openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: geodatacube API version: 1.0.0-beta description: |- The geodatacube API specification for interoperable cloud-based processing of large Earth observation datacubes. **Conformance class**: `https://api.geodatacube.example/1.0.0-beta` # API Principles ## Language In the specification the key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119]( and [RFC 8174]( ## Casing Unless otherwise stated the API works **case sensitive**. All names SHOULD be written in snake case, i.e. words are separated with one underscore character (`_`) and no spaces, with all letters lower-cased. Example: `hello_world`. This applies particularly to endpoints and JSON property names. HTTP header fields are generally case-insensitive according to [RFC 7230]( and in the specification we follow their respective casing conventions, e.g. `Content-Type` or `GDC-Identifier`, for better readability and consistency. ## HTTP / REST This uses [HTTP REST]( [Level 2]( for communication between client and back-end server. Public APIs MUST be available via HTTPS only. Endpoints are made use meaningful HTTP verbs (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) whenever technically possible. If there is a need to transfer big chunks of data for a GET requests to the back-end, POST requests MAY be used as a replacement as they support to send data via request body. Unless otherwise stated, PATCH requests are only defined to work on direct (first-level) children of the full JSON object. Therefore, changing a property on a deeper level of the full JSON object always requires to send the whole JSON object defined by the first-level property. Naming of endpoints follow the REST principles. Therefore, endpoints are centered around resources. Resource identifiers MUST be named with a noun in plural form except for single actions that can not be modelled with the regular HTTP verbs. Single actions MUST be single endpoints with a single HTTP verb (POST is RECOMMENDED) and no other endpoints beneath it. The API makes use of [HTTP Content Negotiation](, including, but not limited to, the request headers `Accept`, `Accept-Charset` and `Accept-Language`. ### JSON The API uses JSON for request and response bodies whenever feasible. Services use JSON as the default encoding. Other encodings can be requested using HTTP Content Negotiation ([`Accept` header]( Clients and servers MUST NOT rely on the order in which properties appear in JSON. To keep the response size small, lists of resources (e.g. the list of batch jobs) usually should not include nested JSON objects, if this information can be requested from the individual resource endpoints (e.g. the metadata for a single batch job). ### Charset Services use [UTF-8]( as the default charset if not negotiated otherwise with HTTP Content Negotiation ([`Accept-Charset` header]( ## Web Linking The API is designed in a way that to most entities (e.g. collections and processes) a set of links can be added. These can be alternate representations, e.g. data discovery via OGC WCS or OGC CSW, references to a license, references to actual raw data for downloading, detailed information about pre-processing and more. Clients should allow users to follow the links. Whenever links are utilized in the API, the description explains which relation (`rel` property) types are commonly used. A [list of standardized link relations types is provided by IANA]( and the API tries to align whenever feasible. Some very common relation types - usually not mentioned explicitly in the description of `links` fields - are: 1. `self`: which allows link to the location that the resource can be (permanently) found online.This is particularly useful when the data is data is made available offline, so that the downstream user knows where the data has come from. 2. `alternate`: An alternative representation of the resource, may it be another metadata standard the data is available in or simply a human-readable version in HTML or PDF. 3. `about`: A resource that is related or further explains the resource, e.g. a user guide. 4. `canonical`: This relation type usually points to a publicly accessible and more long-lived URL for a resource that otherwise often requires (Bearer) authentication with a short-lived token. This way the the exposed resources can be used by clients without additional authentication steps. For example, a shared user-defined process or batch job results could be exposed via a canonical link. If a URL should be publicly available to everyone, it can simply a user-specific URL, e.g. `https://geodatacube.example/processes/john_doe/ndvi`. For resources that should only be accessible to a certain group of user, a signed URL could be given, e.g. `https://geodatacube.example/processes/81zjh1tc2pt52gbx/ndvi`. Generally, it is RECOMMENDED to add descriptive titles (propertty `title`) and media type information (propertty `type`) for a better user experience. ## Error Handling The success of requests MUST be indicated using [HTTP status codes]( according to [RFC 7231]( If the API responds with a status code between 100 and 399 the back-end indicates that the request has been handled successfully. In general an error is communicated with a status code between 400 and 599. Client errors are defined as a client passing invalid data to the service and the service *correctly* rejecting that data. Examples include invalid credentials, incorrect parameters, unknown versions, or similar. These are generally "4xx" HTTP error codes and are the result of a client passing incorrect or invalid data. Client errors do *not* contribute to overall API availability. Server errors are defined as the server failing to correctly return in response to a valid client request. These are generally "5xx" HTTP error codes. Server errors *do* contribute to the overall API availability. Calls that fail due to rate limiting or quota failures MUST NOT count as server errors. ### JSON error object A JSON error object SHOULD be sent with all responses that have a status code between 400 and 599. ``` json { "id": "936DA01F-9ABD-4D9D-80C7-02AF85C822A8", "code": "SampleError", "message": "A sample error message.", "url": "https://geodatacube.example/docs/errors/SampleError" } ``` Sending `code` and `message` is REQUIRED. * A back-end MAY add a free-form `id` (unique identifier) to the error response to be able to log and track errors with further non-disclosable details. * The `code` is proprietary textual error code. * The `message` explains the reason the server is rejecting the request. For "4xx" error codes the message explains how the client needs to modify the request. By default the message MUST be sent in English language. Content Negotiation is used to localize the error messages: If an `Accept-Language` header is sent by the client and a translation is available, the message should be translated accordingly and the `Content-Language` header must be present in the response. See "[How to localize your API](" for more information. * `url` is an OPTIONAL attribute and contains a link to a resource that is explaining the error and potential solutions in-depth. ### Standardized status codes The API usually uses the following HTTP status codes for successful requests: - **200 OK**: Indicates a successful request **with** a response body being sent. - **201 Created** Indicates a successful request that successfully created a new resource. Sends a `Location` header to the newly created resource **without** a response body. - **202 Accepted** Indicates a successful request that successfully queued the creation of a new resource, but it has not been created yet. The response is sent **without** a response body. - **204 No Content**: Indicates a successful request **without** a response body being sent. The API has some commonly used HTTP status codes for failed requests: - **400 Bad Request**: The back-end responds with this error code whenever the error has its origin on client side and no other HTTP status code in the 400 range is suitable. - **401 Unauthorized**: The client did not provide any authentication details for a resource requiring authentication or the provided authentication details are not correct. - **403 Forbidden**: The client did provided correct authentication details, but the privileges/permissions of the provided credentials do not allow to request the resource. - **404 Not Found**: The resource specified by the path does not exist, i.e. one of the resources belonging to the specified identifiers are not available at the back-end. *Note:* Unsupported endpoints MAY also return HTTP status code 501. - **500 Internal Server Error**: The error has its origin on server side and no other status code in the 500 range is suitable. - **501 Not Implemented**: The requested endpoint is part of the API specification, but is not implemented (yet) by the back-end. *Note:* Unsupported endpoints MAY also return HTTP status code 404. If a HTTP status code in the 400 range is returned, the client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. For HTTP status code in the 500 range, the client MAY repeat the same request later. All HTTP status codes defined in RFC 7231 in the 400 and 500 ranges can be used as error code in addition to the most used status codes mentioned here. Responding with error codes 400 and 500 SHOULD be avoided in favor of any more specific standardized or proprietary error code. ## Temporal data Date, time, intervals and durations are formatted based on ISO 8601 or its profile [RFC 3339]( whenever there is an appropriate encoding available in the standard. All temporal data are specified based on the Gregorian calendar. # Authentication The API offers one forms of authentication by default: * Basic at `GET /credentials/basic` * OpenID Connect at `GET /credentials/oidc` After authentication with any of the methods listed above, the tokens obtained during the authentication workflows can be sent to protected endpoints in subsequent requests. Further authentication methods MAY be added by back-ends. **Note:** Although it is possible to request several public endpoints for capabilities and discovery that don't require authorization, it is RECOMMENDED that clients (re-)request the public endpoints that support Bearer authentication with the Bearer token once available to also retrieve any private data that is made available specifically for the authenticated user. This may require that clients clear any cached data they retrieved from public endpoints before. # Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) > Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows restricted resources [...] on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the first resource was served. [...] > CORS defines a way in which a browser and server can interact to determine whether or not it is safe to allow the cross-origin request. It allows for more freedom and functionality than purely same-origin requests, but is more secure than simply allowing all cross-origin requests. Source: []( Geodatacube-API-based back-ends are usually hosted on a different domain / host than the client that is requesting data from the back-end. Therefore most requests to the back-end are blocked by all modern browsers. This leads to the problem that the JavaScript library and any browser-based application can't access back-ends. Therefore, all back-end providers SHOULD support CORS to enable browser-based applications to access back-ends. [CORS is a recommendation of the W3C organization]( The following chapters will explain how back-end providers can implement CORS support. **Tip**: Most servers can send the required headers and the responses to the OPTIONS requests automatically for all endpoints. Otherwise you may also use a proxy server to add the headers and OPTIONS responses. ## CORS headers The following headers MUST be included with every response: | Name | Description | Example | | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | | Access-Control-Allow-Origin | Allowed origin for the request, including protocol, host and port or `*` for all origins. It is RECOMMENDED to return the value `*` to allow requests from browser-based implementations. | `*` | | Access-Control-Expose-Headers | Some endpoints require to send additional HTTP response headers such as `GDC-Identifier` and `Location`. To make these headers available to browser-based clients, they MUST be white-listed with this CORS header. The following HTTP headers are white-listed by browsers and MUST NOT be included: `Cache-Control`, `Content-Language`, `Content-Length`, `Content-Type`, `Expires`, `Last-Modified` and `Pragma`. At least the following headers MUST be listed in this version of the API: `Link`, `Location`, and `GDC-Identifier`. | `Link, Location, GDC-Identifier` | ### Example request and response Request: ```http POST /api/v1/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: geodatacube.example Origin: https://company.example:8080 Authorization: Bearer basic//ZXhhbXBsZTpleGFtcGxl ``` Response: ```http HTTP/1.1 201 Created Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, GDC-Identifier, Link Content-Type: application/json Location: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/jobs/abc123 GDC-Identifier: abc123 ``` ## OPTIONS method All endpoints must respond to the `OPTIONS` HTTP method. This is a response for the preflight requests made by web browsers before sending the actual request (e.g. `POST /jobs`). It needs to respond with a status code of `204` and no response body. **In addition** to the HTTP headers shown in the table above, the following HTTP headers MUST be included with every response to an `OPTIONS` request: | Name | Description | Example | | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | | Access-Control-Allow-Headers | Comma-separated list of HTTP headers allowed to be sent with the actual (non-preflight) request. MUST contain at least `Authorization` if any kind of authorization is implemented by the back-end. | `Authorization, Content-Type` | | Access-Control-Allow-Methods | Comma-separated list of HTTP methods allowed to be requested. Back-ends MUST list all implemented HTTP methods for the endpoint. | `OPTIONS, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE` | | Content-Type | SHOULD return the content type delivered by the request that the permission is requested for. | `application/json` | ### Example request and response Request: ```http OPTIONS /api/v1/jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: geodatacube.example Origin: https://company.example:8080 Access-Control-Request-Method: POST Access-Control-Request-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type ``` Note that the `Access-Control-Request-*` headers are automatically attached to the requests by the browsers. Response: ```http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, GDC-Identifier, Link Content-Type: application/json ``` contact: name: OGC Testbed 19 url: '' email: license: name: Apache 2.0 url: '' tags: - name: Capabilities description: General information about the API implementation and other supported capabilities at the back-end. - name: Account Management description: |- The following endpoints handle authentication and basic user profiles. See also [Authentication](#section/Authentication). In general, the API only defines a minimum subset of account management. It allows to [authenticate and authorize]( a user, which may include [user registration with OpenID Connect](, For accounting, quota handling and similar functionality you can explore the openEO API. Therefore, the API leaves some aspects open that have to be handled by the back-ends separately, including * credentials recovery, e.g. retrieving a forgotten password * user data management, e.g. changing the users payment details or email address * payments, i.e. topping up credits for pre-paid services or paying for post-paid services * accounting related tasks, e.g. processing costs and creating invoices, * user registration (except for [user registration with OpenID Connect]( - name: Data Discovery / Access description: |- These endpoints allow to list the collections that are available at the back-end and can be used as data cubes for data processing. It builds on top of: - OGC API - Coverages - Part 1 - STAC API (incl. STAC Data Cube extension) - name: OGC API - Coverages description: Data access through OGC API - Coverages - Part 1 (v0.0.2) - name: OGC API - Features / STAC API description: >- **OPTIONAL.** Data access through OGC API - Features - Part 1 (v1.0.0) and STAC API (v1.0.0) - name: Process Discovery description: |- **OPTIONAL.** These endpoints allow to list the predefined processes that are available at the back-end. To list user-defined processes see 'openEO - User-Defined Processes'. - name: OGC API - Processes description: >- **OPTIONAL.** Data processing through OGC API - Processes - Part 1 (v1.0.0) - name: openEO description: >- **OPTIONAL.** Data processing through openEO (v1.2.0) - name: openEO - User-Defined Processes description: >- **OPTIONAL.** These endpoints allow to store and manage user-defined processes with their process graphs at the back-end. - name: openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) description: >- **OPTIONAL.** On-demand access to data using other web service protocols (e.g., OGC API - Tiles / Maps). servers: - url: 'https://geodatacube.example/api' description: >- The URL of the API MAY freely be chosen by the back-end providers. Nevertheless, all servers MUST support HTTPS as the authentication methods are not secure with HTTP only! paths: /: get: summary: Information about the back-end operationId: capabilities description: >- Lists general information about the back-end, including which version and endpoints of the geodatacube API are supported. May also include billing information. tags: - Capabilities security: - {} responses: '200': description: |- Information about the API version and supported endpoints / features. This endpoint MUST always be available for the API to be valid. content: application/json: schema: title: Capabilities type: object required: - id - title - description - gdc_version - endpoints - links properties: gdc_version: type: string description: >- Version number of the geodatacube API specification this back-end implements. enum: - 1.0.0-beta backend_version: type: string description: >- Version number of the back-end implementation. Every change on back-end side MUST cause a change of the version number. example: 1.1.2 stac_version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_version' api_version: type: string description: >- If the openEO API is implemented: Version number of the openEO API specification this back-end implements. example: 1.2.0 type: type: string enum: - Catalog description: >- For STAC versions >= 1.0.0-rc.1 this field is required. example: Catalog id: type: string description: >- Identifier for the service. This field originates from STAC and is used as unique identifier for the STAC catalog available at `/collections`. example: cool-eo-cloud title: type: string description: The name of the service. example: Example Cloud Corp. description: type: string format: commonmark description: >- A description of the service, which allows the service provider to introduce the user to its service. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. example: |- This service is provided to you by [Example Cloud Corp.](https://cloud.example). It implements the full geodatacube API and allows to process a range of 999 EO data sets, including * Sentinel 1/2/3 and 5 * Landsat 7/8 A free plan is available to test the service. For further information please contact our customer service at [support@cloud.example](mailto:support@cloud.example). conformsTo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conformsTo' endpoints: type: array description: >- Lists all supported endpoints. Supported are all endpoints, which are implemented, return usually a 2XX or 3XX HTTP status code and are fully compatible to the API specification. An entry for this endpoint (path `/` with method `GET`) SHOULD NOT be listed. Each path MUST only be listed once in the array. items: title: Endpoint type: object required: - path - methods properties: path: description: >- Path to the endpoint, relative to the URL of this endpoint. In general the paths MUST follow the paths specified in the openAPI specification as closely as possible. Therefore, paths MUST be prepended with a leading slash, but MUST NOT contain a trailing slash. Variables in the paths MUST be placed in curly braces and follow the parameter names in the openAPI specification, e.g. `{job_id}`. type: string methods: description: >- Supported HTTP verbs in uppercase. It is OPTIONAL to list `OPTIONS` as method (see the [CORS section](#section/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing-(CORS))). type: array items: type: string enum: - GET - POST - PATCH - PUT - DELETE - OPTIONS example: - path: /collections methods: - GET - path: '/collections/{collection_id}' methods: - GET - path: /processes methods: - GET - path: /jobs methods: - GET - POST - path: '/jobs/{job_id}' methods: - GET - DELETE - PATCH links: description: |- Links related to this service, e.g. the homepage of the service provider or the terms of service. 1. `terms-of-service` (optional): A link to the terms of service. If a back-end provides a link to the terms of service, the clients MUST provide a way to read the terms of service and only connect to the back-end after the user agreed to them. The user interface MUST be designed in a way that the terms of service are not agreed to by default, i.e. the user MUST explicitly agree to them. 2. `privacy-policy` (optional): A link to the privacy policy (GDPR). If a back-end provides a link to a privacy policy, the clients MUST provide a way to read the privacy policy and only connect to the back-end after the user agreed to them. The user interface MUST be designed in a way that the privacy policy is not agreed to by default, i.e. the user MUST explicitly agree to them. 3. `service-desc` (required) and `service-doc` (optional): A link to the API definition. Use `service-desc` for machine-readable API definition and `service-doc` for human-readable API definition. 4. `` (required): A link to the Conformance declaration (see `/conformance`). 5. `data` (required): A link to the collections (see `/collections`). 6. `create-form` (optional): A link to a user registration page. 7. `recovery-form` (optional): A link to a page where a user can recover a user account (e.g. to reset the password or send a reminder about the username to the user's email account). For additional relation types see also the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: - href: 'https://cloud.example' rel: about type: text/html title: Homepage of the service provider - href: 'https://cloud.example/tos' rel: terms-of-service type: text/html title: Terms of Service - href: 'https://cloud.example/privacy' rel: privacy-policy type: text/html title: Privacy Policy - href: 'https://cloud.example/register' rel: create-form type: text/html title: User Registration - href: 'https://cloud.example/lost-password' rel: recovery-form type: text/html title: Reset Password - href: 'https://cloud.example/api/v1/conformance' rel: type: application/json title: OGC Conformance Classes - href: 'https://cloud.example/api/v1/openapi.json' rel: service-desc type: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0 title: OpenAPI 3.0 description of the API - href: 'https://cloud.example/api/v1/collections' rel: data type: application/json title: List of Datasets 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /file_formats: get: summary: Supported file formats operationId: list-file-types description: |- Lists supported input and output file formats. *Input* file formats specify which file a back-end can *read* from. *Output* file formats specify which file a back-end can *write* to. The response to this request is an object listing all available input and output file formats separately with their parameters and additional data. This endpoint does not include the supported secondary web services. **Note**: Format names and parameters MUST be fully aligned with the GDAL codes if available, see [GDAL Raster Formats]( and [OGR Vector Formats]( It is OPTIONAL to support all output format parameters supported by GDAL. Some file formats not available through GDAL may be defined centrally for the geodatacube. Custom file formats or parameters MAY be defined. The format descriptions must describe how the file formats relate to data cubes. Input file formats must describe how the files have to be structured to be transformed into data cubes. Output file formats must describe how the data cubes are stored at the back-end and how the resulting file structure looks like. Back-ends MUST NOT support aliases, for example it is not allowed to support `geotiff` instead of `gtiff`. Nevertheless, geodatacube clients MAY translate user input input for convenience (e.g. translate `geotiff` to `gtiff`). Also, for a better user experience the back-end can specify a `title`. Format names MUST be accepted in a *case insensitive* manner throughout the API. tags: - openEO security: - {} - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: >- An object with containing all input and output format separately. For each property `input` and `output` an object is defined where the file format names are the property keys and the property values are objects that define a title, supported parameters and related links. content: application/json: schema: title: File Formats type: object required: - input - output properties: input: title: Input File Formats type: object description: >- Map of supported input file formats, i.e. file formats a back-end can **read** from. The property keys are the file format names that are used by clients and users, for example in process graphs. additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/file_format' output: title: Output File Formats type: object description: >- Map of supported output file formats, i.e. file formats a back-end can **write** to. The property keys are the file format names that are used by clients and users, for example in process graphs. additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/file_format' example: output: GTiff: title: GeoTiff description: Export to GeoTiff. Doesn't support cloud-optimized GeoTiffs (COGs) yet. gis_data_types: - raster parameters: tiled: type: boolean description: >- This option can be used to force creation of tiled TIFF files [true]. By default [false] stripped TIFF files are created. default: false compress: type: string description: Set the compression to use. default: NONE enum: - JPEG - LZW - DEFLATE - NONE jpeg_quality: type: integer description: Set the JPEG quality when using JPEG. minimum: 1 maximum: 100 default: 75 links: - href: '' rel: about title: GDAL on the GeoTiff file format and storage options GPKG: title: OGC GeoPackage gis_data_types: - raster - vector parameters: version: type: string description: >- Set GeoPackage version. In AUTO mode, this will be equivalent to 1.2 starting with GDAL 2.3. enum: - auto - '1' - '1.1' - '1.2' default: auto links: - href: '' rel: about title: GDAL on GeoPackage for raster data - href: '' rel: about title: GDAL on GeoPackage for vector data input: GPKG: title: OGC GeoPackage gis_data_types: - raster - vector parameters: table: type: string description: >- **RASTER ONLY.