/******************************************************************************* locals.js - 搭配用户脚本插件`GitHub 中文化插件`的页面匹配规则, 翻译忽略规则, 词条库文件 Copyright (C) 2016-2021 楼教主 (https://github.com/52cik) Copyright (C) 2021-当前 沙漠之子 (https://github.com/maboloshi) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Home: https://github.com/maboloshi/github-chinese */ var I18N = {}; let projects = { // 项目页面 补全 "New view": "新建视图", "Layout": "布局", "Board": "面板", "Roadmap": "时间线", "Duplicate view": "复制视图", "Configuration": "配置", "Group by": "分组", "Markers": "标记", "Sort by": "排序", "Zoom level": "缩放级别", "Field sum": "字段总和", "Slice by": "切片", "Fields": "字段", "Generate chart": "生成图表", "Rename view": "重命名视图", "Delete view": "删除视图", "Export view data": "导出视图数据", "Assignees": "负责人", "Project templates": "项目模板", "Featured": "特色", "Iteration": "迭代", "Dates": "日期", "User settings": "用户设置", "Truncate titles": "截断标题", "Show date fields": "显示日期字段", "Add status update": "添加状态更新", "Project details": "项目详情", "View more options": "查看更多选项", "Date fields": "日期字段", "Month": "月", "Quarter": "季度", "Year": "年", "Today": "今天", "Add item": "添加项目", "Start typing to create a draft, or type # to select a repository": "开始输入以创建草稿,或输入 # 选择一个仓库", "Scroll to previous date range": "滚动到上一个日期范围", "Scroll to next date range": "滚动到下一个日期范围", "Filter by keyword or by field": "按关键字或字段筛选", "Discard": "放弃", "Save changes to new view": "保存更改到新视图", "Visible fields": "可见字段", "Hidden fields": "隐藏字段", "New field": "新建字段", "Column by": "栏目", "Workflows": "工作流", "Archived items": "已存档项目", "Make a copy": "复制", "GitHub Projects": "GitHub 项目", "What’s new": "新功能", "Project settings": "项目设置", "Project name": "项目名称", "Short description": "简短描述", "More options": "更多选项", "Make a copy of this project.": "复制此项目", "Danger zone": "危险区", "This project is currently private.": "此项目当前为私有.", "Closing a project will disable its workflows & remove it from the list of open projects.": "关闭项目将禁用其工作流程,并将其从打开项目列表中删除.", "Close this project": "关闭此项目", "Manage access": "管理访问权限", "Who has access": "谁有访问权限", "Private project": "私有项目", "Only those with access to this project can view it.": "只有有权访问此项目的人才能查看它.", "Invite collaborators": "邀请协作者", "Manage access": "管理访问权限", "Custom fields": "自定义字段", "Field name": "字段名称", "Field type": "字段类型", "Text": "文本", "Number": "数字", "Date": "日期", "Single select": "单选", "Starts on": "开始于", "Duration": "持续时间", "days": "天", "weeks": "周", "Save and create": "保存并创建", "You don't have any collaborators yet.": "您还没有任何协作者.", "Add a collaborator to see them here.": "添加协作者以在此处查看他们.", "Make template": "制作模板", "Copy as template": "复制为模板", "Visibility": "可见性", "Close project": "关闭项目", "Delete project": "删除项目", "Delete this project": "删除此项目", "Status chart": "状态图表", "This chart shows the current status for the total number of items in your project.": "此图表显示了项目中所有项目的当前状态.", "Default charts": "默认图表", "Custom charts": "自定义图表", "Configure": "配置", "Configure chart": "配置图表", "Group by (optional)": "分组 (可选)", "X-axis": "X 轴", "Y-axis": "Y 轴", "Save to new chart": "保存到新图表", "Add a project status update": "添加项目状态更新", "Add update": "添加更新", "Status updates are brief reports tracking your project's health and progress. Begin by adding an update.": "状态更新是跟踪项目健康和进度的简要报告. 从添加更新开始.", "Let everyone know what this project is about, how to use it and link to important resources.": "让每个人都知道这个项目是关于什么的,如何使用它,并链接到重要资源.", "A short description about this project.": "关于此项目的简短描述.", } I18N.conf = { /** * 要翻译的页面正则(不含仓库页) * * 2021-10-07 11:53:34 * GitHub 网站更新 调整 Class 过滤规则 * 且过滤 Class 并不是总是生效,增加 PathName 规则补充 */ rePageClass: /\b(page-(profile|new-repo|create-org)|session-authentication)\b/, /** * 匹配 pathname 页面的正则 * * 注册页面 /signup * 登录二步验证 /login/oauth * 登录页面 /login * 密码重置 /password_reset * 组织页面 /orgs * 探索页面 /explore * 订阅页面 /notifications/subscriptions * 通知页面 /notifications * 关注页面 /watching * 星标页面 /stars * 议题页面 /issues * 拉取请求 /pulls * 搜索页面 /search * 趋势页面 /trending * 展示页面 /showcases * 导入仓库 /new/import * ... */ rePagePath: /^\/($|dashboard|signup|login\/oauth|login|logout|sessions?|password_reset|orgs|explore|topics|notifications\/subscriptions|notifications|watching|stars|issues|pulls|search|trending|showcases|new\/(import|project)|new|import|settings\/(profile|admin|appearance|accessibility|notifications|billing|emails|security_analysis|security-log|security|auth|sessions|keys|ssh|gpg|organizations|enterprises|blocked_users|interaction_limits|code_review_limits|repositories|codespaces|deleted_repositories|packages|copilot|pages|replies|installations|apps\/authorizations|reminders|sponsors-log|apps|(?:personal-access-|)tokens|developers|applications\/new|applications|connections\/applications)|settings|installations\/new|marketplace|apps|account\/(organizations\/new|choose|billing\/history)|projects|redeem|discussions|events|collections|sponsors|sponsoring|github-copilot\/signup|codespaces|developer\/register|features)|^\/users\/[^\/]+\/(projects|packages)/, // 仓库路径 rePagePathRepo: /^\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/(issues|pull|watchers|stargazers|new|edit|delete|upload|find|wiki|branches|discussions|activity|rules|releases|packages|tags|labels|milestones|compare|commit|blob|blame|actions|runs|deployments|security|pulse|community|forks|fork|import|graphs\/(contributors|community|traffic|commit-activity|code-frequency)|network$|network\/(dependencies|dependents|updates|members)|settings\/(access|code_review_limits|interaction_limits|branches|branch_protection_rules|tag_protection|rules|actions|hooks|environments|codespaces|pages|security_analysis|dependabot_rules|keys|secrets|variables|installations|notifications)|settings|transfer|projects\/new|pkgs|contribute|subscription|invitations|codespaces)/, // 组织路径 rePagePathOrg: /^\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/(repositories|discussions|projects|packages|teams|new-team|people|outside-collaborators|pending_collaborators|dashboard|billing_managers\/new|settings\/(profile|billing|roles|member_privileges|teams|import-export|blocked_users|interaction_limits|code_review_limits|moderators|repository-defaults|rules|codespaces|copilot|actions|hooks|discussions|packages|pages|projects|security_analysis|security|dependabot_rules|domains|secrets|variables|oauth_application_policy|installations|personal-access-token|reminders|sponsors-log|audit-log|deleted_repositories|applications\/new|applications|apps\/new|apps|publisher)|topics|domain\/new|audit-log\/event_settings|billing\/history|policies\/applications)|^\/[^\/]+\/(enterprise_plan)/, /** * 忽略区域的 class 正则 * * 代码编辑器 内容 代码高亮 CodeMirror * 代码编辑器 最小单元 cm-line ͼ.* * 代码高亮 blob-code * 仓库名和用户名 repo-and-owner (已知出现在:应用安装授权页和设置页 选定仓库) * 文件,目录位置栏 |js-path-segment|final-path * 文件列表 files js-navigation-container js-active-navigation-container * 评论内容等 js-comment-body * 评论预览 js-preview-body * 评论编辑区域 comment-form-textarea * 文件搜索模式 js-tree-finder-virtual-filter * 仓库文件列表 js-navigation-open Link--primary * 快捷键 按键 js-modifier-key * 洞察-->流量-->热门内容列表 capped-list-label * realease 页面 描述主体 markdown-body my-3 * 仓库页 仓库描述 f4 my-3 * 提交的用户名 commit-author * 搜索页 搜索结果 search-match * 追溯 视图 代码 react-code-text * tree 视图 文件名 react-directory-filename-column 提交信息 react-directory-commit-message * 代码差异页面 代码 pl-s1|pl-smi|pl-token|pl-c1|pl-kos|pl-k|pl-c|pl-en */ reIgnoreClass: /(cm-line|ͼ.*|pl-s1|pl-smi|pl-token|pl-c1|pl-kos|pl-k|pl-c|pl-en|CodeMirror|blob-code|highlight-.*|repo-and-owner|js-path-segment|final-path|files js-navigation-container|js-comment-body|js-preview-body|comment-form-textarea|markdown-title|js-tree-finder-virtual-filter|js-navigation-open Link--primary|js-modifier-key|capped-list-label|blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line|markdown-body my-3|f4 my-3|commit-author|search-match|react-directory-filename-column|react-directory-commit-message|react-code-text|zausi)/, /** * 忽略区域的 itemprop 属性正则 * name 列表页 仓库名 * author 仓库页 作者名称 * additionalName 个人主页 附加名称 */ reIgnoreItemprop: /(name|author|additionalName)/, /** * 忽略区域的 特定元素id 正则 * offset /blob页面 符号-->引用 * fix repo详情页文件路径breadcrumb */ reIgnoreId: ['readme', 'offset', 'breadcrumb', 'file-name-id'], /** * 忽略区域的 标签 正则 * /i 规则不区分大小写 */ reIgnoreTag: ['CODE', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'LINK', 'IMG', 'MARKED-TEXT', 'PRE', 'KBD'], // marked-text --> 文件搜索模式///find/ 文件列表条目 // ^script$ --> 避免勿过滤 notifications-list-subscription-form // ^pre$ --> 避免勿过滤 }; I18N.zh = {}; I18N.zh["title"] = { // 标题翻译 "static": { // 静态翻译 "Sign in to GitHub · GitHub": "登录 GitHub · GitHub", "Join GitHub · GitHub": "加入 GitHub · GitHub", "Forgot your password? · GitHub": "忘记您的密码了吗?· GitHub", "Forgot your password?": "忘记您的密码了吗?", "GitHub · Where software is built": "GitHub - 软件构建的地方", "Create a New Repository": "创建新仓库", "Import a Repository": "导入仓库", "New Project": "创建项目", "Your Repositories": "我的仓库", "Your Projects": "我的项目", "Your Packages": "我的软件包", "Your Stars": "我的星标页面", "Your Profile": "个人资料", "Your Achievements": "我的成就", "Your Followers": "我的关注者", "Who You’re Following": "我关注的人", "Account settings": "帐户设置", "Appearance": "外观", "Accessibility": "无障碍", "Notification settings": "通知设置", "Billing": "账单", "Email settings": "邮箱设置", "Account security": "帐户安全", "SSH and GPG keys": "SSH 和 GPG 公钥", "Organizations": "组织", "Blocked users": "拉黑用户", "Temporary interaction limits": "临时互动限制", "Code review limits": "代码审查限制", "Repositorys": "仓库", "Deleted Packages": "删除的软件包", "Pages": "GitHub 页面", "Saved replies": "快捷回复", "Security & analysis": "安全与分析", "Installed GitHub Apps": "已安装的 GitHub 应用", "Scheduled reminders": "定时提醒", "Security log": "安全日志", "Sponsorship Log": "赞助日志", "GitHub Apps": "GitHub 应用", "Developer applications": "开发者应用", "Personal Access Tokens": "个人访问令牌", "Register new GitHub App": "注册新 GitHub 应用", "New OAuth Application": "新 OAuth 应用", "Create a new Gist": "创建新代码片段", "Discover gists": "探索代码片段", "Enable two-factor authentication": "启用双重身份验证", "Manage two-factor authentication": "管理双重身份验证", "Options": "仓库 · 选项", "Confirm access": "授权访问", "General": "通常", "Manage access": "访问管理", "Branches": "分支", "Tags": "标签", "Webhooks": "Web 钩子", "Environments": "环境", "Code security & analysis": "代码安全性与分析", "Deploy keys": "部署密钥", "Add deploy key": "添加部署密钥", "Actions secrets": "操作机密", "Dependabot secrets": "Dependabot 机密", "Configure email notifications": "配置邮件通知", "Community Standards": "社区准则", "General Organization Settings": "常规组织设置", "Member privileges": "成员权限", "Teams": "团队", "Repository defaults": "仓库默认值", "Runners": "运行器", "Runner Groups": "运行器组", "Packages": "软件包", "Package": "软件包", "Security": "安全", "Verified & approved domains": "经验证和批准的域名", "Add a Pages verified domain": "添加一个经验证的 GitHub Pages 域名", "Third-party application access policy": "第三方应用访问策略", "Audit log": "审计日志", "Deleted Repositories": "已删除的仓库", "GitHub Publisher Verification": "GitHub 发布者验证", "Notifications": "通知", "Confirm your account recovery settings": "确认您的帐户恢复设置", "Your stars": "我的星标", "Your starred repositories": "我的星标仓库", "Your starred topics": "我的星标主题", "Pull Requests": "拉取请求", "Register for the GitHub Developer Program": "注册 GitHub 开发者计划", "Codespaces": "代码空间", "Codespace Templates": "代码空间模版", "Create new codespace": "创建代码空间", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Repositories/, "仓库"], [/Starred/, "星标页面"], [/starred repositories/, "星标仓库"], [/starred topics/, "星标主题"], [/starred/, "星标"], [/Commits/, "提交"], [/New Issue/, "新建议题"], [/Issues/, "议题"], [/Pull requests/, "拉取请求"], [/Actions/, "操作"], [/Projects/, "项目"], [/Packages?/, "软件包"], [/Security Overview/, "安全概述"], [/Security Policy/, "安全政策"], [/Security Advisories/, "安全公告"], [/Dependabot alerts/, "Dependabot 警报"], [/Pulse/, "统计"], [/Contributors to/, "贡献者 ·"], [/Community/, "社区"], [/Traffic/, "流量"], [/Commit Activity/, "提交活动"], [/Code frequency/, "代码频率"], [/Dependencies/, "依赖关系"], [/Network Dependents/, "网络依赖者"], [/Network Graph/, "网络图"], [/Revisions/,"修订"], [/Stargazers/, "追星者"], [/Forks/, "复刻"], [/Draft Advisory/, "安全公告草案"], [/Code scanning alerts/, "代码扫描警报"], [/Repository topics/, "仓库主题"], [/Scheduled reminders/, "定时提醒"], [/Sponsorship Log/, "赞助日志"], [/OAuth applications/, "OAuth 应用"], [/People · Pending Collaborators/, "成员 · 待定协作者"], [/People/, "成员"], [/Outside collaborators/, "外部协作者"], [/Discussions/, "讨论"], ["_regexp_end", "end"] ], }; I18N.zh["pubilc"] = { // 公共区域翻译 "static": { // 静态翻译 // "No server is currently available to service your request.": "当前服务器无法为您的请求提供服务。", "This page is taking too long to load.": "此页面加载时间过长。", "Sorry about that. Please try refreshing and contact us if the problem persists.": "对此我们很抱歉。请尝试刷新,如果问题仍然存在,请联系我们。", "Contact Support": "联系 GitHub 支持", "GitHub Status": "GitHub 状态", // 顶部栏 (未登录) "Product": "产品", "Solutions": "解决方案", "Open Source": "开源", "Pricing": "价格", "Search": "搜索", "Sign in": "登录", "Sign up": "注册", "Team": "团队", "Enterprise": "企业", // 搜索栏 "Search or jump to...": "搜索或跳转到…", "Type": "请键入", "to search": "去搜索", "Command palette": "命令面板", "Saved queries": "已保存的搜索", "All of GitHub": "整个 GitHub", "Autocomplete": "自动完成", "Search all of GitHub": "搜索整个 GitHub", "Search in this directory": "在文件夹中搜索", "Search in this repository": "在该仓库中搜索", "Search in this owner": "在该所有者中搜索", "Search in this organization": "在该组织中搜索", "Owners": "所有者", "Languages": "语言", "Search syntax tips": "搜索语法提示", "Jump to": "跳转到", // 左上角下拉栏 (已登录) "Home": "主页", "Issues": "议题", "Pull requests": "拉取请求", "Projects": "项目", "Codespaces": "代码空间", "Explore": "探索", "Marketplace": "市场", "Filter repositories": "筛选仓库", "Close filter": "关闭筛选器", "Show more": "显示更多", // 顶部提示横幅 "Don't get locked out of your account.": "不要被锁定在您的帐户之外。", "Download your recovery codes": "下载您的恢复码", "add a passkey": "添加通行密钥", "so you don't lose access when you get a new device.": "这样您在登录新设备时就不会失去访问权限。", // 右上角通知按钮提示 "You have no unread notifications": "您没有未读通知", "You have unread notifications": "您有未读通知", // 右上角新建按钮下拉菜单 "Create new...": "新建...", "New repository": "新建仓库", "Import repository": "导入仓库", "New codespace": "新建代码空间", "New gist": "新建代码片段", "New organization": "新建组织", "New project": "新建项目", "This organization": "本组织", // 组织 "New team": "新建团队", // 组织 // 右上角个人图标下拉菜单 "Signed in as": "登录身份为", "Set status": "状态设置", "Your profile": "我的资料", "See all accounts": "查看所有账户", "Add account": "添加账户", "Your sponsorships": "我的捐助者", "Your repositories": "我的仓库", "Your codespaces": "我的代码空间", "Your Copilot": "我的 Copilot", "Your organizations": "我的组织", "Your enterprises": "我的企业", "Your projects": "我的项目", "Your discussions": "我的讨论", "Your stars": "我的星标", "Your gists": "我的代码片段", "Your sponsors": "我的赞助者", "Upgrade": "升级", "Try Enterprise": "试用企业版", "Try Copilot": "试用 Copilot", "Feature preview": "功能预览", // 对话框 "Enable": "启用", "Disable": "禁用", "Documentation": "文档", "Codespaces Connectivity v2": "代码空间连接 v2", "Codespaces is rolling out improved infrastructure for both the main connection, and forwarded ports, resulting in better performance and increased reliability.": "代码空间 正在推出针对主连接和端口转发的改进基础设施,从而实现更佳的性能和更高的稳定性。", "If you primarily use Codespaces behind a firewall, you may have to update your firewall settings to enable this new approach. Codespaces will now require access to *.visualstudio.com to facilitate your connection to the codespace.": "如果您通常在防火墙后使用 代码空间,为了适应这一新的接入方式,您可能需要对您的防火墙设置进行更新。代码空间 现在需要访问 *.visualstudio.com 以便于您连接到 代码空间。", "Colorblind themes": "色盲主题", "Varying by gender and geography, color blindness can affect on average 5-6% of men and up to 0.4% of women. Our previous colorblind theme has been split into two new themes:": "色盲会因性别和地域的不同而有所不同,平均而言,色盲会影响 5-6% 的男性和高达 0.4% 的女性。我们之前的色盲主题被分为两个新主题:", "Light/dark Protanopia & Deuteranopia for red/green color blindness.": "明/暗 - 红绿色盲主题适用于红绿色盲。", "Light/dark Tritanopia for blue/yellow color blindness.": "明/暗 - 蓝色盲主题适用于蓝黄色盲。", "Command Palette": "命令面板", "Quickly navigate and jump between your organizations or repositories and search recent issues, pull requests, projects and more with the new command palette. You can also execute time saving commands all without lifting your fingers off the keyboard!": "使用新的命令面板,可以快速导航并跳转到您所在的组织或仓库,并搜索最近的议题、拉取请求、项目等等。您还可以执行节省时间的命令,而无需将手指从键盘上移开!", "To open the command palette:": "打开命令面板:", "Rich Jupyter Notebook Diffs": "Jupyter Notebook 的丰富差异视图", "Enables rich diffs of Jupyter Notebooks in pull requests": "在拉取请求中启用 Jupyter Notebook 的丰富差异视图", "Note: commenting on rich diff views of notebooks is not yet supported": "注意:尚不支持对 Jupyter Notebook 的丰富差异视图进行评论", "Project Migration": "项目迁移", "We've made it easy for you to migrate your project (classic) boards to the all new Projects experience! Enable this feature so that you can try out tables, multiple views, new automation options, and powerful field types using your existing projects.": "我们已经为您简化了将您的项目(经典版)面板迁移到全新项目的体验!启用此功能,您可以在现有项目中尝试表格、多视图、新的自动化选项和强大的字段类型。", "How it works:": "如何工作:", "We'll create a copy of your existing classic project board in Projects.": "我们将在 “项目” 中创建现有经典项目看板的副本。", "You'll be prompted to close your classic project as future changes won't be synchronized.": "系统将提示您关闭经典项目,因为未来的更改将不会同步。", "You can reopen your old project in a pinch if necessary!": "如果有必要,您可以紧急重新打开您的旧项目!", "Notes:": "注意:", "Migrated projects will be made private by default.": "默认情况下,迁移的项目将设为私有。", "Projects does not support repository level projects. When you migrate a repository project board, it will migrate to either the organization or personal account that owns the repository project, and the migrated project will be pinned to the original repository. We will migrate permissions to the best of our ability but some folks may lose read or writes access.": "项目不支持仓库级别的项目。当您迁移仓库项目面板时,它将被迁移到拥有该仓库项目的组织或个人帐户,并且迁移后的项目将被固定到原始仓库。我们将尽最大努力迁移权限,但有些人可能会失去读取或写入权限。", "Deployments Dashboard View": "部署仪表板视图", "A new dashboard to view and track your deployments across all your environments, see the full history of your deployments, and filter by environment.": "一个全新的仪表板,用于查看和跟踪您在所有环境中的部署情况,查看您部署的完整历史记录,并按环境进行筛选。", "Slash Commands": "斜杠命令", "Slash commands make it easier to type more complex Markdown, such as tables, tasklists, and code blocks.": "斜线命令可以让您更轻松地输入更复杂的 Markdown,如表格、任务列表和代码块。", "Simply type": "只需在议题、拉取请求和讨论中键入", "on Issues, PRs and Discussions to check out a list of available commands!": ",即可查看可用命令的列表!", "Help": "帮助", "Settings": "设置", "GitHub Docs": "GitHub 文档", "GitHub Support": "GitHub 支持", "GitHub Community": "GitHub 社区", "Sign out": "退出", // 状态设置对话框 // 出现位置: 个人资料页, Gist 个人主页, 仓库页右上角个人图标下拉菜单 "Edit status": "编辑状态", "What's your current status?": "您目前的状况如何?", "Suggestions": "建议", "On vacation": "在度假", "Working from home": "在家工作", "Out sick": "生病", "Focusing": "专注中", "Busy": "繁忙中", "When others mention you, assign you, or request your review, GitHub will let them know that you have limited availability.": "当其他人提及您、指派您或请求您进行评论时,GitHub 会告知他们您的很忙。", "I may be slow to respond.": "我的反应可能比较慢。", "Clear status": "清除状态", "Never": "永不", "in 30 minutes": "30 分钟", "in 1 hour": "1 小时", "in 4 hours": "4 小时", "today": "今天", "this week": "本周", "How long until this status will automatically clear.": "多久后状态自动清除。", "Visible to": "可见", "Everyone": "任何人", "Scope status visibility to a single organization.": "将状态可视范围扩大到单个组织。", "Everyone - Your status will be visible to everyone.": "所有人 - 所有人都可以看到您的状态。", "Filter emoji": "筛选表情符号", "Search results": "筛选结果", // 底部条 "Terms": "服务条款", "Privacy": "隐私", "Security": "安全", "Status": "状态", "Docs": "文档", "Contact": "联系我们", "Manage cookies": "管理 Cookies", "Do not share my personal information": "请勿分享我的个人信息", // 左侧栏底部条 "About": "关于", "Blog": "博客", "Manage Cookies": "管理 Cookies", // 其他 "Contact GitHub": "联系 GitHub", "Training": "培训", // 描述、评论编辑器翻译 "Add a comment": "添加评论", "Add a body": "添加内容", "Write": "撰写", "Add your comment here...": "在此添加您的评论...", "Add your answer here...": "在此添加您的答复...", // 具体讨论页 "Preview": "预览", "Nothing to preview": "没有可预览的内容。", "This file is empty.": "这是一个空文件。", "Leave a comment": "发表评论", "Write a reply": "发表回复", // 具体讨论页 "Write a comment": "发表评论", // 具体讨论页 "Suggest an answer": "提出答复", // 具体讨论页 "Ask a question, start a conversation, or make an announcement": "提出问题、开始讨论或发布公告", // 新建讨论 "Nothing to preview": "没有什么可预览", "This repository has been archived.": "此仓库已存档。", // 已存档仓库 某个提交的评论框 "Add review comment": "添加审查意见", // 具体拉取请求 文件审查意见 "Start a review": "开始评论", // 具体拉取请求 文件审查意见 // 取消按钮 提醒信息 "Are you sure you want to discard your unsaved changes?": "您确定要放弃未保存的更改吗?", "Add a title": "添加标题", "Title": "标题", "Add a description": "添加描述", "Add your description here...": "在此添加您的描述...", // 拉取请求 代码审查 回复对话框 "Add a suggestion, ": "添加建议, ", "Heading": "标题", "Bold": "粗体", "Italic": "斜体", "Quote": "摘引", "Link": "链接", "Numbered list": "有序列表", "Unordered list": "无序列表", "Task list": "任务列表", "Attach files": "附件", "Mention": "提及", "Reference": "引用", "Saved replies": "快速回复", "Select a reply": "选择回复", "Create a new saved reply": "创建新的快速回复", "Slash commands": "斜杠命令", "Code block": "代码块", "Insert a code block formatted for a chosen syntax": "插入针对所选语法格式化的代码块", "Details": "详细信息", "Add a details tag to hide content behind a visible heading": "添加详情标签,将内容隐藏在可见标题后面", // "快速回复": "", "Insert one of your saved replies": "插入您快速回复", "Table": "表格", "Add markdown table": "添加 Markdown 表格", "Templates": "模板", "Insert one of your issue templates": "插入您的议题模板", "Slash": "斜杠", // 代码块 "No Syntax": "无语法", // 快速回复 "No saved replies": "尚无快速回复", "You can create one in your": "您可以创建一个在您的", "settings": "设置", // 表格 "Columns": "列", "1 column": "1 列", "2 columns": "2 列", "3 columns": "3 列", "4 columns": "4 列", "5 columns": "5 列", "Rows": "行", "1 row": "1 行", "2 rows": "2 行", "3 rows": "3 行", "4 rows": "4 行", "5 rows": "5 行", // 模板 "No issue templates": "尚无议题模板", "Learn more about": "了解更多关于", "issue templates": "议题模板", // 小屏 插入链接 对话框 "Insert Link": "插入链接", "Link Text": "链接文本", "Add": "添加", "Attach files by": "通过", "dragging & dropping,": "拖放,", "selecting or pasting them.": "选择或粘贴来附加文件。", "Markdown is supported": "支持 Markdown 语法", "Styling with Markdown is supported.": "支持 Markdown 语法。", "Paste, drop, or click to add files": "粘贴、拖放或点击添加文件", "Uploading your files…": "正在上传您的文件…", "Close issue": "关闭议题", // issue页 评论框 "Close as completed": "完成后关闭", "Done, closed, fixed, resolved": "已完成、已关闭、已修复、已解决", "Close as not planned": "非计划中关闭", "Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale": "不会修复,无法重现,重复,陈旧", "Close with comment": "评论并关闭议题", // issue页 评论框 "Close pull request": "关闭拉取请求", // pull页 评论框 "Reopen discussion": "重新打开讨论", // discussion页 评论框 "Close discussion": "关闭讨论", // discussion页 评论框 "Close as resolved": "因解决而关闭", "The discussion has been resolved": "讨论已解决", "Close as outdated": "因过时而关闭", "The discussion is no longer relevant": "讨论不再相关", "Close as duplicate": "因重复而关闭", "The discussion is a duplicate of another": "讨论与另一个讨论重复", "Comment": "评论", "Submit new issue": "提交新议题", "Comment on this commit": "评论", "Close and comment": "提交并关闭", "Reopen and comment": "提交并重新打开", "Reopen issue": "重新打开议题", // 具体议题 "Reopen with comment": "重新打开评论", // 具体议题 "Reopen pull request": "重新打开拉取请求", //具体拉取请求 "Add single comment": "评论", // 具体提交页 进行某条代码评论 "Reply": "回复", // 具体讨论页 "Answer": "答复", // 具体讨论页 "Start discussion": "开始讨论", // 新建讨论 "Update": "更新", // 新建讨论 "discussion": "讨论", // 新建讨论 "discussions": "讨论", // 新建讨论 // 添加到清单 "Add to list": "添加到清单", "You don't have any lists yet.": "您尚无任何清单。", "Lists": "清单", "Search lists": "搜索清单", "Create list": "创建清单", "Create a list to organize your starred repositories.": "创建一个清单来组织您的星标仓库。", "⭐️ Name this list": "⭐️ 清单名称", "Write a description": "简单描述", "Lists are currently in beta.": "清单目前处于测试阶段。", "Share feedback and report bugs.": "分享反馈意见和报告错误。", "Creating...": "创建中...", // 全局快捷键对话框 - 快捷键 ? 打开 "Keyboard shortcuts": "键盘快捷键", "Site-wide shortcuts": "全站快捷键", "Open command palette": "打开命令面板", "Open command palette in command mode": "在命令模式下打开命令面板", "Focus search bar": "聚焦搜索栏", // gist "Open search bar": "打开搜索栏", "Go to notifications": "跳转到通知", "Go to dashboard": "跳转到仪表板", "Go to your issues": "跳转到议题", "Go to your pull requests": "跳转到拉取请求", "Bring up this help dialog": "弹出这个帮助对话框", "Move selection down": "向下移动选择", "Move selection up": "向上移动选择", "Toggle selection": "切换选择", "Open selection": "打开选择", "View all keyboard shortcuts": "查看所有键盘快捷键", // 命令面板 - ctrl k 或 ctrl alt k 打开 "Clear Command Palette": "清除命令面板", "Tip:": "小贴士:", "Go to your accessibility settings to change your keyboard shortcuts": "跳转到您的无障碍设置,以更改您的键盘快捷键", "to search discussions": "搜索讨论", // 键入 # "to search issues": "搜索议题", // 键入 # "to search pull requests": "搜索拉取请求", // 键入 # "to search projects": "搜索项目", // 键入 ! "to search people and organizations": "搜索成员和组织", // 键入 @ "to search teams": "搜索团队", // 键入 @ "to activate command mode": "激活命令模式", // 键入 > "Type is:issue to filter to issues": "键入 is:issue 以筛选议题", "Type is:pr to filter to pull requests": "键入 is:pr 以筛选拉取请求", "Type is:open to filter to open content": "键入 is:open 以筛选打开的内容", "Type author:@me to search your content": "键入 author:@me 以筛选您的内容", "for help and tips": "寻求帮助和提示", // 键入 ? "Pages": "GitHub Pages", "Dashboard": "仪表板", "Notifications": "通知", "Discussions": "讨论", "Actions": "操作", "Insights": "洞察", "Organizations": "组织", "Repositories": "仓库", "Packages": "软件包", "Users": "用户", "to jump to": "去跳转", "Top result": "最佳结果", "No results matched your search": "没有与您的搜索相符的结果", // [/in ([\w]+/[\w]+)/, "在 $1"], // # 模式 "Search issues and pull requests": "搜索议题和拉取请求", "Search issues, pull requests, discussions, and projects": "搜索议题、拉取请求、讨论和项目", "Issues, pull requests, and discussions": "议题、拉取请求和讨论", // ! 模式 "Search projects": "搜索项目", // @ 模式 "Search or jump to a repository": "搜索或跳转到仓库", "Search or jump to a user, organization, or repository": "搜索或跳转到用户、组织或仓库", // / 文件模式 "Search files": "搜索文件", "Files": "文件", // > 命令模式 "Run a command": "运行命令", "Run command": "运行命令", "Commands": "命令", "Global Commands": "全局命令", "Type > to filter": "键入 > 去筛选", "– New repository": "- 新建仓库", "– Import repository": "- 导入仓库", "– New project": "- 新建项目", "– New discussion": "- 新建讨论", "– New organization": "- 新建组织", "– New gist": "- 新建代码片段", "– New issue": "- 新建议题", "– New file": "- 新建文件", "– Change tab size rendering": "- 切换制表符尺寸", "– Switch theme": "- 切换主题", "New issue": "新建议题", "New discussion": "新建讨论", "New file": "新建文件", "Change tab size rendering": "切换制表符尺寸", "Change tab size r...": "切换制表符尺寸", "2 spaces": "2 个空格", "3 spaces": "3 个空格", "4 spaces": "4 个空格", "5 spaces": "5 个空格", "6 spaces": "6 个空格", "7 spaces": "7 个空格", "8 spaces": "8 个空格", "9 spaces": "9 个空格", "10 spaces": "10 个空格", "12 spaces": "12 个空格", "Switch theme": "切换主题", "Default dark": "暗 - 默认", "Default light": "亮 - 默认", "Dark dimmed": "昏暗", "Switch theme to dark high contrast": "切换主题为 暗 - 高对比", "Sync with system settings": "与系统设置同步", // ? 模式 "Modes": "模式", "Search for": "搜索", "across all of GitHub": "在整个 GitHub 中", "issues, pull requests, discussions,": "议题、拉取请求、讨论", "organizations, repositories,": "组织、仓库", "projects": "项目", "files": "文件", "issues": "议题", "pull requests": "拉取请求", "organizations": "组织", "repositories": "仓库", "users": "用户", "Activate": "激活", "command mode": "命令模式", "Use filters in issues, pull requests, discussions, and projects": "在议题题、拉取请求、讨论和项目中使用过滤器", "Search your issues, pull requests, and discussions": "搜索您的议题、拉取请求和讨论", "Filter to pull requests": "筛选拉取请求", "Filter to issues": "筛选议题", "Filter to discussions": "筛选讨论", "Filter to projects": "筛选项目", "Filter to open issues, pull requests, and discussions": "筛选打开的议题、拉取请求和讨论", // 议题页面 "Edit issue title": "编辑议题标题", "Edit issue body": "编辑议题内容", "Transfer issue…": "转移议题…", "Delete issue…": "删除议题…", // 公共词 高频词 "Follow": "关注", "Unfollow": "取消关注", "Star": "星标", "Stars": "星标", // "Unstar": "已加星标", "Starred": "已加星标", "Fork": "复刻", "Save": "保存", "Saving…": "保存中…", "Saving...": "保存中...", "Updating": "更新中", "Updating…": "更新中…", "Delete": "删除", "Cancel": "取消", "Edit": "编辑", "Added on": "添加于", "Loading...": "载入中...", "Loading…": "载入中…", "Copied!": "✅ 复制成功!", "Copy to clipboard": "复制到剪切板", "Give feedback": "反馈", "Give us your feedback": "向我们提供反馈意见", "Download": "下载", "Create": "创建", "and": "和", ", and": ",和", "or": "或", ", or": ",或", "to": "到", "by": "由", "on": "于", "Use": "使用", "Learn more": "了解更多", "Learn More": "了解更多", "Learn more.": "了解更多。", ",": ",", ".": "。", "Prev": "上一页", "Previous": "上一页", "Next": "下一页", // 名词 "Public": "公共", "Private": "私有", "Public archive": "公共存档", "Private archive": "私有存档", "Public template": "公共模板", "Public mirror": "公共镜像", "Code": "代码", "Overview": "概况", "Followers": "关注者", "Collaborators": "协作者", "collaborators": "协作者", "Sponsors": "赞助者", "commit": "提交", "commits": "提交", "Organization": "组织", "People": "成员", "Teams": "团队", // 相对时间 "just now": "刚刚", "now": "当前", "yesterday": "昨天", "last month": "上个月", // 验证标记浮动信息 "This commit was created on GitHub.com and signed with GitHub’s": "此提交在 GitHub.com 上创建并签名,使用 GitHub 的", "This commit was created on GitHub.com and signed with GitHub's": "此提交在 GitHub.com 上创建并签名,使用 GitHub 的", "This commit was created on GitHub.com and signed with GitHub’s verified signature": "此提交在 GitHub.com 上创建并签名,使用 GitHub 的", "This commit was signed with the committer's": "此提交已签名,使用提交者的", "This tag was signed with the committer's": "此标签已签署,使用提交者的", // ///releases "This commit was signed with the committer’s": "此提交已签名,使用提交者的", "This tag was signed with the committer’s": "此标签已签署,使用提交者的", // "verified signature": "已验证签名", "The key has expired": "密钥已过期", "This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.": "此提交未签名,但一位或多位作者要求对归属于他们的任何提交进行签名。", "We had a problem verifying this signature. Please try again later.": "我们在验证此签名时遇到问题。请稍后再试。", "GPG Key ID:": "GPG 密钥 ID:", "GPG key ID:": "GPG 密钥 ID:", "SSH Key Fingerprint:": "SSH 密钥指纹:", "SSH key Fingerprint:": "SSH 密钥指纹:", "Learn about vigilant mode": "了解警戒模式", "Verified": "已验证", "Expired": "已过期", "Partially verified": "部分验证", "Unverified": "未验证", "Upload your public signing GPG key": "上传您的公共签名 GPG 密钥", "to verify your signature.": "以验证您的签名。", // 邮箱验证提示 "Please verify your email address to access all of GitHub's features.": "请验证您的电子邮箱地址以便开启所有 GitHub 功能。", "Configure email settings": "修改电子邮箱设置", "Your email was verified.": "您的电子邮箱地址验证成功!", // 标签提示 "New feature or request": "新功能或要求", // 更换新手机, 要求重新下载恢复码的全局提醒 "Don't get locked out - if you get a new phone this season, be sure to transfer your authenticator app data to the new phone. Enable cloud back up if your authenticator app supports it and consider": "不要被锁在门外——如果您在这个季节买了一部新手机,请务必将您的身份验证器应用数据传输到新手机。如果您的身份验证器应用支持云备份,请启用它并考虑", "redownloading your recovery codes": "重新下载您的恢复码", ", just to be safe.": ",以确保安全。", // 刷新会话提示条 "You signed in with another tab or window.": "您使用其他标签页或窗口登录。", "Reload": "重新加载", "to refresh your session.": "以刷新您的会话", // 日历 "Jan": "1月", "Feb": "2月", "Mar": "3月", "Apr": "4月", "May": "5月", "Jun": "6月", "Jul": "7月", "Aug": "8月", "Sep": "9月", "Oct": "10月", "Nov": "11月", "Dec": "12月", "January" : "1月", "February" : "2月", "March" : "3月", "April" : "4月", "June" : "6月", "July" : "7月", "August" : "8月", "September" : "9月", "October" : "10月", "November" : "11月", "December" : "12月", "Sun" : "周日", "Mon" : "周一", "Tue" : "周二", "Wed" : "周三", "Thu" : "周四", "Fri" : "周五", "Sat" : "周六", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 /** * 匹配时间格式 * * 月 日 或 月 日, 年 * Mar 19, 2015 – Mar 19, 2016 * January 26 – March 19 * March 26 * * 不知道是否稳定, 暂时先试用着. 2016-03-19 20:46:45 * * 更新于 2021-10-04 15:19:18 * 增加 带介词 on 的格式,on 翻译不体现 * on Mar 19, 2015 * on March 26 * * 更新于 2021-10-10 13:44:36 * on 星期(简写), 月 日 年 // 个人访问令牌 有效期 * on Tue, Nov 9 2021 * * 2021-10-19 12:04:19 融合更多规则 * * 4 Sep * 30 Dec 2020 * * on 4 Sep * on 30 Dec 2020 * * 2021-11-22 12:51:57 新增 格式 * * 星期(全称), 月 日, 年 // 仓库-->洞察-->流量 图示标识 * Sunday, November 14, 2021 * * 更新于 2023-07-04 13:19:21 * 新增前缀词, 减少二次组织翻译 * Updated Jul 4 // 仪表板页面 仓库标签卡 * Commits on Jul 4, 2023 // 提交页面、仓库拉取请求页->提交卡 * Joined on Jul 4, 2023 // 追星者,关注者页面 * * 更像于 2023-11-11 16:48:02 * 个人资料页->贡献卡 * 日期带后缀 * * Tip: * 正则中的 ?? 前面的字符 重复0次或1次 * 正则中的 ?: 非捕获符号(即关闭圆括号的捕获能力) 使用方法 (?: 匹配规则) -->该匹配不会被捕获 为 $数字 */ [/(^Updated |^Commits on |^Joined on |on |)(?:(\d{1,2}) |)(?:(Sun(?:day)?|Mon(?:day)?|Tue(?:sday)?|Wed(?:nesday)?|Thu(?:rsday)?|Fri(?:day)?|Sat(?:urday)?), |)(?:(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May(?:)??|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)(?:,? |$))(\d{4}|)(?:(\d{1,2})(?:st.|nd.|rd.|th.)?|)(?:,? (\d{4})|)/g, function (all, prefix, date1, week, month, year1, date2, year2) { var prefixKey = { "Updated " : "更新于 ", "Commits on ": "提交于 ", "Joined on " : "加入于 ", }; var weekKey = { "Sun" : "周日", "Mon" : "周一", "Tue" : "周二", "Wed" : "周三", "Thu" : "周四", "Fri" : "周五", "Sat" : "周六", }; var monthKey = { "Jan": "1月", "Feb": "2月", "Mar": "3月", "Apr": "4月", "May": "5月", "Jun": "6月", "Jul": "7月", "Aug": "8月", "Sep": "9月", "Oct": "10月", "Nov": "11月", "Dec": "12月" }; var date = date1 ? date1 : date2; var year = year1 ? year1 : year2; return (prefixKey[prefix] ? prefixKey[prefix] : '') + (year ? year + '年' : '') + monthKey[month.substring(0, 3)] + (date ? date + '日' : '') + (week ? ', ' + weekKey[week.substring(0, 3)] : ''); }], /** * 相对时间格式处理 * * 更新于 2021-11-21 16:47:14 * 1. 添加 前缀词 * over xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间 * about xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间 * almost xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间 * less than xxx ago // 导出帐户数据 * 2. xxx之内的相对时间格式 * in 6 minutes // 拉取请求页面 * * 更新于 2021-11-22 11:54:30 * 1. 修复 Bug: 意外的扩大了匹配范围(不带前缀与后缀的时间) 干扰了带有相对时间的其他规则 * 7 months */ [/^just now|^now|^last month|^yesterday|(?:(over|about|almost|in) |)(an?|\d+)(?: |)(second|minute|hour|day|month|year)s?( ago|)/, function (all, prefix, count, unit, suffix) { if (all === 'now') { return '现在'; } if (all === 'just now') { return '刚刚'; } if (all === 'last month') { return '上个月'; } if (all === 'yesterday') { return '昨天'; } if (count[0] === 'a') { count = '1'; } // a, an 修改为 1 var unitKey = {second: '秒', minute: '分钟', hour: '小时', day: '天', month: '个月', year: '年'}; if (suffix) { return (prefix === 'about' || prefix === 'almost' ? '大约 ' : prefix === 'less than' ? '不到 ' : '') + count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'over' ? '多之前' : '之前'); } else { return count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'in' ? '之内' : '之前'); } }], /** * 匹配时间格式 2 * * in 5m 20s */ [/^(?:(in) |)(?:(\d+)m |)(\d+)s/,function (all, prefix, minute, second) { all = minute ? minute + '分' + second + '秒' : second + '秒'; return (prefix ? all + '之内' : all); }], ], "time-regexp": [ // 时间正则翻译专项 /** * 匹配时间格式 * * 月 日 或 月 日, 年 * Mar 19, 2015 – Mar 19, 2016 * January 26 – March 19 * March 26 * * 不知道是否稳定, 暂时先试用着. 2016-03-19 20:46:45 * * 更新于 2021-10-04 15:19:18 * 增加 带介词 on 的格式,on 翻译不体现 * on Mar 19, 2015 * on March 26 * * 更新于 2021-10-10 13:44:36 * on 星期(简写), 月 日 年 // 个人访问令牌 有效期 * on Tue, Nov 9 2021 * * 2021-10-19 12:04:19 融合更多规则 * * 4 Sep * 30 Dec 2020 * * on 4 Sep * on 30 Dec 2020 * * 2021-11-22 12:51:57 新增 格式 * * 星期(全称), 月 日, 年 // 仓库-->洞察-->流量 图示标识 * Sunday, November 14, 2021 * * Tip: * 正则中的 ?? 前面的字符 重复0次或1次 * 正则中的 ?: 非捕获符号(即关闭圆括号的捕获能力) 使用方法 (?: 匹配规则) -->该匹配不会被捕获 为 $数字 */ [/(?:on |)(?:(\d{1,2}) |)(?:(Sun(?:day)?|Mon(?:day)?|Tue(?:sday)?|Wed(?:nesday)?|Thu(?:rsday)?|Fri(?:day)?|Sat(?:urday)?), |)(?:(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May(?:)??|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)(?:,? |$))(\d{4}|)(\d{1,2}|)(?:,? (\d{4})|)/g, function (all, date1, week, month, year1, date2, year2) { var weekKey = { "Sun" : "周日", "Mon" : "周一", "Tue" : "周二", "Wed" : "周三", "Thu" : "周四", "Fri" : "周五", "Sat" : "周六", }; var monthKey = { "Jan": "1月", "Feb": "2月", "Mar": "3月", "Apr": "4月", "May": "5月", "Jun": "6月", "Jul": "7月", "Aug": "8月", "Sep": "9月", "Oct": "10月", "Nov": "11月", "Dec": "12月" }; var date = date1 ? date1 : date2; var year = year1 ? year1 : year2; return (year ? year + '年' : '') + monthKey[month.substring(0, 3)] + (date ? date + '日' : '') + (week ? ', ' + weekKey[week.substring(0, 3)] : ''); }], /** * 相对时间格式处理 * * 更新于 2021-11-21 16:47:14 * 1. 添加 前缀词 * over xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间 * about xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间 * almost xxx ago // 里程碑页面 最后更新时间 * less than xxx ago // 导出帐户数据 * 2. xxx之内的相对时间格式 * in 6 minutes // 拉取请求页面 * * 更新于 2021-11-22 11:54:30 * 1. 修复 Bug: 意外的扩大了匹配范围(不带前缀与后缀的时间) 干扰了带有相对时间的其他规则 * 7 months */ [/^just now|^now|^last year|^last month|^last week|^yesterday|(?:(over|about|almost|in) |)(an?|\d+)(?: |)(second|minute|hour|day|month|year|week)s?