definitions: Access: items: $ref: '#/definitions/AccessEntry' title: Access represents everyone that may access a particular resource. type: array x-go-package: AccessEntry: properties: identifier: description: Certificate fingerprint example: 636b69519d27ae3b0e398cb7928043846ce1e3842f0ca7a589993dd913ab8cc9 type: string x-go-name: Identifier provider: description: Which authorization method the certificate uses example: tls, openfga type: string x-go-name: Provider role: description: The role associated with the certificate example: admin, view, operator type: string x-go-name: Role title: AccessEntry represents an entity having access to the resource. type: object x-go-package: Certificate: description: Certificate represents a certificate properties: certificate: description: The certificate itself, as PEM encoded X509 (or as base64 encoded X509 on POST) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate description: description: Certificate description example: X509 certificate type: string x-go-name: Description fingerprint: description: SHA256 fingerprint of the certificate example: fd200419b271f1dc2a5591b693cc5774b7f234e1ff8c6b78ad703b6888fe2b69 readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Fingerprint name: description: Name associated with the certificate example: castiana type: string x-go-name: Name projects: description: List of allowed projects (applies when restricted) example: - default - foo - bar items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Projects restricted: description: Whether to limit the certificate to listed projects example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Restricted type: description: Usage type for the certificate example: client type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: CertificateAddToken: properties: addresses: description: The addresses of the server example: - items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Addresses client_name: description: The name of the new client example: user@host type: string x-go-name: ClientName expires_at: description: The token's expiry date. example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt fingerprint: description: The fingerprint of the network certificate example: 57bb0ff4340b5bb28517e062023101adf788c37846dc8b619eb2c3cb4ef29436 type: string x-go-name: Fingerprint secret: description: The random join secret example: 2b2284d44db32675923fe0d2020477e0e9be11801ff70c435e032b97028c35cd type: string x-go-name: Secret title: CertificateAddToken represents the fields contained within an encoded certificate add token. type: object x-go-package: CertificatePut: description: CertificatePut represents the modifiable fields of a certificate properties: certificate: description: The certificate itself, as PEM encoded X509 (or as base64 encoded X509 on POST) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate description: description: Certificate description example: X509 certificate type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Name associated with the certificate example: castiana type: string x-go-name: Name projects: description: List of allowed projects (applies when restricted) example: - default - foo - bar items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Projects restricted: description: Whether to limit the certificate to listed projects example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Restricted type: description: Usage type for the certificate example: client type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: CertificatesPost: description: CertificatesPost represents the fields of a new certificate properties: certificate: description: The certificate itself, as PEM encoded X509 (or as base64 encoded X509 on POST) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate description: description: Certificate description example: X509 certificate type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Name associated with the certificate example: castiana type: string x-go-name: Name projects: description: List of allowed projects (applies when restricted) example: - default - foo - bar items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Projects restricted: description: Whether to limit the certificate to listed projects example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Restricted token: description: Whether to create a certificate add token example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Token trust_token: description: Trust token (used to add an untrusted client) example: blah type: string x-go-name: TrustToken type: description: Usage type for the certificate example: client type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: Cluster: properties: enabled: description: Whether clustering is enabled example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Enabled member_config: description: List of member configuration keys (used during join) example: [] items: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberConfigKey' type: array x-go-name: MemberConfig server_name: description: Name of the cluster member answering the request example: server01 type: string x-go-name: ServerName title: Cluster represents high-level information about a cluster. type: object x-go-package: ClusterCertificatePut: description: ClusterCertificatePut represents the certificate and key pair for all cluster members properties: cluster_certificate: description: The new certificate (X509 PEM encoded) for the cluster example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: ClusterCertificate cluster_certificate_key: description: The new certificate key (X509 PEM encoded) for the cluster example: X509 PEM certificate key type: string x-go-name: ClusterCertificateKey type: object x-go-package: ClusterGroup: properties: description: description: The description of the cluster group example: amd64 servers type: string x-go-name: Description members: description: List of members in this group example: - server01 - server02 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Members name: description: The new name of the cluster group example: group1 type: string x-go-name: Name title: ClusterGroup represents a cluster group. type: object x-go-package: ClusterGroupPost: properties: name: description: The new name of the cluster group example: group1 type: string x-go-name: Name title: ClusterGroupPost represents the fields required to rename a cluster group. type: object x-go-package: ClusterGroupPut: properties: description: description: The description of the cluster group example: amd64 servers type: string x-go-name: Description members: description: List of members in this group example: - server01 - server02 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Members title: ClusterGroupPut represents the modifiable fields of a cluster group. type: object x-go-package: ClusterGroupsPost: properties: description: description: The description of the cluster group example: amd64 servers type: string x-go-name: Description members: description: List of members in this group example: - server01 - server02 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Members name: description: The new name of the cluster group example: group1 type: string x-go-name: Name title: ClusterGroupsPost represents the fields available for a new cluster group. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMember: properties: architecture: description: The primary architecture of the cluster member example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Additional configuration information example: scheduler.instance: all type: object x-go-name: Config database: description: Whether the cluster member is a database server example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Database description: description: Cluster member description example: AMD Epyc 32c/64t type: string x-go-name: Description failure_domain: description: Name of the failure domain for this cluster member example: rack1 type: string x-go-name: FailureDomain groups: description: List of cluster groups this member belongs to example: - group1 - group2 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Groups message: description: Additional status information example: fully operational type: string x-go-name: Message roles: description: List of roles held by this cluster member example: - database items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Roles server_name: description: Name of the cluster member example: server01 type: string x-go-name: ServerName status: description: Current status example: Online type: string x-go-name: Status url: description: URL at which the cluster member can be reached example: type: string x-go-name: URL title: ClusterMember represents a member of a cluster. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberConfigKey: description: |- The Value field is empty when getting clustering information with GET 1.0/cluster, and should be filled by the joining server when performing a PUT 1.0/cluster join request. properties: description: description: A human friendly description key example: '"source" property for storage pool "local"' type: string x-go-name: Description entity: description: The kind of configuration key (network, storage-pool, ...) example: storage-pool type: string x-go-name: Entity key: description: The name of the key example: source type: string x-go-name: Key name: description: The name of the object requiring this key example: local type: string x-go-name: Name value: description: The value on the answering cluster member example: /dev/sdb type: string x-go-name: Value title: |- ClusterMemberConfigKey represents a single config key that a new member of the cluster is required to provide when joining. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberJoinToken: properties: addresses: description: The addresses of existing online cluster members example: - items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Addresses expires_at: description: The token's expiry date. example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt fingerprint: description: The fingerprint of the network certificate example: 57bb0ff4340b5bb28517e062023101adf788c37846dc8b619eb2c3cb4ef29436 type: string x-go-name: Fingerprint secret: description: The random join secret. example: 2b2284d44db32675923fe0d2020477e0e9be11801ff70c435e032b97028c35cd type: string x-go-name: Secret server_name: description: The name of the new cluster member example: server02 type: string x-go-name: ServerName title: ClusterMemberJoinToken represents the fields contained within an encoded cluster member join token. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberPost: properties: server_name: description: The new name of the cluster member example: server02 type: string x-go-name: ServerName title: ClusterMemberPost represents the fields required to rename a cluster member. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberPut: description: ClusterMemberPut represents the modifiable fields of a cluster member properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Additional configuration information example: scheduler.instance: all type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Cluster member description example: AMD Epyc 32c/64t type: string x-go-name: Description failure_domain: description: Name of the failure domain for this cluster member example: rack1 type: string x-go-name: FailureDomain groups: description: List of cluster groups this member belongs to example: - group1 - group2 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Groups roles: description: List of roles held by this cluster member example: - database items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Roles type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberState: properties: storage_pools: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolState' type: object x-go-name: StoragePools sysinfo: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberSysInfo' title: ClusterMemberState represents the state of a cluster member. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberStatePost: properties: action: description: The action to be performed. Valid actions are "evacuate" and "restore". example: evacuate type: string x-go-name: Action mode: description: Override the configured evacuation mode. example: stop type: string x-go-name: Mode title: ClusterMemberStatePost represents the fields required to evacuate a cluster member. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMemberSysInfo: properties: buffered_ram: format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: BufferRAM free_ram: format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: FreeRAM free_swap: format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: FreeSwap load_averages: items: format: double type: number type: array x-go-name: LoadAverages processes: format: uint16 type: integer x-go-name: Processes shared_ram: format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: SharedRAM total_ram: format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: TotalRAM total_swap: format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: TotalSwap uptime: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Uptime title: ClusterMemberSysInfo represents the sysinfo of a cluster member. type: object x-go-package: ClusterMembersPost: properties: server_name: description: The name of the new cluster member example: server02 type: string x-go-name: ServerName title: ClusterMembersPost represents the fields required to request a join token to add a member to the cluster. type: object x-go-package: ClusterPut: properties: cluster_address: description: The address of the cluster you wish to join example: type: string x-go-name: ClusterAddress cluster_certificate: description: The expected certificate (X509 PEM encoded) for the cluster example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: ClusterCertificate cluster_token: description: The cluster join token for the cluster you're trying to join example: blah type: string x-go-name: ClusterToken enabled: description: Whether clustering is enabled example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Enabled member_config: description: List of member configuration keys (used during join) example: [] items: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberConfigKey' type: array x-go-name: MemberConfig server_address: description: The local address to use for cluster communication example: type: string x-go-name: ServerAddress server_name: description: Name of the cluster member answering the request example: server01 type: string x-go-name: ServerName title: ClusterPut represents the fields required to bootstrap or join a cluster. type: object x-go-package: Event: description: Event represents an event entry (over websocket) properties: location: description: Originating cluster member example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location metadata: description: JSON encoded metadata (see EventLogging, EventLifecycle or Operation) example: action: instance-started context: {} source: /1.0/instances/c1 type: object x-go-name: Metadata project: description: Project the event belongs to. example: default type: string x-go-name: Project timestamp: description: Time at which the event was sent example: "2021-02-24T19:00:45.452649098-05:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: Timestamp type: description: Event type (one of operation, logging or lifecycle) example: lifecycle type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: Image: description: Image represents an image properties: aliases: description: List of aliases items: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAlias' type: array x-go-name: Aliases architecture: description: Architecture example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture auto_update: description: Whether the image should auto-update when a new build is available example: true type: boolean x-go-name: AutoUpdate cached: description: Whether the image is an automatically cached remote image example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Cached created_at: description: When the image was originally created example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt expires_at: description: When the image becomes obsolete example: "2025-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt filename: description: Original filename example: 06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb.rootfs type: string x-go-name: Filename fingerprint: description: Full SHA-256 fingerprint example: 06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb type: string x-go-name: Fingerprint last_used_at: description: Last time the image was used example: "2021-03-22T20:39:00.575185384-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastUsedAt profiles: description: List of profiles to use when creating from this image (if none provided by user) example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project properties: additionalProperties: type: string description: Descriptive properties example: os: Ubuntu release: jammy variant: cloud type: object x-go-name: Properties public: description: Whether the image is available to unauthenticated users example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Public size: description: Size of the image in bytes example: 272237676 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Size type: description: Type of image (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: Type update_source: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageSource' uploaded_at: description: When the image was added to this server example: "2021-03-24T14:18:15.115036787-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: UploadedAt type: object x-go-package: ImageAlias: description: ImageAlias represents an alias from the alias list of an image properties: description: description: Description of the alias example: Our preferred Ubuntu image type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Name of the alias example: ubuntu-22.04 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: ImageAliasesEntry: description: ImageAliasesEntry represents an image alias properties: description: description: Alias description example: Our preferred Ubuntu image type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Alias name example: ubuntu-22.04 type: string x-go-name: Name target: description: Target fingerprint for the alias example: 06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb type: string x-go-name: Target type: description: Alias type (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: ImageAliasesEntryPost: description: ImageAliasesEntryPost represents the required fields to rename an image alias properties: name: description: Alias name example: ubuntu-22.04 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: ImageAliasesEntryPut: description: ImageAliasesEntryPut represents the modifiable fields of an image alias properties: description: description: Alias description example: Our preferred Ubuntu image type: string x-go-name: Description target: description: Target fingerprint for the alias example: 06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb type: string x-go-name: Target type: object x-go-package: ImageAliasesPost: description: ImageAliasesPost represents a new image alias properties: description: description: Alias description example: Our preferred Ubuntu image type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Alias name example: ubuntu-22.04 type: string x-go-name: Name target: description: Target fingerprint for the alias example: 06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb type: string x-go-name: Target type: description: Alias type (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: ImageExportPost: description: ImageExportPost represents the fields required to export an image properties: aliases: description: List of aliases to set on the image items: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAlias' type: array x-go-name: Aliases certificate: description: Remote server certificate example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate profiles: description: List of profiles to use example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project secret: description: Image receive secret example: RANDOM-STRING type: string x-go-name: Secret target: description: Target server URL example: type: string x-go-name: Target type: object x-go-package: ImageMetadata: description: ImageMetadata represents image metadata (used in image tarball) properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture creation_date: description: Image creation data (as UNIX epoch) example: 1620655439 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: CreationDate expiry_date: description: Image expiry data (as UNIX epoch) example: 1620685757 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ExpiryDate properties: additionalProperties: type: string description: Descriptive properties example: os: Ubuntu release: jammy variant: cloud type: object x-go-name: Properties templates: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageMetadataTemplate' description: Template for files in the image type: object x-go-name: Templates type: object x-go-package: ImageMetadataTemplate: description: ImageMetadataTemplate represents a template entry in image metadata (used in image tarball) properties: create_only: description: Whether to trigger only if the file is missing example: false type: boolean x-go-name: CreateOnly gid: description: The file owner gid. example: "1000" type: string x-go-name: GID mode: description: The file permissions. example: "644" type: string x-go-name: Mode properties: additionalProperties: type: string description: Key/value properties to pass to the template example: foo: bar type: object x-go-name: Properties template: description: The template itself as a valid pongo2 template example: pongo2-template type: string x-go-name: Template uid: description: The file owner uid. example: "1000" type: string x-go-name: UID when: description: When to trigger the template (create, copy or start) example: create items: type: string type: array x-go-name: When type: object x-go-package: ImagePut: description: ImagePut represents the modifiable fields of an image properties: auto_update: description: Whether the image should auto-update when a new build is available example: true type: boolean x-go-name: AutoUpdate expires_at: description: When the image becomes obsolete example: "2025-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt profiles: description: List of profiles to use when creating from this image (if none provided by user) example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles properties: additionalProperties: type: string description: Descriptive properties example: os: Ubuntu release: jammy variant: cloud type: object x-go-name: Properties public: description: Whether the image is available to unauthenticated users example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Public type: object x-go-package: ImageSource: description: ImageSource represents the source of an image properties: alias: description: Source alias to download from example: jammy type: string x-go-name: Alias certificate: description: Source server certificate (if not trusted by system CA) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate image_type: description: Type of image (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: ImageType protocol: description: Source server protocol example: simplestreams type: string x-go-name: Protocol server: description: URL of the source server example: type: string x-go-name: Server type: object x-go-package: ImagesPost: description: ImagesPost represents the fields available for a new image properties: aliases: description: Aliases to add to the image example: - name: foo - name: bar items: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAlias' type: array x-go-name: Aliases auto_update: description: Whether the image should auto-update when a new build is available example: true type: boolean x-go-name: AutoUpdate compression_algorithm: description: Compression algorithm to use when turning an instance into an image example: gzip type: string x-go-name: CompressionAlgorithm expires_at: description: When the image becomes obsolete example: "2025-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt filename: description: Original filename of the image example: image.tar.xz type: string x-go-name: Filename profiles: description: List of profiles to use when creating from this image (if none provided by user) example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles properties: additionalProperties: type: string description: Descriptive properties example: os: Ubuntu release: jammy variant: cloud type: object x-go-name: Properties public: description: Whether the image is available to unauthenticated users example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Public source: $ref: '#/definitions/ImagesPostSource' type: object x-go-package: ImagesPostSource: description: ImagesPostSource represents the source of a new image properties: alias: description: Source alias to download from example: jammy type: string x-go-name: Alias certificate: description: Source server certificate (if not trusted by system CA) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate fingerprint: description: Source image fingerprint (for type "image") example: 8ae945c52bb2f2df51c923b04022312f99bbb72c356251f54fa89ea7cf1df1d0 type: string x-go-name: Fingerprint image_type: description: Type of image (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: ImageType mode: description: Transfer mode (push or pull) example: pull type: string x-go-name: Mode name: description: Instance name (for type "instance" or "snapshot") example: c1/snap0 type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Source project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project protocol: description: Source server protocol example: simplestreams type: string x-go-name: Protocol secret: description: Source image server secret token (when downloading private images) example: RANDOM-STRING type: string x-go-name: Secret server: description: URL of the source server example: type: string x-go-name: Server type: description: Type of image source (instance, snapshot, image or url) example: instance type: string x-go-name: Type url: description: Source URL (for type "url") example: type: string x-go-name: URL type: object x-go-package: InitClusterPreseed: properties: cluster_address: description: The address of the cluster you wish to join example: type: string x-go-name: ClusterAddress cluster_certificate: description: The expected certificate (X509 PEM encoded) for the cluster example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: ClusterCertificate cluster_certificate_path: description: The path to the cluster certificate example: /tmp/cluster.crt type: string x-go-name: ClusterCertificatePath cluster_token: description: The cluster join token for the cluster you're trying to join example: blah type: string x-go-name: ClusterToken enabled: description: Whether clustering is enabled example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Enabled member_config: description: List of member configuration keys (used during join) example: [] items: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberConfigKey' type: array x-go-name: MemberConfig server_address: description: The local address to use for cluster communication example: type: string x-go-name: ServerAddress server_name: description: Name of the cluster member answering the request example: server01 type: string x-go-name: ServerName title: InitClusterPreseed represents initialization configuration for the cluster. type: object x-go-package: InitLocalPreseed: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Server configuration map (refer to doc/ example: core.https_address: :8443 type: object x-go-name: Config networks: description: Networks by project to add example: Network on the "default" project items: $ref: '#/definitions/InitNetworksProjectPost' type: array x-go-name: Networks profiles: description: Profiles to add example: '"default" profile with a root disk device' items: $ref: '#/definitions/ProfilesPost' type: array x-go-name: Profiles projects: description: Projects to add example: '"default" project' items: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectsPost' type: array x-go-name: Projects storage_pools: description: Storage Pools to add example: local dir storage pool items: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolsPost' type: array x-go-name: StoragePools title: InitLocalPreseed represents initialization configuration. type: object x-go-package: InitNetworksProjectPost: properties: Project: description: Project in which the network will reside example: '"default"' type: string config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Network configuration map (refer to doc/ example: ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: "true" ipv6.address: none type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: My new bridge type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the new network example: mybr1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: description: The network type (refer to doc/ example: bridge type: string x-go-name: Type title: InitNetworksProjectPost represents the fields of a new network along with its associated project. type: object x-go-package: InitPreseed: properties: Server: $ref: '#/definitions/InitLocalPreseed' cluster: $ref: '#/definitions/InitClusterPreseed' title: InitPreseed represents initialization configuration that can be supplied to `init`. type: object x-go-package: Instance: properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration (see doc/ example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config created_at: description: Instance creation timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt description: description: Instance description example: My test instance type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Instance devices (see doc/ example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices ephemeral: description: Whether the instance is ephemeral (deleted on shutdown) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Ephemeral expanded_config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Expanded configuration (all profiles and local config merged) example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: ExpandedConfig expanded_devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Expanded devices (all profiles and local devices merged) example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: ExpandedDevices last_used_at: description: Last start timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastUsedAt location: description: What cluster member this instance is located on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location name: description: Instance name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name profiles: description: List of profiles applied to the instance example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles project: description: Instance project name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Project restore: description: If set, instance will be restored to the provided snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore stateful: description: Whether the instance currently has saved state on disk example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful status: description: Instance status (see instance_state) example: Running type: string x-go-name: Status status_code: $ref: '#/definitions/StatusCode' type: description: The type of instance (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: Type title: Instance represents an instance. type: object x-go-package: InstanceBackup: properties: created_at: description: When the backup was created example: "2021-03-23T16:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt expires_at: description: When the backup expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt instance_only: description: Whether to ignore snapshots example: false type: boolean x-go-name: InstanceOnly name: description: Backup name example: backup0 type: string x-go-name: Name optimized_storage: description: Whether to use a pool-optimized binary format (instead of plain tarball) example: true type: boolean x-go-name: OptimizedStorage title: InstanceBackup represents an instance backup. type: object x-go-package: InstanceBackupPost: properties: name: description: New backup name example: backup1 type: string x-go-name: Name title: InstanceBackupPost represents the fields available for the renaming of a instance backup. type: object x-go-package: InstanceBackupsPost: properties: compression_algorithm: description: What compression algorithm to use example: gzip type: string x-go-name: CompressionAlgorithm expires_at: description: When the backup expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt instance_only: description: Whether to ignore snapshots example: false type: boolean x-go-name: InstanceOnly name: description: Backup name example: backup0 type: string x-go-name: Name optimized_storage: description: Whether to use a pool-optimized binary format (instead of plain tarball) example: true type: boolean x-go-name: OptimizedStorage title: InstanceBackupsPost represents the fields available for a new instance backup. type: object x-go-package: InstanceConsolePost: properties: height: description: Console height in rows (console type only) example: 24 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Height type: description: Type of console to attach to (console or vga) example: console type: string x-go-name: Type width: description: Console width in columns (console type only) example: 80 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Width title: InstanceConsolePost represents an instance console request. type: object x-go-package: InstanceExecPost: properties: command: description: Command and its arguments example: - bash items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Command cwd: description: Current working directory for the command example: /home/foo/ type: string x-go-name: Cwd environment: additionalProperties: type: string description: Additional environment to pass to the command example: FOO: BAR type: object x-go-name: Environment group: description: GID of the user to spawn the command as example: 1000 format: uint32 type: integer x-go-name: Group height: description: Terminal height in rows (for interactive) example: 24 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Height interactive: description: Whether the command is to be spawned in interactive mode (singled PTY instead of 3 PIPEs) example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Interactive record-output: description: Whether to capture the output for later download (requires non-interactive) type: boolean x-go-name: RecordOutput user: description: UID of the user to spawn the command as example: 1000 format: uint32 type: integer x-go-name: User wait-for-websocket: description: Whether to wait for all websockets to be connected before spawning the command example: true type: boolean x-go-name: WaitForWS width: description: Terminal width in characters (for interactive) example: 80 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Width title: InstanceExecPost represents an instance exec request. type: object x-go-package: InstanceFull: properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture backups: description: List of backups. items: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceBackup' type: array x-go-name: Backups config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration (see doc/ example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config created_at: description: Instance creation timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt description: description: Instance description example: My test instance type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Instance devices (see doc/ example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices ephemeral: description: Whether the instance is ephemeral (deleted on shutdown) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Ephemeral expanded_config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Expanded configuration (all profiles and local config merged) example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: ExpandedConfig expanded_devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Expanded devices (all profiles and local devices merged) example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: ExpandedDevices last_used_at: description: Last start timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastUsedAt location: description: What cluster member this instance is located on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location name: description: Instance name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name profiles: description: List of profiles applied to the instance example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles project: description: Instance project name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Project restore: description: If set, instance will be restored to the provided snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore snapshots: description: List of snapshots. items: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshot' type: array x-go-name: Snapshots state: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceState' stateful: description: Whether the instance currently has saved state on disk example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful status: description: Instance status (see instance_state) example: Running type: string x-go-name: Status status_code: $ref: '#/definitions/StatusCode' type: description: The type of instance (container or virtual-machine) example: container type: string x-go-name: Type title: InstanceFull is a combination of Instance, InstanceBackup, InstanceState and InstanceSnapshot. type: object x-go-package: InstancePost: properties: Config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration file. example: security.nesting: "true" type: object Devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Instance devices. example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object Profiles: description: List of profiles applied to the instance. example: - default items: type: string type: array allow_inconsistent: description: AllowInconsistent allow inconsistent copies when migrating. example: false type: boolean x-go-name: AllowInconsistent instance_only: description: Whether snapshots should be discarded (migration only) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: InstanceOnly live: description: Whether to perform a live migration (migration only) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Live migration: description: Whether the instance is being migrated to another server example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Migration name: description: New name for the instance example: bar type: string x-go-name: Name pool: description: Target pool for local cross-pool move example: baz type: string x-go-name: Pool project: description: Target project for local cross-project move example: foo type: string x-go-name: Project target: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancePostTarget' title: InstancePost represents the fields required to rename/move an instance. type: object x-go-package: InstancePostTarget: properties: certificate: description: The certificate of the migration target example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate operation: description: The operation URL on the remote target example: type: string x-go-name: Operation secrets: additionalProperties: type: string description: Migration websockets credentials example: criu: random-string migration: random-string type: object x-go-name: Websockets title: InstancePostTarget represents the migration target host and operation. type: object x-go-package: InstancePut: properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration (see doc/ example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Instance description example: My test instance type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Instance devices (see doc/ example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices ephemeral: description: Whether the instance is ephemeral (deleted on shutdown) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Ephemeral profiles: description: List of profiles applied to the instance example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles restore: description: If set, instance will be restored to the provided snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore stateful: description: Whether the instance currently has saved state on disk example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful title: InstancePut represents the modifiable fields of an instance. type: object x-go-package: InstanceRebuildPost: properties: source: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSource' title: InstanceRebuildPost indicates how to rebuild an instance. type: object x-go-package: InstanceSnapshot: properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration (see doc/ example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config created_at: description: Instance creation timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Instance devices (see doc/ example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices ephemeral: description: Whether the instance is ephemeral (deleted on shutdown) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Ephemeral expanded_config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Expanded configuration (all profiles and local config merged) example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: ExpandedConfig expanded_devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Expanded devices (all profiles and local devices merged) example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: ExpandedDevices expires_at: description: When the snapshot expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt last_used_at: description: Last start timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastUsedAt name: description: Snapshot name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name profiles: description: List of profiles applied to the instance example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles size: description: Size of the snapshot in bytes example: 143360 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Size stateful: description: Whether the instance currently has saved state on disk example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful title: InstanceSnapshot represents an instance snapshot. type: object x-go-package: InstanceSnapshotPost: properties: live: description: Whether to perform a live migration (requires migration) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Live migration: description: Whether this is a migration request example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Migration name: description: New name for the snapshot example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name target: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancePostTarget' title: InstanceSnapshotPost represents the fields required to rename/move an instance snapshot. type: object x-go-package: InstanceSnapshotPut: properties: expires_at: description: When the snapshot expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt title: InstanceSnapshotPut represents the modifiable fields of an instance snapshot. type: object x-go-package: InstanceSnapshotsPost: properties: expires_at: description: When the snapshot expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Name stateful: description: Whether the snapshot should include runtime state example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful title: InstanceSnapshotsPost represents the fields available for a new instance snapshot. type: object x-go-package: InstanceSource: properties: alias: description: Image alias name (for image source) example: ubuntu/22.04 type: string x-go-name: Alias allow_inconsistent: description: Whether to ignore errors when copying (e.g. for volatile files) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: AllowInconsistent base-image: description: Base image fingerprint (for faster migration) example: ed56997f7c5b48e8d78986d2467a26109be6fb9f2d92e8c7b08eb8b6cec7629a type: string x-go-name: BaseImage certificate: description: Certificate (for remote images or migration) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate fingerprint: description: Image fingerprint (for image source) example: ed56997f7c5b48e8d78986d2467a26109be6fb9f2d92e8c7b08eb8b6cec7629a type: string x-go-name: Fingerprint instance_only: description: Whether the copy should skip the snapshots (for copy) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: InstanceOnly live: description: Whether this is a live migration (for migration) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Live mode: description: Whether to use pull or push mode (for migration) example: pull type: string x-go-name: Mode operation: description: Remote operation URL (for migration) example: type: string x-go-name: Operation project: description: Source project name (for copy and local image) example: blah type: string x-go-name: Project properties: additionalProperties: type: string description: Image filters (for image source) example: os: Ubuntu release: jammy variant: cloud type: object x-go-name: Properties protocol: description: Protocol name (for remote image) example: simplestreams type: string x-go-name: Protocol refresh: description: Whether this is refreshing an existing instance (for migration and copy) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Refresh secret: description: Remote server secret (for remote private images) example: RANDOM-STRING type: string x-go-name: Secret secrets: additionalProperties: type: string description: Map of migration websockets (for migration) example: criu: RANDOM-STRING rsync: RANDOM-STRING type: object x-go-name: Websockets server: description: Remote server URL (for remote images) example: type: string x-go-name: Server source: description: Existing instance name or snapshot (for copy) example: foo/snap0 type: string x-go-name: Source type: description: Source type example: image type: string x-go-name: Type title: InstanceSource represents the creation source for a new instance. type: object x-go-package: InstanceState: properties: cpu: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStateCPU' disk: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStateDisk' description: Disk usage key/value pairs type: object x-go-name: Disk memory: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStateMemory' network: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStateNetwork' description: Network usage key/value pairs type: object x-go-name: Network pid: description: PID of the runtime example: 7281 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Pid processes: description: Number of processes in the instance example: 50 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Processes started_at: description: |- The time that the instance started at API extension: instance_state_started_at. format: date-time type: string x-go-name: StartedAt status: description: Current status (Running, Stopped, Frozen or Error) example: Running type: string x-go-name: Status status_code: $ref: '#/definitions/StatusCode' title: InstanceState represents an instance's state. type: object x-go-package: InstanceStateCPU: properties: usage: description: CPU usage in nanoseconds example: 3637691016 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Usage title: InstanceStateCPU represents the cpu information section of an instance's state. type: object x-go-package: InstanceStateDisk: properties: total: description: Total size in bytes example: 502239232 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Total usage: description: Disk usage in bytes example: 502239232 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Usage title: InstanceStateDisk represents the disk information section of an instance's state. type: object x-go-package: InstanceStateMemory: properties: swap_usage: description: SWAP usage in bytes example: 12297557 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: SwapUsage swap_usage_peak: description: Peak SWAP usage in bytes example: 12297557 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: SwapUsagePeak total: description: Total memory size in bytes example: 12297557 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Total usage: description: Memory usage in bytes example: 73248768 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Usage usage_peak: description: Peak memory usage in bytes example: 73785344 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: UsagePeak title: InstanceStateMemory represents the memory information section of an instance's state. type: object x-go-package: InstanceStateNetwork: properties: addresses: description: List of IP addresses items: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStateNetworkAddress' type: array x-go-name: Addresses counters: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStateNetworkCounters' host_name: description: Name of the interface on the host example: vethbbcd39c7 type: string x-go-name: HostName hwaddr: description: MAC address example: 00:16:3e:0c:ee:dd type: string x-go-name: Hwaddr mtu: description: MTU (maximum transmit unit) for the interface example: 1500 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Mtu state: description: Administrative state of the interface (up/down) example: up type: string x-go-name: State type: description: Type of interface (broadcast, loopback, point-to-point, ...) example: broadcast type: string x-go-name: Type title: InstanceStateNetwork represents the network information section of an instance's state. type: object x-go-package: InstanceStateNetworkAddress: description: |- InstanceStateNetworkAddress represents a network address as part of the network section of an instance's state. properties: address: description: IP address example: fd42:4c81:5770:1eaf:216:3eff:fe0c:eedd type: string x-go-name: Address family: description: Network family (inet or inet6) example: inet6 type: string x-go-name: Family netmask: description: Network mask example: "64" type: string x-go-name: Netmask scope: description: Address scope (local, link or global) example: global type: string x-go-name: Scope type: object x-go-package: InstanceStateNetworkCounters: description: |- InstanceStateNetworkCounters represents packet counters as part of the network section of an instance's state. properties: bytes_received: description: Number of bytes received example: 192021 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: BytesReceived bytes_sent: description: Number of bytes sent example: 10888579 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: BytesSent errors_received: description: Number of errors received example: 14 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorsReceived errors_sent: description: Number of errors sent example: 41 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorsSent packets_dropped_inbound: description: Number of inbound packets dropped example: 179 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: PacketsDroppedInbound packets_dropped_outbound: description: Number of outbound packets dropped example: 541 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: PacketsDroppedOutbound packets_received: description: Number of packets received example: 1748 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: PacketsReceived packets_sent: description: Number of packets sent example: 964 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: PacketsSent type: object x-go-package: InstanceStatePut: properties: action: description: State change action (start, stop, restart, freeze, unfreeze) example: start type: string x-go-name: Action force: description: Whether to force the action (for stop and restart) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Force stateful: description: Whether to store the runtime state (for stop) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful timeout: description: How long to wait (in s) before giving up (when force isn't set) example: 30 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Timeout title: InstanceStatePut represents the modifiable fields of an instance's state. type: object x-go-package: InstanceType: title: InstanceType represents the type if instance being returned or requested via the API. type: string x-go-package: InstancesPost: properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration (see doc/ example: security.nesting: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Instance description example: My test instance type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: Instance devices (see doc/ example: root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices ephemeral: description: Whether the instance is ephemeral (deleted on shutdown) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Ephemeral instance_type: description: Cloud instance type (AWS, GCP, Azure, ...) to emulate with limits example: t1.micro type: string x-go-name: InstanceType name: description: Instance name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name profiles: description: List of profiles applied to the instance example: - default items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Profiles restore: description: If set, instance will be restored to the provided snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore source: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSource' start: description: Whether to start the instance after creation example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Start stateful: description: Whether the instance currently has saved state on disk example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Stateful type: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceType' title: InstancesPost represents the fields available for a new instance. type: object x-go-package: InstancesPut: properties: state: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStatePut' title: InstancesPut represents the fields available for a mass update. type: object x-go-package: MetadataConfig: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/MetadataConfigGroup' type: object description: MetadataConfig repreents metadata about configuration keys type: object x-go-package: MetadataConfigEntityName: description: |- MetadataConfigEntityName represents a main API object type Example: instance type: string x-go-package: MetadataConfigGroup: description: MetadataConfigGroup represents a group of config keys properties: keys: items: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/MetadataConfigKey' type: object type: array x-go-name: Keys type: object x-go-package: MetadataConfigGroupName: description: |- MetadataConfigGroupName represents the name of a group of config keys Example: volatile type: string x-go-package: MetadataConfigKey: description: MetadataConfigKey describe a configuration key properties: condition: description: Condition specifies the condition that must be met for the option to be taken into account example: container type: string x-go-name: Condition defaultdesc: description: DefaultDesc specify default value for configuration example: '"`DHCP on eth0`"' type: string x-go-name: Default liveupdate: description: LiveUpdate specifies whether the server must be restarted for the option to be updated example: '"no"' type: string x-go-name: LiveUpdate longdesc: description: LongDesc provides long description for the option example: '"Specify the kernel modules as a comma-separated list."' type: string x-go-name: LongDescription scope: description: Scope defines if option apply to cluster or to the local server example: global type: string x-go-name: Scope shortdesc: description: ShortDesc provides short description for the configuration example: '"Kernel modules to load before starting the instance"' type: string x-go-name: Description type: description: Type specifies the type of the option example: string type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: MetadataConfiguration: description: MetadataConfiguration represents a server's exposed configuration metadata properties: configs: $ref: '#/definitions/MetadataConfig' type: object x-go-package: Network: description: Network represents a network properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Network configuration map (refer to doc/ example: ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: "true" ipv6.address: none type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: My new bridge type: string x-go-name: Description locations: description: Cluster members on which the network has been defined example: - server01 - server02 - server03 items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: Locations managed: description: Whether this is a managed network example: true readOnly: true type: boolean x-go-name: Managed name: description: The network name example: mybr0 readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project status: description: The state of the network (for managed network in clusters) example: Created readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Status type: description: The network type example: bridge readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Type used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this profile example: - /1.0/profiles/default - /1.0/instances/c1 items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy type: object x-go-package: NetworkACL: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: ACL configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the ACL example: Web servers type: string x-go-name: Description egress: description: List of egress rules (order independent) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLRule' type: array x-go-name: Egress ingress: description: List of ingress rules (order independent) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLRule' type: array x-go-name: Ingress name: description: The new name for the ACL example: bar type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this profile example: - /1.0/instances/c1 - /1.0/instances/v1 - /1.0/networks/mybr0 items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy title: NetworkACL used for displaying an ACL. type: object x-go-package: NetworkACLPost: properties: name: description: The new name for the ACL example: bar type: string x-go-name: Name title: NetworkACLPost used for renaming an ACL. type: object x-go-package: NetworkACLPut: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: ACL configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the ACL example: Web servers type: string x-go-name: Description egress: description: List of egress rules (order independent) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLRule' type: array x-go-name: Egress ingress: description: List of ingress rules (order independent) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLRule' type: array x-go-name: Ingress title: NetworkACLPut used for updating an ACL. type: object x-go-package: NetworkACLRule: description: Refer to doc/ for details. properties: action: description: Action to perform on rule match example: allow type: string x-go-name: Action description: description: Description of the rule example: Allow DNS queries to Google DNS type: string x-go-name: Description destination: description: Destination address example:, type: string x-go-name: Destination destination_port: description: Destination port example: "53" type: string x-go-name: DestinationPort icmp_code: description: ICMP message code (for ICMP protocol) example: "0" type: string x-go-name: ICMPCode icmp_type: description: Type of ICMP message (for ICMP protocol) example: "8" type: string x-go-name: ICMPType protocol: description: Protocol example: udp type: string x-go-name: Protocol source: description: Source address example: '@internal' type: string x-go-name: Source source_port: description: Source port example: "1234" type: string x-go-name: SourcePort state: description: State of the rule example: enabled type: string x-go-name: State title: NetworkACLRule represents a single rule in an ACL ruleset. type: object x-go-package: NetworkACLsPost: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: ACL configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the ACL example: Web servers type: string x-go-name: Description egress: description: List of egress rules (order independent) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLRule' type: array x-go-name: Egress ingress: description: List of ingress rules (order independent) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLRule' type: array x-go-name: Ingress name: description: The new name for the ACL example: bar type: string x-go-name: Name title: NetworkACLsPost used for creating an ACL. type: object x-go-package: NetworkAllocations: description: |- NetworkAllocations used for displaying network addresses used by a consuming entity e.g, instance, network forward, load-balancer, network... properties: addresses: description: The network address of the allocation (in CIDR format) example: type: string x-go-name: Address hwaddr: description: Hwaddr is the MAC address of the entity consuming the network address type: string x-go-name: Hwaddr nat: description: Whether the entity comes from a network that performs egress source NAT type: boolean x-go-name: NAT type: description: Type of the entity consuming the network address type: string x-go-name: Type used_by: description: Name of the entity consuming the network address type: string x-go-name: UsedBy type: object x-go-package: NetworkForward: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Forward configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the forward listen IP example: My public IP forward type: string x-go-name: Description listen_address: description: The listen address of the forward example: type: string x-go-name: ListenAddress location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location ports: description: Port forwards (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForwardPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports title: NetworkForward used for displaying an network address forward. type: object x-go-package: NetworkForwardPort: description: NetworkForwardPort represents a port specification in a network address forward properties: description: description: Description of the forward port example: My web server forward type: string x-go-name: Description listen_port: description: ListenPort(s) to forward (comma delimited ranges) example: 80,81,8080-8090 type: string x-go-name: ListenPort protocol: description: Protocol for port forward (either tcp or udp) example: tcp type: string x-go-name: Protocol target_address: description: TargetAddress to forward ListenPorts to example: type: string x-go-name: TargetAddress target_port: description: TargetPort(s) to forward ListenPorts to (allows for many-to-one) example: 80,81,8080-8090 type: string x-go-name: TargetPort type: object x-go-package: NetworkForwardPut: description: NetworkForwardPut represents the modifiable fields of a network address forward properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Forward configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the forward listen IP example: My public IP forward type: string x-go-name: Description ports: description: Port forwards (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForwardPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports type: object x-go-package: NetworkForwardsPost: description: NetworkForwardsPost represents the fields of a new network address forward properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Forward configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the forward listen IP example: My public IP forward type: string x-go-name: Description listen_address: description: The listen address of the forward example: type: string x-go-name: ListenAddress ports: description: Port forwards (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForwardPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports type: object x-go-package: NetworkIntegration: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Integration configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the network integration example: OVN interconnection for region1 type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the integration example: region1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: description: The type of integration example: ovn type: string x-go-name: Type used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this network integration example: - /1.0/networks/foo - /1.0/networks/bar items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy title: NetworkIntegration represents a network integration. type: object x-go-package: NetworkIntegrationPost: description: NetworkIntegrationPost represents the fields required to rename a network integration properties: name: description: The new name for the network integration example: region2 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: NetworkIntegrationPut: description: NetworkIntegrationPut represents the modifiable fields of a network integration properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Integration configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the network integration example: OVN interconnection for region1 type: string x-go-name: Description type: object x-go-package: NetworkIntegrationsPost: description: NetworkIntegrationsPost represents the fields of a new network integration properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Integration configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the network integration example: OVN interconnection for region1 type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the integration example: region1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: description: The type of integration example: ovn type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: NetworkLease: description: NetworkLease represents a DHCP lease properties: address: description: The IP address example: type: string x-go-name: Address hostname: description: The hostname associated with the record example: c1 type: string x-go-name: Hostname hwaddr: description: The MAC address example: 00:16:3e:2c:89:d9 type: string x-go-name: Hwaddr location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location type: description: The type of record (static or dynamic) example: dynamic type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: NetworkLoadBalancer: description: NetworkLoadBalancer used for displaying a network load balancer properties: backends: description: Backends (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerBackend' type: array x-go-name: Backends config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Load balancer configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the load balancer listen IP example: My public IP load balancer type: string x-go-name: Description listen_address: description: The listen address of the load balancer example: type: string x-go-name: ListenAddress location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location ports: description: Port forwards (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports type: object x-go-package: NetworkLoadBalancerBackend: description: NetworkLoadBalancerBackend represents a target backend specification in a network load balancer properties: description: description: Description of the load balancer backend example: C1 webserver type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Name of the load balancer backend example: c1-http type: string x-go-name: Name target_address: description: TargetAddress to forward ListenPorts to example: type: string x-go-name: TargetAddress target_port: description: TargetPort(s) to forward ListenPorts to (allows for many-to-one) example: 80,81,8080-8090 type: string x-go-name: TargetPort type: object x-go-package: NetworkLoadBalancerPort: description: NetworkLoadBalancerPort represents a port specification in a network load balancer properties: description: description: Description of the load balancer port example: My web server load balancer type: string x-go-name: Description listen_port: description: ListenPort(s) of load balancer (comma delimited ranges) example: 80,81,8080-8090 type: string x-go-name: ListenPort protocol: description: Protocol for load balancer port (either tcp or udp) example: tcp type: string x-go-name: Protocol target_backend: description: TargetBackend backend names to load balance ListenPorts to example: - c1-http - c2-http items: type: string type: array x-go-name: TargetBackend type: object x-go-package: NetworkLoadBalancerPut: description: NetworkLoadBalancerPut represents the modifiable fields of a network load balancer properties: backends: description: Backends (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerBackend' type: array x-go-name: Backends config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Load balancer configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the load balancer listen IP example: My public IP load balancer type: string x-go-name: Description ports: description: Port forwards (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports type: object x-go-package: NetworkLoadBalancersPost: description: NetworkLoadBalancersPost represents the fields of a new network load balancer properties: backends: description: Backends (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerBackend' type: array x-go-name: Backends config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Load balancer configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the load balancer listen IP example: My public IP load balancer type: string x-go-name: Description listen_address: description: The listen address of the load balancer example: type: string x-go-name: ListenAddress ports: description: Port forwards (optional) items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports type: object x-go-package: NetworkPeer: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Peer configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the peer example: Peering with network1 in project1 type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Name of the peer example: project1-network1 readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Name status: description: The state of the peering example: Pending readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Status target_integration: description: Name of the target integration example: ovn-ic1 type: string x-go-name: TargetIntegration target_network: description: Name of the target network example: network1 readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: TargetNetwork target_project: description: Name of the target project example: project1 readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: TargetProject type: description: Type of peer example: local type: string x-go-name: Type used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this network peering example: - /1.0/network-acls/test - /1.0/network-acls/foo items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy title: NetworkPeer used for displaying a network peering. type: object x-go-package: NetworkPeerPut: description: NetworkPeerPut represents the modifiable fields of a network peering properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Peer configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the peer example: Peering with network1 in project1 type: string x-go-name: Description type: object x-go-package: NetworkPeersPost: description: NetworkPeersPost represents the fields of a new network peering properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Peer configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the peer example: Peering with network1 in project1 type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Name of the peer example: project1-network1 type: string x-go-name: Name target_integration: description: Name of the target integration example: ovn-ic1 type: string x-go-name: TargetIntegration target_network: description: Name of the target network example: network1 type: string x-go-name: TargetNetwork target_project: description: Name of the target project example: project1 type: string x-go-name: TargetProject type: description: Type of peer example: local type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: NetworkPost: description: NetworkPost represents the fields required to rename a network properties: name: description: The new name for the network example: mybr1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: NetworkPut: description: NetworkPut represents the modifiable fields of a network properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Network configuration map (refer to doc/ example: ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: "true" ipv6.address: none type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: My new bridge type: string x-go-name: Description type: object x-go-package: NetworkState: description: NetworkState represents the network state properties: addresses: description: List of addresses items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkStateAddress' type: array x-go-name: Addresses bond: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkStateBond' bridge: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkStateBridge' counters: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkStateCounters' hwaddr: description: MAC address example: 00:16:3e:5a:83:57 type: string x-go-name: Hwaddr mtu: description: MTU example: 1500 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Mtu ovn: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkStateOVN' state: description: Link state example: up type: string x-go-name: State type: description: Interface type example: broadcast type: string x-go-name: Type vlan: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkStateVLAN' type: object x-go-package: NetworkStateAddress: description: NetworkStateAddress represents a network address properties: address: description: IP address example: type: string x-go-name: Address family: description: Address family example: inet type: string x-go-name: Family netmask: description: IP netmask (CIDR) example: "24" type: string x-go-name: Netmask scope: description: Address scope example: global type: string x-go-name: Scope type: object x-go-package: NetworkStateBond: description: NetworkStateBond represents bond specific state properties: down_delay: description: Delay on link down (ms) example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: DownDelay lower_devices: description: List of devices that are part of the bond example: - eth0 - eth1 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: LowerDevices mii_frequency: description: How often to check for link state (ms) example: 100 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: MIIFrequency mii_state: description: Bond link state example: up type: string x-go-name: MIIState mode: description: Bonding mode example: 802.3ad type: string x-go-name: Mode transmit_policy: description: Transmit balancing policy example: layer3+4 type: string x-go-name: TransmitPolicy up_delay: description: Delay on link up (ms) example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: UpDelay type: object x-go-package: NetworkStateBridge: description: NetworkStateBridge represents bridge specific state properties: forward_delay: description: Delay on port join (ms) example: 1500 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: ForwardDelay id: description: Bridge ID example: 8000.0a0f7c6edbd9 type: string x-go-name: ID stp: description: Whether STP is enabled example: false type: boolean x-go-name: STP upper_devices: description: List of devices that are in the bridge example: - eth0 - eth1 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: UpperDevices vlan_default: description: Default VLAN ID example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: VLANDefault vlan_filtering: description: Whether VLAN filtering is enabled example: false type: boolean x-go-name: VLANFiltering type: object x-go-package: NetworkStateCounters: description: NetworkStateCounters represents packet counters properties: bytes_received: description: Number of bytes received example: 250542118 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: BytesReceived bytes_sent: description: Number of bytes sent example: 17524040140 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: BytesSent packets_received: description: Number of packets received example: 1182515 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: PacketsReceived packets_sent: description: Number of packets sent example: 1567934 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: PacketsSent type: object x-go-package: NetworkStateOVN: description: NetworkStateOVN represents OVN specific state properties: chassis: description: OVN network chassis name example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Chassis logical_router: description: OVN logical router name example: incus-net1-lr type: string x-go-name: LogicalRouter type: object x-go-package: NetworkStateVLAN: description: NetworkStateVLAN represents VLAN specific state properties: lower_device: description: Parent device example: eth0 type: string x-go-name: LowerDevice vid: description: VLAN ID example: 100 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: VID type: object x-go-package: NetworkZone: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Zone configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the network zone example: Internal domain type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the zone (DNS domain name) example: type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this network zone example: - /1.0/networks/foo - /1.0/networks/bar items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy title: NetworkZone represents a network zone (DNS). type: object x-go-package: NetworkZonePut: description: NetworkZonePut represents the modifiable fields of a network zone properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Zone configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the network zone example: Internal domain type: string x-go-name: Description type: object x-go-package: NetworkZoneRecord: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Advanced configuration for the record example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the record example: SPF record type: string x-go-name: Description entries: description: Entries in the record items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecordEntry' type: array x-go-name: Entries name: description: The name of the record example: '@' type: string x-go-name: Name title: NetworkZoneRecord represents a network zone (DNS) record. type: object x-go-package: NetworkZoneRecordEntry: description: NetworkZoneRecordEntry represents the fields in a record entry properties: ttl: description: TTL for the entry example: 3600 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: TTL type: description: Type of DNS entry example: TXT type: string x-go-name: Type value: description: Value for the record example: v=spf1 mx ~all type: string x-go-name: Value type: object x-go-package: NetworkZoneRecordPut: description: NetworkZoneRecordPut represents the modifiable fields of a network zone record properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Advanced configuration for the record example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the record example: SPF record type: string x-go-name: Description entries: description: Entries in the record items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecordEntry' type: array x-go-name: Entries type: object x-go-package: NetworkZoneRecordsPost: description: NetworkZoneRecordsPost represents the fields of a new network zone record properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Advanced configuration for the record example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the record example: SPF record type: string x-go-name: Description entries: description: Entries in the record items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecordEntry' type: array x-go-name: Entries name: description: The record name in the zone example: '@' type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: NetworkZonesPost: description: NetworkZonesPost represents the fields of a new network zone properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Zone configuration map (refer to doc/ example: user.mykey: foo type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the network zone example: Internal domain type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the zone (DNS domain name) example: type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: NetworksPost: description: NetworksPost represents the fields of a new network properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Network configuration map (refer to doc/ example: ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: "true" ipv6.address: none type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: My new bridge type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the new network example: mybr1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: description: The network type (refer to doc/ example: bridge type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: Operation: description: Operation represents a background operation properties: class: description: Type of operation (task, token or websocket) example: websocket type: string x-go-name: Class created_at: description: Operation creation time example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt description: description: Description of the operation example: Executing command type: string x-go-name: Description err: description: Operation error mesage example: Some error message type: string x-go-name: Err id: description: UUID of the operation example: 6916c8a6-9b7d-4abd-90b3-aedfec7ec7da type: string x-go-name: ID location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location may_cancel: description: Whether the operation can be canceled example: false type: boolean x-go-name: MayCancel metadata: additionalProperties: {} description: Operation specific metadata example: command: - bash environment: HOME: /root LANG: C.UTF-8 PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin TERM: xterm USER: root fds: "0": da3046cf02c0116febf4ef3fe4eaecdf308e720c05e5a9c730ce1a6f15417f66 "1": 05896879d8692607bd6e4a09475667da3b5f6714418ab0ee0e5720b4c57f754b interactive: true type: object x-go-name: Metadata resources: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array description: Affected resourcs example: instances: - /1.0/instances/foo type: object x-go-name: Resources status: description: Status name example: Running type: string x-go-name: Status status_code: $ref: '#/definitions/StatusCode' updated_at: description: Operation last change example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: UpdatedAt type: object x-go-package: Profile: description: Profile represents a profile properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration map (refer to doc/ example: limits.cpu: "4" limits.memory: 4GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: Medium size instances type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: List of devices example: eth0: name: eth0 network: mybr0 type: nic root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices name: description: The profile name example: foo readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this profile example: - /1.0/instances/c1 - /1.0/instances/v1 items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy type: object x-go-package: ProfilePost: description: ProfilePost represents the fields required to rename a profile properties: name: description: The new name for the profile example: bar type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: ProfilePut: description: ProfilePut represents the modifiable fields of a profile properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration map (refer to doc/ example: limits.cpu: "4" limits.memory: 4GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: Medium size instances type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: List of devices example: eth0: name: eth0 network: mybr0 type: nic root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices type: object x-go-package: ProfilesPost: description: ProfilesPost represents the fields of a new profile properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Instance configuration map (refer to doc/ example: limits.cpu: "4" limits.memory: 4GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the profile example: Medium size instances type: string x-go-name: Description devices: additionalProperties: additionalProperties: type: string type: object description: List of devices example: eth0: name: eth0 network: mybr0 type: nic root: path: / pool: default type: disk type: object x-go-name: Devices name: description: The name of the new profile example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: Project: description: Project represents a project properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Project configuration map (refer to doc/ example: features.networks: "false" features.profiles: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the project example: My new project type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The project name example: foo readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Name used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this project example: - /1.0/images/0e60015346f06627f10580d56ac7fffd9ea775f6d4f25987217d5eed94910a20 - /1.0/instances/c1 - /1.0/networks/mybr0 - /1.0/profiles/default - /1.0/storage-pools/default/volumes/custom/blah items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: UsedBy type: object x-go-package: ProjectPost: description: ProjectPost represents the fields required to rename a project properties: name: description: The new name for the project example: bar type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: ProjectPut: description: ProjectPut represents the modifiable fields of a project properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Project configuration map (refer to doc/ example: features.networks: "false" features.profiles: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the project example: My new project type: string x-go-name: Description type: object x-go-package: ProjectState: description: ProjectState represents the current running state of a project properties: resources: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectStateResource' description: Allocated and used resources example: containers: limit: 10 usage: 4 cpu: limit: 20 usage: 16 readOnly: true type: object x-go-name: Resources type: object x-go-package: ProjectStateResource: description: ProjectStateResource represents the state of a particular resource in a project properties: Limit: description: Limit for the resource (-1 if none) example: 10 format: int64 type: integer Usage: description: Current usage for the resource example: 4 format: int64 type: integer type: object x-go-package: ProjectsPost: description: ProjectsPost represents the fields of a new project properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Project configuration map (refer to doc/ example: features.networks: "false" features.profiles: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the project example: My new project type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: The name of the new project example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: Resources: description: Resources represents the system hardware resources properties: cpu: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesCPU' gpu: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPU' load: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesLoad' memory: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesMemory' network: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetwork' pci: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesPCI' storage: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStorage' system: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesSystem' usb: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesUSB' type: object x-go-package: ResourcesCPU: description: ResourcesCPU represents the cpu resources available on the system properties: architecture: description: Architecture name example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: Architecture sockets: description: List of CPU sockets items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesCPUSocket' type: array x-go-name: Sockets total: description: Total number of CPU threads (from all sockets and cores) example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total type: object x-go-package: ResourcesCPUCache: description: ResourcesCPUCache represents a CPU cache properties: level: description: Cache level (usually a number from 1 to 3) example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Level size: description: Size of the cache (in bytes) example: 32768 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Size type: description: Type of cache (Data, Instruction, Unified, ...) example: Data type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: ResourcesCPUCore: description: ResourcesCPUCore represents