** Name of the table containing the tiles. If the GeoPackage dataset only contains one table, this option is not necessary. Otherwise, it is required. links: - href: '' rel: about title: GDAL on GeoPackage for raster data - href: '' rel: about title: GDAL on GeoPackage for vector data 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /conformance: get: summary: Conformance classes this API implements operationId: conformance description: |- Lists all conformance classes specified in various standards that the implementation conforms to. Conformance classes are commonly used in all OGC APIs and the STAC API specification. The conformance classes listed at this endpoint and listed in the corresponding `conformsTo` property in `GET /` MUST be equal. More details: - [STAC API](, especially the conformance class "STAC API - Collections" - [OGC APIs]( tags: - Capabilities responses: '200': description: The URIs of all conformance classes supported by the server. content: application/json: schema: title: OGC Conformance Classes type: object required: - conformsTo properties: conformsTo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conformsTo' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /collections: get: summary: Basic metadata for all datasets operationId: list-collections description: |- Lists available collections with at least the required information. It is **strongly RECOMMENDED** to keep the response size small by omitting larger optional values from the objects in `collections` (e.g. the STAC `summaries` and `cube:dimensions` properties). To get the full metadata for a collection clients MUST request `GET /collections/{collection_id}`. Note: Although it is possible to request public collections without authorization, it is RECOMMENDED that clients (re-)request the collections with the Bearer token once available to also retrieve any private collections. **NOTE:** This endpoint may return collections from STAC API / openEO API and OGC API - Coverages. Distinguish them via the `stac_version` property which is always present for STAC API / openEO API, but not for OGC API - Coverages. tags: - Data Discovery / Access security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': description: Lists of collections and related links. content: application/json: schema: title: Collections type: object required: - collections - links properties: collections: type: array items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' anyOf: - title: Coverage Collection - $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_collection' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links_pagination' example: collections: - stac_version: 1.0.0 type: Collection id: Sentinel-2A title: Sentinel-2A MSI L1C description: >- Sentinel-2A is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral imaging mission supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas. license: proprietary extent: spatial: bbox: - - -180 - -56 - 180 - 83 temporal: interval: - - '2015-06-23T00:00:00Z' - '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z' keywords: - copernicus - esa - msi - sentinel providers: - name: European Space Agency (ESA) roles: - producer - licensor url: >- - name: Google Earth Engine roles: - host url: >- links: - rel: license href: >- - stac_version: 1.0.0 type: Collection id: MOD09Q1 title: >- MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid V006 description: >- The MOD09Q1 Version 6 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance of Terra MODIS Bands 1-2 corrected for atmospheric conditions such as gasses, aerosols, and Rayleigh scattering. Provided along with the two 250 m MODIS bands is one additional layer, the Surface Reflectance QC 250 m band. For each pixel, a value is selected from all the acquisitions within the 8-day composite period. The criteria for the pixel choice include cloud and solar zenith. When several acquisitions meet the criteria the pixel with the minimum channel 3 (blue) value is used. Validation at stage 3 has been achieved for all MODIS Surface Reflectance products. license: proprietary extent: spatial: bbox: - - -180 - -90 - 180 - 90 temporal: interval: - - '2000-02-01T00:00:00Z' - null links: - rel: license href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/MOD09Q1/license' links: - rel: alternate href: 'https://geodatacube.example/csw' title: OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' '/collections/{collection_id}': get: summary: Full metadata for a specific dataset operationId: describe-collection description: |- Lists **all** information about a specific collection specified by the identifier `collection_id`. Note: Providing the Bearer token is REQUIRED for private collections. **NOTE:** This endpoint may return collections from STAC API / openEO API and OGC API - Coverages. Distinguish them via the `stac_version` property which is always present for STAC API / openEO API, but not for OGC API - Coverages. tags: - Data Discovery / Access security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collection_id' responses: '200': description: JSON object with the full collection metadata. content: application/json: schema: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' anyOf: - title: Coverage Collection - required: - 'cube:dimensions' - summaries allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_collection' example: stac_version: 1.0.0 stac_extensions: - type: Collection id: Sentinel-2 title: Sentinel-2 MSI L2A description: >- Sentinel-2A is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral imaging mission supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies. license: proprietary keywords: - copernicus - esa - msi - sentinel providers: - name: European Space Agency (ESA) roles: - producer - licensor url: >- - name: Google roles: - host url: >- extent: spatial: bbox: - - -180 - -56 - 180 - 83 temporal: interval: - - '2015-06-23T00:00:00Z' - null links: - rel: license href: type: application/pdf - rel: href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/Sentinel-2A/queryables type: application/schema+json - rel: about href: type: text/html title: ESA Sentinel-2 MSI Level-1C User Guide - rel: example href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/Sentinel-2/examples/true-color.json' type: application/json title: Example Process for True-Color Visualization - rel: example href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/Sentinel-2/examples/ndvi.json' type: application/json title: Example Process for NDVI Calculation and Visualization 'cube:dimensions': x: type: spatial axis: x extent: - -180 - 180 reference_system: 4326 y: type: spatial axis: 'y' extent: - -56 - 83 reference_system: 4326 t: type: temporal extent: - '2015-06-23T00:00:00Z' - null step: null bands: type: bands values: - B1 - B2 - B3 - B4 - B5 - B6 - B7 - B8 - B8A - B9 - B10 - B11 - B12 summaries: 'constellation': - Sentinel-2 'platform': - Sentinel-2A - Sentinel-2B 'instruments': - MSI 'eo:cloud_cover': minimum: 0 maximum: 75 'sat:orbit_state': - ascending - descending 'gsd': - 10 - 20 - 60 'eo:bands': - name: B1 common_name: coastal center_wavelength: 0.4439 gsd: 60 - name: B2 common_name: blue center_wavelength: 0.4966 gsd: 10 - name: B3 common_name: green center_wavelength: 0.56 gsd: 10 - name: B4 common_name: red center_wavelength: 0.6645 gsd: 10 - name: B5 center_wavelength: 0.7039 gsd: 20 - name: B6 center_wavelength: 0.7402 gsd: 20 - name: B7 center_wavelength: 0.7825 gsd: 20 - name: B8 common_name: nir center_wavelength: 0.8351 gsd: 10 - name: B8A common_name: nir08 center_wavelength: 0.8648 gsd: 20 - name: B9 common_name: nir09 center_wavelength: 0.945 gsd: 60 - name: B10 common_name: cirrus center_wavelength: 1.3735 gsd: 60 - name: B11 common_name: swir16 center_wavelength: 1.6137 gsd: 20 - name: B12 common_name: swir22 center_wavelength: 2.2024 gsd: 20 'proj:epsg': minimum: 32601 maximum: 32660 assets: thumbnail: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/Sentinel-2/thumbnail.png' type: image/png title: Preview roles: - thumbnail inspire: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/Sentinel-2/inspire.xml' type: application/xml title: INSPIRE metadata description: INSPIRE compliant XML metadata roles: - metadata 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' '/collections/{collection_id}/queryables': get: summary: Metadata filters for a specific dataset operationId: list-collection-queryables description: |- Lists **all** supported metadata filters (also called "queryables") for a specific collection. This endpoint is compatible with endpoint defined in the STAC API extension [`filter`]( and [OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering]( For a precise definition please follow those specifications. This endpoints provides a JSON Schema for each queryable that geodatacube users can use in multiple scenarios: 1. For loading data from the collection, e.g. in the process `load_collection`. 2. For filtering items using CQL2 on the `/collections/{collection_id}/items` endpoint. Note: Providing the Bearer token is REQUIRED for private collections. tags: - Data Discovery / Access - OGC API - Features / STAC API security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collection_id' responses: '200': description: |- A JSON Schema defining the queryables. It is RECOMMENDED to dereference all "$refs". content: application/schema+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' example: $schema: $id: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/collections/Sentinel-2A/queryables type: object title: Sentinel 2A properties: 'eo:cloud_cover': title: Cloud Cover type: number minimum: 0 maximum: 100 platform: title: Platform description: The satellite platform. type: string enum: - sentinel-2a - sentinel-2b additionalProperties: false 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' "/collections/{collection_id}/items": get: tags: - OGC API - Features / STAC API summary: Fetch Features / Items description: |- Fetch features of the feature collection with id `collection_id`. Every feature in a dataset belongs to a collection. A dataset may consist of multiple feature collections. A feature collection is often a collection of features of a similar type, based on a common schema. operationId: list-items parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collection_id' - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pagination_limit" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/bbox" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/datetime" security: - {} - Bearer: [] responses: "200": description: |- The response is a document consisting of features in the collection. The features included in the response are determined by the server based on the query parameters of the request. To support access to larger collections without overloading the client, the API supports paged access with links to the next page, if more features are selected that the page size. The `bbox` and `datetime` parameter can be used to select only a subset of the features in the collection (the features that are in the bounding box or time interval). The `bbox` parameter matches all features in the collection that are not associated with a location, too. The `datetime` parameter matches all features in the collection that are not associated with a time stamp or interval, too. The `limit` parameter may be used to control the subset of the selected features that should be returned in the response, the page size. Each page may include information about the number of selected and returned features (`numberMatched` and `numberReturned`) as well as links to support paging (link relation `next`). content: application/geo+json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonFeatureCollection' - type: object required: - features properties: features: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item' links: $ref: "#/components/schemas/links" timeStamp: $ref: "#/components/schemas/timeStamp" numberMatched: $ref: "#/components/schemas/numberMatched" numberReturned: $ref: "#/components/schemas/numberReturned" 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' "/collections/{collection_id}/items/{feature_id}": get: tags: - OGC API - Features / STAC API summary: Fetch a Feature / Item description: |- Fetch the feature with id `feature_id` in the feature collection with id `collection_id`. operationId: describe-item security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/collection_id' - $ref: "#/components/parameters/feature_id" responses: "200": description: |- fetch the feature with id `feature_id` in the feature collection with id `collection_id` content: application/geo+json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonFeature' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' "/collections/{collection_id}/coverage": get: tags: - Data Discovery / Access - OGC API - Coverages summary: Retrieve a coverage description: |- Coverage identified by {collection_id}. Use content negotiation to request required format. operationId: describe-coverage security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/collection_id" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/subset" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/bbox" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/datetime" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/properties" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/scale-factor" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/scale-axes" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/scale-size" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/subset-crs" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/bbox-crs" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/crs" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/f-coverage" responses: '200': description: A full coverage. content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/coverageSchema" image/tiff; application=geotiff: schema: type: string format: binary multipart/related: schema: type: string format: binaryg text/html: schema: type: string 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' "/collections/{collection_id}/coverage/domainset": get: tags: - Data Discovery / Access - OGC API - Coverages summary: Retrieve a coverage's domainset description: a coverage's domainset; use content negotiation to request HTML or JSON operationId: describe-coverage-domainset security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/collection_id" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/subset" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/bbox" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/datetime" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/crs" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/bbox-crs" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/subset-crs" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/f-domainset" responses: '200': description: A coverages domainset. content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/domainSet" text/html: schema: type: string 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' "/collections/{collection_id}/coverage/rangetype": get: tags: - Data Discovery / Access - OGC API - Coverages summary: Retrieve a coverage's rangetype description: a coverage's rangetype; use content negotiation to request HTML or JSON operationId: describe-coverage-rangetype security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/collection_id" - "$ref": "#/components/parameters/f-rangetype" responses: '200': description: A coverage's rangetype. content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rangeType" text/html: schema: type: string 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /processes: get: summary: Supported predefined processes operationId: list-processes description: |- Lists all predefined processes and returns detailed process descriptions, including parameters and return values. **NOTE:** This endpoint may return processes from openEO and OGC API - Processes. Distinguish them via the `version` property (OGC API) and the `parameters` / `returns` (openEO) properties. tags: - Process Discovery - OGC API - Processes - openEO security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': description: Formal specification describing the supported predefined processes. content: application/json: schema: title: Processes type: object required: - processes - links properties: processes: type: array items: oneOf: - title: openEO Predefined Process description: A predefined process made available by the back-end. type: object required: - id - description - parameters - returns allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process' - title: OGC API Process allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_processSummary' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links_pagination' example: processes: - id: apply summary: Apply a process to each pixel description: >- Applies a *unary* process to each pixel value in the data cube (i.e. a local operation). A unary process takes a single value and returns a single value, for example ``abs()`` or ``linear_scale_range()``. categories: - cubes parameters: - name: data description: A data cube. schema: type: object subtype: datacube - name: process description: 'A unary process to be applied on each value, may consist of multiple sub-processes.' schema: type: object subtype: process-graph parameters: - name: x description: The value to process. schema: description: Any data type. returns: description: 'A data cube with the newly computed values. The resolution, cardinality and the number of dimensions are the same as for the original data cube.' schema: type: object subtype: datacube - id: multiply summary: Multiplication of two numbers description: |- Multiplies the two numbers `x` and `y` (*x * y*) and returns the computed product. No-data values are taken into account so that `null` is returned if any element is such a value. The computations follow [IEEE Standard 754]( whenever the processing environment supports it. categories: - math parameters: - name: x description: The multiplier. schema: type: - number - 'null' - name: 'y' description: The multiplicand. schema: type: - number - 'null' returns: description: The computed product of the two numbers. schema: type: - number - 'null' exceptions: MultiplicandMissing: message: Multiplication requires at least two numbers. examples: - arguments: x: 5 y: 2.5 returns: 12.5 - arguments: x: -2 y: -4 returns: 8 - arguments: x: 1 y: null returns: null links: - rel: about href: '' title: Product explained by Wolfram MathWorld - rel: about href: '' title: IEEE Standard 754-2019 for Floating-Point Arithmetic links: - rel: alternate href: 'https://geodatacube.example/processes' type: text/html title: HTML version of the processes /processes/{processID}: get: tags: - Process Discovery - OGC API - Processes summary: Retrieve an OGC API process description description: | The process description contains information about inputs and outputs and a link to the execution-endpoint for the process. The Core does not mandate the use of a specific process description to specify the interface of a process. That said, the Core requirements class makes the following recommendation: Implementations SHOULD consider supporting the OGC process description. For more information, see [Section 7.10]( operationId: describe-ogc-process security: - {} - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ogc_processID' responses: "200": description: A process description. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_process' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /processes/{processID}/execution: post: tags: - OGC API - Processes summary: OGC API / Execute a process description: | Create a new job. For more information, see [Section 7.11]( operationId: execute-ogc-process security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ogc_processID' requestBody: description: Mandatory execute request JSON content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_execute' required: true responses: "200": description: Result of synchronous execution content: /*: schema: description: Any kind of data could be returned. "201": description: Started asynchronous execution. Created job. headers: Location: description: URL to check the status of the execution/job. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Preference-Applied: description: The preference applied to execute the process asynchronously (see. RFC 2740). style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_statusInfo' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' callbacks: jobCompleted: '{$request.body#/subscriber/successUri}': post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_results' responses: "200": description: Results received successfully /credentials/basic: get: summary: HTTP Basic authentication operationId: authenticate-basic description: >- Checks the credentials provided through [HTTP Basic Authentication according to RFC 7617]( and returns an access token for valid credentials. The credentials (username and password) MUST be sent in the HTTP header `Authorization` with type `Basic` and the Base64 encoded string consisting of username and password separated by a double colon `:`. The header would look as follows for username `user` and password `pw`: `Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwdw==`. The access token has to be used in the Bearer token for authorization in subsequent API calls (see also the information about Bearer tokens in this document). The access token returned by this request MUST NOT be provided with `basic//` prefix, but the Bearer Token sent in subsequent API calls to protected endpoints MUST be prefixed with `basic//`. The header in subsequent API calls would look as follows: `Authorization: Bearer basic//TOKEN` (replace `TOKEN` with the actual access token). It is RECOMMENDED to implement this authentication method for non-public services only. tags: - Account Management security: - Basic: [] responses: '200': description: Credentials are correct and authentication succeeded. content: application/json: schema: title: HTTP Basic Access Token type: object required: - access_token properties: access_token: description: >- The access token (without `basic//` prefix) to be used in the Bearer token for authorization in subsequent API calls. type: string example: b34ba2bdf9ac9ee1 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /credentials/oidc: get: summary: OpenID Connect authentication operationId: authenticate-oidc description: |- Lists the supported [OpenID Connect]( providers (OP). OpenID Connect Providers MUST support [OpenID Connect Discovery]( It is highly RECOMMENDED to implement OpenID Connect for public services in favor of Basic authentication. GDC clients MUST use the **access token** as part of the Bearer token for authorization in subsequent API calls (see also the information about Bearer tokens in this document). Clients MUST NOT use the id token or the authorization code. The access token provided by an OpenID Connect Provider does not necessarily provide information about the issuer (i.e. the OpenID Connect provider) and therefore a prefix MUST be added to the Bearer Token sent in subsequent API calls to protected endpoints. The Bearer Token sent to protected endpoints MUST consist of the authentication method (here `oidc`), the provider ID and the access token itself. All separated by a forward slash `/`. The provider ID corresponds to the value specified for `id` for each provider in the response body of this endpoint. The header in subsequent API calls for a provider with `id` `ms` would look as follows: `Authorization: Bearer oidc/ms/TOKEN` (replace `TOKEN` with the actual access token received from the OpenID Connect Provider). Back-ends MAY request user information ([including Claims]( from the [OpenID Connect Userinfo endpoint]( using the access token (without the prefix described above). Therefore, both openEO client and openEO back-end are relying parties (clients) to the OpenID Connect Provider. tags: - Account Management security: - {} responses: '200': description: Lists the the OpenID Connect Providers. content: application/json: schema: title: OpenID Connect Providers type: object required: - providers properties: providers: type: array description: >- The first provider in this list is the default provider for authentication. Clients can either pre-select or directly use the default provider for authentication if the user doesn't specify a specific value. minItems: 1 items: title: OpenID Connect Provider type: object required: - id - issuer - title properties: id: type: string description: >- A per-backend **unique** identifier for the OpenID Connect Provider to be as prefix for the Bearer token. pattern: '[\d\w]{1,20}' issuer: type: string format: uri description: >- The [issuer location]( (also referred to as 'authority' in some client libraries) is the URL of the OpenID Connect provider, which conforms to a set of rules: 1. After appending `/.well-known/openid-configuration` to the URL, a [HTTP/1.1 GET request]( to the concatenated URL MUST return a [OpenID Connect Discovery Configuration Response]( The response provides all information required to authenticate using OpenID Connect. 