# Cocos-Creator-Snippet Cocos-Creator-Snippet is a snippet for the game engine cocos creator. ![new_file](https://github.com/lyzz0612/Cocos-Creator-Snippet/raw/master/docs/new_file.gif) ![coding](https://github.com/lyzz0612/Cocos-Creator-Snippet/raw/master/docs/coding.gif) 1. The snippets of Creator is generated according to the file ```creator.d.ts``` in a creator project. Current creator version is 1.3.0 2. When you save a js file in sublime, the plugin will analyse its structure and convert functions and variables to snippet. the new snippets is saved in ```packageFolder/User/QuickXJs.cache/``` 3. right click on the left folder, and choose ```Rebuild js User Definition```, the plugin will analyse all js file in this folder and create snippets. 4. `generate_creator_snippet.py` is the script to generate snippet, if you use different creator version, you can generate snippet yourself. 5. This plugin is refer to [QuickXDev](https://github.com/leitwolf/QuickXDev). 6. Any questions or suggestions contact ```lyzz0612@foxmail.com```