( ago|)/, function (all, prefix, count, unit, suffix) { if (all === 'now') { return '现在'; } if (all === 'just now') { return '刚刚'; } if (all === 'last year') { return '最近 1 年'; } if (all === 'last month') { return '上个月'; } if (all === 'last week') { return '上周'; } if (all === 'yesterday') { return '昨天'; } if (count[0] === 'a') { count = '1'; } // a, an 修改为 1 var unitKey = {second: '秒', minute: '分钟', hour: '小时', day: '天', month: '个月', year: '年', week: '周'}; if (suffix) { return (prefix === 'about' || prefix === 'almost' ? '大约 ' : prefix === 'less than' ? '不到 ' : '') + count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'over' ? '多之前' : '之前'); } else { return count + ' ' + unitKey[unit] + (prefix === 'in' ? '之内' : '之前'); } }], [/(\d+)(h|d|w|m)/, function (all, count, suffix) { var suffixKey = {h: '小时', d: '天', w: '周', m: '个月'}; return count + ' ' + suffixKey[suffix] + '之前'; }], ], }; I18N.zh["page-dashboard"] = { // 已登录的首页 - 仪表板(含组织) "static": { // 静态翻译 // 新手帮助 "Learn Git and GitHub without any code!": "了解 Git 和 GitHub 无需任何代码!", "Using the Hello World guide, you’ll create a repository, start a branch,": "使用 Hello World 指南,您将创建一个仓库,开始一个分支,", "write comments, and open a pull request.": "写评论,并创建一个拉取请求。(教程内容就不翻译了...)", "Let's get started!": "让我们开始吧!", "Hide this notice forever": "永久的隐藏该信息", "Welcome to GitHub! What’s next?": "欢迎来到 GitHub!下一步干什么?", "Create a repository": "创建一个仓库", "Tell us about yourself": "介绍一下您自己", "Browse interesting repositories": "浏览有趣的仓库", "on Twitter": "在 Twitter 上", "You don’t have any repositories yet!": "您目前还没有任何仓库!", "Create your first repository": "创建您的第一个仓库", "or": "或者", "Learn more about Git and GitHub": "了解更多关于 Git 和 GitHub 的信息", // 组织 // [/You’re an owner of the ([^ ]+) organization!/, "您是 $1 组织的所有者!"], // [/Create a repository for ([^ ]+)/, "为 $1 创建仓库"], "View and create teams": "查看并创建团队", "See all owners": "查看全部所有者", "You've been added to the": "您已被添加至", "organization.": "组织", // [/Edit ([^ ]+)’s settings/, "编辑 $1 的设置"], "Return to your personal dashboard": "返回到您的个人仪表板", // 已有仓库的项目 // 左侧栏 "View organization": "查看组织", // 组织 "Browse organization's repositories": "浏览组织的仓库", // 组织 "Top Repositories": "置顶仓库", "New": "新建", "Find a repository…": "搜索仓库…", "Show more": "显示更多", "Your teams": "您的团队", "You don’t belong to any teams yet!": "您还不属于任何团队!", "Find a team…": "搜索团队…", "Recent activity": "近期活动", "When you take actions across GitHub, we’ll provide links to that activity here.": "当您在 GitHub 上采取行动时,我们会在这里提供该活动的链接。", // 组织 // 中间栏 "The home for all developers — including you.": "所有开发者的家园——包括您。", "Welcome to your personal dashboard, where you can find an introduction to how GitHub works, tools to help you build software, and help merging your first lines of code.": "欢迎来到您的个人仪表板,在这里您可以看到关于 GitHub 工作原理的介绍,帮助您构建软件的工具,以及帮助您合并您的第一行代码。", "Start writing code": "开始编写代码", "You're seeing this because you haven't created a repository in a while.": "您看到这个是因为您有一段时间没有创建仓库了。", "You're seeing this because you haven't used repositories, issues, and pull requests recently.": "您看到这个是因为您最近没有使用仓库、议题和拉取请求。", "Remove from dashboard": "从仪表板中删除", "Tools of the trade": "贸易工具", "You're seeing this because you haven't opened a pull request in a while.": "您看到这个是因为您有一段时间没有打开拉取请求了。", "Write code in your web browser": "在您的网络浏览器中编写代码", "Use": "使用", "the github.dev web-based editor": "基于 github.dev 的网络编辑器", "from your repository or pull request to create and commit changes.": "从您的仓库或拉取请求中创建和提交更改。", "Install a powerful code editor": "安装一个强大的代码编辑器", "is a multi-platform code editor optimized for building and debugging software.": "是针对构建和调试软件进行了优化的多平台代码编辑器。", "Set up your local dev environment": "设置本地开发环境", "set up Git": "设置 Git", ", simplify your dev workflow with": ",简化您的开发工作流程,使用", ", or": ",或", "bring GitHub to the command line": "将 GitHub 引入命令行", "Get started on GitHub": "开始使用 GitHub", "You're seeing this because you haven't used GitHub's core features, yet.": "您看到这个是因为您有一段时间没有使用过 GitHub 的核心功能了。", "About version control and Git": "关于版本控制和 Git", "Learn about the version control system, Git, and how it works with GitHub.": "了解版本控制系统、Git 以及它如何与 GitHub 一起工作。", "The GitHub Flow": "GitHub 流程", "Adopt GitHub's lightweight, branch-based workflow to collaborate on projects.": "采用 GitHub 的轻量级、基于分支的工作流程来协作处理项目。", "One moment please...": "稍等一会儿...", "Loading activity...": "载入活动...", "All activity": "所有活动", "Welcome to the new feed!": "欢迎来到新的动态提要!", "We’re updating the cards and ranking all the time, so check back regularly. At first, you might need to follow some people or star some repositories to get started": "我们一直在更新卡片和排名,所以请定期查看。一开始,您可能需要关注一些人或标星一些仓库才能开始", "Send feedback": "发送反馈", "Updates to your homepage feed": "主页动态摘要的更新", "We've combined the power of the Following feed with the For you feed so there’s one place to discover content on GitHub. There’s improved filtering so you can customize your feed exactly how you like it, and a shiny new visual design. ✨": "我们将 “关注动态提要” 与 “您的动态提要” 的强大功能结合在一起,让您在一个地方就能发现 GitHub 上的内容。此外,我们还改进了筛选功能,让您可以完全按照自己的喜好定制动态提要,并采用全新的视觉设计。 ✨", "Learn more": "了解更多", // 提要筛选 "Filter": "筛选器", "Feed filters": "提要筛选器", "Events": "事件", "Activity you want to see on your feed": "您想在提要上看到的活动", "Announcements": "公告", "Special discussion posts from repositories": "来自仓库的特别讨论帖", "Releases": "发行版", "Update posts from repositories": "来自仓库的更新帖", // 赞助 "Relevant projects or people that are being sponsored": "获得赞助的相关项目或人员", "Stars": "星标", "Repositories being starred by people": "被人们标星的仓库", "Repositories": "仓库", "Repositories that are created or forked by people": "由人们创建或复刻的仓库", "Repository activity": "仓库活动", "Issues and pull requests from repositories": "来自仓库的议题和拉取请求", "Follows": "关注", "Who people are following": "人们在关注谁", "Recommendations": "推荐", "Repositories and people you may like": "您可能喜欢的仓库和人", "Include events from starred repositories": "包括来自星标仓库中的事件", "By default, the feed shows events from repositories you sponsor or watch, and people you follow.": "默认情况下,动态提要显示的事件来自您赞助或关注的仓库,以及您关注的人。", "Reset to default": "重置", "Save": "保存", "Show all": "显示所有", "Show less": "显示更少", "Uh oh!": "哎呀!", "There was an error in loading the activity feed.": "载入动态提要时发生错误。", "Reload this page.": "重载此页面", // 动态 状态词 "starred": "星标了", "created": "创建了", "forked from": "复刻自", "generated from": "创建自", "mirrored from": "镜像自", "forked": "复刻了", "from": "来自", "for": "", "pushed to": "推送到", "released": "发布了", "published": "发布了", "started sponsoring": "赞助给", "started following": "开始关注了", "you": "您", "Updated": "更新于", "a repository": "1 个仓库", "has a new repository": "创建了仓库", "created a repository": "创建了仓库", "created a branch in": "创建了一个分支在", "in": "分支在", "Forked to": "复刻为", "of": "", "made": "将", "public": "设为公共", "committed": "提交于", "posted a discussion in": "发表讨论于", "made this repository public": "将此仓库公开", "labeled a pull request": "将标签添加到拉取请求中", "launched their sponsorship page 💖": "推出了他们的赞助页面 💖", //[/and (\d+) more/, "和另外 $1 个"], "published a release": "发布发行版", "forked a repository": "复刻仓库", "starred a repository": "星标仓库", "sponsored": "赞助了", "followed": "关注了", "added a repository to": "已将仓库添加到", "contributed to": "贡献给", "your repository": "您的仓库", "Read more": "阅读更多内容", "More": "更多", "Loading more…": "载入更多…", "Subscribe to your news feed": "订阅您的新闻提要", "Subscribe to the": "订阅", // 组织 "organization news feed": "组织的新闻提要", // 组织 //主页上仓库3个点 "You're seeing this because of your activity.": "您看到这个是因为您的活动。", "Show less activity like this": "显示较少这类活动", // [/You're seeing this because you collaborated with ([^ ]+)/, "您看到这个是因为您与 $1 有过合作"], // [/You're seeing this because you starred ([^ ]+)/, "您看到这个,是因为您星标了 $1"], "Unstar this repository": "取消星标此仓库", // [/You're seeing this because you follow ([^ ]+)/, "您看到这个,是因为您关注了 $1"], "Unfollow this user": "取消关注此用户", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Report": "举报", "Recommended for you": "为您推荐", "Trending repositories": "热门仓库", "See more": "查看更多", "You're seeing this based on GitHub-wide trends.": "您看到的是基于 GitHub-wide 的趋势。", "Recommended based on people you follow": "根据您关注的人推荐", "has a new discussion in": "有一条新讨论,在", "Join discussion": "参与讨论", "Popular among": "很受欢迎", "people you follow": "在您关注的人中", "Sponsor": "赞助", // 右侧栏 "Latest changes": "最新变化", "View changelog →": "查看更新日志 →", "Explore repositories": "探索仓库", "Explore more →": "探索更多 →", "Member statuses": "成员状态", // 组织 // 仪表板右上方看板 //"Learn from the best": "向最优秀的人学习", //"Unlock the full power of GitHub! Gain expertise and insights from top organizations through guided tutorials, boosting productivity, enhancing security, and enabling seamless collaboration.": "释放 GitHub 的全部力量!通过指导教程获得顶级组织的专业知识和见解,提高生产力、增强安全性并实现无缝协作。", //"Start learning": "开始学习", "What does it mean for a technology to go mainstream? Discover how AI is changing the developer experience.": "了解一项技术成为主流所承载的含义是什么?深入探讨 AI 如何在各个层面上转变着开发者的工作体验。", // 用户 浮动信息卡 "Member of": "隶属组织", // [/, and (\d+) more/, ",以及其他 $1 个组织"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 // [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], // [/(\d+) members?/, "$1 个成员"], "Switch dashboard context": "切换默认身份", // 组织 "Manage organizations": "管理组织", // 组织 "Create organization": "创建组织", // 组织 // 首次加入组织通知 "You’ve been added to the": "您已经被添加到", "organization!": "组织!", "Here are some quick tips for a first-time organization member.": "以下是首次加入组织的一些提示。", "Use the switch context button in the upper left corner of this page to switch between your personal context (": "使用页面左上角的切换身份按钮,您可以在(", ") and organizations you are a member of.": ")和组织身份之间进行切换。", "After you switch contexts you’ll see an organization-focused dashboard that lists out organization repositories and activities.": "当您切换身份,您会看到一个组织为中心的页面,其中列出了组织库和活动。", // 快捷键 "Dashboards": "仪表板", "Go to your issues": "跳转到您的议题", "Go to your pull requests": "跳转到您的拉取请求", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/added (\d+) repositor(y|ies) to/, "添加 $1 个仓库到"], [/, and (\d+) more/, ",以及其他 $1 个组织"], // 用户 浮动信息卡 [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 [/(\d+) members?/, "$1 个成员"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 [/is being deleted./, "正在被删除。"], // 仓库 组织被删除 [/Your repository \"([^ ]+)\" was successfully deleted./, "您的仓库 “$1” 已成功删除。"], // 仓库删除 [/(\d+) releases?/, "$1 个发行版"], [/(\d+) followers?/, "$1 个关注者"], [/(\d+) comments?/, "$1 条评论"], [/(\d+) commits? to/, "$1 个提交到"], [/(\d+) more commits? »/, "$1 个更多提交到"], [/(\d+) issues? needs? help/, "$1 个议题需要帮助"], // [/Updated/, "更新于"], [/You’re an owner of the ([^ ]+) organization!/, "您是 $1 组织的所有者!"], // 组织 [/Create a repository for ([^ ]+)/, "为 $1 创建仓库"], // 组织 [/Edit ([^ ]+)’s settings/, "编辑 $1 的设置"], // 组织 [/and (\d+) more/, "和另外 $1 个"], [/You're seeing this because you collaborated with ([^ ]+)/, "您看到这个是因为您与 $1 有过合作"], [/You're seeing this because you starred ([^ ]+)/, "您看到这个,是因为您星标了 $1"], [/You're seeing this because you follow ([^ ]+)/, "您看到这个,是因为您关注了 $1"], [/(\d+) people reacted with thumbs up/, "$1 个人的的反应为点赞"], [/(\d+) people reacted with laugh/, "$1 个人的反应为大笑"], [/(\d+) people reacted with hooray/, "$1 个人的反应为欢呼"], [/(\d+) people reacted with heart/, "$1 个人的反应为爱心"], [/(\d+) people reacted with rocket/, "$1 个人的反应为火箭"], [/(\d+) people reacted with eyes/, "$1 个人的反应为眼睛"], [/Support ([^ ]+)'s open source work/, "支持 $1 的开源工作"], ], }; I18N.zh["dashboard"] = I18N.zh["page-dashboard"]; I18N.zh["orgs/dashboard"] = I18N.zh["page-dashboard"]; I18N.zh["page-profile-public"] = { // 个人首页(含组织) "static": { // 静态翻译 // 左侧用户信息栏 "Change your avatar": "修改头像", "they/them": "他们", "she/her": "她", "he/him": "他", "You have blocked this user": "您已拉黑此用户", "Follow": "关注", "Sponsor": "赞助", "follower": "关注者", "followers": "关注者", "following": "关注", "Joined": "加入于", "Achievements": "成就", "Highlights": "高光时刻", "Developer Program Member": "开发者计划成员", "Organizations": "组织", "Block or Report": "拉黑或举报", "Unblock or report user": "取消拉黑或举报", "- same time": "- 时间相同", // 编辑个人资料 "Edit profile": "编辑个人资料", "Name": "名称", "Bio": "个人简介", "Add a bio": "添加个人简介", "You can": "您可", "@mention": "@用户名或组织名", "other users and organizations to link to them.": "链接到其他用户和组织。", "Pronouns": "代词", "Don't specify": "不说明", "they/them": "他们", "she/her": "她", "he/him": "他", "Custom": "自定义", "Company": "公司", "Location": "位置", "Display current local time": "显示当前当地时间", "same time": "相同时间", "Website": "网站", "Social accounts": "社交账户", "Link to social profile": "链接到社交账户", // 成就浮动界面 // 北极代码库贡献者 "Arctic Code Vault Contributor": "北极代码库贡献者", "History": "历史", "100% unlocked": "100% 解锁", "· Unlocked": "· 解锁于", "these repositories, and more, were archived": "这些仓库以及更多仓库已存档", // YOLO "You want it? You merge it.": "您想要它?您合并它。", "Merged without a review": "未经审查就合并", // Pull Shark "Pull Shark": "鲨鱼拉", "Bronze unlocked": "青铜已解锁", "Bronze and Silver unlocked": "青铜和白银已解锁", "· First unlocked": "· 首次解锁于", "2nd pull request merged": "2 个拉取请求被合并", "16th pull request merged": "16 个拉取请求被合并", "128th pull request merged": "128 个拉取请求被合并", "1024th pull request merged": "1024 个拉取请求被合并", // Starstruck "Starstruck": "追星族", "⭐️ 16 stars": "⭐️ 16 个星标", "⭐️ 128 stars": "⭐️ 128 个星标", "⭐️ 512 stars": "⭐️ 512 个星标", "⭐️ 4096 stars": "⭐️ 4096 个星标", // Pair Extraordinaire "Pair Extraordinaire": "非凡搭档", "Unlocked": "解锁于", "Coauthored with": "与下列用户共同合作", "Coauthored with an unknown user": "与未知用户共同合作", // Quickdraw "Quickdraw": "快速关闭", "Gitty up!": "赶快开始!", "Closed within 5 minutes of opening": "在打开的 5 分钟内关闭", // Galaxy Brain "Galaxy Brain": "银河大脑", "2nd accepted answer": "2 个答案被接受", "8th accepted answer": "8 个答案被接受", "16th accepted answer": "16 个答案被接受", "32nd accepted answer": "32 个答案被接受", // Public Sponsor "Public Sponsor": "公共赞助者", "1st sponsorship": "1 次赞助", // Mars 2020 Contributor "Mars 2020 Contributor": "火星 2020 贡献者", "Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission": "2020 火星无人直升机首飞计划", "this repository was included": "该仓库已收录", // ?tab=achievements "Hide from profile": "从个人资料中隐藏", "Hidden from your profile.": "已从您的个人资料中隐藏", "Show on profile": "在个人资料中显示", "Copy share link": "复制共享链接", "Preview on Twitter": "在 Twitter 上预览", // 顶部提醒 // [/The (.+) achievement will now be hidden from your profile./, "现在,将从您的个人资料中隐藏 “$1” 成就。"], // [/The (.+) achievement will now be shown in your profile./, "现在,将在您的个人资料中显示 “$1” 成就。"], "Send feedback": "发送反馈", // 拉黑 & 举报用户对话框 // [/Block or report ([^ ]+)/, "拉黑或举报 $1"], "Block user": "拉黑用户", "Prevent this user from interacting with your repositories and sending you notifications. Learn more about": "防止该用户与您的仓库互动并向您发送通知。了解更多关于", "blocking users": "拉黑用户", "Add an optional note:": "添加可选备注:", "Please don't include any personal information such as legal names or email addresses. Maximum 100 characters, markdown supported. This note will be visible to only you.": "请勿包含任何个人信息,如法定姓名或电子邮件地址。最多 100 个字符,支持标记符。此备注只有您本人可见。", "Unblock user": "取消拉黑", "Allow this user to interact with your repositories and send you notifications. Learn more about": "允许该用户与您的仓库互动并向您发送通知。了解更多关于", "Report abuse": "举报滥用", "Contact GitHub support about this user’s behavior. Learn more about": "就该用户的行为联系 GitHub 支持部门。了解更多关于", "reporting abuse": "举报滥用", // 标签栏 "Sponsoring": "赞助", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/(\d+) discussions? answered/, "$1 个讨论已回答"], // 高光时刻 [/Block or report ([^ ]+)/, "拉黑或举报 $1"], [/contributed code to several repositories in the/, "为多个仓库贡献了代码,在"], [/(\d+) GitHub Archive Program/, "$1 GitHub 存档计划"], // 成就浮动款 [/opened pull requests that have been merged./, "打开的拉取请求已被合并。"], // Pull Shark [/created a repository that has many stars./, "创建了一个拥有很多星标的仓库。"], // Starstruck [/coauthored commits on merged pull requests./, "与他人共同提交了合并的拉取请求。"], // Pair Extraordinaire [/answered discussions./, "回答了讨论。"], // Galaxy Brain [/is sponsoring (\d+) organizations? or users?./, "赞助了 $1 个组织或用户。"], // Public Sponsor [/contributed code to (\d+) repositor(y|ies) used in the/, "贡献于 $1 个仓库收录于"], // Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission. [/The (.+) achievement will now be hidden from your profile./, "现在,将从您的个人资料中隐藏 “$1” 成就。"], [/The (.+) achievement will now be shown in your profile./, "现在,将在您的个人资料中显示 “$1” 成就。"], [/(\d+) repositories/, "$1 仓库"], [/(\d+) members/, "$1 成员"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/achievements"] = I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]; // ?tab=achievements I18N.zh["page-profile/followers"] = I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]; // ?tab=followers I18N.zh["page-profile/following"] = I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]; // ?tab=following I18N.zh["page-profile"] = { // 个人首页 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], // 概述标签卡 即主页 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Customize your pins": "自定义置顶", // 设置置顶项目对话框 "Edit pinned items": "设置置顶项目", "Select up to six public repositories or gists you'd like to show to anyone.": "最多选择 6 个您想向任何人展示的公共仓库或代码片段。", "Select up to six public repositories you'd like to show.": "最多选择 6 个要显示的公共仓库。", // 组织页 "Filter repositories and gists": "筛选仓库和代码片段", "Repositories": "仓库", "Gists": "代码片段", "Filter repositories": "筛选仓库", // 组织页 "Show:": "显示:", "Save pins": "保存置顶", "Drag to reorder": "拖动重新排序", // 顶部提醒 "You unlocked new Achievements with private contributions!": "您通过私人贡献解锁了新成就!", "Show them off by including private contributions in your Profile in": "通过在您的个人资料中包含私人贡献来展示它们。", "Your pins have been updated. Drag and drop to reorder them.": "您的置顶已更新。拖放来重新排列它们。", // 拖拽排序提醒 "Order updated.": "置顶已更新。", "Pinned": "已置顶", "Top repositories": "置顶的仓库", "Popular repositories": "流行的仓库", "Learn how we count contributions": "了解我们如何计算贡献", "Less": "更少", "More": "更多", "Contribution settings": "贡献设置", // 贡献设置下拉菜单 "Private contributions": "私人贡献", "Turning on private contributions will show anonymized private activity on your profile.": "开启私人贡献则将在您的个人资料上显示匿名的私人活动。", "Visitors will now see your public and anonymized private contributions.": "访客现在将看到您的公开和匿名的私人贡献。", "Turning off private contributions will show only public activity on your profile.": "关闭私人贡献则将仅在您的个人资料中显示公开活动。", "Visitors will now see only your public contributions.": "访客现在将只能看到您的公开贡献。", "Activity overview": "活动概况", "Turning off the activity overview will hide the section on your profile.": "关闭活动概况则将隐藏您的个人资料中的部分内容。", "The 'Activity overview' section will no longer appear on your profile.": "“活动概况” 部分将不再出现在您的个人资料中。", "Turning on the activity overview will show an overview of your activity across organizations and repositories.": "开启活动概况将显示跨组织和仓库的活动概况。", "Others will now see 'Activity overview' when they view your profile.": "其他人在查看您的资料时,现在会看到 “活动概况”。", "Contribution activity": "贡献活动", "Search by name": "搜索组织名", "Contributed to": "贡献给了", "Activity in": "活动在", "No activity overview available.": "没有可用的活动概况。", "open": "打开", "closed": "已关闭", "merged": "已合并", "pull request": "拉取请求", "commits": "次提交", "comments": "次评论", "Commits": "提交", "Code review": "代码审查", "Built by": "构建者", "Created their first repository": "创建了他们的第一个仓库", "Created an issue in": "创建一个议题在", "Created a pull request in": "创建一个拉取请求在", "lines changed": "行被改变", "First repository": "第一个仓库", "First pull request": "第一次拉取请求", "First issue": "第一次议题", "Opened their first issue on GitHub in": "打开了他们第一个议题", "Opened their first pull request on GitHub in": "打开了他们第一个拉取请求", "Joined GitHub": "刚加入 GitHub", "Joined the": "加入", "organization": "组织", //"Show more activity": "显示更多", "Show more activity": "加载更多动态", "Loading...": "载入中...", "Seeing something unexpected? Take a look at the": "看到了一些意想不到的东西?请看一下", "GitHub profile guide": "GitHub 个人资料指南", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/(\d+) discussions? answered/, "$1 个讨论已回答"], // 高光时刻 [/Block or report ([^ ]+)/, "拉黑或举报 $1"], [/(\d+) GitHub Archive Program/, "$1 GitHub 存档计划"], // 成就浮动款 [/(\d+) remaining/, "$1 剩余"], // 置顶项目 剩余 [/([^ ]+) doesn('|’)t have any public repositories yet./, "$1 尚无任何公共仓库。"], [/([\d,]+) contributions? in the last year/, "在过去的一年中贡献 $1 次"], [/([\d,]+) contributions? in (\d+) in ([^ ]+)/, "在 $2 年中向 $3, 贡献 $1 次"], [/([\d,]+) contributions? in (\d+)/, "在 $2 年中贡献 $1 次"], [/(\d+) contributions? in private repositor(y|ies)/, "私有仓库 $1 个贡献"], [/(\d+|No) contributions?/, function (all, number) { return number === 'No' ? "无贡献" : number + " 次贡献"; }],// 贡献日历 [/and (\d+) other repositor(y|ies)/, "和 $1 个其他仓库"], // 活动概览 // 贡献信息 [/Created ([\d,]+) commits? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个仓库中创建了 $1 次提交"], [/Created (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "创建了 $1 个仓库"], [/Opened (\d+) pull requests? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个仓库中打开了 $1 个拉取请求"], [/Opened (\d+) other pull requests? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个其他仓库中打开了 $1 个拉取请求"], [/Opened (\d+) issues? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个仓库中打开了 $1 个议题"], [/Opened (\d+) other issues? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个其他仓库中打开了 $1 个其他议题"], [/Reviewed (\d+) pull requests? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个仓库中审查了 $1 个拉取请求"], [/Answered (\d+) discussions? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个仓库中答复了 $1 个讨论"], [/Started (\d+) discussions? in (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个仓库中发起了 $1 个讨论"], [/(\d+) commits?/, "$1 次提交"], [/(\d+) pull requests?/, "$1 次拉取请求"], [/that received (\d+) comments?/ , "收到 $1 条评论"], [/(\d+) of (\d+) tasks?/, "$1 / $2 个任务"], [/(\d+) comments?/, "$1 条评论"], [/(\d+) tasks? done/, "$1 个任务完成"], [/([^ ]+) doesn't have any projects yet./, "$1 目前还没有任何项目。"], [/([^ ]+) has no activity yet for this period./, "$1 目前还没有活动。"], [/([^ ]+) had no activity during this period./, "$1 在此期间没有活动。"], [/Contribution activity in ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 中的贡献活动"], [/([^ ]+) had no activity in ([^ ]+) during this period./, "在此期间,$1 在 $2 中没有活动。"], [/([^ ]+) has no activity in ([^ ]+) yet for this period./, "在此期间,$1 在 $2 中没有活动。"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/overview"] = I18N.zh["page-profile"]; I18N.zh["page-profile/repositories"] = { // 个人首页 - 仓库标签卡 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], // 仓库标签卡 ?tab=repositories >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // 顶部提醒 // [/Your repository \"([^ ]+)\" was successfully deleted./, "您的仓库 “$1” 已成功删除。"], // "Search repositories…": "搜索这些查库…", // "Search starred repositories…": "搜索点赞的仓库…", // 搜索, 筛选 & 排序工具栏 "Find a repository…": "搜索仓库…", // "Type": "类型", // 与全局冲突 使用 Selector 规则翻译 // 下拉菜单 "Select type": "选择类型", "All": "全部", "Public": "公共", "Private": "私有", "Sources": "源码", "Forks": "复刻", "Archived": "存档", "Can be sponsored": "可赞助", "Mirrors": "镜像", "Templates": "模板", "Language": "语言", // 下拉菜单 "Select language": "选择语言", "All languages": "所有语言", "Sort": "排序", // 下拉菜单 "Select order": "选择排序", "Last updated": "最近更新", // "Name": "仓库名", // "Recently starred": "最近星标", // "Recently active": "最近活跃", // "Most stars": "最多星标", // "Unstar": "取消星标", "New": "新建", // 筛选结果 "result for": "个结果在", "results for": "个结果在", "public": "公共", "private": "私有", "source": "源码", "forked": "复刻", "archived": "存档", "sponsorable": "可赞助", "mirror": "镜像", "template": "模板", "repositories matching": "仓库中匹配了", "result for repositories matching": "个结果在仓库中匹配了", "results for repositories matching": "个结果在仓库中匹配了", "repositories sorted by": "仓库,排序按", "written in": ",使用语言", "results for repositories written in": "个结果在仓库中使用语言", "star matching": "个星标匹配", //?tab=stars "stars matching": "个星标匹配", //?tab=stars "star written in": "个星标使用语言", //?tab=stars "stars written in": "个星标使用语言", //?tab=stars "sorted by": ",排序按", "last updated": "最近更新", "name": "仓库名", "stars": "星标", "Clear filter": "清除筛选", // [/([^ ]+) doesn’t have any repositories that match./, "$1 没有任何匹配的仓库"], "This organization doesn’t have any repositories that match.": "该组织没有任何匹配的仓库。", // 组织仓库 "This organization has no public repositories.": "该组织没有公共仓库。", //组织仓库 // 项目 状态词 "Updated": "更新于", "Forked from": "复刻自", // 曲线图提示 "Past year of activity": "过去一年的活动", // 新版 组织 - 仓库概述 https://github.com/orgs//repositories "Filter": "筛选", "Advanced filters": "高级筛选器", "Build complex filter queries": "构建复杂的筛选查询", "To start building your query add your first filter using the button below.": "要开始创建查询,请使用下面的按钮添加第一个筛选器。", "Add a filter": "新增筛选器", "Apply": "应用", "Qualifier": "限定词", "Created": "已创建", "Total forks": "复刻总数", "Total good-first issues": "好的首发议题总数", "Has": "包含文件", "Total help-wanted issues": "求助议题总数", "License": "许可证", "Mirror": "镜像", "Size (Kb)": "大小 (Kb)", "Sponsorable": "可接受赞助", "Text": "文本", "Total topics": "主题总数", "Total stars": "星标总数", "Template": "模板", "Topic": "话题", "Visibility": "可见性", "Operator": "操作符", "is": "是", "is not": "不是", "before": "之前", "after": "之后", "between": "之间", "From": "起", "To": "至", "is one of": "包括", "is not one of": "不包含", "greater than": "大于", "less than": "小于", "greater than or equal to": "大于或等于", "less than or equal to": "小于或等于", "equal to": "等于", "Value": "值", "Enter a number": "输入数字", "Enter search text": "输入搜索文本", "Make a selection": "进行选择", "Select items": "选择项目", "Select an item": "选择项目", "Filter values": "筛选值", // 复刻 "Only forks": "仅复刻", "Exclude forks": "排除复刻", // 排序 "Recently pushed": "最近推送", "Topics": "话题", "Size": "尺寸", "Recently pushed (descending)": "最近推送(降序)", "Name (descending)": "名称(降序)", "Language (descending)": "语言(降序)", "License (descending)": "许可证(降序)", "Topics (ascending)": "主题(升序)", "Size (ascending)": "大小(降序)", "Total stars (ascending)": "星标总数(降序)", "Total forks (ascending)": "复刻总数(降序)", "Help-wanted issues (ascending)": "求助议题总数(升序)", "Help-wanted issues (descending)": "求助议题总数(降序)", // 可见性 "Internal": "内部", "Discard changes?": "放弃更改?", "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them?": "您有未保存的更改。您确定要放弃它们吗?", "Keep editing": "继续编辑", "Close and discard": "关闭并放弃", "Search repositories": "搜索仓库", "No repositories matched your search": "没有与您的查询相匹配的仓库", "Try a different search query": "尝试不同的搜索查询", "Last pushed": "最近提送", "Ascending": "升序", "Descending": "降序", "repository": "仓库", "No language": "无语言", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/([^ ]+) doesn’t have any repositories that match./, "$1 没有任何匹配的仓库"], // 仓库标签卡 [/Your repository \"([^ ]+)\" was successfully deleted./, "您的仓库 “$1” 已成功删除。"], [/(\d+) issues? needs? help/, "$1 个议题需要帮助"], ], "selector": [ // 元素筛选器规则 ["#type-options > summary > span:nth-child(1)", "类型"], // 个人主页 --> 仓库标签页-->类型筛选器 Type ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/projects"] = { // 个人首页- 项目标签卡 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], // 项目标签卡 ?tab=projects >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "There aren't any projects yet": "尚无任何项目", "Provide quick access to relevant projects.": "提供快速访问相关项目的途径。", "Add projects to view them here.": "将项目添加到此处查看。", "Welcome to the all-new projects": "欢迎访问全新的项目", "Built like a spreadsheet, project tables give you a live canvas to filter, sort, and group issues and pull requests. Tailor them to your needs with custom fields and saved views.": "构建像电子表格一样的项目表,给您一个实时的画布来对议题和拉取请求进行筛选、排序和分组。通过自定义字段和保存的视图,使它们符合您的需要。", "Learn more about projects": "了解更多关于项目", // ?tab=projects "Create your first GitHub project": "创建您的第一个 GitHub 项目", "Projects are a customizable, flexible tool for planning and tracking your work.": "项目是一个可定制的、灵活的工具,用于规划和跟踪您的工作。", "Sort": "排序", // 排序下拉菜单 "Newest": "最新", "Oldest": "最早", "Recently updated": "近期更新内容", "Least recently updated": "最近最少更新", // 清除筛选 "Clear current search query and sorts": "清除当前的搜索查询和分类", "Plan and track work across repositories with custom fields and multiple views": "通过自定义字段和多个视图来计划和跟踪整个仓库的工作", "Kanban-style project board": "看板式项目面板", "You don't have any projects yet.": "您还没有任何项目。", "There are no projects matching your search.": "没有符合您搜索条件的项目。", "Learn More": "了解更多", "No description": "无描述", "Close": "关闭", "Closed": "已关闭", "Reopen": "重新打开", // 顶部提醒 "Project closed.": "项目已关闭。", "Project reopened.": "项目已重新打开。", // 组织 "Created by me": "由我创建", "Create your first GitHub project template": "创建您的第一个 GitHub 项目模板", "Templates can be used to quickly get started with a new project.": "模板可以用于快速新建项目。", "New template": "新建模版", ...projects, }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/([\d,]+) Open/, "$1 打开"], // 项目标签卡 [/([\d,]+) Closed/, "$1 已关闭"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/sponsoring"] = { // 个人首页- 赞助标签卡 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], "organization or maintainer": "个组织或维护者", "Bulk Sponsor": "批量赞助", "Sponsor multiple maintainers in one easy transaction.": "一次交易即可赞助多个维护者。", "Get started": "前去赞助", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/is sponsoring/, "正在赞助"], [/Sponsoring since/, "赞助自"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/packages"] = { // 个人首页 - 软件包标签卡 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], // 软件包标签卡 ?tab=packages >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Get started with GitHub Packages": "开始使用 GitHub 软件包", "Safely publish packages, store your packages alongside your code, and share your packages privately with your team.": "安全地发布包,将您的包与您的代码一起存储,并与您的团队私下共享您的包。", "Choose a registry": "选择注册表", "A software platform used for building applications based on containers — small and lightweight execution environments.": "用于构建基于容器的应用的软件平台——小型轻量级执行环境。", "A default package manager used for the Java programming language and the Java runtime environment.": "用于 Java 编程语言和 Java 运行环境的一个默认包管理器。", "A free and open source package manager used for the Microsoft development platforms including .NET.": "一个自由和开源的开源包管理器,用于包括 .NET 在内的 Microsoft 开发平台。", "A standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries used for the Ruby programming language.": "分发用于 Ruby 编程语言的 Ruby 程序和库的标准格式。", "A package manager for JavaScript, included with Node.js. npm makes it easy for developers to share and reuse code.": "npm 是一个 JavaScript 的包管理器,包含在 Node.js 中。它使开发人员能够轻松地分享和重用代码。", "Containers": "容器", "A single place for your team to manage Docker images and decide who can see and access your images.": "为您的团队提供一个管理 Docker 镜像的单一场所,并决定谁可以看到和访问您的镜像。", "Type:": "类型:", // 下拉菜单 "Select type": "选择类型", "All": "全部", "Search packages…": "搜索软件包…", "Visibility:": "可见性:", "Select visibility": "选择可见性", "Internal": "内部", "Sort by:": "排序方式:", "Select sort view": "选择排序视图", "Most downloads": "最多下载", "Least downloads": "最少下载", "Clear current search query, filters, and sorts": "清除当前的搜索查询、筛选器和排序方式", // 筛选结果 "No results matched your search.": "没有与您的搜索匹配的结果。", "Try": "尝试", "browsing all packages": "浏览所有软件包", "to find what you're looking for.": ",以找寻您想要的内容。", "Published": "发布于", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/(\d+) packages?/, "$1 软件包"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/sponsors"] = { // 个人首页 - 赞助标签卡 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], // 赞助标签卡 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // [/is sponsoring/, "正在赞助"], "organization or developer:": "个组织或开发者:", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/is sponsoring/, "正在赞助"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-profile/stars"] = { // 个人首页 - 星标标签卡 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["page-profile-public"]["static"], // 星标标签卡 ?tab=stars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Show all lists...": "显示所有列表...", "Sort by": "排序方式", // 排序补充 "Name ascending (A-Z)": "名称升序 (A-Z)", "Name descending (Z-A)": "名称降序 (Z-A)", "Newest": "最新", "Oldest": "最早", "Last updated": "最后更新", "Create your first list": "创建您的第一个清单", "Lists make it easier to organize and curate repositories that you have starred.": "列表可使您更容易组织和策划您的星标仓库。", "Create your first list.": "创建您的第一个清单。", // 搜索, 筛选 & 排序工具栏 "Search stars": "搜索星标", "Type: All" : "类型:全部", "Type: Public" : "类型:公共", "Type: Private": "类型:私有", "Type: Sources": "类型:源码", "Type: Forks" : "类型:复刻", "Type: Mirrors": "类型:镜像", "Type: Templates": "类型:模板", "All" : "全部", "Public" : "公共", "Private": "私有", "Sources": "源码", "Forks" : "复刻", "Can be sponsored": "可赞助", "Mirrors": "镜像", "Templates": "模板", "Language": "语言", // 下拉菜单 "Select language": "选择语言", "All languages": "所有语言", "Sort": "排序", // 下拉菜单 "Sort by: Recently starred": "排序:最近星标", "Sort by: Recently active": "排序:最近活跃", "Sort by: Most stars": "排序:最多星标", "Recently starred": "最近星标", "Recently active": "最近活跃", "Most stars": "最多星标", "Languages": "语言", // 筛选结果 "result for": "个结果在", "results for": "个结果在", "public": "公共", "private": "私有", "source": "源码", "forked": "复刻", "sponsorable": "可赞助", "archived": "存档", "mirror": "镜像", "template": "模板", "star matching": "个星标匹配", //?tab=stars "stars matching": "个星标匹配", //?tab=stars "star written in": "个星标使用语言", //?tab=stars "stars written in": "个星标使用语言", //?tab=stars "starred repositories": "星标仓库", "starred repositories written in": "星标仓库使用语言", "Clear filter": "清除筛选", // 项目 状态词 "Updated": "更新于", "Forked from": "复刻自", "That’s it. You’ve reached the end of your stars.": "而已。您已经到了星海的尽头。", "Topics": "主题", "Add to list": "添加到清单", "Lists": "清单", "You don't have any lists yet.": "您尚无任何清单。", // [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], // 他人库 星标页 补充 "Search starred repositories": "搜索星标仓库", "Starred repositories": "星标仓库", "Starred topics": "星标主题", "See all starred topics": "查看所有星标主题", // [/That’s it. You’ve reached the end of ([^ ]+)’s stars./, "而已。您已经到了$1 星海的尽头。"], // 他人星标页 搜索结果 // https://github.com/stars//lists/<清单>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Edit list": "编辑清单", "Delete list": "删除清单", "Are you sure you want to delete this list?": "您确定要删除此清单吗?", // 顶部提醒 // [/Deleted \"(.*)\"./, "已删除 “$1”。], // 删除星标清单 "Save list": "保存清单", "Saving...": "保存中...", "Add repositories to this list": "添加仓库到此清单", "Star repositories on GitHub to keep track of your favorite projects and inspirational code.": "GitHub上的星标仓库可以跟踪您最喜欢的项目和鼓舞人心的代码。", "Explore repositories.": "探索仓库。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Deleted \"(.*)\"./, "已删除 “$1”。"], // 删除星标清单 顶部提醒 [/doesn’t have any starred repositories yet./, "尚无任何星标仓库。"], [/That’s it. You’ve reached the end of ([^ ]+)’s stars./, "而已。您已经到了$1 星海的尽头。"], // 他人星标页 搜索结果 [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], [/Language: /, "语言:"], ], }; I18N.zh["orgs-public"] = { // 组织公共部分 "static": { // 静态翻译 }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Invite someone to/, "邀请加入到组织"], [/New team in/, "新建团队在组织"], [/New repository in/, "新建仓库在组织"], [/This organization was marked as archived by an administrator (on .+). It is no longer maintained./, "该组织已由管理员于 $1 存档。不再维护。"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings-menu"] = { // 设置 - 公共部分 "static": { // 静态翻译 "Settings": "设置", // 新版全局导航 "Your personal account": "我的个人帐户", "Switch settings context": "切换设置上下文", // 存在组织时 "Go to your personal profile": "去我的个人资料", // 左侧菜单 "Public profile": "基本资料", "Account": "帐户", "Appearance": "外观", "Accessibility": "无障碍", "Notifications": "通知", "Access": "访问", "Billing and plans": "账单和计划", "Plans and usage": "计划和使用情况", "Spending limits": "支出限额", "Payment information": "支付信息", "Emails": "电子邮箱", "Password and authentication": "密码和身份验证", "Sessions": "会话", "SSH and GPG keys": "SSH 与 GPG 公钥", "Organizations": "组织", "Enterprises": "企业版", "Moderation": "节制", "Blocked users": "黑名单", "Interaction limits": "互动限制", "Code review limits": "代码审查限制", "Code, planning, and automation": "代码、规划和自动化", // "Repository": "仓库" "Packages": "软件包", "Copilot": "GitHub Copilot", "Pages": "GitHub Pages", "Saved replies": "快捷回复", // "Security": "安全", "Code security and analysis": "代码安全性与分析", "Integrations": "集成", "Applications": "应用", "Scheduled reminders": "定时提醒", "Archives": "存档", "Security log": "安全日志", "Sponsorship log": "赞助日志", "Developer settings": "开发者设置", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["orgs-settings-menu"] = { // 组织设置 公共部分 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["orgs-public"]["static"], // 公用部分 "Organization": "组织", "Switch settings context": "切换设置上下文", // 存在组织时 "Go to your organization profile": "去我的组织主页", // 左侧菜单 "General": "常规", "Access": "访问", "Billing and plans": "账单和计划", "Repository roles": "仓库角色", "Member privileges": "成员权限", "Team discussions": "团队讨论", "Import/Export": "导入/导出", "Moderation": "节制", "Blocked users": "黑名单", "Interaction limits": "互动限制", "Code review limits": "代码审查限制", "Moderators": "版主", "Code, planning, and automation": "代码、规划和自动化", "Repository": "仓库", "Topics": "主题", "Rulesets": "规则集", "Rule insights": "规则洞察", "Custom properties": "自定义属性", "Planning": "计划", "Codespaces": "代码空间", "Copilot": "GitHub Copilot", "Access": "访问", "Policies and features": "政策和功能", "Actions": "操作", "Runners": "运行器", "Runner groups": "运行器组", "Caches": "缓存", "Webhooks": "Web 钩子", "Packages": "软件包", "Projects": "项目", "Security": "安全", "Authentication security": "身份验证安全", "Code security and analysis": "代码安全性与分析", "Verified and approved domains": "经验证和批准的域名", "Secrets and variables": "机密和变量", "Third-party Access": "第三方访问", "OAuth application policy": "OAuth 应用策略", "GitHub Apps": "GitHub 应用", "Personal access tokens": "个人访问令牌", "Active tokens": "活跃的令牌", "Pending requests": "待处理的请求", "Integrations": "集成", "Scheduled reminders": "定时提醒", "Archive": "存档", "Logs": "日志", "Sponsorship log": "赞助日志", "Audit log": "审计日志", "Deleted repositories": "删除的仓库", "Developer settings": "开发者设置", "OAuth Apps": "OAuth 应用", "Publisher Verification": "发布者验证", "Account settings": "帐户设置", "Developer Settings": "开发者设置" }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/profile"] = { // 设置 - 个人资料 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Profile 个人资料 https://github.com/settings/profile "Public profile": "基本资料", "Profile picture": "我的头像", "Edit": "编辑", "Upload a photo…": "上传图片…", "Remove photo": "删除图片", "Are you sure you want to reset your current avatar?": "您确定要重置当前的头像吗?", "Your profile picture has been reset. It may take a few minutes to update across the site.": "您的个人头像已重置,整个网站的更新可能需要几分钟的时间。", "Your profile picture has been updated. It may take a few minutes to update across the site.": "您的个人头像已更新,整个网站的更新可能需要几分钟的时间。", // 裁剪个人头像对话框 "Crop your new profile picture": "裁剪个人头像", "Set new profile picture": "设置新的个人头像", //"You can also drag and drop a picture from your computer.": "您也可以直接拖拽照片镜像上传.", "Name": "昵称", "Your name may appear around GitHub where you contribute or are mentioned. You can remove it at any time.": "您的昵称可能会出现在 GitHub 上,您的贡献或被提及的地方。