#!/bin/bash clear echo "Welcome to Ubiq!" echo echo "When Raspbian configurator opens, change password for user "pi" & set your timezone in localization options." echo echo "You will be asked to set a password for the new user called 'node'." echo echo "When setup is finished your node will restart automatically." echo sleep 15s sudo raspi-config sudo adduser node sudo usermod -G sudo node sudo apt-get update -q sudo apt-get upgrade -y -q sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -q sudo apt-get autoremove -y -q sudo apt-get install ntp -y -q sudo apt-get install htop -q sudo apt-get install supervisor -y -q sudo sed -i -e "s/CONF_SWAPSIZE=100/CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo touch /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "[program:gubiq]" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "command=/usr/bin/gubiq --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcport "8588" --rpcapi "eth,net,web3" --maxpeers 100 --ethstats "temporary:password@ubiq.darcr.us"" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "user=node" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "autostart=true" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "autorestart=true" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "stderr_logfile=/var/log/gubiq.err.log" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "stdout_logfile=/var/log/gubiq.out.log" | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo echo echo "Type a name for your node to be displayed on the Network Stats website, then press Enter." echo read varname sudo sed -i -e "s/temporary/$varname/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo echo "Your node will be named $varname" echo sleep 4 echo "Enter the secret to list your node on the Ubiq Stats Page, then press Enter." echo read varpass sudo sed -i -e "s/password/$varpass/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo read -p "Would you like to set your node to "full" sync mode? This will take more storage space and sync will take longer. (y/n)" CONT if [ "$CONT" = "y" ]; then sudo sed -i -e "s/--maxpeers 100/--maxpeers 100 --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive"/" /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gubiq.conf echo "Your node will sync in 'full' mode" sleep 4s else echo "Your node will sync in 'fast' mode" sleep 4s fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maaatttt/ubiq/master/auto.sh sudo chmod +x auto.sh read -p "Would you like to allow your node to auto-fetch the gubiq binaries once per month? This will keep your node on the latest release without your interaction. (y/n)" CONT if [ "$CONT" = "y" ]; then echo "@monthly ./auto.sh" | crontab - else echo "Your node will not automatically update gubiq. Updates must be handled manually." sleep 4 fi wget https://github.com/ubiq/go-ubiq/releases/download/v3.1.0/gubiq-linux-arm-7 sudo cp ./gubiq-linux-arm-7 /usr/bin/gubiq sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gubiq sudo reboot