"----------------------------------------------------------- " user interface "----------------------------------------------------------- colorscheme evening set syntax=c syntax on set number set nocompatible set laststatus=2 " bottom status bar, 2=always " colours for light background / dark foreground: "set background=light " otherwise: "set background=dark " Try to show 3 lines/2 cols of context when scrolling set scrolloff=3 set sidescrolloff=2 " line numbers set numberwidth=3 " F10 toggles line numbers on the left map :set invnumber "----------------------------------------------------------- " detect filetypes "----------------------------------------------------------- filetype plugin on filetype indent on "----------------------------------------------------------- " indentation, tabulations "----------------------------------------------------------- set smartindent " auto indentation set tabstop=2 " 1 tab == 2 spaces set shiftwidth=2 " 1 indent == 2 spaces set shiftround " use multiples of 'shiftwidth' set expandtab " write spaces instead of tabs " If you want to indent text: " go to normal mode " >> indent current line once to the right " << indent current line once to the left " 3>> indent 3 lines once to the right " " To select lines before indenting them: " " -V " or j or } or any other movement " > " " Reminder: dot (.) repeats the last action. " So, to indent 5 lines 3 times on the right: " 5>>.. "----------------------------------------------------------- " moving around "----------------------------------------------------------- " when pasting text or code with the mouse (middle-click): " F11 toggles 'smart' indent: map :set invpaste set pastetoggle= " also work in insert mode "----------------------------------------------------------- " search and replace "----------------------------------------------------------- set ignorecase " searches are case-insensitive set smartcase " unless we type an upper-case character set incsearch " show the `best match so far' set hlsearch " highlight search " shortcut for 'replace all': just type ;; noremap ;; :%s:::g "----------------------------------------------------------- " comments "----------------------------------------------------------- " usage example (try it right now): " " go to normal mode " -V go to visual mode, full lines selection " or } select any number of lines. Then, type either: " " ,/ comment each selected line with // (C, Java) " ,# comment each selected line with # (shell) " ,< comment each selected line with (XML) " ,c remove single-line comments on each selected line " ,u remove multi-line comments on each selected line " single-line comments: map ,# :s/^/#/:nohlsearch map ,/ :s/^/\/\//:nohlsearch map ,> :s/^/> /:nohlsearch map ," :s/^/\"/:nohlsearch map ,% :s/^/%/:nohlsearch map ,! :s/^/!/:nohlsearch map ,; :s/^/;/:nohlsearch map ,- :s/^/--/:nohlsearch map ,d :s/^/dnl /:nohlsearch " uncomment map ,c :s:\(^\s*\)\(//\\|--\\|> \\|[#"%!;]\\|dnl \):\1:e:nohlsearch " multi-line comments: map ,* :s/^\(.*\)$/\/\* \1 \*\//:nohlsearch map ,( :s/^\(.*\)$/\(\* \1 \*\)/:nohlsearch map ,< :s/^\(.*\)$//:nohlsearch " uncomment map ,u :s:\(^\s*\)\([/(]\*\\|\)$:\1\3:e:nohlsearch "----------------------------------------------------------- " shortcuts you should know "----------------------------------------------------------- " " K reaches the man page for the current word " g Ctrl-G counts words, lines and chars " :Explore | :Ex | :n to explore directories "