您可以随时删除它。", "Public email": "公开电子邮箱", "Remove": "移除", "Select a verified email to display": "选择显示一个已验证的电子邮箱", "You have set your email address to private. To toggle email privacy, go to": "您已将电子邮箱地址设置为私密。需要切换电子邮箱地址的私密性,请转到", "email settings": "邮箱设置", "and uncheck \"Keep my email address private.\"": "并取消 “保持我的电子邮箱地址的私密性”。", "You can manage verified email addresses in your": "您可以管理已验证的电子邮箱地址在您的", //"Don’t show my email address": "不显示我的邮箱", //"You can add or remove verified email addresses in your": "您可以添加或删除邮件地址在您的", //"personal email settings": "邮箱设置", "Bio": "个人简介", "Tell us a little bit about yourself": "自我介绍一下您自己的相关信息", "You can": "您可以", "@mention": "@用户名或组织名", "other users and organizations to link to them.": "链接到其他用户和组织。", "URL": "网站", "Social accounts": "社交账户", "Link to social profile": "链接到社交账户", "Company": "公司", "your company’s GitHub organization to link it.": "链接到您所在公司的 GitHub 组织。", //"your company's GitHub organization to link it.": "贵公司和GitHub的组织联系起来。", "Pronouns": "代词", "Don't specify": "不说明", "they/them": "他们", "she/her": "她", "he/him": "他", "Custom": "自定义", "Location": "位置", "Display current local time": "显示当前当地时间", "Other users will see the time difference from their local time.": "其他用户将看到与本地时间的时差。", "Time zone": "时区", "All of the fields on this page are optional and can be deleted at any time, and by filling them out, you're giving us consent to share this data wherever your user profile appears. Please see our": "此页面上的所有字段都是可选的,可以随时删除,填写这些字段,即表示您同意我们在您的个人资料出现的任何地方共享此数据。请参阅我们的", "privacy statement": "隐私声明", "to learn more about how we use this information.": "以了解更多关于我们如何使用这些信息。", "Update profile": "更新资料", // 顶部提醒 "Profile updated successfully": "资料更新成功。", "Profile updated successfully —": "资料更新成功 —", "view your profile.": "查看您的个人资料。", "Contributions & activity": "贡献与活动", "Make profile private and hide activity": "将个人资料设置为私密,并隐藏活动", "Enabling this will hide your contributions and activity from your GitHub profile and from social features like followers, stars, feeds, leaderboards and releases.": "启用此功能后,您的贡献和活动将会从您的 GitHub 个人资料中隐藏起来,也不会被关注者、观星者、动态提要、排行榜和发布等社交功能所发现。", "Include private contributions on my profile": "在我的个人资料显示私人贡献", "Your contribution graph, achievements, and activity overview will show your private contributions without revealing any repository or organization information.": "您的贡献图、成就和活动概览将显示您的私人贡献,而不会透露任何仓库或组织信息。", "Read more": "了解更多", "Update preferences": "更新设置", "Profile settings": "个人资料设置", "Show Achievements on my profile": "在我的个人资料上显示成就", "Your achievements will be shown on your profile.": "您的成就将显示在您的个人资料中。", "GitHub Developer Program": "GitHub 开发者计划", "has guides, API and webhook references, information about creating GitHub Apps and other resources for building applications that integrate with GitHub. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date below. Thanks for being a member!": "包含指南、API 和 Web 钩子、有关创建 GitHub 应用的信息以及用于构建与 GitHub 集成的应用的其他资源。确保您的联系信息是最新的。感谢您的加入!", "Support email address": "技术支持电子邮件地址", "An email address where GitHub users can contact you for support.": "供 GitHub 用户联系您寻求支持的电子邮件地址。", "Product or company website": "产品或公司网站", "The URL for the product, company, or service that integrates with GitHub.": "与 GitHub 集成的产品、公司或服务的网址。", "Update contact information": "更新联系信息", "Leave the program": "退出计划", "Building an application, service, or tool that integrates with GitHub?": "构建与 GitHub 集成的应用、服务或工具?", "Join the GitHub Developer Program": "加入 GitHub 开发者计划", ", or read more about it at our": ",或了解更多信息在我们的", "Developer site": "开发者站点", "Jobs profile": "就业状态", "Available for hire": "求 HR 带走", "Save jobs profile": "保存状态", // 顶部提醒 "Profile updated successfully —": "个人资料更新成功 —", "view your profile.": "查看您的个人资料。", "Trending settings": "趋势设置", "Preferred spoken language": "首选语言", "No Preference": "未设置", "We'll use this language preference to filter the trending repository lists on": "我们将使用此语言偏好来过滤趋势仓库列表在", "our": "我们的", "Trending Repositories": "趋势仓库", "page.": "页面。", "Save Trending settings": "保存趋势设置", "ORCID provides a persistent identifier - an ORCID iD - that distinguishes you from other researchers. Learn more at": "ORCID 提供持久标识符 - ORCID iD - 将您与其他开发人员区分,了解更多信息请访问", "Connect your ORCID iD": "关联您的 ORCID iD", "Successfully connected your GitHub account with ORCID.": "已成功将您的 GitHub 帐户与 ORCID 关联。", "You have a connected ORCID iD": "您的 ORCID iD", "for the account": "已关联账户", "Display your ORCID iD on your GitHub profile": "在您的 GitHub 个人资料上显示 ORCID iD", "Disconnecting your ORCID iD may affect areas of your profile where your ORCID iD is displayed.": "解除关联 ORCID iD 可能会影响您个人资料中显示 ORCID iD 的区域。", "Disconnect your ORCID iD": "解除关联您的 ORCID iD", "Successfully disconnected ORCID from your GitHub Account.": "已成功解除 ORCID 与您的 GitHub 帐户的连接。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings"] = I18N.zh["settings/profile"]; I18N.zh["settings/admin"] = { // 设置 - 帐户 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Account settings 帐户设置 https://github.com/settings/admin "Change username": "更改用户名", "Changing your username can have": "更改您的用户名可能会有", "unintended side effects": "意想不到的副作用", "Really change your username?": "确定要更改您的用户名?", "Unexpected bad things will happen if you don’t read this!": "请仔细阅读以下提示信息!!!", "We": "我们", "will not": "不会", "will": "会", "set up redirects for your old profile page.": "为您的旧资料页设置重定向", "set up redirects for Pages sites.": "为 GitHub Pages 站点设置重定向。", "create redirects for your repositories (web and git access).": "为您的仓库设置重定向( web 和 git 访问)。", "Renaming may take a few minutes to complete.": "重命名可能需要几分钟的时间来完成。", "I understand, let’s change my username": "我明白了,依然更改我的用户名", "Enter a new username": "输入新用户名", "Choose a new username": "选择新用户名", "Change my username": "更改我的用户名", "Trademark Policy": "商标政策", "are available.": "都可以使用。", "Username may only contain alphanumeric characters or single hyphens, and cannot begin or end with a hyphen.": "用户名只能包含字母数字字符或单个连字符,不能以连字符开始或结束。", "Looking to manage account security settings? You can find them in the": "想管理帐户安全设置?您可以找到它们在", "Account security": "帐户安全", "page.": "页。", "Link Patreon account": "关联 Patreon 帐户", "Connect a Patreon account for": "关联", "to sponsor maintainers with. Get recognition on GitHub for sponsorships made on Patreon when the sponsored person has linked Patreon and GitHub, too, and has a public GitHub Sponsors profile.": "的 Patreon 帐户,以便赞助维护者。当被赞助者也关联 Patreon 和 GitHub 帐户时,在 Patreon 上获得的赞助也会显示在 GitHub 上,并显示 GitHub 赞助者的公开个人资料。", "Connect with Patreon": "关联 Patreon 帐户", "Successfully connected your GitHub account with Patreon.": "已成功将您的 GitHub 帐户与 Patreon 关联。", "Unlink Patreon account": "取消关联 Patreon 帐户", "Disconnect the Patreon account": "取消 Patreon 账户", "for": "和", "to sponsor maintainers with. Any sponsorships made on Patreon will no longer receive recognition on GitHub.": "的关联,在 Patreon 上进行的任何赞助将不会在 GitHub 显示。", "Successfully disconnected your GitHub account from Patreon.": "已成功解除您的 GitHub 帐户与 Patreon 的关联。", "Export account data": "导出帐户数据", "Export all repositories and profile metadata for": "导出所有仓库和配置元数据,自", ". Exports will be available for 7 days.": "。导出结果将有 7 天有效期。", "Start export": "开始导出", "Recent exports": "近期导出", "New export": "新建导出", "We're preparing your export! We'll send you an email when it's finished.": "我们正在为您准备导出!我们完成后会发一封电子邮件。", "New exports cannot be requested while an export is currently in progress": "当前正在导出中,无法请求新的导出", "Resend email with link": "重新发送带有链接的邮件", "Download deleted": "导出内容已删除", "Job queued to delete file.": "正在排队删除文件的作业。", "Successor settings": "设置继任者", "designated below": "下面指定的", ", in the event of my death. I understand that this appointment of a successor does not override legally binding next-of-kin rules or estate laws of any relevant jurisdiction, and does not create a binding will.": ",在我死亡的情况下。我明白,这种指定继任者的做法并不凌驾于具有法律约束力的近亲规则或任何相关司法管辖区的遗产法,也不产生具有约束力的遗嘱。", "Learn more about account successors.": "了解更多关于帐户继任者的信息。", "Add Successor": "添加继任者", "Search by username, full name, or email address": "搜索用户名、全名、或电子邮箱", "You have not designated a successor.": "您还没有指定继任者。", "Delete account": "删除帐户", "Once you delete your account, there is no going back. Please be certain.": "您一旦删除了您的帐户,将再也无法恢复。请确认!", "Your account is currently an owner in these organizations:": "您的帐户目前是以下组织的所有者:", // 存在组织 "You must": "您必须先", "remove yourself": "删除您自己", "transfer ownership": "转让所有权", "delete": "删除", "these organizations before you can delete your user.": "这些组织,您才可以删除您的用户。", "Delete your account": "删除帐户", "Are you sure you don’t want to just": "您确定不希望仅仅是", "downgrade your account": "降级您的帐户", "to a": "为", "FREE": "免费", "account? We won’t charge your payment information anymore.": "帐户吗?我们不会再收取您的支付信息。", "Are you sure you want to do this?": "您确定要这么做吗?", "This is extremely important.": "这是极其重要的。", "We will": "我们将", ", along with all of your forks, wikis, issues, pull requests, and GitHub Pages sites.": "以及您所有的复刻、Wiki、议题、拉取请求和 GitHub Pages 站点。", "You will no longer be billed, and after 90 days your username will be available to anyone on GitHub.": "您将不再被收取费用,并且 90 天后您的用户名将被 GitHub 上的任何人使用。", "For more help, read our article \"": "如需更多帮助,请阅读我们的文章 “", "Deleting your user account": "删除您的帐户", "\".": "”。", "Your username or email:": "您的用户名或电子邮箱:", "To verify, type": "为了验证,请输入", "below:": "在下面:", "Confirm your password:": "确认您的密码:", "Cancel plan and delete this account": "取消计划并删除此帐户", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/is available\./, "可用。"], [/Username ([^ ]+) is not available\. Please choose another\. To submit a trademark claim, please see our/, "用户名 $1 不可用。请重新选择。要提交商标索赔,请看我们的"], [/By clicking \"Add Successor\" below, I acknowledge that I am the owner of the([^@]+@[^\n]+) account, and am authorizing GitHub to transfer content within that account to my GitHub Successor,/, "通过点击下面的 “添加继任者”,我承认我是 $1 帐户的所有者,并授权 GitHub 将该帐户内的内容转让给我的 GitHub 继任者。"], [/immediately delete all of your repositor(y|ies) \((\d+)\)/, "立即删除您所有的仓库($1个)"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/appearance"] = { // 设置 - 外观 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Appearance 外观 https://github.com/settings/appearance "Theme preferences": "主题首选项", "Choose how GitHub looks to you. Select a single theme, or sync with your system and automatically switch between day and night themes.": "选择 GitHub 在您眼中的样子。选择单一主题,或与您的系统同步并自动在白天和夜晚的主题之间切换。", "Theme mode": "主题模式", "Single theme": "单一主题", "Sync with system": "与系统同步", "GitHub will use your selected theme": "GitHub 将使用您选择的主题", "GitHub theme will match your system active settings": "GitHub 主题将匹配您的系统设置", "Light default": "亮 - 默认", "Light high contrast": "亮 - 高对比", "Light Protanopia & Deuteranopia": "亮 - 红绿色盲", "Light Tritanopia": "亮 - 蓝色盲", "Dark default": "暗 - 默认", "Dark high contrast": "暗 - 高对比", "Dark Protanopia & Deuteranopia": "暗 - 红绿色盲", "Dark Tritanopia": "暗 - 蓝色盲", "Dark dimmed": "昏暗", "Day theme": "日间主题", "Night theme": "夜间主题", "Active": "激活", "This theme will be active when your system is set to “light mode”": "当您的系统设置为 “灯光模式” 时,该主题将被激活。", "This theme will be active when your system is set to “dark mode”": "当您的系统设置为 “暗夜模式” 时,该主题将被激活。", "Emoji skin tone preference": "表情符号肤色首选项", "Preferred default emoji skin tone": "默认的表情符号肤色", "Tab size preference": "制表符首选项", "Choose the number of spaces a tab is equal to when rendering code": "在渲染代码时,选择一个制表符等于多少个空格", "8 (Default)": "8 (默认)", "Markdown editor font preference": "Markdown 编辑器字体首选项", "Font preference for plain text editors that support Markdown styling (e.g. pull request and issue descriptions, comments.)": "支持 Markdown 样式的纯文本编辑器的字体首选项(例如拉取请求和议题描述、评论。)", "Use a fixed-width (monospace) font when editing Markdown": "编辑 Markdown 时使用固定宽度(等宽)字体", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/accessibility"] = { // 设置 - 无障碍 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Accessibility 无障碍 https://github.com/settings/accessibility "GitHub keyboard shortcuts": "GitHub 键盘快捷键", "General": "通常", "Character keys": "字符键", "GitHub shortcuts": "GitHub 快捷键", "that don't use modifier keys in their activation. For example, the": ",这些快捷键在激活时不使用修改键。例如,", "shortcut to navigate notifications, or": "快捷键来导航到通知,或", "to view context relevant shortcuts.": "查看与上下文相关的快捷键。", "Learn more about character key shortcuts": "了解更多关于字符快捷键的信息", "Command palette": "命令面板", "Modify the shortcuts to trigger the Command Palette for the default search mode and the command mode": "修改快捷键以触发默认搜索模式和命令模式的命令面板", "Search mode": "搜索模式", "control + k or control + alt + k (default)": "control + k 或 control + alt + k (默认)", "Disabled": "禁用", "Command mode": "命令模式", "control + shift + k (default)": "control + shift + k (默认)", "Save keyboard shortcut preferences": "保存键盘快捷键首选项", // 顶部提醒 "Keyboard shortcut preference successfully saved.": "键盘快捷键首选项已成功保存。", "Motion": "动态", "Autoplay animated images": "自动播放动态图片", "Select whether animated images should play automatically.": "选择是否需要自动播放动态图片。", "Sync with system": "与系统同步", "Adopts your system preference for reduced motion": "采用您的系统偏好以减少运动", "Enabled": "启用", "Automatically plays animated images": "自动播放动态图片", "Prevents animated images from playing automatically": "防止自动播放动态图片", "Save motion preferences": "保存动态首选项", // 顶部提醒 "Motion preferences successfully saved.": "动态首选项已成功保存。", "Content": "内容", "Link underlines": "链接下划线", "Show or hide underlines for links within text blocks. Something isn't working as expected?": "显示或隐藏文本块内链接的下划线。有什么东西没有按预期工作吗?", "Let us know": "请告知我们", "Hide link underlines": "隐藏链接下划线", "Show link underlines": "显示链接下划线", // 顶部提醒 "Link underline preferences successfully saved.": "链接下划线首选项已成功保存。", "Editor settings": "编辑器设置", "URL paste behavior": "URL 粘贴行为", "Select if URLs should be formatted on paste. You can use": "选择是否应在粘贴时格式化 URL。您可以使用", "to paste a link in the opposite way.": "以相反的方式粘贴链接。", "Formatted link": "格式化链接", "Pasting a URL while having text selected will format to a Markdown link": "在选择了文本的情况下,粘贴 URL 将格式化为 Markdown 链接", "Plain text": "纯文本", "Pasting a URL while having text selected will replace the text": "在选择了文本的情况下,粘贴 URL 将替换文本", "Save editor settings": "保存编辑器设置", // 顶部提醒 "Paste behavior preferences successfully saved.": "粘贴行为首选项已成功保存。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/notifications"] = { // 设置 - 通知 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Notification center 通知 https://github.com/settings/notifications "Default notifications email": "默认邮件通知设置", "Choose where you'd like emails to be sent. You can add more email addresses. Use custom routes to specify different email addresses to be used for individual organizations.": "选择您希望将邮件发送到的邮箱。您可以添加更多电子邮件地址。使用自定义路由来指定用于各个组织的不同电子邮件地址。", "Custom routing": "自定义路由", "Automatically watch repositories": "自动关注仓库", "When you're given push access to a repository, automatically receive notifications for it.": "当您给一个仓库推送权限时,自动接收相关通知。", "Automatically watch teams": "自动关注团队", "Anytime you join a new team, you will automatically be subscribed to updates and receive notification when that team is @mentioned.": "当您加入新团队时,您将自动订阅更新,并在该团队 @提及 时收到通知。", "On": "开启", "Off": "关闭", "Subscriptions": "订阅", "Watching": "关注仓库", "Notifications for all repositories, teams, or conversations you're watching.": "所有您正在关注的仓库、团队或对话的通知。", "View watched repositories": "查看正在关注的仓库", "Notify me:": "提醒我:", "Select notification channels": "选择通知通道", "Close": "关闭", "on GitHub, Email, CLI": "在 GitHub、电子邮件、CLI 上", "on GitHub, CLI": "在 GitHub、CLI 上", "on GitHub, Email, CLI": "在 GitHub、电子邮件、CLI 上", "on GitHub, Email": "在 GitHub、电子邮件 上", "On GitHub": "在 GitHub 上", "on GitHub": "在 GitHub 上", "Participating, @mentions and custom": "参与、@提及和自定义", "Notifications for the conversations you are participating in, or if someone cites you with an @mention. Also for all activity when subscribed to specific events.": "您正在参与的对话的通知,或者如果有人 @您。也适用于订阅特定事件时的所有活动。", "Customize email updates": "自定义电子邮件更新", "Choose which additional events you'll receive emails for when participating or watching.": "选择参与或关注时,您将收到哪些额外活动的电子邮件。", "Select events": "选择事件", "Reviews": "审查", "Reviews, Pushes": "审查、推送", "Reviews, Pushes, Comments": "审查、推送、评论", "Reviews, Pushes, Comments, My own updates": "审查、推送、评论、自我更新", "Pull Request reviews": "拉取请求审核", "Pull Request pushes": "拉取请求推送", "Comments on Issues and Pull Requests": "关于议题和拉取请求的评论", "Includes your own updates": "包括您自己的更新", "Ignored repositories": "忽略的仓库", "You'll never be notified.": "您将永远不会收到通知。", "View ignored repositories": "查看忽略的仓库", "System": "系统", "Actions": "操作", "Notifications for workflow runs on repositories set up with": "仓库的工作流程通知,设置在", ". (": "。(", "Failed workflows only": "仅工作流程失败时", "Only notify for failed workflows": "只对失败的工作流程进行通知", "Dependabot alerts: New vulnerabilities": "Dependabot 警报:新漏洞", "When you're given access to": "当您获得", "Dependabot alerts": "Dependabot 警报", "automatically receive notifications when a new vulnerability is found in one of your dependencies.": " 访问权限时,当您的某个依赖关系中发现新的漏洞时,就会自动收到通知。", "Email weekly digest": "每周电子邮件摘要", "Email a weekly summary summarizing alerts for up to 10 of your repositories.": "通过电子邮件发送每周摘要,汇总最多 10 个仓库的警报。", "Don't send": "不发送", "Send weekly": "每周发送", "Send daily": "每日发送", "\'Deploy key\' alert email": "“部署密钥” 警报电子邮件", "When you are given admin permissions to an organization, automatically receive notifications when a new deploy key is added.": "当您获得组织的管理员权限时,会在添加新部署密钥时自动接收通知。", // 通知 自定义路由 https://github.com/settings/notifications/custom_routing "/ Custom Routing": "/ 自定义路由", "You can send notifications to different": "您可以将通知发送到不同的", "verified": "经确认", "email addresses depending on the organization that owns the repository.": "电子邮件地址,根据拥有仓库的组织。", "is your current default email for notifications.": "是您目前默认的通知邮箱。", "No custom routes yet.": "尚无自定义路由", "Add new route": "添加新路由", "Pick organization": "挑选组织", "Select an item": "选择一项", "Search organizations": "搜索组织", "Select email": "选择邮箱", "Saved": "已保存", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/billing"] = { // 设置 - 账单和计划 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["orgs-settings-menu"]["static"], // 组织设置 // 账单和计划 https://github.com/settings/billing/summary "Billing summary": "账单摘要", "Your next payment": "您的下一次应付款", "This amount does not include the spend on usage of metered service. View your": "该金额不包括使用计量服务的支出。在下面查看您的", "usage this month": "本月使用情况", "below.": "。", // 组织设置 "Current monthly bill": "当前月度账单", "Switch to yearly billing and save": "切换到按年计费并保存", "Next payment due": "下一次应付款", "Payment information": "支付信息", "Manage spending limit": "管理支出限额", "View payment history": "查看支付记录", "Switch to yearly billing": "切换到按年计费", "Current plan": "当前计划", "Compare all plans": "比较所有计划", "GitHub Free": "GitHub 免费", "The basics for all developers": "基础计划(所有开发者)", "The basics for organizations and developers": "组织和开发者的基本计划", // 组织设置 "Unlimited public/private repos": "无限的公共/私有仓库", "Unlimited collaborators": "无限协作者", "2,000 Actions minutes/month": "每月 2,000 分钟 GitHub Actions", "500MB of Packages storage": "500MB 的包存储空间", "120 core-hours of Codespaces compute per developer": "每位开发者拥有 120 个核心小时的代码空间计算能力", "15GB of Codespaces storage per developer": "每位开发者拥有 15GB 的代码空间存储空间", "Community support": "社区支持", "Not included:": "不包含:", "Free Codespaces usage per organization": "每个组织的免费代码空间使用量", "Protected branches on all repos": "所有仓库上的受保护分支", "Increase Codespaces": "提高代码空间", "spend limits": "消费限额", "Multiple reviewers in pull requests": "拉取请求中多个审查者", "Required status checks": "状态检查", "Code owners": "代码所有者", "Required reviewers": "所需的审查者", "Pages for static website hosting": "静态网站页面托管", "Web-based support": "基于网络的支持", "See all features and compare plans": "查看所有功能并比较计划", "Start your first organization": "开设您的第一个组织帐户", "With CI/CD, Dependabot, and the world's largest developer community, GitHub gives your team everything they need to ship better software faster": "借助 CI/CD、Dependabot 和世界上最大的开发者社区,GitHub为您的团队提供了他们所需的一切,以更快地发布更好的软件。", "Create an organization": "创建组织", // [/In addition to your personal account, you manage (\d+) organizations?./, "除了您的个人帐户之外,您还管理 $1 个组织。"], "Manage your organizations": "管理您的组织", "Create a new organization": "创建新组织", "Add-ons": "附加组件", // "GitHub Copilot": "", "Your AI pair programmer": "您的人工智能助理程序员", "Your AI powered pair programmer": "您的人工智能助理程序员", "Enable GitHub Copilot": "启用 GitHub Copilot", "GitHub Copilot uses the GPT-3.5 Turbo model to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor": "GitHub Copilot 使用 GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型实时在您的编辑器中提供代码和整个函数建议", // 组织设置 "Learn more about Copilot Business": "了解更多关于 GitHub Copilot 商业版的信息", "Copilot Business": "GitHub Copilot 商业版", "GitHub Copilot uses the OpenAI large language models to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor. You can set up a GitHub Copilot Business subscription for your organization.": "GitHub Copilot 使用 OpenAI 大型语言模型,可在编辑器中实时建议代码和整个函数。您可以为您的组织设置 GitHub Copilot 商业版订阅。", "Sign up for Copilot Business": "注册 GitHub Copilot 商业版", "Usage this month": "本月使用情况", "Get usage report": "获取使用报告", "Included": "包含", "Paid": "支出", "Total": "总价", // 操作 "Usage minutes": "使用分钟数", "Included minutes quota only applies to Ubuntu 2-core, Windows 2-core and macOS 3-core runners. Windows 2-core and macOS 3-core runners consume included minutes at higher rates.": "包含的分钟配额仅适用于 双核 Ubuntu、双核 Windows 和三核 macOS 运行器。双核 Windows 和三核 macOS 运行器以更高的速度消耗包括的分钟数。", "Price / minute": "单价 / 分钟", "Ubuntu 2-core": "双核 Ubuntu", "Windows 2-core": "双核 Windows", "macOS 3-core": "三核 macOS", // 软件包 "Data transfer out": "数据转出", "Data transfer out (rounded)": "数据转出(四舍五入)", "Price estimate / GB": "估算单价 / GB", // 软件包与操作的存储空间 "Storage for Actions and Packages": "软件包与操作的存储空间", "Shared storage consists of Actions artifacts and Packages usage. This graph shows the account's storage usage in GB-months. Removing stored artifacts will not reduce this number, but it will lower its rate of growth. To see your account's current storage, download a usage report.": "共享存储由操作产生的文件和软件包使用组成。此图以每月 GB 数为单位显示帐户的存储使用情况。删除存储的文件不会减少这个数字,但会降低其增长率。若要查看您帐户的当前存储空间,请下载使用情况报告。", "Storage": "存储空间", "Shared Storage": "共享存储空间", // 代码空间 "Usage hours": "使用小时数", "Core hours are calculated by multiplying the compute types by their per-hour rates, which can vary": "核心小时数是通过将计算类型乘以其每小时费率来计算的,该费率可能会有所不同", "Price / hour": "单价 / 小时", "2-core": "双核", "4-core": "四核", "8-core": "八核", "16-core": "十六核", "32-core": "三十二核", "Storage usage is updated daily and billed monthly": "存储使用情况每天更新,每月计费", "Price / GB": "单价 / GB", "Prebuild Storage": "预构建存储", // Git LFS 数据 "Git LFS Data": "Git LFS 数据", "Add more data": "添加更多数据", "Bandwidth": "带宽", "See billing documentation": "查看计费政策", "monthly spending limit": "每月支出限额", "monthly spending limit |": "每月支出限额 |", // 组织设置 "Set up a spending limit": "设置支出限额", "GitHub Sponsors": "GitHub 赞助", "Connect with the community that builds the tools you use": "与构建您使用的工具的社区联系", "Start sponsoring": "开始赞助", "You're currently not sponsoring anyone.": "您目前没有赞助任何人。", "Learn more about GitHub Sponsors": "了解更多关于 GitHub 赞助", "Switch to invoiced billing": "切换到发票账单", // 组织 "GitHub Marketplace": "GitHub 市场", "Change plan": "更改计划", "Cancel plan": "取消计划", "Do you have any questions? Contact": "您有任何问题吗?请联系", // 组织设置 "Billing Management": "账单管理", "Receipts are sent to billing managers and email recipients.": "收据会被发送给账单管理员和邮件接收者。", "Billing managers": "账单管理员", "You have not invited any billing managers": "您尚未邀请任何账单管理员", "Invite": "邀请", "Email recipients": "邮件接收者", "Add": "添加", "Primary": "主帐户", // 编辑账单电子邮箱对话框 "Edit billing email address": "编辑账单电子邮箱", "Billing primary email": "账单主帐户邮箱", "Update": "更新", // 添加账单接收者对话框 "Add billing recipient": "添加账单接收者", "Add billing recipient email": "添加账单接收者邮箱", "Metered billing via Azure": "通过 Azure 计量计费", "Add Azure Subscription": "添加 Azure 订阅", "To manage metered billing for this account through Microsoft Azure an Azure Subscription ID must be added to your account.": "通过 Microsoft Azure 管理此帐户的计量计费,必须将 Azure 订阅 ID 添加到您的帐户中。", // 支付信息 https://github.com/settings/billing/payment_information "Billing & plans": "账单和计划", "/ Payment information": "/ 支付信息", "Please update your billing information in order to add a payment method.": "请更新您的账单信息,以便添加支付方式。", "Billing information": "账单信息", // 组织设置 "An organization owner's personal billing information must be linked with this organization account.": "组织所有者的个人账单信息必须与该组织账户关联。", "Update your billing information": "更新您的账单信息", "to be able to link it with this organization.": "以便将其与该组织关联。", "First name": "名字", "Last name": "姓氏", "Address (P.O. box, company name, c/o)": "地址(邮政信箱、公司名称、c/o)", "Address line 2 (Apartment, suite, unit)": "地址第 2 行(公寓、套房、单元)", "City": "城市", "Postal/Zip code": "邮政编码", "Required for certain countries": "某些国家/地区需要", "Country/Region": "国家/地区", "Choose your country": "选择您所在的国家/地区", "State/Province": "州/省", "You have not added any billing information.": "您尚未添加账单方式。", "Payment method": "支付方式", "Add Information": "添加信息", "You have not added a payment method.": "您尚未添加支付方式。", "Last payment": "最后一次支付", "You have not made any payments.": "您尚未支付任何款项。", "Coupon": "优惠劵", "Redeem a coupon": "兑换优惠券", "You don't have an active coupon.": "您没有有效的优惠券。", "Additional information": "附加信息", "Add specific contact or tax information to your receipts, like your full business name, VAT/GST identification number, or address of record here. We’ll make sure it shows up on every receipt.": "在您的收据上添加具体的联系方式或税务信息,例如您的企业全称、VAT/GST 识别号码或记录地址。我们将确保它显示在每张收据上。", "Add information": "添加信息", "No additional information added to your receipts.": "您的收据上没有添加任何额外的信息。", // 对话框 "Extra billing information": "额外的账单信息", "This information will appear on all your receipts.": "此信息将出现在您的所有收据上。", "For your security, do not include any confidential or financial information (like credit card numbers).": "为了您的安全,请勿包含任何机密或财务信息(如信用卡号)。", "Full business name or address of record": "企业全称或记录地址", "Save contact information": "保存联系信息", // 支付方式 https://github.com/settings/billing/payment "/ Payment method": "/ 支付方式", "Loading payment information…": "正在加载支付信息…", "Pay with": "支付方式:", "Credit card": "信用卡", "Card Number": "卡号", "Expiration Date": "终止日期", "- Select One -": "- 选择一个 -", "Address 1": "地址 1", "Address 2": "地址 2", "Country": "国家/地区", "City": "城市", "State": "州/省", "Postal Code": "邮政编码", "Submit": "提交", "PayPal account": "PayPal 帐户", "Sign in to": "登录到", "Connecting to PayPal…": "正在连接到 PayPal…", "Back to billing settings": "返回账单设置", "There are no upcoming charges to your account.": "您的帐户没有即将发生的费用。", // 支出限额 https://github.com/settings/billing/spending_limit "/ Monthly spending limits": "/ 每月支付限额", "/ Monthly spending limit": "/ 每月支付限额", // 组织设置 "Set up a monthly spending limit. You can adjust it at any time. Read more information about": "设置每月支出限额。您可以随时调整它。阅读更多关于", "spending limits": "支付限额", "Actions spending limits": "GitHub 操作支付限额", // 组织设置 "Packages spending limits": "软件包支付限额", // 组织设置 "Payment method is missing": "缺失支付方式", "You can’t increase the spending limits until you set up a valid payment method.": "在您设置有效的支付方式之前,您无法提高支出限额。", "Add payment method": "添加支付方式", "Actions & Packages": "操作与软件包", "Limit spending": "限制支出", "Set up a spending limit on a monthly basis": "设置每月支出限额", "Update limit": "更新限额", // [/Leaving it at (\$\d+\.\d{2}) will avoid any extra expenses/, "将其限制在 $1 美元将避免任何额外的费用。"], "Unlimited spending": "不限制支出", "Pay as much as needed to keep Actions & Packages running": "按需支付,以保持操作和软件包的运行", "Email alerts": "电子邮件提醒", "Receive email notifications when usage reaches 75%, 90% and 100% thresholds.": "当使用率达到 75%、90% 和 100% 的阈值时,会收到电子邮件通知。", "Included resources alerts": "包含资源提醒", "Spending limit alerts": "支出限额提醒", // 代码空间 "Pay as much as needed to keep Codespaces running": "按需支付,以保持代码空间的运行", // 账单历史 https://github.com/account/billing/history "/ Payment history": "/ 支付历史", "Amounts shown in USD": "以美元显示的金额", // 用户计划 https://github.com/account/billing/plans // https://github.com/account/billing/plans "Compare plans": "比较计划", "Free": "免费", "All the basics": "所有基础", "Pro": "专业", "Advanced tools for private repos": "用于私人仓库的高级工具", // 具体内容 "Code management": "代码管理", "Public repositories": "公共仓库", "Host open source projects in public GitHub repositories, accessible via web or command line. Public repositories are accessible to anyone at GitHub.com.": "在 GitHub 公共仓库中托管开源项目,可通过网络或命令行访问。任何人都可以访问 GitHub.com 上的公共仓库。", "Private repositories": "私有仓库", "Host code in private GitHub repositories, accessible via appliance, web, and command line. Private repositories are only accessible to you and people you share them with.": "在私有 GitHub 仓库中托管代码,可通过设备、网络和命令行访问。只有您和与您共享的人才能访问私有仓库。", "Code workflow": "代码工作流", "GitHub Codespaces": "GitHub 代码空间", "Spin up fully configured dev environments in the cloud with the power of your favorite editor. A \"core hour\" denotes compute usage. On a 2-core machine, you would get 60 hours free. On a 4-core machine, you would get 30 hours free, etc. Free hours are assigned to personal accounts, rather than free organizations.": "利用您喜爱的编辑器的强大功能,在云中快速配置完整的开发环境。“核心小时” 表示计算使用量。在双核机器上,您将获得 60 小时的免费时长。在 4 核机器上,您将获得 30 小时的免费时长,以此类推。免费时长数分配给个人账户,而不是免费组织。", "Github Actions": "Github 操作", "Use execution minutes with GitHub Actions to automate your software development workflows. Write tasks and combine them to build, test, and deploy any code project on GitHub. Minutes are free for public repositories.": "利用 GitHub Actions 的几分钟执行时间,实现软件开发工作流程自动化。编写任务并组合它们,即可在 GitHub 上构建、测试和部署任何代码项目。对于公共仓库,执行时间是免费的。", "GitHub Packages": "Github 软件包", "Host your own software packages or use them as dependencies in other projects. Both private and public hosting available. Packages are free for public repositories.": "托管您的软件包,或将其用作其他项目的依赖项。提供私有和公共托管。对于公共仓库,软件包是免费的。", "Code reviews": "代码审查", "Review new code, see visual code changes, and confidently merge code changes with automated status checks.": "审查新代码,查看可视化的代码更改,并通过自动化状态检查自行地合并代码更改。", // 拉取请求 "Allow contributors to easily notify you of changes they've pushed to a repository – with access limited to the contributors you specify. Easily merge changes you accept.": "允许贡献者轻松通知您他们推送到仓库的更改,访问权限仅限于您指定的贡献者。轻松合并您接受的更改。", "Protected branches": "受保护的分支", "Enforce restrictions on how code branches are merged, including requiring reviews by selected collaborators, or allowing only specific contributors to work on a particular branch.": "对代码分支的合并方式实施限制,包括要求由选定的协作者进行审查,或仅允许特定的贡献者在特定分支上工作。", // 代码所有者 "Automatically request reviews – or require approval – by selected contributors when changes are made to sections of code that they own.": "当选定的贡献者对其拥有的代码部分进行修改时,自动要求审查或要求批准。", "Draft pull requests": "拉取请求草案", "Easily discuss and collaborate on pull requests before submitting to formal review.": "在提交正式审查之前,轻松讨论和协作拉取请求。", "Multiple pull request assignees": "多个拉取请求受理人", "Assign more than one person to a pull request.": "为拉取请求指派多人受理。", "Repository insights": "仓库洞察", "See data about activity and contributions within your repositories, including trends. You can use this data to improve collaboration and make development faster and more effective.": "查看有关仓库中的活动和贡献数据,包括趋势。您可以利用这些数据来改善协作,使开发更加迅速和有效。", // 定时提醒 "Send scheduled messages to you or your team listing open pull requests.": "按计划的向您或您的团队发送信息,列出打开的拉取请求。", "Automatic code review assignment": "自动代码审查分配", "Automatically assign code reviews to members of your team based on one of two algorithms.": "根据两种算法之一,自动为团队成员分配代码审查。", "Environment protection rules": "环境保护规则", "When a workflow job references an environment, the job won't start until all of the environment's protection rules pass.": "当工作流作业引用环境时,只有环境的所有保护规则都通过后,作业才会启动。", "Environment deployment branches and secrets": "环境部署分支和机密", "A job cannot access secrets that are defined in an environment unless it is running on the specified branch.": "除非作业在指定的分支上运行,否则无法访问环境中定义的机密。", "Collaboration": "协作", "Collaborators for public repositories": "公共仓库协作者", "Invite any GitHub member, or all GitHub members, to work with you on code in a public repository you control – including making changes and opening issues.": "邀请任何 GitHub 成员或所有 GitHub 成员,在您控制的公共仓库上与您共同处理代码,包括进行更改和提出议题。", "Collaborators for private repositories": "私有仓库协作者", "Invite any GitHub member, or all GitHub members, to work with you on code in a private repository you control – including making changes and opening issues.": "邀请任何 GitHub 成员或所有 GitHub 成员,在您控制的私有仓库上与您共同处理代码,包括进行更改和提出议题。", // 议题 "Track bugs, enhancements, and other requests, prioritize work, and communicate with stakeholders as changes are proposed and merged.": "跟踪漏洞、增强功能和其他请求,确定工作的优先级,并在提出和合并变更时与利益相关者沟通。", // 项目 "Visualize and manage issues and pull requests across tables, boards, and roadmaps with custom fields and views that you can arrange to suit your workflow.": "通过自定义字段和视图,在表格、面板和路线图上可视化管理议题和拉取请求,以适应您的工作流程。", "Milestones": "里程碑", "Track progress on groups of issues or pull requests in a repository, and map groups to overall project goals.": "跟踪仓库中议题或拉取请求组的进展,并将组映射到整体项目目标。", // 团队讨论 "Discuss any topic, unattached to a specific project or issue. Control who has access, notify discussion participants with updates, and link from anywhere.": "讨论任何主题,不与特定项目或议题相关。控制访问权限,通知讨论参与者最新情况,并从任何地方进行链接。", "Organization and team management": "组织和团队管理", "Manage access to projects on a team-by-team, or individual user, basis.": "以团队或个人用户为基础管理对项目的访问。", "Pages and wikis": "GitHub Pages 和 Wiki", "Host documentation and simple websites for your project in a wiki format that contributors can easily edit either on the web or command line.": "以 Wiki 格式为您的项目托管文档和简单网站,贡献者可以轻松在网络或命令行上进行编辑。", "Multiple issue assignees": "多个议题受理人", "Assign more than one person to an issue.": "为议题指派多人受理", "GitHub organizations give you team-based access control and discussions.": "GitHub 组织为您提供基于团队的访问控制和讨论。", "Learn more about organizations": "了解更多关于组织的信息", "Security and compliance": "安全性与合规性", "Code scanning": "代码扫描", "Integrate automated security review into your pull requests with CodeQL. Find, prioritize, and fix vulnerabilities in your repositories without disrupting your workflow.": "使用 CodeQL 将自动化安全审查集成到您的拉取请求中。在不中断工作流程的情况下,发现、优先处理并修复仓库中的漏洞。", "Secret scanning": "机密扫描", "Detect credentials exposed in your git history, comments, or discussions. Prevent further exposures with push protection, which proactively blocks secrets from being pushed into your code.": "检测您的 git 历史记录、评论或讨论中暴露的凭证。通过推送保护,主动阻止机密被推送到您的代码中,防止进一步的暴露。", "Dependency review": "依赖审查", "Understand the security impact of newly introduced dependencies during pull requests, before they get merged.": "在拉取请求合并之前,了解新引入的依赖关系对安全的影响。", "Security overview": "安全概述", "Get a centralized view of your organization's security risks. Know where security features have and haven’t yet been configured.": "集中查看组织的安全风险。