# ==== DATA =================================================================== response info: file: assets/_data/count-data.csv state variable: response column: - y_sim description: - Simulated count data sampling method: plot sample id column(s): - plot site location info: file: assets/_data/sample-locs.csv coordinate columns: - x_coord - y_coord covariate info: file: assets/_data/sample-covariates.csv # event date info: # TODO: describe. Only use when covariates are time-varying! # date-time column: event_year # date-time format: Y! # ==== MODEL ================================================================== # Likelihood. For counts, one or both of: poisson, negative-binomial. likelihood: - poisson - negative-binomial # Deterministic model for the mean. For counts, one of: exponential, linear, # or monomolecular. deterministic model: # - linear - exponential # - monomolecular # Group-level effects structure. One of: b0, b0-b1. group-level effects: - b0 # - b0-b1 # Variance structure (these *have* to be colnames, not descriptions). variances: stratum-level fixed: level: stratum type: fixed response column(s): - y_sim # site-level hierarchical: # level: site # type: hier # response column(s): # - y_sim # Covariates. additional covariates: - w1 # Initial values (one of: 'auto', 'default', or 'inherited') initial values: default