#!/bin/sh # set -euxo pipefail # File: adblock.sh # # Adblock shell script for DD-WRT # # AUTHOR: Manish Parashar # # https://github.com/m-parashar/adblock # https://forum.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=307533 # # Thanks: List providers, contributors, and users. # # Installation: # Give the script permissions to execute: # chmod +x adblock.sh # # Add the hosts file and extra configuration to DD-WRT's dnsmasq config via Services -> Additional DNSMasq Options # conf-file=/jffs/dnsmasq/mpdomains # addn-hosts=/jffs/dnsmasq/mphosts # # optional: # Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part) # domain-needed # Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces. # bogus-priv # # Log each DNS query as it passes through dnsmasq. # log-queries # log-facility=/jffs/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.log # log-async # # Go to Administration -> Cron (Sets the script to update itself. Choose your own schedule.) # Build the adblock files on MON and THU at 6AM # 0 6 * * 1,4 root /jffs/dnsmasq/adblock.sh VERSION="20230505" ############################################################################### # define aggressiveness: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ] # 0: bare minimum protection from ads and malware # 1: toned down, tuxedo wearing ad-slaying professional mode [DEFAULT] # 2: optimum protection # 3: ramped up, stone cold ad-killing maniac mode # either change this here or use command line argument export BLITZ=1 # online/offline mode switch # DO NOT CHANGE; use command line argument instead export ONLINE=1 # URL to ping and confirm connectivity status export PING_TARGET="google.com" # where ads go to die # do not use or export ADHOLE_IP="" # for REMOTE MODE # define ROUTER IP here export REMOTE_MODE=0 export REMOTE_IP="" export REMOTE_USER="root" # DEBUG mode export DEBUG=0 # secure communication switch # if enabled, cURL uses certificates for safe and # secure TLS/SSL communication export SECURL=0 # force wget even if curl is available, for testing export FORCEWGET=0 # day of week export DAYOFWEEK=$(date +"%u") # distribution mode / defaults switch # if set to 1, ignores myblacklist/mywhitelist files # DO NOT CHANGE; use command line argument instead export DISTRIB=0 # block Facebook # f: only block Facebook and Messenger services # F: block Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp export NOFB=0 # define dnsmasq directory and path # needn't be /jffs, could be /opt # preferably use a USB drive for this if [ -d "/jffs/dnsmasq" ]; then export MPDIR="/jffs/dnsmasq" else export REMOTE_MODE=1 export MPDIR="." export REMOTE_DIR="/jffs/dnsmasq" fi # temporary directory if [ -d "/tmp" ]; then export TMPDIR="/tmp" else export TMPDIR="." fi # log file export LOGFILE="${MPDIR}/adblock.log" [ ! -f $LOGFILE ] && touch $LOGFILE # dnsmasq hosts & domain files export MPHOSTS="${MPDIR}/mphosts" export MPHOSTS_PAUSED="${MPDIR}/mphosts.zzz" export TMPHOSTS="${TMPDIR}/mphosts.tmp" # temporary dnsmasq hosts & domain files export MPDOMAINS="${MPDIR}/mpdomains" export MPDOMAINS_PAUSED="${MPDIR}/mpdomains.zzz" export TMPDOMAINS="${TMPDIR}/mpdomains.tmp" # pause flag export PAUSE_FLAG="${MPDIR}/PAUSED" # blacklist file: a list of blacklisted domains one per line export BLACKLIST="${MPDIR}/blacklist" # whitelist file: a list of whitelisted domains one per line export WHITELIST="${MPDIR}/whitelist" # encoded whitelist file: a list of whitelisted domains one per line export BASE64WL="${MPDIR}/base64wl" # user's custom blacklist file: a list of blacklisted domains one per line export MY_BLACKLIST="${MPDIR}/myblacklist" # user's custom whitelist file: a list of whitelisted domains one per line export MY_WHITELIST="${MPDIR}/mywhitelist" ############################################################################### # help cron a bit export SHELL=/bin/sh if [ ! $REMOTE_MODE -eq 1 ]; then export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/jffs/sbin:/jffs/bin:/jffs/usr/sbin:/jffs/usr/bin:/mmc/sbin:/mmc/bin:/mmc/usr/sbin:/mmc/usr/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/opt/usr/sbin:/opt/usr/bin:"${MPDIR}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/jffs/lib:/jffs/usr/lib:/jffs/usr/local/lib:/mmc/lib:/mmc/usr/lib:/opt/lib:/opt/usr/lib export PWD="${MPDIR}" fi LC_ALL=C export