了解哪些安全功能已经配置,哪些尚未配置。", "Dependabot alerts": "Dependabot 警报", "Get notified when there are new vulnerabilities affecting dependencies in your repositories.": "当您的仓库中出现影响依赖项的新漏洞时,您会收到通知。", "Dependabot security updates": "Dependabot 安全更新", "Keep projects secure by automatically opening pull requests that update vulnerable dependencies to secure versions.": "通过自动打开拉取请求,更新易受攻击的依赖项至安全版本,保持项目的安全性。", "Dependabot version updates": "Dependabot 版本更新", "Keep projects up-to-date by automatically opening pull requests that update out-of-date dependencies.": "通过自动打开拉取请求,更新过时的依赖项,保持项目的最新状态。", "Repository rules": "仓库规则", "Enforce branch and tag protections across repositories. Rule insights allow you to review rule enforcement and understand its impact.": "跨仓库实施分支和标签保护限制。规则洞察允许您审查规则执行并了解其影响。", "Required reviews": "批准审查", "Ensure that pull requests have a specific number of approving reviews before collaborators can make changes to a protected branch.": "确保拉取请求通过特定数量的批准审查后,协作者才能对受保护分支进行更改。", // 所需的状态检查 "Ensure that all required CI tests are passing before collaborators can make changes to a protected branch.": "确保所有必要的 CI 测试通过后,协作者才能对受保护分支进行更改。", "GitHub Security Advisories": "GitHub 安全公告", "Privately discuss, fix, and publish information about security vulnerabilities found in your repository.": "私人讨论,修复和发布仓库代码中的安全漏洞的信息。", "Role-based access control": "基于角色的访问控制", "Define users' level of access to your code, data and settings.": "定义用户访问代码、数据和设置的级别。", "Required 2FA": "双重身份验证(2FA)", "Use an extra layer of security with two factor authentication (2FA) when logging into GitHub.": "登录 GitHub 时,使用双重身份验证(2FA)作为额外的安全层。", // 审计日志 "Quickly review the actions performed by members of your organization.": "快速审查组织成员执行的操作。", "Enterprises can connect to advanced systems like LDAP and SAML single sign-on (SSO).": "企业可以连接到如 LDAP 和 SAML 单一登录 (SSO) 等高级系统。", "Learn more about GitHub Enterprise": "了解更多关于 GitHub 企业版的信息。", "Marketplace and integrations": "市场和集成", // Github应用 "Install apps that integrate directly with GitHub's API to improve development workflows – or build your own for private use or publication in the GitHub Marketplace.": "安装直接与 GitHub API 集成的应用,改进开发工作流程,或创建自己的应用,供个人使用或在 GitHub 市场发布。", "Status checks": "状态检查", "Define tests that GitHub automatically runs against code being committed to your repository, and get details about failures and what is causing them.": "定义 GitHub 针对提交到仓库的代码自动运行的测试,并获取有关失败和失败原因的详细信息。", "Enterprise Server customers create pre-receive hooks to automatically accept or reject a push.": "企业服务器客户创建预接收挂钩,以自动接受或拒绝推送。", "Learn more about pre-receive hooks": "了解更多关于预接收挂钩的信息。", "Support and deployment": "支持与部署", "Community Support": "社区支持", "Get help with most of your GitHub questions and issues in our Community Forum.": "在我们的社区论坛中,获取大多数有关 GitHub 问题和议题的帮助。", "Standard Support": "标准支持", "GitHub Support can help you troubleshoot issues you run into while using GitHub. Get support via the web.": "GitHub 支持可帮助您解决使用 GitHub 时遇到的问题。通过网络获取支持。", "Enterprises also get Premium Support, invoice billing, and self-hosted deployment.": "企业还可以获得高级支持、发票计费和自托管部署。", // "Learn more about GitHub Enterprise": "了解更多关于 GitHub 企业版的信息。", // 表格中内容 "per user/month": "每人/月", "Upgrade to Pro": "升级到专业版", "Unlimited": "无限", "$0 spend limit": "$0 支出限额", "With policies and controls": "带策略及限制", "180 core-hours compute/month and 20GB storage": "每月 180 个核心小时计算和 20GB 存储", "2,000 minutes/month": "2000 分钟/月", "Free for public repositories": "免费用于公共仓库", "3,000 minutes/month": "3,000 分钟/月", "Public repositories": "公共仓库", // 组织设置 邀请账单管理员 '/organizations//billing_managers/new' "Billing": "账单", "/ Add a billing manager": "/ 添加账单管理员", "A": " ", "billing manager": "账单管理员", "is a user who manages the billing settings of your organization.": "是管理您组织的账单设置的用户。", "will": "会", "will not": "不会", "have the ability to:": "具备以下能力:", "Change the billing plan": "更改账单计划", "Add, update, or remove payment methods": "添加、更新或删除支付方式", // "": "查看支付记录", "Download, and receive receipts": "下载并接收收据", "View a list of billing managers": "查看帐单管理员列表", "Invite additional billing managers": "邀请其他账单管理员", "Remove other existing billing managers": "移除其他现有的账单管理员", "Start, modify, or cancel sponsorships": "开始、修改或取消赞助", "be able to:": "能够:", "Create or access repositories in your organization": "在您的组织中创建或访问仓库", "See private members of your organization": "查看您组织的私人成员", "Be seen in the list of organization members": "在组织成员列表中可见", "Use the organization’s payment method": "使用组织的支付方式", "Enable or manage Copilot": "启用或管理 GitHub Copilot", "Purchase, edit, or cancel Marketplace subscriptions": "购买、编辑或取消市场订阅", "Search by username, full name or email address": "搜索用户名、全名、或电子邮箱", "Send invitation": "发送邀请", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Included minutes quota resets (\d+) 天之内./, "包含的分钟配额将在 $1 天之内重置"], [/Data transfer quota resets (\d+) 天之内./, "数据传输配额将在 $1 天之内重置"], [/Included quotas resets (\d+) 天之内./, "包含的配额将在 $1 天之内重置"], [/Bandwidth quota resets resets (\d+) 天之内./, "带宽使用配额将在 $1 天之内重置"], [/In addition to your personal account, you manage (\d+) organizations?./, "除了您的个人帐户之外,您还管理 $1 个组织。"], [/Leaving it at (\$\d+\.\d{2}) will avoid any extra expenses/, "将其限制在 $1 美元将避免任何额外的费用。"], [/isn’t a GitHub member/, "不是 GitHub 成员"], // 组织设置 ], }; I18N.zh["account/billing/history"] = I18N.zh["settings/billing"]; I18N.zh["orgs/settings/billing"] = I18N.zh["settings/billing"]; I18N.zh["orgs/billing_managers/new"] = I18N.zh["settings/billing"]; I18N.zh["orgs/billing/history"] = I18N.zh["settings/billing"]; I18N.zh["settings/emails"] = { // 设置 - 电子邮箱 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Emails 电子邮箱 https://github.com/settings/emails "Email settings": "电子邮箱设置", "Primary": "主帐户", "Unverified email addresses cannot receive notifications or be used to reset your password.": "未经验证的电子邮件地址无法接收通知或用于重置您的密码。", "This email will be used for account-related notifications and can also be used for password resets.": "该电子邮箱将用于与帐户有关的通知,也可用于密码重置。", "Not visible in emails": "在电子邮件中不可见", "Visible in emails": "在电子邮件中可见", "This email may be used as the 'author' or 'committer' address for web-based Git operations, e.g., edits and merges.": "该电子邮箱可用作基于 Web 的 Git 操作(例如:编辑和合并)的 ‘作者’ 或 ‘提交者’ 地址。", "Receives notifications": "接收通知", "This email address is the default used for GitHub notifications, i.e., replies to issues, pull requests, etc.": "该电子邮箱默认用于 GitHub 的通知,即对议题和拉取请求的回复,等等。", "At least one email is required.": "至少需要一个电子邮箱。", // 删除按钮 提醒信息 "Are you sure you want to remove this email from your account? Once removed, commits attributed to this email address will no longer be associated with your account. One of your other emails will become your primary address.": "您确定要从您的帐户中删除此电子邮箱吗?删除后,归因于该电子邮箱地址的提交将不再与您的帐户相关联。您的其他电子邮箱之一将成为您的主要地址。", "Add email address": "添加电子邮箱", "Email address": "电子邮箱", // 顶部提醒 "Resend verification email": "重新发送验证邮件", "Your email was verified.": "您的电子邮箱地址验证成功!", "Primary email address": "主电子邮箱", // 未电子邮箱隐私 "will be used for account-related notifications and can be used for password resets.": "将用于与帐户相关的通知,并可用于密码重置。", // 电子邮箱隐私 "Because you have email privacy enabled,": "因为您已经启用了电子邮箱隐私,", "will be used for account-related notifications as well as password resets.": "将用于与帐户相关的通知以及密码重置。", "will be used for web-based Git operations, e.g., edits and merges.": "将用于基于 Web 的 Git 操作,例如编辑和合并。", // 顶部提醒 "Your primary email was changed to": "您的主电子邮箱已更改为", ". Your default notification email address is still set to": "。您的默认通知电子邮箱仍然设置为", ". Would you like to update that as well?": "。您也想更新它吗?", "Yes, update my notification email": "是的,更新我的通知电子邮箱", "Backup email address": "备用电子邮箱", "Your backup GitHub email address will be used as an additional destination for security-relevant account notifications and can also be used for password resets.": "您的备用 GitHub 电子邮箱将额外的用作安全相关帐户通知,也可以用于密码重置。", "Allow all verified emails": "允许所有已验证的电子邮箱", // 顶部提醒 "All verified emails can now be used for password resets.": "所有已验证的电子邮箱现在均可用于密码重置。", "Only allow primary email": "仅允许主电子邮箱", // 顶部提醒 "Only your primary email address can now be used for password resets.": "现在只有您的主电子邮箱可用于密码重置。", "Please add a verified email, in addition to your primary email, in order to choose a backup email address.": "请在您的主电子邮箱之外,添加一个经验证的电子邮箱,以便选择一个备用电子邮箱。", "Keep my email addresses private": "保持我的电子邮箱地址的私密性", // 顶部提醒 "Your primary email address is now public. To select which email to display on your profile, visit": "您的主电子邮箱地址现已公开。要选择在您的个人资料中显示哪个电子邮箱,请访问", "profile settings.": "个人资料设置。", "Your primary email address is now private. If you previously made your email public, we’ve removed it from your profile.": "您的主电子邮箱地址现已设为私密。如果您以前公开过您的电子邮箱,我们已经从您的个人资料中删除了它。", "We’ll remove your public profile email and use": "我们将删除您的公开个人资料中的电子邮箱,并使用", "when performing web-based Git operations (e.g. edits and merges) and sending email on your behalf. If you want command line Git operations to use your private email you must": "执行基于 Web 的 Git 操作(例如:编辑和合并)并以您的名义发送电子邮件。如果您想在命令行 Git 操作中使用您的私人电子邮箱,您必须", "set your email in Git": "在 Git 中设置您的电子邮箱", "Previously authored commits associated with a public email will remain public.": "以前创建的与公共电子邮件相关的提交将保持公开状态。", "Block command line pushes that expose my email": "阻止在命令行推送中暴露我的电子邮箱", // 顶部提醒 "Commits pushed with a private email will no longer be blocked.": "使用私人电子邮箱推送的提交将不再被阻止。", "Commits pushed with a private email will now be blocked and you will see a warning.": "使用私人电子邮箱推送的提交将被阻止,您会看到一个警告。", "When you push to GitHub, we’ll check the most recent commit. If the author email on that commit is a private email on your GitHub account, we will block the push and warn you about exposing your private email.": "当您推送到 GitHub 时,我们会检查最近的提交。如果该提交的作者电子邮箱是您 GitHub 帐户上的私人电子邮箱,我们会阻止推送并警告您不要暴露您的私人电子邮箱。", "Email preferences": "邮件首选项", "Subscriptions through our various marketing platforms. Each email address has its own subscriptions.": "通过我们的各种营销平台进行订阅。每个电子邮件地址都有自己的订阅。", "Manage": "管理", // 订阅偏好 https://github.com/settings/emails/subscriptions "No subscriptions found": "未找到订阅信息", "Save subscription preferences": "保存订阅首选项", "Back to email settings": "返回电子邮件设置", "To stop receiving emails for the topics below, uncheck any topics you don't want to receive, then select Save subscription preferences": "要停止接收以下主题的电子邮件,请取消选中任何不想接收的主题,然后选择“保存订阅首选项”", "General info and offers from GitHub": "GitHub 的一般信息和优惠", "Get tips, solutions and exclusive offers from GitHub about products, services and events we think you might find interesting.": "从 GitHub 获取我们认为您可能感兴趣的产品、服务和活动的提示、解决方案和独家优惠。", "Unsubscribe from all topics": "取消订阅所有主题", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/This email will not be used as the 'from' address for web-based Git operations, e\.g\., edits and merges. We will instead use ([^@]+@users.noreply.github.com)\./, "该电子邮箱不会用作基于 Web 的 Git 操作(例如编辑和合并)的 “发件人” 地址。我们将改为使用 $1。"], [/Your primary email was changed to ([^@]+@[^\n]+)\./, "您的主电子邮箱已更改为 $1"], [/Subscription preferences for ([^@]+@[^\n]+)/, "$1 的订阅偏好"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/security"] = { // 设置 - 密码和身份身份验证 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 密码和身份身份验证 - 帐户安全 https://github.com/settings/security "Change password": "更改密码", "Old password": "旧密码", "New password": "新密码", "Confirm new password": "确认新密码", "Make sure it's": "请确保", "at least 15 characters": "至少需要15个字符", "OR": " 或者", "at least 8 characters": "至少需要8个字符", "including a number": "包括数字", "and a lowercase letter": "和小写字母", "Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)": "密码太短(最少8个字符)", "Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters), needs at least 1 lowercase letter, and is in a list of passwords commonly used on other websites": "密码太短(最少8个字符),至少需要1个小写字母,而且已在其他网站常用密码列表中", "Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters), needs at least 1 lowercase letter, cannot include your login, and is in a list of passwords commonly used on other websites": "密码太短(最少为8个字符),至少需要1个小写字母,而且不能包括您的登录名,以及在其他网站常用的密码列表中。", "Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters), needs at least 1 number, cannot include your login, and is in a list of passwords commonly used on other websites": "密码太短(最少8个字符),需要至少1个数字,不能包含您的登录名,以及在其他网站常用的密码列表中", "Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters) and is in a list of passwords commonly used on other websites": "密码太短(最少为8个字符),而且已在其他网站常用的密码列表中。", "Password needs at least 1 lowercase letter and is in a list of passwords commonly used on other websites": "密码需要至少 1 个小写字母,而且已在其他网站常用的密码列表中", "Password is in a list of passwords commonly used on other websites": "密码在其他网站常用的密码列表中", "Update password": "更新密码", "I forgot my password": "我忘记了我的密码", "Passkeys": "通行密钥", "Passwordless sign-in with passkeys": "使用通行密钥进行无密码登录", "Passkeys are a password replacement that validates your identity using touch, facial recognition, a device password, or a PIN. Passkeys can be used for sign-in as a simple and secure alternative to your password and two-factor credentials.": "通行密钥是一种密码替代品,可通过触摸、面部识别、设备密码或 PIN 验证您的身份。通行密钥可用于登录,作为密码和双重身份验证的一种简单而安全的替代方式。", "This browser or device does not fully support passkeys - you may be able to use a passkey from another device.": "此浏览器或设备不完全支持通行密钥 - 您可以尝试使用来自其他设备的通行密钥。", "Add a passkey": "添加通行密钥", "Passkeys are a password replacement that validates your identity using touch, facial recognition, a device password, or a PIN.": "通行密钥是一种密码替代品,可通过触摸、面部识别、设备密码或 PIN 验证您的身份。", "This browser or device is reporting partial passkey support, but you may be able to use a passkey from a nearby device.": "此浏览器或设备报告支持部分通行密钥,但您也许可以尝试使用附近设备的通行密钥。", "Your passkeys": "您的通行密钥", "Seen from this browser": "该浏览器中查看", "| Last used": "| 最后使用", // | Last used less than 1 小时之前 "Edit passkey nickname": "编辑通行密钥昵称", // [/Delete `([^ ]+)` passkey/, "删除 “$1” 通行密钥"], // 删除密钥对话框 "Delete passkey?": "删除通行密钥?", // [Are you sure you want to delete your `([^ ]+)` passkey?/, "您确定要删除您的 “$1” 通行密钥吗?"], "You will no longer be able to use it to sign-in to your account.": "您将无法再使用它登录您的帐户。", "Note: You may continue to see this passkey as an option during sign-in until you also delete it from your browser, device or associated account's password management settings.": "注意:您可能会在登录过程中继续看到此通行密钥作为一个选项,直到您将其从浏览器、设备或关联帐户的密码管理设置中删除。", "Deleting…": "删除中…", // 双重身份验证 // 顶部提醒 "You can now manage your two-factor authentication methods from this page.": "您现在可以从此页面管理您的双重身份验证方法。", "Two-factor authentication successfully disabled.": "成功禁用双重身份验证。", "SMS/Text message successfully configured.": "短信/文本信息配置成功。", "Two-factor authentication": "双重身份验证", "Two-factor authentication is not enabled yet.": "尚未启用双重身份验证。", "Enable two-factor authentication": "启用双重身份验证", "Because of your contributions on GitHub, two-factor authentication is required for your account. Thank you for helping keep the ecosystem safe!": "基于您在 GitHub 上的贡献,您的帐户需要双重身份验证。感谢您帮助维护生态系统安全!", "Because of your contributions on GitHub, two-factor authentication will be required for your account starting": "基于您在 GitHub 上的贡献,从", ". Thank you for helping keep the ecosystem safe!": " 开始,您的帐户将需要双重身份验证,感谢您帮助维护生态系统的安全!", "Learn more about our two-factor authentication initiative": "了解更多关于我们的双重身份验证的倡议", "Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to your account by requiring more than just a password to sign in.": "双重身份验证不仅仅要求密码登录,还为您的帐户增加了一层额外的安全性。", "Learn more about two-factor authentication": "了解更多关于双重身份验证的信息", "Enable": "启用", "Enabled": "启用", "Two-factor authentication is required for at least one organization or enterprise account you're affiliated with.": "至少有一个您所属的组织或企业账户需要进行双重身份验证。", "Disable": "停用", "Preferred 2FA method": "首选 2FA 方法", "Set your preferred method to use for two-factor authentication when signing into GitHub.": "设置登录 GitHub 时用于双重身份验证的首选方法。", "Two-factor methods": "双重身份验证方式", "Configured": "已配置", "Authenticator app": "身份验证器应用", "Use an authentication app or browser extension to get two-factor authentication codes when prompted.": "在出现提示时,使用身份验证应用或浏览器扩展获取双重身份验证码。", "Use an authentication app or browser extension to generate one-time codes.": "使用身份验证应用或浏览器扩展生成一次性代码。", "Manage Authenticator app": "管理身份验证器应用", "Authenticator apps and browser extensions like": "身份验证器应用和浏览器扩展,例如", ", etc. generate one-time passwords that are used as a second factor to verify your identity when prompted during sign-in.": "等生成一次性密码,在登录过程中出现提示时用作第二个因素来验证您的身份。", "Scan the QR code": "扫描二维码", "Re-scan the QR code": "重新扫描二维码", "Use an authenticator app or browser extension to scan.": "请使用身份验证器应用或浏览器扩展进行扫描。", "Learn more about enabling 2FA": "了解更多关于启用 2FA 的信息", "Unable to scan? You can use the": "无法扫描?您可以使用", "setup key": "设置密钥", "to manually configure your authenticator app.": "手动配置您的身份验证器应用。", "Your two-factor secret": "您的双因素密钥", "Verify the code from the app": "验证来自身份验证器应用的验证码", "Two-factor code verification failed. Please try again.": "双重身份验证码验证失败。请重试。", "SMS/Text message": "短信/文字信息", "Manage SMS/Text message": "管理短信/文字信息", "Get one-time codes sent to your phone via SMS to complete authentication requests.": "通过短信向您的手机发送一次性代码,以完成认证请求。", "Get authentication codes by SMS on your mobile phone when signing into GitHub. Make sure that": "登录 GitHub 时通过手机短信获取验证码。确保", "your country or region is supported": "支持您的国家/地区", "for SMS delivery.": "用于短信发送。", "Verify account": "验证账户", "Before setting up SMS, please verify that you're a human.": "在设置短信之前,请验证您是人类。", "Country code": "国家代码", "Your phone number": "您的手机号码", "Send authentication code": "发送验证码", "Sent. It may take a minute for the SMS to arrive.": "已发送。短信可能需要一分钟时间才能送达。", "Verify the code sent to your phone": "验证发送到您手机的验证码", // [/You will receive one-time codes at this phone number:/, "您将通过以下电话号码收到一次性验证码:"], // 已设置短信/文字信息 "Security keys": "安全密钥", "Security keys are hardware devices that can be used as your second factor of authentication.": "安全密钥是一种硬件设备,可以作为您的第二个验证步骤。", "Hide": "隐藏", "No security keys": "没有安全密钥", "Register new security key": "注册新安全密钥", "Enter a nickname for this security key": "输入安全密钥的昵称", "Waiting for input from browser interaction...": "等待来自浏览器交互的输入...", "Security key registration failed.": "安全密钥注册失败。", "Try again": "请重试", "GitHub Mobile": "GitHub Mobile", "GitHub Mobile can be used for two-factor authentication by installing the GitHub Mobile app and signing in to your account.": "通过安装 GitHub Mobile 应用并登录帐户,可以使用 GitHub Mobile 来进行双重身份验证。", "Manage GitHub Mobile": "管理 GitHub Mobile", // [/(\d+) devices?/, "$1 设备"], // 设置--> 密码和身份验证页 "Show": "显示", "Recovery options": "恢复选项", "Recovery codes": "恢复码", "Recovery codes can be used to access your account in the event you lose access to your device and cannot receive two-factor authentication codes.": "恢复码可用于在您无法访问设备且无法接收双重身份验证码的情况下访问您的帐户。", "Viewed": "已查看", "View": "查看", // 授权访问 sudo 模式身份验证 "Confirm access": "授权访问", "Authentication code": "验证码", "More information about sudo mode authentication": "更多关于 sudo 模式身份验证的信息", "Open your two-factor authenticator (TOTP) app or browser extension to view your authentication code.": "打开您的双重身份验证器 (TOTP) 应用或浏览器扩展以查看您的身份验证码。", "Verify": "验证", "Verify": "验证", "Verifying…": "验证中…", "Your authentication code has been sent.": "您的验证码已发送。", "Having problems?": "有问题吗?", "Use GitHub Mobile": "使用 GitHub Mobile", "Use your passkey": "使用您的通行密钥", "Use your authenticator app": "使用您的身份验证器应用", "Use your password": "使用您的密码", "GitHub Mobile": "GitHub Mobile", "Creating a verification request for your GitHub Mobile app.": "为您的 GitHub Mobile 应用创建验证请求。", "We sent you a verification request on your GitHub Mobile app. Enter the digits shown below to enter sudo mode.": "我们向您的 GitHub Mobile 应用发送了一个验证请求。输入下面显示的数字以进入 sudo 模式。", "We could not verify your identity": "我们无法核实您的身份", "Retry": "请重试", "Password": "密码", "Forgot password?": "忘记密码?", "Confirm": "确认", "Passkey": "通行密钥", "When you are ready, authenticate using the button below.": "准备好后,请使用下面的按钮进行身份验证。", "This browser or device does not fully support passkeys.": "此浏览器或设备不完全支持通行密钥。", "Use passkey": "使用通行密钥", "Authentication failed.": "认证失败。", "Retry passkey": "重试通行密钥", "Unable to verify with your passkey?": "无法验证您的通行密钥?", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/(\d+) devices?/, "$1 个设备"], // 设置--> 密码和身份验证页 [/You will receive one-time codes at this phone number:/, "您将通过以下电话号码收到一次性验证码:"], // 已设置短信/文字信息 [/Delete `([^ ]+)` passkey/, "删除 “$1” 通行密钥"], [/Are you sure you want to delete your `([^ ]+)` passkey?/, "您确定要删除您的 “$1” 通行密钥吗?"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/auth"] = { "static": { // 静态翻译 // 查看恢复码 https://github.com/settings/auth/recovery-codes // 顶部提醒 "New two-factor recovery codes successfully generated. Save them in a safe, durable location and discard your previous codes.": "已成功生成新的双重身份验证恢复码。将它们保存在安全、耐用的位置,并丢弃以前的恢复码。", // 生成新恢复码 "Two-factor recovery codes": "双重身份验证恢复码", "Recovery codes can be used to access your account in the event you lose access to your device and cannot receive two-factor authentication codes.": "恢复码可用于在您无法访问设备且无法接收双重身份验证码的情况下访问您的帐户。", "Recovery codes": "恢复码", "Keep your recovery codes as safe as your password. We recommend saving them with a password manager such as": "保持您的恢复码与您的密码一样安全。我们建议使用密码管理器保存它们,例如", "Keep your recovery codes in a safe spot.": "将您的恢复码保存在一个安全的地方。", "These new codes have replaced your old codes. Save them in a safe spot.": "这些新恢复码已取代您的旧恢复。请将它们保存在安全的地方。", // 生成新恢复码 "These codes are the last resort for accessing your account in case you lose your password and second factors. If you cannot find these codes, you": "这些恢复码是在您丢失密码和第二要素的情况下访问您账户的最后手段。如果您找不到这些恢复码,您", "will": "将", "lose access to your account.": "无法访问您的帐户。", "Download": "下载", "Print": "打印", "Copy": "复制", "Generate new recovery codes": "生成新恢复码", "When you generate new recovery codes, you must download or print the new codes.": "当您生成新恢复码时,您必须下载或打印新恢复码。", "Your old codes won't work anymore.": "您的旧恢复码将失效。", "Back to settings": "返回设置", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/sessions"] = { "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 会话详情 https://github.com/settings/sessions "Web sessions": "网络会话", "GitHub Mobile can be used to verify your identity when signing in from a new device and as a two-factor authentication method.": "GitHub Mobile 可用于从新设备登录时验证您的身份,并作为一种双重身份验证方法。", "Learn more about authentication with GitHub Mobile.": "了解更多关于 GitHub Mobile 身份验证的信息。", "To get started, install GitHub Mobile for": "首先,安装 GitHub Mobile 适用于", "and sign in to your account.": "并登录您的帐户。", "This is a list of devices that have logged into your account. Revoke any sessions that you do not recognize.": "这是已登录您帐户的设备列表。 撤销任何您不认识的会话。", "See more": "查看更多", "Your current session": "您当前的会话", "Last accessed on": "最后访问日期:", "GitHub Mobile sessions": "GitHub Mobile 会话", "This is a list of devices that have logged into your account via the GitHub Mobile app. Revoke any session that you do not recognize or you can": "这是已通过 GitHub Mobile 应用登录到您帐户的设备列表。撤销任何您不认识的会话,或者您可以", "revoke": "撤消", "your GitHub Mobile app authorization to sign out of all your devices.": "您的 GitHub Mobile 应用授权,以登出您的所有设备。", "Revoke": "撤消", "Registered -": "注册于 -", "Last accessed -": "最后访问 -", "Last used for authentication -": "最后一次认证 -", "Never used": "未使用", // 会话详情 https://github.com/settings/sessions/ "Session details": "会话详情", "Revoke session": "撤销会话", "Device:": "设备:", "Last location:": "最后的位置:", "Signed in:": "登录:", "View all sessions": "查看所有会话", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Seen in/, "登录于"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/keys"] = { // 设置 - SSH 与 GPG 公钥 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // SSH and GPG keys SSH 与 GPG 公钥 https://github.com/settings/keys "SSH keys": "SSH 密钥", "New SSH key": "新建 SSH 密钥", "Authentication keys": "认证密钥", "There are no SSH keys associated with your account.": "没有与您的帐户关联的 SSH 密钥。", "This is a list of SSH keys associated with your account. Remove any keys that you do not recognize.": "这是与您的帐户相关的 SSH 密钥的列表。删除任何您无法识别的密钥。", "Last used within the last week": "上周内最后一次使用", "Check out our guide to": "请看我们的指南", "connecting to GitHub using SSH keys": "使用 SSH 密钥连接到 GitHub", "or troubleshoot": "或解决", "common SSH problems": "常见的 SSH 问题", "GPG keys": "GPG 密钥", "New GPG key": "新建 GPG 密钥", "There are no GPG keys associated with your account.": "没有与您的帐户关联的 GPG 密钥。", "This is a list of GPG keys associated with your account. Remove any keys that you do not recognize.": "这是与您的帐户相关的 GPG 密钥的列表。删除任何您无法识别的密钥。", "Email address:": "电子邮件地址:", "Key ID:": "密钥 ID:", "Subkeys:": "子密钥:", "Added": "添加于", "Learn how to": "了解如何", "generate a GPG key and add it to your account": "生成 GPG 密钥并将其添加到您的帐户", "Vigilant mode": "警戒模式", "Flag unsigned commits as unverified": "将未签名的提交标记为未验证", "This will include any commit attributed to your account but not signed with your GPG or S/MIME key.": "这将包括任何归属于您的帐户但没有用您的 GPG 或 S/MIME 密钥签名的提交。", "Note that this will include your existing unsigned commits.": "请注意,这将包括您现有的未签名的提交。", "Learn about vigilant mode": "了解警戒模式", // SSH 密钥删除 对话框 "Are you sure you want to delete this SSH key?": "您确定要删除此 SSH 密钥吗?", "This action": "该操作", "CANNOT": "不能", "be undone. This will permanently delete the SSH key and if you’d like to use it in the future, you will need to upload it again.": "被撤销。这将永久地删除 SSH 密钥,如果您想在未来使用它,您将需要再次上传它。", "I understand, delete this SSH key": "我明白了,删除此 SSH 密钥", // GPG 密钥删除 对话框 "Are you sure you want to delete this GPG key?": "您确定要删除此 GPG 密钥吗?", "be undone. This will permanently delete the GPG key, and if you’d like to use it in the future, you will need to upload it again.": "被撤销。这将永久地删除 GPG 密钥,如果您想在未来使用它,您将需要再次上传它。", "Any commits you signed with this key will become unverified after removing it.": "删除后,您使用此密钥签名的任何提交都将变成未验证。", "I understand, delete this GPG key": "我明白了,删除此 GPG 密钥", "Okay, you have successfully deleted that key.": "好的,您已成功删除该密钥。", // 顶部提醒 "Key is invalid. You must supply a key in OpenSSH public key format": "密钥无效。您必须提供 OpenSSH 公钥格式的密钥", "We got an error doing that.": "我们在这样做时出错了。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/ssh"] = { // 设置 - SSH 与 GPG 公钥 - 添加 SSH 公钥 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 添加 SSH 公钥 https://github.com/settings/ssh/new "Add new SSH Key": "添加新 SSH 密钥", "Title": "标题", "Key type": "密钥类型", "Authentication Key": "认证密钥", "Signing Key": "签名密钥", "Key": "密钥", "Add SSH key": "添加 SSH 密钥", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/gpg"] = { // 设置 - SSH 与 GPG 公钥 - 添加 GPG 公钥 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 添加 GPG 公钥 https://github.com/settings/gpg/new "Add new GPG key": "添加新 GPG 密钥", "Title": "标题", "Key": "密钥", "Add GPG key": "添加 GPG 密钥", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/organizations"] = { // 设置 - 组织 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Organizations 组织 https://github.com/settings/organizations "You are not a member of any organizations.": "您暂无任何组织。", "Owner": "所有者", "Compare plans": "比较计划", "Leave": "离开", "Transform account": "帐户变更", "You cannot transform this account into an organization until you leave all organizations that you’re a member of.": "在您离开您所属的所有组织之前,您无法将此帐户转换为组织。", // 存在所属组织时 "You cannot transform this account into an organization because you have an active GitHub Sponsors account.": "由于您有一个活跃的 GitHub 赞助者帐户,因此您无法将此帐户转换为组织。", // 存在赞助者账户时 "Account transformation warning": "帐户变更警告", "What you are about to do is an irreversible and destructive process. Please be aware:": "这将是一个不可逆转的过程,请确认:", "Any user-specific information (OAuth tokens, SSH keys, Job Profile, etc) will be erased": "任何用户特定的信息(OAuth 令牌, SSH 密钥, 职位简介, 等)将被删除。", "create a new personal account": "创建一个新的个人帐户", "The total amount of collaborators across private repositories will be the total amount of seats for the organization": "跨私人仓库的合作者总数将是该组织的席位总数", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Turn ([^ ]+) into an organization/, "变更 $1 为组织"], [/Outside collaborator on (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库的外部协作者"], // 设置 - 组织 [/Member and collaborator on (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库的成员和协作者"], [/Are you positive you want to leave ([^ ]+)\? You will lose access to all repositories and teams./, "您确定要离开 $1 吗?您将失去对所有仓库和团队的访问权。"], // 设置 - 组织 离开按钮 提醒 [/Are you positive you want to leave ([^ ]+)\? You will lose access to all repositories./, "您确定要离开 $1 吗?您将失去对所有仓库的访问权。"], // 设置 - 组织 离开按钮 提醒 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/enterprises"] = { // 设置 - 企业版 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 企业版 https://github.com/settings/enterprises "Enterprises": "企业版", "You don't have any enterprises": "您还没有任何企业版", "Designed for businesses or teams who collaborate on GitHub.com": "专为在 GitHub.com 上协作的企业或团队而设计", "Start free trial": "开启免费体验", "Learn more about enterprises": "了解更多关于企业版信息", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/blocked_users"] = { // 设置 - 黑名单 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Blocked users 黑名单 https://github.com/settings/blocked_users "Block a user": "拉黑用户", "Blocking a user prevents the following on all your repositories:": "拉黑用户可以防止所有仓库中的以下操作:", "opening or commenting on issues or pull requests": "打开或评论议题或拉取请求", "starring, forking, or watching": "加星标、复刻、关注", "adding or editing wiki pages": "添加或编辑 Wiki 页面", "Additionally, blocked users are not able to:": "此外,被拉黑用户无法:", "invite you as a collaborator to their repositories": "邀请您作为其仓库的协作者", "follow your account’s public activity": "关注您的帐户的公共活动", "send you notifications by @mentioning your username in public repositories": "在公共仓库中通过 @您 向您发送通知", "Search by username, full name or email address": "搜索用户名、全名、或电子邮箱", "Learn more about blocking a user": "了解更多关于拉黑用户的信息", "Block user": "拉黑用户", "You have not blocked any users.": "您还没有拉黑任何用户。", "Unblock": "取消拉黑", "Warn me when a blocked user is a prior contributor to a repository": "请警告我,当被拉黑的用户是仓库的先前贡献者时", "On repositories you haven’t contributed to yet, we’ll warn you when a user you’ve blocked has previously made contributions.": "在您还没有贡献的仓库里,当您拉黑的用户之前有贡献时,我们会警告您。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/interaction_limits"] = { // 设置 - 互动限制 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Interaction limits 互动限制 https://github.com/settings/interaction_limits "Temporary interaction limits": "临时互动限制", "Temporarily restrict which external users can interact with your repositories (comment, open issues, or create pull requests) for a configurable period of time.": "在配置的时间段内,可临时限制哪些外部用户与您的仓库互动(评论、打开议题或创建拉取请求)。", "This may be used to force a \"cool-down\" period during heated discussions or prevent unwanted interactions.": "可用于在激烈讨论期间,强制进入 “冷静” 期或防止不必要的互动。", "Interaction limits may already exist in your account's": "互动限制可能已经存在于您的", "public repositories": "公开仓库", ". Any changes here will override those limits.": " 的设置中。此处的全局设置将覆盖那些仓库的局部设置。", "Limit to existing users": "仅限现有用户", "Users that have recently created their account will be unable to interact with your repositories.": "最近创建帐户的用户将无法与您的仓库互动。", "Limit to prior contributors": "仅限于先前的贡献者", "Users that have not previously committed to the default branch of one of your repositories will be unable to interact with that repository.": "以前从未提交到您某个仓库默认分支的用户将无法与该仓库互动。", "Limit to repository collaborators": "仅限仓库协作者", "Users that are not collaborators of one of your repositories will not be able to interact with that repository.": "不是您某个仓库的协作者将无法与该仓库互动。", "New users": "新用户", "Users": "用户", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Collaborators": "协作者", // 交互限制时间 下拉菜单 "Enable interaction limits for:": "启用交互限制:", "24 hours": "24 小时", "3 days": "3 天", "1 week": "1 周", "1 month": "1 个月", "6 months": "6 个月", // 顶部提醒 "User interaction limit settings saved.": "用户交互限制设置已保存。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Enabled with (.+) remaining./, "已启用,还剩 $1。"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/code_review_limits"] = { // 设置 - 代码审查限制 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Code review limits 代码审查限制 https://github.com/settings/code_review_limits "Restrict users who are permitted to approve or request changes on pull requests in your public repositories.": "限制允许批准或请求更改公共仓库中拉取请求的用户。", "Code review limits may already be specified by individual repositories. Any changes here will override those limits until unset.": "代码审查限制可能已经由各个仓库指定。此处的任何更改都将覆盖这些限制,直至取消设置。", "Code review limits are currently managed individually for all repositories. Enable limits to permit only users who have explicitly been granted access to each repository to submit reviews that \"approve\" or \"request changes\". Remove limits to allow all users to submit pull request reviews. All users able to submit comment pull request reviews will continue to be able to do so.": "目前,所有仓库代码审查限制都是单独管理的。启用限制,只允许明确授予每个仓库访问权的用户提交 “批准” 或 “请求更改” 的审查。删除限制,允许所有用户提交拉取请求审查。所有能够提交评论拉取请求审查的用户将继续能够这样做。", "Limit reviews on all repositories": "限制对所有仓库的审查", "Remove review limits from all repositories": "取消对所有仓库的审查限制", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/repositories"] = { // 设置 - 仓库 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Repository 仓库 https://github.com/settings/repositories "Repository default branch": "仓库默认分支", "Choose the default branch for your new personal repositories. You might want to change the default name due to different workflows, or because your integrations still require “master” as the default branch name. You can always change the default branch name on individual repositories.": "为您新的个人仓库选择默认的分支。由于工作流程的不同,或者由于您的集成仍然需要 “master” 作为默认分支名,您可能想改变默认名称。您可以随时改变个人仓库的默认分支名称。", "Learn more about default branches.": "了解更多关于默认分支的信息。", "Update": "更新", "Deleted repositories": "删除的仓库", "Leave": "离开", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/(\d+) collaborators?/, "$1 位合作者"] ], }; I18N.zh["settings/deleted_repositories"] = { // 设置 - 仓库 - 删除的仓库 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 删除的仓库 https://github.com/settings/deleted_repositories "Deleted repositories": "删除的仓库", "It may take up to an hour for repositories to be displayed here. You can only restore repositories that are not forks, or have not been forked.": "仓库可能需要一个小时的时间才能显示在这里。您只能恢复不是复刻或没有被复刻的仓库。", "Learn more about restoring deleted repositories": "了解更多关于恢复已删除仓库的信息", "These repositories were deleted, but can't be restored by you. Contact support if you want to restore them.": "这些仓库已被删除,但您无法恢复。如果您想恢复它们,请联系 GitHub 支持人员。", "Deleted": "删除于", // [/by/, "由"], // 删除的仓库 "Restore": "恢复", "Queue…": "排队中…", "Done!": "完成!", // 恢复仓库 对话框 // [/Are you sure you want to restore ([^ ]+)?/, "您确定要恢复 $1 吗?"], "This repository will be in a private state when it is restored. To change this state, go to settings once the repo is restored.": "此仓库在恢复时将处于私有状态。要更改此状态,请在仓库恢复后转到设置。", "Any team or collaborator permissions that previously existed for this repository will not be restored. If you require specific team or collaborator permissions, you will need to configure them in settings.": "此仓库以前存在的任何团队或协作者的权限将不会被恢复。如果您需要特定的团队或协作者权限,则需要在设置中配置。", "I understand, restore this repository": "我明白了,依然恢复该仓库。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/No recoverable repositories were found for ([^ ]+)\./, "没有找到 $1 的可恢复仓库。"], [/by/, "由"], // 删除的仓库 [/Are you sure you want to restore ([^ ]+)?/, "您确定要恢复 $1 吗?"], // 删除的仓库 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/codespaces"] = { // 设置 - 代码空间 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 代码空间 https://github.com/settings/codespaces "Dotfiles": "点文件", "Automatically install dotfiles": "自动安装点文件", "Codespaces can automatically install your dotfiles into every codespace you create.": "代码空间可以自动将您点文件安装到您创建的每个代码空间。", "Learn how to set up your dotfiles for Codespaces.": "了解如何为代码空间设置点文件。", "Search for a repository": "搜索仓库", "Codespaces secrets": "代码空间机密", "New secret": "新建机密", "Development environment secrets are environment variables that are": "开发环境机密是", "encrypted": "被加密的环境变量", ". They are available to any codespace you create using repositories with access to that secret.": "。它们可用于您使用访问该机密的仓库创建的任何代码空间。", "There are no Codespaces secrets.": "尚无代码空间机密", "Secrets created at the user level can be shared with specified repositories.": "在用户级别创建的机密可以与指定的仓库共享。", // [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], "Updated": "更新于", // [/Are you sure you want to delete ([^ ]+)\?