2. The URL MUST NOT contain a terminating forward slash `/`. example: '' scopes: type: array description: >- A list of OpenID Connect scopes that the client MUST at least include when requesting authorization. Clients MAY add additional scopes such as the `offline_access` scope to retrieve a refresh token. If scopes are specified, the list MUST at least contain the `openid` scope. items: type: string title: type: string description: >- The name that is publicly shown in clients for this OpenID Connect provider. description: type: string format: commonmark description: |- A description that explains how the authentication procedure works. It should make clear how to register and get credentials. This should include instruction on setting up `client_id`, `client_secret` and `redirect_uri`. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. default_clients: title: Default OpenID Connect Clients type: array description: |- List of default OpenID Connect clients that can be used by an openEO client for OpenID Connect based authentication. A default OpenID Connect client is managed by the back-end implementer. It MUST be configured to be usable without a client secret, which limits its applicability to OpenID Connect grant types like "Authorization Code Grant with PKCE" and "Device Authorization Grant with PKCE" A default OpenID Connect client is provided without availability guarantees. The back-end implementer CAN revoke, reset or update it any time. As such, openEO clients SHOULD NOT store or cache default OpenID Connect client information for long term usage. A default OpenID Connect client is intended to simplify authentication for novice users. For production use cases, it is RECOMMENDED to set up a dedicated OpenID Connect client. uniqueItems: true items: title: Default OpenID Connect Client type: object required: - id - grant_types properties: id: type: string description: >- The OpenID Connect Client ID to be used in the authentication procedure. grant_types: type: array description: |- List of authorization grant types (flows) supported by the OpenID Connect client. A grant type descriptor consist of a OAuth 2.0 grant type, with an additional `+pkce` suffix when the grant type should be used with the PKCE extension as defined in [RFC 7636]( Allowed values: - `implicit`: Implicit Grant as specified in [RFC 6749, sec. 1.3.2]( - `authorization_code` / `authorization_code+pkce`: Authorization Code Grant as specified in [RFC 6749, sec. 1.3.1](, with or without PKCE extension. - `urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code` / `urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code+pkce`: Device Authorization Grant (aka Device Code Flow) as specified in [RFC 8628](, with or without PKCE extension. Note that the combination of this grant with the PKCE extension is *not standardized* yet. - `refresh_token`: Refresh Token as specified in [RFC 6749, sec. 1.5]( minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true items: type: string enum: - 'implicit' - 'authorization_code' - 'authorization_code+pkce' - 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code' - 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code+pkce' - 'refresh_token' redirect_urls: type: array description: |- List of redirect URLs that are whitelisted by the OpenID Connect client. Redirect URLs MUST be provided when the OpenID Connect client supports the Implicit Grant or the Authorization Code Grant (with or without PKCE extension). uniqueItems: true items: type: string format: uri links: type: array description: |- Links related to this provider, for example a help page or a page to register a new user account. For relation types see the lists of [common relation types in openEO](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: providers: - id: egi issuer: '' title: EGI (default) description: Login with your academic account. scopes: - openid - profile - email default_clients: - id: KStcUzD5AIUA grant_types: - implicit - authorization_code+pkce - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code+pkce - refresh_token redirect_urls: - - id: google issuer: '' title: Google description: Login with your Google Account. scopes: - openid - profile - email - earthengine - id: ms issuer: '' title: Microsoft description: Login with your Microsoft or Skype Account. scopes: [] 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /result: post: summary: Process and download data synchronously operationId: compute-result description: >- Executes a user-defined process directly (synchronously) and the result will be downloaded in the format specified in the process graph. This endpoint can be used to generate small previews or test user-defined processes before starting a batch job. Timeouts on either client- or server-side are to be expected for complex computations. Back-ends MAY send the an error immediately if the computation is expected to time out. Otherwise requests MAY time-out after a certain amount of time by sending an error. tags: - openEO security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: Result data in the requested output format headers: Content-Type: description: |- The appropriate media (MIME) type for the requested output format MUST be sent, if the response contains a single file. To send multiple files at once it is RECOMMENDED to use the [`tar` file format]( (media type: `application/x-tar`). To mimic the results of batch jobs, it is RECOMMENDED that 1. clients extract the tar file directly after receiving it so that users can directly work on the contained files *and* 2. back-ends add STAC Items and/or Collections to the tar file so that users can make sense of the files. schema: type: string Link: description: >- The header MAY indicate a link to a log file generated by the request. If provided, the link MUST be serialized according to [RFC 8288]( and MUST use the relation type `monitor`. The link MUST follow the specifications for the links `GET /jobs/{job_id}/logs` and `GET /services/{service_id}/logs`, except that is MUST NOT accept any parameters (limit/offset). Therefore, the link MUST be accessible with HTTP GET, MUST be secured using a Bearer token and MUST follow the corresponding request body schema. schema: type: string pattern: ^<[^>]+>;\s?rel="monitor" example: ; rel="monitor" 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' requestBody: description: 'Specifies the job details, e.g. the user-defined process and billing details.' required: true content: application/json: schema: title: Synchronous Result Request type: object required: - process properties: process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_default' additionalProperties: description: You can add additional back-end specific properties here. /process_graphs: get: summary: List all user-defined openEO processes operationId: list-custom-processes description: |- Lists all user-defined processes (process graphs) of the authenticated user that are stored at the back-end. It is **strongly RECOMMENDED** to keep the response size small by omitting larger optional values from the objects in `processes` (e.g. the `exceptions`, `examples` and `links` properties). To get the full metadata for a user-defined process clients MUST request `GET /process_graphs/{process_graph_id}`. tags: - Process Discovery - openEO - User-Defined Processes security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': description: JSON array with user-defined processes. content: application/json: schema: title: User-Defined Processes type: object required: - processes - links properties: processes: description: Array of user-defined processes type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user_defined_process_meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links_pagination' example: processes: - id: evi summary: Enhanced Vegetation Index description: >- Computes the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). It is computed with the following formula: `2.5 * (NIR - RED) / (1 + NIR + 6*RED + -7.5*BLUE)`. parameters: - name: red description: Value from the red band. schema: type: number - name: blue description: Value from the blue band. schema: type: number - name: nir description: Value from the near infrared band. schema: type: number returns: description: Computed EVI. schema: type: number - id: ndsi summary: Normalized-Difference Snow Index parameters: - name: green description: Value from the Visible Green (0.53 - 0.61 micrometers) band. schema: type: number - name: swir description: Value from the Short Wave Infrared (1.55 - 1.75 micrometers) band. schema: type: number returns: schema: type: number - id: my_custom_process links: [] 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' '/process_graphs/{process_graph_id}': parameters: - name: process_graph_id in: path description: Per-user unique identifier for a user-defined process. required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_id' get: summary: Full metadata for a user-defined process operationId: describe-custom-process description: Lists all information about a user-defined process, including its process graph. tags: - openEO - User-Defined Processes security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: The user-defined process with process graph. content: application/json: schema: title: User-Defined Process description: A user-defined process with processing instructions as process graph. type: object required: - process_graph allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/user_defined_process_meta' examples: evi_user_defined_process: $ref: '#/components/examples/evi_user_defined_process' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' put: summary: Store a user-defined process operationId: store-custom-process description: |- Stores a provided user-defined process with process graph that can be reused in other processes. If a process with the specified `process_graph_id` exists, the process is fully replaced. The id can't be changed for existing user-defined processes. The id MUST be unique across its namespace. Partially updating user-defined processes is not supported. To simplify exchanging user-defined processes, the property `id` can be part of the request body. If the values don't match, the value for `id` gets replaced with the value from the `process_graph_id` parameter in the path. tags: - openEO - User-Defined Processes security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: The user-defined process has been stored successfully. 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' requestBody: required: true description: Specifies the process graph with its meta data. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' examples: evi_user_defined_process: $ref: '#/components/examples/evi_user_defined_process' delete: summary: Delete a user-defined process operationId: delete-custom-process description: |- Deletes the data related to this user-defined process, including its process graph. Does NOT delete jobs or services that reference this user-defined process. tags: - openEO - User-Defined Processes security: - Bearer: [] responses: '204': description: The user-defined process has been successfully deleted 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /service_types: get: summary: Supported secondary web service protocols operationId: list-service-types description: |- Lists supported secondary web service protocols such as [OGC WMS](, [OGC WCS](, [OGC API - Features]( or [XYZ tiles]( The response is an object of all available secondary web service protocols with their supported configuration settings and expected process parameters. * The configuration settings for the service SHOULD be defined upon creation of a service and the service will be set up accordingly. * The process parameters SHOULD be referenced (with a `from_parameter` reference) in the user-defined process that is used to compute web service results. The appropriate arguments MUST be provided to the user-defined process, usually at runtime from the context of the web service, For example, a map service such as a WMS would need to inject the spatial extent into the user-defined process so that the back-end can compute the corresponding tile correctly. To improve interoperability between back-ends common names for the services SHOULD be used, e.g. the abbreviations used in the official [OGC Schema Repository]( for the respective services. Service names MUST be accepted in a *case insensitive* manner throughout the API. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - {} - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: >- An object with a map containing all service names as keys and an object that defines supported configuration settings and process parameters. content: application/json: schema: title: Service Types type: object description: Map of supported secondary web services. additionalProperties: x-additionalPropertiesName: Service Name title: Service Type type: object required: - configuration - process_parameters properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' deprecated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deprecated' experimental: $ref: '#/components/schemas/experimental' configuration: title: Service Configuration description: Map of supported configuration settings made available to the creator of the service. type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/resource_parameter' process_parameters: title: Process Parameters description: List of parameters made available to user-defined processes. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_parameter' links: description: |- Links related to this service type, e.g. more information about the configuration settings and process parameters. For relation types see the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: WMS: title: OGC Web Map Service configuration: version: type: string description: The WMS version offered to consumers of the service. default: 1.3.0 enum: - 1.1.1 - 1.3.0 process_parameters: - name: layer description: The layer name. schema: type: string default: roads - name: spatial_extent description: A bounding box in WGS84. schema: type: object required: - west - south - east - north properties: west: description: West (lower left corner, coordinate axis 1). type: number south: description: South (lower left corner, coordinate axis 2). type: number east: description: East (upper right corner, coordinate axis 1). type: number north: description: North (upper right corner, coordinate axis 2). type: number links: - href: '' rel: about title: OGC Web Map Service Standard OGCAPI-FEATURES: title: OGC API - Features description: Exposes a OGC API - Features in version 1.0 of the specification (successor of OGC WFS 3.0). configuration: title: type: string description: The title for the OGC API - Features landing page description: type: string description: The description for the OGC API - Features landing page conformsTo: type: array description: |- The OGC API - Features conformance classes to enable for this service. `` is always enabled. items: type: string enum: - - - - process_parameters: [] links: - href: '' rel: about title: OGC Web Feature Service Standard 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /services: get: summary: List all web services operationId: list-services description: |- Lists all secondary web services submitted by a user. It is **strongly RECOMMENDED** to keep the response size small by omitting all optional non-scalar values (i.e. arrays and objects) from objects in `services` (i.e. the `process`, `configuration` and `attributes` properties). To get the full metadata for a secondary web service clients MUST request `GET /services/{service_id}`. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': description: Array of secondary web service descriptions content: application/json: schema: title: Secondary Web Services type: object required: - services - links properties: services: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links_pagination' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' post: summary: Publish a new service operationId: create-service description: |- Creates a new secondary web service such as a [OGC WMS](, [OGC WCS](, [OGC API - Features]( or [XYZ tiles]( The secondary web service SHOULD process the underlying data on demand, based on process parameters provided to the user-defined process (through `from_parameter` references) at run-time, for example for the spatial/temporal extent, resolution, etc. The available process parameters are specified per service type at `GET /service_types`. **Note:** Costs incurred by shared secondary web services are usually paid by the owner, but this depends on the service type and whether it supports charging fees or not. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - Bearer: [] responses: '201': description: The service has been created successfully. headers: Location: required: true schema: description: |- Absolute URL to the newly created service. The URL points to the metadata endpoint `GET /services/{service_id}` with the `{service_id}` being the unique identifier (ID) of the created service. MUST NOT point to the actual instance (e.g. WMTS base URL) of the service. The URL to the instance is made available by the metadata endpoint in the property `url`. format: uri type: string example: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/services/123' GDC-Identifier: required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_id' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: title: Store Secondary Web Service Request type: object required: - type - process properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_type' enabled: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_enabled' - default: true configuration: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_configuration' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_default' additionalProperties: description: You can add additional back-end specific properties here. description: The base data for the secondary web service to create '/services/{service_id}': parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/service_id' patch: summary: Modify a service operationId: update-service description: |- Modifies an existing secondary web service at the back-end, but maintain the identifier. Changes can be grouped in a single request. User have to create a new service to change the service type. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - Bearer: [] responses: '204': description: Changes to the service were applied successfully. 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: title: Update Secondary Web Service Request type: object properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' enabled: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_enabled' configuration: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_configuration' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_update' description: The data to change for the specified secondary web service. get: summary: Full metadata for a service operationId: describe-service description: Lists all information about a secondary web service. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: Details of the created service content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - process - configuration - attributes allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/service' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' delete: summary: Delete a service operationId: delete-service description: >- Deletes all data related to this secondary web service. Computations are stopped, computed results are deleted and access to this is not possible any more. This service won't generate additional costs. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - Bearer: [] responses: '204': description: The service has been successfully deleted. 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' '/services/{service_id}/logs': get: summary: Logs for a secondary service operationId: debug-service description: >- Lists log entries for the secondary service, usually for debugging purposes. Back-ends can log any information that may be relevant for a user. Users can log information during data processing using respective processes such as `inspect`. If requested consecutively while the secondary service is enabled, it is RECOMMENDED that clients use the offset parameter to get only the entries they have not received yet. While pagination itself is OPTIONAL, the `offset` parameter is REQUIRED to be implemented by back-ends. tags: - openEO - Secondary Services (OGC APIs) security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/service_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/log_offset' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/log_level' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/logs' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /jobs: get: summary: List all batch jobs operationId: list-jobs description: |- Lists all batch jobs submitted by a user. It is **strongly RECOMMENDED** to keep the response size small by omitting all optional non-scalar values (i.e. arrays and objects) from objects in `jobs`. To get the full metadata for a job clients MUST request `GET /jobs/{job_id}`. **NOTE:** This endpoint may return jobs from openEO and OGC API - Processes. Distinguish them via the `jobID` (OGC API) and the `id` (openEO) property. tags: - OGC API - Processes - openEO security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': description: Array of job descriptions content: application/json: schema: title: Batch Jobs type: object required: - jobs - links properties: jobs: type: array items: oneOf: - title: openEO Batch Job allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/batch_job' - title: OGC API Job allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_statusInfo' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links_pagination' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' post: summary: Create a new batch job operationId: create-job description: |- Creates a new batch processing task (job) from one or more (chained) processes at the back-end. Processing the data doesn't start yet. The job status gets initialized as `created` by default. tags: - openEO security: - Bearer: [] responses: '201': description: The batch job has been created successfully. headers: Location: required: true schema: description: |- Absolute URL to the newly created batch job. The URL points to the metadata endpoint `GET /jobs/{job_id}` with the `{job_id}` being the unique identifier (ID) of the created batch job. format: uri type: string example: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/jobs/123' GDC-Identifier: required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/job_id' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: title: Store Batch Job Request type: object required: - process properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_default' additionalProperties: description: You can add additional back-end specific properties here. description: 'Specifies the job details, e.g. the user-defined process and billing details.' '/jobs/{job_id}': parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/job_id' patch: summary: Modify a batch job operationId: update-job description: |- Modifies an existing job at the back-end, but maintains the identifier. Changes can be grouped in a single request. The job status does not change. Jobs can only be modified when the job is not queued and not running. Otherwise, requests to this endpoint MUST be rejected with an error. tags: - openEO security: - Bearer: [] responses: '204': description: Changes to the job applied successfully. 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: title: Update Batch Job Request type: object properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_update' description: Specifies the job details to update. get: summary: Full metadata for a batch job operationId: describe-job description: |- Lists information about a batch job. **NOTE:** This endpoint may return a job from openEO or OGC API - Processes. Distinguish them via the `jobID` (OGC API) and the `id` (openEO) property. tags: - openEO - OGC API - Processes security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: Full job information. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - title: openEO Batch Job type: object required: - process allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/batch_job' - title: OGC API Job allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_statusInfo' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' delete: summary: Delete a batch job operationId: delete-job description: >- Deletes all data related to this job. Computations are stopped and computed results are deleted. This job won't generate additional costs for processing. tags: - openEO - OGC API - Processes security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: The job has been successfully deleted (OGC API - Processes). content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_statusInfo' '204': description: The job has been successfully deleted (openEO). 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' '/jobs/{job_id}/logs': get: summary: Logs for a batch job operationId: debug-job description: |- Lists log entries for the batch job, usually for debugging purposes. Back-ends can log any information that may be relevant for a user at any stage (status) of the batch job. Users can log information during data processing using respective processes such as `inspect`. If requested consecutively, it is RECOMMENDED that clients use the offset parameter to get only the entries they have not received yet. While pagination itself is OPTIONAL, the `offset` parameter is REQUIRED to be implemented by back-ends. tags: - openEO security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/job_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/log_offset' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/log_level' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/pagination_limit' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/logs' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' '/jobs/{job_id}/results': parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/job_id' get: summary: List batch job results operationId: list-results description: |- **NOTE:** This endpoint may return a job from openEO or OGC API - Processes. Distinguish them via the `assets` property which is always present for openEO, but not for OGC API - Processes. ## OGC API - Processes Lists available results of a job. In case of a failure, lists exceptions instead. For more information, see [Section 7.13]( ## openEO Lists signed URLs pointing to the processed files, usually after the batch job has finished. Back-ends may also point to intermediate results after the job has stopped due to an error or if the `partial` parameter has been set. The response includes additional metadata. It is a valid [STAC Item]( (if it has spatial and temporal references included) or a valid [STAC Collection]( The assets to download are in both cases available in the property `assets` and have the same structure. All additional metadata is not strictly required to download the files, but are helpful for users to understand the data. STAC Collections can either (1) add all assets as collection-level assets or (2) link to STAC Catalogs and STAC Items with signed URLs, which will provide a full STAC catalog structure a client has to go through. Option 2 is overall the better architectural choice and allows a fine-grained description of the processed data. Clients are RECOMMENDED to store this response and all potential sub-catalogs and items with the assets so that the downloaded data is then a self-contained STAC catalog user could publish easily with all the data and metadata. URL signing is a way to protect files from unauthorized access with a key in the URL instead of HTTP header based authorization. The URL signing key is similar to a password and its inclusion in the URL allows to download files using simple GET requests supported by a wide range of programs, e.g. web browsers or download managers. Back-ends are responsible to generate the URL signing keys and to manage their appropriate expiration. The back-end MAY indicate an expiration time by setting the `expires` property in the reponse. Requesting this endpoint SHOULD always return non-expired URLs. Signed URLs that were generated for a previous request and already expired SHOULD NOT be reused, but regenerated with new expiration time. Signed URLs that expired MAY return an error. It is **strongly recommended** to add a link with relation type `canonical` to the STAC Item or STAC Collection (see the `links` property for details). If processing has not finished yet and the `partial` parameter is not set to `true` requests to this endpoint MUST be rejected an error. tags: - openEO - OGC API - Processes security: - Bearer: [] parameters: - name: partial description: >- **openEO only**: If set to `true`, the results endpoint returns incomplete results while still running. in: query allowEmptyValue: true schema: type: boolean default: false responses: '200': description: >- Provides the results. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_results' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/batch_job_result' - title: Batch Job Results Response as STAC Collection type: object required: - assets allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' example: stac_version: 1.0.0 id: a3cca2b2aa1e3b5b title: NDVI based on Sentinel 2 description: Deriving minimum NDVI measurements over pixel time series of Sentinel 2 license: Apache-2.0 providers: - name: Example Cloud Corp. description: No further processing applied. roles: - producer - licensor - host url: https://cloud.example extent: temporal: interval: - - 2019-08-24T14:15:22Z - 2019-08-24T14:15:22Z spatial: bbox: - - -180 - -90 - 180 - 90 assets: preview.png: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/preview.png' type: image/png title: Thumbnail roles: - thumbnail process.json: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/process.json' type: application/json title: Original Process roles: - process - reproduction 1.tif: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/1.tif' type: image/tiff; application=geotiff roles: - data 2.tif: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/2.tif' type: image/tiff; application=geotiff roles: - data inspire.xml: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/inspire.xml' type: application/xml title: INSPIRE metadata description: INSPIRE compliant XML metadata roles: - metadata links: - rel: canonical type: application/json href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/collection.json - rel: item type: application/geo+json href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/item_1.json - rel: item type: application/geo+json href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/item_2.json application/geo+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/batch_job_result' '424': description: >- The request can't be fulfilled as the batch job failed. This request will deliver the last error message that was produced by the batch job. This HTTP code MUST be sent only when the job `status` is `error`. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_entry' 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' post: summary: Start processing a batch job operationId: start-job description: |- Adds a batch job to the processing queue to compute the results. The result will be stored in the format specified in the process. To specify the format use a process such as `save_result`. The job status is set to `queued`, if processing doesn't start instantly. The same applies if the job status is `canceled`, `finished`, or `error`, which restarts the job and discards previous results if the back-end doesn't reject the request with an error. Clients SHOULD warn users and ask for confirmation if results may get discarded. * Once the processing starts the status is set to `running`. * Once the data is available to download the status is set to `finished`. * Whenever an error occurs during processing, the status MUST be set to `error`. This endpoint has no effect if the job status is already `queued` or `running`. In particular, it doesn't restart a running job. To restart a queued or running job, processing MUST have been canceled before. tags: - openEO security: - Bearer: [] responses: '202': description: The creation of the resource has been queued successfully. 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' delete: summary: Cancel processing a batch job operationId: stop-job description: |- Cancels all related computations for this job at the back-end. It will stop generating additional costs for processing. A subset of processed results may be available for downloading depending on the state of the job at the time it was canceled. Results MUST NOT be deleted until the job processing is started again or the job is completely deleted through a request to `DELETE /jobs/{job_id}`. This endpoint only has an effect if the job status is `queued` or `running`. The job status is set to `canceled` if the status was `running` beforehand and partial or preliminary results are available to be downloaded. Otherwise the status is set to `created`. tags: - openEO security: - Bearer: [] responses: '204': description: Processing the job has been successfully canceled. 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' /me: get: summary: Information about the authenticated user operationId: describe-account description: >- Lists information about the authenticated user, e.g. the user id. The endpoint MAY return the disk quota available to the user. The endpoint MAY also return links related to user management and the user profile, e.g. where payments are handled or the user profile could be edited. This endpoint MAY be extended to fulfil the specification of the [OpenID Connect UserInfo Endpoint]( tags: - Account Management security: - Bearer: [] responses: '200': description: Information about the logged in user. content: application/json: schema: title: User Data description: >- Holds user information. type: object required: - user_id properties: user_id: type: string description: >- A unique user identifier specific to the back-end, which could either be chosen by a user or is automatically generated by the back-end during the registration process at the back-end. It is meant to be used as an identifier in URIs (e.g. for sharing purposes), which is primarily used in machine-to-machine communication. Preferrably use the human-readable property `name` to display the user's name in user interfaces instead of the user identifier. pattern: '^[\w\-\.~]+$' example: john_doe name: type: string description: >- The user name, a human-friendly displayable name. Could be the user's real name or a nickname. storage: title: User Storage description: Information about the storage space available to the user. type: object nullable: true required: - free - quota properties: free: type: integer description: >- Free storage space in bytes, which is still available to the user. Effectively, this is the disk quota minus the used space by the user, e.g. user-uploaded files and job results. example: 536870912 quota: type: integer description: >- Maximum storage space (disk quota) in bytes available to the user. example: 1073741824 links: description: |- Links related to the user profile, e.g. where payments are handled or the user profile could be edited. It is RECOMMENDED to provide links with the following `rel` (relation) types: 1. `edit-form`: Points to a page where the user can edit his user profile. 2. `alternate`: Any other representation of these (and potentially additional) user information, e.g. the (public) user profile page. It is RECOMMENDED to add descriptive titles for a better user experience. 3. `related`: Any other user-specific links to be shown in clients, e.g. to user-specific settings, invoices, etc. It is RECOMMENDED to add descriptive titles for a better user experience. For additional relation types see also the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: - href: 'https://geodatacube.example/john_doe/payment/' rel: payment - href: 'https://geodatacube.example/john_doe/edit/' rel: edit-form - href: 'https://geodatacube.example/john_doe/' rel: alternate type: text/html title: User profile - href: 'https://geodatacube.example/john_doe.vcf' rel: alternate type: text/vcard title: vCard of John Doe - href: 'https://geodatacube.example/john_doe/invoices' rel: related type: text/html title: Invoices 4XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/client_error_auth' 5XX: $ref: '#/components/responses/server_error' components: schemas: ogc_processSummary: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/descriptionType' - required: - id - version type: object properties: id: type: string version: type: string jobControlOptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/jobControlOptions' outputTransmission: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transmissionMode' links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' ogc_process: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_processSummary' - type: object properties: inputs: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/inputDescription' outputs: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/outputDescription' ogc_execute: type: object properties: inputs: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/inlineOrRefData' - type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/inlineOrRefData' outputs: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_output' response: type: string default: raw enum: - raw - document subscriber: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_subscriber' ogc_results: title: OGC API Results type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/inlineOrRefData' ogc_statusInfo: required: - jobID - status - type type: object properties: processID: type: string type: type: string enum: - process jobID: type: string status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_statusCode' message: type: string created: type: string format: date-time started: type: string format: date-time finished: type: string format: date-time updated: type: string format: date-time progress: maximum: 100 minimum: 0 type: integer links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' ogc_statusCode: type: string nullable: false enum: - accepted - running - successful - failed - dismissed ogc_output: type: object properties: format: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_format' transmissionMode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transmissionMode' ogc_format: type: object properties: mediaType: type: string encoding: type: string schema: oneOf: - type: string format: url - type: object ogc_subscriber: required: - successUrl type: object properties: successUri: type: string format: uri inProgressUri: type: string format: uri failedUri: type: string format: uri description: |- Optional URIs for callbacks for this job. Support for this parameter is not required and the parameter may be removed from the API definition, if conformance class **'callback'** is not listed in the conformance declaration under `/conformance`. inlineOrRefData: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/inputValueNoObject' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/qualifiedInputValue' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' inputValue: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/inputValueNoObject' - type: object inputValueNoObject: oneOf: - type: string - type: number - type: integer - type: boolean - type: array items: type: string - $ref: '#/components/schemas/binaryInputValue' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox' binaryInputValue: type: string format: byte qualifiedInputValue: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ogc_format' - required: - value type: object properties: value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/inputValue' inputDescription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/descriptionType' - required: - schema type: object properties: minOccurs: type: integer default: 1 maxOccurs: oneOf: - type: integer default: 1 - type: string enum: - unbounded schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' outputDescription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/descriptionType' - required: - schema type: object properties: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' descriptionType: type: object properties: title: type: string description: type: string keywords: type: array items: type: string metadata: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' additionalParameters: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/metadata' - type: object properties: parameters: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/additionalParameter' jobControlOptions: type: string enum: - sync-execute - async-execute - dismiss transmissionMode: type: string default: value enum: - value - reference metadata: type: object properties: title: type: string role: type: string href: type: string additionalParameter: required: - name - value type: object properties: name: type: string value: type: array items: oneOf: - type: string - type: number - type: integer - type: array items: type: object - type: object extent-uad: title: Extent with Uniform Additional Dimensions Schema description: |- The extent module only addresses spatial and temporal extents. This module extends extent by specifying how intervals and crs properties can be used to specify additional geometries. allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/extent" - type: object additionalProperties: description: The domain intervals for any additional dimensions of the extent (envelope) beyond those described in temporal and spatial. type: object oneOf: - required: - interval - crs - required: - interval - trs - required: - interval - vrs properties: interval: description: |- One or more intervals that describe the extent for this dimension of the dataset. The value `null` is supported and indicates an unbounded or half-bounded interval. The first interval describes the overall extent of the data for this dimension. All subsequent intervals describe more precise intervals, e.g., to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall extent will only need to access the first item (a pair of lower and upper bound values). type: array minItems: 1 items: description: |- Lower and upper bound values of the interval. The values are in the coordinate reference system specified in `crs`, `trs` or `vrs`. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number crs: type: string description: generic coordinate reference system suitable for any type of dimensions trs: type: string description: temporal coordinate reference system (e.g. as defined by Features for 'temporal') vrs: type: string description: vertical coordinate reference system (e.g. as defined in EDR for 'vertical') crs: title: CRS oneOf: - description: Simplification of the object into a url if the other properties are not present type: string - type: object oneOf: - required: - uri properties: uri: description: Reference to one coordinate reference system (CRS) type: string format: uri - required: - wkt properties: wkt: description: A string defining the CRS using the JSON encodng for Well Known Text type: object - required: - referenceSystem properties: referenceSystem: description: A reference system data structure as defined in the MD_ReferenceSystem of the ISO 19115 type: object dataType: oneOf: - type: string - type: string enum: - map - vector - coverage domainSet: type: object title: domainSet description: The domainSet describes the *direct positions* of the coverage, i.e., the locations for which values are available. oneOf: - required: - type - generalGrid properties: type: enum: - DomainSet generalGrid: title: General Grid description: A general n-D grid is defined through a sequence of axes, each of which can be of a particular axis type. type: object required: - type additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - GeneralGridCoverage id: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string axis: type: array items: type: object oneOf: - title: Index Axis description: An Index Axis is an axis with only integer positions allowed. required: - type - axisLabel - lowerBound - upperBound additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - IndexAxis id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: type: number upperBound: type: number - title: Regular Axis description: A Regular Axis is an axis where all direct coordinates are at a common distance from its immediate neighbors. required: - type - axisLabel - lowerBound - upperBound - resolution - uomLabel additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - RegularAxis id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: type: string upperBound: type: string uomLabel: type: string resolution: type: number - title: Irregular Axis description: An irregular axis enumerates all possible direct position coordinates. required: - type - axisLabel - uomLabel - coordinate additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - IrregularAxis id: type: string axisLabel: type: string uomLabel: type: string coordinate: type: array items: type: string displacement: title: Displacement description: A Displacement is a warped axis nest where points on the grid all have their individual direct position coordinates. The sequenceRule element describes linearization order. type: object oneOf: - required: - type - axisLabels - uomLabels - coordinates properties: type: enum: - DisplacementAxisNest id: type: string axisLabel: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string uomLabels: type: array items: type: string coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - axisLabels - uomLabels - coordinatesRef properties: type: enum: - DisplacementAxisNestRef id: type: string axisLabel: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string uomLabels: type: array items: type: string coordinatesRef: type: string format: uri model: title: Sensor model description: A Transformation By Sensor Model is a transformation definition which is given by a SensorML 2.0 transformation specification. type: object required: - type - sensorModelRef properties: type: enum: - TransformationBySensorModel id: type: string axisLabels: type: array items: type: string uomLabels: type: array items: type: string sensorModelRef: type: string format: uri sensorInstanceRef: type: string format: uri gridLimits: title: Grid limits description: This is the boundary of the array underlying the grid, given by its diagonal corner points in integer _60_3D. The grid limits can be omitted in case all axes are of type index axis, because then it repeats the grid information in a redundant way. The purpose of the axisLabels attribute, which lists the axis labels of all axisExtent elements in proper sequence, is to enforce axis sequence also in XML systems which do not preserve document order. type: object required: - type properties: type: enum: - GridLimits indexAxis: title: Index Axis description: An Index Axis is an axis with only integer positions allowed. type: object required: - type - lowerBound - upperBound additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - IndexAxis id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: type: number upperBound: type: number srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - directMultiPoint properties: type: enum: - DomainSet directMultiPoint: oneOf: - required: - type - coordinates properties: type: enum: - DirectMultiPoint coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - coordinatesRef properties: type: enum: - DirectMultiPointRef coordinatesRef: type: string format: uri - required: - type - fileReference properties: type: enum: - DomainSetRef id: type: string format: uri fileReference: type: string format: uri rangeType: title: rangeType description: The rangeType element describes the structure and semantics of a coverage's range values, including (optionally) restrictions on the interpolation allowed on such values. type: object oneOf: - required: - type - field properties: type: enum: - DataRecord field: type: array items: title: DataRecord field description: e.g. Quantity or Count type: object required: - type properties: type: enum: - Quantity - Count id: type: string format: uri name: type: string definition: type: string format: uri uom: title: units of measure description: units of measure type: object required: - type - code properties: type: enum: - UnitReference id: type: string format: uri code: type: string constraint: title: Constraint description: Constraint type: object required: - type properties: type: enum: - AllowedValues id: type: string format: uri interval: type: array items: type: string interpolationRestriction: title: interpolationRestriction description: Interpolation restriction type: object required: - type properties: type: enum: - InterpolationRestriction id: type: string format: uri allowedInterpolation: type: array items: type: string format: uri - required: - type - fileReference properties: type: enum: - RangeTypeRef id: type: string format: uri fileReference: type: string format: uri rangeSet: title: rangeSet description: 'The rangeSet lists a value for each of the coverage''s direct positions. Values resemble the *payload* information of