LC_ALL ############################################################################### # check if cURL exists if [ -n "$(which curl)" ]; then export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="${MPDIR}/cacert.pem" alias MPGET="curl -f -s -S -k" alias MPGETSSL="curl -f -s -S -k" [ $SECURL -eq 1 ] && unalias MPGETSSL && alias MPGETSSL="curl -f -s -S --capath ${MPDIR} --cacert $CURL_CA_BUNDLE" alias MPGETMHK="curl -f -s -S -A "Mozilla/5.0" -e http://forum.xda-developers.com/" else FORCEWGET=1 fi # sed and grep filters alias SEDCLEAN="sed -r 's/^[[:blank:]]*//; s/[[:blank:]]*$//; s/^[[:punct:]]*//; s/[[:punct:]]*$//; /^$/d; /^\s*$/d'" alias GREPFILTER="grep -o '^[^#]*' | grep -vF -e \"::\" -e \";\" -e \"//\" -e \"http\" -e \"https\" -e \"@\" -e \"mailto\" | tr -cd '\000-\177'" alias AWKFILTER="awk '{print \$2}'" ############################################################################### cd "${MPDIR}" logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") started" ############################################################################### # echo & log lognecho () { echo "$1" echo "$1" >> $LOGFILE } # Remote router operations downloadRemote () { lognecho "[PROC] Downloading files from router..." scp $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_IP:"$REMOTE_DIR/my*list" $MPDIR } # upload blocklists to the remote system uploadRemote () { lognecho "[PROC] Uploading files to router..." scp $MPDIR/mpdomains $MPDIR/mphosts $MPDIR/my*list $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_IP:$REMOTE_DIR } # download/update cURL certificates getcURLCerts () { if [ ! -s cacert.pem ] || { [ "${DAYOFWEEK}" -eq 1 ] || [ "${DAYOFWEEK}" -eq 4 ]; }; then lognecho "[PROC] Downloading / updating cURL certificate" MPGETSSL --remote-name --time-cond cacert.pem https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem fi } # print file size printFileSize () { lognecho "[INFO] Size of $1: `du -h $1 | awk '{print $1}'`" } # restart dnsmasq restartDnsmasq () { logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") restarting dnsmasq" if [ $REMOTE_MODE -eq 1 ]; then ssh $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_IP killall -HUP dnsmasq else killall -HUP dnsmasq fi logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") restarted dnsmasq" } # resume protection protectOn () { if [ -f $PAUSE_FLAG ] && { [ -f $MPHOSTS_PAUSED ] || [ -f $MPDOMAINS_PAUSED ]; }; then lognecho "[INFO] RESUMING PROTECTION" mv $MPHOSTS_PAUSED $MPHOSTS mv $MPDOMAINS_PAUSED $MPDOMAINS rm -f $PAUSE_FLAG restartDnsmasq fi logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 0 } # pause protection protectOff () { lognecho "[WARNING] PAUSING PROTECTION" [ -f $MPHOSTS ] && mv $MPHOSTS $MPHOSTS_PAUSED [ -f $MPDOMAINS ] && mv $MPDOMAINS $MPDOMAINS_PAUSED echo "" > $MPHOSTS echo "" > $MPDOMAINS echo "PAUSED" > $PAUSE_FLAG restartDnsmasq lognecho "[INFO] Type $(basename "$0") --resume to resume protection." logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 0 } # print help options printHelp () { echo "" echo "USAGE:" printf '\t'; echo "$(basename "$0") [-? | -h | --help] [-v | --version] [-1] [-2] [-b | --bl=] [-w | --wl=] ..." echo "" echo "OPERATION:" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-0]"; printf '\t\t\t\t'; echo "BLITZ=0: safe minimum protection" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-1]"; printf '\t\t\t\t'; echo "BLITZ=1: increased protection [DEFAULT]" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-2]"; printf '\t\t\t\t'; echo "BLITZ=2: optimum protection" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-3]"; printf '\t\t\t\t'; echo "BLITZ=3: unlock maximum protection" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-f]"; printf '\t\t\t\t'; echo "Block Facebook and Messenger services" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-F]"; printf '\t\t\t\t'; echo "Block Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-d | -D]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Ignore myblacklist/mywhitelist entries" printf '\t'; echo -n "[--debug]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Debug the script in case of errors" printf '\t'; echo -n "[--wget]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Force use of wget even if cURL is available" printf '\t'; echo -n "[--remote=]"; echo -n "remote.ip"; printf '\t\t'; echo "Update your system remotely; default: $REMOTE_IP" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-b | --bl=]"; echo -n "domain.name"; printf '\t\t'; echo "Add domain.name to myblacklist" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-w | --wl=]"; echo -n "domain.name"; printf '\t\t'; echo "Add domain.name to mywhitelist" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-i | --ip=]"; echo -n "ip.ad.dr.ss"; printf '\t\t'; echo "Send ads to this IP; default: $ADHOLE_IP" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-p | --pause]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Pause protection" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-r | --resume]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Resume protection" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-s | --secure]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Use cURL CA certs for secure file transfer" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-o | --offline]"; printf '\t\t'; echo "Process local lists without downloading" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-h | --help]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Display this help screen and exit" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-u | --update]"; printf '\t\t\t'; echo "Update $(basename "$0") to the latest version" printf '\t'; echo -n "[-v | --version]"; printf '\t\t'; echo "Print $(basename "$0") version and exit" echo "" echo "EXAMPLES:" printf '\t'; echo "$(basename "$0") -s2 --ip= --bl=example1.com --wl=example2.com" printf '\t'; echo "$(basename "$0") -3Fqs -b example1.com -w example2.com --wl=example3.com" printf '\t'; echo "$(basename "$0") -2f --remote=" echo "" logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 0 } # update to the latest version selfUpdate () { TMPFILE="/tmp/mpupdate" lognecho "[PROC] Checking for updates." if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 $PING_TARGET >/dev/null; then MPGETSSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/$(basename "$0") > $TMPFILE if [ 0 -eq $? ]; then old_md5=`md5sum $0 | cut -d' ' -f1` new_md5=`md5sum $TMPFILE | cut -d' ' -f1` if [ "$old_md5" != "$new_md5" ]; then NEWVER=`grep -w -m 1 "VERSION" $TMPFILE` lognecho "[INFO] Update available: $NEWVER" OLDVER=`grep -w -m 1 "VERSION" $0 | cut -d \" -f2` cp $0 $0.$OLDVER chmod 755 $TMPFILE mv $TMPFILE $0 lognecho "[INFO] Updated to the latest version." else lognecho "[INFO] No updates available." fi else lognecho "[ERROR] Update failed. Try again." fi rm -f $TMPFILE fi logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") updated" logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 0 } ############################################################################### export CMDARGS="$@" # process command line arguments while getopts "h?v0123fFdDpPrRsSoOuUb:w:i:-:" opt; do case ${opt} in h|\? ) printHelp ;; v ) echo "$VERSION" ; logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" ; exit 0 ;; 0 ) BLITZ=0 ;; 1 ) BLITZ=1 ;; 2 ) BLITZ=2 ;; 3 ) BLITZ=3 ;; f ) NOFB="f" ;; F ) NOFB="F" ;; d|D ) DISTRIB=1 ;; p|P ) protectOff ;; r|R ) protectOn ;; s|S ) SECURL=1 ;; o|O ) ONLINE=0 ;; u|U ) selfUpdate ;; b ) echo "$OPTARG" >> $MY_BLACKLIST ;; w ) echo "$OPTARG" >> $MY_WHITELIST ;; i ) ADHOLE_IP="$OPTARG" ;; - ) LONG_OPTARG="${OPTARG#*=}" case $OPTARG in bl=?* ) ARG_BL="$LONG_OPTARG" ; echo $ARG_BL >> $MY_BLACKLIST ;; bl* ) echo "[ERROR] no arguments for --$OPTARG option" >&2; exit 2 ;; wl=?* ) ARG_WL="$LONG_OPTARG" ; echo $ARG_WL >> $MY_WHITELIST ;; wl* ) echo "[ERROR] no arguments for --$OPTARG option" >&2; exit 2 ;; ip=?* ) ARG_IP="$LONG_OPTARG" ; ADHOLE_IP=$ARG_IP ;; ip* ) echo "[ERROR] no arguments for --$OPTARG option" >&2; exit 2 ;; remote=?