/, "您确定要删除 $1 吗?"], "GPG verification": "GPG 验证", "Codespaces can have GPG commit signing capabilities so that GitHub can verify that commits made in the codespace come from a trusted source. When enabled, this setting will be applied to your list of trusted repositories.": "代码空间可以具有 GPG 提交签名功能,以便 GitHub 可以验证代码空间中的提交是来自受信任的来源。启用后,该设置将被应用到您的受信任仓库列表中。", // "Enabled": "启用", "GPG signing will be available in Codespaces": "GPG 签名将在代码空间中可用", "Settings Sync": "设置同步", "By enabling, your codespaces will be able to pull from VS Code Settings Sync service and push only for the trusted repositories you specify. Only enable this for repositories that you trust.": "通过启用,您的代码空间将能够从 VS Code 设置同步服务中提取数据,并仅推送您指定的受信任仓库。请只对您信任的仓库启用此功能。", // "Enabled": "启用", "VS Code Settings Sync will be available in Codespaces": "VS Code 设置同步将在代码空间中可用", "Trusted repositories": "受信任仓库", "The following repositories will be referenced by GPG verification and Settings Sync.": "以下仓库将被 GPG 验证和设置同步所引用。", "All repositories": "所有仓库", "GPG signing and VS Code Settings Sync will be available for codespaces for all repositories": "GPG 签名和 VS Code 设置同步将适用于所有仓库的代码空间", "Selected repositories": "选定的仓库", "GPG signing and VS Code Settings Sync will be available for codespaces from the selected repositories": "GPG 签名和 VS Code 设置同步将适用于选定仓库的代码空间", "Select repositories": "选择仓库", // [/Selected (\d+) repositor(y|ies)./, "选定 #1 个仓库"], "GPG and VS Code Settings Sync will be available for Codespaces from these repositories.": "GPG 和 VS Code 设置同步将可用于这些仓库的代码空间。", "Access and security": "访问和安全", "Deprecated": "弃用", "Codespaces you create for your personal account can either be restricted to accessing the repository it was opened for, or granted read access to other repositories you own.": "您为您个人帐户创建的代码空间可以限制访问已启用的仓库或您其他被赋予读取权限的仓库", "Disabled": "禁用", "Limit access of personal Codespaces to the repository they were opened for": "限制个人代码空间只能访问对其打开的仓库", "All Codespaces can access other repositories I own": "所有代码空间都可以访问我拥有的其它仓库", "Personal Codespaces created for specific repositories can access other repositories I own": "为特定仓库创建的个人代码空间可以访问我拥有的其它仓库", "Editor preference": "编辑器偏好", // VS code "Connect to the cloud from your local desktop client. Requires": "从本地桌面客户端连接到云。要求", "with the": "安装", "GitHub Codespaces": "GitHub 代码空间", "extension.": "插件。", "Visual Studio Code for the Web": "网络版的 Visual Studio Code", "Edit and preview changes straight from the browser.": "直接从浏览器编辑和预览更改。", // "JetBrains Gateway": "", "Connect to the cloud from your local desktop client. Requires the": "从本地桌面客户端连接到云。要求", "plugin, and a JetBrains license.": "插件和 JetBrains 许可证。", // JupyterLab "Edit and run notebooks from the browser with JupyterLab.": "使用 JupyterLab 从浏览器编辑和运行笔记本。", "Default idle timeout": "默认空闲超时", "A codespace will suspend after a period of inactivity. You can specify a default idle timeout value, which will apply to all codespaces created after the default is changed. You will be charged for the entire time your codespace is running, even if it is idle. The maximum value is": "一段时间不活动后,代码空间将暂停。您可以指定一个默认的空闲超时值,该值将应用于更改默认值后创建的所有代码空间。您将在代码空间运行的整个过程中付费,即使它是空闲的。最大值是", "minutes (4 hours).": "分钟(4小时)。", "minutes": "分钟", "Default retention period": "默认保留期", "Inactive codespaces are automatically deleted 30 days after the last time they were stopped. A shorter retention period can be set, and will apply to all codespaces created going forward. The default and maximum value is": "不活跃的代码空间在上次停止后 30 天自动删除。可以设置更短的保留期,并将应用于以后创建的所有代码空间。默认值和最大值是", "days.": "天。", "Learn about retention setting": "了解关于保留时间的设置", "days": "天", "Host image version preference": "主机镜像版本偏好", "The host image defines the operating system in which development containers run. These images receive periodic upgrades for security, functionality, and performance. GitHub Codespaces offers early access to beta images to ensure compatibility with existing development container configurations. Any codespace created or resumed after changing this setting will use the specified image configuration.": "主机镜像定义了开发容器运行的操作系统。这些镜像会定期进行安全、功能和性能升级。GitHub 代码空间提供对测试版镜像的早期访问,以确保与现有开发容器配置的兼容性。更改此设置后创建或恢复的代码空间都将使用指定的镜像配置。", "Learn more about host images": "了解更多关于主机镜像的信息", "Stable": "稳定版", "Always use the latest stable configuration.": "始终使用最新的稳定版。", "Beta": "测试版", "Use a beta image configuration when available. Otherwise, use the latest stable configuration.": "如果可用,请使用测试版映像配置。否则,请使用最新的稳定配置。", "Region": "地区", "Your default region will be used to designate compute resources to your codespaces. GitHub can set your region automatically based on your location, or you can set it yourself. Codespaces are deployed to a subset of Azure regions.": "您的默认区域将被用来为您的代码空间指定计算资源。 GitHub 可以根据您的位置自动设置您的区域,您也可以自己设置。代码空间部署到 Azure 区域的子集。", "Set automatically": "自动设置", "We will determine the closest available region based on your location (IP address) at codespace creation time.": "我们将在创建代码空间时根据您的位置(IP地址)确定最近的可用区域。", "Set manually": "手动设置", "Choose your default region": "选择您的默认区域", "United States": "美国", "US West": "美国西部", "US East": "美国东部", "Europe": "欧洲", "Europe West": "欧洲西部", "Asia Pacific": "亚太地区", "Southeast Asia": "东南亚", "Australia": "澳大利亚", // 顶部提醒 "Secret added.": "机密已添加。", "Secret deleted.": "机密已删除。", "Secret updated.": "机密已更新。", // 代码空间 机密新建 https://github.com/settings/codespaces/secrets/new "/ New secret": "/ 新建机密", "Add secret": "添加机密", "Adding…": "添加中…", "Name": "名称", "YOUR_SECRET_NAME": "您的机密名称", "Secret name is required and must not start with GITHUB": "机密名称是必需的,并且不能以 GITHUB 开头", "Value": "值", "Repository access": "仓库权限", "Available to": "适用于", "repository": "仓库", "This secret will not be active until at least 1 repository is selected.": "至少选择 1 个仓库,否则此机密不会处于活动状态。", // 编辑机密 https://github.com/settings/codespaces/secrets/<机密名称>/edit "/ Update secret": "/ 更新机密", "Secret values are encrypted and cannot be displayed, but you can": "机密值已加密,无法显示,但您可以", "enter a new value.": "输入一个新值。", "Update secret": "更新机密", "Updating…": "更新中…", "Save changes": "保存更改", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Selected (\d+) repositor(y|ies)./, "选定 $1 个仓库"], [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], [/Are you sure you want to delete ([^ ]+)\?/, "您确定要删除 $1 吗?"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/packages"] = { // 设置 - 软件包 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["orgs-settings-menu"]["static"], // 组织设置 // Packages 软件包 https://github.com/settings/packages "Packages permissions": "软件包权限", // 组织设置 "Package creation": "包的创建", "Members will be able to publish only the selected visibility types for packages and containers. Outside collaborators can never publish packages or containers.": "成员只能发布选定可见性类型的软件包和容器。外部协作者永远不能发布软件包或容器。", "Public": "公共", "Members will be able to create public packages, visible to anyone.": "成员将能够创建公共包,对任何人都可见。", "Private": "私有", "Members will be able to create private packages, visible to organization members with permission.": "成员将能够创建私有包,对具有权限的组织成员可见。", "Internal": "内部", "Members will be able to create internal packages, visible to all organization/enterprise members.": "成员将能够创建内部包,对所有组织/企业成员可见。", "Default Package Setting": "默认软件包设置", "Default package settings": "默认软件包设置", // 组织 "This setting will be applied to new Container, npm, rubygems and NuGet packages.": "此设置将应用于新的容器、npm、rubygems 和 NuGet 软件包。", "Inherit access from source repository": "从源仓库继承访问权限", "Save": "保存", "Deleted Packages": "删除的软件包", "Deleted packages": "删除的软件包", // 组织 "These are packages that have been previously deleted belonging to you. You can restore a package deleted within the last 30 days.": "这些是先前已删除的属于您的软件包。您可以恢复在过去 30 天内删除的包。", "These are packages that have been previously deleted belonging to this organization. You can restore a package deleted within the last 30 days.": "这些是先前已删除的属于您组织的软件包。您可以恢复在过去 30 天内删除的包。", // 组织设置 "Search deleted packages": "搜索已删除的软件包", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/No recoverable packages were found for ([^ ]+)./, "没有找到 $1 的可恢复包。"], ], }; I18N.zh["orgs/settings/packages"] = I18N.zh["settings/packages"]; I18N.zh["settings/copilot"] = { // 设置 - GitHub Copilot "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // GitHub Copilot https://github.com/settings/copilot "Trained on billions of lines of code,": "经过数十亿行代码的训练,", "turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions across dozens of languages.": "将自然语言提示转换为多种语言的编码建议。", "Start free trial": "开始免费试用", "After that $10/month": "结束试用后 $10 / 月", "Get Copilot from an organization": "从组织中获取 GitHub Copilot", "Organizations can provide their members (including you) and their teams access to GitHub Copilot.": "组织可以为其成员(包括您)及其团队提供使用 GitHub Copilot 的权限。", "Organizations owned by enterprise accounts": "企业帐户拥有的组织", "are not currently listed.": "目前未包含在此计划中。", "You do not belong to any organizations.": "您不属于任何组织。", "Create an organization": "创建一个组织", "Ask admin for access": "向管理员请求访问权限", "Requesting...": "请求中...", "Remove request": "撤销请求", "Cancelling...": "撤销中...", "Buy Copilot Business": "购买 GitHub Copilot 企业版", "Owner": "所有者", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Outside collaborator on (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库的外部协作者"], [/Member and collaborator on (\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库的成员和协作者"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/pages"] = { // 设置 - GitHub Pages "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["orgs-settings-menu"]["static"], // 组织设置菜单 // GitHub Pages https://github.com/settings/pages "Verified domains": "经验证的域名", "Add a domain": "添加域名", "There are no verified domains.": "暂无经验证的域名", "There are no verified domains for this organization.": "此组织暂无经验证的域名", // 组织设置 "Verify domains to restrict who can publish GitHub Pages on them.": "验证域名以限制谁可以在上面发布 GitHub Pages。", "One of your domains is unverified. Please verify it to prevent others from claiming it for their Pages sites.": "您添加的域名之一未经验证,请对其进行验证,以防止其他人在其主页网站上声明该信息。", "Please verify your domain": "请验证您的域名", "Continue verifying": "继续验证", "Review verification steps": "查看验证步骤", // 域名删除对话框 "Delete verified domain": "删除已验证的域名", "This is a destructive action. Your GitHub Pages sites may lose their custom domains.": "这是一个破坏性的操作,您的 GitHub Pages 网站可能会失去自定义域名。", "Your GitHub Pages sites may be unpublished from their custom domains if another organization claims ownership of this domain.": "如果其他组织声称拥有此域名的所有权,您的 GitHub Pages 网站可能会被从此自定义域名中取消发布。", "Please type": "请输入", "to confirm.": "进行确认", "I understand, delete verified domain": "我明白了,依然删除已验证的域名", // GitHub Pages - 添加域名 https://github.com/settings/pages_verified_domains/new "Add a verified domain": "经验证的域名", "What domain would you like to add?": "您想添加什么域名?", "Add domain": "添加域名", "Domain name has already been added": "域名已添加", "Add a DNS TXT record": "添加 DNS TXT 记录", "Before we can verify": "在我们验证", ", you'll need to complete these steps:": " 之前,您需要完成以下步骤:", "Create a TXT record in your DNS configuration for the following hostname:": "在 DNS 配置中为以下主机创建 TXT 记录:", "Use this code for the value of the TXT record:": "使用以下代码作为 TXT 记录的值:", "Wait until your DNS configuration changes. This could take up to 24 hours to propagate.": "等待您的 DNS 变更解析生效,最长可能需要 24 小时。", "Verify": "验证", "Copy verification steps": "复制验证步骤", "Your domain is verified. No further action is needed.": "您的域名已验证,无需其它操作。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Successfully verified/, "已成功验证"], ], }; I18N.zh["orgs/settings/pages"] = I18N.zh["settings/pages"]; I18N.zh["settings/replies"] = { // 设置 - 快捷回复 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Saved replies 快捷回复 https://github.com/settings/replies "Saved replies are re-usable text snippets that you can use throughout GitHub comment fields. Saved replies can save you time if you’re often typing similar responses.": "快捷回复是可重复使用的文本片段,您可以在整个 GitHub 评论区使用。如果您经常输入类似的回复,快捷回复可以节省您的时间。", "Learn more about working with saved replies": "了解更多关于使用快捷回复的信息", "No saved replies yet.": "暂时没有快捷回复。", "Add a saved reply": "添加快捷回复", "Saved reply title": "快捷回复的标题", "Add a short title to your reply": "为您的快捷回复添加简短的标题", "Add your saved reply": "添加您的快捷回复", "Add saved reply": "添加快捷回复", "Your saved reply was created successfully.": "您的快捷回复已成功创建。", "Edit saved reply": "编辑快捷回复", "Update saved reply": "更新快捷回复", "Your saved reply was updated successfully.": "您的快捷回复已成功更新。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/security_analysis"] = { // 设置 - 代码安全性与分析 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 代码安全性与分析 https://github.com/settings/security_analysis "Security and analysis features help keep your repositories secure and updated. By enabling these features, you're granting us permission to perform read-only analysis on your repositories.": "安全和分析功能有助于确保您的仓库安全和更新。通过启用这些功能,您授予我们对您的仓库执行只读分析的权限。", "User": "用户", "Security and analysis features help keep you secure and updated, wherever you are.": "无论您身在何处,安全和分析功能都可以帮助您保持安全并及时更新。", "Keep your public pushes safe with push protection": "通过推送保护确保您的公共推送安全", "GitHub will enable push protection for all GitHub Free individuals in January 2024. Enable below to try it now in beta.": "GitHub 将于 2024 年 1 月为所有 GitHub 免费用户启用推送保护。在下面启用以立即在测试版中尝试。", "Dismiss": "忽略", "Push protection for yourself": "启用推送保护", "Block commits that contain": "阻止提交,包含", "supported secrets": "受支持的机密", "across all public repositories on GitHub.": "涵盖 GitHub 上的所有公共仓库。", // 对话框 "Enable push protection for yourself": "为自己启用推送保护", "Pushes that contain secrets will be blocked on public repositories. You'll have the option to bypass the block.": "包含机密的推送将在公共仓库中被阻止。您可以选择绕过该阻止。", "Enable push protection": "启用推送保护", "Disable push protection for yourself": "为自己禁用推送保护", "Pushes that contain secrets will not be blocked.": "包含机密的推送将不会被阻止。", "Disable push protection": "禁用推送保护", // 顶部提醒 // [/Security settings updated for ([^ ]+)\'s repositories./, "更新了 $1 的仓库的安全设置。"], // 仓库 "Security and analysis features help keep your repositories secure and updated.": "安全和分析功能可帮助您确保仓库的安全和更新。", "Disable all": "禁用全部", "Enable all": "启用全部", "Private vulnerability reporting": "私下漏洞报告", "Allow your community to privately report potential security vulnerabilities to maintainers and repository owners.": "允许您的社区向维护者和仓库所有者私下报告潜在的安全漏洞。", "Learn more about private vulnerability reporting": "了解更多关于私下漏洞报告的信息", "Automatically enable for new public repositories": "为新公共仓库自动启用", // 对话框 "Disable private vulnerability reporting": "禁用私下漏洞报告", // [/You're about to disable private vulnerability reporting on all public repositories in ([^ ]+)./, "您即将在 $1 的所有公共仓库中禁用私下漏洞报告。"], "Enable by default for new public repositories": "默认启用新公共仓库", "Enable private vulnerability reporting": "启用私下漏洞报告", // [/You're about to enable private vulnerability reporting on all public repositories in ([^ ]+)./, "您即将在 $1 的所有公共仓库中启用私下漏洞报告。"], "Dependency graph": "依赖关系图", "Understand your dependencies.": "了解您的依赖项。", "Automatically enable for new private repositories": "为新私有仓库自动启用", // 对话框 "Enable dependency graph": "启用依赖关系图", "You're about to enable dependency graph on all your private repositories.": "您即将启用您所有私有仓库上的依赖关系图。", "Enable by default for new private repositories": "默认为新私有仓库启用", "Disable dependency graph": "禁用依赖关系图", "You're about to disable dependency graph on all your private repositories. This will also disable Dependabot alerts and Dependabot security updates on those repositories.": "您即将禁用您所有私有仓库上的依赖关系图。这也将禁用这些仓库的 Dependabot 警报和 Dependabot 安全更新。", // Dependabot "Keep your dependencies secure and up-to-date.": "保持您的依赖关系的安全和最新", "Learn more about Dependabot": "了解更多关于 Dependabot 的信息", "Dependabot alerts": "Dependabot 警报", "Receive alerts for vulnerabilities that affect your dependencies and manually generate Dependabot pull requests to resolve these vulnerabilities.": "接收影响您的依赖关系的漏洞警报,并手动生成 Dependabot 拉取请求以解决这些漏洞。", "Configure alert notifications": "配置警报通知", "Automatically enable for new repositories": "为新仓库自动启用", // 对话框 "Enable Dependabot alerts": "启用 Dependabot 警报", "You're about to enable Dependabot alerts on all your repositories. Alerts require the dependency graph, so we'll also turn that on for all repositories. No notifications will be sent while Dependabot alerts are being enabled.": "您即将启用您所有仓库上的 Dependabot 警报。Dependabot 警报需要依赖关系图,因此我们还将为所有仓库开启它。启用 Dependabot 警报时不会发送任何通知。", "Enable by default for new repositories": "默认为新仓库启用", "Disable Dependabot alerts": "禁用 Dependabot 警报", "You're about to disable Dependabot alerts on all your repositories. This will also disable Dependabot security updates on those repositories.": "您即将禁用您所有仓库上的 Dependabot 警报。这也将禁用这些仓库的 Dependabot 安全更新。", "Dependabot security updates": "Dependabot 安全更新", "Enabling this option will result in Dependabot automatically attempting to open pull requests to resolve every open Dependabot alert with an available patch.": "启用后,Dependabot 会自动尝试打开拉取请求,以使用可用补丁解决每个打开的 Dependabot 警报。", "Dependabot rules": "Dependabot 规则", // 对话框 "Enable Dependabot security updates": "启用 Dependabot 安全更新", "You're about to enable Dependabot security updates on all your repositories. Dependabot security updates require the dependency graph and Dependabot alerts, so we'll also turn that on for all repositories.": "您即将启用您所有仓库上的 Dependabot 安全更新。Dependabot 安全更新需要依赖关系图和 Dependabot 警报,因此我们也将为所有仓库启用他们。", "Disable Dependabot security updates": "禁用 Dependabot 安全更新", "You're about to disable Dependabot security updates on all your repositories.": "您即将禁用您所有仓库上的 Dependabot 安全更新。", "Grouped security updates": "分组安全更新", "Groups all available updates that resolve a Dependabot alert into one pull request (per package manager and directory of requirement manifests). This option may be overridden by group rules specified in dependabot.yml -": "将解决可靠警报的所有可用更新分组为一个拉取请求(每个包管理器和需求清单目录)。此选项可能会被 dependentabot.yml 中指定的分组规则覆盖 -", "learn more here": "了解更多", // 对话框 "Enable grouped security updates": "启用分组安全更新", "You're about to enable grouped security updates on all your repositories. Grouped security updates require the dependency graph, Dependabot alerts and Dependabot security updates, so we'll also turn that on for all repositories.": "您即将启用您所有仓库上的分组安全更新。分组安全更新需要依赖关系图、Dependabot 警报和Dependabot 安全更新,因此我们也将为所有仓库启用他们。", "Disable grouped security updates": "禁用分组安全更新", "You're about to disable grouped security updates on all your repositories.": "您即将禁用您所有仓库上的分组安全更新。", "Secret scanning": "机密扫描", "Receive alerts on GitHub for detected secrets, keys, or other tokens.": "在 GitHub 上接收有关检测到的机密、密钥或其他令牌的警报。", "GitHub will always send alerts to partners for detected secrets in public repositories.": "GitHub 会随时向合作伙伴发送公共仓库中检测到的机密警报。", "Learn more about partner patterns": "了解更多关于合作伙伴模式的信息", // 对话框 "Enable secret scanning for eligible repositories?": "启用符合条件的仓库的机密扫描?", "This will turn on secret scanning for all public repositories.": "这将为所有公共仓库启用机密扫描。", "Enable for eligible repositories": "启用符合条件的仓库", "Disable secret scanning?": "禁用机密扫描?", "This will disable secret scanning on all repositories where it is enabled.": "这将禁用所有仓库的机密扫描。", "Disable secret scanning": "禁用机密扫描", "Push protection": "推送保护", // "Block commits that contain": "阻止提交,包含", // "supported secrets": "受支持的机密", "Automatically enable for repositories added to secret scanning": "自动启用对添加到机密扫描的仓库进行扫描", // 对话框 "Enable push protection for eligible repositories?": "启用符合条件的仓库的推送保护?", "This will turn on push protection for all repositories that have secret scanning enabled.": "这将为所有已启用秘密扫描的仓库启用推送保护。", "Disable push protection?": "禁用推送保护?", "This will disable push protection on all repositories where it is enabled.": "这将禁用所有仓库的推送保护。", "You can still enable push protection at the repository level.": "您仍然可以在仓库级别启用推送保护。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/You're about to disable private vulnerability reporting on all public repositories in ([^ ]+)./, "您即将在 $1 的所有公共仓库中禁用私下漏洞报告。"], [/You're about to enable private vulnerability reporting on all public repositories in ([^ ]+)./, "您即将在 $1 的所有公共仓库中启用私下漏洞报告。"], [/Security settings updated for ([^ ]+)\'s repositories./, "更新了$1 的仓库的安全设置。"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/installations"] = { // 设置 - 应用/安装的 GitHub 应用 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["orgs-settings-menu"]["static"], "Installed GitHub Apps": "安装的 GitHub 应用", "Authorized GitHub Apps": "授权的 GitHub 应用", "Authorized OAuth Apps": "授权的 OAuth 应用", // 安装的 GitHub 应用 https://github.com/settings/installations // 顶部提醒 // [/You're all set! (.*) has been uninstalled./, "一切就绪!$1 已被卸载。"], // [/Okay, (.*) was installed on the (@[^ ]+) account./, "好的,$1 已安装在 $2 账户上。"], // [/Okay, (.*) was updated for the (@[^ ]+) account./, "好的,$1 帐户的 $1 已更新。"], // "Installed GitHub Apps": "安装的 GitHub 应用", "GitHub Apps augment and extend your workflows on GitHub with commercial, open source, and homegrown tools.": "GitHub 应用通过商业、开源和自主开发的工具来增强和扩展您在 GitHub 上的工作流程。", "Pending GitHub Apps installation requests": "待处理的 GitHub 应用安装请求", // 组织设置 "Members in your organization can request that GitHub Apps be installed. Pending requests are listed below.": "您组织中的成员可以请求安装 GitHub 应用。下面列出了待处理的请求。", "No installed applications": "没有已安装的应用", "You have no applications installed on this account.": "此帐户上没有安装任何应用。", "Configure": "配置", "Suspended": "已暂停", // 安装的 GitHub 应用设置 https://github.com/settings/installations/ // 顶部提醒 // [/Your installation was suspended by you on/, "您的安装已暂停于"], "Your app has been unsuspended": "您的应用已被取消暂停", "Installed": "安装于", "Developed by": "开发者", "App settings": "应用设置", "Permissions": "权限", // [/is requesting an update to its permissions./, "正在请求更新其权限。"], "Review request": "审核请求", "Repository access": "仓库访问权限", "All repositories": "所有仓库", "This applies to all current": "这适用于所有当前", "and": "和", "future repositories owned by the resource owner.": "资源所有者未来拥有的仓库。", "Also includes public repositories (read-only).": "还包括公共仓库(只读)。", "Only select repositories": "仅选定的仓库", "Select at least one repository.": "至少选择一个仓库。", "Also includes public repositories (read-only).": "还包括公共仓库(只读)。", // [/Selected (\d+) repositor(y|ies)./, "选择了 $1 个仓库。"], "Select repositories": "选择仓库", "Search for a repository": "搜索仓库", "Danger zone": "危险区", "Suspend your installation": "暂停使用", "This will block the app access to your resources.": "这将阻止应用访问您的资源。", "Suspend": "暂停", // 取消按钮 提醒信息 "Are you sure you want to suspend this GitHub App?": "您确定要暂停此 GitHub 应用吗?", "This will remove the app and revoke access to all resources.": "这将删除应用并撤销对所有资源的访问权限。", // [/Uninstall "(.*)"/, "卸载 “$1”"], "Uninstall": "卸载", // 取消按钮 提醒信息 // [/This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to uninstall this GitHub App from (\d+) repositor(y|ies)?/, "此操作无法撤消。您确定要从 1 个仓库中卸载此 GitHub 应用吗?"], "Unsuspend your installation": "取消暂停", "This grant the app access to your resources.": "这将授予应用访问您的资源。", "Unsuspend": "取消暂停", "Report abuse": "举报滥用", "Revoke": "撤销", "Read more about connecting with third-party applications at": "了解更多关于与第三方应用连接的信息,请访问", "GitHub Help": "GitHub 帮助", // 安装的 GitHub 应用授权更新 https://github.com/settings/installations//permissions/update // [/The (.*) app by/, "$1 应用(由"], "is requesting updated permissions": "创建)正在请求更新权限", "Read and write": "读写权限", "Read-only": "只读权限", "Admin": "管理员权限", "access to": "针对", "New request": "新请求", "Show unchanged permissions": "显示未更改的权限", "Hide unchanged permissions": "隐藏未更改的权限", "Accept new permissions": "接受新权限", // [/The (.*) app will retain its current permissions if you choose not to accept the new permissions./, "如果您选择不接受新权限,“$1” 应用将保留其当前权限。"], // 授权的 GitHub 应用 https://github.com/settings/apps/authorizations // "Authorized GitHub Apps": "授权的 GitHub 应用", "No authorized applications": "无授权申请", "You have no applications authorized to access your account.": "您没有授权访问您的帐户的应用。", // 授权的 OAuth 应用 https://github.com/settings/applications // "Authorized OAuth Apps": "授权的 OAuth 应用", "You have granted": "您已经授权", "access to your account.": "访问您的帐户。", "Revoke all": "撤销全部", "Sort": "排序", "Sort by": "排序方式", "Alphabetical": "按字母排列", "Recently used": "最近使用的", "Least recently used": "最近使用最少的", "Never used · Owned by": "从未使用 · 作者", "Last used within the last week · Owned by": "最后一次使用是最近 1 周之内 · 作者", "Report abuse": "举报滥用", "Revoke": "撤销", // 撤销对话框 "Are you sure you want to revoke authorization?": "您确定要撤销授权吗?", "I understand, revoke access": "我明白了,依然撤销访问", // 全部撤销对话框 "Are you sure you want to revoke access for all applications?": "您确定要撤销对所有应用的访问权限吗?", "This will revoke access for": "这将撤销访问", "all third-party": "所有第三方", "OAuth applications. This action cannot be undone.": "OAuth 应用。此操作无法撤消。", "Any SSH keys created on your behalf by applications will also be deleted.": "任何由应用代表您创建的 SSH 密钥也将被删除。", "Type your username to confirm.": "输入您的用户名进行确认。", "I understand, revoke access for everything": "我明白了,依然撤销对一切的访问", // 举报滥用对话框 "Report Abuse": "举报滥用", "More options": "更多选项", "Revoking will deny future access to your account": "撤销授权,将拒绝今后访问您的帐户", // 授权的 GitHub 应用授权设置 https://github.com/settings/connections/applications/ // 授权的 OAuth 应用授权设置 https://github.com/settings/connections/applications/ "Never used": "从未使用", "Last used within the last week": "最后一次使用是最近一周之内", "Developed by": "开发者:", "Permissions": "权限", "Revoke access": "撤销授权", "Are you sure you want to revoke authorization?": "您确定要撤销授权吗?", // [/(.+) will no longer be able to access the GitHub API. You cannot undo this action./, "$1 将无法再访问 GitHub API。您无法撤销此操作。"], "I understand, revoke access": "我明白了,依然撤销授权", "Revoking…": "撤消中…", "Applications act on your behalf to access your data based on the permissions you grant them. Organizations control which applications are allowed to access their private data. Applications you authorize will always have access to public data in your organizations.": "应用根据您授予的权限代表您访问数据。组织可控制允许哪些应用访问其私人数据。您授权的应用始终可以访问您组织中的公共数据。", "Read about third-party access.": "了解关于第三方访问的信息。", "Organization access": "组织权限", "Grant": "批准", "This organization allows the application to access organization data as described in the permissions above.": "该组织允许应用访问上述权限中所述的组织数据。", "Request": "请求", "Until access is granted by an owner, the application cannot access the organization’s private data or modify its public data.": "在所有者授予访问权限之前,应用无法访问组织的私有数据或修改其公共数据。", // 组织 OAuth 应用策略设置 /orgs//policies/applications/ "approval requested by": "请求批准:", "Currently:": "当前", "No private access": "无法访问私有", "Approved": "已批准", "Review third-party application access request": "审查第三方应用访问请求", "Grant access": "批准访问", "Granting access will give this application the ability to request access to private data in the": "授权该应用访问私有数据在", "organization.": "组织。", "Deny access": "拒绝访问", "Denying access will remove this application’s ability to request access to private data in the": "拒绝该应用访问数据在", // 顶部提醒 // [/(.*) is authorized to access this organization’s resources/, "$1 已获授权访问该组织的资源"], // [/(.*) is denied access this organization’s resources/, "$1 被拒绝访问该组织的资源"], "Applications act on your behalf to access your data based on the permissions you grant them. Organizations control which applications are allowed to access their private data. Applications authorized by members will always have access to public data in your organization.": "应用根据您授予的权限代表您访问数据。组织可控制允许哪些应用访问其私有数据。成员授权的应用始终可以访问组织中的公共数据。", "Read about organization OAuth app access restrictions.": "了解有关组织 OAuth 应用访问限制的信息。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Your installation was suspended by you on/, "您的安装已暂停于"], [/This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to uninstall this GitHub App from (\d+) repositor(y|ies)?/, "此操作无法撤消。您确定要从 $1 个仓库中卸载此 GitHub 应用吗?"], [/Uninstall "(.*)"/, "卸载 “$1”"], [/You will no longer be able to sign in to ([^ ]+) \(all administrative privileges will be bestowed upon the owners you choose\)/, "您将无法再登录 $1(所有管理权限都将授予您选择的所有者)"], [/(\d+) applications?/, "$1 个应用"], [/([^ ]+) will no longer be able to access your GitHub account. You cannot undo this action./, "$1 将无法再访问您的 GitHub 帐户。您无法撤消此操作。"], [/([^ ]+) has been revoked from your account./, "$1 已经从您的帐户中被撤销了。"], [/Last used within the last (\d+) weeks? · Owned by/, "最后一次使用是最近 $1 周之内 · 作者"], [/Last used within the last (\d+) months? · Owned by/, "最后一次使用是最近 $1 月之内 · 作者"], [/Selected (\d+) repositor(y|ies)./, "选择了 $1 个仓库。"], [/You're all set! (.*) has been uninstalled./, "一切就绪!$1 已被卸载。"], [/Okay, (.*) was installed on the (@[^ ]+) account./, "好的,$1 已安装在 $2 账户上。"], [/Okay, (.*) was updated for the (@[^ ]+) account./, "好的,$2 帐户的 $1 已更新。"], [/Last used within the last (\d+) weeks?/, "最后一次使用是最近 $1 周之内"], [/Last used within the last (\d+) months?/, "最后一次使用是最近 $1 月之内"], [/(.+) will no longer be able to access the GitHub API. You cannot undo this action./, "$1 将无法再访问 GitHub API。您无法撤销此操作。"], [/is requesting an update to its permissions./, "正在请求更新其权限。"], [/The (.*) app by/, "$1 应用(由"], [/The (.*) app will retain its current permissions if you choose not to accept the new permissions./, "如果您选择不接受新权限,“$1” 应用将保留其当前权限。"], [/(.*) is authorized to access this organization’s resources/, "$1 已获授权访问该组织的资源"], [/(.*) is denied access this organization’s resources/, "$1 被拒绝访问该组织的资源"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/apps/authorizations"] = I18N.zh["settings/installations"]; I18N.zh["settings/applications"] = I18N.zh["settings/installations"]; I18N.zh["settings/connections/applications"] = I18N.zh["settings/installations"]; I18N.zh["orgs/settings/installations"] = I18N.zh["settings/installations"]; I18N.zh["orgs/policies/applications"] = I18N.zh["settings/installations"]; I18N.zh["settings/reminders"] = { // 设置 - 定时提醒 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // 定时提醒 https://github.com/settings/reminders "Reminders allow you to push certain events to authorized instances of Microsoft Teams or Slack.": "提醒功能允许您将特定事件推送到 Microsoft Teams 或 Slack 的授权实例。", "To use scheduled reminders, make sure that the Slack or Microsoft Teams integration is installed and up-to-date. If you need help with this, please contact your organization's owner.": "要使用定时提醒,请确保已安装 Slack 或 Microsoft Teams 集成并且是最新版本,如果您需要这方面的帮助,请联系您组织的所有者。", "Available organizations": "可用的组织", "Unavailable organizations": "不可用的组织", "Configure Reminder": "配置提醒", "No reminders": "没有提醒", "Needs installing": "需要安装", // 新的预定提醒 https://github.com/settings/reminders/ "New scheduled reminder": "新建预定提醒", "Slack workspace": "Slack 工作区", "Authorize Slack workspace": "授权 Slack 工作区", "Days": "天", "Weekdays": "工作日", "Monday" : "周一", "Tuesday" : "周二", "Wednesday" : "周三", "Thursday" : "周四", "Friday" : "周五", "Saturday" : "周六", "Sunday" : "周日", "Times": "时间", "Filter": "筛选", "Review requests assigned to you": "审查分配给您的请求", "Receive reminders for reviews waiting on you.": "接收等待您的审查提醒。", "Review requests assigned to your team": "审查分配给您团队的请求", "Receive reminders for reviews waiting on your team.": "接收等待您的团队的审查提醒。", "Enable real-time alerts": "启用实时警报", "Receive immediate Slack messages when certain events happen": "当某些事件发生时,会立即收到 Slack 消息", "You will only receive notifications from public repositories in this organization because the current plan for": "您将只收到来自该组织中公共仓库的通知,因为目前", "does not support reminders for private repositories.": "的计划不支持私人仓库的提醒。", "Upgrade to Team": "升级为团队", "Create reminder": "创建提醒者", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/security-log"] = { // 设置 - 安全日志 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Security log 安全日志 https://github.com/settings/security-log "Loading audit log entries…": "正在加载日志条目...", "Filters": "筛选", "Filter audit logs": "筛选审计日志", "Yesterday's activity": "昨天的活动", "Repository management": "仓库管理", "Billing updates": "账单更新", "Copilot activity": "Copilot 活动", "Personal access token activity": "个人访问令牌活动", "View advanced search syntax": "查看高级搜索语法", "Search audit logs": "搜索审计日志", "Search your security log": "搜索您的安全日志", "Clear current search query": "清除当前的搜索查询", "Export": "导出", "Recent events": "最近的事件", // [/Found (\d+) events?/, "发现 $1 个活动"], "Newer": "新的", "Older": "旧的", "ProTip!": "专业提示!", "View all events created yesterday": "查看昨天创建的所有事件", "View all events where you created something": "查看所有您创建内容时产生的事件", "Country changed from your previous session": "“国家/地区” 与上一次会话有所不同", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Found (\d+) events?/, "发现 $1 个活动"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/sponsors-log"] = { // 设置 - 赞助日志 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["settings-menu"]["static"], // Sponsorship log 赞助日志 https://github.com/settings/sponsors-log "Sponsors log": "赞助日志", "New sponsorships, changes, and cancellations": "新的赞助、更改和取消", "Period:": "周期:", "Filter activity": "筛选活动", "All-time": "所有时间", "Past day": "过去一天", "Past week": "过去一周", "Past month": "过去一月", "Past year": "过去一年", "No sponsorship activity in this time period": "这段时间没有赞助活动", "This is where you can review activity from your sponsorships.": "您可以在此处查看您的赞助活动。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/apps"] = { // 设置 - 开发者设置/GitHub 应用 "static": { // 静态翻译 "Developer Settings": "开发者设置", "GitHub Apps": "GitHub 应用", "OAuth Apps": "OAuth 应用", "Personal access tokens": "个人访问令牌", "Fine-grained tokens": "精细化的令牌", "Tokens (classic)": "令牌(经典)", // GitHub 应用 https://github.com/settings/apps // 顶部提醒 "Job queued to revoke all user tokens": "撤销所有用户令牌的任务已排队等待", "Register a new GitHub App": "注册新的 GitHub 应用", "Want to build something that integrates with and extends GitHub?": "想要构建与 GitHub 集成和扩展的东西吗?", "New GitHub App": "注册新 GitHub 应用", "to get started developing on the GitHub API. You can also read more about building GitHub Apps in our": ",开始在 GitHub API 上进行开发。您还可以在我们的文档中阅读有关构建 GitHub 应用的更多信息", "developer documentation": "开发者文档", "A GitHub App can act on its own behalf, taking actions via the API directly instead of impersonating a user. Read more in our": "GitHub 应用可以代表自己执行操作,直接通过 API 执行操作,而不是冒充用户。阅读我们的更多内容", // 存在 app时 // 注册 GitHub 应用 https://github.com/settings/apps/new "Register new GitHub App": "注册新 GitHub 应用", "GitHub App name": "GitHub 应用名称", "The name of your GitHub App.": "您的 GitHub 应用的名称。", "Markdown supported": "支持 Markdown 语法", "This is displayed to users of your GitHub App": "展示给 GitHub 应用的使用者", "Homepage URL": "主页地址", "The full URL to your GitHub App’s website.": "GitHub 应用网站的主页地址", "Identifying and authorizing users": "识别并授权用户", "The full URL to redirect to after a user authorizes an installation.": "用户授权安装后重定向到的完整地址。", "Callback URL documentation": "回调地址文档", "Add Callback URL": "添加回调地址", "Callback URL": "回调地址", "Expire user authorization tokens": "用户授权令牌", "This will provide a": "这将提供一个", "which can be used to request an updated access token when this access token expires.": ",用于在此访问令牌到期时,请求更新访问令牌。", "Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation": "在安装期间请求用户授权 (OAuth)", "Requests that the installing user grants access to their identity during installation of your App": "请求用户在安装应用期间授予其身份访问权限。", "Identifying and authorizing users for GitHub Apps documentation": "关于 GitHub 应用识别并授权用户的文档", "Enable Device Flow": "启用设备流", "Allow this GitHub App to authorize users via the Device Flow.": "允许此 GitHub 应用通过设备流程授权用户。", "Read the": "阅读", "Device Flow documentation": "设备流程文档", "Post installation": "安装完成后", "Setup URL (optional)": "设置网址 (可选)", "Users will be redirected to this URL after installing your GitHub App to complete additional setup.": "用户在安装完 GitHub 应用后,会被重定向到这个网址,以完成额外的设置。", "Unavailable when requesting OAuth during installation.": "安装过程中请求 OAuth 时不可用。", "Users will be redirected to the 'User authorization callback URL' to complete additional setup.": "用户将被重定向到 “用户授权回调网址” 以完成其他设置。", "Redirect on update": "更新时重定向", "Redirect users to the 'Setup URL' after installations are updated (E.g. repositories added/removed).": "在安装后更新时将用户重定向到 “设置网址”(例如: 添加/删除仓库)。", "Redirect users to the 'User authorization callback URL' after installations are updated (E.g repositories added/removed).": "在安装后更新时将用户重定向到 “用户授权回调网址”(例如: 添加/删除仓库)。", "Webhook": "Web 钩子", "Active": "激活", "We will deliver event details when this hook is triggered.": "当钩子被触发时,我们将提供事件详细信息。", "Webhook URL": "Web 钩子网址", "Events will POST to this URL. Read our": "事件将 POST 到此网址。