Database: boltdb Compute: slurm Compute: slurm Server: # Hostname of the Funnel server. HostName: login Worker: WorkDir: /nfs/home/slurmer/funnel-work-dir BoltDB: # Path to the database file Path: /nfs/home/slurmer/funnel-work-dir/funnel.db Slurm: # Turn off task state reconciler. When enabled, Funnel communicates with the HPC # scheduler to find tasks that are stuck in a queued state or errored and # updates the task state accordingly. DisableReconciler: true # ReconcileRate is how often the compute backend compares states in Funnel's backend # to those reported by the backend ReconcileRate: 10m TemplateFile: "" Template: | #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name {{.TaskId}} #SBATCH --ntasks 1 #SBATCH --error {{.WorkDir}}/funnel-stderr #SBATCH --output {{.WorkDir}}/funnel-stdout {{if ne .Cpus 0 -}} {{printf "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task %d" .Cpus}} {{- end}} {{if ne .RamGb 0.0 -}} {{printf "#SBATCH --mem %.0fGB" .RamGb}} {{- end}} {{if ne .DiskGb 0.0 -}} {{printf "#SBATCH --tmp %.0fGB" .DiskGb}} {{- end}} /nfs/home/slurmer/bin/funnel worker run --config /nfs/home/slurmer/etc/funnel_config.yml --taskID {{.TaskId}}