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Jun}, title={Differential Power Analysis}, editor={M. Wiener}, booktitle={Advances in Cryptology ({CRYPTO}~'99)}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume={1666}, pages={388-397}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, month={August}, year={1999} } @INCOLLECTION{Krasnogor2004e, AUTHOR = {N. Krasnogor}, TITLE = {Towards robust memetic algorithms}, BOOKTITLE = {Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, YEAR = {2004}, PAGES = {185-207}, EDITOR = {W.E. Hart and N. Krasnogor and J.E. Smith}, VOLUME = {166}, SERIES = {Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @INCOLLECTION{zjsw, AUTHOR = {班固}, TITLE = {苏武传}, BOOKTITLE = {传记散文英华}, PUBLISHER = {湖北人民出版社}, YEAR = {1998}, PAGES = {65-69}, EDITOR = {郑在瀛 and 汪超宏 and 周文复}, VOLUME = {2}, SERIES = {新古文观止丛书}, ADDRESS = {武汉}, pinyin = {bangu} } @INBOOK{clzs, AUTHOR = {阎真}, TITLE = {沧浪之水}, CHAPTER = {大人物还是讲人情的}, PAGES = {185-207}, PUBLISHER = {人民文学出版社}, YEAR = {2001}, pinyin = {yanzhen} } @Book{tex, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\TeX} Book", publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", address = "Reading, MA", year = 1989, edition = "15th", } @Book{companion, author = "Michel Goosens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin", title = "The {\LaTeX} Companion", publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", address = "Reading, MA", PAGES = "112--125", year = 1994, } @ARTICLE{ELIDRISSI94, AUTHOR = "{Chafik El Idrissi}, M. and {Roney}, A. and {Frigon}, C. and {Larzilli{\`e}re}, M.", TITLE = "Measurements of total kinetic-energy released to the {$N=2$} dissociation limit of {H}$_2$ --- evidence of the dissociation of very high vibrational {R}ydberg states of {H}$_2$ by doubly-excited states", JOURNAL = "Chemical Physics Letters", PAGES = "260-266", VOLUME = 224, NUMBER = 10, YEAR = 1994, } @ARTICLE{MELLINGER96, AUTHOR = "Mellinger, A. and Vidal, C. R. and Jungen, Ch.", TITLE = "Laser reduced fluorescence study of the carbon-monoxide nd triplet {R}ydberg series-experimental results and multichannel quantum-defect analysis", JOURNAL = "J. Chem. Phys.", PAGES = "8913-8921", VOLUME = 104, NUMBER = 5, YEAR = 1996, } @ARTICLE{SHELL02, AUTHOR = "Michael Shell", TITLE = "How to Use the {IEEEtran \LaTeX} Class", JOURNAL = "Journal of {\LaTeX} Class Files", YEAR = 2002, VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = "100--120" } @TechReport{NPB2, title = {The {NAS} Parallel Benchmarks 2.0}, author = {Alex Woo and David Bailey and Maurice Yarrow and Wijngaart Wijngaart and Tim Harris and William Saphir}, year = 1995, month = dec # "~05", institution = "The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeer Archives", url = "http://www.nasa.org/" } @INPROCEEDINGS{DPMG, author = {Kim, Sangbum and Woo, Namyoon and Yeom, Heon Y. and Park, Taesoon and Park, Hyoungwoo}, title = {Design and {I}mplementation of {D}ynamic {P}rocess {M}anagement for {G}rid-enabled {MPICH}}, booktitle = {the 10th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Conference}, year = 2003, address = {Venice, Italy}, month = sep, } @INPROCEEDINGS{cnproceed, author = {王重阳 and 黄药师 and 欧阳峰 and 洪七公 and 段皇帝}, title = {武林高手从入门到精通}, booktitle = {第~$N$~次华山论剑}, year = 2006, address = {西安, 中国}, month = sep, pinyin = {wangchongyang} } @ARTICLE{cnarticle, AUTHOR = "贾宝玉 and 林黛玉 and 薛宝钗 and 贾探春", TITLE = "论刘姥姥食量大如牛之现实意义", JOURNAL = "红楼梦杂谈", PAGES = "260--266", VOLUME = 224, YEAR = 1800, pinyin = {jiabaoyu} } @MastersThesis{zhubajie, author = {猪八戒}, title = {论流体食物的持久保存}, school = {广寒宫大学}, year = 2005, address = {北京}, pinyin = {zhubajie} } @PhdThesis{shaheshang, author = {沙和尚}, title = {论流沙河的综合治理}, school = {清华大学}, year = 2005, address = {北京}, pinyin = {shaheshang} } @MastersThesis{metamori2004, author = {Ashwin Raju Jeyakumar}, title = {Metamori: A library for Incremental File Checkpointing}, school = {Virgina Tech}, year = 2004, month = jun # "~21", address = {Blacksburg}, } @PHDTHESIS{FistSystem01, AUTHOR = "Erez Zadok", TITLE = "{FiST: A System for Stackable File System Code Generation}", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "May", SCHOOL = "Computer Science Department, Columbia University", ADDRESS = "USA" } @INBOOK{ColdSources, AUTHOR = {P. Gr{\"o}ning and L. Nilsson and P. Ruffieux and R. Clergereaux and O. Gr{\"o}ning}, TITLE = {Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology}, pages = {547--579}, PUBLISHER = {American Scientific Publishers}, YEAR = 2004, volume = 1, } @article{BogdanSLOPEAdaptiveVariable2014, title = {{{SLOPE}}\textendash{}{{Adaptive Variable Selection}} via {{Convex Optimization}}}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3824}, author = {Bogdan, Malgorzata and van den Berg, Ewout and Sabatti, Chiara and Su, Weijie and Candes, Emmanuel J.}, year = {2014}, } @inproceedings{GossmannIdentificationsignificantgenetic2015, title = {Identification of Significant Genetic Variants via {{SLOPE}}, and Its Extension to Group {{SLOPE}}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th {{ACM Conference}} on {{Bioinformatics}}, {{Computational Biology}} and {{Health Informatics}}}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Gossmann, Alexej and Cao, Shaolong and Wang, Yu-Ping}, year = {2015}, pages = {232--240}, } @inproceedings{AlbrechtTopologicalapproachfuzzy1999, title = {Topological Approach to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic}, booktitle = {Artificial {{Neural Nets}} and {{Genetic Algorithms}}}, publisher = {{Springer}}, author = {Albrecht, R. F.}, year = {1999}, pages = {1--7}, } @book{AlbrechtTopologicalConceptsHierarchies2001, title = {Topological {{Concepts}} for {{Hierarchies}} of {{Variables}}, {{Types}} and {{Controls}}}, publisher = {{Springer}}, author = {Albrecht, Rudolf F.}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{AlbrechtTopologicaltheoryfuzziness1999, title = {Topological Theory of Fuzziness}, booktitle = {Computational {{Intelligence}}}, publisher = {{Springer}}, author = {Albrecht, Rudolf F.}, year = {1999}, pages = {1--11}, } @article{MoriasiModelevaluationguidelines2007, title = {Model Evaluation Guidelines for Systematic Quantification of Accuracy in Watershed Simulations}, volume = {50}, number = {3}, journal = {Trans. Asabe}, author = {Moriasi, D. N. and Arnold, J. G. and Van Liew, M. W. and Bingner, R. L. and Harmel, R. D. and Veith, T. L.}, year = {2007}, pages = {885--900} } @misc{Jdatamodels2003, title = {Of Data and Models.