#!/bin/bash clear echo " █████ █████ ███████████ █████ ██████" sleep .75 echo " ░███ ░░███ ░░███░░░░░███ ░░███ ███░░░░███" sleep .75 echo " ░███ ░███ ░███ ░███ ░███ ███ ░░███" sleep .75 echo " ░███ ░███ ░██████████ ░███ ░███ ░███" sleep .75 echo " ░███ ░███ ░███░░░░░███ ░███ ░███ ██░███" sleep .75 echo " ░███ ░███ ░███ ░███ ░███ ░░███ ░░████" sleep .75 echo " ░░████████ ███████████ █████ ░░░██████░██" sleep .75 echo " ░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░" sleep 3 clear whiptail --title "Welcome!" --fb --msgbox "Thanks for supporting the Ubiq network with a node.\n\nThis setup will work with the following hardware;\n\n- Raspberry Pi 3B\n- Raspberry Pi 3B+\n- Raspberry Pi 4B\n- Asus Tinkerboard\n- Odroid XU4\n- Odroid C2\n- Libre LePotato\n\nPress "OK" to continue to setup." 20 55 #### Setting some variables naming the hardware being used, and its architecture. #### Any hardware variants discoverd to work with this script will be added over time. node_ip=$(hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' ') if grep -q 'Raspberry' /proc/device-tree/model; then hardware=RaspberryPi arch=32bit elif grep -q 'Tinker' /proc/device-tree/model; then hardware=Tinkerboard arch=32bit elif grep -q 'XU4' /proc/device-tree/model; then hardware=OdroidXU4 arch=32bit elif grep -q 'ODROID-C2' /proc/device-tree/model; then hardware=OdroidC2 arch=64bit elif grep -q 'Libre' /proc/device-tree/model; then hardware=LibreLePotato arch=64bit elif grep -q 'RockPro64' /proc/device-tree/model; then hardware=RockPro64 arch=64bit fi clear #### Raspberry Pi's will create a new user called "node" and assign permissions. Armbian systems will remind about certain settings. if [ $hardware = RaspberryPi ]; then whiptail --title "New User" --fb --msgbox "A new user will be created for you called 'node'.\n\nYou will be prompted to set a password for the new user.\n\nThere is NO requirment to fill in the personal details.\n\nYou will now continue to the setup.\n\nWelcome to Ubiq!" 16 60 sudo adduser node sudo usermod -G sudo node sudo sed -i -e "s/CONF_SWAPSIZE=100/CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart elif [ $hardware != RaspberryPi ]; then whiptail --title "New User" --fb --msgbox "When running Armbian OS, you will have created a user called 'node' and set it's password on first boot.\n\nYou will now continue to the setup.\n\nWelcome to Ubiq!" 14 50 fi clear #### User will select the applicable boot method, which will determine location of node user home dir if (whiptail --title "Boot Method" --fb --yesno "Which drive are you using to boot the operating system?" 10 32 --yes-button "microSD" --no-button "SSD"); then bootmethod=microSD else bootmethod=SSD fi whiptail --fb --title "Boot Method" --msgbox "You have indicated that you are booting the operating system from the "$bootmethod"" 10 43 #### Update, Upgrade, Optimize & install NTP, HTOP, Supervisor and git sudo apt update -q sudo apt upgrade -y -q sudo apt dist-upgrade -q sudo apt autoremove -y -q sudo apt install ntp -y -q sudo apt install htop -q sudo apt install supervisor -y -q sudo apt install git -y -q if [ $bootmethod = microSD ]; then sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda -L UBIQ -y sudo mkdir /mnt/ssd sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/ssd echo "/dev/sda /mnt/ssd ext4 defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab fi #### Setting up the Supervisor conf file. This file allows Supervisor to keep gubiq processes constantly alive. sudo touch /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf sudo tee /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf &>/dev/null <<"EOF" [program:gubiq] command=/usr/bin/gubiq --verbosity 3 --http --http.addr "" --http.port "8588" --http.api "eth,net,web3" --http.corsdomain "*" --http.vhosts "*" --maxpeers 100 user=node autostart=true autorestart=true stderr_logfile=/var/log/gubiq.err.log stdout_logfile=/var/log/gubiq.out.log EOF sudo sed -i -e "s/$node_ip/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf clear #### Giving the user the option to list their node on the Ubiq Network stats page, found at 'https://stats.ubiqscan.io'. if ( whiptail --title "Ubiq Netstats" --fb --yesno "Do you want to be listed on the Ubiq Network Stats Page?\n\nNode name, peer count, and general region would be public on 'https://stats.ubiqscan.io'." 