* ) ARG_RIP="$LONG_OPTARG" ; REMOTE_IP=$ARG_RIP REMOTE_MODE=1 ;; remote* ) echo "[ERROR] no arguments for --$OPTARG option" >&2; exit 2 ;; debug ) DEBUG=1 ;; wget ) FORCEWGET=1 ;; pause ) protectOff ;; resume ) protectOn ;; secure ) SECURL=1 ;; offline ) ONLINE=0 ;; help ) printHelp ;; update ) selfUpdate ;; version ) echo "$VERSION" ; logger "[PROC] $(basename "$0") finished" ; exit 0 ;; debug* | wget* | pause* | resume* | secure* | offline* | help* | update* | version* ) echo "[ERROR] no arguments allowed for --$OPTARG option" >&2; exit 2 ;; '' ) break ;; # "--" terminates argument processing * ) echo "[ERROR] unsupported option --$OPTARG" >&2; exit 2 ;; esac ;; \? ) exit 2 ;; # getopts already reported the illegal option esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) # remove parsed options and args from $@ list ############################################################################### if [ $FORCEWGET -eq 1 ]; then SECURL=0 unalias MPGET && alias MPGET="wget -qO- " unalias MPGETSSL && alias MPGETSSL="wget -qO- " unalias MPGETMHK && alias MPGETMHK="wget -U "Mozilla/5.0" -qO- " fi # display banner TIMERSTART=`date +%s` PRY=`date +%Y` lognecho "======================================================" lognecho "| adblock for DD-WRT |" lognecho "| https://adblock.sh |" lognecho "| https://github.com/m-parashar/adblock |" lognecho "| Copyright $PRY Manish Parashar |" lognecho "======================================================" lognecho " `date`" lognecho "[INFO] VERSION: $VERSION" lognecho "[INFO] CMDARGS: $CMDARGS" ############################################################################### # force resume if user forgets to turn it back on if [ -f $PAUSE_FLAG ] && { [ -f $MPHOSTS_PAUSED ] || [ -f $MPDOMAINS_PAUSED ]; }; then lognecho "# USER FORGOT TO RESUME PROTECTION AFTER PAUSING" protectOn fi ############################################################################### # download files from router if REMOTE: ON if [ $REMOTE_MODE -eq 1 ]; then lognecho "# REMOTE: ON | IP: $REMOTE_IP" downloadRemote fi # if internet is accessible, download files if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 $PING_TARGET > /dev/null 2>&1; then lognecho "[INFO] NETWORK: UP | MODE: ONLINE" lognecho "[INFO] IP ADDRESS FOR ADS: $ADHOLE_IP" lognecho "[INFO] SECURE [0=NO | 1=YES]: $SECURL" lognecho "[INFO] BLITZ LEVEL [0|1|2|3]: $BLITZ" # log errors if DEBUG is ON if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then set -x fi if [ $FORCEWGET -ne 1 ]; then getcURLCerts fi lognecho "[PROC] Creating mpdomains file" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oznu/dns-zone-blacklist/master/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.blacklist" | GREPFILTER | sed 's/$/'$ADHOLE_IP'/' > $TMPDOMAINS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/notracking/hosts-blocklists/master/domains.txt" | GREPFILTER | sed 's/$/'$ADHOLE_IP'/' >> $TMPDOMAINS MPGETSSL "https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=dnsmasq&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext" | GREPFILTER | sed 's/$/'$ADHOLE_IP'/' >> $TMPDOMAINS lognecho "[PROC] Creating mphosts file" lognecho "[PROC] Processing StevenBlack lists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER > $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing notracking blocklists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/notracking/hosts-blocklists/master/hostnames.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Disconnect.me lists" MPGETSSL "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_malware.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_malvertising.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing quidsup/notrack lists" MPGETSSL "https://gitlab.com/quidsup/notrack-blocklists/raw/master/notrack-blocklist.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://gitlab.com/quidsup/notrack-blocklists/raw/master/notrack-malware.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing FrogEye lists" MPGETSSL "https://hostfiles.frogeye.fr/firstparty-trackers.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://hostfiles.frogeye.fr/multiparty-trackers.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing adaway list" MPGETSSL "https://adaway.org/hosts.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS if [ $BLITZ -ge 1 ]; then lognecho "[PROC] Unlocking BLITZ=1 level lists" lognecho "[PROC] Processing more StevenBlack lists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/data/add.2o7Net/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/data/add.Risk/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/data/add.Spam/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing pgl.yoyo.org list" MPGETSSL "https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=unixhosts&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Securemecca list" MPGETSSL "https://hostsfile.org/Downloads/hosts.