import {Spinner} from './spin.js'; function createSpinner(target) { const opts = { lines: 8, // The number of lines to draw length: 10, // The length of each line width: 23, // The line thickness radius: 84, // The radius of the inner circle scale: 0.75, // Scales overall size of the spinner corners: 1, // Corner roundness (0..1) color: '#72ee38', // CSS color or array of colors fadeColor: 'transparent', // CSS color or array of colors speed: 0.7, // Rounds per second rotate: 25, // The rotation offset animation: 'spinner-line-fade-quick', // The CSS animation name for the lines direction: -1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner top: '48%', // Top position relative to parent left: '50%', // Left position relative to parent shadow: '0 0 1px transparent', // Box-shadow for the lines position: 'absolute' // Element positioning }; return new Spinner(opts).spin(target); } async function anexcerpt(book) { const modalEl = document.createElement('div'); = '70%'; = '50%'; = '100px auto'; = '#fff'; modalEl.className = 'mui-panel'; const header = document.createElement('h2'); header.appendChild(document.createTextNode("An Excerpt From " +; modalEl.appendChild(header); const loading = createSpinner(modalEl); // show modal mui.overlay('on', modalEl); const response = await fetch('books.php?type=excerpt&id=' +; const bookExcerpt = await response.text(); const txtHolder = document.createElement('div'); txtHolder.className = 'mui-textfield mui--z2' const txt = document.createElement('textarea'); txt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bookExcerpt)); txt.readOnly = true; = "100%"; txtHolder.appendChild(txt); = "70%"; loading.stop(); modalEl.appendChild(txtHolder); } function readonline(book) {; } function createActionButton(cls, title, txt, callback) { const btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.className = 'mui-btn mui-btn--fab ' + cls; btn.title = title; btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); btn.addEventListener('click', callback); return btn; } const spinner = createSpinner(document.getElementById("msg")); window.addEventListener('load', loadBooksList); async function loadBooksList() { const response = await fetch('books.php?type=list'); const books = await response.json(); const tbody = document.getElementById("books"); for (const book of books) { const tr = document.createElement('tr'); for (const key of ['name', 'author', 'year']) { const td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(book[key])); tr.appendChild(td); } const td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(createActionButton('mui-btn--primary', 'an excerpt', 'ae', function () { anexcerpt(book); })); td.appendChild(createActionButton('mui-btn--accent', 'read online', 'ro', function () { readonline(book); })); tr.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(tr); } spinner.stop(); document.getElementById("msg").style = 'display: none;'; }