# Font Size Per View A Sublime Text plugin to support adjusting the font size in each view individually (the default font size commands adjust it globally across all views).

FontSizePerView plugin demo showing different font sizes between a couple of views

## Installation ### Package Control 1. Open the command palette in Sublime Text (ctrl+shift+p by default). 1. Search for `Package Control: Install Package` and hit enter to execute the command. 1. Search for`Font Size Per View` in the list of displayed packages, then hit enter once it is focused to install the plugin. The plugin will now be installed. [View package control page](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Font%20Size%20Per%20View) ### Manual #### Linux/Windows Clone this repository into `~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/` named as `Font Size Per View`. For example: ```console $ git clone https://github.com/m-bartlett/SublimeFontSizePerView "~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/Font Size Per View" ``` #### MacOS Clone this repository into `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/` named as `Font Size Per View`. For example: ```console $ git clone https://github.com/m-bartlett/SublimeFontSizePerView "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/Font Size Per View" ``` ## Usage ### Command Palette Using the command palette, query for any of these commands: - `Font Size Per View: Increase View Font Size` - `Font Size Per View: Decrease View Font Size` - `Font Size Per View: Reset View Font Size` **Note**: the `Reset View Font Size` command reads the `font_size` setting in your global user settings in `~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings` to determine what font size to reset the view to. ### Default Keybinds **Note**: These keybinds are commented out initially. To access a view to quickly edit your keybinding settings, click the context menu option `Preferences` > `Package Settings` > `Font Size Per View` > `Key Bindings`. - `ctrl+alt+=` will call `adjust_font_size_per_view` with args `{"delta": 1}` which increases the active view's font size by 1 pt. - `ctrl+alt+-` will call `adjust_font_size_per_view` with args `{"delta": -1}` which decreases the active view's font size by 1 pt. - `ctrl+alt+0` will call `adjust_font_size_per_view` with args `{}` which resets the font size of the view back to the global `font_size` setting's value.