some particular direct positions. Values can be composite (with a single nesting level, i.e.: composites always consist of atomics), or atomic (emulated through single-component composites) whereby the sequence, structure, and meaning of every value is defined through the rangeType. Values can be represented in-line or by reference to an external file which may have any suitable encoding.' type: object oneOf: - required: - type - dataBlock properties: type: enum: - RangeSet dataBlock: title: dataBlock description: Data block objects type: object required: - type - values properties: type: enum: - VDataBlock - CVDataBlock values: type: array items: type: string - required: - type - fileReference properties: type: enum: - RangeSetRef fileReference: type: array items: type: string format: uri coverageSchema: title: Coverage object description: 'Component of OGC Coverage Implementation Schema 1.1. Last updated: 2016-may-18. Copyright (c) 2016 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To obtain additional rights of use, visit' type: object oneOf: - required: - type - domainSet - rangeSet - rangeType properties: id: type: string type: enum: - CoverageByDomainAndRange envelope: title: envelope description: The envelope around a coverage is defined by the lower and upper bound of each axis, respectively. The purpose of the axisLabels attribute, which lists the axis labels of all axisExtent elements in proper sequence, is to enforce axis sequence also in XML systems which do not preserve document order. type: object required: - type - srsName - axisLabels - axis properties: type: enum: - EnvelopeByAxis id: type: string srsName: type: string format: uri axisLabels: type: array items: type: string axis: type: array items: type: object required: - type - lowerBound - upperBound - uomLabel additionalProperties: false properties: type: enum: - AxisExtent id: type: string axisLabel: type: string lowerBound: oneOf: - type: number - type: string nullable: true - type: boolean upperBound: oneOf: - type: number - type: string nullable: true - type: boolean uomLabel: type: string domainSet: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/domainSet" rangeSet: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rangeSet" rangeType: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rangeType" metadata: title: Metadata description: The metadata element is a container of any (not further specified) information which should be transported along with the coverage on hand, such as domain-specific metadata. type: object - required: - type - partitionSet - rangeType properties: id: type: string type: enum: - CoverageByPartitioning envelope: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/coverageSchema/oneOf/0/properties/envelope" partitionSet: title: Partitioning Set description: A partition describes how a coverage (*sub-coverage*) referenced is located within referencing coverage (*super-coverage*). The sub-coverage can be represented by referencing a coverage id or a URL pointing to a coverage. Such sub-coverages referenced may be grouped into the super-coverage document, or reside remote, or mixed. As an additional alternative, single range values can be indicated verbatimg, together with their direct position. All values must share an identical structure and conform to the rangeType definition. type: object required: - type properties: type: enum: - PartitionSet partition: type: array items: type: object oneOf: - required: - type - coverageRef properties: id: type: string type: enum: - PartitionRef envelope: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/coverageSchema/oneOf/0/properties/envelope" coverageRef: type: string format: uri - required: - type - coverage properties: id: type: string type: enum: - Partition envelope: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/coverageSchema/oneOf/0/properties/envelope" coverage: type: object positionValuePair: type: array items: type: object required: - type - coordinate - value properties: id: type: string type: enum: - PVP coordinate: type: array items: oneOf: - type: number - type: string - type: boolean value: type: array items: oneOf: - type: number - type: string nullable: true - type: boolean rangeType: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/rangeType" metadata: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/coverageSchema/oneOf/0/properties/metadata" tileSet: title: Tile Set Metadata description: A resource describing a tileset based on the OGC TileSet Metadata Standard. At least one of the 'TileMatrixSet', or a link with 'rel' type: object required: - dataType - crs - links properties: title: description: A title for this tileset type: string description: description: Brief narrative description of this tile set type: string dataType: allOf: - description: Type of data represented in the tileset - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/dataType" crs: allOf: - description: Coordinate Reference System (CRS) - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/crs" tileMatrixSetURI: description: Reference to a Tile Matrix Set on an offical source for Tile Matrix Sets such as the OGC NA definition server ( Required if the tile matrix set is registered on an open official source. type: string format: uri links: description: 'Links to related resources. Possible link ''rel'' values are: '''' for a URL pointing to the dataset, ''item'' for a URL template to get a tile; ''alternate'' for a URL pointing to another representation of the TileSetMetadata (e.g a TileJSON file); '''' for a definition of the TileMatrixSet; '''' for pointing to a single collection (if the tileset represents a single collection)' type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/link" tileMatrixSetLimits: description: Limits for the TileRow and TileCol values for each TileMatrix in the tileMatrixSet. If missing, there are no limits other that the ones imposed by the TileMatrixSet. If present the TileMatrices listed are limited and the rest not available at all type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tileMatrixLimits" epoch: description: Epoch of the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) type: number layers: minItems: 1 type: array items: type: object required: - id - dataType properties: title: description: Title of this tile matrix set, normally used for display to a human type: string description: description: Brief narrative description of this tile matrix set, normally available for display to a human type: string keywords: description: Unordered list of one or more commonly used or formalized word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe this layer type: string id: description: Unique identifier of the Layer. Implementation of 'identifier' type: string dataType: allOf: - description: Type of data represented in the layer - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/dataType" geometryDimension: description: 'The geometry dimension of the features shown in this layer (0: points, 1: curves, 2: surfaces, 3: solids), unspecified: mixed or unknown' type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 3 featureType: description: Feature type identifier. Only applicable to layers of datatype 'geometries' type: string pointOfContact: description: Useful information to contact the authors or custodians for the layer (e.g. e-mail address, a physical address, phone numbers, etc) type: string publisher: description: Organization or individual responsible for making the layer available type: string theme: description: Category where the layer can be grouped type: string crs: allOf: - description: Coordinate Reference System (CRS) - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/crs" epoch: description: Epoch of the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) type: number minScaleDenominator: description: Minimum scale denominator for usage of the layer type: number maxScaleDenominator: description: Maximum scale denominator for usage of the layer type: number minCellSize: description: Minimum cell size for usage of the layer type: number maxCellSize: description: Maximum cell size for usage of the layer type: number maxTileMatrix: description: TileMatrix identifier associated with the minScaleDenominator type: string minTileMatrix: description: TileMatrix identifier associated with the maxScaleDenominator type: string boundingBox: allOf: - description: Minimum bounding rectangle surrounding the layer - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/2DBoundingBox" created: allOf: - description: When the layer was first produced - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/timeStamp" updated: allOf: - description: Last layer change/revision - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/timeStamp" style: allOf: - description: Style used to generate the layer in the tileset - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tileSet/properties/style/allOf/1" geoDataClasses: description: URI identifying a class of data contained in this layer (useful to determine compatibility with styles or processes) type: array items: type: string propertiesSchema: allOf: - description: Properties represented by the features in this layer. Can be the attributes of a feature dataset (datatype=geometries) or the rangeType of a coverage (datatype=coverage) - description: Attributes of the features or rangetypes of a coverage. Defined by a subset of the JSON Schema for the properties of a feature type: object required: - type - properties properties: type: type: string enum: - object required: description: Implements 'multiplicity' by citing property 'name' defined as 'additionalProperties' type: array minItems: 1 items: type: string properties: type: object default: {} additionalProperties: description: No property names are defined but any property name they should be described by JSON Schema. So 'additionalProperties' implements 'name'. type: object properties: title: type: string description: description: Implements 'description' type: string type: type: string enum: - array - boolean - integer - 'null' - number - object - string enum: description: Implements 'acceptedValues' type: array minItems: 1 items: {} uniqueItems: true format: description: Complements implementation of 'type' type: string contentMediaType: description: Implements 'mediaType' type: string maximum: description: Implements 'range' type: number exclusiveMaximum: description: Implements 'range' type: number minimum: description: Implements 'range' type: number exclusiveMinimum: description: Implements 'range' type: number pattern: type: string format: regex maxItems: description: Implements 'upperMultiplicity' type: integer minimum: 0 minItems: description: Implements 'lowerMultiplicity' type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 observedProperty: type: string observedPropertyURI: type: string format: uri uom: type: string uomURI: type: string format: uri links: description: 'Links related to this layer. Possible link ''rel'' values are: ''geodata'' for a URL pointing to the collection of geospatial data.' type: array minItems: 1 items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/link" boundingBox: allOf: - description: Minimum bounding rectangle surrounding the tile matrix set, in the supported CRS - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/2DBoundingBox" centerPoint: allOf: - description: Location of a tile that nicely represents the tileset. Implementations may use this center value to set the default location or to present a representative tile in a user interface - type: object required: - coordinates properties: coordinates: type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: number crs: allOf: - description: Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the coordinates - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/crs" tileMatrix: description: TileMatrix identifier associated with the scaleDenominator type: string scaleDenominator: description: Scale denominator of the tile matrix selected type: number cellSize: description: Cell size of the tile matrix selected type: number style: allOf: - description: Style involving all layers used to generate the tileset - type: object required: - id properties: id: description: An identifier for this style. Implementation of 'identifier' type: string title: description: A title for this style type: string description: description: Brief narrative description of this style type: string keywords: description: keywords about this style type: array items: type: string links: description: 'Links to style related resources. Possible link ''rel'' values are: ''style'' for a URL pointing to the style description, ''styleSpec'' for a URL pointing to the specification or standard used to define the style.' type: array minItems: 1 items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/link" license: description: License applicable to the tiles type: string accessConstraints: description: Restrictions on the availability of the Tile Set that the user needs to be aware of before using or redistributing the Tile Set type: string default: unclassified enum: - unclassified - restricted - confidential - secret - topSecret keywords: description: keywords about this tileset type: array items: type: string version: description: Version of the Tile Set. Changes if the data behind the tiles has been changed type: string created: allOf: - description: When the Tile Set was first produced - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/timeStamp" updated: allOf: - description: Last Tile Set change/revision - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/timeStamp" pointOfContact: description: Useful information to contact the authors or custodians for the Tile Set type: string mediaTypes: description: Media types available for the tiles type: array items: type: string tileSet-item: title: Tile Set Metadata item description: A minimal tileset element for use within a list of tilesets linking to full description of those tilesets. type: object required: - dataType - links - crs properties: title: description: A title for this tileset type: string dataType: allOf: - description: Type of data represented in the tileset - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/dataType" crs: allOf: - description: Coordinate Reference System (CRS) - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/crs" tileMatrixSetURI: description: Reference to a Tile Matrix Set on an offical source for Tile Matrix Sets such as the OGC NA definition server ( Required if the tile matrix set is registered on an open official source. type: string format: uri links: description: Links to related resources. A 'self' link to the tileset as well as a '' link to a definition of the TileMatrixSet are required. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/link" tileMatrixLimits: title: TileMatrixLimits description: A resource describing useful to create an array that describes the limits for a tile set TileMatrixSet based on the OGC TileSet Metadata Standard type: object required: - tileMatrix - minTileRow - maxTileRow - minTileCol - maxTileCol properties: tileMatrix: type: string minTileRow: type: number format: integer minimum: 0 maxTileRow: type: number format: integer minimum: 0 minTileCol: type: number format: integer minimum: 0 maxTileCol: type: number format: integer minimum: 0 2DPoint: description: A 2D Point in the CRS indicated elsewhere type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: number 2DBoundingBox: description: Minimum bounding rectangle surrounding a 2D resource in the CRS indicated elsewhere type: object required: - lowerLeft - upperRight properties: lowerLeft: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/2DPoint" upperRight: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/2DPoint" crs: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/crs" orderedAxes: type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: string tileMatrixSets: type: string enum: - WebMercatorQuad - WorldCRS84Quad - GNOSISGlobalGrid - WorldMercatorWGS84Quad numberMatched: description: |- The number of features of the feature type that match the selection parameters like `bbox`. type: integer minimum: 0 example: 127 numberReturned: description: |- The number of features in the feature collection. A server may omit this information in a response, if the information about the number of features is not known or difficult to compute. If the value is provided, the value must be identical to the number of items in the "features" array. type: integer minimum: 0 example: 10 timeStamp: description: This property indicates the time and date when the response was generated. type: string format: date-time example: "2017-08-17T08:05:32Z" conformsTo: description: |- Lists all conformance classes specified in various standards that the implementation conforms to. Conformance classes are commonly used in all OGC APIs and the STAC API specification. type: array items: type: string format: uri example: - https://api.geodatacube.example/1.0.0-beta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stac_item_type: type: string description: >- The GeoJSON type that applies to this metadata document, which MUST always be a "Feature" according to the STAC specification. This type does **not** describe the spatial data type of the assets. enum: - Feature stac_item_geometry: description: |- Defines the full footprint of the assets represented by this item as GeoJSON Geometry. Results without a known location can set this value to `null`. nullable: true allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' example: type: Polygon coordinates: - - - -180 - -90 - - 180 - -90 - - 180 - 90 - - -180 - 90 - - -180 - -90 stac_item_properties: type: object title: Item Properties description: >- MAY contain additional properties other than the required property `datetime`, e.g. custom properties or properties from the STAC specification or STAC extensions. required: - datetime additionalProperties: true properties: datetime: title: Date and Time description: >- The searchable date/time of the data, in UTC. Formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. If this field is set to `null` (usually for larger time ranges), it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to specify both `start_datetime` and `end_datetime` for STAC compliance. type: string format: date-time nullable: true start_datetime: type: string format: date-time description: >- For time series: The first or start date and time for the data, in UTC. Formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. end_datetime: type: string format: date-time description: >- For time series: The last or end date and time for the data, in UTC. Formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' license: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_license' providers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_providers' created: $ref: '#/components/schemas/created' updated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/updated' expires: type: string format: date-time description: >- Time until which the assets are accessible, in UTC. Formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. example: '2020-11-01T00:00:00Z' stac_item: title: A STAC Item description: The STAC specification should be the main guidance for implementing this. type: object required: - stac_version - id - type - geometry - properties - assets - links properties: stac_version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_version' stac_extensions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_extensions' id: type: string type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item_type' bbox: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox' geometry: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item_geometry' properties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item_properties' assets: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_assets' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' batch_job_result: title: openEO - Batch Job Results Response as STAC Item description: The STAC specification should be the main guidance for implementing this. Specifying the `bbox` is strongly RECOMMENDED, but can be omitted if the result is unlocated and the `geometry` is set to `null`. type: object required: - stac_version - id - type - geometry - properties - assets - links properties: stac_version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_version' stac_extensions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_extensions' id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/job_id' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item_type' bbox: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox' geometry: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item_geometry' properties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_item_properties' assets: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_assets' links: type: array description: |- Links related to this batch job result, e.g. a link to an invoice, additional log files or external documentation. The links MUST NOT contain links to the processed and downloadable data. Instead specify these in the `assets` property. Clients MUST NOT download the data referenced in the links by default. It is **strongly recommended** to add a link with relation type `canonical`, which points to this STAC document using a signed URL. This way the STAC metadata can be used by other clients without additional authentication steps. For relation types see the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: - rel: canonical type: application/geo+json href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/item.json file_format: x-additionalPropertiesName: File Format Name title: File Format type: object description: Describes a specific file format. required: - gis_data_types - parameters properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/object_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' gis_data_types: type: array description: >- Specifies the supported GIS spatial data types for this format. minItems: 1 items: type: string enum: - raster - vector - table - pointcloud - other deprecated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deprecated' experimental: $ref: '#/components/schemas/experimental' parameters: title: File Format Parameters description: Specifies the supported parameters for this file format. type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/resource_parameter' links: type: array description: |- Links related to this file format, e.g. external documentation. For relation types see the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' links_pagination: description: |- Links related to this list of resources, for example links for pagination or alternative formats such as a human-readable HTML version. The links array MUST NOT be paginated. If pagination is implemented, the following `rel` (relation) types apply: 1. `next` (REQUIRED): A link to the next page, except on the last page. 2. `prev` (OPTIONAL): A link to the previous page, except on the first page. 3. `first` (OPTIONAL): A link to the first page, except on the first page. 4. `last` (OPTIONAL): A link to the last page, except on the last page. For additional relation types see also the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' links: description: |- Links related to this list of resources, for example links for pagination or alternative formats such as a human-readable HTML version. The links array MUST NOT be paginated. For relation types see also the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' link: title: Link description: >- A link to another resource on the web. Bases on [RFC 5899]( type: object required: - href - rel properties: rel: type: string description: >- Relationship between the current document and the linked document. SHOULD be a [registered link relation type]( whenever feasible. example: related href: type: string description: The value MUST be a valid URL. format: uri example: 'https://geodatacube.example' type: type: string description: >- The value MUST be a string that hints at the format used to represent data at the provided URI, preferably a media (MIME) type. example: text/html title: type: string description: Used as a human-readable label for a link. example: Example title asset: title: STAC Asset type: object required: - href properties: href: title: Asset location description: >- URL to the downloadable asset. The URLs SHOULD be available without authentication so that external clients can download them easily. If the data is confidential, signed URLs SHOULD be used to protect against unauthorized access from third parties. type: string title: description: The displayed title for clients and users. type: string description: type: string format: commonmark description: |- Multi-line description to explain the asset. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. type: title: Media Type description: Media type of the asset. type: string example: image/tiff; application=geotiff roles: type: array items: type: string description: |- Purposes of the asset. Can be any value, but commonly used values are: * `thumbnail`: A visualization of the data, usually a lower-resolution true color image in JPEG or PNG format. * `reproducibility`: Information how the data was produced and/or can be reproduced, e.g. the process graph used to compute the data in JSON format. * `data`: The computed data in the format specified by the user in the process graph (applicable in `GET /jobs/{job_id}/results` only). * `metadata`: Additional metadata available for the computed data. example: - data stac_extent: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/extent' - required: - spatial - temporal extent: type: object title: Collection Extent description: |- The extent of the data in the collection. Additional members MAY be added to represent other extents, for example, thermal or pressure ranges. The first item in the array always describes the overall extent of the data. All subsequent items describe more preciseextents, e.g. to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall extent will only need to access the first item in each array. properties: spatial: title: Collection Spatial Extent description: >- The spatial extents of the data in the collection. type: object properties: bbox: description: |- One or more bounding boxes that describe the spatial extent of the dataset. The first bounding box describes the overall spatial extent of the data. All subsequent bounding boxes describe more precise bounding boxes, e.g. to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall spatial extent will only need to access the first item in each array. type: array minItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox' crs: description: |- Coordinate reference system of the coordinates in the spatial extent (property `bbox`). The default reference system is WGS 84 longitude/latitude. In the Core the only other supported coordinate reference system is WGS 84 longitude/latitude/ellipsoidal height for coordinates with height. Extensions may support additional coordinate reference systems and add additional enum values. type: string enum: - - default: grid: description: |- Provides information about the limited availability of data within the collection organized as a grid (regular or irregular) along each spatial dimension. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 3 items: type: object properties: coordinates: description: |- List of coordinates along the dimension for which data organized as an irregular grid in the collection is available (e.g., 2, 10, 80, 100). type: array minItems: 1 items: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: - 2 - 10 - 80 - 100 cellsCount: description: |- Number of samples available along the dimension for data organized as a regular grid. For values representing the whole area of contiguous cells spanning _resolution_ units along the dimension, this will be (_upperBound_ - _lowerBound_) / _resolution_. For values representing infinitely small point cells spaced by _resolution_ units along the dimension, this will be (_upperBound_ - _lowerBound_) / _resolution_ + 1. type: integer example: 50 resolution: description: Resolution of regularly gridded data along the dimension in the collection oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: 0.0006866455078 temporal: title: Collection Temporal Extent description: >- The temporal extents of the data in the collection. type: object properties: interval: description: |- One or more time intervals that describe the temporal extent of the dataset. The first time interval describes the overall temporal extent of the data. All subsequent time intervals describe more precise time intervals, e.g. to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall extent will only need to access the first item in each array. type: array minItems: 1 items: description: |- Begin and end times of the time interval. The coordinate reference system is the Gregorian calendar. The value `null` is supported and indicates an open time interval. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: string format: date-time nullable: true example: - '2011-11-11T12:22:11Z' - null trs: description: |- Coordinate reference system of the coordinates in the temporal extent (property `interval`). The default reference system is the Gregorian calendar. In the Core this is the only supported temporal coordinate reference system. Extensions may support additional temporal coordinate reference systems and add additional enum values. type: string enum: - default: additionalProperties: description: The domain intervals for any additional dimensions of the extent (envelope) beyond those described in temporal and spatial. type: object oneOf: - required: - interval - crs - required: - interval - trs - required: - interval - vrs properties: interval: description: |- One or more intervals that describe the extent for this dimension of the dataset. The value `null` is supported and indicates an unbounded or half-bounded interval. The first interval describes the overall extent of the data for this dimension. All subsequent intervals describe more precise intervals, e.g., to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall extent will only need to access the first item (a pair of lower and upper bound values). type: array minItems: 1 items: description: |- Lower and upper bound values of the interval. The values are in the coordinate reference system specified in `crs`, `trs` or `vrs`. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number crs: type: string description: generic coordinate reference system suitable for any type of dimensions trs: type: string description: temporal coordinate reference system (e.g. as defined by Features for 'temporal') vrs: type: string description: vertical coordinate reference system (e.g. as defined in EDR for 'vertical') grid: type: object description: Provides information about the limited availability of data within the collection organized as a grid (regular or irregular) along the dimension. properties: coordinates: description: |- List of coordinates along the temporal dimension for which data organized as an irregular grid in the collection is available (e.g., 2, 10, 80, 100). type: array minItems: 1 items: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: - 2 - 10 - 80 - 100 cellsCount: description: |- Number of samples available along the dimension for data organized as a regular grid. For values representing the whole area of contiguous cells spanning _resolution_ units along the dimension, this will be (_upperBound_ - _lowerBound_) / _resolution_. For values representing infinitely small point cells spaced by _resolution_ units along the dimension, this will be (_upperBound_ - _lowerBound_) / _resolution_ + 1. type: integer example: 50 resolution: description: Resolution of regularly gridded data along the dimension in the collection oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: - PT1H - 0.0006866455078 collection: title: Coverages Collection type: object required: - id - extent - links properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_id' title: type: string description: A short descriptive one-line title for the collection. description: type: string format: commonmark description: |- Detailed multi-line description to explain the collection. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. extent: $ref: '#/components/schemas/extent' links: description: |- Links related to this collection. Could reference to licensing information, other meta data formats with additional information or a preview image. It is RECOMMENDED to provide links with the following `rel` (relation) types: 1. `root` and `parent`: URL to the data discovery endpoint at `/collections`. 2. `license`: A link to the license(s) SHOULD be specified if the `license` field is set to `proprietary` or `various`. 3. `example`: Links to examples of processes that use this collection. 4. `latest-version`: If a collection has been marked as deprecated, a link SHOULD point to the latest version of the collection. The relation types `predecessor-version` (link to older version) and `successor-version` (link to newer version) can also be used to show the relation between versions. 5. `alternate`: An alternative representation of the collection. For example, this could be the collection available through another catalog service such as OGC CSW, a human-readable HTML version or a metadata document following another standard such as ISO 19115 or DCAT. 6. ``: URL to the queryables endpoint at `/collections/{collection_id}/queryables`. For JSON Schema documents, the `type` field must be set to `application/schema+json`. For additional relation types see also the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking) and the STAC specification for Collections. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' itemType: description: indicator about the type of the items in the collection if the collection has an accessible /collections/{collectionId}/items endpoint type: string crs: description: the list of coordinate reference systems supported by the API; the first item is the default coordinate reference system type: array items: type: string default: - example: - - dataType: allOf: - description: Type of data represented in the collection - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dataType' geometryDimension: description: 'The geometry dimension of the features shown in this layer (0: points, 1: curves, 2: surfaces, 3: solids), unspecified: mixed or unknown' type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 3 minScaleDenominator: description: Minimum scale denominator for usage of the collection type: number maxScaleDenominator: description: Maximum scale denominator for usage of the collection type: number minCellSize: description: Minimum cell size for usage of the collection type: number maxCellSize: description: Maximum cell size for usage of the collection type: number stac_collection: title: STAC / openEO Collection type: object required: - stac_version - type - description - license - links properties: stac_version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_version' stac_extensions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_extensions' type: type: string enum: - Collection keywords: type: array description: List of keywords describing the collection. items: type: string license: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_license' providers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_providers' extent: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_extent' 'cube:dimensions': title: STAC Collection Cube Dimensions description: |- The named default dimensions of the data cube. Names must be unique per collection. The keys of the object are the dimension names. For interoperability, it is RECOMMENDED to use the following dimension names if there is only a single dimension with the specified criteria: * `x` for the dimension of type `spatial` with the axis set to `x` * `y` for the dimension of type `spatial` with the axis set to `y` * `z` for the dimension of type `spatial` with the axis set to `z` * `t` for the dimension of type `temporal` * `bands` for dimensions of type `bands` * `geometry` for dimensions of type `geometry` This property REQUIRES to add a version of the data cube extension to the list of `stac_extensions`, e.g. ``. type: object additionalProperties: x-additionalPropertiesName: Dimension Name allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension' summaries: title: STAC Summaries (Collection Properties) description: |- Collection properties from STAC extensions (e.g. EO, SAR, Satellite or Scientific) or even custom extensions. Summaries are either a unique set of all available values, statistics *or* a JSON Schema. Statistics only specify the range (minimum and maximum values) by default, but can optionally be accompanied by additional statistical values. The range can specify the potential range of values, but it is recommended to be as precise as possible. The set of values MUST contain at least one element and it is strongly RECOMMENDED to list all values. It is recommended to list as many properties as reasonable so that consumers get a full overview of the Collection. Properties that are covered by the Collection specification (e.g. `providers` and `license`) SHOULD NOT be repeated in the summaries. Potential fields for the summaries can be found here: * **[STAC Common Metadata](**: A list of commonly used fields throughout all domains * **[Content Extensions](**: Domain-specific fields for domains such as EO, SAR and point clouds. * **Custom Properties**: It is generally allowed to add custom fields. type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - type: array title: Set of values items: description: A value of any type. - $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_summary_stats' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' assets: description: |- Dictionary of asset objects for data that can be downloaded, each with a unique key. The keys MAY be used by clients as file names. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/stac_assets' stac_version: type: string description: >- The [version of the STAC specification](, which MAY not be equal to the [STAC API version](#tag/EO-Data-Discovery/STAC). Supports versions 1.x.x. pattern: '^1\.\d+.\d+' example: 1.0.0 stac_extensions: type: array description: >- A list of implemented STAC extensions. The list contains URLs to the JSON Schema files it can be validated against. For STAC < 1.0.0-rc.1 shortcuts such as `sar` can be used instead of the schema URL. uniqueItems: true items: anyOf: - title: Reference to a JSON Schema type: string format: uri example: 'https://geodatacube.example/stac/custom-extemsion/v1.0.0/schema.json' - title: Reference to a core extension (STAC < 1.0.0-rc.1 only) type: string example: datacube stac_license: type: string description: |- License(s) of the data as a SPDX [License identifier]( Alternatively, use `proprietary` if the license is not on the SPDX license list or `various` if multiple licenses apply. In these two cases links to the license texts SHOULD be added, see the `license` link relation type. Non-SPDX licenses SHOULD add a link to the license text with the `license` relation in the links section. The license text MUST NOT be provided as a value of this field. If there is no public license URL available, it is RECOMMENDED to host the license text and link to it. example: Apache-2.0 stac_providers: type: array description: >- A list of providers, which MAY include all organizations capturing or processing the data or the hosting provider. Providers SHOULD be listed in chronological order with the most recent provider being the last element of the list. items: type: object title: Provider required: - name properties: name: description: The name of the organization or the individual. type: string example: Example Cloud Corp. description: description: >- Multi-line description to add further provider information such as processing details for processors and producers, hosting details for hosts or basic contact information. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. type: string example: No further processing applied. roles: description: |- Roles of the provider. The provider's role(s) can be one or more of the following elements: * `licensor`: The organization that is licensing the dataset under the license specified in the collection's license field. * `producer`: The producer of the data is the provider that initially captured and processed the source data, e.g. ESA for Sentinel-2 data. * `processor`: A processor is any provider who processed data to a derived product. * `host`: The host is the actual provider offering the data on their storage. There SHOULD be no more than one host, specified as last element of the list. type: array items: type: string enum: - producer - licensor - processor - host example: - producer - licensor - host url: description: >- Homepage on which the provider describes the dataset and publishes contact information. type: string format: uri example: https://cloud.example stac_assets: type: object title: Assets description: |- Dictionary of asset objects for data that can be downloaded, each with a unique key. The keys MAY be used by clients as file names. additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/asset' example: preview.png: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/preview.png' type: image/png title: Thumbnail roles: - thumbnail process.json: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/process.json' type: application/json title: Original Process roles: - process - reproduction 1.tif: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/1.tif' type: image/tiff; application=geotiff title: Band 1 roles: - data 2.tif: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/2.tif' type: image/tiff; application=geotiff title: Band 2 roles: - data inspire.xml: href: 'https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/download/583fba8b2ce583fba8b2ce/inspire.xml' type: application/xml title: INSPIRE metadata description: INSPIRE compliant XML metadata roles: - metadata collection_summary_stats: type: object title: Statistics / Range description: >- By default, only ranges with a minimum and a maximum value can be specified. Ranges can be specified for ordinal values only, which means they need to have a rank order. Therefore, ranges can only be specified for numbers and some special types of strings. Examples: grades (A to F), dates or times. Implementors are free to add other derived statistical values to the object, for example `mean` or `stddev`. required: - minimum - maximum properties: minimum: description: The minimum value (inclusive). anyOf: - type: string - type: number maximum: description: The maximum value (inclusive). anyOf: - type: string - type: number bbox: description: |- Each bounding box is provided as four or six numbers, depending on whether the coordinate reference system includes a vertical axis (height or depth): * West (lower left corner, coordinate axis 1) * South (lower left corner, coordinate axis 2) * Base (optional, minimum value, coordinate axis 3) * East (upper right corner, coordinate axis 1) * North (upper right corner, coordinate axis 2) * Height (optional, maximum value, coordinate axis 3) The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS 84 longitude/latitude ( For WGS 84 longitude/latitude the values are in most cases the sequence of minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude. However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian the first value (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge). If the vertical axis is included, the third and the sixth number are the bottom and the top of the 3-dimensional bounding box. type: array oneOf: - title: 4 elements minItems: 4 maxItems: 4 - title: 6 elements minItems: 6 maxItems: 6 items: type: number example: - -180 - -90 - 180 - 90 collection_id: type: string description: >- A unique identifier for the collection, which MUST match the specified pattern. pattern: '^[\w\-\.~\/]+$' example: Sentinel-2A dimension: title: Dimension description: A dimension, each object represents a distinct dimension with the key being the dimension name. type: object required: - type properties: type: description: Type of the dimension. type: string enum: - spatial - temporal - bands - geometry - other description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/description' discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: spatial: '#/components/schemas/dimension_spatial' temporal: '#/components/schemas/dimension_temporal' bands: '#/components/schemas/dimension_bands' geometry: '#/components/schemas/dimension_geometry' other: '#/components/schemas/dimension_other' dimension_other: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension' - title: Additional Dimension type: object oneOf: - title: Additional Dimension with Extent required: - extent - title: Additional Dimension with Values required: - values properties: extent: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_extent_open' values: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_values' step: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_step' unit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_unit' reference_system: description: The reference system for the dimension. type: string dimension_geometry: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension' - title: Geometry Dimension type: object required: - bbox properties: axes: description: Axes of the vector dimension as an ordered set of `x`, `y` and `z`. Defaults to `x` and `y`. default: - 'x' - 'y' type: array uniqueItems: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension_axis_xyz' bbox: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bbox' values: description: Optionally, a representation of the vectors. This can be a list of WKT string or other free-form identifiers. type: array items: type: string geometry_types: description: A set of all geometry types included in this dimension. If not present, mixed geometry types must be assumed. type: array uniqueItems: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometry_type' reference_system: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_srs' dimension_bands: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension' - title: Band Dimension description: |- A dimension for the bands. The band dimension only specifies the band names as dimension labels. Further information to the bands are available in either `sar:bands` or `eo:bands` in the `summaries` property. type: object required: - values properties: values: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_values' dimension_spatial: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension' - title: Spatial Dimension description: A spatial (raster) dimension in one of the horizontal (x or y) or vertical (z) directions. type: object required: - axis properties: axis: $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension_axis_xyz' extent: description: >- Extent (lower and upper bounds) of the dimension as two-dimensional array. Open intervals with `null` are not allowed. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: number values: description: 'A set of all potential values.' type: array minItems: 1 items: type: number step: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_step' reference_system: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_dimension_srs' discriminator: propertyName: axis mapping: x: '#/components/schemas/dimension_spatial_horizontal' y: '#/components/schemas/dimension_spatial_horizontal' z: '#/components/schemas/dimension_spatial_vertical' dimension_axis_xyz: title: Axis description: Axis of a geometry or dimension (`x`, `y` or `z`) type: string enum: - 'x' - 'y' - 'z' dimension_spatial_horizontal: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension_spatial' - title: Horizontal Spatial Dimension required: - extent dimension_spatial_vertical: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension_spatial' - title: Vertical Spatial Dimension anyOf: - title: Vertical Spatial Dimension with Extent required: - extent - title: Vertical Spatial Dimension with Values required: - values dimension_temporal: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension' - title: Temporal Dimension description: >- A temporal dimension based on the ISO 8601 standard. The temporal reference system for the data is expected to be ISO 8601 compliant (Gregorian calendar / UTC). Data not compliant with ISO 8601 can be represented as an *Additional Dimension Object* with `type` set to `temporal`. type: object required: - extent properties: values: description: >- If the dimension consists of set of specific values they can be listed here. The dates and/or times MUST be strings compliant to [ISO 8601]( type: array minItems: 1 items: type: string extent: description: >- Extent (lower and upper bounds) of the dimension as two-dimensional array. The dates and/or times MUST be strings compliant to [ISO 8601]( `null` is allowed for open date ranges. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: string nullable: true step: description: >- The space between the temporal instances as [ISO 8601 duration](, e.g. `P1D`. Use `null` for irregularly spaced steps. type: string nullable: true collection_dimension_srs: title: Spatial reference system description: >- The spatial reference system for the data, specified as [EPSG code](, [WKT2 (ISO 19162) string](, [PROJJSON object]( or [PROJ definition (deprecated)]( Defaults to EPSG code 4326. default: 4326 oneOf: - type: number title: EPSG code - type: string title: WKT2 or PROJ definition (deprecated) - type: object title: PROJJSON collection_dimension_extent_open: description: >- If the dimension consists of [ordinal]( values, the extent (lower and upper bounds) of the values as two-dimensional array. Use `null` for open intervals. