% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8" % 用于测试gb7714-2015样式,能否对实现国标要求的脚注文献表 \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{toolbox} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[top=10pt,bottom=10pt,left=1cm,right=1cm]{geometry} \usepackage{xltxtra,mflogo,texnames} \usepackage[backend=biber,style=gb7714-2015,gbfootbib=true,gbfnperpage=true]{biblatex} %\renewcommand{\bibfont}{\small} \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @Book{易仕和2013--, Title = {超声速和高超声速喷管设计}, Address = {北京}, Author = {易仕和 and 赵玉新 and 何霖 and 张敏莉}, Publisher = {国防工业出版社}, Year = {2013} } @Book{Yi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi He and Zhao, Yu Xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min Li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, Year = {2013} } @Article{张敏莉2007-500-503, Title = {超声速短化喷管的设计和试验研究}, Author = {张敏莉 and 易仕和 and 赵玉新}, Journal = {空气动力学报}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2007} } @Article{Zhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi-he and Zhao, Yu-xin}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2007} } @Book{Peebles2001-100-100, Title = {Probability, random variable, and random signal Principles and \LaTeX{}}, Address = {New York}, Author = {von Peebles, Jr., P. Z.}, Edition = {4}, Pages = {100}, Publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, Year = {2001} } @Book{蔡敏2006--, Title = {UML基础和Rose建模教程}, Address = {北京}, Author = {蔡敏 and 徐慧慧 and 黄柄强}, Publisher = {人民邮电出版社}, Year = {2006}, Month = {1} } @Book{Miroslav2004--, Title = {信号处理滤波器设计-基于matlab和mathematica的设计方法}, Address = {北京}, Author = {Miroslav, D. L. and Dejan, V. T. and Brian, L. E.}, Publisher = {电子工业出版社}, Translator = {朱义胜 and 董辉}, Year = {2004}, Month = {1} } @Book{赵学功2001--, Title = {当代美国外交}, Author = {赵学功}, Publisher = {社会科学文献出版社}, Url = {http://www.baidu.com}, Urldate = {2014-06-11}, Year = {2001} } @patent{IEEEexample:frenchpatreq, author = "F. Kowalik and M. Isard", title = "Estimateur d'un D{\'e}faut de Fonctionnement d'un Modulateur en Quadrature et {\'E}tage de Modulation l'Utilisant", language = "french", type = "French Patent Request", number = "9500261", year = "1995-01-11" } @ARTICLE{吕捷2015cpi, AUTHOR = {吕捷 and 王高望}, DATE = {2015}, JOURNALTITLE = {经济研究}, KEYWORDS = {吕捷2015cpi}, PAGES = {011}, TITLE = {CPI 与 PPI “背离” 的结构性解释}, VOLUME = {4}, } @patent{IEEEexample:uspat, author = "Ronald E. Sorace and Victor S. Reinhardt and Steven A. Vaughn", holder = "Hughes Aircraft Company", location = "Los Angeles, CA", title = "High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter", type = "patentus", number = "5668842", yearfiled = "1995-02-28", year = "1997-09-16", } @ARTICLE{杨光2015经济波动, AUTHOR = {杨光 and 孙浦阳 and 龚刚}, DATE = {2015}, JOURNALTITLE = {经济研究}, KEYWORDS = {杨光2015经济波动}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {47--60}, TITLE = {经济波动, 成本约束与资源配置}, VOLUME = {50}, } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \begin{document} \section{测试利用footfullcite实现国标格式的脚注文献表} \begin{minipage}{0.9\linewidth} \begin{refsection} 古希腊对轴心时代思想真正的贡献不是来自对民主的赞扬\footfullcite[12-16]{蔡敏2006--}, 改变社会规范也可能存在类似的“二阶囚徒困境”问题\footfullcite{Miroslav2004--}, 但个人理性选择使得没有人愿意率先违反旧的规范\footfullcite[250]{蔡敏2006--}。 %\makeatletter %\ifcsstring{@mpfn}{mpfootnote}{in minipage}{not in} %\makeatother \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] \end{refsection} \end{minipage} \vspace{2cm} \begin{refsection} ……事实上,古希腊对轴心时代思想真正的贡献不是来自对民主的赞扬, 《\fullcite{吕捷2015cpi}》。 而是来自对民主制度的批评,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德3位贤圣 都是民主制度的坚决反对者\footfullcite[20]{Zhang2007-500-503}。 ……改变社会规范也可能存在类似的“二阶囚徒困境”问题:尽管改变旧的规范对所有人都好,但个人理性选择使得没有人愿意率先违反旧的规范 \footfullcite{吕捷2015cpi}。 ……据《唐会要》记载,当时拆毁的寺院有4 600余所,招提、兰若等佛教建筑4万余所,没收寺产,并强迫僧尼还俗达260 500人。 佛教受到极大的打击\footfullcite[326-329]{Zhang2007-500-503}。 \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] \end{refsection} \begin{refsection} \newpage 古希腊对轴心时代思想真正的贡献不是来自对民主的赞扬\footfullcite{易仕和2013--}, 改变社会规范也可能存在类似的“二阶囚徒困境”问题\footfullcite{张敏莉2007-500-503}, 但个人理性选择使得没有人愿意率先违反旧的规范\footfullcite[45]{易仕和2013--}, 都是民主制度的坚决反对者\footfullcite{蔡敏2006--}。 \newpage 古希腊对轴心时代思想真正的贡献不是来自对民主的赞扬\footfullcite{易仕和2013--}, 改变社会规范也可能存在类似的“二阶囚徒困境”问题\footfullcite{张敏莉2007-500-503}, 但个人理性选择使得没有人愿意率先违反旧的规范\footfullcite[31-33]{易仕和2013--}, 都是民主制度的坚决反对者\footfullcite{蔡敏2006--}。 \end{refsection} \end{document}