a CPU core on the system properties: core: description: Core identifier within the socket example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Core die: description: What die the CPU is a part of (for chiplet designs) example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Die flags: description: List of CPU flags example: [] items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Flags frequency: description: Current frequency example: 3500 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Frequency threads: description: List of threads items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesCPUThread' type: array x-go-name: Threads type: object x-go-package: ResourcesCPUSocket: description: ResourcesCPUSocket represents a CPU socket on the system properties: cache: description: List of CPU caches items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesCPUCache' type: array x-go-name: Cache cores: description: List of CPU cores items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesCPUCore' type: array x-go-name: Cores frequency: description: Current CPU frequency (Mhz) example: 3499 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Frequency frequency_minimum: description: Minimum CPU frequency (Mhz) example: 400 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: FrequencyMinimum frequency_turbo: description: Maximum CPU frequency (Mhz) example: 3500 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: FrequencyTurbo name: description: Product name example: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz type: string x-go-name: Name socket: description: Socket number example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Socket vendor: description: Vendor name example: GenuineIntel type: string x-go-name: Vendor type: object x-go-package: ResourcesCPUThread: description: ResourcesCPUThread represents a CPU thread on the system properties: id: description: Thread ID (used for CPU pinning) example: 0 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ID isolated: description: Whether the thread has been isolated (outside of normal scheduling) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Isolated numa_node: description: NUMA node the thread is a part of example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: NUMANode online: description: Whether the thread is online (enabled) example: true type: boolean x-go-name: Online thread: description: Thread identifier within the core example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Thread type: object x-go-package: ResourcesGPU: description: ResourcesGPU represents the GPU resources available on the system properties: cards: description: List of GPUs items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPUCard' type: array x-go-name: Cards total: description: Total number of GPUs example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total type: object x-go-package: ResourcesGPUCard: description: ResourcesGPUCard represents a GPU card on the system properties: driver: description: Kernel driver currently associated with the GPU example: i915 type: string x-go-name: Driver driver_version: description: Version of the kernel driver example: 5.8.0-36-generic type: string x-go-name: DriverVersion drm: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPUCardDRM' mdev: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPUCardMdev' description: Map of available mediated device profiles example: null type: object x-go-name: Mdev numa_node: description: NUMA node the GPU is a part of example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: NUMANode nvidia: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPUCardNvidia' pci_address: description: PCI address example: "0000:00:02.0" type: string x-go-name: PCIAddress product: description: Name of the product example: HD Graphics 620 type: string x-go-name: Product product_id: description: PCI ID of the product example: "5916" type: string x-go-name: ProductID sriov: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPUCardSRIOV' usb_address: description: USB address (for USB cards) example: "2:7" type: string x-go-name: USBAddress vendor: description: Name of the vendor example: Intel Corporation type: string x-go-name: Vendor vendor_id: description: PCI ID of the vendor example: "8086" type: string x-go-name: VendorID type: object x-go-package: ResourcesGPUCardDRM: description: ResourcesGPUCardDRM represents the Linux DRM configuration of the GPU properties: card_device: description: Card device number example: "226:0" type: string x-go-name: CardDevice card_name: description: Card device name example: card0 type: string x-go-name: CardName control_device: description: Control device number example: "226:0" type: string x-go-name: ControlDevice control_name: description: Control device name example: controlD64 type: string x-go-name: ControlName id: description: DRM card ID example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: ID render_device: description: Render device number example: 226:128 type: string x-go-name: RenderDevice render_name: description: Render device name example: renderD128 type: string x-go-name: RenderName type: object x-go-package: ResourcesGPUCardMdev: description: ResourcesGPUCardMdev represents the mediated devices configuration of the GPU properties: api: description: The mechanism used by this device example: vfio-pci type: string x-go-name: API available: description: Number of available devices of this profile example: 2 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Available description: description: Profile description example: 'low_gm_size: 128MB\nhigh_gm_size: 512MB\nfence: 4\nresolution: 1920x1200\nweight: 4' type: string x-go-name: Description devices: description: List of active devices (UUIDs) example: - 42200aac-0977-495c-8c9e-6c51b9092a01 - b4950c00-1437-41d9-88f6-28d61cf9b9ef items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Devices name: description: Profile name example: i915-GVTg_V5_8 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: ResourcesGPUCardNvidia: description: ResourcesGPUCardNvidia represents additional information for NVIDIA GPUs properties: architecture: description: Architecture (generation) example: "3.5" type: string x-go-name: Architecture brand: description: Brand name example: GeForce type: string x-go-name: Brand card_device: description: Card device number example: "195:0" type: string x-go-name: CardDevice card_name: description: Card device name example: nvidia0 type: string x-go-name: CardName cuda_version: description: Version of the CUDA API example: "11.0" type: string x-go-name: CUDAVersion model: description: Model name example: GeForce GT 730 type: string x-go-name: Model nvrm_version: description: Version of the NVRM (usually driver version) example: 450.102.04 type: string x-go-name: NVRMVersion uuid: description: GPU UUID example: GPU-6ddadebd-dafe-2db9-f10f-125719770fd3 type: string x-go-name: UUID type: object x-go-package: ResourcesGPUCardSRIOV: description: ResourcesGPUCardSRIOV represents the SRIOV configuration of the GPU properties: current_vfs: description: Number of VFs currently configured example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: CurrentVFs maximum_vfs: description: Maximum number of supported VFs example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: MaximumVFs vfs: description: List of VFs (as additional GPU devices) example: null items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesGPUCard' type: array x-go-name: VFs type: object x-go-package: ResourcesLoad: description: ResourcesLoad represents system load information properties: Average1Min: description: Load average in the past minute example: 0.69 format: double type: number Average5Min: description: Load average in the past 5 minutes example: 1.1 format: double type: number Average10Min: description: Load average in the past 10 minutes example: 1.29 format: double type: number Processes: description: The number of active processes example: 1234 format: int64 type: integer type: object x-go-package: ResourcesMemory: description: ResourcesMemory represents the memory resources available on the system properties: hugepages_size: description: Size of memory huge pages (bytes) example: 2097152 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: HugepagesSize hugepages_total: description: Total of memory huge pages (bytes) example: 429284917248 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: HugepagesTotal hugepages_used: description: Used memory huge pages (bytes) example: 429284917248 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: HugepagesUsed nodes: description: List of NUMA memory nodes example: null items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesMemoryNode' type: array x-go-name: Nodes total: description: Total system memory (bytes) example: 687194767360 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total used: description: Used system memory (bytes) example: 557450502144 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Used type: object x-go-package: ResourcesMemoryNode: description: ResourcesMemoryNode represents the node-specific memory resources available on the system properties: hugepages_total: description: Total of memory huge pages (bytes) example: 214536552448 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: HugepagesTotal hugepages_used: description: Used memory huge pages (bytes) example: 214536552448 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: HugepagesUsed numa_node: description: NUMA node identifier example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: NUMANode total: description: Total system memory (bytes) example: 343597383680 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total used: description: Used system memory (bytes) example: 264880439296 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Used type: object x-go-package: ResourcesNetwork: description: ResourcesNetwork represents the network cards available on the system properties: cards: description: List of network cards items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetworkCard' type: array x-go-name: Cards total: description: Total number of network cards example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total type: object x-go-package: ResourcesNetworkCard: description: ResourcesNetworkCard represents a network card on the system properties: driver: description: Kernel driver currently associated with the card example: atlantic type: string x-go-name: Driver driver_version: description: Version of the kernel driver example: 5.8.0-36-generic type: string x-go-name: DriverVersion firmware_version: description: Current firmware version example: 3.1.100 type: string x-go-name: FirmwareVersion numa_node: description: NUMA node the card is a part of example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: NUMANode pci_address: description: PCI address (for PCI cards) example: 0000:0d:00.0 type: string x-go-name: PCIAddress ports: description: List of ports on the card items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetworkCardPort' type: array x-go-name: Ports product: description: Name of the product example: AQC107 NBase-T/IEEE type: string x-go-name: Product product_id: description: PCI ID of the product example: 87b1 type: string x-go-name: ProductID sriov: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetworkCardSRIOV' usb_address: description: USB address (for USB cards) example: "2:7" type: string x-go-name: USBAddress vdpa: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetworkCardVDPA' vendor: description: Name of the vendor example: Aquantia Corp. type: string x-go-name: Vendor vendor_id: description: PCI ID of the vendor example: 1d6a type: string x-go-name: VendorID type: object x-go-package: ResourcesNetworkCardPort: description: ResourcesNetworkCardPort represents a network port on the system properties: address: description: MAC address example: 00:23:a4:01:01:6f type: string x-go-name: Address auto_negotiation: description: Whether auto negotiation is used example: true type: boolean x-go-name: AutoNegotiation id: description: Port identifier (interface name) example: eth0 type: string x-go-name: ID infiniband: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetworkCardPortInfiniband' link_detected: description: Whether a link was detected example: true type: boolean x-go-name: LinkDetected link_duplex: description: Duplex type example: full type: string x-go-name: LinkDuplex link_speed: description: Current speed (Mbit/s) example: 10000 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: LinkSpeed port: description: Port number example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Port port_type: description: Current port type example: twisted pair type: string x-go-name: PortType protocol: description: Transport protocol example: ethernet type: string x-go-name: Protocol supported_modes: description: List of supported modes example: - 100baseT/Full - 1000baseT/Full - 2500baseT/Full - 5000baseT/Full - 10000baseT/Full items: type: string type: array x-go-name: SupportedModes supported_ports: description: List of supported port types example: - twisted pair items: type: string type: array x-go-name: SupportedPorts transceiver_type: description: Type of transceiver used example: internal type: string x-go-name: TransceiverType type: object x-go-package: ResourcesNetworkCardPortInfiniband: description: ResourcesNetworkCardPortInfiniband represents the Linux Infiniband configuration for the port properties: issm_device: description: ISSM device number example: 231:64 type: string x-go-name: IsSMDevice issm_name: description: ISSM device name example: issm0 type: string x-go-name: IsSMName mad_device: description: MAD device number example: "231:0" type: string x-go-name: MADDevice mad_name: description: MAD device name example: umad0 type: string x-go-name: MADName verb_device: description: Verb device number example: 231:192 type: string x-go-name: VerbDevice verb_name: description: Verb device name example: uverbs0 type: string x-go-name: VerbName type: object x-go-package: ResourcesNetworkCardSRIOV: description: ResourcesNetworkCardSRIOV represents the SRIOV configuration of the network card properties: current_vfs: description: Number of VFs currently configured example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: CurrentVFs maximum_vfs: description: Maximum number of supported VFs example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: MaximumVFs vfs: description: List of VFs (as additional Network devices) example: null items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesNetworkCard' type: array x-go-name: VFs type: object x-go-package: ResourcesNetworkCardVDPA: description: ResourceNetworkCardVDPA represents the VDPA configuration of the network card properties: device: description: Device identifier of the VDPA device type: string x-go-name: Device name: description: Name of the VDPA device type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: ResourcesPCI: description: ResourcesPCI represents the PCI devices available on the system properties: devices: description: List of PCI devices items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesPCIDevice' type: array x-go-name: Devices total: description: Total number of PCI devices example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total type: object x-go-package: ResourcesPCIDevice: description: ResourcesPCIDevice represents a PCI device properties: driver: description: Kernel driver currently associated with the GPU example: mgag200 type: string x-go-name: Driver driver_version: description: Version of the kernel driver example: 5.8.0-36-generic type: string x-go-name: DriverVersion iommu_group: description: IOMMU group number example: 20 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: IOMMUGroup numa_node: description: NUMA node the card is a part of example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: NUMANode pci_address: description: PCI address example: "0000:07:03.0" type: string x-go-name: PCIAddress product: description: Name of the product example: MGA G200eW WPCM450 type: string x-go-name: Product product_id: description: PCI ID of the product example: "0532" type: string x-go-name: ProductID vendor: description: Name of the vendor example: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. type: string x-go-name: Vendor vendor_id: description: PCI ID of the vendor example: 102b type: string x-go-name: VendorID vpd: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesPCIVPD' type: object x-go-package: ResourcesPCIVPD: description: ResourcesPCIVPD represents VPD entries for a device properties: entries: additionalProperties: type: string description: Vendor provided key/value pairs. example: '{"EC": ""A-5545", "MN": "103C", "V0": "5W PCIeGen2"}' type: object x-go-name: Entries product_name: description: Hardware provided product name. example: HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter type: string x-go-name: ProductName type: object x-go-package: ResourcesStorage: description: ResourcesStorage represents the local storage properties: disks: description: List of disks items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStorageDisk' type: array x-go-name: Disks total: description: Total number of partitions example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total type: object x-go-package: ResourcesStorageDisk: description: ResourcesStorageDisk represents a disk properties: block_size: description: Block size example: 512 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: BlockSize device: description: Device number example: "259:0" type: string x-go-name: Device device_id: description: Device by-id identifier example: nvme-eui.0000000001000000e4d25cafae2e4c00 type: string x-go-name: DeviceID device_path: description: Device by-path identifier example: pci-0000:05:00.0-nvme-1 type: string x-go-name: DevicePath firmware_version: description: Current firmware version example: PSF121C type: string x-go-name: FirmwareVersion id: description: ID of the disk (device name) example: nvme0n1 type: string x-go-name: ID model: description: Disk model name example: INTEL SSDPEKKW256G7 type: string x-go-name: Model numa_node: description: NUMA node the disk is a part of example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: NUMANode partitions: description: List of partitions items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStorageDiskPartition' type: array x-go-name: Partitions pci_address: description: PCI address example: "0000:05:00.0" type: string x-go-name: PCIAddress read_only: description: Whether the disk is read-only example: false type: boolean x-go-name: ReadOnly removable: description: Whether the disk is removable (hot-plug) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Removable rpm: description: Rotation speed (RPM) example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: RPM serial: description: Serial number example: BTPY63440ARH256D type: string x-go-name: Serial size: description: Total size of the disk (bytes) example: 256060514304 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Size type: description: Storage type example: nvme type: string x-go-name: Type usb_address: description: USB address example: "3:5" type: string x-go-name: USBAddress wwn: description: WWN identifier example: eui.0000000001000000e4d25cafae2e4c00 type: string x-go-name: WWN type: object x-go-package: ResourcesStorageDiskPartition: description: ResourcesStorageDiskPartition represents a partition on a disk properties: device: description: Device number example: "259:1" type: string x-go-name: Device id: description: ID of the partition (device name) example: nvme0n1p1 type: string x-go-name: ID partition: description: Partition number example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Partition read_only: description: Whether the partition is read-only example: false type: boolean x-go-name: ReadOnly size: description: Size of the partition (bytes) example: 254933278208 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Size type: object x-go-package: ResourcesStoragePool: description: ResourcesStoragePool represents the resources available to a given storage pool properties: inodes: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStoragePoolInodes' space: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStoragePoolSpace' type: object x-go-package: ResourcesStoragePoolInodes: description: ResourcesStoragePoolInodes represents the inodes available to a given storage pool properties: total: description: Total inodes example: 30709993797 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total used: description: Used inodes example: 23937695 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Used type: object x-go-package: ResourcesStoragePoolSpace: description: ResourcesStoragePoolSpace represents the space available to a given storage pool properties: total: description: Total disk space (bytes) example: 420100937728 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total used: description: Used disk space (bytes) example: 343537419776 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Used type: object x-go-package: ResourcesSystem: description: ResourcesSystem represents the system properties: chassis: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesSystemChassis' family: description: System family example: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 5th type: string x-go-name: Family firmware: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesSystemFirmware' motherboard: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesSystemMotherboard' product: description: System model example: 20HRCTO1WW type: string x-go-name: Product serial: description: System serial number example: PY3DD4X9 type: string x-go-name: Serial sku: description: |- System nanufacturer SKU LENOVO_MT_20HR_BU_Think_FM_ThinkPad X1 Carbon 5th type: string x-go-name: Sku type: description: System type (unknown, physical, virtual-machine, container, ...) example: physical type: string x-go-name: Type uuid: description: System UUID example: 7fa1c0cc-2271-11b2-a85c-aab32a05d71a type: string x-go-name: UUID vendor: description: System vendor example: LENOVO type: string x-go-name: Vendor version: description: System version example: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 5th type: string x-go-name: Version type: object x-go-package: ResourcesSystemChassis: description: ResourcesSystemChassis represents the system chassis properties: serial: description: Chassis serial number example: PY3DD4X9 type: string x-go-name: Serial type: description: Chassis type example: Notebook type: string x-go-name: Type vendor: description: Chassis vendor example: Lenovo type: string x-go-name: Vendor version: description: Chassis version/revision example: None type: string x-go-name: Version type: object x-go-package: ResourcesSystemFirmware: description: ResourcesSystemFirmware represents the system firmware properties: date: description: Firmware build date example: 10/14/2020 type: string x-go-name: Date vendor: description: Firmware vendor example: Lenovo type: string x-go-name: Vendor version: description: Firmware version example: N1MET64W (1.49) type: string x-go-name: Version type: object x-go-package: ResourcesSystemMotherboard: description: ResourcesSystemMotherboard represents the motherboard properties: product: description: Motherboard model example: 20HRCTO1WW type: string x-go-name: Product serial: description: Motherboard serial number example: L3CF4FX003A type: string x-go-name: Serial vendor: description: Motherboard vendor example: Lenovo type: string x-go-name: Vendor version: description: Motherboard version/revision example: None type: string x-go-name: Version type: object x-go-package: ResourcesUSB: description: ResourcesUSB represents the USB devices available on the system properties: devices: description: List of USB devices items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesUSBDevice' type: array x-go-name: Devices total: description: Total number of USB devices example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Total type: object x-go-package: ResourcesUSBDevice: description: ResourcesUSBDevice represents a USB device properties: bus_address: description: USB address (bus) example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: BusAddress device_address: description: USB address (device) example: 3 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: DeviceAddress interfaces: description: List of USB interfaces items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesUSBDeviceInterface' type: array x-go-name: Interfaces product: description: Name of the product example: Hermon USB hidmouse Device type: string x-go-name: Product product_id: description: USB ID of the product example: "2221" type: string x-go-name: ProductID serial: description: USB serial number example: DAE005fp type: string x-go-name: Serial speed: description: Transfer speed (Mbit/s) example: 12 format: double type: number x-go-name: Speed vendor: description: Name of the vendor example: ATEN International Co., Ltd type: string x-go-name: Vendor vendor_id: description: USB ID of the vendor example: "0557" type: string x-go-name: VendorID type: object x-go-package: ResourcesUSBDeviceInterface: description: ResourcesUSBDeviceInterface represents a USB device interface properties: class: description: Class of USB interface example: Human Interface Device type: string x-go-name: Class class_id: description: ID of the USB interface class example: 3 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: ClassID driver: description: Kernel driver currently associated with the device example: usbhid type: string x-go-name: Driver driver_version: description: Version of the kernel driver example: 5.8.0-36-generic type: string x-go-name: DriverVersion number: description: Interface number example: 0 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Number subclass: description: Sub class of the interface example: Boot Interface Subclass type: string x-go-name: SubClass subclass_id: description: ID of the USB interface sub class example: 1 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: SubClassID type: object x-go-package: Server: description: Server represents a server configuration properties: api_extensions: description: List of supported API extensions example: - etag - patch - network - storage items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: APIExtensions api_status: description: Support status of the current API (one of "devel", "stable" or "deprecated") example: stable readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: APIStatus api_version: description: API version number example: "1.0" readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: APIVersion auth: description: Whether the client is trusted (one of "trusted" or "untrusted") example: untrusted readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Auth auth_methods: description: List of supported authentication methods example: - tls items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: AuthMethods auth_user_method: description: The current API user login method example: unix readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: AuthUserMethod auth_user_name: description: The current API user identifier example: uid=201105 readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: AuthUserName config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Server configuration map (refer to doc/ example: core.https_address: :8443 type: object x-go-name: Config environment: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerEnvironment' public: description: Whether the server is public-only (only public endpoints are implemented) example: false readOnly: true type: boolean x-go-name: Public type: object x-go-package: ServerEnvironment: properties: addresses: description: List of addresses the server is listening on example: - :8443 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Addresses architectures: description: List of architectures supported by the server example: - x86_64 - i686 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Architectures certificate: description: Server certificate as PEM encoded X509 example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate certificate_fingerprint: description: Server certificate fingerprint as SHA256 example: fd200419b271f1dc2a5591b693cc5774b7f234e1ff8c6b78ad703b6888fe2b69 type: string x-go-name: CertificateFingerprint driver: description: List of supported instance drivers (separate by " | ") example: lxc | qemu type: string x-go-name: Driver driver_version: description: List of supported instance driver versions (separate by " | ") example: 4.0.7 | 5.2.0 type: string x-go-name: DriverVersion firewall: description: Current firewall driver example: nftables type: string x-go-name: Firewall kernel: description: OS kernel name example: Linux type: string x-go-name: Kernel kernel_architecture: description: OS kernel architecture example: x86_64 type: string x-go-name: KernelArchitecture kernel_features: additionalProperties: type: string description: Map of kernel features that were tested on startup example: netnsid_getifaddrs: "true" seccomp_listener: "true" type: object x-go-name: KernelFeatures kernel_version: description: Kernel version example: 5.4.0-36-generic type: string x-go-name: KernelVersion lxc_features: additionalProperties: type: string description: Map of LXC features that were tested on startup example: cgroup2: "true" devpts_fd: "true" pidfd: "true" type: object x-go-name: LXCFeatures os_name: description: Name of the operating system (Linux distribution) example: Ubuntu type: string x-go-name: OSName os_version: description: Version of the operating system (Linux distribution) example: "22.04" type: string x-go-name: OSVersion project: description: Current project name example: default type: string x-go-name: Project server: description: Server implementation name example: incus type: string x-go-name: Server server_clustered: description: Whether the server is part of a cluster example: false type: boolean x-go-name: ServerClustered server_event_mode: description: |- Mode that the event distribution subsystem is operating in on this server. Either "full-mesh", "hub-server" or "hub-client". example: full-mesh type: string x-go-name: ServerEventMode server_name: description: Server hostname example: castiana type: string x-go-name: ServerName server_pid: description: PID of the daemon example: 1453969 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ServerPid server_version: description: Server version example: "4.11" type: string x-go-name: ServerVersion storage: description: List of active storage drivers (separate by " | ") example: dir | zfs type: string x-go-name: Storage storage_supported_drivers: description: List of supported storage drivers items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerStorageDriverInfo' type: array x-go-name: StorageSupportedDrivers storage_version: description: List of active storage driver versions (separate by " | ") example: 1 | 0.8.4-1ubuntu11 type: string x-go-name: StorageVersion title: ServerEnvironment represents the read-only environment fields of a server configuration. type: object x-go-package: ServerPut: description: ServerPut represents the modifiable fields of a server configuration properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Server configuration map (refer to doc/ example: core.https_address: :8443 type: object x-go-name: Config type: object x-go-package: ServerStorageDriverInfo: description: ServerStorageDriverInfo represents the read-only info about a storage driver properties: Name: description: Name of the driver example: zfs type: string Remote: description: Whether the driver has remote volumes example: false type: boolean Version: description: Version of the driver example: 0.8.4-1ubuntu11 type: string type: object x-go-package: ServerUntrusted: description: ServerUntrusted represents a server configuration for an untrusted client properties: api_extensions: description: List of supported API extensions example: - etag - patch - network - storage items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: APIExtensions api_status: description: Support status of the current API (one of "devel", "stable" or "deprecated") example: stable readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: APIStatus api_version: description: API version number example: "1.0" readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: APIVersion auth: description: Whether the client is trusted (one of "trusted" or "untrusted") example: untrusted readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Auth auth_methods: description: List of supported authentication methods example: - tls items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: AuthMethods public: description: Whether the server is public-only (only public endpoints are implemented) example: false readOnly: true type: boolean x-go-name: Public type: object x-go-package: StatusCode: format: int64 title: StatusCode represents a valid operation and container status. type: integer x-go-package: StorageBucket: description: StorageBucket represents the fields of a storage pool bucket properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage bucket configuration map example: size: 50GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage bucket example: My custom bucket type: string x-go-name: Description location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location name: description: Bucket name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Project name example: project1 type: string x-go-name: Project s3_url: description: Bucket S3 URL example: type: string x-go-name: S3URL type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketBackup: description: StorageBucketBackup represents the fields available for a new storage bucket backup properties: compression_algorithm: description: What compression algorithm to use example: gzip type: string x-go-name: CompressionAlgorithm expires_at: description: When the backup expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Backup name example: backup0 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketBackupPost: description: StorageBucketBackupPost represents the fields available for the renaming of a bucket backup properties: name: description: New backup name example: backup1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketBackupsPost: description: StorageBucketBackupsPost represents the fields available for a new storage bucket backup properties: compression_algorithm: description: What compression algorithm to use example: gzip type: string x-go-name: CompressionAlgorithm expires_at: description: When the backup expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Backup name example: backup0 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketKey: description: StorageBucketKey represents the fields of a storage pool bucket key properties: access-key: description: Access key example: 33UgkaIBLBIxb7O1 type: string x-go-name: AccessKey description: description: Description of the storage bucket key example: My read-only bucket key type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Key name example: my-read-only-key type: string x-go-name: Name role: description: Whether the key can perform write actions or not. example: read-only type: string x-go-name: Role secret-key: description: Secret key example: kDQD6AOgwHgaQI1UIJBJpPaiLgZuJbq0 type: string x-go-name: SecretKey type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketKeyPut: description: StorageBucketKeyPut represents the modifiable fields of a storage pool bucket key properties: access-key: description: Access key example: 33UgkaIBLBIxb7O1 type: string x-go-name: AccessKey description: description: Description of the storage bucket key example: My read-only bucket key type: string x-go-name: Description role: description: Whether the key can perform write actions or not. example: read-only type: string x-go-name: Role secret-key: description: Secret key example: kDQD6AOgwHgaQI1UIJBJpPaiLgZuJbq0 type: string x-go-name: SecretKey type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketKeysPost: description: StorageBucketKeysPost represents the fields of a new storage pool bucket key properties: access-key: description: Access key example: 33UgkaIBLBIxb7O1 type: string x-go-name: AccessKey description: description: Description of the storage bucket key example: My read-only bucket key type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Key name example: my-read-only-key type: string x-go-name: Name role: description: Whether the key can perform write actions or not. example: read-only type: string x-go-name: Role secret-key: description: Secret key example: kDQD6AOgwHgaQI1UIJBJpPaiLgZuJbq0 type: string x-go-name: SecretKey type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketPut: description: StorageBucketPut represents the modifiable fields of a storage pool bucket properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage bucket configuration map example: size: 50GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage bucket example: My custom bucket type: string x-go-name: Description type: object x-go-package: StorageBucketsPost: description: StorageBucketsPost represents the fields of a new storage pool bucket properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage bucket configuration map example: size: 50GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage bucket example: My custom bucket type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Bucket name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StoragePool: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage pool configuration map (refer to doc/ example: volume.block.filesystem: ext4 volume.size: 50GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage pool example: Local SSD pool type: string x-go-name: Description driver: description: Storage pool driver (btrfs, ceph, cephfs, cephobject, dir, lvm, lvmcluster or zfs) example: zfs type: string x-go-name: Driver locations: description: Cluster members on which the storage pool has been defined example: - server01 - server02 - server03 items: type: string readOnly: true type: array x-go-name: Locations name: description: Storage pool name example: local type: string x-go-name: Name status: description: Pool status (Pending, Created, Errored or Unknown) example: Created readOnly: true type: string x-go-name: Status used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this storage pool example: - /1.0/profiles/default - /1.0/instances/c1 items: type: string type: array x-go-name: UsedBy title: StoragePool represents the fields of a storage pool. type: object x-go-package: StoragePoolPut: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage pool configuration map (refer to doc/ example: volume.block.filesystem: ext4 volume.size: 50GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage pool example: Local SSD pool type: string x-go-name: Description title: StoragePoolPut represents the modifiable fields of a storage pool. type: object x-go-package: StoragePoolState: properties: inodes: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStoragePoolInodes' space: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStoragePoolSpace' title: StoragePoolState represents the state of a storage pool. type: object x-go-package: StoragePoolVolumeBackup: description: StoragePoolVolumeBackup represents a volume backup properties: created_at: description: When the backup was created example: "2021-03-23T16:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt expires_at: description: When the backup expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Backup name example: backup0 type: string x-go-name: Name optimized_storage: description: Whether to use a pool-optimized binary format (instead of plain tarball) example: true type: boolean x-go-name: OptimizedStorage volume_only: description: Whether to ignore snapshots example: false type: boolean x-go-name: VolumeOnly type: object x-go-package: StoragePoolVolumeBackupPost: description: StoragePoolVolumeBackupPost represents the fields available for the renaming of a volume backup properties: name: description: New backup name example: backup1 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StoragePoolVolumeBackupsPost: description: StoragePoolVolumeBackupsPost represents the fields available for a new volume backup properties: compression_algorithm: description: What compression algorithm to use example: gzip type: string x-go-name: CompressionAlgorithm expires_at: description: When the backup expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Backup name example: backup0 type: string x-go-name: Name optimized_storage: description: Whether to use a pool-optimized binary format (instead of plain tarball) example: true type: boolean x-go-name: OptimizedStorage volume_only: description: Whether to ignore snapshots example: false type: boolean x-go-name: VolumeOnly type: object x-go-package: StoragePoolsPost: description: StoragePoolsPost represents the fields of a new storage pool properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage pool configuration map (refer to doc/ example: volume.block.filesystem: ext4 volume.size: 50GiB type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage pool example: Local SSD pool type: string x-go-name: Description driver: description: Storage pool driver (btrfs, ceph, cephfs, cephobject, dir, lvm, lvmcluster or zfs) example: zfs type: string x-go-name: Driver name: description: Storage pool name example: local type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StorageVolume: properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage volume configuration map (refer to doc/ example: size: 50GiB zfs.remove_snapshots: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config content_type: description: Volume content type (filesystem or block) example: filesystem type: string x-go-name: ContentType created_at: description: Volume creation timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt description: description: Description of the storage volume example: My custom volume type: string x-go-name: Description location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location name: description: Volume name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name project: description: Project containing the volume. example: default type: string x-go-name: Project restore: description: Name of a snapshot to restore example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore type: description: Volume type example: custom type: string x-go-name: Type used_by: description: List of URLs of objects using this storage volume example: - /1.0/instances/blah items: type: string type: array x-go-name: UsedBy title: StorageVolume represents the fields of a storage volume. type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumePost: description: StorageVolumePost represents the fields required to rename a storage pool volume properties: migration: description: Initiate volume migration example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Migration name: description: New volume name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name pool: description: New storage pool example: remote type: string x-go-name: Pool project: description: New project name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Project source: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSource' target: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumePostTarget' volume_only: description: Whether snapshots should be discarded (migration only) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: VolumeOnly type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumePostTarget: description: StorageVolumePostTarget represents the migration target host and operation properties: certificate: description: The certificate of the migration target example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate operation: description: Remote operation URL (for migration) example: type: string x-go-name: Operation secrets: additionalProperties: type: string description: Migration websockets credentials example: migration: random-string type: object x-go-name: Websockets type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumePut: description: StorageVolumePut represents the modifiable fields of a storage volume properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage volume configuration map (refer to doc/ example: size: 50GiB zfs.remove_snapshots: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config description: description: Description of the storage volume example: My custom volume type: string x-go-name: Description restore: description: Name of a snapshot to restore example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeSnapshot: description: StorageVolumeSnapshot represents a storage volume snapshot properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage volume configuration map (refer to doc/ example: size: 50GiB zfs.remove_snapshots: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config content_type: description: The content type (filesystem or block) example: filesystem type: string x-go-name: ContentType created_at: description: Volume snapshot creation timestamp example: "2021-03-23T20:00:00-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: CreatedAt description: description: Description of the storage volume example: My custom volume type: string x-go-name: Description expires_at: description: When the snapshot expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeSnapshotPost: description: StorageVolumeSnapshotPost represents the fields required to rename/move a storage volume snapshot properties: migration: description: Initiate volume snapshot migration example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Migration name: description: New snapshot name example: snap1 type: string x-go-name: Name target: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumePostTarget' type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeSnapshotPut: description: StorageVolumeSnapshotPut represents the modifiable fields of a storage volume properties: description: description: Description of the storage volume example: My custom volume type: string x-go-name: Description expires_at: description: When the snapshot expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeSnapshotsPost: description: StorageVolumeSnapshotsPost represents the fields available for a new storage volume snapshot properties: expires_at: description: When the snapshot expires (gets auto-deleted) example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpiresAt name: description: Snapshot name example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeSource: description: StorageVolumeSource represents the creation source for a new storage volume properties: certificate: description: Certificate (for migration) example: X509 PEM certificate type: string x-go-name: Certificate location: description: What cluster member this record was found on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location mode: description: Whether to use pull or push mode (for migration) example: pull type: string x-go-name: Mode name: description: Source volume name (for copy) example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name operation: description: Remote operation URL (for migration) example: type: string x-go-name: Operation pool: description: Source storage pool (for copy) example: local type: string x-go-name: Pool project: description: Source project name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Project refresh: description: Whether existing destination volume should be refreshed example: false type: boolean x-go-name: Refresh secrets: additionalProperties: type: string description: Map of migration websockets (for migration) example: rsync: RANDOM-STRING type: object x-go-name: Websockets type: description: Source type (copy or migration) example: copy type: string x-go-name: Type volume_only: description: Whether snapshots should be discarded (for migration) example: false type: boolean x-go-name: VolumeOnly type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeState: description: StorageVolumeState represents the live state of the volume properties: usage: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeStateUsage' type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumeStateUsage: description: StorageVolumeStateUsage represents the disk usage of a volume properties: total: description: Storage volume size in bytes example: 5189222192 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Total used: description: Used space in bytes example: 1693552640 format: uint64 type: integer x-go-name: Used type: object x-go-package: StorageVolumesPost: description: StorageVolumesPost represents the fields of a new storage pool volume properties: config: additionalProperties: type: string description: Storage volume configuration map (refer to doc/ example: size: 50GiB zfs.remove_snapshots: "true" type: object x-go-name: Config content_type: description: Volume content type (filesystem or block) example: filesystem type: string x-go-name: ContentType description: description: Description of the storage volume example: My custom volume type: string x-go-name: Description name: description: Volume name example: foo type: string x-go-name: Name restore: description: Name of a snapshot to restore example: snap0 type: string x-go-name: Restore source: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSource' type: description: Volume type (container, custom, image or virtual-machine) example: custom type: string x-go-name: Type type: object x-go-package: Warning: properties: count: description: The number of times this warning occurred example: 1 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Count entity_url: description: The entity affected by this warning example: /1.0/instances/c1?project=default type: string x-go-name: EntityURL first_seen_at: description: The first time this warning occurred example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: FirstSeenAt last_message: description: The warning message example: Couldn't find the CGroup blkio.weight, disk priority will be ignored type: string x-go-name: LastMessage last_seen_at: description: The last time this warning occurred example: "2021-03-23T17:38:37.753398689-04:00" format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastSeenAt location: description: What cluster member this warning occurred on example: server01 type: string x-go-name: Location project: description: The project the warning occurred in example: default type: string x-go-name: Project severity: description: The severity of this warning example: low type: string x-go-name: Severity status: description: Status of the warning (new, acknowledged, or resolved) example: new type: string x-go-name: Status type: description: Type type of warning example: Couldn't find CGroup type: string x-go-name: Type uuid: description: UUID of the warning example: e9e9da0d-2538-4351-8047-46d4a8ae4dbb type: string x-go-name: UUID title: Warning represents a warning entry. type: object x-go-package: WarningPut: properties: status: description: Status of the warning (new, acknowledged, or resolved) example: new type: string x-go-name: Status title: WarningPut represents the modifiable fields of a warning. type: object x-go-package: info: contact: email: name: Incus upstream url: description: |- This is the REST API used by all Incus clients. Internal endpoints aren't included in this documentation. The Incus API is available over both a local unix+http and remote https API. Authentication for local users relies on group membership and access to the unix socket. For remote users, the default authentication method is TLS client certificates. license: name: Apache-2.0 url: title: Incus external REST API version: "1.0" paths: /: get: description: |- Returns a list of supported API versions (URLs). Internal API endpoints are not reported as those aren't versioned and should only be used by the daemon itself. operationId: api_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: - /1.0 items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object summary: Get the supported API endpoints tags: - server /1.0: get: description: Shows the full server environment and configuration. operationId: server_get parameters: - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Server environment and configuration schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Server' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the server environment and configuration tags: - server patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the server configuration. operationId: server_patch parameters: - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Server configuration in: body name: server required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the server configuration tags: - server put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire server configuration. operationId: server_put parameters: - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Server configuration in: body name: server required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the server configuration tags: - server /1.0/certificates: get: description: Returns a list of trusted certificates (URLs). operationId: certificates_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/certificates/390fdd27ed5dc2408edc11fe602eafceb6c025ddbad9341dfdcb1056a8dd98b1", "/1.0/certificates/22aee3f051f96abe6d7756892eecabf4b4b22e2ba877840a4ca981e9ea54030a" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the trusted certificates tags: - certificates post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Adds a certificate to the trust store. In this mode, the `token` property is always ignored. operationId: certificates_post parameters: - description: Certificate in: body name: certificate required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CertificatesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a trusted certificate tags: - certificates /1.0/certificates/{fingerprint}: delete: description: Removes the certificate from the trust store. operationId: certificate_delete produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the trusted certificate tags: - certificates get: description: Gets a specific certificate entry from the trust store. operationId: certificate_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Certificate schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Certificate' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the trusted certificate tags: - certificates patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the certificate configuration. operationId: certificate_patch parameters: - description: Certificate configuration in: body name: certificate required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CertificatePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the trusted certificate tags: - certificates put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire certificate configuration. operationId: certificate_put parameters: - description: Certificate configuration in: body name: certificate required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CertificatePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the trusted certificate tags: - certificates /1.0/certificates?public: post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Adds a certificate to the trust store as an untrusted user. In this mode, the `token` property must be set to the correct value. The `certificate` field can be omitted in which case the TLS client certificate in use for the connection will be retrieved and added to the trust store. The `?public` part of the URL isn't required, it's simply used to separate the two behaviors of this endpoint. operationId: certificates_post_untrusted parameters: - description: Certificate in: body name: certificate required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CertificatesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a trusted certificate tags: - certificates /1.0/certificates?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of trusted certificates (structs). operationId: certificates_get_recursion1 produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of certificates items: $ref: '#/definitions/Certificate' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the trusted certificates tags: - certificates /1.0/cluster: get: description: Gets the current cluster configuration. operationId: cluster_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Cluster configuration schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Cluster' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster configuration tags: - cluster put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire cluster configuration. operationId: cluster_put parameters: - description: Cluster configuration in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the cluster configuration tags: - cluster /1.0/cluster/certificate: put: consumes: - application/json description: Replaces existing cluster certificate and reloads each cluster member. operationId: clustering_update_cert parameters: - description: Cluster certificate replace request in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterCertificatePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the certificate for the cluster tags: - cluster /1.0/cluster/groups: get: description: Returns a list of cluster groups (URLs). operationId: cluster_groups_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/cluster/groups/server01", "/1.0/cluster/groups/server02" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster groups tags: - cluster-groups post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new cluster group. operationId: cluster_groups_post parameters: - description: Cluster group to create in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterGroupsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a cluster group. tags: - cluster /1.0/cluster/groups/{name}: delete: description: Removes the cluster group. operationId: cluster_group_delete produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the cluster group. tags: - cluster-groups get: description: Gets a specific cluster group. operationId: cluster_group_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Cluster group schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterGroup' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster group tags: - cluster-groups patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the cluster group configuration. operationId: cluster_group_patch parameters: - description: cluster group configuration in: body name: cluster group required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterGroupPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the cluster group tags: - cluster-groups post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing cluster group. operationId: cluster_group_post parameters: - description: Cluster group rename request in: body name: name required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterGroupPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the cluster group tags: - cluster-groups put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire cluster group configuration. operationId: cluster_group_put parameters: - description: cluster group configuration in: body name: cluster group required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterGroupPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the cluster group tags: - cluster-groups /1.0/cluster/groups?