阅读", "webhook documentation": "关于 Web 钩子", "for more information.": "以获取更多信息。", "Webhook secret (optional)": "Web 钩子机密 (可选)", "Read our": "阅读我们", "webhook secret documentation": "Web 钩子机密文档", "Permissions": "权限", "User permissions are granted on an individual user basis as part of the": "用户权限的授予是以单个用户为基础的,是一个环节", "User authorization flow": "用户授权流程", "permissions documentation": "权限文档", "for information about specific permissions.": "以了解关于特定权限的信息。", "Access:": "访问权限:", "Select an access level": "选择访问级别", "No access": "禁止访问", "Read-only": "只读", "Read and write": "读写", "Admin": "管理员", "Selected": "项被选中", "mandatory": "强制", "Repository permissions": "仓库权限", "Repository permissions permit access to repositories and related resources.": "仓库权限允许访问仓库和相关资源。", "Actions": "操作", "Workflows, workflow runs and artifacts.": "工作流程、工作流程的运行和工件。", "Administration": "管理", "Repository creation, deletion, settings, teams, and collaborators.": "仓库创建、删除、设置、团队和协作者。", "Checks": "检查", "Checks on code.": "检查代码。", "Code scanning alerts": "代码扫描警报", "View and manage code scanning alerts.": "查看和管理代码扫描警报。", // "": "代码空间", "Create, edit, delete and list Codespaces.": "创建、编辑、删除和列出代码空间。", "Codespaces lifecycle admin": "代码空间的生命周期管理", "Manage the lifecycle of Codespaces, including starting and stopping.": "管理代码空间的生命周期,包括启动和停止。", "Codespaces metadata": "代码空间元数据", "Access Codespaces metadata including the devcontainers and machine type.": "访问代码空间元数据,包括开发容器和机器类型。", "Codespaces secrets": "代码空间机密", "Restrict Codespaces user secrets modifications to specific repositories.": "限制代码空间的用户机密对特定仓库的修改。", "Commit statuses": "提交状态", "Commit statuses.": "提交状态。", "Contents": "内容", "Repository contents, commits, branches, downloads, releases, and merges.": "仓库内容、提交、分支、下载、发布和合并。", // 自定义属性 "View and set values for a repository's custom properties, when allowed by the property.": "在属性允许的情况下,查看和设置仓库自定义属性的值。", "Dependabot alerts": "Dependabot 警报", "Retrieve Dependabot alerts.": "检索 Dependabot 警报。", "Dependabot secrets": "Dependabot 机密", "Manage Dependabot repository secrets.": "管理 Dependabot 仓库的机密。", "Deployments": "部署", "Deployments and deployment statuses.": "部署和部署状态。", "Discussions": "讨论", "Discussions and related comments and labels.": "讨论及相关评论和标签。", "Environments": "环境", "Manage repository environments.": "管理仓库环境。", "Issues": "议题", "Issues and related comments, assignees, labels, and milestones.": "议题及相关评论、受理人、标签和里程碑。", "Merge queues": "合并列队", "Manage a repository's merge queues": "管理仓库的合并队列。", "Metadata": "元数据", "Search repositories, list collaborators, and access repository metadata.": "搜索仓库、列出协作者,访问仓库元数据。", "Packages": "软件包", "Packages published to the GitHub Package Platform.": "发布软件包到 GitHub Package 平台。", "Pages": "GitHub Pages", "Retrieve Pages statuses, configuration, and builds, as well as create new builds.": "检索页面状态、配置和构建,以及创建新的构建。", "Projects": "项目", "Manage classic projects within a repository.": "管理仓库中的经典项目。", "Pull requests": "拉取请求", "Pull requests and related comments, assignees, labels, milestones, and merges.": "拉取请求及相关评论、受让人、标签、里程碑和合并。", "Repository security advisories": "仓库安全公告", "View and manage repository security advisories.": "查看和管理安全公告", "Secret scanning alerts": "机密扫描警报", "View and manage secret scanning alerts.": "查看和管理机密扫描警报。", "Secrets": "机密", "Manage Actions repository secrets.": "管理操作仓库机密。", "Single file": "单个文件", "Manage just a single file.": "只管理单个文件。", "Path": "路径", "The content paths to single files your app can access.": "应用可以访问的单个文件的内容路径。", "Variables": "变量", "Manage Actions repository variables.": "管理操作仓库变量。", "Webhooks": "Web 钩子", "Manage the post-receive hooks for a repository.": "管理仓库的接收后钩子。", "Workflows": "工作流程", "Update GitHub Action workflow files.": "更新 GitHub Actions 工作流程文件。", "Organization permissions": "组织权限", "Organization permissions permit access to organization related resources.": "组织权限允许访问组织相关资源。", // 管理 "Manage access to an organization.": "管理对组织的访问。", "Blocking users": "拉黑用户", "View and manage users blocked by the organization.": "查看和管理被组织拉黑的用户。", "Custom organization roles": "自定义组织角色", "Create, edit, delete and list custom organization roles. View system organization roles.": "创建、编辑、删除和列出自定义组织角色。查看系统组织角色。", "Custom properties": "自定义属性", "View custom properties, write repository values, and administer definitions.": "查看自定义属性、写入仓库值并管理定义。", "Custom repository roles": "自定义仓库角色", "Create, edit, delete and list custom repository roles.": "创建、编辑、删除和列出自定义仓库角色。", "Events": "活动", "View events triggered by an activity in an organization.": "查看组织中某项活动所触发的事件。", "GitHub Copilot Business": "GitHub Copilot 商业版", "Manage Copilot Business seats and settings": "管理 GitHub Copilot 商业版席位和设置", "Members": "成员", "Organization members and teams.": "组织成员和团队。", "Organization announcement banners": "组织公告横幅", "View and modify announcement banners for an organization.": "查看并修改组织的公告横幅。", "Organization codespaces": "组织代码空间", "Manage Codespaces for an organization.": "管理组织的代码空间。", "Organization codespaces secrets": "组织代码空间机密", "Manage Codespaces Secrets for an organization.": "管理组织的代码空间机密。", "Organization codespaces settings": "组织代码空间设置", "Manage Codespaces settings for an organization.": "管理组织的代码空间设置。", "Organization dependabot secrets": "组织 Dependabot 机密", "Manage Dependabot organization secrets.": "管理 Dependabot 组织的机密。", "Personal access token requests": "个人访问令牌请求", "Manage personal access token requests from organization members.": "管理来自组织成员的个人访问令牌请求。", "Personal access tokens": "个人访问令牌", "View and revoke personal access tokens that have been granted access to an organization.": "查看和撤销已被授予组织访问权限的个人访问令牌。", "Plan": "计划", "View an organization's plan.": "查看组织的计划。", // 项目 "Manage projects for an organization.": "管理组织的项目。", // 机密 "Manage Actions organization secrets.": "管理操作组织机密", "Self-hosted runners": "自托管运行器", "View and manage Actions self-hosted runners available to an organization.": "查看和管理组织可用的 “操作自托管运行器”。", "Team discussions": "团队讨论", "Manage team discussions and related comments.": "管理团队讨论及相关评论。", // 变量 "Manage Actions organization variables.": "管理操作组织变量。", // Web 钩子 "Manage the post-receive hooks for an organization.": "管理组织的接收后钩子。", "Account permissions": "帐户权限", "These permissions are granted on an individual user basis as part of the User authorization flow.": "这些权限是在单个用户的基础上授予的,作为用户授权流程的一部分", "Block another user": "拉黑其他用户", "View and manage users blocked by the user.": "查看和管理被用户拉黑的用户。", "Codespaces user secrets": "代码空间用户机密", "Manage Codespaces user secrets.": "管理代码空间用户机密。", "Email addresses": "电子邮箱地址", "Manage a user's email addresses.": "管理用户的电子邮箱地址。", // 关注者 "A user's followers": "用户的关注者", "GPG keys": "GPG 密钥", "View and manage a user's GPG keys.": "查看和管理用户的 GPG 密钥。", // Gist "Create and modify a user's gists and comments.": "创建和修改用户的代码片段和评论。", "Git SSH keys": "Git SSH 密钥", "Interaction limits": "交互限制", "Interaction limits on repositories": "仓库的交互限制", // 计划 "View a user's plan.": "查看用户的计划。", "Profile": "个人信息", "Manage a user's profile settings.": "管理用户的个人信息设置。", "SSH signing keys": "SSH 签名密钥", "View and manage a user's SSH signing keys.": "查看和管理用户的 SSH 签名密钥。", "Starring": "星标", "List and manage repositories a user is starring.": "列出和管理用户已加星标的仓库。", "Watching": "关注", "List and change repositories a user is subscribed to.": "列出和更改用户订阅的仓库。", // 以下的事件 与 钩子页面 一致 // 添加钩子 页面 ///settings/hooks/new "Subscribe to events": "订阅事件", "Based on the permissions you’ve selected, what events would you like to subscribe to?": "根据您选择的权限,您想订阅哪些事件?", "Installation target": "安装目标", "A GitHub App installation target is renamed.": "GitHub 应用安装目标已重命名。", "Meta": "元数据", "When this App is deleted and the associated hook is removed.": "当该应用被删除和相关的钩子被删除时。", "Security advisory": "安全提示", "Security advisory published, updated, or withdrawn.": "安全提示的发布、更新或撤销。", "Branch protection configuration": "分支保护配置", "All branch protections disabled or enabled for a repository.": "禁用或启用仓库的所有分支保护。", "Branch protection rule": "分支保护规则", "Branch protection rule created, deleted or edited.": "分支保护规则的创建、删除或编辑。", "Code scanning alert": "代码扫描警报", "Code Scanning alert created, fixed in branch, or closed": "代码扫描警报的创建、在分支中修复或关闭。", "Check run": "检查运行", "Check run is created, requested, rerequested, or completed.": "检查运行的创建、请求、重新请求或完成。", "Check suite": "检查套件", "Check suite is requested, rerequested, or completed.": "检查套件的请求、重新请求或完成。", "Commit comment": "提交评论", "Commit or diff commented on.": "提交或差异评论。", //"创建": "", "Branch or tag created.": "分支或标签的创建。", "Custom property": "自定义属性", "Custom property is created, updated, or deleted.": "自定义属性的创建、更新或删除。", "Custom property values": "自定义属性值", "Custom property values are changed for a repository": "仓库自定义属性值的更改。", "Discussion": "讨论", "Discussion created, edited, closed, reopened, pinned, unpinned, locked, unlocked, transferred, answered, unanswered, labeled, unlabeled, had its category changed, or was deleted.": "讨论的创建、编辑、关闭、重新打开、置顶、取消置顶、锁定、解锁、转移、答复、取消答复、标记、取消标记、更改其类别或删除。", "Discussion comment": "讨论评论", "Discussion comment created, edited, or deleted.": "讨论评论的创建、编辑或删除。", //"删除": "", "Branch or tag deleted.": "分支或标签的删除。", "Dependabot alert": "Dependabot 警报", "Dependabot alert auto_dismissed, auto_reopened, created, dismissed, reopened, fixed, or reintroduced.": "Dependabot 警报的自动解除、自动重新打开、创建、解除、重新打开、修复或重新引入。", "Deploy key": "部署密钥", "A deploy key is created or deleted from a repository.": "在仓库中部署密钥的创建或删除。", "Deployment": "部署", "Repository was deployed or a deployment was deleted.": "仓库的部署或删除部署。", "Deployment protection rule": "部署保护规则", "Deployment protection rule requested for an environment.": "环境请求部署保护规则。", "Deployment review": "部署审查", "Deployment review requested, approved or rejected": "部署审查的请求、批准或拒绝", "Deployment status": "部署状态", "Deployment status updated from the API.": "通过 API 更新部署状态。", //"复刻": "", "Repository forked.": "仓库复刻。", "Gollum": "咕噜", "Wiki page updated.": "Wiki 页面的更新。", "Issue comment": "议题评论", "Issue comment created, edited, or deleted.": "议题评论的创建、编辑或删除。", //"议题": "", "Issue opened, edited, deleted, transferred, pinned, unpinned, closed, reopened, assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, milestoned, demilestoned, locked, or unlocked.": "议题的打开、编辑、删除、转移、置顶、取消置顶、关闭、重新打开、分配、取消分配、标记、取消标记、设置里程碑、取消里程碑、锁定或解锁。", "Label": "标签", "Label created, edited or deleted.": "标签的创建、编辑或删除。", "Milestone": "里程碑", "Milestone created, closed, opened, edited, or deleted.": "里程碑的创建、关闭、打开、编辑或删除。", "Member": "成员", "Collaborator added to, removed from, or has changed permissions for a repository.": "协作者添加到仓库、从仓库中删除或更改了仓库的权限。", "Membership": "团队成员", "Team membership added or removed.": "团队成员的添加或删除。", "Merge group": "合并组", "Merge Group requested checks, or was destroyed.": "合并组的请求检查或销毁。", "Merge queue entry": "合并队列条目", "Merge Queue entry added": "合并队列条目的添加。", "Organization": "组织", "Organization deleted, renamed, member invited, member added, or member removed.": "组织的删除、重命名以及成员的邀请、添加或删除。", "Page build": "构建 GitHub Pages", "Pages site built.": "GitHub Pages 站点的建立。", "Personal access token request": "个人访问令牌请求", "Personal access token request created, approved, denied, or cancelled.": "个人访问令牌请求的创建、批准、拒绝或取消。", "Project": "项目", "Project created, updated, or deleted.": "项目的创建、更新或删除。", "Project card": "项目面板卡", "Project card created, updated, or deleted.": "项目面板卡的创建、更新或删除", "Project column": "项目栏目", "Project column created, updated, moved or deleted.": "项目栏目的创建、更新、移动或删除。", "Projects v2 item": "项目 v2 条目", "Project item created, edited, deleted, archived, restored, converted, or reordered.": "项目条目的创建、编辑、删除、归档、恢复、转换或重新排序。", "Projects v2": "项目 v2", "Project created, updated, deleted, closed, or reopened.": "项目的创建、更新、删除、关闭或重新打开。", // 公共 "Repository changes from private to public.": "仓库从私有更改为公共。", "Pull request": "拉取请求", "Pull request assigned, auto merge disabled, auto merge enabled, closed, converted to draft, demilestoned, dequeued, edited, enqueued, labeled, locked, milestoned, opened, ready for review, reopened, review request removed, review requested, synchronized, unassigned, unlabeled, or unlocked.": "拉取请求的分配、禁用自动合并、启用自动合并、关闭、转换为草稿、取消里程碑、取消队列、编辑、队列、标记、锁定、设置里程碑、打开、准备审查、重新打开、取消审查请求、请求审查、同步、取消分配、取消标记或解锁。", "Pull request review": "拉取请求审查", "Pull request review submitted, edited, or dismissed.": "拉取请求审查的提交、编辑或驳回。", "Pull request review comment": "拉取请求审查意见", "Pull request diff comment created, edited, or deleted.": "拉取请求差异评论的创建、编辑或删除。", "Pull request review thread": "拉取请求线程", "A pull request review thread was resolved or unresolved.": "拉取请求的审查线程解决或未解决。", "Push": "推送", "Git push to a repository.": "Git 推送到仓库。", "Registry package": "注册软件包", "Registry package published or updated in a repository.": "仓库中注册软件包的发布或更新。", "Release": "发行版", "Release created, edited, published, unpublished, or deleted.": "发行版的创建、编辑、发布、取消发布或删除。", "Repository": "仓库", "Repository created, deleted, archived, unarchived, publicized, privatized, edited, renamed, or transferred.": "仓库的创建、删除、归档、取消归档、公开、私有化、编辑、重命名或转让。", "Repository dispatch": "仓库调度", "When a message is dispatched from a repository.": "当信息从仓库发出时。", "Repository ruleset": "仓库规则集", "Repository ruleset created, deleted or edited.": "仓库规则集的创建、删除或编辑。", "Security and analysis": "安全和分析", "Code security and analysis features enabled or disabled for a repository.": "启用或禁用仓库的代码安全和分析功能。", "Secret scanning alert": "机密扫描警报", "Secrets scanning alert created, resolved, reopened, or validated": "机密扫描警报的创建、解决、重新打开或验证。", "Secret scanning alert location": "机密扫描警报位置", "Secrets scanning alert location created": "机密扫描警报位置的创建。", // 星标 "A star is created or deleted from a repository.": "星标或取消仓库星标。", //"状态": "", "Commit status updated from the API.": "通过 API 更新提交状态。", //"团队": "", "Team is created, deleted, edited, or added to/removed from a repository.": "团队的创建、删除、编辑以及向仓库添加团队、从仓库中移除团队。", "Team add": "团队添加", "Team added or modified on a repository.": "仓库团队的添加或修改。", "Watch": "关注", "User stars a repository.": "用户星标仓库。", "Workflow dispatch": "工作流程调度", "A manual workflow run is requested.": "请求手动运行工作流程。", "Workflow job": "工作流程作业", "Workflow job queued, waiting, in progress, or completed on a repository.": "仓库中工作流作业的队列、等待、正在进行或完成。", "Workflow run": "工作流程运行", "Workflow run requested or completed on a repository.": "仓库中工作流程运行的请求或完成。", "Org block": "组织黑名单", // 组织设置 "A user has been blocked or unblocked.": "用户拉黑或解除拉黑。", "Repository advisory": "仓库公告", "Repository advisory published or reported.": "仓库公告发布或报告。", "Where can this GitHub App be installed?": "这款 GitHub 应用可以安装在哪里?", "Only on this account": "仅在当前帐户", "Only allow this GitHub App to be installed on the": "只允许该 GitHub 应用被安装在", "account.": "帐户。", "Any account": "任何帐户", "Allow this GitHub App to be installed by any user or organization.": "允许任何用户或组织安装此 GitHub 应用。", "Create GitHub App": "创建 GitHub 应用", // 某个 GitHub 应用 https://github.com/settings/apps/ // 顶部提醒 // GitHub App 注册成功 "Registration successful. You must": "注册成功。您必须", "generate a private key": "生成私钥", "in order to install your GitHub App.": "才能安装 GitHub 应用。", // GitHub App 已更新 "Got it. Your GitHub App has been updated.": "GitHub 应用已更新。", "The GitHub App is now public. Anyone is free to install it.": "GitHub 应用已公开化。任何人都可以自由安装。", "The GitHub App is now private. It can only be installed on this account.": "GitHub 应用已私有化。只能安装在此账户上。", "Developer settings": "开发者设置", // 左侧栏 "General": "通常", "Permissions & events": "权限与事件", "Install App": "安装应用", "Advanced": "高级", "Optional features": "可选功能", "Public page": "公共页面", // 关于 "Owned by:": "拥有者:", "Revoke all user tokens": "撤销所有用户令牌", "GitHub Apps can use OAuth credentials to identify users. Learn more about identifying users by reading our": "GitHub 应用可以使用 OAuth 凭据来识别用户。阅读我们的", "integration developer documentation": "集成开发者文档", "Public link": "公共链接", // 撤销所有用户令牌对话框 "Revoke all user tokens?": "撤销所有用户令牌?", "Are you sure you want to revoke": "您确定要撤销此应用的", "all": "所有", "user tokens for this application?": "用户令牌吗?", "All users of this application will be forced back through the": "该应用的所有用户都将被迫返回", "authorization flow": "授权流程", "before they can use your application again.": ",然后才能再次使用您的应用。", "All SSH keys created by this application will also be deleted.": "此应用创建的所有 SSH 密钥也将被删除。", "This action is not reversible.": "此操作不可逆转。", "I understand, revoke all user tokens": "我明白了,依然撤销所有用户令牌", "Client secrets": "客户端机密", "Generate a new client secret": "生成客户端机密", "You need a client secret to authenticate as the application to the API.": "您需要一个客户端机密,才能以应用的身份验证 API。", "Basic information": "基本信息", "Save changes": "保存更改", "Display information": "显示信息", "Drag & drop": "拖放", "Upload a logo...": "上传 Logo ...", "Uploading...": "上传中...", "You can also drag and drop a picture from your computer.": "您也可以从电脑中拖放图片。", "Delete this image": "删除图片", "Badge background color": "徽章背景颜色", "The hex value of the badge background color. Hex colors should only contain numbers and letters from a-f.": "徽章背景颜色的十六进制值。十六进制颜色只能包含 a-f 之间的数字和字母。", // 剪裁对话框 "Crop your new avatar": "裁剪您的新头像", "Set new avatar": "设置新头像", // 顶部提醒 "Your avatar has been updated. It may take a few minutes to update across the site.": "您的头像已更新。整个网站的更新可能需要几分钟的时间。", "This avatar has been deleted.": "该头像已被删除。", // 市场 "List your GitHub App in the": "上架您的 GitHub 应用到", "GitHub Marketplace": "GitHub 市场", "so that other users can discover it.": "以便其他用户可以发现它。", "List in Marketplace": "上架应用", "Edit how your GitHub App is presented in the Marketplace directory, including screenshots and links.": "编辑 GitHub 应用在市场索引中的展示方式,包括截图和链接。", "Edit Marketplace listing": "编辑市场上架信息", "Private keys": "私钥", "Generate a private key": "生成私钥", "You need a private key to sign access token requests.": "您需要私钥来签署访问令牌请求。", "Learn more about private keys": "了解更多关于私钥的信息", "Private key": "私钥", "Added": "已添加于", "IP allow list": "IP 允许列表", "Enter the IP addresses of your GitHub App to allow organizations with": "输入 GitHub 应用的 IP 地址,以便在安装时允许在", "IP allow lists": "IP 允许列表", "to selectively inherit the App's IP allow list when installed.": "的组织有选择地继承应用的 IP 允许列表。", "Learn more about App IP allow lists": "了解更多关于应用 IP 允许列表的信息", "There are no IP addresses on the allow list yet.": "允许列表中尚无 IP 地址。", "IP address or range in CIDR notation": "以 CIDR 表示的 IP 地址或范围", "Short description of IP address or range": "IP 地址或范围的简短描述", "Check IP address": "检查 IP 地址", "Enter an IP address to check whether it is permitted by enabled entries on the IP allow list.": "输入 IP 地址,检查 IP 允许列表中的启用条目是否允许该地址。", // 某个 GitHub 应用 - 权限 https://github.com/settings/apps//permissions "Changes to permissions will be applied to all future installations. Current users will be prompted to accept any changes and enable the new permissions on their installation.": "对权限的更改将应用于今后的所有安装。系统将提示当前用户接受任何更改,并在其安装中启用新权限。", "Add a note to users": "为用户添加注释", "This note will be displayed on the permissions update approval page.": "该注释将显示在权限更新批准审查页面上。", "Add a note to your users explaining why you are requesting these changes.": "向您的用户添加注释,解释您请求这些更改的原因。", "Are you sure you want to update permissions?": "您确定要更新权限吗?", "Current users will be prompted to accept these changes and enable the new permissions on their installation.": "系统将提示当前用户接受这些更改,并在其安装中启用新权限。", // 某个 GitHub 应用 - 安装 https://github.com/settings/apps//installations // [/Install (.*)/, "安装 $1"], // [/Choose an account to install (.*) on:/, "选择要安装 $1 的帐户:"], "Install": "安装", // [/Install (.*) on this account./, "安装 $1 到此账户上。"], "Installed": "已安装", // [/(.*) is installed on this account./, "$1 已安装在此帐户上。"], // 某个 GitHub 应用 - 高级 https://github.com/settings/apps//advanced "Danger zone": "危险区", "Transfer ownership of this GitHub App": "转让此 GitHub 应用的所有权", "Transferring may be delayed until the new owner approves the transfer.": "转让可能会延迟,直至新所有者批准转让", "Transfer ownership": "转让所有权", // [/Where should we transfer (.*)\?/, "将 $1 转让给谁?"], "Type the name of the GitHub App to confirm": "键入要确认的 GitHub 应用名称", "New owner’s GitHub username or organization name": "新所有者的 GitHub 用户名或组织名称", "Transfer this GitHub App": "转让所有权", "Delete this GitHub App": "删除此 GitHub 应用", "This cannot be undone. Please be certain.": "此操作无法撤销。请确认。", "Delete GitHub App": "删除 GitHub 应用", "Delete GitHub App?": "删除 GitHub 应用?", "Unexpected bad things will happen if you don’t read this!": "请仔细阅读以下提示信息!!!", "This action": "此操作", "CANNOT": "无法", "be undone. This will permanently delete the": "撤销。这将永久删除", "GitHub App.": "GitHub 应用。", "This will also uninstall the GitHub App from": "这还将卸载 GitHub 应用从", // [/(\d+) accounts?/, "$1 个账户"], "Please type in the name of the GitHub App to confirm.": "请键入 GitHub 应用的名称进行确认。", "I understand the consequences, delete this GitHub App": "我明白后果,依然删除该 GitHub 应用", "Make this GitHub App public": "公开 GitHub 应用", "Allow this GitHub App to be installed on other accounts.": "允许在其他账户中安装此 GitHub 应用。", "Make public": "转为公开", // [/Any user or organization will be able to install this GitHub App. Are you sure you want to make (.*) public\?/, "任何用户或组织都可以安装此 GitHub 应用。您确定要公开 $1 吗?"], "Make this GitHub App private": "私有化 GitHub 应用", "Private GitHub Apps cannot be installed on other accounts.": "私有 GitHub 应用不能安装在其他账户上。", "Make private": "转为私有", "This integration cannot be made private since it is already installed on other accounts.": "此应用无法转为私有,因为它已安装在其他帐户上。", "Make this application private": "私有化应用", "Private applications cannot be installed on other accounts.": "私有应用不能安装在其他账户上。", // [/This GitHub app will only be installable on the ([^ ]+) account. Are you sure you want to make (.*) private\?/, "此 GitHub 应用只能安装在 $1 帐户上。您确定要将 $2 设为私有吗?"], // 某个 GitHub 应用 - 可选功能 https://github.com/settings/apps//beta // [/Activate optional features for (.*)/, "激活 $1 的可选功能"], // [/Choose a feature to activate for (.*):/, "选择要为 $1 激活的功能:"], "User-to-server token expiration": "用户到服务器访问令牌过期", "User-to-server access tokens will expire after 8 hours. A Refresh Token will be provided which can be exchanged for a new access token.": "用户到服务器访问令牌将在 8 小时后过期。我们将提供一个刷新令牌,用户可以用它换取新的访问令牌。", "Opt-out": "选择退出", "Opt-in": "选择加入", "Disable user-to-server token expiration for this app.": "禁用此应用的用户到服务器访问令牌过期。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Choose an account to install (.*) on:/, "选择要安装 $1 的帐户:"], [/Install (.*) on this account./, "安装 $1 到此账户上。"], [/Install (.*)/, "安装 $1"], [/(.*) is installed on this account./, "$1 已安装在此帐户上。"], [/Where should we transfer (.*)\?/, "将 $1 转让给谁?"], [/Any user or organization will be able to install this GitHub App. Are you sure you want to make (.*) public\?/, "任何用户或组织都可以安装此 GitHub 应用。您确定要公开 $1 吗?"], [/This GitHub app will only be installable on the ([^ ]+) account. Are you sure you want to make (.*) private\?/, "此 GitHub 应用只能安装在 $1 帐户上。您确定要将 $2 设为私有吗?"], [/(\d+) accounts?/, "$1 个账户"], [/Activate optional features for (.*)/, "激活 $1 的可选功能"], [/Choose a feature to activate for (.*):/, "选择要为 $1 激活的功能:"], ], }; I18N.zh["orgs/settings/apps/new"] = I18N.zh["settings/apps"]; I18N.zh["settings/developers"] = { // 设置 - 开发者设置/OAuth 应用 "static": { // 静态翻译 "Developer Settings": "开发者设置", "GitHub Apps": "GitHub 应用", "OAuth Apps": "OAuth 应用", "Personal access tokens": "个人访问令牌", "Fine-grained tokens": "精细化的令牌", "Tokens (classic)": "令牌(经典)", // OAuth 应用 https://github.com/settings/developers "No OAuth applications": "没有 OAuth 应用", "OAuth applications are used to access the GitHub API.": "OAuth 应用用于访问 GitHub API。", "Read the docs": "阅读文档", "to find out more.": "以了解更多情况。", "Register a new application": "注册新 OAuth 应用", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["settings/applications/new"] = { // 设置 - 开发者设置/OAuth 应用 "static": { // 静态翻译 // 注册 OAuth 应用 https://github.com/settings/applications/new "Developer Settings": "开发者设置", "Register a new OAuth application": "注册 OAuth 应用", "Application name": "应用名", "Something users will recognize and trust.": "让用户识别和信任。", "Homepage URL": "主页地址", "The full URL to your application homepage.": "您的应用主页地址。", "Application description": "应用描述", "Application description is optional": "应用描述 (可选)", "This is displayed to all users of your application.": "所有用户都能看到您的应用描述。", "Authorization callback URL": "认证回调地址", "Your application’s callback URL. Read our": "您的应用授权回调地址。阅读我们", "OAuth documentation": "OAuth 文档", "for more information.": "了解更多信息。", "Enable Device Flow": "启用设备流程", "Allow this OAuth App to authorize users via the Device Flow.": "允许此 OAuth 应用通过设备流程授权用户。", "Read the": "阅读", "Device Flow documentation": "设备流程文档", "Register application": "注册应用", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["orgs/settings/applications/new"] = I18N.zh["settings/applications/new"]; I18N.zh["settings/tokens"] = { // 设置 - 开发者设置/个人访问令牌 "static": { // 静态翻译 "Developer Settings": "开发者设置", "GitHub Apps": "GitHub 应用", "OAuth Apps": "OAuth 应用", "Personal access tokens": "个人访问令牌", "Fine-grained tokens": "精细化的令牌", "Tokens (classic)": "令牌(经典)", // 开发者设置/精细化的个人访问令牌 https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta "Fine-grained personal access tokens": "精细化的个人访问令牌", "Need an API token for scripts or testing?": "需要用于脚本或测试的 API 令牌?", "Generate a personal access token": "生成个人访问令牌", "for quick access to the": "用于快速访问", "These are fine-grained, repository-scoped tokens suitable for personal": "这些都是精细化的、仓库域的令牌,适合个人", "use and for using Git over HTTPS.": "使用和通过 HTTPS 使用 Git。", "Make sure to copy your personal access token now as you will not be able to see this again.": "请务必立即复制您的个人访问令牌,因为您将无法再次看到它。", "Loading expiration ...": "载入有效期 ...", "This token has expired.": "此令牌已过期。", "To set a new expiration date, you must regenerate the token.": "要设置新的有效期,您必须重新生成令牌。", // 顶部提醒 "Deleted personal access token": "已删除个人访问令牌", // 开发者设置/个人访问令牌(经典) https://github.com/settings/tokens "Personal access tokens (classic)": "个人访问令牌(经典)", "Generate new token": "生成新令牌", "Fine-grained, repo-scoped": "精细化、 仓库域", "Generate new token (classic)": "生成新令牌(经典)", "For general use": "一般用途", "Revoke all": "全部撤销", "Tokens you have generated that can be used to access the": "生成令牌用于访问", "Expires": "有效期至", "Expired": "有效期至", "This token has no expiration date": "此令牌未设置有效期", "Regenerate": "重新生成", "this token to take advantage of the": "此令牌使用", "new token formats": "新的令牌格式", "Personal access tokens (classic) function like ordinary OAuth access tokens. They can be used instead of a password for Git over HTTPS, or can be used to": "个人访问令牌(经典)的功能类似于普通的 OAuth 访问令牌。它们可以用来代替 HTTPS 上 Git 的密码,或者可以用来", "authenticate to the API over Basic Authentication": "通过 ‘基本身份验证’ 对 API 进行身份验证", "Never used": "尚未使用", "Last used within the last week": "最后一次使用是最近 1 周之内", // 全部撤销对话框 "Are you sure you want to revoke access for all personal access tokens?": "对话框您确定要撤销所有个人访问令牌的访问权限吗?", "This will revoke access for": "这将撤销访问", "all personal access tokens": "所有个人访问令牌", ", but will not revoke access for any authorized third-party OAuth applications. This action cannot be undone.": ",但不会撤销任何授权第三方 OAuth 应用的访问权限。此操作无法撤消。", "Any SSH keys created on your behalf by personal access tokens will also be deleted.": "任何由个人访问令牌代表您创建的 SSH 密钥也将被删除", "Type your username to confirm": "输入您的用户名进行确认", "I understand, revoke access for everything": "我明白了,依然撤销对一切的访问", // 创建精细化个人访问令牌 https://github.com/settings/personal-access-tokens/new "New fine-grained personal access token": "新建精细化个人访问令牌", "Create a fine-grained, repository-scoped token suitable for personal API use and for using Git over HTTPS.": "创建精细化的、仓库域的令牌,适合个人 API 使用和通过 HTTPS 使用 Git。", "Token name": "令牌名称", "A unique name for this token. May be visible to resource owners or users with possession of the token.": "此令牌的唯一名称。可能对资源所有者或持有该令牌的用户可见。", "Name can't be blank": "名称不能为空", "is a vaild name.": "是一个有效的名称。", "is an invalid name. The token name has already been taken.": "是一个无效的名称。令牌名称已被占用。", "Description": "描述", "What is this token for?": "这个令牌是用来做什么的?", "Resource owner": "资源所有者", "Authorizing...": "授权中...", "Custom expiration can't be blank. Please choose a date.": "自定义过期时间不能为空。请选择日期。", "Repository access": "仓库访问", "Public Repositories (read-only)": "公共仓库(只读)", "All repositories": "所有仓库", "This applies to all current": "这适用于资源所有者拥有的所有当前", "future repositories owned by the resource owner.": "未来的仓库。", "Also includes public repositories (read-only).": "还包括公共仓库(只读)。", "Only select repositories": "仅选定的仓库", "Select at least one repository. Max 50 repositories.": "至少选择一个仓库。最多 50 个仓库。", "Select repositories": "选择仓库", "Search for a repository": "搜索仓库", // [/Selected (\d+) repositor(y|ies)./, "选定 #1 个仓库"], "No repositories found.": "未找到仓库。", // 权限 "Permissions": "权限", "Read our": "阅读我们的", "permissions documentation": "权限文档", "for information about specific permissions.": "以了解关于具体权限的信息。", "Access:": "访问权限:", "Select an access level": "选择访问级别", "No access": "禁止访问", "Read-only": "只读", "Read and write": "读写", "Admin": "管理员", "Selected": "项被选中", "mandatory": "强制", "Repository permissions": "仓库权限", "Repository permissions permit access to repositories and related resources.": "仓库权限允许访问仓库和相关资源。", "Actions": "操作", "Workflows, workflow runs and artifacts.": "工作流程、工作流程的运行和工件。", "Administration": "管理", "Repository creation, deletion, settings, teams, and collaborators.": "仓库创建、删除、设置、团队和协作者。", "Checks": "检查", "Checks on code.": "检查代码。", "Code scanning alerts": "代码扫描警报", "View and manage code scanning alerts.": "查看和管理代码扫描警报。", // "": "代码空间", "Create, edit, delete and list Codespaces.": "创建、编辑、删除和列出代码空间。", "Codespaces lifecycle admin": "代码空间的生命周期管理", "Manage the lifecycle of Codespaces, including starting and stopping.": "管理代码空间的生命周期,包括启动和停止。", "Codespaces metadata": "代码空间元数据", "Access Codespaces metadata including the devcontainers and machine type.": "访问代码空间元数据,包括开发容器和机器类型。", "Codespaces secrets": "代码空间机密", "Restrict Codespaces user secrets modifications to specific repositories.": "限制代码空间的用户机密对特定仓库的修改。", "Commit statuses": "提交状态", "Commit statuses.": "提交状态。", "Contents": "内容", "Repository contents, commits, branches, downloads, releases, and merges.": "仓库内容、提交、分支、下载、发布和合并。", // 自定义属性 "View and set values for a repository's custom properties, when allowed by the property.": "在属性允许的情况下,查看和设置仓库自定义属性的值。", "Dependabot alerts": "Dependabot 警报", "Retrieve Dependabot alerts.": "检索 Dependabot 警报。", "Dependabot secrets": "Dependabot 机密", "Manage Dependabot repository secrets.": "管理 Dependabot 仓库的机密。", "Deployments": "部署", "Deployments and deployment statuses.": "部署和部署状态。", "Discussions": "讨论", "Discussions and related comments and labels.": "讨论及相关评论和标签。", "Environments": "环境", "Manage repository environments.": "管理仓库环境。", "Issues": "议题", "Issues and related comments, assignees, labels, and milestones.": "议题及相关评论、受理人、标签和里程碑。", "Merge queues": "合并列队", "Manage a repository's merge queues": "管理仓库的合并队列。", "Metadata": "元数据", "Search repositories, list collaborators, and access repository metadata.": "搜索仓库、列出协作者,访问仓库元数据。", "Packages": "软件包", "Packages published to the GitHub Package Platform.": "发布软件包到 GitHub Package 平台。", "Pages": "GitHub Pages", "Retrieve Pages statuses, configuration, and builds, as well as create new builds.": "检索页面状态、配置和构建,以及创建新的构建。", "Projects": "项目", "Manage classic projects within a repository.": "管理仓库中的经典项目。", "Pull requests": "拉取请求", "Pull requests and related comments, assignees, labels, milestones, and merges.": "拉取请求及相关评论、受让人、标签、里程碑和合并。", "Repository security advisories": "仓库安全公告", "View and manage repository security advisories.": "查看和管理安全公告", "Secret scanning alerts": "机密扫描警报", "View and manage secret scanning alerts.": "查看和管理机密扫描警报。", "Secrets": "机密", "Manage Actions repository secrets.": "管理操作仓库机密。", "Variables": "变量", "Manage Actions repository variables.": "管理操作仓库变量。", "Webhooks": "Web 钩子", "Manage the post-receive hooks for a repository.": "管理仓库的接收后钩子。", "Workflows": "工作流程", "Update GitHub Action workflow files.": "更新 GitHub Actions 工作流程文件。", "Account permissions": "帐户权限", "User permissions permit access to resources under your personal GitHub account.": "用户权限允许访问您个人 GitHub 帐户下的资源。", "Block another user": "拉黑其他用户", "View and manage users blocked by the user.": "查看和管理被用户拉黑的用户。", "Codespaces user secrets": "代码空间用户机密", "Manage Codespaces user secrets.": "管理代码空间用户机密。", "Email addresses": "电子邮箱地址", "Manage a user's email addresses.": "管理用户的电子邮箱地址。", // 关注者 "A user's followers": "用户的关注者", "GPG keys": "GPG 密钥", "View and manage a user's GPG keys.": "查看和管理用户的 GPG 密钥。", // Gist "Create and modify a user's gists and comments.": "创建和修改用户的代码片段和评论。", "Git SSH keys": "Git SSH 密钥", "Interaction limits": "交互限制", "Interaction limits on repositories": "仓库的交互限制", "Plan": "计划", "View a user's plan.": "查看用户的计划。", "Private repository invitations": "私有仓库邀请", "View a user's invitations to private repositories": "查看用户对私有仓库的邀请", "Profile": "个人信息", "Manage a user's profile settings.": "管理用户的个人信息设置。", "SSH signing keys": "SSH 签名密钥", "View and manage a user's SSH signing keys.": "查看和管理用户的 SSH 签名密钥。", "Starring": "星标", "List and manage repositories a user is starring.": "列出和管理用户已加星标的仓库。", "Watching": "关注", "List and change repositories a user is subscribed to.": "列出和更改用户订阅的仓库。", "Organization permissions": "组织权限", "Organization permissions permit access to organization related resources.": "组织权限允许访问组织相关资源。", // 管理 "Manage access to an organization.": "管理对组织的访问。", "Blocking users": "拉黑用户", "View and manage users blocked by the organization.": "查看和管理被组织拉黑的用户。", "Custom properties": "自定义属性", "View custom properties, write repository values, and administer definitions.": "查看自定义属性、写入仓库值并管理定义。", "Custom repository roles": "自定义仓库角色", "Create, edit, delete and list custom repository roles.": "创建、编辑、删除和列出自定义仓库角色。", "Events": "活动", "View events triggered by an activity in an organization.": "查看组织中某项活动所触发的事件。", "GitHub Copilot for Business": "GitHub Copilot 商业版", "Manage Copilot for Business seats and settings": "管理 GitHub Copilot 商业版席位和设置", "Members": "成员", "Organization members and teams.": "组织成员和团队。", "Organization announcement banners": "组织公告横幅", "View and modify announcement banners for an organization.": "查看并修改组织的公告横幅。", "Organization codespaces": "组织代码空间", "Manage Codespaces for an organization.": "管理组织的代码空间。", "Organization codespaces secrets": "组织代码空间机密", "Manage Codespaces Secrets for an organization.": "管理组织的代码空间机密。", "Organization codespaces settings": "组织代码空间设置", "Manage Codespaces settings for an organization.": "管理组织的代码空间设置。", "Organization dependabot secrets": "组织 Dependabot 机密", "Manage Dependabot organization secrets.": "管理 Dependabot 组织的机密。", "Plan": "计划", "View an organization's plan.": "查看组织的计划。", // 项目 "Manage projects for an organization.": "管理组织的项目。", // 机密 "Manage Actions organization secrets.": "管理操作组织机密", "Self-hosted runners": "自托管运行器", "View and manage Actions self-hosted runners available to an organization.": "查看和管理组织可用的 “操作自托管运行器”。", "Team discussions": "团队讨论", "Manage team discussions and related comments.": "管理团队讨论及相关评论。", // 变量 "Manage Actions organization variables.": "管理操作组织变量。", // Web 钩子 "Manage the post-receive hooks for an organization.": "管理组织的接收后钩子。", // 概述 // [/(\d+) permissions for none of your repositories/, ""], "permission": "项权限", "Organization permission": "项组织权限", "s": " ", "for": " ", "none": "无", "all": "所有", "of your repositories": "您的仓库", "Account permission": "项帐户权限", "This token will expire": "此令牌将过期:", "on an unselected custom date.": "未选择的自定义日期。", "This token will be ready for use immediately.": "该令牌将即可可用。", // https://github.com/settings/personal-access-tokens/ "No description": "暂无描述", "Created": "创建于", "Access on": "访问:", "Select the repositories this token can access. Personal access tokens can always read from all public repositories on GitHub.com": "选择此令牌可以访问的仓库。个人访问令牌始终可以读取 GitHub.com 上所有公共仓库中的内容。", "This token does not have access to any repositories.": "此令牌无权访问任何仓库。", "User permissions": "用户权限", "This token does not have any user permissions.": "此令牌没有任何用户权限。", "This token does not have any repository permissions.": "此令牌没有任何仓库权限。", // 顶部提醒 "Your personal access token has been updated": "您的个人访问令牌已更新", // 重新生成精细化个人访问令牌 https://github.com/settings/personal-access-tokens//regenerate "Regenerate fine-grained personal access token": "重新生成精细化个人访问令牌", // 创建新个人访问令牌 https://github.com/settings/tokens/new "New personal access token (classic)": "新建个人访问令牌(经典)", "Note": "备注", "Note can't be blank": "备注不能为空", "What’s this token for?": "这个令牌有什么用?", "Expiration": "有效期", // "This token expires": "该令牌有效期至", ". To set a new expiration date, you must": "。