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A. and Jiang, M. and Wang, X. and Rangarajan, S.", title = "MU-MIMO: Demodulation at the Mobile Station", address = "", publisher = "IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group", year = "2009", pages = "1-11", note = "" } @PATENT{CITATION_PATENT, author = "Paulraj, Arogyaswami J. and Heath, Jr, Robert W. and Sebastian, Peroor K. and Gesbert, David J.", title = "Spatial Multiplexing in a Cellular Network", address = "USA", number = "6067290", date = "2000-05-23", } @STANDARD{CITATION_STANDARD, author = "", series = "TS 36.211 V10.5.0", title = "Physical Channels and Modulation", address = "Valbonne, France", publisher = "3GPP", year = "2012-06", note = "" } @NEWSPAPER{CITATION_NEWSPAPER, author = "吴刚", title = "立陶宛进入欧元时代", journaltitle = "人民日报", date = "2015-01-02", language = "chs", note = "" } @ELECTRONIC{CITATION_ELECTRONIC, author = "{百度百科}", title = "香农公式", etype = "EB", ehowpublished = "OL", url = "http://baike.baidu.com/view/747964.htm", urldate = "2013-10-28", language = "chs", note = "" } @ELECTRONIC{CHANGBANPO, author = "赵云 and 曹操 and 刘备 and 甘夫人 and 糜夫人", title = "长坂坡", etype = "EB", ehowpublished = "OL", url= "http://baike.baidu.com/subview/428389/5476054.htm", language = "chs" } @BOOK{SANGUOYANYI, author = "罗贯中", title = "三国演义", edition = "1", address = "山西太原", year = "元末明初", language = "chs" } @ELECTRONIC{BUPT_Thesis_Format_2014, title = "关于研究生学位论文格式的统一要求", author = "北京邮电大学研究生院培养与学位办公室", etype = "EB", ehowpublished = "OL", date = "2014-11", url = "http://www.bupt.edu.cn/", language = "chs" } @ELECTRONIC{BUPT_Thesis_Format_2004, title = "关于研究生学位论文格式的统一要求", author = "北京邮电大学研究生院培养与学位办公室", etype = "EB", ehowpublished = "OL", date = "2004", url = "http://www.bupt.edu.cn/", language = "chs" } @ELECTRONIC{latex-bupt, author = "王旭", title = "latex-bupt: \LaTeX style for {BUPT} thesis", year = "2007", etype = "EB", ehowpublished = "OL", urldate = "2009-01-14", url = "http://code.google.com/p/latex-bupt/", language = "chs" } @ELECTRONIC{buptthesis, author = "张煜", title = "北京邮电大学研究生学位论文 \LaTeX{} 文档类", year = "2009", dhowpublished = "online", urldate = "2013-07-06", url = "http://code.google.com/p/buptthesis/", language = "chs" } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % \def\cs#1{\textbackslash\texttt{#1}} \begin{document} \section*{BUPT} 参考文献可以使用\cite{BUPT_Thesis_Format_2014}和\parencite{BUPT_Thesis_Format_2004}的表示方法。 \nocite{SANGUOYANYI} \nocite{CHANGBANPO} \nocite{CITATION_BOOK,CITATION_ARTICLE,CITATION_PROCEEDINGS,CITATION_INPROCEEDINGS, CITATION_TECHREPORT,CITATION_STANDARD,CITATION_PATENT,CITATION_NEWSPAPER,CITATION_ELECTRONIC}。 \printbibliography \end{document}