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of cluster groups (structs). operationId: cluster_groups_get_recursion1 produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of cluster groups items: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterGroup' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster groups tags: - cluster-groups /1.0/cluster/members: get: description: Returns a list of cluster members (URLs). operationId: cluster_members_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/cluster/members/server01", "/1.0/cluster/members/server02" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster members tags: - cluster post: consumes: - application/json description: Requests a join token to add a cluster member. operationId: cluster_members_post parameters: - description: Cluster member add request in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMembersPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Request a join token tags: - cluster /1.0/cluster/members/{name}: delete: description: Removes the member from the cluster. operationId: cluster_member_delete produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the cluster member tags: - cluster get: description: Gets a specific cluster member. operationId: cluster_member_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Cluster member schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMember' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster member tags: - cluster patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the cluster member configuration. operationId: cluster_member_patch parameters: - description: Cluster member configuration in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the cluster member tags: - cluster post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing cluster member. operationId: cluster_member_post parameters: - description: Cluster member rename request in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the cluster member tags: - cluster put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire cluster member configuration. operationId: cluster_member_put parameters: - description: Cluster member configuration in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the cluster member tags: - cluster /1.0/cluster/members/{name}/state: get: description: Gets state of a specific cluster member. operationId: cluster_member_state_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Cluster member state schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberState' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get state of the cluster member tags: - cluster post: consumes: - application/json description: Evacuates or restores a cluster member. operationId: cluster_member_state_post parameters: - description: Cluster member state in: body name: cluster required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMemberStatePost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Evacuate or restore a cluster member tags: - cluster /1.0/cluster/members?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of cluster members (structs). operationId: cluster_members_get_recursion1 produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of cluster members items: $ref: '#/definitions/ClusterMember' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the cluster members tags: - cluster /1.0/events: get: description: Connects to the event API using websocket. operationId: events_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Event type(s), comma separated (valid types are logging, operation or lifecycle) example: logging,lifecycle in: query name: type type: string - description: Retrieve instances from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Websocket message (JSON) schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Event' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the event stream tags: - server /1.0/images: get: description: Returns a list of images (URLs). operationId: images_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve images from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/images/06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb", "/1.0/images/084dd79dd1360fd25a2479eb46674c2a5ef3022a40fe03c91ab3603e3402b8e1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the images tags: - images post: consumes: - application/json description: Adds a new image to the image store. operationId: images_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image in: body name: image schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImagesPost' - description: Raw image file in: body name: raw_image - description: Push secret for server to server communication example: RANDOM-STRING in: header name: X-Incus-secret schema: type: string - description: Expected fingerprint when pushing a raw image in: header name: X-Incus-fingerprint schema: type: string - description: Descriptive properties in: header name: X-Incus-properties schema: additionalProperties: type: string type: object - description: Whether the image is available to unauthenticated users in: header name: X-Incus-public schema: type: boolean - description: Original filename of the image in: header name: X-Incus-filename schema: type: string - description: List of profiles to use in: header name: X-Incus-profiles schema: items: type: string type: array produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add an image tags: - images /1.0/images/{fingerprint}: delete: description: Removes the image from the image store. operationId: image_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the image tags: - images get: description: Gets a specific image. operationId: image_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Image schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the image tags: - images patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the image definition. operationId: image_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image configuration in: body name: image required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImagePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the image tags: - images put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire image definition. operationId: image_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image configuration in: body name: image required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImagePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the image tags: - images /1.0/images/{fingerprint}/export: get: description: |- Download the raw image file(s) from the server. If the image is in split format, a multipart http transfer occurs. operationId: image_export_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/octet-stream - multipart/form-data responses: "200": description: Raw image data "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the raw image file(s) tags: - images post: description: Gets the server to connect to a remote server and push the image to it. operationId: images_export_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image push request in: body name: image required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageExportPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Make the server push the image to a remote server tags: - images /1.0/images/{fingerprint}/export?public: get: description: |- Download the raw image file(s) of a public image from the server. If the image is in split format, a multipart http transfer occurs. operationId: image_export_get_untrusted parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Secret token to retrieve a private image example: RANDOM-STRING in: query name: secret type: string produces: - application/octet-stream - multipart/form-data responses: "200": description: Raw image data "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the raw image file(s) tags: - images /1.0/images/{fingerprint}/refresh: post: description: |- This causes the server to check the image source server for an updated version of the image and if available to refresh the local copy with the new version. operationId: images_refresh_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Refresh an image tags: - images /1.0/images/{fingerprint}/secret: post: description: |- This generates a background operation including a secret one time key in its metadata which can be used to fetch this image from an untrusted client. operationId: images_secret_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Generate secret for retrieval of the image by an untrusted client tags: - images /1.0/images/{fingerprint}?public: get: description: Gets a specific public image. operationId: image_get_untrusted parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Secret token to retrieve a private image example: RANDOM-STRING in: query name: secret type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Image schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the public image tags: - images /1.0/images/aliases: get: description: Returns a list of image aliases (URLs). operationId: images_aliases_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/images/aliases/foo", "/1.0/images/aliases/bar1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the image aliases tags: - images post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new image alias. operationId: images_aliases_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image alias in: body name: image alias required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add an image alias tags: - images /1.0/images/aliases/{name}: delete: description: Deletes a specific image alias. operationId: image_alias_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the image alias tags: - images get: description: Gets a specific image alias. operationId: image_alias_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Image alias schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesEntry' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the image alias tags: - images patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the image alias configuration. operationId: images_alias_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image alias configuration in: body name: image alias required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesEntryPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the image alias tags: - images post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing image alias. operationId: images_alias_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image alias rename request in: body name: image alias required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesEntryPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the image alias tags: - images put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire image alias configuration. operationId: images_aliases_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image alias configuration in: body name: image alias required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesEntryPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the image alias tags: - images /1.0/images/aliases/{name}?public: get: description: |- Gets a specific public image alias. This untrusted endpoint only works for aliases pointing to public images. operationId: image_alias_get_untrusted parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Image alias schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesEntry' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the public image alias tags: - images /1.0/images/aliases?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of image aliases (structs). operationId: images_aliases_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of image aliases items: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageAliasesEntry' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the image aliases tags: - images /1.0/images?public: get: description: Returns a list of publicly available images (URLs). operationId: images_get_untrusted parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve images from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/images/06b86454720d36b20f94e31c6812e05ec51c1b568cf3a8abd273769d213394bb", "/1.0/images/084dd79dd1360fd25a2479eb46674c2a5ef3022a40fe03c91ab3603e3402b8e1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the public images tags: - images post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Pushes the data to the target image server. This is meant for server to server communication where a new image entry is prepared on the target server and the source server is provided that URL and a secret token to push the image content over. operationId: images_post_untrusted parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image in: body name: image required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImagesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add an image tags: - images /1.0/images?public&recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of publicly available images (structs). operationId: images_get_recursion1_untrusted parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve images from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of images items: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the public images tags: - images /1.0/images?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of images (structs). operationId: images_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve images from all projects example: default in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of images items: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the images tags: - images /1.0/instances: get: description: Returns a list of instances (URLs). operationId: instances_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve instances from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/instances/foo", "/1.0/instances/bar" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instances tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a new instance. Depending on the source, this can create an instance from an existing local image, remote image, existing local instance or snapshot, remote migration stream or backup file. operationId: instances_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member example: default in: query name: target type: string - description: Instance request in: body name: instance schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancesPost' - description: Raw backup file in: body name: raw_backup produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a new instance tags: - instances put: consumes: - application/json description: Changes the running state of all instances. operationId: instances_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: State in: body name: state schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancesPut' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Bulk instance state update tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}: delete: description: |- Deletes a specific instance. This also deletes anything owned by the instance such as snapshots and backups. operationId: instance_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete an instance tags: - instances get: description: Gets a specific instance (basic struct). operationId: instance_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Instance schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Instance' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instance tags: - instances patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the instance configuration operationId: instance_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Update request in: body name: instance schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the instance tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Renames, moves an instance between pools or migrates an instance to another server. The returned operation metadata will vary based on what's requested. For rename or move within the same server, this is a simple background operation with progress data. For migration, in the push case, this will similarly be a background operation with progress data, for the pull case, it will be a websocket operation with a number of secrets to be passed to the target server. operationId: instance_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Migration request in: body name: migration schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancePost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename or move/migrate an instance tags: - instances put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the instance configuration or trigger a snapshot restore. operationId: instance_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Update request in: body name: instance schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstancePut' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the instance tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/access: get: description: Gets the access information for the instance. operationId: instance_access parameters: - description: Project name in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Access schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Access' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get who has access to an instnace tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/backups: get: description: Returns a list of instance backups (URLs). operationId: instance_backups_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/instances/foo/backups/backup0", "/1.0/instances/foo/backups/backup1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the backups tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new backup. operationId: instance_backups_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Backup request in: body name: backup schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceBackupsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a backup tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/backups/{backup}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes the instance backup. operationId: instance_backup_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a backup tags: - instances get: description: Gets a specific instance backup. operationId: instance_backup_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Instance backup schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceBackup' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the backup tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an instance backup. operationId: instance_backup_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Backup rename in: body name: backup schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceBackupPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename a backup tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/backups/{backup}/export: get: description: Download the raw backup file(s) from the server. operationId: instance_backup_export parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw image data "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the raw backup file(s) tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/backups?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of instance backups (structs). operationId: instance_backups_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of instance backups items: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceBackup' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the backups tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/console: delete: description: Clears the console log buffer. operationId: instance_console_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Clear the console log tags: - instances get: description: Gets the console log for the instance. operationId: instance_console_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Raw console log "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get console log tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Connects to the console of an instance. The returned operation metadata will contain two websockets, one for data and one for control. operationId: instance_console_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Console request in: body name: console schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceConsolePost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Connect to console tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/exec: post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Executes a command inside an instance. The returned operation metadata will contain either 2 or 4 websockets. In non-interactive mode, you'll get one websocket for each of stdin, stdout and stderr. In interactive mode, a single bi-directional websocket is used for stdin and stdout/stderr. An additional "control" socket is always added on top which can be used for out of band communications. This allows sending signals and window sizing information through. operationId: instance_exec_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Exec request in: body name: exec schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceExecPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Run a command tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/files: delete: description: Removes the file. operationId: instance_files_delete parameters: - description: Path to the file example: default in: query name: path type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a file tags: - instances get: description: Gets the file content. If it's a directory, a json list of files will be returned instead. operationId: instance_files_get parameters: - description: Path to the file example: default in: query name: path type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw file or directory listing headers: X-Incus-gid: description: File owner GID X-Incus-mode: description: Mode mask X-Incus-modified: description: Last modified date X-Incus-type: description: Type of file (file, symlink or directory) X-Incus-uid: description: File owner UID "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get a file tags: - instances head: description: Gets the file or directory metadata. operationId: instance_files_head parameters: - description: Path to the file example: default in: query name: path type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string responses: "200": description: Raw file or directory listing headers: X-Incus-gid: description: File owner GID X-Incus-mode: description: Mode mask X-Incus-modified: description: Last modified date X-Incus-type: description: Type of file (file, symlink or directory) X-Incus-uid: description: File owner UID "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get metadata for a file tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/octet-stream description: Creates a new file in the instance. operationId: instance_files_post parameters: - description: Path to the file example: default in: query name: path type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Raw file content in: body name: raw_file - description: File owner UID example: 1000 in: header name: X-Incus-uid schema: type: integer - description: File owner GID example: 1000 in: header name: X-Incus-gid schema: type: integer - description: File mode example: 420 in: header name: X-Incus-mode schema: type: integer - description: Type of file (file, symlink or directory) example: file in: header name: X-Incus-type schema: type: string - description: Write mode (overwrite or append) example: overwrite in: header name: X-Incus-write schema: type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create or replace a file tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/logs: get: description: Returns a list of log files (URLs). operationId: instance_logs_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/instances/foo/logs/lxc.log" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the log files tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/logs/{filename}: delete: description: Removes the log file. operationId: instance_log_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the log file tags: - instances get: description: Gets the log file. operationId: instance_log_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw file "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the log file tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/logs/exec-output: get: description: Returns a list of exec record-output files (URLs). operationId: instance_exec-outputs_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/instances/foo/logs/exec-output/exec_d0a89537-0617-4ed6-a79b-c2e88a970965.stdout", "/1.0/instances/foo/logs/exec-output/exec_d0a89537-0617-4ed6-a79b-c2e88a970965.stderr", ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the exec record-output files tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/logs/exec-output/{filename}: delete: description: Removes the exec record-output file. operationId: instance_exec-output_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the exec record-output file tags: - instances get: description: Gets the exec-output file. operationId: instance_exec-output_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw file "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the exec-output log file tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/metadata: get: description: Gets the image metadata for the instance. operationId: instance_metadata_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Image metadata schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageMetadata' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instance image metadata tags: - instances patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the instance image metadata. operationId: instance_metadata_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image metadata in: body name: metadata required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageMetadata' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the image metadata tags: - instances put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the instance image metadata. operationId: instance_metadata_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Image metadata in: body name: metadata required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageMetadata' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the image metadata tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/metadata/templates: delete: description: Removes the template file. operationId: instance_metadata_templates_delete parameters: - description: Template name example: default in: query name: path type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a template file tags: - instances get: description: |- If no path specified, returns a list of template file names. If a path is specified, returns the file content. operationId: instance_metadata_templates_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Template name example: hostname.tpl in: query name: path type: string produces: - application/json - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw template file or file listing "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the template file names or a specific tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/octet-stream description: Creates a new image template file for the instance. operationId: instance_metadata_templates_post parameters: - description: Template name example: default in: query name: path type: string - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Raw file content in: body name: raw_file produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create or replace a template file tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/rebuild: post: consumes: - application/octet-stream description: Rebuild an instance using an alternate image or as empty. operationId: instance_rebuild_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: InstanceRebuild request in: body name: instance required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceRebuildPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rebuild an instance tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/sftp: get: description: Upgrades the request to an SFTP connection of the instance's filesystem. operationId: instance_sftp produces: - application/json - application/octet-stream responses: "101": description: Switching protocols to SFTP "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instance SFTP connection tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/snapshots: get: description: Returns a list of instance snapshots (URLs). operationId: instance_snapshots_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/instances/foo/snapshots/snap0", "/1.0/instances/foo/snapshots/snap1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the snapshots tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new snapshot. operationId: instance_snapshots_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Snapshot request in: body name: snapshot schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshotsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a snapshot tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/snapshots/{snapshot}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes the instance snapshot. operationId: instance_snapshot_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a snapshot tags: - instances get: description: Gets a specific instance snapshot. operationId: instance_snapshot_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Instance snapshot schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshot' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the snapshot tags: - instances patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the snapshot config. operationId: instance_snapshot_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Snapshot update in: body name: snapshot schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshotPut' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update snapshot tags: - instances post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Renames or migrates an instance snapshot to another server. The returned operation metadata will vary based on what's requested. For rename or move within the same server, this is a simple background operation with progress data. For migration, in the push case, this will similarly be a background operation with progress data, for the pull case, it will be a websocket operation with a number of secrets to be passed to the target server. operationId: instance_snapshot_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Snapshot migration in: body name: snapshot schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshotPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename or move/migrate a snapshot tags: - instances put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the snapshot config. operationId: instance_snapshot_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Snapshot update in: body name: snapshot schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshotPut' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update snapshot tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/snapshots?