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: number nullable: true collection_dimension_values: description: >- A set of all potential values, especially useful for [nominal]( values. **Important:** The order of the values MUST be exactly how the dimension values are also ordered in the data (cube). If the values specify band names, the values MUST be in the same order as they are in the corresponding band fields (i.e. `eo:bands` or `sar:bands`). type: array minItems: 1 items: oneOf: - type: number - type: string collection_dimension_step: description: >- If the dimension consists of [interval]( values, the space between the values. Use `null` for irregularly spaced steps. type: number nullable: true collection_dimension_unit: description: >- The unit of measurement for the data, preferably compliant to [UDUNITS-2]( units (singular). type: string process_arguments: title: Process Arguments type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_argument_value' process_argument_value: title: Process Argument Value description: Arguments for a process. See the API documentation for more information. nullable: true anyOf: - type: object nullable: true title: Object (restricted) properties: from_parameter: not: {} from_node: not: {} process_graph: not: {} - type: string title: String - type: number title: Number (incl. integers) - type: boolean title: Boolean - type: array title: Array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_argument_value' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' - type: object title: Result Reference description: Data that is expected to be passed from another process. required: - from_node properties: from_node: description: The ID of the node that data is expected to come from. type: string additionalProperties: false - type: object title: Parameter Reference description: >- A parameter for a process graph. Data that is expected to be passed to a process graph either from the user directly or from the process that is executing the process graph. required: - from_parameter properties: from_parameter: description: The name of the parameter that data is expected to come from. type: string additionalProperties: false process_graph: title: Process Graph description: >- A process graph defines a graph-like structure as a connected set of executable processes. Each key is a unique identifier (node ID) that is used to refer to the process in the graph. type: object additionalProperties: x-additionalPropertiesName: Node ID title: Process Node type: object required: - process_id - arguments properties: process_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_id' namespace: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_namespace' result: type: boolean description: >- Used to specify which node is the last in the chain and returns the result to return to the requesting context. This flag MUST only be set once in each list of process nodes. default: false description: description: Optional description about the process and its arguments. type: string nullable: true arguments: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_arguments' example: dc: process_id: load_collection arguments: id: Sentinel-2 spatial_extent: west: 16.1 east: 16.6 north: 48.6 south: 47.2 temporal_extent: - '2018-01-01' - '2018-02-01' bands: process_id: filter_bands description: >- Filter and order the bands. The order is important for the following reduce operation. arguments: data: from_node: dc bands: - B08 - B04 - B02 evi: process_id: reduce description: >- Compute the EVI. Formula: 2.5 * (NIR - RED) / (1 + NIR + 6*RED + -7.5*BLUE) arguments: data: from_node: bands dimension: bands reducer: process_graph: nir: process_id: array_element arguments: data: from_parameter: data index: 0 red: process_id: array_element arguments: data: from_parameter: data index: 1 blue: process_id: array_element arguments: data: from_parameter: data index: 2 sub: process_id: subtract arguments: data: - from_node: nir - from_node: red p1: process_id: product arguments: data: - 6 - from_node: red p2: process_id: product arguments: data: - -7.5 - from_node: blue sum: process_id: sum arguments: data: - 1 - from_node: nir - from_node: p1 - from_node: p2 div: process_id: divide arguments: data: - from_node: sub - from_node: sum p3: process_id: product arguments: data: - 2.5 - from_node: div result: true mintime: process_id: reduce description: Compute a minimum time composite by reducing the temporal dimension arguments: data: from_node: evi dimension: temporal reducer: process_graph: min: process_id: min arguments: data: from_parameter: data result: true save: process_id: save_result arguments: data: from_node: mintime format: GTiff result: true process: title: Process type: object properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_id' summary: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_summary' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_description' categories: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_categories' parameters: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_parameters' returns: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_return_value' deprecated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deprecated' experimental: $ref: '#/components/schemas/experimental' exceptions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_exceptions' examples: type: array description: Examples, may be used for unit tests. items: title: Process Example type: object required: - arguments properties: title: type: string description: A title for the example. description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_description' arguments: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_arguments' returns: description: The return value which can by of any data type. links: type: array description: |- Links related to this process, e.g. additional external documentation. It is RECOMMENDED to provide links with the following `rel` (relation) types: 1. `latest-version`: If a process has been marked as deprecated, a link SHOULD point to the preferred version of the process. The relation types `predecessor-version` (link to older version) and `successor-version` (link to newer version) can also be used to show the relation between versions. 2. `example`: Links to examples of other processes that use this process. 3. `cite-as`: For all DOIs associated with the process, the respective DOI links SHOULD be added. For additional relation types see also the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' process_graph: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph' user_defined_process_meta: title: User-defined Process Metadata description: A user-defined process, may only contain metadata and no process graph. type: object required: - id properties: summary: type: string nullable: true description: type: string nullable: true parameters: type: array nullable: true returns: type: object nullable: true allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process' process_graph_with_metadata: title: Process Graph with metadata description: A process graph, optionally enriched with process metadata. type: object required: - process_graph properties: id: type: string nullable: true summary: type: string nullable: true description: type: string nullable: true parameters: type: array nullable: true returns: type: object nullable: true allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process' process_namespace: type: string nullable: true default: null example: null description: |- The namespace the `process_id` is valid for. The following options are predefined by the geodatacube API, but additional namespaces may be introduced by back-ends or in a future version of the API. * `null` (default): Checks both user-defined and predefined processes, but prefers user-defined processes if both are available. This allows users to add missing predefined processes for portability, e.g. common processes from []( that have a process graph included. It is RECOMMENDED to log the namespace selected by the back-end for debugging purposes. * `backend`: Uses exclusively the predefined processes listed at `GET /processes`. * `user`: Uses exclusively the user-defined processes listed at `GET /process_graphs`. If multiple processes with the same identifier exist, Clients SHOULD inform the user that it's recommended to select a namespace. process_id: type: string description: |- The identifier for the process. It MUST be unique across its namespace (e.g. predefined processes or user-defined processes). Clients SHOULD warn the user if a user-defined process is added with the same identifier as one of the predefined process. pattern: '^\w+$' example: ndvi process_summary: type: string description: A short summary of what the process does. process_categories: type: array description: A list of categories. items: type: string description: Name of the category. process_return_value: type: object title: Process Return Value description: Description of the data that is returned by this process. required: - schema properties: description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_description' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_schema' experimental: type: boolean description: >- Declares that the specified entity is experimental, which means that it is likely to change or may produce unpredictable behaviour. Users should refrain from using it in production, but still feel encouraged to try it out and give feedback. default: false deprecated: type: boolean description: |- Declares that the specified entity is deprecated with the potential to be removed in any of the next versions. It should be transitioned out of usage as soon as possible and users should refrain from using it in new implementations. default: false process_exceptions: type: object title: Process Exceptions description: |- Declares exceptions (errors) that might occur during execution of this process. This list is just for informative purposes and may be incomplete. This list MUST only contain exceptions that stop the execution of a process and MUST NOT contain warnings, notices or debugging messages. It is meant to primarily contain errors that have been caused by the user. It is RECOMMENDED that exceptions are referred to and explained in process or parameter descriptions. The keys define the error code and MUST match the following pattern: `^\w+$`. additionalProperties: x-additionalPropertiesName: Error Code title: Process Exception type: object required: - message properties: description: type: string format: commonmark description: |- Detailed description to explain the error to client users and back-end developers. This should not be shown in the clients directly, but MAY be linked to in the errors `url` property. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. message: type: string description: >- Explains the reason the server is rejecting the request. This message is intended to be displayed to the client user. For "4xx" error codes the message SHOULD explain shortly how the client needs to modify the request. The message MAY contain variables, which are enclosed by curly brackets. Example: `{variable_name}` example: >- The value specified for the process argument '{argument}' in process '{process}' is invalid: {reason} http: type: integer description: >- HTTP Status Code, following the [error handling conventions in this API](#section/API-Principles/Error-Handling). Defaults to `400`. default: 400 process_parameters: type: array description: |- A list of parameters. The order in the array corresponds to the parameter order to be used in clients that don't support named parameters. **Note:** Specifying an empty array is different from (if allowed) `null` or the property being absent. An empty array means the process has no parameters. `null` / property absent means that the parameters are unknown as the user has not specified them. There could still be parameters in the process graph, if one is specified. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_parameter' base_parameter: type: object required: - name - description properties: name: type: string description: |- A unique name for the parameter. It is RECOMMENDED to use [snake case]( (e.g. `window_size` or `scale_factor`). pattern: '^\w+$' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_description' optional: type: boolean description: >- Determines whether this parameter is optional to be specified even when no default is specified. Clients SHOULD automatically set this parameter to `true`, if a default value is specified. Back-ends SHOULD NOT fail, if a default value is specified and this flag is missing. default: false deprecated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deprecated' experimental: $ref: '#/components/schemas/experimental' default: description: >- The default value for this parameter. Required parameters SHOULD NOT specify a default value. Optional parameters SHOULD always specify a default value. parameter: title: Parameter type: object required: - schema properties: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_type_schema' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_parameter' process_parameter: title: Process Parameter type: object required: - schema properties: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_schema' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_parameter' batch_job: title: Batch Job description: >- The metadata of a batch jobs that has been submitted by the authenticated user. type: object required: - id - status - created properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/job_id' title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' status: type: string enum: - created - queued - running - canceled - finished - error description: |- The current status of a batch job. The following status changes can occur: * `POST /jobs`: The status is initialized as `created`. * `POST /jobs/{job_id}/results`: The status is set to `queued`, if processing doesn't start instantly. * Once the processing starts the status is set to `running`. * Once the data is available to download the status is set to `finished`. * Whenever an error occurs during processing, the status MUST be set to `error`. * `DELETE /jobs/{job_id}/results`: The status is set to `canceled` if the status was `running` beforehand and partial or preliminary results are available to be downloaded. Otherwise the status is set to `created`. example: running default: created progress: type: number description: >- Indicates the process of a running batch job in percent. Can also be set for a job which stopped due to an error or was canceled by the user. In this case, the value indicates the progress at which the job stopped. The Property may not be available for the status codes `created` and `queued`. Submitted and queued jobs only allow the value `0`, finished jobs only allow the value `100`. minimum: 0 maximum: 100 example: 75.5 created: $ref: '#/components/schemas/created' updated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/updated' usage: description: |- Metrics about the resource usage of the batch job. Back-ends are not expected to update the metrics while processing data, so the metrics can only be available after the job has finished or has stopped due to an error. For usage metrics during processing, metrics can better be added to the logs (e.g. `GET /jobs/{job_id}/logs`) with the same schema. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_default' links: type: array description: |- Links related to this batch job, e.g. a links to invoices, log files or results. It is RECOMMENDED to provide links with the following `rel` (relation) types: 1. `monitor`: If logs are available, a link to the [logs endpoint](#tag/Batch-Jobs/operation/debug-job). 2. `result`: If batch job results are available, a link to the [results endpoint](#tag/Batch-Jobs/operation/list-results). The relation types `monitor` and `result` may occur for various batch job states: 1. `created`: When the batch job was executed before and has been reset to `created` after an [update](#tag/Batch-Jobs/operation/update-job) there could still be results and logs available until they get discarded by [queueing the batch job again](#tag/Batch-Jobs/operation/start-job). 2. `finished`: The full log and results are expected to be available. 3. `error` / `canceled`: Partial results and logs may be available. For more relation types see the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: - rel: result type: application/json title: Batch Job Results href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/jobs/123/logs - rel: result type: application/json title: Batch Job Logs href: https://geodatacube.example/api/v1/jobs/123/logs job_id: type: string description: >- Per-backend unique identifier of the batch job, generated by the back-end during creation. MUST match the specified pattern. pattern: '^[\w\-\.~]+$' example: a3cca2b2aa1e3b5b created: type: string format: date-time description: >- Date and time of creation, formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. example: '2017-01-01T09:32:12Z' updated: type: string format: date-time description: >- Date and time of the last status change, formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. example: '2017-01-01T09:36:18Z' description: type: string format: commonmark description: >- Detailed description to explain the entity. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. object_title: type: string description: >- A human-readable short title to be displayed to users **in addition** to the names specified in the keys. This property is only for better user experience so that users can understand the names better. Example titles could be `GeoTiff` for the key `GTiff` (for file formats) or `OGC Web Map Service` for the key `WMS` (for service types). The title MUST NOT be used in communication (e.g. in process graphs), although clients MAY translate the titles into the corresponding names. eo_title: description: A short description to easily distinguish entities. type: string nullable: true example: NDVI based on Sentinel 2 eo_description: type: string format: commonmark description: >- Detailed multi-line description to explain the entity. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. nullable: true example: Deriving minimum NDVI measurements over pixel time series of Sentinel 2 process_description: type: string format: commonmark description: >- Detailed description to explain the entity. [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. In addition to the CommonMark syntax, clients can convert process IDs that are formatted as in the following example into links instead of code blocks: ``` ``process_id()`` ``` service: title: Secondary Web Service description: >- The metadata of a secondary web service that has been submitted by the authenticated user. type: object required: - id - enabled - type - url properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_id' title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_title' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eo_description' url: type: string format: uri description: >- URL at which the secondary web service is accessible. Doesn't necessarily need to be located within the API. example: 'https://geodatacube.example/wms/wms-a3cca9' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_type' enabled: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_enabled' process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_with_metadata' configuration: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_configuration' attributes: title: Secondary Web Service Attributes type: object description: >- Additional attributes of the secondary web service, e.g. available layers for a WMS based on the bands in the underlying GeoTiff. example: layers: - ndvi - evi created: $ref: '#/components/schemas/created' usage: description: |- Metrics about the resource usage of the secondary web service. Back-ends are not expected to update the metrics in real-time. For detailed usage metrics for individual processing steps, metrics can be added to the logs (e.g. `GET /jobs/{job_id}/logs`) with the same schema. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage' log_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/min_log_level_default' service_type: description: >- Definition of the service type to access result data. All available service types can be retrieved via `GET /service_types`. Service types MUST be accepted in a *case insensitive* manner. type: string example: wms service_configuration: type: object title: Service Configuration description: >- Map of configuration settings, i.e. the setting names supported by the secondary web service combined with actual values. See `GET /service_types` for supported configuration settings. For example, this could specify the required version of the service, visualization details or any other service dependant configuration. example: version: 1.3.0 service_enabled: type: boolean description: >- Describes whether a secondary web service is responding to requests (true) or not (false). Disabled services don't produce any costs. service_id: type: string description: >- A per-backend unique identifier of the secondary web service, generated by the back-end during creation. MUST match the specified pattern. pattern: '^[\w\-\.~]+$' example: wms-a3cca9 resource_parameter: x-additionalPropertiesName: Parameter Name type: object title: Resource Parameter description: |- Describes a parameter for various resources (e.g. file formats, service types). The parameters are specified according to the [JSON Schema draft-07]( specification. See the chapter ['Schemas' in 'Defining Processes'](#section/Processes/Defining-Processes) for more information. The following more complex JSON Schema keywords SHOULD NOT be used: `if`, `then`, `else`, `readOnly`, `writeOnly`, `dependencies`, `minProperties`, `maxProperties`, `patternProperties`. JSON Schemas SHOULD always be dereferenced (i.e. all `$refs` should be resolved). This allows clients to consume the schemas much better. Clients are not expected to support dereferencing `$refs`. Note: The specified schema is only a common subset of JSON Schema. Additional keywords MAY be used. required: - description properties: description: type: string description: A brief description of the parameter according to [JSON Schema draft-07]( required: type: boolean description: Determines whether this parameter is mandatory. default: false experimental: $ref: '#/components/schemas/experimental' default: description: >- The default value represents what would be assumed by the consumer of the input as the value of the parameter if none is provided. The value MUST conform to the defined type for the parameter defined at the same level. For example, if type is string, then default can be "foo" but cannot be 1. See [JSON Schema draft-07]( allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_json_schema' error: title: General Error description: >- An error object declares additional information about a client-side or server-side error. See also: * [Error Handling](#section/API-Principles/Error-Handling) in the API in general. type: object required: - code - message properties: id: type: string description: >- A back-end MAY add a unique identifier to the error response to be able to log and track errors with further non-disclosable details. A client could communicate this id to a back-end provider to get further information. example: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 code: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_code' message: type: string description: >- A message explaining what the client may need to change or what difficulties the server is facing. example: Parameter 'sample' is missing. links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_links' log_code: type: string description: >- The code is either one of the standardized error codes or a custom code, for example specified by a user in the `inspect` process. example: SampleError log_links: description: |- Links related to this log entry / error, e.g. to a resource that provides further explanations. For relation types see the lists of [common relation types](#section/API-Principles/Web-Linking). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/link' example: - href: 'https://geodatacube.example/docs/errors/SampleError' rel: about log_level: description: |- The severity level of the log entry. The order of the levels is as follows (from low to high severity): `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`. The level `error` usually corresponds with critical issues that usually terminate the data processing. type: string enum: - error - warning - info - debug example: error min_log_level_default: description: |- The minimum severity level for log entries that the back-end stores for the processing request. The order of the levels is as follows (from low to high severity): `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`. That means if `warning` is set, the back-end will only store log entries with the level `warning` and `error`. The default minimum log level is `info`. Users need to specifically set this property to `debug` to get *all* log entries. It is RECOMMENDED that users set the level at least to "warning" in production workflows. type: string enum: - error - warning - info - debug default: info example: warning min_log_level_update: description: |- Updates the minimum severity level for log entries that the back-end stores for the processing requests. The back-end doesn't need to update existing log entries. type: string enum: - error - warning - info - debug example: warning data_type_schema: title: Data Types description: Either a single data type or a list of data types. oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_json_schema' - title: Multiple data types description: A list of data types this parameter supports, specified as JSON Schemas. type: array minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_json_schema' process_schema: title: Process Data types description: Either a single data type or a list of data types for process parameter or process return values. oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_json_schema' - title: Multiple data types description: A list of data types supported, specified as JSON Schemas. type: array minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_json_schema' process_json_schema: type: object title: Single Data Type description: |- Specifies a data type supported by a parameter or return value. The data types are specified according to the [JSON Schema draft-07]( specification. See the chapter ['Schemas' in 'Defining Processes'](#section/Processes/Defining-Processes) for more information. JSON Schemas SHOULD NOT contain `default`, `anyOf`, `oneOf`, `allOf` or `not` at the top-level of the schema. Instead specify each data type in a separate array element. The following more complex JSON Schema keywords SHOULD NOT be used: `if`, `then`, `else`, `readOnly`, `writeOnly`, `dependencies`, `minProperties`, `maxProperties`, `patternProperties`. JSON Schemas SHOULD always be dereferenced (i.e. all `$refs` should be resolved). This allows clients to consume the schemas much better. Clients are not expected to support dereferencing `$refs`. Note: The specified schema is only a common subset of JSON Schema. Additional keywords MAY be used. properties: subtype: type: string description: The allowed sub data type for a value. See the chapter on [subtypes](#section/Processes/Defining-Processes) for more information. deprecated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deprecated' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' oneOf: - title: Generic - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_graph_json_schema' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/datacube_json_schema' process_graph_json_schema: title: Process Graph type: object properties: subtype: type: string enum: - process-graph parameters: type: array title: Process Graph Parameters description: |- A list of parameters passed to the child process graph. The order in the array corresponds to the parameter order to be used in clients that don't support named parameters. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/parameter' returns: type: object title: Process Graph Return Value description: |- Description of the data that is returned by the child process graph. required: - schema properties: description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_description' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_type_schema' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_json_schema' datacube_json_schema: title: Datacube properties: subtype: type: string enum: - datacube dimensions: title: Datacube constraints description: |- Allows to specify requirements the data cube has to fulfill. Right now, it only allows to specify the dimension types and adds for specific dimension types: * axes for `spatial` dimensions in raster datacubes * geometry types for `geometry` dimensions in vector datacubes type: array items: type: object required: - type oneOf: - title: Spatial (raster) properties: type: type: string enum: - spatial axis: type: array minItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/dimension_axis_xyz' - title: Spatial (vector) properties: type: type: string enum: - geometry geometry_type: type: array minItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometry_type' - title: Other properties: type: type: string enum: - bands - temporal - other json_schema: type: object title: JSON Schema description: |- A JSON Schema compliant to [JSON Schema draft-07]( or later. JSON Schemas SHOULD always be dereferenced (i.e. all `$refs` should be resolved). This allows clients to consume the schemas much better. Clients are not expected to support dereferencing `$refs`. Note: The specified schema in the OpenAPI document is only a common subset of JSON Schema. Additional keywords from the JSON Schema specification MAY be used. properties: $schema: description: |- The JSON Schema version. If not given in the context of this API, defaults to `draft-07`. You may need to add the default value for `$schema` property explicitly to the JSON Schema object before passing it to a JSON Schema validator. type: string format: uri default: $id: description: ID of your JSON Schema. type: string format: uri type: description: |- The allowed basic data type(s) for a value. If this property is not present, all data types are allowed. oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema_type' - type: array minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema_type' pattern: type: "string" format: "regex" description: The regular expression a string value must match against. enum: type: array items: {} description: An exclusive list of allowed values. minimum: type: number description: The minimum value (inclusive) allowed for a numerical value. maximum: type: number description: The maximum value (inclusive) allowed for a numerical value. minItems: type: number minimum: 0 default: 0 description: The minimum number of items required in an array. maxItems: type: number minimum: 0 description: The maximum number of items required in an array. items: description: Specifies schemas for the items in an array. anyOf: - type: array minItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/json_schema' additionalProperties: description: >- You can add any other property supported by the JSON Schema version that is given through the property `$schema`, so either [draft-07]( or any later version. json_schema_type: type: string enum: - array - boolean - integer - 'null' - number - object - string geometry_type: title: Geometry type type: string enum: - Point - MultiPoint - LineString - MultiLineString - Polygon - MultiPolygon - GeometryCollection GeoJsonPoint3D: type: array description: Point in 3D space minItems: 2 maxItems: 3 items: type: number GeoJsonPoint: type: object title: GeoJSON Point required: - type - coordinates properties: type: type: string enum: - Point coordinates: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint3D' GeoJsonFeatureCollection: type: object required: - type - features properties: type: type: string enum: - FeatureCollection features: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonFeature' GeoJsonFeature: type: object required: - type - geometry - properties properties: type: type: string enum: - Feature geometry: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' properties: type: object nullable: true GeoJsonGeometry: title: GeoJSON Geometry type: object required: - type properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/geometry_type' discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: Point: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint' LineString: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonLineString' Polygon: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPolygon' MultiPoint: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonMultiPoint' MultiLineString: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonMultiLineString' MultiPolygon: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonMultiPolygon' GeometryCollection: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometryCollection' GeoJsonLineString: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' - type: object title: GeoJSON LineString required: - coordinates properties: coordinates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint3D' GeoJsonPolygon: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' - type: object title: GeoJSON Polygon required: - coordinates properties: coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint3D' GeoJsonMultiPoint: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' - type: object title: GeoJSON MultiPoint required: - coordinates properties: coordinates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint3D' GeoJsonMultiLineString: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' - type: object title: GeoJSON MultiLineString required: - coordinates properties: coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint3D' GeoJsonMultiPolygon: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' - type: object title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon required: - coordinates properties: coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonPoint3D' GeoJsonGeometryCollection: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' - type: object title: GeoJSON GeometryCollection required: - geometries properties: geometries: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoJsonGeometry' log_entry: title: Log Entry description: >- An log message that communicates information about the processed data. type: object required: - id - level - message properties: id: type: string description: >- An unique identifier for the log message, could simply be an incrementing number. example: "1" code: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_code' level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_level' message: type: string description: >- A concise message explaining the log entry. Messages do *not* explicitly support [CommonMark 0.29]( syntax as other descriptive fields in the geodatacube API do, but the messages MAY contain line breaks or indentation. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to add stacktraces to the `message`. example: >- Can't load the UDF file from the URL `https://geodatacube.example/invalid/file.txt`. Server responded with error 404. time: type: string format: date-time title: Date and Time description: >- The date and time the event happened, in UTC. Formatted as a [RFC 3339]( date-time. data: description: |- Data of any type. It is the back-ends task to decide how to best present passed data to a user. For example, a datacube passed to the `inspect` SHOULD return the metadata similar to the collection metadata, including `cube:dimensions`. There are implementation guidelines available for the `inspect` process. path: description: |- Describes where the log entry originates from. The first element of the array is the process that has triggered the log entry, the second element is the parent of the process that has triggered the log entry, etc. This pattern is followed until the root of the process graph. type: array items: type: object required: - node_id properties: node_id: type: string description: The id of the node the log entry originates from. example: runudf1 process_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_id' namespace: $ref: '#/components/schemas/process_namespace' parameter: type: string description: >- If applicable, the name of the parameter the log entry corresponds to. pattern: '^\w+$' nullable: true example: udf usage: $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_links' usage: title: Resource usage metrics type: object properties: cpu: description: |- Specifies the CPU usage, usually in a unit such as `cpu-seconds`. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' memory: description: |- Specifies the memory usage, usually in a unit such as `mb-seconds` or `gb-hours`. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' duration: description: |- Specifies the wall time, usually in a unit such as `seconds`, `minutes` or `hours`. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' network: description: |- Specifies the network transfer usage (incoming and outgoing), usually in a unit such as `b` (bytes), `kb` (kilobytes), `mb` (megabytes) or `gb` (gigabytes). allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' disk: description: |- Specifies the amount of input (read) and output (write) operations on the storage such as disks, usually in a unit such as `b` (bytes), `kb` (kilobytes), `mb` (megabytes) or `gb` (gigabytes). allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' storage: description: |- Specifies the usage of storage space, usually in a unit such as `b` (bytes), `kb` (kilobytes), `mb` (megabytes) or `gb` (gigabytes). allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' additionalProperties: description: |- Additional metrics. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/usage_metric' example: cpu: value: 40668 unit: cpu-seconds duration: value: 2611 unit: seconds memory: value: 108138811 unit: mb-seconds network: value: 0 unit: kb storage: value: 55 unit: mb usage_metric: type: object required: - value - unit properties: value: type: number minimum: 0 unit: type: string responses: logs: description: Lists the requested log entries. content: application/json: schema: title: Log Entries type: object required: - logs - links properties: level: description: |- The minimum severity level for log entries that the back-end returns. This property MUST reflect the effective lowest `level` that may appear in the document, which is (if implemented) the highest level of: 1. the `log_level` specified by the user for the processing request. 2. the `level` specified by the user for the log request. The order of the levels is as follows (from low to high severity): `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`. That means if `warning` is set, the logs will only contain entries with the level `warning` and `error`. type: string enum: - error - warning - info - debug default: debug logs: description: A chronological list of logs. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/log_entry' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links_pagination' client_error: description: |- The request can't be fulfilled due to an error on client-side, i.e. the request is invalid. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. The response body SHOULD contain a JSON error object. MUST be any HTTP status code specified in [RFC 7231]( This request usually does not respond with HTTP status codes 401 and 403 due to missing authorization. HTTP status code 404 SHOULD be used if the value of a path parameter is invalid. See also: * [Error Handling](#section/API-Principles/Error-Handling) in the API in general. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' client_error_auth: description: |- The request can't be fulfilled due to an error on client-side, i.e. the request is invalid. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. The response body SHOULD contain a JSON error object. MUST be any HTTP status code specified in [RFC 7231]( This request MUST respond with HTTP status codes 401 if authorization is required or 403 if the authorization failed or access is forbidden in general to the authenticated user. HTTP status code 404 SHOULD be used if the value of a path parameter is invalid. See also: * [Error Handling](#section/API-Principles/Error-Handling) in the API in general. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' server_error: description: |- The request can't be fulfilled due to an error at the back-end. The error is never the client’s fault and therefore it is reasonable for the client to retry the exact same request that triggered this response. The response body SHOULD contain a JSON error object. MUST be any HTTP status code specified in [RFC 7231]( See also: * [Error Handling](#section/API-Principles/Error-Handling) in the API in general. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' parameters: ogc_processID: name: processID description: ID of the OGC process in: path required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string f-metadata: name: f in: query description: The format of the response. If no value is provided, the accept header is used to determine the format. Accepted values are 'json' or 'html'. required: false schema: type: string enum: - json - html style: form explode: false subset: name: subset in: query description: | Retrieve only part of the data by slicing or trimming along one or more axis For trimming: {axisAbbrev}({low}:{high}) (preserves dimensionality) An asterisk (`*`) can be used instead of {low} or {high} to indicate the minimum/maximum value. For slicing: {axisAbbrev}({value}) (reduces dimensionality) style: form explode: false required: false schema: type: array items: type: string crs: name: crs in: query description: reproject the output to the given crs required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string subset-crs: name: subset-crs in: query description: crs for the specified subset required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string bbox-crs: name: bbox-crs in: query description: crs for the specified bbox required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string scale-factor: name: scale-factor in: query description: |- For each axis, the returned coverage will contain the number of original sampled values, divided by the scale-factor. required: false schema: type: number scale-axes: name: scale-axes in: query description: |- Returns a coverage re-scaled so as to contain `{number}` times less sample values along the corresponding axisName axis, and all original values along the dimensions of unspecified axes ``` ScalingSpec: "scale-axes"=axisName({number})[,axisName({number})]* axisName: {NCName} Where: {number} is an integer or floating-point number, and {axisName} is the same as one of the axisLabels defined in the DomainSet ``` required: false schema: type: string scale-size: name: scale-size in: query description: |- When `scale-size` is used, the returned coverage will contain exactly the specified number of sample values along each axis which is specified, and the original number of sample values for unspecified axes. ``` ScalingSpec: "scale-size"=axisName({number})[,axisName({number})]* axisName: {text} Where: {number} is an integer or floating-point number and {axisName} is the same as one of the axisLabels defined in the DomainSet ``` required: false schema: type: string properties: name: properties in: query description: |- Select specific data record fields (measured/observed properties) to be returned. ``` RangeSubsetSpec: "properties"=field[,fieldName]* field: {fieldName}|{fieldIndex}|"*" fieldName: {text} fieldIndex: {number} Where: {number} is an integer number, and {text} is some general ASCII text. ``` The field name must be one of the id defined in the RangeType DataRecord fields. The field index must be an integer between 0 and the number of fields - 1 defined in the RangeType DataRecord fields. An asterisk indicates to also include subsequent fields. required: false schema: type: string f-coverage: name: f description: The optional f parameter indicates the output format which the server shall provide as part of the response document. It has preference over the HTTP Accept header. explode: false in: query required: false schema: type: string enum: - png - geotiff - netcdf - json - covjson - html style: form f-rangeset: name: f description: The optional f parameter indicates the output format which the server shall provide as part of the response document. It has preference over the HTTP Accept header. explode: false in: query required: false schema: default: json enum: - json - html type: string style: form f-domainset: name: f description: The optional f parameter indicates the output format which the server shall provide as part of the response document. It has preference over the HTTP Accept header. explode: false in: query required: false schema: default: json enum: - json - html type: string style: form f-rangetype: name: f description: The optional f parameter indicates the output format which the server shall provide as part of the response document. It has preference over the HTTP Accept header. explode: false in: query required: false schema: default: json enum: - json - html type: string style: form pagination_limit: name: limit description: |- This parameter enables pagination for the endpoint and specifies the maximum number of elements that arrays in the top-level object (e.g. collections, processes, batch jobs, secondary services, log entries, etc.) are allowed to contain. The `links` array MUST NOT be paginated like the resources, but instead contain links related to the paginated resources or the pagination itself (e.g. a link to the next page). If the parameter is not provided or empty, all elements are returned. Pagination is OPTIONAL: back-ends or clients may not support it. Therefore it MUST be implemented in a way that clients not supporting pagination get all resources regardless. Back-ends not supporting pagination MUST return all resources. If the response is paginated, the `links` array MUST be used to communicate the links for browsing the pagination with predefined `rel` types. See the `links` array schema for supported `rel` types. Back-end implementations can, unless specified otherwise, use all kind of pagination techniques, depending on what is supported best by their infrastructure: page-based, offset-based, token-based or something else. The clients SHOULD use whatever is specified in the links with the corresponding `rel` types. in: query allowEmptyValue: true example: 10 schema: type: integer minimum: 1 log_offset: name: offset description: The last identifier (property `id` of a log entry) the client has received. If provided, the back-ends only sends the entries that occurred after the specified identifier. If not provided or empty, start with the first entry. in: query allowEmptyValue: true example: log1234 schema: type: string log_level: name: level description: |- The minimum severity level for log entries that the back-end returns. The order of the levels is as follows (from low to high severity): `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`. That means if `warning` is set, the back-end will only return log entries with the level `warning` and `error`. The default minimum log level is `debug`, which returns all log levels. in: query allowEmptyValue: true example: error schema: type: string enum: - error - warning - info - debug default: info service_id: name: service_id in: path description: Identifier of the secondary web service. required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/service_id' job_id: name: job_id in: path description: Identifier of the batch job. required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/job_id' collection_id: name: collection_id in: path description: Collection identifier required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_id' bbox: name: bbox in: query description: |- Only features that have a geometry that intersects the bounding box are selected. The bounding box is provided as four or six numbers, depending on whether the coordinate reference system includes a vertical axis (height or depth): * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1 * Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2 * Minimum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional) * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1 * Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2 * Maximum value, coordinate axis 3 (optional) The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS 84 longitude/latitude ( For WGS 84 longitude/latitude the values are in most cases the sequence of minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude and maximum latitude. However, in cases where the box spans the antimeridian the first value (west-most box edge) is larger than the third value (east-most box edge). If the vertical axis is included, the third and the sixth number are the bottom and the top of the 3-dimensional bounding box. If a feature has multiple spatial geometry properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single spatial geometry property is used to determine the extent or all relevant geometries. required: false schema: type: array oneOf: - minItems: 4 maxItems: 4 - minItems: 6 maxItems: 6 items: type: number style: form explode: false datetime: name: datetime in: query description: |- Either a date-time or an interval, open or closed. Date and time expressions adhere to RFC 3339. Open intervals are expressed using double-dots. Examples: * A date-time: "2018-02-12T23:20:50Z" * A closed interval: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/2018-03-18T12:31:12Z" * Open intervals: "2018-02-12T00:00:00Z/.." or "../2018-03-18T12:31:12Z" Only features that have a temporal property that intersects the value of `datetime` are selected. If a feature has multiple temporal properties, it is the decision of the server whether only a single temporal property is used to determine the extent or all relevant temporal properties. required: false schema: type: string style: form explode: false feature_id: name: feature_id in: path description: local identifier of a feature required: true schema: type: string examples: evi_user_defined_process: description: A user-defined process that computes the EVI. value: id: evi summary: Enhanced Vegetation Index description: >- Computes the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). It is computed with the following formula: `2.5 * (NIR - RED) / (1 + NIR + 6*RED + -7.5*BLUE)`. parameters: - name: red description: Value from the red band. schema: type: number - name: blue description: Value from the blue band. schema: type: number - name: nir description: Value from the near infrared band. schema: type: number returns: description: Computed EVI. schema: type: number process_graph: sub: process_id: subtract arguments: x: from_parameter: nir y: from_parameter: red p1: process_id: multiply arguments: x: 6 y: from_parameter: red p2: process_id: multiply arguments: x: -7.5 y: from_parameter: blue sum: process_id: sum arguments: data: - 1 - from_parameter: nir - from_node: p1 - from_node: p2 div: process_id: divide arguments: x: from_node: sub y: from_node: sum p3: process_id: multiply arguments: x: 2.5 y: from_node: div result: true securitySchemes: Bearer: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: >- The Bearer Token MUST consist of the authentication method, a provider ID (if available) and the token itself. All separated by a forward slash `/`. Examples (replace `TOKEN` with the actual access token): (1) Basic authentication (no provider ID available): `basic//TOKEN` (2) OpenID Connect (provider ID is `ms`): `oidc/ms/TOKEN`. For OpenID Connect, the provider ID corresponds to the value specified for `id` for each provider in `GET /credentials/oidc`. Basic: type: http scheme: basic