}, howpublished = {http://www.iwaponline.com/jh/005/jh0050075.htm}, author = {J Cunge}, month = apr, year = {2003}, keywords = {经验论文,当博客读,特别有用} } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % \begin{filecontents}{resume.bib} % Encoding: UTF-8 @article{ref-1-1-Yang, author = {Yang, Y and Ren, T L and Zhang, L T and others}, title = {Miniature microphone with silicon-based ferroelectric thin films}, journal = {Integrated Ferroelectrics}, date = {2003}, pages = {229-235}, volume = {52}, annotation = {SCI 收录, 检索号:758FZ}, } @article{ref-2-1-杨轶, author = {杨轶 and 张宁欣 and 任天令 and others}, title = {硅基铁电微声学器件中薄膜残余应力的研究}, journal = {中国机械工程}, pages= {1289-1291}, date = {2005}, volume = {16}, number ={14}, annotation ={EI 收录, 检索号:0534931 2907}, } @article{ref-3-1-杨轶, author = {杨轶 and 张宁欣 and 任天令 and others}, title = {集成铁电器件中的关键工艺研究}, journal = {仪器仪表学报}, date = {2003}, volume = {24}, pages={192-193}, number = {S4}, annotation = {EI 源刊}, } @article{ref-4-1-Yang, author = {Yang, Y and Ren, T L and Zhu, Y P and others}, title = {PMUTs for handwriting recognition}, pubstate ={In press}, annotation = {已被 Integrated Ferroelectrics 录用. SCI 源刊.}, } @article{ref-5-1-Wu, author = {Wu, X M and Yang, Y and Cai, J and others}, title = {Measurements of ferroelectric MEMS microphones}, journal = {Integrated Ferroelectrics}, date = {2005}, pages={417-429}, volume = {69}, annotation = {SCI 收录, 检索号 :896KM.}, } @article{ref-6-1-贾泽, author = {贾泽 and 杨轶 and 陈兢 and others}, title = {用于压电和电容微麦克风的体硅腐蚀相关研究}, journal = {压电与声光}, date = {2006}, pages = {117-119}, number={1}, volume = {28}, annotation = {EI 收录, 检索号:06129773469.}, } @article{ref-7-1-伍晓明, author = {伍晓明 and 杨轶 and 张宁欣 and others}, title = {基于MEMS技术的集成铁电硅微麦克风}, journal = {中国集成电路}, date = {2003}, volume = {53}, pages = {59-61}, } @patent{ref-8-1-任天令, author = {任天令 and 杨轶 and 朱一平 and others}, title = {硅基铁电微声学传感器畴极化区域控制和电极连接的方法}, number ={中国, CN1602118A}, annotation = {中国专利公开号.}, } @patent{ref-9-1-Ren, author = {Ren, T L and Yang, Y and Zhu, Y P and others}, title = {Piezoelectric micro acoustic sensor based on ferroelectric materials}, number ={USA, No.11/215, 102}, annotation = {美国发明专利申请号.}, } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{resume.bib} \begin{document} \section*{TONGJI THESIS} \setcounter{section}{1} \subsection{参考文献} \label{sec:bib} 当然参考文献可以直接写 bibitem,虽然费点功夫,但是好控制,各种格式可以自己随意改 写。 本模板推荐使用 biblatex 包,因此工具链为: tex、biber、tex、tex 以下默认使用数字式的引用,这些例子都是为数字式引用准备的,如果你喜欢使用 author year 的引用,可在cls中搜索 biblatex 进行设置。 看看这个例子,关于书的\cite{tex, companion, ColdSources}, 还有这些\cite{Krasnogor2004e, clzs, zjsw},关于杂志的\cite{ELIDRISSI94, MELLINGER96, SHELL02},硕士论文\cite{zhubajie, metamori2004},博士论文 \cite{shaheshang, FistSystem01},标准文件\cite{IEEE-1363},会议论文\cite{DPMG,kocher99},技术报告\cite{NPB2}。中文参 考文献\cite{cnarticle}。试一下很多个参考文献的情况吧\cite{BogdanSLOPEAdaptiveVariable2014,GossmannIdentificationsignificantgenetic2015,AlbrechtTopologicalapproachfuzzy1999,AlbrechtTopologicalConceptsHierarchies2001,AlbrechtTopologicaltheoryfuzziness1999,MoriasiModelevaluationguidelines2007,Jdatamodels2003}。 有时候不想要上标,那么可以这样 \parencite{shaheshang},这个非常重要。或使用命令: \inlinecite{shaheshang} \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] \subsection{成果简介} \begin{refsection} \settoggle{bbx:gbtype}{false}%局部设置不输出文献类型和载体标识符 \settoggle{bbx:gbannote}{true}%局部设置输出注释信息 \setcounter{gbnamefmtcase}{1}%局部设置作者的格式为大小写不变的国标格式 \nocite{ref-1-1-Yang,ref-2-1-杨轶,ref-3-1-杨轶,ref-4-1-Yang,ref-5-1-Wu,ref-6-1-贾泽,ref-7-1-伍晓明} \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={论文成果}] \end{refsection} \begin{refsection} \settoggle{bbx:gbtype}{false}%局部设置不输出文献类型和载体标识符 \settoggle{bbx:gbannote}{true}%局部设置输出注释信息 \setcounter{gbnamefmtcase}{3}%局部设置作者的格式为familyahead格式 \nocite{ref-8-1-任天令,ref-9-1-Ren} \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={专利成果}] \end{refsection} \end{document}