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing cryptomining and porn lists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Marfjeh/coinhive-block/master/domains" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://zerodot1.gitlab.io/CoinBlockerLists/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoshsadiq/adblock-nocoin-list/master/hosts.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chadmayfield/my-pihole-blocklists/master/lists/pi_blocklist_porn_top1m.list" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Easylist & w3kbl lists" MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/AdguardDNS.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Easylist.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Easyprivacy.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Prigent-Ads.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Prigent-Malware.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/RPiList-Malware.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/RPiList-Phishing.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/static/w3kbl.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS fi if [ $BLITZ -ge 2 ]; then lognecho "[PROC] Unlocking BLITZ=2 level lists" lognecho "[PROC] Processing even more StevenBlack lists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/data/KADhosts/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/data/UncheckyAds/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Cameleon list" MPGET "http://sysctl.org/cameleon/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing winhelp2002 list" MPGET "http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing someonewhocares list" MPGET "http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/zero/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing anudeepND lists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anudeepND/blacklist/master/adservers.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anudeepND/blacklist/master/CoinMiner.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anudeepND/youtubeadsblacklist/master/domainlist.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Windows telemetry lists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tyzbit/hosts/master/data/tyzbit/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crazy-max/WindowsSpyBlocker/master/data/hosts/spy.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Perflyst blocklists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Perflyst/PiHoleBlocklist/master/SmartTV.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Perflyst/PiHoleBlocklist/master/AmazonFireTV.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Perflyst/PiHoleBlocklist/master/android-tracking.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing a few more blocklists" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vokins/yhosts/master/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/Badd-Boyz-Hosts/master/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/piwik/referrer-spam-blacklist/master/spammers.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HenningVanRaumle/pihole-ytadblock/master/ytadblock.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist/master/spammers.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS fi if [ $BLITZ -ge 3 ]; then lognecho "[PROC] Unlocking BLITZ=3 level lists" lognecho "[PROC] Processing dbl.oisd.nl list" MPGETSSL "https://dbl.oisd.nl" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Mahakala list" MPGETMHK "http://adblock.mahakala.is/hosts" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing HostsFile.mine.nu list" MPGETSSL "https://hostsfile.mine.nu/hosts0.txt" | GREPFILTER | AWKFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS lognecho "[PROC] Processing Kowabit list" MPGETSSL "https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Kowabit.txt" | GREPFILTER >> $TMPHOSTS fi if [ $NOFB = "f" ]; then lognecho "[PROC] Blocking Facebook and Messenger" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/blacklists/facebookonly.block" >> $TMPHOSTS fi if [ $NOFB = "F" ]; then lognecho "[PROC] Blocking Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/blacklists/facebookall.block" >> $TMPHOSTS fi