\documentclass[twoside]{article} \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{toolbox} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[top=3cm,bottom=3cm,left=3cm,right=3cm]{geometry} \usepackage[backend=biber,style=chinese-css,gbfootbib=true,gbfnperpage=true,url=false]{biblatex} %gbfootbibfmt \begin{filecontents}[force]{\jobname.bib} @book{庄子天下, title={庄子·天下}, } @book{尚书泰誓, title={尚书·泰誓}, } @book{尚书皋陶谟, title={尚书·皋陶谟}, } @article{zhangkun1994, author = {张昆 and 冯立群 and 余昌钰 and others}, title = {机器人柔性手腕的球面齿轮设计研究}, journal = {清华大学学报: 自然科学版}, volume = {34}, number = {2}, pages = {1--7}, year = {1994}, key = {zhang1 kun1}, } @book{zhukezhen1973, author = {竺可桢}, title = {物理学论}, address = {北京}, publisher = {科学出版社}, year = {1973}, pages = {56--60}, key = {zhu2 ke3 zhen1}, } @inproceedings{dupont1974bone, author = {Dupont, B}, title = {Bone marrow transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency with an unrelated MLC compatible donor}, editor = {White, H J and Smith, 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中华人民共和国国家标准-量与单位}, address = {北京}, publisher = {中国标准出版社}, year = {1994}, key = {zhong1 hua2 ren2 min2 gong4 he2 guo2}, } @article{merkt1995rotational, author = {Merkt, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Mackenzie, S R and Softley, Timothy P}, title = {Rotational Autoionization Dynamics in High Rydberg States of Nitrogen}, journal = {J Chem Phys}, year = {1995}, volume = {103}, pages = {4509--4518}, } @article{mellinger1996laser, author = {Mellinger, A and Vidal, C R and Jungen, {Ch}}, title = {Laser reduced fluorescence study of the carbon monoxide nd triplet Rydberg series - Experimental results and multichannel quantum defect analysis}, journal = {J Chem Phys}, year = {1996}, volume = {104}, pages = {8913--8921}, } @article{bixon1996dynamics, author = {Bixon, M and Jortner, Joshua}, title = {The dynamics of predissociating high {Rydberg} states of {NO}}, journal = {J Chem Phys}, year = {1996}, volume = {105}, pages = {1363--1382}, } @article{mahui1995, author = {马辉 and 李俭 and 刘耀明 and others}, 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= {金陵}, publisher = {曾氏}, year = {1865(清同治四年)}, key = {wang2 fu1 zhi1}, } @book{zhaoyaodong1998xinshidai, author = {赵耀东}, title = {新时代的工业工程师}, address = {台北}, publisher = {天下文化出版社}, year = {1998}, urldate = {1998-09-26}, url = {http://www.ie.nthu.edu.tw/info/ie.newie.htm}, key = {zhao4 yao4 dong1}, } @standard{biaozhunhua2002tushu, author = {全国信息与文献工作标准化技术委员会出版物格式分委员会}, title = {GB/T 12450-2001 图书书名页}, address = {北京}, publisher = {中国标准出版社}, year = {2002}, pages = {1}, key = {quan2 guo2 xin4 xi1}, } @book{chubanzhuanye2004, author = {全国出版专业职业资格考试办公室}, title = {全国出版专业职业资格考试辅导教材: 出版专业理论与实务•中级}, edition = {2014}, address = {上海}, publisher = {上海辞书出版社}, year = {2004}, pages = {299--307}, key = {quan2 guo2 chu1 ban3 ye4}, } @techreport{who1970factors, author = {{World Health Organization}}, title = {Factors Regulating the Immune Response: Report of {WHO Scientific Group}}, address = {Geneva}, publisher = {WHO}, year = {1970}, } @book{peebles2001probability, author = {Peebles, Jr, Peyton Z.}, title = {Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles}, edition = {4}, address = {New York}, publisher = {McGraw Hill}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{baishunong1998zhiwu, author = {白书农}, title = {植物开花研究}, editor = {李承森}, booktitle = {植物科学进展}, address = {北京}, publisher = {高等教育出版社}, year = {1998}, pages = {146--163}, key = {bai2 shu1 nong2}, } @incollection{weinstein1974pathogenic, author = {Weinstein, L and Swertz, M N}, title = {Pathogenic Properties of Invading Microorganism}, editor = {Sodeman, Jr, William A and Sodeman, William A}, booktitle = {Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease}, address = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {Saunders}, year = {1974}, pages = {745--772}, } @inproceedings{hanjiren1985lun, author = {韩吉人}, title = {论职工教育的特点}, editor = {中国职工教育研究会}, booktitle = {职工教育研究论文集}, address = {北京}, publisher = {人民教育出版社}, year = {1985}, pages = {90--99}, key = {han2 ji2 ren2}, } @periodical{dizhi1936dizhi, author = {中国地质学会}, title = {地质评论}, year = {1936}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, address = {北京}, publisher = {地质出版社}, key = {zhong1 guo2 di4 zhi3 xue2 hui4}, } @periodical{tushuguan1957tushuguanxue, author = {中国图书馆学会}, title = {图书馆学通讯}, year = {1957/1990}, number = {1--4}, address = {北京}, publisher = {北京图书馆}, key = {zhong1 guo2 tu2 shu1 guan3 xue2 hui4}, } @periodical{aaas1883science, author = {{American Association for the Advancement of Science}}, title = {Science}, year = {1883}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, address = {Washington, D.C.}, publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science}, } @newspaper{fugang2000fengsha, author = {傅刚 and 赵承 and 李佳路}, title = {大风沙过后的思考}, journal = {北京青年报}, date = {2000-04-12}, number = {14}, urldate = {2002-03-06}, url = {http://www.bjyouth.com.cn/Bqb/20000412/B/4216%5ED0412B1401.htm}, key = {fu4 gang1}, } @online{xiaoyu2001chubanye, author = {萧钰}, title = {出版业信息化迈入快车道}, year = {2001}, date = {2001-12-19}, urldate = {2002-04-15}, url = {http://www.creader.com/news/20011219/200112190019.htm}, key 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{求是}, KEYWORDS = {楼继伟2016改革}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {24--26}, TITLE = {中国经济最大潜力在于改革}, key={low2} } @ARTICLE{吕捷2015cpi, AUTHOR = {吕捷 and 王高望}, DATE = {2015}, JOURNALTITLE = {经济研究}, KEYWORDS = {吕捷2015cpi}, PAGES = {011}, TITLE = {CPI 与 PPI “背离” 的结构性解释}, VOLUME = {4}, key={lv3} } @ARTICLE{罗德明2012要素市场扭曲, AUTHOR = {罗德明 and 李晔 and 史晋川}, DATE = {2012}, JOURNALTITLE = {经济研究}, KEYWORDS = {罗德明2012要素市场扭曲}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {4--14}, TITLE = {要素市场扭曲、资源错置与生产率}, key={luo2} } @ARTICLE{王国静2014金融冲击, AUTHOR = {王国静 and 田国强}, DATE = {2014}, JOURNALTITLE = {经济研究}, KEYWORDS = {王国静2014金融冲击}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {20--34}, TITLE = {金融冲击和中国经济波动}, VOLUME = {49}, key={wang2} } @ARTICLE{王文甫2010价格粘性, AUTHOR = {王文甫}, DATE = {2010}, JOURNALTITLE = {管理世界}, KEYWORDS = {王文甫2010价格粘性}, NUMBER = {9}, PAGES = {11--25}, TITLE = {价格粘性, 流动性约束与中国财政政策的宏观效应——动态新凯恩斯主义视角}, key={wang2} } @ARTICLE{徐伟康2010对, AUTHOR = {徐伟康}, DATE = {2010}, JOURNALTITLE = {经济研究}, KEYWORDS = {徐伟康2010对}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {139--148}, TITLE = {对《 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(1)期刊\footfullcite{dizhi1936dizhi}\footfullcite{aaas1883science} (2)期刊论文\footfullcite[第34页]{吕捷2015cpi} \footfullcite{李晓西1994转轨过程中的结构性通货膨胀} \footfullcite[p.55]{bernanke1989agency} (3)报纸\footfullcite{fugang2000fengsha} 3. 未刊文献 学位论文\footfullcite[第5页]{zhengkaiqing1987}\footfullcite[p.3]{Deverell2013-21-22a} 会议论文\footfullcite[第5页]{hanjiren1985lun}\footfullcite[pp.21-24]{dupont1974bone} 档案\footfullcite[第5页]{中国第一历史档案馆2001--} 电子文献\footfullcite{xiaoyu2001chubanye}\footfullcite{oclc2000about} \newpage 不带页码 1. 非连续出版物: (1)著作\footfullcite{李四1991--}\footfullcite{peebles2001probability} (2)析出文献\footfullcite{baishunong1998zhiwu} \footfullcite{weinstein1974pathogenic} 2. 连续出版物 (1)期刊\footfullcite{dizhi1936dizhi}\footfullcite{aaas1883science} (2)期刊论文\footfullcite{吕捷2015cpi} \footfullcite{李晓西1994转轨过程中的结构性通货膨胀} \footfullcite{bernanke1989agency} (3)报纸\footfullcite{fugang2000fengsha} 3. 未刊文献 学位论文\footfullcite{zhengkaiqing1987}\footfullcite{Deverell2013-21-22a} 会议论文\footfullcite{hanjiren1985lun}\footfullcite{dupont1974bone} 档案\footfullcite{中国第一历史档案馆2001--} 电子文献\footfullcite{xiaoyu2001chubanye}\footfullcite{oclc2000about} \newpage \subsection*{(2)转引与夹住} 无法直接引用的文献,转引自他人著作时,须标明。标注顺序:责任者/原文献题名/原文献版本信息/原页码(或卷期)/转引文献责任者/转引文献题名/版本信息/页码。 示例:章太炎:《在长沙晨光学校演说》,1925 年 10 月,转引自汤志钧:《章太炎年谱长编》下册,北京:中华书局,1979 年,第 823 页。 方式一:\footnote{\fullinnercite{章太炎演说},转引自\fullcite{汤志钧长编}} 方式二:\footfullcite{李四1991b--} 引用先秦诸子等常用经典古籍,可使用夹注,夹注应使用不同于正文的字体。 示例 1: 庄子说惠子非常博学,“惠施多方,其书五车。”\citejz{庄子天下} 示例 2: 天神所具有道德,也就是“保民”、“裕民”的道德;天神所具有的道德意志,代表的是人民的意志。这也就是所谓“天聪明自我民聪明,天明畏自我民明畏”\citejz{尚书皋陶谟},“民之所 欲,天必从之”\citejz{尚书泰誓}。 \newpage \subsection*{(2) 脚注中引用和同时引用多篇文献} 脚注中的引用\footnote{参见\fullcite{方军雄2007所有制}} 文献\footfullcite{吕捷2015cpi,方军雄2007所有制,李晓西1994转轨过程中的结构性通货膨胀} 文献\footfullcite{吕捷2015cpi,方军雄2007所有制,bernanke1989agency} \newpage \subsection*{(3) 引用同一作者的多篇文献} 文献\footfullcite{杨光2010经济波动,杨光2015经济波动,杨光2015经济波动b,杨光2017经济波动} 文献\footfullcite{李四1991--,李四1991b--} \nocite{*} \newpage { 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