import depthai as dai from typing import List print('Searching for all available devices...\n') # Query all available devices (USB and POE OAK cameras) infos: List[dai.DeviceInfo] = dai.DeviceBootloader.getAllAvailableDevices() if len(infos) == 0: print("Couldn't find any available devices.") exit(-1) for info in infos: # Converts enum eg. 'XLinkDeviceState.X_LINK_UNBOOTED' to 'UNBOOTED' state = str(info.state).split('X_LINK_')[1] print(f"Found device '{}', MxId: '{info.mxid}', State: '{state}'") # Connect to a specific device. We will just take the first one print(f"\nBooting the first available camera ({infos[0].name})...") with dai.Device(dai.Pipeline(), infos[0], usb2Mode=False) as device: print("Available camera sensors: ", device.getCameraSensorNames()) calib = device.readCalibration() eeprom = calib.getEepromData() print(f"Product name: {eeprom.productName}, board name {eeprom.boardName}")