and geoPolygon to a points and polygon, then * calls relaxPoints, returning the last position of the points. * * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @param {Array} config.geoPoints - Points in geo coordinates {lat, lng} * @param {Array} config.geoPolygon - Polygon of geo coordinates {lat, lng} * @param {Number} config.width - Width of the polygon * @param {Number} config.iterations - Number of iterations to run * @param {Function=} confi.callback - Callback function to run at every * iteration. Callback args: points, momentum, polygon, baseForce, * currentDrag, viscosity, maxMomentum * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.mass - Mass or masses of the points. * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.charge - Charge or charges of the points. * @param {Number=} config.baseForce - The force constant * @param {Number=} config.drag - The drag coeficient * @param {Number=} config.viscosity - The viscosity coeficient * @param {Number=} config.maxMomentum - Maximum momentum for each point * @param {Boolean=} config.parallelForces - Sum line segmen parallel forces * as well. * @param {Number=} config.wallForces - Walls forces constant * @param {Number=} config.simplifyPolygon - Simplify polygon tolerance (0 disabled) * @param {Number=} config.attenuation - Rate of attenuation * * @return {Object} { polygon, points, geoPoints } Last iteration geo * points positions */ export function relaxGeoPoints(_a) { var geoPoints = _a.geoPoints, geoPolygon = _a.geoPolygon, width = _a.width, iterations = _a.iterations, callback = _a.callback, _b = _a.mass, mass = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULTMASS : _b, _c = _a.charge, charge = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULTCHARGE : _c, _d = _a.baseForce, baseForce = _d === void 0 ? BASEFORCE : _d, _e = _a.drag, drag = _e === void 0 ? DRAG : _e, _f = _a.viscosity, viscosity = _f === void 0 ? VISCOSITY : _f, _g = _a.maxMomentum, maxMomentum = _g === void 0 ? MAXMOMENTUM : _g, _h = _a.parallelForces, parallelForces = _h === void 0 ? PARALLELFORCES : _h, _j = _a.wallForces, wallForces = _j === void 0 ? WALLFORCES : _j, _k = _a.simplifyPolygon, simplifyPolygon = _k === void 0 ? SIMPLIFYPOLYGON : _k, _l = _a.attenuation, attenuation = _l === void 0 ? ATTENUATION : _l; var _m = buildPolygon(geoPolygon, width), polygon = _m.polygon, minLat = _m.minLat, minLng = _m.minLng, delta =; var momentum = () { return [0, 0]; }); var points = relaxPoints({ points: (p) { return [( - minLat) * delta, (p.lng - minLng) * delta]; }), momentum: momentum, polygon: polygon, iterations: iterations, callback: callback, mass: mass, baseForce: baseForce, drag: drag, viscosity: viscosity, maxMomentum: maxMomentum, parallelForces: parallelForces, wallForces: wallForces, simplifyPolygon: simplifyPolygon, attenuation: attenuation, }); return { polygon: polygon, points: points, geoPoints: (pt) { return { lat: pt[0] / delta + minLat, lng: pt[1] / delta + minLng, }; }), }; } /** * Calls relaxGeoPoints for N random points placed inside the polygon. * * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @param {Number} config.N - Number of points * @param {Array} config.geoPolygon - Polygon of geo coordinates {lat, lng} * @param {Number} config.width - Width of the polygon * @param {Number} config.iterations - jNumber of iterations to run * @param {Function=} config.callback - Callback function to run at every * iteration. Callback args: points, momentum, polygon, baseForce, * currentDrag, viscosity, maxMomentum * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.mass - Mass or masses of the points. * @param {Number[] | Number=} config.charge - Charge or charges of the points. * @param {Number=} config.baseForce - The force constant * @param {Number=} config.drag - The drag coeficient * @param {Number=} config.viscosity - The viscosity coeficient * @param {Number=} config.maxMomentum - Maximum momentum for each point * @param {Boolean=} config.parallelForces - Sum line segmen parallel forces * as well. * @param {Number=} config.wallForces - Walls forces constant * @param {Number=} config.simplifyPolygon - Simplify polygon tolerance (0 disabled) * @param {Number=} config.attenuation - Rate of attenuation * * @return {Object} { polygon, points, geoPoints } Last iteration geo * points positions */ export function relaxNGeoPoints(_a) { var N = _a.N, geoPolygon = _a.geoPolygon, width = _a.width, iterations = _a.iterations, callback = _a.callback, _b = _a.mass, mass = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULTMASS : _b, _c = _a.charge, charge = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULTCHARGE : _c, _d = _a.baseForce, baseForce = _d === void 0 ? BASEFORCE : _d, _e = _a.drag, drag = _e === void 0 ? DRAG : _e, _f = _a.viscosity, viscosity = _f === void 0 ? VISCOSITY : _f, _g = _a.maxMomentum, maxMomentum = _g === void 0 ? MAXMOMENTUM : _g, _h = _a.parallelForces, parallelForces = _h === void 0 ? PARALLELFORCES : _h, _j = _a.wallForces, wallForces = _j === void 0 ? WALLFORCES : _j, _k = _a.simplifyPolygon, simplifyPolygon = _k === void 0 ? SIMPLIFYPOLYGON : _k, _l = _a.attenuation, attenuation = _l === void 0 ? ATTENUATION : _l; var geoPoints = randomInGeoPolygon(N, geoPolygon); return relaxGeoPoints({ geoPoints: geoPoints, geoPolygon: geoPolygon, width: width, iterations: iterations, mass: mass, callback: callback, baseForce: baseForce, drag: drag, viscosity: viscosity, maxMomentum: maxMomentum, parallelForces: parallelForces, wallForces: wallForces, simplifyPolygon: simplifyPolygon, attenuation: attenuation, }); } /** * Transforms a set of coordinates into a polygon with a known width * * @param {Array} geoPolygon Polygon of geo coordinates {lat, lng} * @param {Number} width Width of the polygon * * @return {Object} { polygon, minLat, minLng, delta } */ export function buildPolygon(geoPolygon, width) { var _a = geoPolygon.reduce( function (acc, v) { acc.minLat = < acc.minLat ? : acc.minLat; acc.maxLat = > acc.maxLat ? : acc.maxLat; acc.minLng = v.lng < acc.minLng ? v.lng : acc.minLng; acc.maxLng = v.lng > acc.maxLng ? v.lng : acc.maxLng; return acc; }, { minLat: Infinity, maxLat: -Infinity, minLng: Infinity, maxLng: -Infinity, } ), minLat = _a.minLat, maxLat = _a.maxLat, minLng = _a.minLng, maxLng = _a.maxLng; var delta = width / (maxLng - minLng); var polygon = (v) { return [delta * ( - minLat), delta * (v.lng - minLng)]; }); if (polygon[0][0] != polygon[polygon.length - 1][0] || polygon[0][1] != polygon[polygon.length - 1][1]) { polygon.push(polygon[0]); } return { polygon: polygon, minLat: minLat, minLng: minLng, delta: delta }; }