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of instance snapshots (structs). operationId: instance_snapshots_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of instance snapshots items: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceSnapshot' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the snapshots tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}/state: get: description: |- Gets the runtime state of the instance. This is a reasonably expensive call as it causes code to be run inside of the instance to retrieve the resource usage and network information. operationId: instance_state_get parameters: - description: Project name in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: State schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceState' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the runtime state tags: - instances put: consumes: - application/json description: Changes the running state of the instance. operationId: instance_state_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: State in: body name: state schema: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceStatePut' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Change the state tags: - instances /1.0/instances/{name}?recursion=1: get: description: |- Gets a specific instance (full struct). recursion=1 also includes information about state, snapshots and backups. operationId: instance_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Instance schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Instance' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instance tags: - instances /1.0/instances?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of instances (basic structs). operationId: instances_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve instances from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of instances items: $ref: '#/definitions/Instance' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instances tags: - instances /1.0/instances?recursion=2: get: description: |- Returns a list of instances (full structs). The main difference between recursion=1 and recursion=2 is that the latter also includes state and snapshot information allowing for a single API call to return everything needed by most clients. operationId: instances_get_recursion2 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string - description: Retrieve instances from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of instances items: $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceFull' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the instances tags: - instances /1.0/metadata/configuration: get: description: Returns the generated metadata configuration in YAML format. operationId: metadata_configuration_get produces: - text/plain responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: The generated metadata configuration type: string status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the metadata configuration /1.0/metrics: get: description: Gets metrics of instances. operationId: metrics_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - text/plain responses: "200": description: Metrics schema: description: Instance metrics type: string "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get metrics tags: - metrics /1.0/network-acls: get: description: Returns a list of network ACLs (URLs). operationId: network_acls_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve network ACLs from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/network-acls/foo", "/1.0/network-acls/bar" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network ACLs tags: - network-acls post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new network ACL. operationId: network_acls_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: ACL in: body name: acl required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network ACL tags: - network-acls /1.0/network-acls/{name}: delete: description: Removes the network ACL. operationId: network_acl_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network ACL tags: - network-acls get: description: Gets a specific network ACL. operationId: network_acl_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: ACL schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACL' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network ACL tags: - network-acls patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network ACL configuration. operationId: network_acl_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: ACL configuration in: body name: acl required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network ACL tags: - network-acls post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing network ACL. operationId: network_acl_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: ACL rename request in: body name: acl required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the network ACL tags: - network-acls put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network ACL configuration. operationId: network_acl_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: ACL configuration in: body name: acl required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACLPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network ACL tags: - network-acls /1.0/network-acls/{name}/log: get: description: Gets a specific network ACL log entries. operationId: network_acl_log_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw log file "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network ACL log tags: - network-acls /1.0/network-acls?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network ACLs (structs). operationId: network_acls_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve network ACLs from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network ACLs items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkACL' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network ACLs tags: - network-acls /1.0/network-allocations: get: description: Returns a list of network allocations. operationId: network_allocations_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve entities from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: properties: metadata: description: List of network allocations used by a consuming entity items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkAllocations' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network allocations in use (`network`, `network-forward` and `load-balancer` and `instance`) tags: - network-allocations /1.0/network-integrations: get: description: Returns a list of network integrations (URLs). operationId: network_integrations_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/network-integrations/region2", "/1.0/network-integrations/region3" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network integrations tags: - network-integrations post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new network integration. operationId: network_integrations_post parameters: - description: integration in: body name: integration required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkIntegrationsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network integration tags: - network-integrations /1.0/network-integrations/{integration}: delete: description: Removes the network integration. operationId: network_integration_delete produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network integration tags: - network-integrations get: description: Gets a specific network integration. operationId: network_integration_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: integration schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkIntegration' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network integration tags: - network-integrations patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network integration configuration. operationId: network_integration_patch parameters: - description: integration configuration in: body name: integration required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkIntegrationPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network integration tags: - network-integrations post: description: Renames the network integration. operationId: network_integration_post parameters: - description: integration configuration in: body name: integration required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkIntegrationPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the network integration tags: - network-integrations put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network integration configuration. operationId: network_integration_put parameters: - description: integration configuration in: body name: integration required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkIntegrationPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network integration tags: - network-integrations /1.0/network-integrations?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network integrations (structs). operationId: network_integrations_get_recursion1 produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network integrations items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkIntegration' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network integrations tags: - network-integrations /1.0/network-zones: get: description: Returns a list of network zones (URLs). operationId: network_zones_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve network zones from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/network-zones/", "/1.0/network-zones/" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network zones tags: - network-zones post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new network zone. operationId: network_zones_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: zone in: body name: zone required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZonesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network zone tags: - network-zones /1.0/network-zones/{zone}: delete: description: Removes the network zone. operationId: network_zone_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network zone tags: - network-zones get: description: Gets a specific network zone. operationId: network_zone_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: zone schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZone' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network zone tags: - network-zones patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network zone configuration. operationId: network_zone_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: zone configuration in: body name: zone required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZonePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network zone tags: - network-zones put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network zone configuration. operationId: network_zone_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: zone configuration in: body name: zone required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZonePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network zone tags: - network-zones /1.0/network-zones/{zone}/records: get: description: Returns a list of network zone records (URLs). operationId: network_zone_records_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/network-zones/", "/1.0/network-zones/" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network zone records tags: - network-zones post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new network zone record. operationId: network_zone_records_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: zone in: body name: zone required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecordsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network zone record tags: - network-zones /1.0/network-zones/{zone}/records/{name}: delete: description: Removes the network zone record. operationId: network_zone_record_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network zone record tags: - network-zones get: description: Gets a specific network zone record. operationId: network_zone_record_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: zone schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecord' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network zone record tags: - network-zones patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network zone record configuration. operationId: network_zone_record_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: zone record configuration in: body name: zone required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecordPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network zone record tags: - network-zones put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network zone record configuration. operationId: network_zone_record_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: zone record configuration in: body name: zone required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecordPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network zone record tags: - network-zones /1.0/network-zones/{zone}/records?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network zone records (structs). operationId: network_zone_records_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network zone records items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZoneRecord' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network zone records tags: - network-zones /1.0/network-zones?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network zones (structs). operationId: network_zones_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve network zones from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network zones items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkZone' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network zones tags: - network-zones /1.0/networks: get: description: Returns a list of networks (URLs). operationId: networks_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve networks from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/networks/mybr0", "/1.0/networks/mybr1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the networks tags: - networks post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a new network. When clustered, most network types require individual POST for each cluster member prior to a global POST. operationId: networks_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Network in: body name: network required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworksPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network tags: - networks /1.0/networks/{name}: delete: description: Removes the network. operationId: network_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network tags: - networks get: description: Gets a specific network. operationId: network_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Network schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network tags: - networks patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network configuration. operationId: network_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Network configuration in: body name: network required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network tags: - networks post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing network. operationId: network_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Network rename request in: body name: network required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the network tags: - networks put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network configuration. operationId: network_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Network configuration in: body name: network required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network tags: - networks /1.0/networks/{name}/leases: get: description: Returns a list of DHCP leases for the network. operationId: networks_leases_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of DHCP leases items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLease' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the DHCP leases tags: - networks /1.0/networks/{name}/state: get: description: Returns the current network state information. operationId: networks_state_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkState' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network state tags: - networks /1.0/networks/{networkName}/forwards: get: description: Returns a list of network address forwards (URLs). operationId: network_forwards_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/networks/mybr0/forwards/", "/1.0/networks/mybr0/forwards/" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network address forwards tags: - network-forwards post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new network address forward. operationId: network_forwards_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Forward in: body name: forward required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForwardsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network address forward tags: - network-forwards /1.0/networks/{networkName}/forwards/{listenAddress}: delete: description: Removes the network address forward. operationId: network_forward_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network address forward tags: - network-forwards get: description: Gets a specific network address forward. operationId: network_forward_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Address forward schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForward' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network address forward tags: - network-forwards patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network address forward configuration. operationId: network_forward_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Address forward configuration in: body name: forward required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForwardPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network address forward tags: - network-forwards put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network address forward configuration. operationId: network_forward_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Address forward configuration in: body name: forward required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForwardPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network address forward tags: - network-forwards /1.0/networks/{networkName}/forwards?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network address forwards (structs). operationId: network_forward_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network address forwards items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkForward' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network address forwards tags: - network-forwards /1.0/networks/{networkName}/load-balancers: get: description: Returns a list of network address load balancers (URLs). operationId: network_load_balancers_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/networks/mybr0/load-balancers/", "/1.0/networks/mybr0/load-balancers/" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network address of load balancers tags: - network-load-balancers post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new network load balancer. operationId: network_load_balancers_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Load Balancer in: body name: load-balancer required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancersPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network load balancer tags: - network-load-balancers /1.0/networks/{networkName}/load-balancers/{listenAddress}: delete: description: Removes the network address load balancer. operationId: network_load_balancer_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network address load balancer tags: - network-load-balancers get: description: Gets a specific network address load balancer. operationId: network_load_balancer_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Load Balancer schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancer' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network address load balancer tags: - network-load-balancers patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network address load balancer configuration. operationId: network_load_balancer_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Address load balancer configuration in: body name: load-balancer required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network address load balancer tags: - network-load-balancers put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network address load balancer configuration. operationId: network_load_balancer_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Address load balancer configuration in: body name: load-balancer required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancerPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network address load balancer tags: - network-load-balancers /1.0/networks/{networkName}/load-balancers?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network address load balancers (structs). operationId: network_load_balancer_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network address load balancers items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkLoadBalancer' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network address load balancers tags: - network-load-balancers /1.0/networks/{networkName}/peers: get: description: Returns a list of network peers (URLs). operationId: network_peers_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/networks/mybr0/peers/my-peer-1", "/1.0/networks/mybr0/peers/my-peer-2" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network peers tags: - network-peers post: consumes: - application/json description: Initiates/creates a new network peering. operationId: network_peers_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Peer in: body name: peer required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPeersPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "202": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a network peer tags: - network-peers /1.0/networks/{networkName}/peers/{peerName}: delete: description: Removes the network peering. operationId: network_peer_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the network peer tags: - network-peers get: description: Gets a specific network peering. operationId: network_peer_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Peer schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPeer' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network peer tags: - network-peers patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the network peering configuration. operationId: network_peer_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Peer configuration in: body name: Peer required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPeerPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the network peer tags: - network-peers put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire network peering configuration. operationId: network_peer_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Peer configuration in: body name: peer required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPeerPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the network peer tags: - network-peers /1.0/networks/{networkName}/peers?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of network peers (structs). operationId: network_peer_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of network peers items: $ref: '#/definitions/NetworkPeer' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the network peers tags: - network-peers /1.0/networks?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of networks (structs). operationId: networks_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve networks from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of networks items: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the networks tags: - networks /1.0/operations: get: description: Returns a JSON object of operation type to operation list (URLs). operationId: operations_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve operations from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array description: JSON object of operation types to operation URLs example: |- { "running": [ "/1.0/operations/6916c8a6-9b7d-4abd-90b3-aedfec7ec7da" ] } type: object status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the operations tags: - operations /1.0/operations/{id}: delete: description: Cancels the operation if supported. operationId: operation_delete produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Cancel the operation tags: - operations get: description: Gets the operation state. operationId: operation_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Operation schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the operation state tags: - operations /1.0/operations/{id}/wait: get: description: Waits for the operation to reach a final state (or timeout) and retrieve its final state. operationId: operation_wait_get parameters: - description: Timeout in seconds (-1 means never) example: -1 in: query name: timeout type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Operation schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Wait for the operation tags: - operations /1.0/operations/{id}/wait?public: get: description: |- Waits for the operation to reach a final state (or timeout) and retrieve its final state. When accessed by an untrusted user, the secret token must be provided. operationId: operation_wait_get_untrusted parameters: - description: Authentication token example: random-string in: query name: secret type: string - description: Timeout in seconds (-1 means never) example: -1 in: query name: timeout type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Operation schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Wait for the operation tags: - operations /1.0/operations/{id}/websocket: get: description: |- Connects to an associated websocket stream for the operation. This should almost never be done directly by a client, instead it's meant for server to server communication with the client only relaying the connection information to the servers. operationId: operation_websocket_get parameters: - description: Authentication token example: random-string in: query name: secret type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Websocket operation messages (dependent on operation) "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the websocket stream tags: - operations /1.0/operations/{id}/websocket?public: get: description: |- Connects to an associated websocket stream for the operation. This should almost never be done directly by a client, instead it's meant for server to server communication with the client only relaying the connection information to the servers. The untrusted endpoint is used by the target server to connect to the source server. Authentication is performed through the secret token. operationId: operation_websocket_get_untrusted parameters: - description: Authentication token example: random-string in: query name: secret type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Websocket operation messages (dependent on operation) "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the websocket stream tags: - operations /1.0/operations?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of operations (structs). operationId: operations_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve operations from all projects in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of operations items: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the operations tags: - operations /1.0/profiles: get: description: Returns a list of profiles (URLs). operationId: profiles_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve profiles from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/profiles/default", "/1.0/profiles/foo" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the profiles tags: - profiles post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new profile. operationId: profiles_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Profile in: body name: profile required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProfilesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a profile tags: - profiles /1.0/profiles/{name}: delete: description: Removes the profile. operationId: profile_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the profile tags: - profiles get: description: Gets a specific profile. operationId: profile_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Profile schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Profile' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the profile tags: - profiles patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the profile configuration. operationId: profile_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Profile configuration in: body name: profile required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProfilePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the profile tags: - profiles post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing profile. operationId: profile_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Profile rename request in: body name: profile required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProfilePost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the profile tags: - profiles put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire profile configuration. operationId: profile_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Profile configuration in: body name: profile required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProfilePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the profile tags: - profiles /1.0/profiles?