import depthai as dai import time from datetime import timedelta pipeline = dai.Pipeline() script1 = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script) script1.setScript(""" from time import sleep while True: sleep(1) b = Buffer(512) b.setData(bytes(4 * [i for i in range(0, 128)])) b.setTimestamp(['out'].send(b) """) script2 = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script) script2.setScript(""" from time import sleep while True: sleep(0.3) b = Buffer(512) b.setData(bytes(4 * [i for i in range(128, 256)])) b.setTimestamp(['out'].send(b) """) sync = pipeline.create(dai.node.Sync) sync.setSyncThreshold(timedelta(milliseconds=100)) xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) xout.setStreamName("xout") script1.outputs["out"].link(sync.inputs["s1"]) script2.outputs["out"].link(sync.inputs["s2"]) # script1.outputs["out"].link(xout.input) with dai.Device(pipeline) as device: print("Start") q = device.getOutputQueue("xout", maxSize=10, blocking=True) while True: grp = q.get() for name, msg in grp: print(f"Received {name} with timestamp {msg.getTimestamp()}") print(f"Time interval between messages: {grp.getIntervalNs() / 1e6}ms") print("----------") time.sleep(0.2)