if [ ! -s $TMPHOSTS ]; then printFileSize $TMPHOSTS printFileSize $TMPDOMAINS lognecho "[ERROR] Check logs. Quitting." logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 2 fi lognecho "[PROC] Updating official blacklist/whitelist files" MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/blacklists/blacklist" | GREPFILTER > $BLACKLIST MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/whitelists/whitelist" | GREPFILTER > $WHITELIST if [ -n "$(which uudecode)" ]; then MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/whitelists/fruitydomains.uudecode" > $BASE64WL LC_ALL=C uudecode $BASE64WL && cat applewhitelist >> $WHITELIST && rm applewhitelist && rm $BASE64WL elif [ -n "$(which base64)" ]; then MPGETSSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-parashar/adblock/master/whitelists/fruitydomains.base64" > $BASE64WL LC_ALL=C base64 -d -i $BASE64WL > applewhitelist && cat applewhitelist >> $WHITELIST && rm applewhitelist && rm $BASE64WL fi else lognecho "[INFO] NETWORK: DOWN | MODE: OFFLINE" logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 0 fi if [ $ONLINE -eq 0 ]; then lognecho "[INFO] NETWORK: UP | MODE: OFFLINE" lognecho "[INFO] OFFLINE PROCESSING" [ -s $MPHOSTS ] && cat $MPHOSTS | AWKFILTER > $TMPHOSTS [ -s $MPDOMAINS ] && cp $MPDOMAINS $TMPDOMAINS if [ $REMOTE_MODE -eq 1 ]; then uploadRemote fi restartDnsmasq logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" exit 0 fi ############################################################################### # calculate and print file sizes printFileSize $TMPHOSTS printFileSize $TMPDOMAINS # remove duplicates and extra whitespace, sort alphabetically lognecho "[PROC] Processing blacklist/whitelist files" LC_ALL=C cat $BLACKLIST | SEDCLEAN | sort | uniq > TMP_BLACKLIST && cp TMP_BLACKLIST $BLACKLIST LC_ALL=C cat $WHITELIST | SEDCLEAN | sort | uniq > TMP_WHITELIST && cp TMP_WHITELIST $WHITELIST # if not building for distribution, process myblacklist and mywhitelist files # remove duplicates and extra whitespace, sort alphabetically # and allow users' myblacklist precedence over defaults if [ $DISTRIB -eq 0 ] && { [ -s "$MY_BLACKLIST" ] || [ -s "$MY_WHITELIST" ]; }; then lognecho "[PROC] Processing myblacklist/mywhitelist files" LC_ALL=C cat $MY_BLACKLIST | SEDCLEAN | sort | uniq > TMP_MYBLACKLIST && mv TMP_MYBLACKLIST $MY_BLACKLIST LC_ALL=C cat $MY_WHITELIST | SEDCLEAN | sort | uniq > TMP_MYWHITELIST && mv TMP_MYWHITELIST $MY_WHITELIST cat $BLACKLIST | cat $MY_BLACKLIST - > TMP_BLACKLIST cat $WHITELIST | cat $MY_WHITELIST - | grep -Fvwf $MY_BLACKLIST > TMP_WHITELIST fi # trim leading and trailig whitespace, delete all blank lines including the ones with whitespace # remove non-printable non-ASCII characters because DD-WRT dnsmasq throws "bad name at line n" errors # merge blacklists with other lists and remove whitelist entries from the stream lognecho "[PROC] Processing final mphosts/mpdomains files" LC_ALL=C cat $TMPHOSTS | SEDCLEAN | cat TMP_BLACKLIST - | grep -Fvwf TMP_WHITELIST | sort | uniq | awk -v "IP=$ADHOLE_IP" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print IP" "$0}' > $MPHOSTS LC_ALL=C cat $TMPDOMAINS | SEDCLEAN | grep -Fvwf TMP_WHITELIST | sort | uniq > $MPDOMAINS lognecho "[PROC] Removing temporary files" rm -f $TMPHOSTS rm -f $TMPDOMAINS rm -f TMP_BLACKLIST rm -f TMP_WHITELIST unalias MPGET && unalias MPGETSSL && unalias MPGETMHK # calculate and print file sizes printFileSize $MPHOSTS printFileSize $MPDOMAINS # Count how many domains/whitelists were added so it can be displayed to the user numHostsBlocked=$(cat $MPHOSTS | wc -l | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') lognecho "[INFO] Number of hosts blocked: approx $numHostsBlocked" numDomainsBlocked=$(cat $MPDOMAINS | wc -l | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') lognecho "[INFO] Number of domains blocked: approx $numDomainsBlocked" if [ $REMOTE_MODE -eq 1 ]; then uploadRemote fi # reload dnsmasq restartDnsmasq TIMERSTOP=`date +%s` RTMINUTES=$(( $((TIMERSTOP - TIMERSTART)) /60 )) RTSECONDS=$(( $((TIMERSTOP - TIMERSTART)) %60 )) lognecho "[INFO] Total time: $RTMINUTES:$RTSECONDS minutes" lognecho "[INFO] DONE" logger "[INFO] $(basename "$0") finished" # log errors if DEBUG is ON if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then set +x fi exit 0 # FIN