12 60 ); then sudo sed -i -e "s/--maxpeers 100/--maxpeers 100 --ethstats "temporary:password@stats.ubiqscan.io"/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf varname=$(whiptail --fb --inputbox "Input a name for your node as you would like it to be displayed on the stats site, https://stats.ubiqscan.io" --nocancel 11 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) sudo sed -i -e "s/temporary/$varname/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf whiptail --title "Ubiq Netstats" --msgbox "Your node will be named $varname." 8 40 varpass=$(whiptail --fb --passwordbox "Enter the password to list your node on the Ubiq Stats Page" --nocancel 10 64 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) sudo sed -i -e "s/password/$varpass/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf whiptail --fb --title "Ubiq Netstats" --msgbox "Your node will be listed on the public site." 9 48 else whiptail --fb --title "Ubiq Netstats" --msgbox "Your node will not be listed on the stats site." 9 51 fi #### If you are using Raspberry Pi OS, SSH is not enabled by default like it is on systems running Armbian. if [ $hardware != RaspberryPi ]; then whiptail --title "SSH Configuration" --fb --msgbox "SSH is active by default with Armbian.\n\nThis will allow you to operate your node by logging in from another machine on your network." 12 52 elif [ $hardware = RaspberryPi ]; then if (whiptail --title "SSH Configuration" --fb --yesno "Would you like to enable SSH on this system?\n\nThis will allow you to operate your node by logging in from another machine on your network." 12 52 ); then sudo raspi-config nonint do_ssh 0 whiptail --title "SSH Configuration" --fb --msgbox "SSH has been enabled" 9 24 else whiptail --title "SSH Configuration" --fb --msgbox "SSH has not been activated on this system.\n\nTo enable SSH in the future, you can do so by using the 'raspi-config' menu." 12 46 fi fi #### Giving the user the option to sync all blocks in full, or sync in "fast" mode which saves space... if ( whiptail --title "Sync Method" --fb --yesno "Would like to sync in 'full archive' mode or 'fast mode'?\n\nFull archive mode will use more drive space and time to complete sync is longer." --yes-button "Full" --no-button "Fast" 12 61 ); then sudo sed -i -e "s/--maxpeers 100/--maxpeers 100 --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive"/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf whiptail --title "Sync Method" --fb --msgbox "Your node will sync in 'full archive' mode." 9 48 else whiptail --title "Sync Method" --fb --msgbox "Your node will sync in 'fast' mode." 9 39 fi #### Giving the user an option to let the system automatically update gubiq using a cron job. if ( whiptail --title "Automatic Updates" --fb --yesno "Do you want to download the gubiq binary monthly?\n\nThis will update your node if there has been a new version released in the previous month." 12 53); then touch auto.sh chmod +x auto.sh tee auto.sh &>/dev/null << "EOF" #!/bin/bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maaatttt/ubiq/master/gu.sh sudo chmod +x gu.sh ./gu.sh EOF echo "@monthly ./auto.sh" | crontab - whiptail --title "Automatic Updates" --fb --msgbox "Your node will automatically handle updates.\n\nGubiq binaries will be redownloaded on the first of each month & the node will reboot." 12 48 else whiptail --title "Automatic Updates" --fb --msgbox "Your node will not automatically update gubiq.\n\nUpdates must be handled manually by using the 'ubiq-config' utility in your terminal." 12 50 fi #### System will determine the correct binary file to download based on how it was defined at the beginning of this script. #### The binary file's checksum will be validated. If it is valid, the script will complete the setup. If it is invalid, it will exit setup. if [ $arch = 32bit ]; then wget https://github.com/ubiq/go-ubiq/releases/download/v7.0.0/gubiq-linux-arm7 echo "a3e9472a2719b186cd3027d08254c15a362108121e392eba23141fef95ed29ed gubiq-linux-arm7" | sha256sum -c - || exit 1 sudo cp ./gubiq-linux-arm7 /usr/bin/gubiq sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gubiq elif [ $arch = 64bit ]; then wget https://github.com/ubiq/go-ubiq/releases/download/v7.0.0/gubiq-linux-arm64 echo "d87c8ee12516e99dfe9a02e877bae7e57c5eb3412d27fb79f33ab2413e35563c gubiq-linux-arm64" | sha256sum -c - || exit 1 sudo cp ./gubiq-linux-arm64 /usr/bin/gubiq sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gubiq fi #### Changing permissions, moving and linking the user's home folder, and rebooting the system to begin blockchain sync. if [ $bootmethod = microSD ]; then sudo mv /home/node /mnt/ssd sudo ln -s /mnt/ssd/node /home fi clear whiptail --title "Setup" --fb --msgbox "The initial setup is complete! \n\nSync will begins automatically after a system restart.\n\nPress "Ok" to reboot now." 14 35 sudo reboot