# Clickable WSDL (and XSD) A plugin for [Sublime Text](http://sublimetext.com) that turns WSDL and XSD types into clickable links! ![Screenshot of a clickable WSDL](./resources/ClickableWSDLDemo.gif) ## Summary This Sublime Text plugin turns WSDL and XSD `type`s, `ref`s, `base`s, `element`s, `message`s, and `binding`s, into clickable links to their defintions. If you don't like using a mouse, you can also navigate them with a keyboard shortcut. See [Configuration](#configuration) below. ## Installation Install via Sublime's Package Control: `Preferences > Package Control > Install Package`, search and select `Clickable WSDL`. > **Note:** you need to manually enable mouse and/or key bindings to make the links clickable/navigable. See [How to Configure Mouse Bindings](#how-to-configure-mouse-bindings) and [How to Configure Key Bindings](#how-to-configure-key-bindings) below. ## Configuration All configuration is done via the settings file that you can open via the main menu: `Preferences > Package Settings > Clickable WSDL > Settings - User`. ### How to Configure Mouse Bindings To rebind mouse keys, open `Preferences > Package Settings > Clickable WSDL > Mouse Bindings - User`. For example, to navigate the links using `alt+click`: ```json [{ "button": "button1", "count": 1, "modifiers": ["alt"], "command": "navigate_to_link_under_cursor", "press_command": "drag_select" }] ``` ### How to Configure Key Bindings To configure keyboard shortcuts, open `Preferences > Package Settings > Clickable WSDL > Key Bindings - User`. For example, to navigate the links using `super+option+enter`: ```json [ { "keys": ["super+option+enter"], "command": "navigate_to_link_under_cursor" } ] ``` ### Note on Performance To protect Sublime's performance, the plugin is automatically disabled if the document has more than 1000 clickable links. This can be configured via the `max_clickable_limit` settings option. To configure this, go to `Preferences > Package Settings > Clickable WSDL > Settings - User` and set: ```json { "max_clickable_limit": 10000 } ``` ### Note on Sublime Text 2 Unfortunately, in Sublime Text 2 the only way to underline a block of text is a hack with underlining empty regions, and there is no way to control its appearance. If you want, you can disable link highlighting by setting the option `highlight_urls` to false. Note: this isn't an issue with Sublime Text 3. --- ## Acknowledgements This plugin borrows many concepts from [Leonid Shevtsov](http://leonid.shevtsov.me)'s [Clickable URLs](https://github.com/leonid-shevtsov/ClickableUrls_SublimeText) plugin. Thank you Leonid! If you've found Clickable WSDL valuable, please consider buying me a "coffee" 😁: Buy Me A Coffee