要设置一个新的有效期,您必须", // 有效期 下拉菜单 "7 days": "7 天", "30 days": "30 天", "60 days": "60 天", "90 days": "90 天", "Custom...": "自定义...", "No expiration": "无有效期", "The token will never expire!": "此令牌永不过期!", "GitHub strongly recommends that you set an expiration date for your token to help keep your information secure.": "GitHub 强烈建议您为令牌设置有效期,以帮助确保您的信息安全。", "Select scopes": "选择作用域", "Scopes define the access for personal tokens.": "作用域定义了个人令牌的访问范围。", "Read more about OAuth scopes.": "了解更多关于 OAuth 作用域的信息。", "Full control of private repositories": "完全控制私有仓库", "Access commit status": "访问提交状态", "Access deployment status": "访问部署状态", "Access public repositories": "访问公共仓库", "Access repository invitations": "访问仓库邀请", "Read and write security events": "读写安全事件", "Update GitHub Action workflows": "更新 GitHub Actions 工作流程", "Upload packages to GitHub Package Registry": "将包上传到 GitHub Packages 包注册", "Download packages from GitHub Package Registry": "从 GitHub Packages 包注册表下载包", "Delete packages from GitHub Package Registry": "从 GitHub Packages 包注册表中删除包", "Full control of orgs and teams, read and write org projects": "完全控制组织和团队,读写组织项目", "Read and write org and team membership, read and write org projects": "读写组织和团队成员,读写组织项目", "Read org and team membership, read org projects": "读取组织和团队成员,读取组织项目", "Manage org runners and runner groups": "管理组织运行器和运行器组", "Full control of user public keys": "完全控制用户公钥", "Write user public keys": "写入用户公钥", "Read user public keys": "读取用户公钥", "Full control of repository hooks": "完全控制仓库钩子", "Write repository hooks": "写入仓库钩子", "Read repository hooks": "读取仓库钩子", "Full control of organization hooks": "完全控制组织钩子", "Create gists": "创建 Gist", "Access notifications": "访问通知", "Update ALL user data": " 更新所有用户数据", "Read ALL user profile data": "读取所有用户个人资料数据", "Access user email addresses (read-only)": "访问用户电子邮箱地址(只读)", "Follow and unfollow users": "关注和取消关注用户", "Delete repositories": "删除仓库", "Read and write team discussions": "读写团队讨论", "Read team discussions": "读取团队讨论", "Full control of enterprises": "完全控制企业", "Manage enterprise runners and runner groups": "管理企业运行器和运行器组", "Read and write enterprise billing data": "读写企业计费数据", "Read enterprise profile data": "读取企业个人数据", "Full control of audit log": "完全控制审核日志", "Read access of audit log": "读取审核日志", "Full control of codespaces": "完全控制代码空间", "Ability to create, read, update, and delete codespace secrets": "创建、读取、更新和删除代码空间机密", "Full control of GitHub Copilot settings and seat assignments": "完全控制 GitHub Copilot 设置和席位分配", "View and edit Copilot Business seat assignments": "查看和编辑 GitHub Copilot 商业版席位分配", "Full control of projects": "完全控制项目", "Read access of projects": "读取项目", "Full control of public user GPG keys": "完全控制公共用户 GPG 密钥", "(Developer Preview)": "(开发者预览版)", "Write public user GPG keys": "写入公共用户 GPG 密钥", "Read public user GPG keys": "读取公共用户 GPG 密钥", "Full control of public user SSH signing keys": "完全控制公共用户 SSH 签名密钥", "Write public user SSH signing keys": "写入公共用户 SSH 签名密钥", "Read public user SSH signing keys": "读取公共用户 SSH 签名密钥", "Generate token": "生成令牌", // 顶部提醒 "Some of the scopes you’ve selected are included in other scopes. Only the minimum set of necessary scopes has been saved.": "您选择的一些作用域包含在其他作用域中。只保存了必要作用域的最小集合。", "Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You won’t be able to see it again!": "确保立即复制您的个人访问令牌。您将无法再看到它!", "Are you sure you want to delete this token?": "您确定要删除此令牌吗?", "Any applications or scripts using this token will no longer be able to access the GitHub API. You cannot undo this action.": "任何使用此令牌的应用或脚本将无法再访问 GitHub API。您无法撤消此操作。", "I understand, delete this token": "我明白了,依然删除该令牌。", // 编辑个人访问令牌 https://github.com/settings/tokens/ "Edit personal access token (classic)": "编辑个人访问令牌(经典)", "If you’ve lost or forgotten this token, you can regenerate it, but be aware that any scripts or applications using this token will need to be updated.": "如果您丢失或忘记了此令牌,则可以重新生成它,但请注意,需要更新使用此令牌的任何脚本或应用。", "This token has no expiration date. To set a new expiration date, you must": "此令牌未设置有效期。要设置新的有效期,您必须", "regenerate the token": "重新生成令牌", "Update token": "更新令牌", "Delete personal access token": "删除个人访问令牌", "Delete token": "删除令牌", "Delete this token": "删除令牌", // 重新生成个人访问令牌 https://github.com/settings/tokens//regenerate "Regenerate personal access token (classic)": "重新生成个人访问令牌(经典)", "Submitting this form will generate a new token. Be aware that any scripts or applications using this token will need to be updated.": "提交此表单将产生一个新的令牌。请注意,任何使用该令牌的脚本或应用将需要更新。", "Regenerate token": "重新生成令牌", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/The token will expire/, "该令牌有效期至"], [/Last used within the last (\d+) weeks?/, "最后一次使用是最近 $1 周之内"], [/Last used within the last (\d+) months?/, "最后一次使用是最近 $1 月之内"], [/Selected (\d+) repositor(y|ies)./, "选定 $1 个仓库"], [/Access:/, "访问权限:"], ], }; I18N.zh["settings/personal-access-tokens"] = I18N.zh["settings/tokens"]; // 仓库相关== I18N.zh["repository-public"] = { // 仓库 - 公共部分 "static": { // 静态翻译 // 仓库页面 /// // 被 GitHub 官方禁用 "This repository has been disabled.": "此仓库已被禁用。", "Access to this repository has been disabled by GitHub Staff due to a violation of GitHub's terms of service. If you are the owner of the repository, you may reach out to GitHub Support for more information.": "由于违反了 GitHub 的服务条款,GitHub 已禁止访问此仓库。如果您是仓库的所有者,您可以联系 GitHub 支持以获取更多信息。", // 仓库违反 DMCA "Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown.": "由于 DMCA 删除,仓库不可用。", "This repository is currently disabled due to a DMCA takedown notice. We have disabled public access to the repository. The notice has been": "由于 DMCA 删除通知,此仓库当前已被禁用。我们已经禁止公众访问该仓库。该通知已", "publicly posted": "公开发布", "If you are the repository owner, and you believe that your repository was disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification, you have the right to file a counter notice and have the repository reinstated. Our help articles provide more details on our": "如果您是仓库所有者,并且您认为您的仓库由于错误或误认而被禁用,您有权提交反通知并恢复仓库。我们的帮助文章提供了关于我们的更多详细信息", "DMCA takedown policy": "DMCA 删除政策", "how to file a counter notice": "如何提交反通知", ". If you have any questions about the process or the risks in filing a counter notice, we suggest that you consult with a lawyer.": "。如果您对提交反通知的流程或风险有任何疑问,我们建议您咨询律师。", // 用户 浮动信息卡 "- same time": "- 时间相同", "Recently edited these files": "最近编辑过这些文件", "Owns this repository": "拥有该仓库", "Left a review": "留下了一个评论", "Committed to this repository": "已提交过这个仓库", "Committed to this repository in the past day": "最近一天里已提交过这个仓库", "Committed to this repository in the past week": "最近一周里已提交过这个仓库", "Committed to this repository in the past month": "最近一个月里已提交过这个仓库", "Member of": "隶属组织", // [/, and (\d+) more/, ",以及其他 $1 个组织"], "Opened this issue": "打开了该议题", "Opened this pull request": "打开了该拉取请求", "Opened this pull request (their first ever)": "打开了该拉取请求(他们有史以来的第一个请求)", "Started this discussion": "开启了该讨论", // 组织 浮动信息卡 // [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], // [/(\d+) members?/, "$1 个成员"], "Some checks haven't completed yet": "部分检查还未完成", "Jump to bottom": "跳到底部", //小屏模式 // 标签栏 "Code": "代码", "Pull requests": "拉取请求", "Discussions": "讨论", "Actions": "操作", "Projects": "项目", "Security": "安全", "Insights": "洞察", "Settings": "设置", "Additional navigation options": "更多导航选项", // 小屏 // "Pulse": "统计", // "Graphs": "图表", // 返回通知页状态条 "Back to notifications": "回到通知", "Done": "已完成", "Unsubscribe": "退订", "Mark as read": "标记为已读", "Mark as unread": "标记为未读", "Save": "保存", // 评论框头部栏 (议题 & 拉取请求) "Contributor": "贡献者", "Owner": "所有者", "Author": "作者", "You are the author of this issue.": "您是这个议题的作者。", // 议题 "You are the author of this pull request.": "您是这个拉取请求的作者。", // 拉取请求 "This user is the author of this issue.": "该用户是这个议题的作者。",// 拉取请求 "This user is the author of this pull request.": "该用户是这个拉取请求的作者。",// 拉取请求 "Member": "成员", //[/This user is a member of the ([^ ]+)./, "该用户是 $1 组织的成员。"], "Collaborator": "协作者", //[/This user has been invited to collaborate on the ([^ ]+) repository./, "该用户已被邀请在 $1 仓库上进行协作。"], "Pick your reaction": "选择您的表情", "Copy link": "复制链接", "Quote reply": "引用回复", "Reference in new issue": "引用到新议题", // 引用到新议题 对话框 "Body": "正文", "Report content": "举报内容", "Report": "举报", // 评论删除提醒 "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "您定要删除这个吗?", "commented": "评论于", "— with": "— 通过", "Update comment": "更新评论", "Hide": "隐藏", "created": "创建", "edited": "编辑", "(most recent)": "(最近的)", "(deleted)": "(已删除)", "deleted this content": "删除了该内容", // 评论历史查看 "Options": "选项", // 选项下拉菜单 "More options": "更多选项", "The most recent revision cannot be deleted. Need to delete sensitive information? Go to the specific edit where the information was added.": "最近的修订版不能被删除。需要删除敏感信息?请到信息的具体编辑处修改。", "Delete revision from history": "从历史记录中删除修订", "This edit’s content will no longer be visible": "此修改的内容将不再可见", // 切换分支/标签 下拉菜单 "Switch branches/tags": "切换分支/标签", "Find or create a branch…": "查找或创建分支…", "Find a branch...": "查找分支...", "Filter branches/tags": "搜索分支/标签", "Branches": "分支", "default": "默认", "View all branches": "查看全部分支", "Find a tag": "查找标签", "Tags": "标签", "Search for a tag": "搜索标签", "Nothing to show": "暂无", "View all tags": "查看全部标签", "Find or create a branch...": "查找或创建分支...", "View all": "查看全部", "branches": "分支", "Find a tag...": "查找标签...", "Nothing to show": "暂无", "tags": "标签", "View all rules": "查看全部规则", // 键盘快捷键 "Open in codespace" : "在代码空间中打开", "Open in github.dev editor" : "在 github.dev 编辑器中打开", "Open github.dev editor in a new tab" : "在新标签页中打开 github.dev 编辑器", "Open cs.github.com in a new tab": "在新标签页中打开 cs.github.com", "Focus secondary search bar" : "聚焦二级搜索栏", "Go to Code" : "跳转到代码", "Go to Issues" : "跳转到议题", "Go to Pull Requests" : "跳转到拉取请求", "Go to Actions" : "跳转到操作", "Go to Projects" : "跳转到项目", "Go to Wiki" : "跳转到 Wiki", "Go to Discussions" : "跳转到讨论", "Copilot chat": "Copilot 聊天", "Open Copilot chat": "打开 Copilot 聊天", "Close Copilot chat": "关闭 Copilot 聊天", "Expand/collapse Copilot chat": "展开/折叠 Copilot 聊天", // 议题 "Submit comment": "提交评论", "Submit comment and close issue": "提交评论并关闭议题", "Preview comment": "预览评论", "Create issue": "创建议题", // "筛选用户": "", "Filter by or edit assignees" : "按受理人筛选或编辑受理人", "Filter by or edit labels" : "按标签筛选或编辑标签", "Filter by or edit projects" : "按项目筛选或编辑项目", "Filter by or edit milestones" : "按里程碑筛选或编辑里程碑", "Reply (quoting selected text)": "答复(引用所选文本)", "Open saved replies": "打开快捷回复(引用所选文本)", "Insert saved reply (with open saved replies)": "插入快捷回复(打开快捷回复)", "Pull request list": "拉取请求列表", "Open pull request" : "打开拉取请求", "Pull request - Conversation tab": "拉取请求 - 对话标签卡", "Submit comment and close or open pull request": "提交评论和关闭或打开拉取请求", "Request reviewers": "请求审查者", "Link an issue or pull request from the same repository": "链接同一仓库的议题或拉取请求", "Toggle visibility of all collapsed review comments instead of just the current one": "切换所有折叠审查意见的可见性,而不仅仅是当前的审查意见", "Pull request - Files changed tab": "拉取请求 - 文件更改标签卡", "Open commits list": "打开提交列表", "Open files list": "打开文件列表", "Next commit": "下一个提交", "Previous commit": "上一个提交", "Show or hide annotations": "显示或隐藏批注", "Show or hide comments": "显示或隐藏评论", "Submit a review comment": "提交审查意见", "Collapse or expand all files instead of just the current one": "折叠或展开所有文件,而不仅仅是当前文件", "and click": "和点击", // 高频词 "Open": "打开", "Closed": "已关闭", "Merged": "已合并", "Draft": "草案", "Branch": "分支", "Branches": "分支", "Tags": "标签", "Compare & pull request": "比较 & 拉取请求", // 仓库 404 页面(非删库状态) "404 - page not found": "404 - 找不到页面", "The": "该", "branch of": "分支", "does not contain the path": "仓库,不包含路径", "Return to the repository overview": "返回仓库概述", "Cannot find a valid ref in": "未找到有效的引用", "Go to default branch": "跳转到默认分支", // 页面加载异常(仓库) "Error loading page": "加载页面出错", "It looks like your internet connection is down. Please check it.": "您的网络连接似乎出现故障。请检查一下。", // 邀请继任者提醒 "Ensure the future of your work!": "确保您工作的未来!", "Consider inviting another GitHub user to be your successor.": "考虑邀请另一位 GitHub 用户作为您的继任者。", "Inviting a successor helps ensure the continuity of your work in case you are unable to access your account.": "邀请继任者有助于在您无法访问账户时确保工作的连续性。", "Invite a successor": "邀请继任者", // 仓库赞助 "Couldn't load subscription status.": "无法加载赞助状态。", "Retry": "重试", // 提交检查对话框 "Some checks haven’t completed yet": "部分检查尚未完成", "Some checks were not successful": "部分检查未成功", "All checks have passed": "所有检查通过", "All checks have failed": "所有检查失败", "Waiting to run this check...": "正在等待运行此检查...", "Queued": "队列中", "Skipped": "已跳过", "Deployed": "已部署", "Pending": "待处理", "Build Failed": "构建失败", "Build Passed": "构建通过", "Build Errored": "构建错误", "Build Canceled": "构建取消", "Waiting for build": "等待构建", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/Started (\d+) discussions? in this repository in the past week/, "过去一周内在此仓库中开启了 $1 个讨论"], // 用户 浮动信息卡 [/Started (\d+) discussions? in this repository in the past month/, "过去一个月内在此仓库中开启了 $1 个讨论"], // 用户 浮动信息卡 [/(\d+) successful checks/, "$1 个成功的检查"], [/Successful in (\d+)s/, "在 $1 秒内成功"], [/(\d+) in progress check/, "$1 个正在运行的检查"], [/, and (\d+) more/, ",以及其他 $1 个组织"], // 用户 浮动信息卡 [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 [/(\d+) members?/, "$1 个成员"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 [/had recent pushes (\d+) seconds? ago/, "分支有了最新的推送,$1 秒之前"], [/had recent pushes (\d+) minutes? ago/, "分支有了最新的推送,$1 分钟之前"], [/had recent pushes less than (\d+) minutes? ago/, "分支有了最新的推送,不到 $1 分钟"], [/had recent pushes about/, "分支有了最新的推送,大约"], [/This user is a member of the ([^ ]+)./, "该用户是 $1 组织的成员。"], [/This user has been invited to collaborate on the ([^ ]+) repository./, "该用户已被邀请在 $1 仓库上进行协作。"], [/You are the owner of the (.*) repository./, "您是 $1 仓库的所有者。"], [/This user is the owner of the (.*) repository./, "该用户是 $1 仓库的所有者。"], [/You have previously committed to the (.*) repository./, "您之前有提交到 $1 仓库。"], [/This user has previously committed to the (.*) repository./, "该用户之前有提交到 $1 仓库。"], [/This repository has been archived by the owner (on .+). It is now read-only./, "此仓库已由所有者于 $1 存档。它现在是只读的。"], ], }; I18N.zh["page-new-repo"] = {// 仓库 - 新建/导入/复刻仓库 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 新建仓库 https://github.com/new "Create a new repository": "创建新仓库", "A repository contains all project files, including the revision history.": "仓库包含项目中的所有文件,包括修订历史记录。", "Already have a project repository elsewhere?": "在其他地方已有仓库?", "Import a repository.": "导入仓库", //"Cancel": "取消", //"Begin import": "开始导入", "Owner": "所有者", "Repository name": "仓库名称", "Great repository names are short and memorable. Need inspiration? How about": "好的仓库名称应该简单且容易记忆。需要灵感吗?这个怎么样:", "Checking availability…": "检查可用性…", "is available.": "名称可用。", "The repository": "仓库", "already exists on this account.": "已经存在于此帐户。", "Your new repository will be created as": "您的新仓库将被创建为", "New repository name must not be blank": "新仓库名称不能为空", // 用户名同名仓库 "You found a secret!": "您发现了一个秘密!", "is a ✨": "是一个 ✨", "special": "特别的", "✨ repository that you can use to add a": "✨ 仓库,您可以用它来添加一个", "to your GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a": "到您的 GitHub 个人资料。确保它是公开的,并在初始化时加入一个", "to get started.": "以便开始工作。", // 组织 .github 仓库 "to your organization's GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a": "到您组织的 GitHub 个人资料。确保它是公开的,并在初始化时加入一个", "in the": "在", "directory to get started.": "目录下以便开始工作。", "Description": "描述", "(optional)": "(可选)", "Public": "公共", "Anyone on the internet can see this repository. You choose who can commit.": "任何人都可以看到这个仓库,您可以选择谁能提交。", "Private": "私有", "You choose who can see and commit to this repository.": "您可以选择谁可以看和提交到该仓库。", "Initialize this repository with:": "使用以下方式初始化此仓库:", "Skip this step if you’re importing an existing repository.": "如果您要导入现有仓库,请跳过此步骤。", "Add a README file": "添加 README 文件", "This is where you can write a long description for your project.": "您可以在此处为您的项目编写详细描述。", "Learn more about READMEs.": "了解更多关于 README 的信息。", "Add .gitignore": "添加 .gitignore 文件", "Choose which files not to track from a list of templates.": "从模板列表中选择哪些文件不需要跟踪。", "Learn more about ignoring files.": "了解更多关于忽略文件的信息。", ".gitignore template:": ".gitignore 模板:", ".gitignore template": ".gitignore 模板", "Filter…": "筛选…", "None": "无", "Choose a license": "选择许可证", "A license tells others what they can and can't do with your code.": "许可证告诉其他人,他们可以使用您的代码做什么和不能做什么。", "Learn more about licenses.": "了解更多关于许可证的信息。", "License:": "许可证:", "License": "许可证", "You are creating a public repository in your personal account.": "您正在个人帐户中创建公共仓库", "You are creating a private repository in your personal account.": "您正在个人帐户中创建私有仓库", "This will set": "这将设置", "as the default branch.": "为默认分支。", "Change the default name in": "变更默认名称在", "your": "您的", "settings": "设置", "Create repository": "创建仓库", "Creating repository…": "创建仓库中…", // 依据模板新建仓库 https://github.com/new?template_owner=&template_name= "Repository template": "仓库模板", "Fetching templates…": "正在获取模板…", "No template": "不设置模板", "Start your repository with a template repository's contents.": "使用模板仓库的内容新建仓库。", "Include all branches": "包括所有分支", "Copy all branches from": "复制所有", "and not just the default branch.": "仓库分支,而不仅仅是默认分支。", // 导入仓库 第一页 https://github.com/new/import "Import your project to GitHub": "将您的项目导入到 GitHub", "Import all the files, including revision history, from another version control system.": "导入的所有文件,包括修订历史记录,来自其他版本控制系统。", "Support for importing Mercurial, Subversion and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repositories will end on April 12, 2024. For more details, see the": "对导入 Mercurial、Subversion 和 Team Foundation 版本控制 (TFVC) 仓库的支持将于 2024 年 4 月 12 日结束。有关详细信息,请参阅", "changelog": "更新日志", "Your old repository's clone URL": "您旧仓库的克隆地址", "Learn more about the types of": "了解更多关于", "supported VCS": "VCS 的支持", "Your new repository details": "新仓库详情", //"Owner": "所有者", "Repository Name": "仓库名称", // "is available.": "名称可用。", //"The repository": "仓库", //"already exists on this account.": "已经存在于此帐户。", //"Your new repository will be created as": "您的新仓库将被创建为", //"Public": "公共", //"Anyone on the internet can see this repository. You choose who can commit.": "任何人都可以看到这个仓库,您可以选择谁能提交。", //"Private": "私有", //"You choose who can see and commit to this repository.": "您可以选择谁可以看和提交到该仓库。", "Cancel": "取消", "Begin import": "开始导入", "Preparing import…": "准备导入…", // 导入仓库 第一页 ///import "Import all the files, including the revision history, from another version control system.": "导入的所有文件,包括修订历史记录,来自其他版本控制系统。", "Your old repository’s clone URL": "您旧仓库的克隆地址", "supported VCS.": "VCS 的支持。", "Your existing repository": "您已存在的仓库", "Change repository": "选择仓库", // 导入仓库 第二页 ///import "Preparing your new repository": "准备您的新仓库", "There is no need to keep this window open, we’ll email you when the import is done.": "无需保持此窗口,导入完成后我们会通过电子邮件通知您。", "Detecting your project’s version control system…": "正在检测项目的版本控制系统…", "Importing commits and revision history…": "导入提交和修订历史…", // [/Updating branches and (\d) commit authors?…/, "更新分支和 $1 个提交者…"], "Optimizing repository and pushing commits to GitHub…": "优化仓库并将提交推送到 GitHub...", "Importing complete! Your new repository": "导入完成!您的新仓库", "is ready.": "已准备就绪。", // 复刻仓库 ///fork "Create a new fork": "创建新复刻", "A": " ", "is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.": "是一个仓库的副本。复刻仓库可以让您在不影响原项目的情况下自由地进行修改实验。", "View existing forks.": "查看现有复刻。", "No available destinations to fork this repository.": "没有复刻此仓库的可用目标。", "Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).": "带星号 (*) 的为必填项。", "Creating fork…": "正在创建复刻…", "Owners": "所有者", "Choose an owner": "选择所有者", "Repository name": "仓库名称", // [/is available./, "名称可用。"], // 复刻页面 "The repository": "仓库", "already exists on this account.": "已经存在于此帐户。", "Your new repository will be created as": "您的新仓库将被创建为", "The repository name can only contain ASCII letters, digits, and the characters": "仓库名称只能包含 ASCII 字母、数字和字符", "By default, forks are named the same as their upstream repository. You can customize the name to distinguish it further.": "默认情况下,复刻的名称与他们的上游仓库相同。您可以自定义名称以进一步区分它。", "(optional)": "(可选)", "Copy the": "仅复制", "branch only": "分支", "Contribute back to": "回馈给", "by adding your own branch.": "通过添加您自己的分支。", "You are creating a fork in your personal account.": "您正在向您的个人帐户中创建一个复刻。", "Create fork": "创建复刻", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/([^ ]+) is available\./,"$1 名称可用。"], [/You are creating a public repository in the ([^ ]+) organization./,"您正在 $1 组织中创建一个公共仓库。"], // 创建组织的公共仓库 [/You are creating a private repository in the ([^ ]+) organization./,"您正在 $1 组织中创建一个私有仓库。"], // 创建组织的私有仓库 [/\(fork already exists\)/, "(复刻已存在)"], // 复刻页面 [/\(repository already exists\)/, "(仓库已存在)"], // 复刻页面 [/is available./, "名称可用。"], // 复刻页面 [/You are creating a fork in the ([^ ]+) organization./, "您正在 $1 组织中创建一个复刻。"], // 复刻页面 [/Updating branches and (\d+) commit authors?…/, "更新分支和 $1 个提交者…"], // 仓库导入第二页 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], // [/, and (\d+) more/, ",以及其他 $1 个组织"], // 用户 浮动信息卡 // [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 // [/(\d+) members?/, "$1 个成员"], // 组织 浮动信息卡 ], }; I18N.zh["new"] = I18N.zh["page-new-repo"]; I18N.zh["new/import"] = I18N.zh["page-new-repo"]; I18N.zh["repository/import"] = I18N.zh["page-new-repo"]; I18N.zh["repository/fork"] = I18N.zh["page-new-repo"]; I18N.zh["orgs/repositories/new"] = I18N.zh["page-new-repo"]; I18N.zh["repository"] = { // 仓库页面 /// "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 代码标签卡 & 仓库首页 /// 和 ///tree/ // [/Branch ([^ ]+) was renamed to ([^ ]+)./, "分支 $1 已更名为 $2。"], // 快捷键 "Commands": "命令", "Clone repository: Copy HTTPS": "克隆仓库:复制 HTTPS", "Clone repository: Copy SSH": "克隆仓库:复制 SSH", "Clone repository: Copy GitHub CLI": "克隆仓库:复制 GitHub CLI", "Copy file permalink": "复制文件永久链接", // 操作条 "forked from": "复刻自", "generated from": "创建自", "mirrored from": "镜像自", "Pin": "置顶", // 组织仓库 "Edit Pins": "编辑置顶", // 组织仓库 "Pin to…": "置顶到…", "Profile": "个人资料页", "Pin this to your personal profile, visible to everyone": "将此置顶到您的个人资料,对所有人可见", "Limit reached": "已达上限", "Public pins in this organization": "该组织的公共置顶", "Visible to anyone": "对任何人可见", "Private pins in this organization": "该组织的私有置顶", "Visible to members only": "仅对成员可见", "Unpin": "取消置顶", "Ignoring": "忽略", "Stop ignoring": "取消忽略", "Watch": "关注", "Unwatch": "取消关注", "Star": "星标", "Unstar": "已加星标", "Fork": "复刻", "Unfork": "取消复刻", "Sponsor": "赞助", // 赞助对话框 // [/Sponsor ([^ ]+)?/, "赞助 $1"], // 赞助按钮 对话框 标题 "External links": "外部链接", "Learn more about funding links in repositories": "了解更多关于仓库中的赞助链接的信息", "Report abuse": "举报滥用", // 提交栏 GitHub Action "All checks have passed": "已通过所有检查", // 关注 & 订阅通知设置 下拉菜单 "Notification settings": "通知设置", //小屏模式 "Notifications": "通知类型", "Participating and @mentions": "参与和 @您", "Only receive notifications from this repository when participating or @mentioned.": "仅在参与或 @您 时接收来自此仓库的通知。", "All Activity": "所有活动", "Notified of all notifications on this repository.": "接收来自此仓库所有通知。", "Ignore": "忽略", "Never be notified.": "永不接收通知。", "Custom": "自定义", "Select events you want to be notified of in addition to participating and @mentions.": "选择除参与和 @您 之外还要接收通知的事件。", "Get push notifications on": "要获取推送通知,使用", "Releases": "发行版", "Issues are not enabled for this repository": "此仓库未启用议题功能", "Discussions": "讨论", "Discussions are not enabled for this repository": "该仓库未启用讨论功能", "Discussions are not enabled for this repo": "此仓库未启用讨论功能", "Security alerts": "安全警报", //"Cancel": "取消", "Apply": "应用", // 复刻下拉 "Cannot fork because repository is empty.": "无法复刻,因为仓库是空的。", "Cannot fork because you own this repository and are not a member of any organizations.": "不能复刻,因为您拥有该仓库,而且不是任何组织的成员。", "Existing forks": "现有的复刻", "You don't have any forks of this repository.": "您没有此仓库的任何复刻。", "Create a new fork": "创建复刻", // "Star this repository": "星标仓库", //小屏模式 "Unstar this repository": "取消仓库星标", //小屏模式 // 仓库主页 分支保护 // [/Your ([^ ]+) branch isn't protected/, "您的 $1 分支不受保护"], // 仓库主页 分支保护 "Your": "您的", "branch isn't protected": "分支不受保护", // 新版仓库概述 "Protect this branch from force pushing or deletion, or require status checks before merging.": "保护此分支免受强制推送或删除,或在合并前要求状态检查。", "View documentation.": "查看文档", "Protect this branch": "保护该分支", // 仓库主页 Dependabot 警告框 "We found potential security vulnerabilities in your dependencies.": "我们在您的依赖项中发现了潜在的安全漏洞。", "Only the owner of this repository can see this message.": "仅此仓库的所有者可以看到此消息。", "See Dependabot alerts": "查看 Dependabot 警报", // 空仓库 "This repository is empty.": "此仓库是空的。", "Care to check out the": "是否愿意查看", "GitHub Channel on YouTube": "YouTube 上的 GitHub 频道", "while you wait?": "在您等待的时候?", // 已上架的 GitHub Action 项目 "Use this GitHub action with your project": "将此 GitHub Actions 用于您的项目", "Add this Action to an existing workflow or create a new one": "将此操作添加到现有工作流程或创建新工作流程", "View on Marketplace": "去市场查看", // 未上架的 GitHub Action 项目 "You can publish this Action to the GitHub Marketplace": "您可以将此 Action 发布到 GitHub 市场", "Draft a release": "起草发布", // 访问已删除的分支 "This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.": "这个提交不属于本仓库的任何分支,可能属于仓库以外的分支。", // 最近有了新提交提醒 // [/had recent pushes less than/, "有了最近的推送,不到"], //最近有了新提交提醒 // [/had recent pushes/, "有了最近的推送,"], //最近有了新提交提醒 "Navigate back to": "导航回", // 小屏模式 // 左侧正文 // 默认分支被重命名提醒框 "The default branch has been renamed!": "默认分支已被重新命名!", "is now named": "已被重新命名为", "If you have a local clone, you can update it by running the following commands.": "如果您有一个本地克隆,您可以通过运行以下命令来更新它。", "OK, got it": "好的,我知道了!", "branch": "分支", "branches": "分支", "tag": "标签", "tags": "标签", "Go to file": "转到文件", "No matches found": "未找到匹配项", "Add file": "添加文件", // 添加文件 下拉菜单 "Create new file": "新建文件", "Upload files": "上传文件", // 代码 下拉菜单 "Local": "本地", "Clone": "克隆", // HTTPS "Clone using the web URL.": "使用 Web URL 克隆。", // SSH "You don't have any public SSH keys in your GitHub account.": "您的 GitHub 帐户中没有任何公共 SSH 密钥。", "You can": "您可以", "add a new public key": "添加新的公共密钥", ", or try cloning this repository via HTTPS.": ",或尝试通过 HTTPS 克隆此仓库。", "Use a password-protected SSH key.": "使用受密码保护的 SSH 密钥。", // GitHub CLI "Work fast with our official CLI.": "使用我们的官方 CLI 快速工作。", "Learn more about the CLI": "了解更多关于 CLI 的信息", "Open with GitHub Desktop": "在 GitHub Desktop 中打开", "Launching Github Desktop": "Github Desktop 启动中", "If nothing happens,": "如果没有响应", "download Github Desktop": "下载 Github Desktop", "and try again.": "并重试", "Open with Visual Studio": "在 Visual Studio 中打开", "Download ZIP": "下载 ZIP 压缩包", "Code 55% faster with AI pair programming.": "与 AI 一起编程,写代码速度提高55%。", "Start my free trial": "开始我的免费试用", "Don't show again": "不再显示", "Which remote URL should I use?": "我应该使用哪个远程 URL ?", "Copy url to clipboard": "复制链接到剪贴板", // "Copy to clipboard": "复制到剪切板", // "Copied!": "✅ 复制成功!", // 代码空间 "Your workspaces in the cloud": "您在云端的工作空间", //[/Create a codespace on ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], "Codespace repository configuration": "代码空间仓库配置", "New with options...": "新建(选项)...", "Configure dev container": "配置开发容器", "Set up prebuilds": "设置预构建", "Manage codespaces": "管理代码空间", "Share a deep link": "分享深度链接", "What are codespaces?": "什么是代码空间?", "No codespaces": "尚无代码空间", "You don't have any codespaces with this repository checked out": "您没有检出此仓库的任何代码空间", //[/Create codespace on ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], "Learn more about codespaces...": "了解更多关于代码空间的信息...", "Codespace usage for this repository is paid for by": "该仓库的代码空间使用费由以下人员支付", "On current branch": "在当前分支", "No codespaces on current branch": "当前分支上没有代码空间", "On other branches": "在其他分支", "miniature adventure": "迷你探险", "Open miniature adventure in web": "在网络中打开迷你探险", "Active": "激活", "Open in ...": "打开 ...", "Open in browser": "在浏览器中打开", "Open in Visual Studio Code": "在 Visual Studio Code 中打开", "Open in JetBrains Gateway": "在 JetBrains Gateway 中打开", "Open in JupyterLab": "在 JupyterLab 中打开", "Rename": "重命名", "Change codespace display name to...": "将代码空间显示名称更改为...", "Export changes to a branch": "将更改导出到分支", "This will create a new branch with any unpushed changes": "这将创建一个包含任何未推送更改的新分支", "Create branch": "创建分支", "Change machine type": "更改机器类型", "Change codespace machine type": "更改代码空间机器类型", "Machine type": "机器类型", "2-core": "双核", "4-core": "四核", "Need even more power?": "需要更多的力量?", "Contact our team": "联系我们团队", "to enable 32-core or GPU machines.": "启用 32 核或 GPU 机器。", "Update codespace": "升级代码空间", "Stop codespace": "停止代码空间", "Show more actions for codespace": "显示代码空间的更多操作", "Open in Browser": "在浏览器中打开", "Open in Visual Studio Code": "在 Visual Studio Code 中打开", "Open in JetBrains Gateway": "在 JetBrains Gateway 中打开", "Open in JupyterLab": "在 JupyterLab 中打开", "Rename": "重命名", "Rename codespace": "重命名代码空间", "Name": "名称", "Auto-delete codespace": "自动删除代码空间", "Export changes to a branch": "将更改导出到分支", "This will create a new branch with any unpushed changes": "这将创建一个包含任何未推送更改的新分支", "Checking branch status": "检查分支情况", "Create branch": "创建分支", "Export changes to a fork": "将更改导出到复刻", "You do not have write access to this codespace's repository. This will create a new fork of the repository at": "您没有对此代码空间的存储库的写访问权限。这将创建一个新的存储库分支在", ", reassign your codespace to that fork, and export your changes to a new branch.": ",将代码空间重新分配给该复刻,并将更改导出到新分支。", "Create fork": "创建复刻", "Change machine type": "修改机器类型", "Change codespace machine type": "修改代码空间机器类型", "Update codespace": "更新代码空间", "Stop codespace": "停止代码空间", "No changes": "未更改", // [/Codespace \"(.+)\" stopped./, "代码空间 “$1” 已停止。"], // [/Codespace \"(.+)\" deleted./, "代码空间 “$1” 已删除。"], // [/Are you sure you want to delete (.+)\?/, "您确定要删除 $1 吗?"], "Use this template": "使用此模板", "Create a new repository": "创建新仓库", "Open in a codespace": "在代码空间中打开", // 个人仓库 当前分支状态 "This branch is": "该分支", "ahead of": "领先与", // 新版仓库概述 "behind": "落后", // 新版仓库概述 "This branch is up to date with": "该分支保持同步与", // 新版仓库概述 "Contribute": "贡献", // 贡献按钮下拉菜单 "This branch is not ahead of the upstream": "这个分支不领先于上游", "No new commits yet. Enjoy your day!": "尚无新提交。祝您愉快!", "Open a pull request to contribute your changes upstream.": "打开拉取请求以向上游贡献您的更改。", "This branch is not behind the upstream": "这个分支不落后于上游", "Open pull request": "打开拉取请求", "Sync fork": "同步复刻", // 同步复刻按钮下拉菜单 "This branch is out-of-date": "此分支已过时", "Update branch to merge the latest changes from the upstream repository into this branch.": "更新分支,将上游仓库的最新修改合并到本分支。", // [/Update branch to keep this branch up-to-date by syncing (\d+) commits? from the upstream repository./, "通过从上游仓库同步 $1 个提交来更新分支,以使该分支保持最新。"], // 同步复刻 "Update branch to keep this branch up-to-date by syncing": "更新分支以保持该分支与最新状态同步,需要同步", "from the upstream repository.": "来自上游仓库。", "Learn more about syncing a fork": "了解更多关于复刻同步的信息", // [/This branch is not behind the upstream ([^ ]+)/, "该分支不落后与上游 $1"], // 同步复刻 "No new commits to fetch. Enjoy your day!": "尚无新提交。祝您愉快!", //相同 "Compare": "对比", "Update branch": "更新分支", "Updating...": "正在更新中…", "This branch has conflicts that must be resolved": "该分支有必须解决的冲突", // [/Discard (\d+) commits? to make this branch match the upstream repository. (\d+)commits? will be removed from this branch./, "丢弃 $1 个提交,以使本分支与上游仓库一致。$2 个提交将从本分支中删除。"], "Discard": "丢弃", // 新版仓库概述 "to make this branch match the upstream repository.": ",以使本分支与上游仓库一致。", // 新版仓库概述 "will be removed from this branch.": "将从本分支中删除。", // 新版仓库概述 "You can resolve merge conflicts using the command line and a text editor.": "您可以使用命令行和文本编辑器解决合并冲突。", // [/Discard (\d+) commits?/, "丢弃 $1 个提交"], "Discarding changes...": "放弃更改...", // 顶部提醒 // [/Successfully fetched and merged from upstream ([^ ]+)/, "成功从上游 $1 获取并合并。"], // "Choose a head ref": "选择一个头引用", // "There isn’t anything to compare.": "没有什么可比较的。", // "and": "和", // "are entirely different commit histories.": "是完全不同的提交历史。", // "No commit comments for this range": "在此范围内没有提交评论", // "No new commits yet. enjoy your day!": "尚无新提交。祝您愉快!", // "Find a branch": "查找分支", // 正文 "commit": "次提交", "commits": "次提交", "failure": "失败", "success": "成功", "Approved": "已批准", // [/([\d,]+) Commits?/, "$1 次提交"], // 新版仓库概述 "Failed to load latest commit information.": "载入最新提交信息失败。", "View code": "查看代码", //小屏模式 // 仓库缺失 README 提醒 "Help people interested in this repository understand your project by adding a README.": "通过添加 README,帮助对此仓库感兴趣的人了解您的项目。", "Add a README": "添加 README", // 右侧栏 // 与用户名同名仓库 编辑 README "is a special repository.": "是一个特殊的仓库。", "Its": "它的", "will appear on your public profile.": "将出现在您的公开个人资料中。", "Edit README": "编辑 README", "Visit profile": "查看资料", "is special. If you": "是特殊的。如果您", "make this a public repository": "将仓库设置为公开", ", its": ",它的", "Go to Settings": "前往设置", // 组织下.github 仓库 README "is a special repository. Create a": "是一个特殊的仓库。创建", "and it will appear on the organization's profile!": "并将出现在该组织资料中!", "Add profile README": "添加 profile/README", "is a special repository.": "是一个特殊的仓库。", "will appear on the organization's profile.": "将出现在该组织资料中。", // 组织下.github-private 仓库 README "Add a README with an overview of your project.": "为您项目添加一个概述 README 文件。", "The": " ", // [/will appear on ([^ ]+)'s member profile, visible only to organization members./, "将出现在 $1 的成员资料中,仅对组织成员可见。"], // "About": "关于", "No description, website, or topics provided.": "未提供描述、网站或主题。", "Readme": "自述文件", "View license": "查看许可证", "Code of conduct": "行为准则", "Security policy": "安全政策", "Activity": "活动", "Custom properties": "自定义属性", "star": "星标", "stars": "星标", "watching": "关注", "fork": "复刻", "forks": "复刻", "Report repository": "举报仓库", "Public repository": "公共仓库", //小屏模式 "Private repository": "私有仓库", //小屏模式 // 仓库描述编辑 对话框 "Edit repository details": "编辑仓库简述", "Description": "描述", "Short description of this repository": "简短的描述下您的仓库", "Website": "网址", "Enter a valid URL": "请输入有效的 URL", "Use your GitHub Pages website": "使用您的 GitHub Pages 站点", "Topics": "主题", "(separate with spaces)": "(空格分隔)", "Suggested:": "建议:", "Add this topic": "接受该建议", "Decline this topic": "拒绝该建议", "This isn’t relevant": "这并不相关", "This is too specific": "这太具体了", "This is too general": "这太笼统了", "I just don’t like it": "我只是不喜欢它", "Include in the home page": "包含在主页中", "Save changes": "保存更改", // 顶部提醒 "Your repository details have been saved.": "您的仓库简述已保存。", "Releases": "发行版", "No releases published": "未发布任何版本", "Latest": "最新", "Create a new release": "创建发行版", // "Packages": "软件包", "No packages published": "未发布软件包", "Publish your first package": "发布软件包", "Sponsor this project": "赞助本项目", "Learn more about GitHub Sponsors": "了解更多关于 GitHub 赞助者的信息", "Used by": "使用者", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Environments": "环境", "Deployments": "部署", "+ more deployments": "+ 更多部署", "Languages": "语言", // "branch": "分支", // "branches": "分支", // "release": "次发布", // "releases": "次发布", // "contributor": "个贡献者", // "contributors": "个贡献者", // 新版仓库概述 // //#coc "Add a code of conduct": "添加行为准则", "Define community standards, signal a welcoming and inclusive project, and outline procedures for handling abuse by adding a code of conduct.": "通过添加行为准则,明确社区标准,体现项目的欢迎和包容性,并概述处理滥用行为的程序。", // //#license "License": "许可证", "Add a license": "添加许可证", "Add a license to your repository to make it clear how others can use, change, and contribute to your project.": "向仓库中添加许可证,以明确其他人可以如何使用、更改您的项目并为您的项目做出贡献。", // //#security "Add a security policy": "添加安全策略", "Help your community understand how to securely report security vulnerabilities for your project.": "帮助您的社区了解如何安全地报告项目的安全漏洞。", // Action 仓库 右侧栏 "Suggested workflows": "建议的工作流程", "Based on your tech stack": "基于您的技术堆栈", "Set up": "设立", "Configure": "设置", "More workflows": "更多工作流程", "Dismiss suggestions": "隐藏建议", // 仓库复刻中... // [/Forking ([^ ]+)/, "复刻 $1 中"], // 复刻中... "Generating your repository...": "正在创建您的仓库...", "It should only take a few seconds.": "应该只需要几秒钟的时间。", "Refresh": "刷新", // 初始化空仓库 /// // 组织仓库 "Set up GitHub Copilot": "设置 GitHub Copilot", "Use GitHub's AI pair programmer to autocomplete suggestions as you code.": "使用 GitHub 的 AI 配对程序员在您编码时自动完成建议。", "Get started with GitHub Copilot": "开始使用 GitHub Copilot", "Add collaborators to this repository": "将合作者添加到此仓库", "Search for people using their GitHub username or email address.": "使用 GitHub 用户名或电子邮件地址搜索人员。", "Invite collaborators": "邀请合作者", "Quick setup": "快速安装", "— if you’ve done this kind of thing before": "- 如果您以前做过这样的事", "Set up in Desktop": "安装到 GitHub Desktop", "Get started by": "通过", "creating a new file": "创建一个新文件", "uploading an existing file": "上传一个现有的文件", ". We recommend every repository include a": "来开始。