# TracRPC Trac RPC package for [Sublime Text 3](https://www.sublimetext.com/3) Sublime Text Trac-Plugin to interface with an existing [trac](http://trac.edgewall.org/) project. ## Preconditions Besides using the Sublime Text 3 editor, you will need to install the [Trac XML-RPC](https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/XmlRpcPlugin) plugin to your trac instance. Installation instructions can be found on the plugins website. Furthermore, the user you are using to connect to Trac might need to have the `XML_RPC` permission. ## Installation ### Package Control Since this package has officially been accepted, it is available via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). ### Manual Installation For bleeding-edge dev-versions, you can directly clone this github repository. To install this dev-preview, follow these steps: - Clone the git repository into your Sublime Text Package directory as a whole ``` git clone https://github.com/lyrixderaven/TracRPC.git ``` ## Settings The package requires some settings to work, specifically setting url and authentication credentials for your Trac Environment: - Edit your project settings file to include the settings for your trac instance ``` "settings": { "trac_user": "me@myhost.com", "trac_pw": "my_super_secret_pw", "trac_url": "https://myhost.com/mytrac", } ``` Mind that the URL to your trac instance does not need a trailing slash or the `/rpc` postfix; the plugin takes care of that by itself. Sublime Text should automatically update and include the package; you can check the presence of the package by looking at the settings, which should contain a new entry for TracRPC at `Preferences>Package Settings>TracRPC` ## Usage Currently, the following commands are implemented: 1. List my tickets (owned) (⌘+t, ⌘+t) 2. List all my tickets (owned, reported, cc) ((⌘+t, ⌘+a) 3. Insert `[refs #1]` references statement for commit messages (⌘+t, ⌘+r) 4. Add comment to ticket (⌘+t, ⌘+y)