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of profiles (structs). operationId: profiles_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve profiles from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of profiles items: $ref: '#/definitions/Profile' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the profiles tags: - profiles /1.0/projects: get: description: Returns a list of projects (URLs). operationId: projects_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/projects/default", "/1.0/projects/foo" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the projects tags: - projects post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new project. operationId: projects_post parameters: - description: Project in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a project tags: - projects /1.0/projects/{name}: delete: description: Removes the project. operationId: project_delete parameters: - description: Delete project and related artifacts in: query name: force type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the project tags: - projects get: description: Gets a specific project. operationId: project_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Project schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the project tags: - projects patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the project configuration. operationId: project_patch parameters: - description: Project configuration in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the project tags: - projects post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames an existing project. operationId: project_post parameters: - description: Project rename request in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename the project tags: - projects put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire project configuration. operationId: project_put parameters: - description: Project configuration in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the project tags: - projects /1.0/projects/{name}/access: get: description: Gets the access information for the project. operationId: project_access produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Access schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Access' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get who has access to a project tags: - projects /1.0/projects/{name}/state: get: description: Gets a specific project resource consumption information. operationId: project_state_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Project state schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectState' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the project state tags: - projects /1.0/projects?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of projects (structs). operationId: projects_get_recursion1 produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of projects items: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the projects tags: - projects /1.0/resources: get: description: Gets the hardware information profile of the server. operationId: resources_get parameters: - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Hardware resources schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Resources' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get system resources information tags: - server /1.0/storage-pools: get: description: Returns a list of storage pools (URLs). operationId: storage_pools_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/local", "/1.0/storage-pools/remote" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pools tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a new storage pool. When clustered, storage pools require individual POST for each cluster member prior to a global POST. operationId: storage_pools_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage pool in: body name: storage required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a storage pool tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{name}/buckets/{bucketName}: delete: description: Removes the storage bucket. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the storage bucket tags: - storage patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the storage bucket configuration. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage bucket configuration in: body name: storage bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the storage bucket. tags: - storage put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire storage bucket configuration. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage bucket configuration in: body name: storage bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the storage bucket tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{name}/buckets/{bucketName}/keys/{keyName}: delete: description: Removes the storage bucket key. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_key_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the storage bucket key tags: - storage put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire storage bucket key configuration. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_key_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage bucket key configuration in: body name: storage bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketKeyPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the storage bucket key tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{name}/resources: get: description: Gets the usage information for the storage pool. operationId: storage_pool_resources parameters: - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Hardware resources schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourcesStoragePool' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get storage pool resources information tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}: delete: description: Removes the storage pool. operationId: storage_pools_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the storage pool tags: - storage get: description: Gets a specific storage pool. operationId: storage_pool_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage pool schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePool' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool tags: - storage patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the storage pool configuration. operationId: storage_pool_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage pool configuration in: body name: storage pool required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the storage pool tags: - storage put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire storage pool configuration. operationId: storage_pool_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage pool configuration in: body name: storage pool required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the storage pool tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets: get: description: Returns a list of storage pool buckets (URLs). operationId: storage_pool_buckets_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve storage pool buckets from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/default/buckets/foo", "/1.0/storage-pools/default/buckets/bar", ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool buckets tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new storage pool bucket. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Bucket in: body name: bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketKey' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a storage pool bucket. tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}: get: description: Gets a specific storage pool bucket. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage pool bucket schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucket' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool bucket tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/backups: get: description: Returns a list of storage bucket backups (URLs). operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backups_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/local/buckets/foo/backups/backup0", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/buckets/foo/backups/backup1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage bucket backups tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new storage bucket backup. operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backups_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage bucket backup in: body name: bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolBucketBackupsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a storage bucket backup tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/backups/{backupName}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes a new storage bucket backup. operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backup_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a storage bucket backup tags: - storage get: description: Gets a specific storage bucket backup. operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backup_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage bucket backup schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolBucketBackup' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage bucket backup tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames a storage bucket backup. operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backup_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage bucket backup in: body name: bucket rename required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketBackupPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename a storage bucket backup tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/backups/{backupName}/export: get: description: Download the raw backup file from the server. operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backup_export_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw backup data "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the raw backup file tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/backups?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage bucket backups (structs). operationId: storage_pool_buckets_backups_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage bucket backups items: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolBucketBackup' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage bucket backups tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/keys: get: description: Returns a list of storage pool bucket keys (URLs). operationId: storage_pool_bucket_keys_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/default/buckets/foo/keys/my-read-only-key", "/1.0/storage-pools/default/buckets/bar/keys/admin", ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool bucket keys tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new storage pool bucket key. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_key_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Bucket in: body name: bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketKeysPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketKey' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a storage pool bucket key. tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/keys/{keyName}: get: description: Gets a specific storage pool bucket key. operationId: storage_pool_bucket_key_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage pool bucket key schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketKey' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool bucket key tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets/{bucketName}/keys?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage pool bucket keys (structs). operationId: storage_pool_bucket_keys_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage pool bucket keys items: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucketKey' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool bucket keys tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/buckets?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage pool buckets (structs). operationId: storage_pool_buckets_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Retrieve storage pool buckets from all projects example: true in: query name: all-projects type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage pool buckets items: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageBucket' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pool buckets tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes: get: description: Returns a list of storage volumes (URLs). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/container/a1", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/container/a2", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/backups", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/images" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volumes tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a new storage volume. Will return an empty sync response on simple volume creation but an operation on copy or migration. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume in: body name: volume required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a storage volume tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}: get: description: Returns a list of storage volumes (URLs) (type specific endpoint). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/backups", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/images" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volumes tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a new storage volume (type specific endpoint). Will return an empty sync response on simple volume creation but an operation on copy or migration. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume in: body name: volume required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumesPost' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Add a storage volume tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}: delete: description: Removes the storage volume. operationId: storage_pool_volume_type_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the storage volume tags: - storage get: description: Gets a specific storage volume. operationId: storage_pool_volume_type_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage volume schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolume' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume tags: - storage patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the storage volume configuration. operationId: storage_pool_volume_type_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume configuration in: body name: storage volume required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the storage volume tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: |- Renames, moves a storage volume between pools or migrates an instance to another server. The returned operation metadata will vary based on what's requested. For rename or move within the same server, this is a simple background operation with progress data. For migration, in the push case, this will similarly be a background operation with progress data, for the pull case, it will be a websocket operation with a number of secrets to be passed to the target server. operationId: storage_pool_volume_type_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Migration request in: body name: migration schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumePost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename or move/migrate a storage volume tags: - storage put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire storage volume configuration. operationId: storage_pool_volume_type_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume configuration in: body name: storage volume required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumePut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the storage volume tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/backups: get: description: Returns a list of storage volume backups (URLs). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backups_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/foo/backups/backup0", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/foo/backups/backup1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume backups tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new storage volume backup. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backups_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume backup in: body name: volume required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolVolumeBackupsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a storage volume backup tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/backups/{backupName}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes a new storage volume backup. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backup_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a storage volume backup tags: - storage get: description: Gets a specific storage volume backup. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backup_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage volume backup schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolVolumeBackup' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume backup tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames a storage volume backup. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backup_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume backup in: body name: volume rename required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshotPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename a storage volume backup tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/backups/{backupName}/export: get: description: Download the raw backup file from the server. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backup_export_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: Raw backup data "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the raw backup file tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/backups?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage volume backups (structs). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_backups_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage volume backups items: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePoolVolumeBackup' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume backups tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/snapshots: get: description: Returns a list of storage volume snapshots (URLs). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshots_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/foo/snapshots/snap0", "/1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/custom/foo/snapshots/snap1" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume snapshots tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new storage volume snapshot. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshots_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume snapshot in: body name: volume required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshotsPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Create a storage volume snapshot tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/snapshots/{snapshotName}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes a new storage volume snapshot. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshot_delete parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete a storage volume snapshot tags: - storage get: description: Gets a specific storage volume snapshot. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshot_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage volume snapshot schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshot' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume snapshot tags: - storage patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the storage volume snapshot configuration. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshot_patch parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume snapshot configuration in: body name: storage volume snapshot required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshotPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the storage volume snapshot tags: - storage post: consumes: - application/json description: Renames a storage volume snapshot. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshot_post parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume snapshot in: body name: volume rename required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshotPost' produces: - application/json responses: "202": $ref: '#/responses/Operation' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Rename a storage volume snapshot tags: - storage put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the entire storage volume snapshot configuration. operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshot_put parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Storage volume snapshot configuration in: body name: storage volume snapshot required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshotPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "412": $ref: '#/responses/PreconditionFailed' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the storage volume snapshot tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/snapshots?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage volume snapshots (structs). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_snapshots_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage volume snapshots items: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeSnapshot' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume snapshots tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}/{volumeName}/state: get: description: Gets a specific storage volume state (usage data). operationId: storage_pool_volume_type_state_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Storage pool schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolumeState' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volume state tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes/{type}?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage volumes (structs) (type specific endpoint). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_type_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage volumes items: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolume' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volumes tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools/{poolName}/volumes?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage volumes (structs). operationId: storage_pool_volumes_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string - description: Cluster member name example: server01 in: query name: target type: string - description: Collection filter example: default in: query name: filter type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage volumes items: $ref: '#/definitions/StorageVolume' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage volumes tags: - storage /1.0/storage-pools?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of storage pools (structs). operationId: storage_pools_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of storage pools items: $ref: '#/definitions/StoragePool' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the storage pools tags: - storage /1.0/warnings: get: description: Returns a list of warnings. operationId: warnings_get parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Sync response schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of endpoints example: |- [ "/1.0/warnings/39c61a48-cc17-40ae-8248-4f7b4cadedf4", "/1.0/warnings/951779a5-2820-4d96-b01e-88fe820e5310" ] items: type: string type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: List the warnings tags: - warnings /1.0/warnings/{uuid}: delete: description: Removes the warning. operationId: warning_delete produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Delete the warning tags: - warnings get: description: Gets a specific warning. operationId: warning_get produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Warning schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Warning' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "404": $ref: '#/responses/NotFound' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the warning tags: - warnings patch: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a subset of the warning status. operationId: warning_patch parameters: - description: Warning status in: body name: warning required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/WarningPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Partially update the warning tags: - warnings put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the warning status. operationId: warning_put parameters: - description: Warning status in: body name: warning required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/WarningPut' produces: - application/json responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EmptySyncResponse' "400": $ref: '#/responses/BadRequest' "403": $ref: '#/responses/Forbidden' "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Update the warning tags: - warnings /1.0/warnings?recursion=1: get: description: Returns a list of warnings (structs). operationId: warnings_get_recursion1 parameters: - description: Project name example: default in: query name: project type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: API endpoints schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: description: List of warnings items: $ref: '#/definitions/Warning' type: array status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the warnings tags: - warnings /1.0?public: get: description: |- Shows a small subset of the server environment and configuration which is required by untrusted clients to reach a server. The `?public` part of the URL isn't required, it's simply used to separate the two behaviors of this endpoint. operationId: server_get_untrusted produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Server environment and configuration schema: description: Sync response properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerUntrusted' status: description: Status description example: Success type: string status_code: description: Status code example: 200 type: integer type: description: Response type example: sync type: string type: object "500": $ref: '#/responses/InternalServerError' summary: Get the server environment tags: - server responses: BadRequest: description: Bad Request schema: properties: error: example: bad request type: string x-go-name: Error error_code: example: 400 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorCode type: example: error type: string x-go-name: Type type: object EmptySyncResponse: description: Empty sync response schema: properties: status: example: Success type: string x-go-name: Status status_code: example: 200 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: StatusCode type: example: sync type: string x-go-name: Type type: object Forbidden: description: Forbidden schema: properties: error: example: not authorized type: string x-go-name: Error error_code: example: 403 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorCode type: example: error type: string x-go-name: Type type: object InternalServerError: description: Internal Server Error schema: properties: error: example: internal server error type: string x-go-name: Error error_code: example: 500 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorCode type: example: error type: string x-go-name: Type type: object NotFound: description: Not found schema: properties: error: example: not found type: string x-go-name: Error error_code: example: 404 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorCode type: example: error type: string x-go-name: Type type: object Operation: description: Operation schema: properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' operation: example: /1.0/operations/66e83638-9dd7-4a26-aef2-5462814869a1 type: string x-go-name: Operation status: example: Operation created type: string x-go-name: Status status_code: example: 100 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: StatusCode type: example: async type: string x-go-name: Type type: object PreconditionFailed: description: Precondition Failed schema: properties: error: example: precondition failed type: string x-go-name: Error error_code: example: 412 format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ErrorCode type: example: error type: string x-go-name: Type type: object swagger: "2.0"