%测试gb7714-2005的差异 \documentclass[twoside]{article} \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage[backend=biber,style=gb7714-1987ay,usetranslator]{biblatex} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @Article{Walls2013-399-418, Title = {drought, deluge and declines: the impact of precipition extremes on amphibians in a changing climate}, Author = {Walls, S C and barichivich, W. J. and BROWN, m. e.}, Journal = {Biology}, Number = {1}, Pages = {399-418}, Volume = {2}, Url = {http://www.mdpi.com}, Urldate = {2013-11-04}, Year = {2013}, doi = {10.3390/biology2010399} } @Article{Zhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min Li and Yi, Shi He and Zhao, Yu Xin}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2007}, } @Book{Yi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi He and Zhao, Yu Xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min Li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, Year = {2013}, } @Archive{中国第一历史档案馆2001--, author = {中国第一历史档案馆 and 辽宁省档案馆}, title = {中国明朝档案总汇}, year = {2001}, address = {桂林}, publisher = {广西师范大学出版社}, } @Www{萧钰2001--, Title = {出版业信息化迈入快车道}, Author = {萧钰}, Url = {http://www.creader.com/news/20011219/200112190019.html}, Urldate = {2002-04-15}, Date = {2001-12-19} } @InProceedings{王临慧2010-138, author = {王临慧}, title = {从几组声母的演变看天津方言形成的自然条件和历史条件}, bookauthor= {曹志耘}, booktitle = {汉语方言的地理语言学研究:首届中国地理语言学国际学术研讨会论文集}, year = {2010}, publisher = {北京语言大学出版社}, pages = {138}, address = {北京}, } @Inproceedings{FOURNEY1971-17-38, Title = {Advances in holographic photoelasticity}, Author = {M E FOURNEY}, Booktitle = {Symposium on Applications of Holography in Mechanics, August 23-25, 1971, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California}, year = {c1971}, Pages = {17-38}, Publisher = {ASME}, Location = {New York} } @Incollection{韩吉人1985-90-99, Title = {论职工教育的特点}, Author = {韩吉人}, Booktitle = {职工教育研究论文集}, Date = {1985}, Publisher = {人民教育出版社}, Pages = {90-99}, Bookauthor = {中国职工教育研究会}, Location = {北京} } @PhdThesis{刘乃安2000-17-18a, author = {刘乃安}, title = {生物质材料热解失重动力学及其分析方法研究}, year = {2000}, pages = {17--18}, doi = {10.7666/d.y351065}, url = {http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=GJDJxb4lxBUXnIPmq1XoEGSIr1H8TMLbidW_LjlYu33tpt707u62rKliypU_FBGUmox7ovPNaVIVBALAMd5yfwuKUUOAGYuB7cuZ-BYEhXa}, urldate = {2014-08-29}, address = {安徽}, school = {中国科学技术大学}, } @PhdThesis{Deverell2013-21-22a, author = {Deverell, William and Igler, David}, title = {A Companion to {California} History}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-11-15}, pages = {21--22}, doi = {10.1002/9781444305036.ch2}, url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444305036.ch2/summary}, urldate = {2014-06-24}, address = {New York}, school = {John Wiley \& Sons}, } @Mastersthesis{张志祥1998--, Title = {间断动力系统的随机扰动及其在守恒律方程中的应用}, Author = {张志祥}, Date = {1998}, Institution = {北京大学数学学院}, Location = {北京} } @Inbook{Weinstein1974-745-772, author = {Weinstein, L and Swertz, M N}, title = {Pathogenic properties of invading microorganism}, booktitle = {Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease}, year = {1974}, editor = {Sodeman, Jr., William A and others}, editortype={editor}, publisher = {Saunders}, pages = {745--772}, address = {Philadelphia}, } @inbook{李约瑟1991--, author = {李约瑟}, title = {题词}, editor = {苏克福 and 管成学 and 邓明鲁 and others}, editortype={editor}, booktitle = {苏颂与《本草图经》研究}, year = {1991}, publisher = {长春出版社}, address = {长春}, pages = {扉页} } @Book{周鲁卫2011--, translator = {周鲁卫}, title = {软物质物理导论}, year = {2011}, publisher = {复旦大学出版社}, address = {上海}, pages = {1} } @Book{RUDDOCK2009--, editor = {RUDDOCK, L.}, editortype={editor}, title = {Economics for the modern built environment}, year = {2009}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, address = {London}, pages = {12}, url = {http://lib.mylib.com}, urldate = {2010-06-15}, } @Patent{张凯军2012-04-05--, Title = {轨道火车及高速轨道火车紧急安全制动辅助装置}, Author = {张凯军}, Number = {中国, 发明专利. 201220158825.2}, Year = {2012-04-05} } @patent{刘加林1993--, title = {多功能一次性压舌板}, author = {刘加林}, date = {1993-04-14}, number = {中国, 发明专利. 92214985.2}, } @Book{库恩2012--, Title = {科学革命的结构:第4版}, Address = {北京}, Author = {库恩}, Edition = {2}, Publisher = {北京大学出版社}, Translator = {金吾伦 and 胡新和}, Year = {2012} } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} %\addbibresource{example.bib} \begin{document} \cite{库恩2012--,刘加林1993--,张凯军2012-04-05--,周鲁卫2011--,RUDDOCK2009--,李约瑟1991--,Weinstein1974-745-772,张志祥1998--,Deverell2013-21-22a,刘乃安2000-17-18a,韩吉人1985-90-99,FOURNEY1971-17-38,王临慧2010-138,萧钰2001--,中国第一历史档案馆2001--,Yi2013--,Walls2013-399-418,Zhang2007-500-503} \citet{库恩2012--,刘加林1993--,张凯军2012-04-05--,周鲁卫2011--,RUDDOCK2009--,李约瑟1991--,Weinstein1974-745-772,张志祥1998--,Deverell2013-21-22a,刘乃安2000-17-18a,韩吉人1985-90-99,FOURNEY1971-17-38,王临慧2010-138,萧钰2001--,中国第一历史档案馆2001--,Yi2013--,Walls2013-399-418,Zhang2007-500-503} \printbibliography \end{document}