import depthai as dai (found, info) = dai.DeviceBootloader.getFirstAvailableDevice() def check_str(s: str): spl = s.split(".") if len(spl) != 4: raise ValueError(f"Entered value {s} doesn't contain 3 dots. Value has to be in the following format: ''") for num in spl: if 255 < int(num): raise ValueError("Entered values can't be above 255!") return s if found: print(f'Found device with name: {}') print('-------------------------------------') print('"1" to set a static IPv4 address') print('"2" to set a dynamic IPv4 address') print('"3" to clear the config') key = input('Enter the number: ').strip() print('-------------------------------------') if int(key) < 1 or 3 < int(key): raise ValueError("Entered value should either be '1', '2' or '3'!") with dai.DeviceBootloader(info) as bl: if key in ['1', '2']: ipv4 = check_str(input("Enter IPv4: ").strip()) mask = check_str(input("Enter IPv4 Mask: ").strip()) gateway = check_str(input("Enter IPv4 Gateway: ").strip()) mode = 'static' if key == '1' else 'dynamic' val = input(f"Flashing {mode} IPv4 {ipv4}, mask {mask}, gateway {gateway} to the POE device. Enter 'y' to confirm. ").strip() if val != 'y': raise Exception("Flashing aborted.") conf = dai.DeviceBootloader.Config() if key == '1': conf.setStaticIPv4(ipv4, mask, gateway) elif key == '2': conf.setDynamicIPv4(ipv4, mask, gateway) (success, error) = bl.flashConfig(conf) elif key == '3': (success, error) = bl.flashConfigClear() if not success: print(f"Flashing failed: {error}") else: print(f"Flashing successful.")