\documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctex} \begin{filecontents}[force]{\jobname.bib} @Book{董肇君2007--, Title = {系统工程与运筹学}, Author = {董肇君}, Date = {2007-06}, Address = {北京}, Publisher = {国防工业出版社}, edition ={2}, pages={297-310} } @Book{董肇君2007en--, Title = {Systems engineering and operations research}, Author = {Dong, Zhao Jun}, Date = {2007-06}, Address = {Beijing}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, edition ={2}, pages={297-310} } @Book{越民义2014en--, Title = {Introduction to combinatorial optimization}, Author = {Yue, Yi Min and Li, Rong Yan}, Date = {2014-05}, Address = {Beijing}, Publisher = {Science Press}, edition ={2}, pages={10-25} } @Book{越民义2014--, Title = {组合优化导论}, Author = {越民义 and 李荣珩}, Date = {2014-05}, Address = {北京}, Publisher = {科学出版社}, edition ={2}, pages={10-25} } \end{filecontents} \usepackage[style=gb7714-2015ay,gbnamefmt=familyahead]{biblatex} %,defernumbers=true \addbibresource{\jobname} \addEntryField{董肇君2007en--,越民义2014en--}{nameformat}{quanpin} \begin{document} \section{mainbody} text\nocite{*} text \printbibliography \end{document}