# LVIM BINDINGS ## Normal mode | Key | Action | Description | | ------------------ | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | | `` | `:CtrlSpace` | CtrlSpace | | `=` | `:LvimFileManager` | LvimFileManager | | `f` | `:FzfLua files` | Fzf search files | | `s` | `:FzfLua live_grep` | Fzf search in files | | `m` | `:FzfLua marks` | Fzf marks | | `i` | | Mini files (explorer) | | `Q` | | Neocomposer toggle macro | | `q` | | Neocomposer play macro | | `` | `:TTOne` | Toggleterm one open | | `` | `:TTTwo` | Toggleterm two open | | `` | `:TTThree` | Toggleterm three open | | `` | `:TTFloat` | Toggleterm float open | | `` | `:UndotreeToggle` | Undotree toggle | | `` | `:LvimHelper` | LvimHelper | | `h` | `:LvimHelper` | LvimHelper | | `` | | Scroll down for cmp, hover, signature | | `` | | Scroll up for cmp, hover, signature | | `N` | `:enew` | Create empty buffer | | `s` | `:w` | Save | | `a` | `:wa` | Save all | | `e` | `:Quit` | Quit | | `x` | `c` | Close current window | | `o` | `o` | Close other windows | | `d` | `:bdelete` | Bdelete buffer | | `r` | `:PickColor` | Pick color | | `=` | `:wincmd=` | Win resize = | | `` | `:BufSurfForward` | Bnext buffer | | `` | `:BufSurfBack` | Bprev buffer | | `b` | `:GitSignsToggleLineBlame` | GitSigns toggle line blame | | `z` | `:NeoZoom` | Zoom toggle | | `fv` | `:Vifm` | Vifm | | `fr` | `:Ranger` | Ranger | | `fg` | `:LvimForgit` | LvimForgit | | `w` | `:WinShift` | WinShift | | `` | `h` | Move to window left | | `` | `l` | Move to window right | | `` | `j` | Move to window down | | `` | `k` | Move to window up | | `` | `:vertical resize -2` | Resize width - | | `` | `:vertical resize +2` | Resize width + | | `` | `:resize -2` | Resize height - | | `` | `:resize +2` | Resize height + | | `` | `:Neotree filesystem left` | Neotree filesystem left | | `` | `:Neotree filesystem left` | Neotree filesystem left | | `` | `:Neotree buffers left` | Neotree filesystem left | | `` | `:Neotree git_status left` | Neotree git_status left | | `` | `:TroubleToggle` | Trouble | | `` | `:Neotree close` | Neotree close | | `` | `:MarkdownPreview` | Markdown preview | | `` | `:Telescope find_files` | Search files with Telescope | | `` | `:Telescope live_grep` | Search word with Telescope | | `` | `:Telescope buffers` | Telescope buffers | | `` | `:Telescope file_browser` | Telescope file browser | | `` | `:AnyJump` | Any jump | | `` | `:SymbolsOutline` | Symbols outline | | `` | `:GitSignsNextHunk` | Git signs next hunk | | `` | `:GitSignsPrevHunk` | Git signs prev hunk | | `` | `:GitSignsPreviewHunk` | Git signs preview hunk | | `` | `:Spectre` | Replace in multiple files | | `` | `LvimMoveDownN` | Move line down | | `` | `LvimMoveUpN` | Move line up | | `` | `LvimMoveLeftN` | Move line left | | `` | `LvimMoveRightN` | Move line right | | `gw` | `:WindowPicker` | Window picker | | `` | `:DAPLocal` | DAP local config | | `]m` | `:LvimListQuickFixMenuChoice` | Quickfix menu choice | | `]d` | `:LvimListQuickFixMenuDelete` | Quickfix menu delete | | `][` | `:copen` | Quickfix open | | `[]` | `:cclose` | Quickfix close | | `]]` | `:LvimListQuickFixNext` | Quickfix next | | `[[` | `:LvimListQuickFixPrev` | Quickfix prev | | `dc` | `:LspShowDiagnosticCurrent` | Lsp show diagnostic current | | `dn` | `:LspShowDiagnosticNext` | Lsp show diagnostic next | | `dc` | `:LspShowDiagnosticPrev` | Lsp show diagnostic prev | | `dl` | `:LspShowDiagnosticInLocList` | Lsp show diagnostic in loc list | | `gh` | `:LspHover` | Lsp hover | | `K` | `:LspHover` | Lsp hover | | `gd` | `:LspDefinition` | Lsp definition | | `gt` | `:LspTypeDefinition` | Lsp type definition | | `gr` | `:LspReferences` | Lsp references | | `gi` | `:LspImplementation` | Lsp implementation | | `ge` | `:IncRename` | Inc rename | | `gE` | `:LspRename` | Lsp rename | | `gf` | `:LspFormat` | Lsp format | | `ga` | `:LspCodeAction` | Lsp code action | | `gs` | `:LspSignatureHelp` | Lsp signature help | | `gL` | `:LspCodeLensRefresh` | Lsp code lens refresh | | `gl` | `:LspCodeLensRun` | Lsp code lens run | | `gpd` | `:Glance definitions` | Glance definitions | | `gpt` | `:Glance type_definitions` | Glance type_definitions | | `gpr` | `:Glance references` | Glance references | | `gpi` | `:Glance implementations` | Glance implementations | | `.` | | Flash | | `,` | | Flash treesitter | | `c` | `:Inspect` | Inspect | | `u` | `:SnipRun` | Snip run | | `ff` | `:CloseFloatWindows` | Close float qindows | | `n` | `:tabn` | Tab next | | `p` | `:tabp` | Tab prev | | `t` | `:Telescope tmux sessions` | Telescope tmux session | | `rr` | `RestNvim` | Rest nvim | | `rp` | `RestNvimPreview` | Rest nvim preview | | `rl` | `RestNvimLast` | Rest nvim last | | `dc` | `:LspShowDiagnosticCurrent` | Lsp show diagnostic current | | `dn` | `:LspShowDiagnosticNext` | Lsp show diagnostic next | | `dp` | `:LspShowDiagnosticPrev` | Lsp show diagnostic prev | | `` | `:TelescopeBrowser` | Telescope browser | | `` | `MoveDown` | Move line down | | `` | `MoveUp` | Move line up | | `` | `MoveLeft` | Move line left | | `` | `MoveRight` | Move line right | | `` | `DapToggleBreakpoint` | Toggle breakpoint | | `` | `DapStartContinue` | Start / continue | | `` | `DapStepInto` | Step into | | `` | `DapStepOver` | Step over | | `` | `DapStepOut` | Step out | | `` | `DapUp` | Up | | `` | `DapDown` | Down | | `` | `DapUIClose` | UI close | | `` | `DapRestart` | Restart | | `` | `DapToggleRepl` | Toggle Repl |