我们推荐每个仓库都包括", ", and": ",和", "…or create a new repository on the command line": "…或在命令行上创建一个新的仓库", "…or push an existing repository from the command line": "…或从命令行中推送现有的仓库", "…or import code from another repository": "…或从另一个仓库导入代码", "You can initialize this repository with code from a Subversion, Mercurial, or TFS project.": "您可以初始化此仓库从一个 Subversion,Mercurial 或 TFS 项目导入。", "Import code": "导入代码", "ProTip!": "专业提示!", "Use the URL for this page when adding GitHub as a remote.": "将 GitHub 添加为远程时,请使用此页面上的 URL。", // 文件管理器 ///tree//<文件夹路径>/ // ///?search=1 // ///tree/?search=1 // 文件树侧边栏 "Expand file tree": "展开文件树", "Collapse file tree": "折叠文件树", // 搜索框 "Go to file": "转到文件", "No matches found": "未找到匹配项", "Add file": "添加文件", // 添加文件 下拉菜单 "Create new file": "新建文件", "Upload files": "上传文件", // 新三个点 "Copy path": "复制路径", "Copy permalink": "复制永久链接", "Delete directory": "删除文件夹", "View options": "查看选项", "Center content": "核心内容", "Copied path!": "✅ 路径已复制!", "History": "历史", "Top": "顶部", "Jump to file": "跳转到文件", "Name": "文件名", "Last commit message": "最后提交消息", "Last commit date": "最后提交时间", // 编辑按钮 "Edit README": "编辑 README", // md 文件 // 文件管理器 - 议题模板 ///tree//.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE "Customize the issue creation experience with a": "自定义议题的创建模板使用一个", "file.": "文件。", "Learn more about configuring a template chooser.": "了解更多关于配置模板选择器的信息。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/commits by (.+)/, "由 $1 提交"], [/Branch ([^ ]+) was renamed to ([^ ]+)./, "分支 $1 已更名为 $2。"], [/Your ([^ ]+) branch isn't protected/, "您的 $1 分支不受保护"], // 仓库主页 分支保护 [/([\d,]+) Commits?/, "$1 次提交"], // 新版仓库概述 [/Create a codespace on (.+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], // 仓库主页 创建代码空间 [/Create codespace on (.+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], [/Codespace \"(.+)\" stopped./, "代码空间 “$1” 已停止。"], [/Codespace \"(.+)\" deleted./, "代码空间 “$1” 已删除。"], [/Are you sure you want to delete (.+)\?/, "您确定要删除 $1 吗?"], [/Sponsor ([^ ]+)?/, "赞助 $1"], // 赞助按钮 对话框 标题 [/\+ ([\d,]+) releases?/, "+ $1 个发行版"], // 仓库首页右侧栏 发行版 [/\+ ([\d,]+) packages?/, "+ $1 个软件包"], // 仓库首页右侧栏 软件包 [/\+ ([\d,]+) contributors?/, "+ $1 位贡献者"], // 仓库首页右侧栏 贡献者 [/\+ ([\d,]+) environments?/, "+ $1 个环境"], // 仓库首页右侧栏 环境 [/\+ ([\d,]+) deployments?/, "+ $1 个部署"], // 仓库首页右侧栏 部署 // 个人仓库 贡献和同步复刻操作后 信息提示条 [/Successfully fetched and fast-forwarded from upstream ([^ ]+)\./, "成功从上游 $1 中获取并快速转发。"], [/Successfully discarded changes and synchronized branch to match upstream ([^ ]+)\./, "成功丢弃更改,并将分支与上游 $1 保持同步。"], // 同步复刻 [/Update branch to keep this branch up-to-date by syncing (\d+) commits? from the upstream repository./, "通过从上游仓库同步 $1 个提交来更新分支,以使该分支保持最新。"], [/This branch is not behind the upstream ([^ ]+)/, "该分支不落后与上游 $1"], [/Discard (\d+) commits? to make this branch match the upstream repository. (\d+) commits? will be removed from this branch./, "丢弃 $1 个提交,以使本分支与上游仓库一致。$2 个提交将从本分支中删除。"], [/Discard (\d+) commits?/, "丢弃 $1 个提交"], [/Successfully fetched and merged from upstream ([^ ]+)/, "成功从上游 $1 获取并合并。"], // 贡献 [/This branch is not ahead of the upstream ([^ ]+)\./, "该分支并不领先上游 $1。"], [/This branch is (\d+) commits? ahead of ([^ ]+)\./, "该分支领先上游 $2 $1个提交。"], // 个人仓库当前分支状态 [/This branch is up to date with ([^ ]+)\./, "该分支与上游 $1 保持同步。"], [/(\d+) commits? ahead/, "领先 $1 个提交"], [/(\d+) commits? behind/, "落后 $1 个提交"], [/(\d+) commits?/, "$1 个提交"], // 新版仓库概述 [/Save (.+?) to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop./, "使用 GitHub Desktop,保存 $1 到您的电脑。"], [/Forking ([^ ]+)/, "复刻 $1 中"], // 复刻中... [/Fork your own copy of ([^ ]+)/, "复刻成您自己的 $1 副本"], // 复刻按钮提示 [/will appear on ([^ ]+)'s member profile, visible only to organization members./, "将出现在 $1 的成员资料中,仅对组织成员可见。"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/milestones"] = { // 仓库 - 里程碑页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 里程碑页面 ///milestones "Labels": "标签", "Milestones": "里程碑", "You haven’t created any Milestones.": "您尚未创建任何里程碑。", "Use Milestones to create collections of Issues and Pull Requests for a particular release or project.": "使用里程碑为特定版本或项目创建议题和拉取请求的集合。", // 组织 仓库 里程碑 "No Milestones found!": "没有发现里程碑!", "If this project had milestones, we’d show you them here. Promise!": "如果该项目有里程碑,我们会在此处向您展示。", "Create a Milestone": "创建里程碑", "Sort": "排序", "Recently updated": "最近更新", "Furthest due date": "最迟到期日", "Closest due date": "最近到期日", "Least complete": "最不完整", "Most complete": "最完整", "Alphabetically": "按字母顺序", "Reverse alphabetically": "按字母倒序", "Most issues": "最多的议题", "Least issues": "最少的议题", "No due date": "没有截止日期", // [/Due by (.*)/, "截止日期 $1"], // 里程碑截止日期 "Last updated": "最后更新", "(more)": "(更多)", "Show less": "显示更少", // 完成进度条 "complete": "已完成", "open": "打开", "closed": "关闭", // 新建里程碑页面 ///milestones/new "New milestone": "新建里程牌", "Create a new milestone to help organize your issues and pull requests. Learn more about": "创建一个新的里程碑来帮助组织您的议题和拉取请求。了解更多关于", "milestones and issues": "里程碑和议题", "Title": "标题", "Due date (optional)": "截止日期(可选)", "Description": "描述", "Create milestone": "创建里程碑", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/([\d,]+) Open/, "$1 打开"], [/([\d,]+) Closed/, "$1 已关闭"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/pull_issue_public"] = { // 仓库 - 议题和拉取请求页面公共部分 "static": { // 静态翻译 // pull 与 request 公共词条 "Filters": "筛选", // 筛选下拉菜单 "Filter Issues": "筛选议题", "Open issues and pull requests": "打开的议题和拉取请求", "Your issues": "您提出的议题", "Your pull requests": "您的拉取请求", "Everything assigned to you": "任何分配给您的", "Everything mentioning you": "任何提及您的", "View advanced search syntax": "查看高级搜索语法", "Clear current search query, filters, and sorts": "清除当前的搜索查询、筛选器和排序方式", "Labels": "标签", "Milestones": "里程碑", "New issue": "创建议题", "New": "创建", // 小屏 // 筛选工作条 // "Author": "作者", "Filter by author": "按用户筛选", "Filter users": "筛选用户名", "Label": "标签", "Filter by label": "按标签筛选", "Filter labels": "筛选标签", "Unlabeled": "无标签", "to exclude labels": "排除标签", "for logical OR": "表示逻辑“或”", // "Projects": "项目", "Filter by project": "按项目筛选", "Filter projects": "筛选项目", "Repository": "仓库", "Organization": "组织", "No projects found. Sorry about that.": "很抱歉,未找到任何项目。", // "Milestones": "里程碑", "Filter by milestone": "按里程碑筛选", "Filter milestones": "筛选里程碑", "Issues with no milestone": "无里程碑的议题", "Pull requests with no milestone": "无里程碑的拉取请求", // pulls "Nothing to show": "暂无", "Assignee": "受理人", "Filter by who’s assigned": "按受理人筛选", "Assigned to nobody": "无受理人", // [/Awaiting requested review from ([^ ]+)/, "正在等待 $1 审查请求"], "Requested changes must be addressed to merge this pull request.": "要合并这个拉取请求,必须先解决所要求的更改。", "Sort": "排序", "Sort by": "排序", "Newest": "最新的", "Oldest": "最早的", "Most commented": "最多评论", "Least commented": "最少评论", "Recently updated": "最近更新", "Least recently updated": "最早更新", //? "Most reactions": "多数反应", "Best match": "最佳匹配", // 选中模式 "selected": "选中", "Mark as": "标记为", "Apply labels": "应用标签", "Assign": "分配", "Assign someone": "分配给某人", "Assign to nobody": "分配给任何人", // 筛选结果 "No results matched your search.": "没有与您的搜索匹配的结果。", "You could search": "您可以搜索", "all of GitHub": "所有 GitHub", "or try an": "或者尝试", "advanced search": "高级搜索", // 状态词 "was merged": "合并于", "was closed": "关闭于", "Approved": "已批准", "Review required": "需要审查", // 拉取请求 页面状态词 "Review required before merging": "合并前需要审查", "outdated": "陈旧的", "Pending": "待定", "Draft": "草案", // [/(\d+) linked pull requests?/, "链接 $1 个拉取请求"], // 某个拉取请求和某个议题 公共词条 // 右侧栏 "Reviewers": "审查者", "Loading suggestions…": "载入推荐…", // [/([^ ]+) left review comments/, "$1 发表了审查意见"], // [/At least (\d+) approving reviews? are required to merge this pull request./, "至少需要 $1 次批准审查才能合并此拉取请求。"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 "No reviews—at least 1 approving review is required.": "未经审查—至少需要 1 次批准审查。", "Re-request review": "重新请求审核", "Still in progress?": "仍在进行中吗?", // [/Awaiting requested review from ([^ ]+)/, "等待 $1 的审查请求"] "Learn about draft PRs": "了解拉取请求草案", "Convert to draft": "设置为草案", // 设置草案对话框 "Convert this pull request to draft?": "将此拉取请求转换为草案?", // 拉取请求 "People who are already subscribed will not be unsubscribed.": "已订阅的用户将不会被取消订阅。", // 下拉 "Request up to 15 reviewers": "最多请求 15 个审查者", // [/([^ ]+) approved these changes/, "$1 批准这些更改"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 "Request": "请求", // [/Request review from ([^ ]+)/, "请求 $1 审查"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 "This pull request is waiting on your review.": "此拉取请求正在等待您的审核。", "Assignees": "受理人", "No one assigned": "无人受理", "No one—": "无人 - ", "assign yourself": " 受理自己", // 下拉框 "Assign up to 10 people to this issue": "最多指定 10 人", // 议题 "Assign up to 10 people to this pull request": "最多指定 10 人", // 拉取请求 "Clear assignees": "清除受理人", "Type or choose a user": "输入或选择用户", "Suggestions": "建议", // "Labels": "标签", "None yet": "暂无", // 下拉 "bug": "BUG", "Something isn't working": "有些东西不工作", "dependencies": "依赖性", "Pull requests that update a dependency file": "更新一个依赖文件的拉取请求", "documentation": "文档", "Improvements or additions to documentation": "文档的改进或补充", "duplicate": "重复", "This issue or pull request already exists": "这个议题或拉取请求已经存在", "enhancement": "增强", "New feature or request": "新功能或请求", "good first issue": "好的首发议题", "Good for newcomers": "适合新人", "help wanted": "需要帮助", "Extra attention is needed": "需要特别关注", "invalid": "无效", "This doesn't seem right": "这似乎不对", "question": "问题", "Further information is requested": "要求提供更多信息", "wontfix": "不会修复", "This will not be worked on": "这将不会被处理", "Apply labels to this issue": "应用标签", // 议题 "Apply labels to this pull request": "应用标签", // 拉取请求 "Edit labels": "编辑标签", // 拉取请求 "dependencies": "依赖关系", "Pull requests that update a dependency file": "更新依赖文件的拉取请求", // 项目 "Recent": "最近", "User": "用户", "No projects": "无项目", "Milestone": "里程碑", "No milestone": "无里程碑", //下拉 "Set milestone": "设置里程碑", "Nothing to show": "暂无", "Development": "进展", "Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.": "成功合并此拉取请求可能会关闭这些议题。", "Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.": "成功合并一个拉取请求可能会关闭此议题。", // 下拉 "Link an issue from this repository": "关联来自此仓库的议题", "Filter": "筛选", "No results": "无结果", // "Notifications": "通知类型", "Customize": "自定义", "Subscribe": "订阅", // "Unsubscribe": "取消订阅", "You’re not receiving notifications from this thread.": "您没有收到来自该话题的通知。", "You’re receiving notifications because you’re watching this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您正在关注此仓库。", "You’re receiving notifications because you authored the thread.": "您收到通知是因为您提出了该话题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you’re subscribed to this thread.": "您收到通知是因为您订阅了该话题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you were mentioned.": "您收到通知是因为有人 @您。", "You’re receiving notifications because you commented.": "您收到通知是因为您发表了评论。", "You’re receiving notifications because you are watching pull requests on this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您正在关注此仓库上的拉取请求。", "You’re receiving notifications because you are watching issues on this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您正在关注此仓库上的议题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you modified the open/close state.": "您收到通知是因为您修改了打开/关闭状态。", "You’re ignoring this repository.": "您忽略了这个仓库。", // 通知设置对话框 "Notification settings": "通知设置", "Not subscribed": "未订阅", "Only receive notifications from this pull request when you have participated or have been @mentioned.": "只有在您参与或被 @您时才会收到来自此拉取请求的通知。", "Only receive notifications from this issue when you have participated or have been @mentioned.": "只有在您参与或被 @您时才会收到来自此议题的通知。", // 议题页面 "Subscribed": "订阅", "Receive all notifications from this pull request.": "接收来自此拉取请求的所有通知。", "Receive all notifications from this issue.": "接收来自此议题的所有通知。", // 议题页面 "You will only be notified for the events selected from the list below.": "您只会收到从以下列表中选择的事件的通知。", "If you participate or are @mentioned you will be subscribed.": "如果您参与或 @您时,将自动订阅。", // 议题 "Receive a notification when this issue has been closed.": "当议题被关闭时,收到通知。", "Reopened": "重新打开", "Receive a notification when this issue has been reopened.": "当议题被重新打开时,收到通知。", // 拉取请求 "Receive a notification when this pull request has been merged.": "当拉取请求被合并时,收到通知。", "Receive a notification when this pull request has been closed.": "当拉取请求被关闭时,收到通知。", "Receive a notification when this pull request has been reopened.": "当拉取请求被重新打开时,收到通知。", "Lock conversation": "锁定对话", "Lock conversation on this issue": "锁定此议题的对话", "Lock conversation on this pull request": "锁定此拉取请求的对话", "Other users": "其他用户", "can’t add new comments": "无法添加新评论", "to this issue.": "到该议题。", "to this pull request.": "到该拉取请求。", "You and other collaborators": "您和其他协作者", "with access": "有权限访问", "to this repository": "该仓库", "can still leave comments": "仍然可以发表评论", "that others can see.": "其他人可以看到。", "You can always unlock this issue again in the future.": "您今后仍可以随时再次解锁此议题。", "You can always unlock this pull request again in the future.": "您今后仍可以随时再次解锁此拉取请求。", "Reason for locking": "锁定原因", "Choose a reason": "选择原因", "Off-topic": "离题", "Too heated": "过热", "Resolved": "已解决", "Spam": "垃圾信息", "Optionally, choose a reason for locking that others can see. Learn more about when it’s appropriate to": "或者,选择其他人可以看到的锁定原因。详细了解何时适合", "lock conversations": "锁定对话", // "Lock conversation on this issue": "锁定对话", "Unlock conversation": "解锁对话", "Unlock conversation on this issue": "解锁此议题的对话", "Unlock conversation on this pull request": "解锁此拉取请求的对话", "Everyone": "任何人", "will be able to comment on this issue once more.": "将能够再次对这个议题发表评论。", "will be able to comment on this pull request once more.": "将能够再次对这个拉取请求发表评论。", "You can always lock this pull request again in the future.": "您今后仍可以随时再次锁定此拉取请求。", "You can always lock this issue again in the future.": "您今后仍可以随时再次锁定此议题。", "Remember, contributions to this repository should follow our": "请记住,对该仓库的贡献应遵循我们的", "GitHub Community Guidelines": "GitHub 社区准则", "Remember, contributions to this repository should follow its": "请记住,对该仓库的贡献应遵循", "contributing guidelines": "贡献指南", "security policy": "安全政策", "code of conduct": "行为准则", // 底部赞助 "Show your support for": "通过赞助来表达您对", "by sponsoring them.": "的支持。", // 底部提示栏 (未登录) "Sign up for free": "免费注册", "to join this conversation on GitHub": "加入 GitHub 上的这个讨论", ". Already have an account?": "。已经有帐户?", "Sign in to comment": "登录后发表评论", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/At least (\d+) approving review is required by reviewers with write access./, "至少需要 $1 个审查者批准。"], [/(\d+) linked issues?/, "链接 $1 个议题"], [/Assigned to (.*)/, "分配给 $1"] ] }; I18N.zh["repository/issues"] = { // 仓库 - 议题页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository/pull_issue_public"]["static"], // 仓库 --> 议题 标签卡///issues // ///labels/ // 欢迎信息 "Welcome to issues!": "欢迎关注议题!", "Issues are used to track todos, bugs, feature requests, and more. As issues are created, they’ll appear here in a searchable and filterable list. To get started, you should": "议题用于跟踪待办事项、错误、功能请求等。创建议题后,它们将出现在可搜索和可筛选的列表中。要开始,您应该", "create an issue": "创建议题", "Label issues and pull requests for new contributors": "标记新贡献者的议题和拉取请求", "Now, GitHub will help potential first-time contributors": "现在,GitHub 将帮助潜在的首次贡献者", "discover issues": "探索议题", "labeled with": "标记为", // [/Want to contribute to ([^ ]+)/, "想为 $1 做贡献吗?"], /issues "If you have a bug or an idea, read the": "如果您发现一个错误或有任何想法,请阅读", "before opening an issue.": ",在打开议题之前。", "If you have a bug or an idea, browse the open issues before opening a new one. You can also take a look at the": "如果您发现一个错误或有任何想法,请在打开新议题之前浏览未解决的议题。您也可以看看", "Open Source Guide": "开源指南", "If you're ready to tackle some open issues,": "如果您准备好解决一些未解决的议题,", "we've collected some good first issues for you": "我们已为您收集了一些好的首发议题", "Dismiss": "忽略", // 忽略 下拉 "Dismiss for this repository only": "仅对该仓库不在提示", "Dismiss for all repositories": "对所有仓库均不在提示", "There aren’t any open issues.": "暂无开放的议题。", // 状态词 "Open": "打开", "Closed": "已关闭", "Merged": "已合并", // "open": "打开", // "Opened": "打开", // "opened": "打开", // "closed": "已关闭", "You commented on and opened this issue": "您打开了此议题并发表了评论", "You were mentioned on and commented on this issue": "您被提及并对此议题发表了评论", "You commented on this issue": "您对此议题发表了评论", "You opened this issue": "您打开了此议题", // 置顶议题 "Pinned issues": "置顶议题", "ProTip!": "专业提示!", "Find everything you created by searching": "查找您创建的所有内容,使用", "Exclude your own issues with": "查看您自己的问题,使用", "Mix and match filters to narrow down what you’re looking for.": "混搭筛选器,以缩小范围,找到您想看到的。", "Exclude everything labeled": "如果要找到所有标有", "with": "标签的,请使用", // 新建议题 选择议题模板 ///issues/new/choose "Get started": "开始", "Don’t see your issue here?": "在这里没有看到您的议题?", "Open a blank issue.": "打开一个空白议题。", "Edit templates": "编辑模板", "View organization templates": "查看组织模板", // 组织仓库 // 新建空白议题 ///issues/new "Title": "标题", "Helpful resources": "帮助性资源", // 从讨论创建议题 ///issues/new?created_from_discussion_number= "Documentation has changed since you last contributed": "自您上次贡献以来,文档已更改", ". Take a look before submitting an issue:": "。在提交议题之前先看一下:", "Contributing guidelines": "贡献指南", "Last updated": "最后更新", // 某条具体的议题 ///issues/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // 快捷键 "Convert issue to discussion…": "将议题转化为讨论...", "This issue was moved to a discussion.": "这个议题被转移到讨论中。", "You can continue the conversation there.": "您可以在那里继续讨论。", "Go to discussion →": "转到讨论→", "Edit": "编辑", // 状态词 同 ///pull/ "changed the title": "修改了标题", "opened this issue": "打开了该议题", "· Fixed by": "· 修复了", "mentioned this issue": "提及了该议题", "opened this": "打开了这个", // "Issue": "议题", "added a commit that closed this issue": "在提交时关闭了这个议题", "closed this in": "关闭于", "added the": "添加了", "added": "添加了", "and removed": "并移除了", "removed the": "移除了", "removed": "移除了", "label": "标签", "labels": "标签", "self-assigned this": "自己受理了该议题", // "edited": "编辑的", "added this to the": "添加到", "added this to": "添加到", "milestone": "里程碑", "closed this": "关闭了", "closed this as": "已关闭因", "not planned": "非计划中", "reopened this": "重新打开了", "This was referenced": "这是引用", "deleted a comment from": "删除了评论,来自", "· May be fixed by": " · 可通过该方案修复", "pinned this issue": "置顶议题", "unpinned this issue": "取消置顶", "Repository owner locked as": "仓库所有者锁定为", "locked as": "锁定为", "off-topic": "离题", "too heated": "过热", "resolved": "已解决", "spam": "垃圾信息", "and limited conversation to collaborators": "并限制与协作者对话", "unlocked this conversation": "解锁了对话", "merged commit": "已合并提交", // "into": "到", "deleted the": "删除了", "locked and limited conversation to collaborators": "锁定并限制与协作者对话", "converted this issue into discussion": "此议题已转化为讨论", "removed their assignment": "取消了他们的任务", "assigned": "分配给了", "and unassigned": "和取消了分配给", "marked this pull request as draft": "将此拉取请求标记为草案", "marked this pull request as ready for review": "将此拉取请求标记为可供审查", "dismissed a stale review via": "忽略了一个陈旧的审查,通过", "requested changes": "请求了更改", "added a commit that referenced this issue": "添加了一个引用此问题的提交", "referenced this issue": "提及这个议题", "closed this as completed": "已完成,关闭", "This comment has been minimized.": "此评论已最小化。", "Show comment": "显示评论", "Hide comment": "隐藏评论", // 右侧栏 补充 // "Development": "进展", "No branches or pull requests": "没有分支或拉取请求", "Shows branches and pull requests linked to this issue.": "显示与该议题相关的分支和拉取请求。", "Create a branch": "创建分支", "for this issue or link a pull request.": "为这个议题或关联一个拉取请求", "When branches are created from issues, their pull requests are automatically linked.": "当从议题中创建分支时,它们的拉取请求会自动关联。", // 下拉 "Link a pull request from this repository": "关联来自此仓库的拉取请求", // "linked a pull request that will": "关联一个拉取请求, 将会", // "close": "关闭", // "this issue": "这个议题", // 创建分支 对话框 "Create a branch for this issue": "为该议题创建一个分支", "Branch name": "分支名称", "Repository destination": "仓库目的地", "Search for a repository": "搜索仓库", "Change branch source": "更改分支源", "What's next?": "下一步是什么?", "Checkout locally": "检出本地", "Open branch with GitHub Desktop": "使用 GitHub Desktop 打开分支", "Create branch": "创建分支", // 在本地仓库检出对话框 "Checkout in your local repository": "在本地仓库检出", "Run the following commands in your local clone.": "在您的本地克隆中运行以下指令。", // "Link a branch or pull request": "关联分支或拉取请求", "Select a repository to search for branches and pull requests or": "选择一个仓库来搜索分支和拉取请求或", "create a branch": "创建一分支", "Search for repositories": "搜索仓库", "Link a branch, pull request, or": "关联分支、拉取请求或", "Search for branches or pull requests": "搜索分支或拉取请求", "Pin issue": "置顶议题", "Up to 3 issues can be pinned and they will appear publicly at the top of the issues page": "最多可以置顶 3 个议题,它们将公开显示在议题页面的顶部", // 顶部提醒 "The issue has been pinned.": "该议题已置顶。", "Unpin issue": "取消置顶", "Up to 3 issues can be pinned and they will appear at the top of the issues page": "最多可以置顶 3 个议题,它们将显示在议题页面的顶部", // 顶部提醒 "The issue has been unpinned.": "该议题已取消置顶。", "Transfer issue": "转移议题", // 转移议题 对话框 "Transfer this issue": "转移议题", "Repository projects assigned to this issue will not transfer to the new location": "分配给此议题的仓库项目不会转移到新位置", "Choose a repository": "选择仓库", "Find a repository": "搜索仓库", "Warning!": "警告!", "Transferring an issue does not scrub any issue content. Content such as text references to other issues, pull requests, projects, teams will remain in this issue's descriptions and comments.": "转移议题不会清除任何议题内容。诸如对其他议题、拉取请求、项目、团队的文本引用等内容将保留在此议题的描述和评论中。", "Assignees, labels and milestones will be transferred if they are present in the target repository.": "如果目标仓库中存在受让人、标签和里程碑,它们将被转移。", "Convert to discussion": "转为讨论", // 转换议题为讨论 对话框 "Convert issue to a discussion": "转换议题为讨论", "Are you sure you want to convert this issue to a discussion?": "您确定要将议题转换为讨论吗?", "What happens when an issue is converted into a discussion:": "将议题转化为讨论时,会发生什么:", "Issue will be closed and locked": "议题将被关闭并锁定", "Title, description, and author will be the same as the issue": "标题、描述和作者将与议题相同", "All comments and reactions will be the same as the issue": "所有评论和反应将与议题相同", "Category for new discussion": "新讨论的类别", "Announcements": "公告", "General": "通常", "Ideas": "想法", "Polls": "投票", "Q&A": "问与答", "Show and tell": "展示与讲述", "I understand, convert this issue.": "我明白了,依然转化该议题。", "Delete issue": "删除议题", "Are you sure you want to delete this issue?": "您确定要删除此议题吗?", "This cannot be undone": "这不能被撤消", "Only administrators can delete issues": "只有管理员可以删除议题", "Deletion will remove the issue from search and previous references will point to a placeholder": "删除将会从搜索中删除议题,以前的引用将指向一个占位符", "Delete this issue": "删除议题", "Deleting issue…": "议题删除中…", // 顶部提醒 "The issue was successfully deleted.": "该议题已成功删除。", "Load more…": "载入更多…", "This conversation has been locked as": "此对话已锁定为", "and limited to collaborators.": ",并限制与协作者对话。", "This issue has been deleted.": "该议题已被删除。", "deleted this from": "删除了这个,从", // 议题标签管理 ///issues/labels // 仓库 --> 标签页面 ///labels "Labels": "标签", "Milestones": "里程碑", "Search all labels": "搜索所有标签", "labels": "标签", "New label": "新建标签", "Label preview": "标签预览", "Label name": "标签名", "Description": "描述", "Description (optional)": "描述(可选)", "Color": "颜色", "Get a new color": "获得新颜色", "Choose from default colors:": "从默认颜色中选择:", "Create label": "创建标签", "Saving...": "保存中...", "Save changes": "保存更改", "Sort": "排序", "Alphabetically": "按字母顺序", "Reverse alphabetically": "按字母倒序", "Most issues": "最多的议题", "Fewest issues": "最少的议题", // 标签 "bug": "BUG", "Something isn't working": "有些东西不工作", "dependencies": "依赖性", "Pull requests that update a dependency file": "更新一个依赖文件的拉取请求", "documentation": "文档", "Improvements or additions to documentation": "文档的改进或补充", "duplicate": "重复", "This issue or pull request already exists": "这个议题或拉取请求已经存在", "enhancement": "增强", "New feature or request": "新功能或请求", "good first issue": "好的首发议题", "Good for newcomers": "适合新人", "help wanted": "需要帮助", "Extra attention is needed": "需要特别关注", "invalid": "无效", "This doesn't seem right": "这似乎不对", "question": "问题", "Further information is requested": "要求提供更多信息", "wontfix": "不会修复", "This will not be worked on": "这将不会被处理", // [/open issues? and pull requests?/, "个打开的议题和拉取请求"], // 标签页面 // [/open issues? or pull requests?/, "个打开的议题或拉取请求"], // 标签页面 // "Convert to discussions": "转为讨论", // 转换议题为讨论 对话框 "Convert issue to discussion": "转换议题为讨论", // [/Are you sure you want to convert (\d+) issues? with the following label to a discussion\?/, "您确定要将带有以下标签的 $1 条议题转换为讨论吗?"], // "What happens when an issue is converted into a discussion:": "将议题转化为讨论时,会发生什么:", "Issue will be locked": "议题将被锁定", // "Title, description, and author will be the same as the issue": "标题、描述和作者将与议题相同", "Existing links will redirect to the new discussion": "现有链接将重定向至新讨论", // "All comments and reactions will be the same as the issue": "所有评论和反应将与议题相同", "Discussions do not have tasklists": "讨论没有任务列表", "Discussions do not have assignees": "讨论没有受理人", "Discussions cannot be added to projects": "讨论无法添加到项目", "Discussions do not have milestones": "讨论没有里程碑", "You must choose a category for the discussion to belong to. You will be able to change this after the conversion is complete.": "您必须为讨论选择一个所属类别。转换完成后,您可以更改类别。", "Choose a category": "选择类别", "Announcements": "公告", "General": "通常", "Ideas": "想法", "Polls": "投票", "Q&A": "问与答", "Show and tell": "展示与讲述", "I understand, convert issue to discussion": "我明白了,依然将议题转换未讨论", "Future issues with this label will not be automatically converted into discussions.": "今后带有此标签的议题不会自动转换为讨论。", // 添加/编辑议题模板 ///issues/templates/edit "Propose changes": "提出更改", "Add template:": "添加模板:", "select": "选择", "Bug report": "错误报告", "Standard bug report template": "标准错误报告模板", "Create a report to help us improve": "创建报告以帮助我们改进", "Feature request": "功能要求", "Standard feature request template": "标准功能请求模板", "Suggest an idea for this project": "为这个项目提出想法", "Custom template": "自定义模板", "Blank template for other issue types": "其他议题类型的空白模板", "Custom issue template": "自定义议题模板", "Describe this issue template's purpose here.": "在此处描述此议题模板的用途。", "Preview and edit": "预览和编辑", "Close preview": "关闭预览", "Template name": "模板名称", "This file lives in": "该文件位于", "Template content": "模板内容", "Optional additional items": "可选附加项目", "Issue default title": "议题默认标题", "This will be suggested as the issue title": "建议作为议题标题", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], ...I18N.zh["repository/pull_issue_public"]["regexp"], [/Want to contribute to ([^ ]+)/, "想为 $1 做贡献吗?"], [/Awaiting requested review from ([^ ]+)/, "正在等待 $1 审查请求"], [/([\d,]+) Open/, "$1 打开"], [/([\d,]+) Closed/, "$1 已关闭"], [/#(\d+) opened/, "#$1 打开于"], [/#(\d+) by/, "#$1 打开者"], [/(\d+) linked pull requests?/, "链接 $1 个拉取请求"], [/([\d,]+) linked issues?/, "$1 个关联议题"], [/(\d+) tasks? done/, "$1 个任务完成"], [/(\d+) of (\d+) tasks?/, "$1 / $2 个任务"], [/(\d+) tasks?/, "$1 个任务"], [/First time contributing to ([^ ]+)?/, "首次为 $1 做贡献?"], // 具体某条议题 ///issues/ [/· ([\d,]+) comments?/, "• $1 条评论"], [/([\d,]+) participants?/, "$1 位参与者"], [/(\d+) similar comments?/, "$1 条类似评论"], [/(\d+) hidden items?/, "$1 条隐藏项目"], [/added a commit to ([^ ]+) that referenced this issue/, "为 $1 添加了引用这个议题的提交"], [/Only people who can see ([^ ]+) will see this reference./, "只有能看到 $1 的人才能看到这个参考。"], [/Sponsor ([^ ]+)?/, "赞助 $1"], // 赞助按钮 对话框 标题 [/Notify someone on an issue with a mention, like: @([^ ]+)./, "在某个问题上通知并提及某人,例如:@$1。"], // 专业提示 [/Edited (\d+) time/, "已编辑 $1 次"], // 标签页面 [/open issues? and pull requests?/, "个打开的议题和拉取请求"], [/open issues? or pull requests?/, "个打开的议题或拉取请求"], [/Are you sure you want to convert (\d+) issues? with the following label to a discussion\?/, "您确定要将带有以下标签的 $1 条议题转换为讨论吗?"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/labels"] = I18N.zh["repository/issues"]; I18N.zh["repository/pull"] = { // 仓库 - 拉取请求页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository/pull_issue_public"]["static"], // 仓库 --> 拉取请求 标签卡 ///pulls // 欢迎信息 "Welcome to pull requests!": "欢迎使用拉取请求!", "Pull requests help you collaborate on code with other people. As pull requests are created, they’ll appear here in a searchable and filterable list. To get started, you should": "拉取请求可帮助您与其他人协作处理代码。创建拉取请求后,它们将出现在可搜索和可筛选的列表中。要开始,您应该", "create a pull request": "创建拉取请求", // [/First time contributing to ([^ ]+)?/, "首次为 $1 做贡献?"], // /pulls "If you know how to fix an": "如果您知道如何修复一个", "issue": "议题", ", consider opening a pull request for it.": ",可考虑为它打开一个拉取请求。", "You can read this repository’s": "您可以阅读该仓库的", "to learn how to open a good pull request.": ",去学习如何打开一个好的拉取请求。", "If you would like to submit code to this repository, consider opening a pull request.": "如果您想向这个仓库提交代码,请考虑打开一个拉取请求。", "If you would like to submit code to this repository, consider opening a pull request. You can read this repository’s": "如果您想向这个仓库提交代码,请考虑打开一个拉取请求。您可以阅读该仓库的", "Label issues and pull requests for new contributors": "标记新贡献者的议题和拉取请求", "Now, GitHub will help potential first-time contributors": "现在,GitHub 将帮助潜在的首次贡献者", "discover issues": "探索议题", "labeled with": "标记为", "Dismiss": "忽略", // 忽略 下拉 "Dismiss for this repository only": "仅对该仓库不在提示", "Dismiss for all repositories": "对所有仓库均不在提示", "New pull request": "发起拉取请求", "Reviews": "审查", // 筛选工作条 "Filter by reviews": "按审查筛选", "No reviews": "未经审查", // "Review required": "需要审查", "Approved review": "已批准的审查", "Changes requested": "已请求更改", "Reviewed by you": "由您审查", "Not reviewed by you": "您未审查", "Awaiting review from you": "等待您审查", "Awaiting review from you or your team": "等待您或您的团队的审查", "Awaiting review from you specifically": "特别等待您审查", // 筛选结果 "There aren’t any open pull requests.": "暂无拉取请求。", "ProTip!": "专业提示!", "Find everything you created by searching": "查找您创建的所有内容,使用", "Exclude your own issues with": "查看您自己的问题,使用", "Mix and match filters to narrow down what you’re looking for.": "混搭筛选器,以缩小范围,找到您想看到的。", "Exclude everything labeled": "如果要找到所有标有", "with": "标签的,请使用", "Follow long discussions with": "要跟随长讨论,请使用", "on any issue or pull request to go back to the pull request listing page.": "在任何议题或拉取请求来返回拉取请求列表页面。", "You commented on and opened this pull request": "您打开了此拉取请求并发表了评论", "You were mentioned on and commented on this pull request": "您被提及并对此拉取请求发表了评论", "You commented on this pull request": "您对此拉取请求发表了评论", "You opened this pull request": "您打开了此拉取请求", // 某条具体的拉取请求 ///pull/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // 顶部提醒 "Your review was submitted on a merged pull request.": "您的审查已提交,一个合并的拉取请求。", "Marked pull request as ready for review.": "标记拉取请求为可审核。", "Your review was submitted successfully.": "您的审查已成功提交。", // 快捷键 "Edit pull request title": "编辑拉取请求标题", "Edit pull request body": "编辑拉取请求主体", // 编辑 -> 选择基础库 "Choose a base branch": "选择基础分支", // 更改基础分支对话框 "Are you sure you want to change the base?": "您确定要更改基础分支吗?", "Some commits from the old base branch may be removed from the timeline, and old review comments may become outdated.": "旧的基础分支的一些提交可能会从时间线上删除,而旧的审查意见可能会变得过时。", "Change base": "更改基础分支", // 代码 下拉菜单 "Local": "本地", "Checkout with GitHub CLI": "使用 GitHub CLI 检出", "Work fast with our official CLI.": "使用我们的官方 CLI 快速工作。", "Checkout with GitHub Desktop": "使用 GitHub Desktop 检出", // 代码空间 "This pull request must be reopened to create new codespaces on it.": "必须重新打开此拉取请求才能在其上创建新的代码空间。", "Your workspaces in the cloud": "您在云端的工作空间", //[/Create a codespace on ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], "Codespace repository configuration": "代码空间仓库配置", "New with options...": "新建(选项)...", "Configure dev container": "配置开发容器", "Set up prebuilds": "设置预构建", "Manage codespaces": "管理代码空间", "Share a deep link": "分享深度链接", "What are codespaces?": "什么是代码空间?", "No codespaces": "尚无代码空间", "You don't have any codespaces with this repository checked out": "您没有检出此仓库的任何代码空间", //[/Create codespace on ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], "Learn more about codespaces...": "了解更多关于代码空间的信息...", "On current branch": "在当前分支", "No codespaces on current branch": "当前分支上没有代码空间", "On other branches": "在其他分支", "miniature adventure": "迷你探险", "Open miniature adventure in web": "在网络中打开迷你探险", "Active": "激活", "Open in ...": "打开 ...", "Open in browser": "在浏览器中打开", "Open in Visual Studio Code": "在 Visual Studio Code 中打开", "Open in JetBrains Gateway": "在 JetBrains Gateway 中打开", "Open in JupyterLab": "在 JupyterLab 中打开", "Rename": "重命名", "Change codespace display name to...": "将代码空间显示名称更改为...", "Export changes to a branch": "将更改导出到分支", "This will create a new branch with any unpushed changes": "这将创建一个包含任何未推送更改的新分支", "Create branch": "创建分支", "Change machine type": "更改机器类型", "Change codespace machine type": "更改代码空间机器类型", "Machine type": "机器类型", "2-core": "双核", "4-core": "四核", "Need even more power?": "需要更多的力量?", "Contact our team": "联系我们团队", "to enable 32-core or GPU machines.": "启用 32 核或 GPU 机器。", "Update codespace": "升级代码空间", "Stop codespace": "停止代码空间", "Codespace configuration": "代码空间设置", "No changes": "未更改", "Codespace usage for this repository is paid for by": "该仓库的代码空间使用费由以下人员支付", // [/Codespace \"(.+)\" stopped./, "代码空间 “$1” 已停止。"], // [/Codespace \"(.+)\" deleted./, "代码空间 “$1” 已删除。"], // [/Are you sure you want to delete (.+)\?/, "您确定要删除 $1 吗?"], // 自动修复漏洞 提示 "This automated pull request fixes a": "这个自动拉取请求将修复了一个", "security vulnerability": "安全漏洞", "Only users with access to Dependabot alerts can see this message.": "只有有权访问 Dependabot 警报的用户才能看到此消息。", "Learn more about Dependabot security updates": "了解更多关于 Dependabot 安全更新的信息", "opt out": "选择退出", // 顶部提醒 "Opted out of Dependabot security updates.": "选择退出 Dependabot 安全更新。", // Dependabot 警报 拉取请求 提示 "Merging this pull request will resolve a": "合并此拉取请求将解决", "high": "高", "severity": "严重性", "Dependabot alert": "Dependabot 警报", // 合并后顶部提醒 // [/This pull request resolved a Dependabot alert on ([^ ]+)./, "该请求解决了 $1 的 Dependabot 警报问题。"], // 状态词 // [/merged (\d+) commits? into/, "将 4 个提交合并到"], "into": "到", // "merged": "已合并", "wants to merge": "希望合并", "commit into": "个提交到", "commits into": "个提交到", "from": "来自", // 标签栏 "Conversation": "讨论", // "Commits": "提交", "Checks": "检查", "Files changed": "更改的文件", // 右侧栏 补充 "Allow edits by maintainers": "允许维护者进行编辑", "Allowing edits by maintainers": "允许维护者进行编辑", "If checked, users with write access to": "若勾选此项,拥有对", "can add new commits to": "具有写入权限的用户可以在您的", "branch.": "分支上添加新的提交。", "You can always change this setting later.": "您可以随时修改此设置。", "Note: By granting write access, maintainers could potentially edit your repository's workflows to reveal values of secrets and gain access to other branches.": "注意:通过授予写入权限,维护者可能会编辑您仓库的工作流程以揭示机密值,并获取对其他分支的访问权限。", "Got it": "知道了", "If checked,": "如果选中,", // [/users with write access to ([^ ]+) can add new commits/, "对 $1 具有写权限的用户可以添加新的提交"], // 具体拉取请求 "to your": "到您的", "branch. You can always change this setting later.": "分支。您以后可以随时更改此设置。", "Allow edits and access to secrets by maintainers": "允许维护者编辑和访问机密", "Maintainers could potentially edit this repository's workflows to reveal values of secrets and gain access to other branches.": "维护者有可能编辑这个仓库的工作流程来获取机密值,并获得对其他分支的访问。", "Maintainers are allowed to edit this pull request.": "允许维护者编辑此拉取请求。", // 讨论标签卡 主页 "Refresh": "刷新", "marked this pull request as draft": "将此拉取请求标记为草稿", "First-time contributor": "首次贡献者", // [/This user is a first-time contributor to the ([^ ]+) repository./, "该用户是第一次为 $1 仓库做贡献。"] "View changes": "查看更改", "View Changes": "查看更改", "Outdated": "陈旧的", "Resolve conversation": "解决对话", "Resolving conversation…": "解决对话中…", "Unresolve conversation": "未解决对话", "Unresolving conversation…": "未解决对话…", "marked this conversation as resolved.": "将此对话标记为已解决。", // "Changes requested": "更改请求", "Change requested": "更改请求", "Show resolved": "显示已解决", "Hide resolved": "隐藏已解决", "Show all reviewers": "显示所有审查者", "Hide all reviewers": "隐藏所有审查者", "New changes since you last viewed": "自您上次查看以来的新变化", "mentioned this pull request": "提及这个拉取请求", "dismissed": "忽略", "\’s": " 的", "stale review": "陈旧审查", "via": "通过", "force-pushed": "强制推送", "the": " ", "branch from": "分支从", "and others": "和其他成员", "approved these changes": "批准这些更改", "See review": "查看审查", "Dismiss review": "驳回审查", "started a review": "开始审查", "View reviewed changes": "查看已审核的更改", "self-requested a review": "自我要求审查", "self-assigned this": "已自我审查", "marked this pull request as ready for review": "已将此拉取请求标记为可审核", "merged commit": "合并提交", "left a comment": "发表评论", "Add more commits by pushing to the": "添加更多提交,通过推送到", "branch on": "分支在", "This pull request was": "此拉取请求已", "Compare": "比较", "deleted the": "删除", "branch": "分支", "added": "添加", "requested changes": "要求更改", "changed the title": "修改了标题", "added the": "添加", "label": "标签", // "This branch has not been deployed": "该分支尚未部署", "No deployments": "未部署", // 拉取请求状态 "Review requested": "请求审查", "Review has been requested on this pull request. It is not required to merge.": "此拉取请求已请求进行审查。这不是合并的必要条件。", "Learn more about requesting a pull request review.": "了解更多关于申请拉取请求审核的信息。", // [/(\d+) pending reviewers?/, "$1 名待审者"], "was requested for review": "被请求审查", // 已请求更改 // [/(\d+) reviews? requesting changes by reviewers with write access./, "$1 条评论请求更改由具有写入权限的审查者进行更改。"], // 拉取请求 "All conversations are resolved": "所有对话均已解决", // [/(\d+) resolved conversations?/, "2 条对话已解决"], // 拉取请求 "No unresolved conversations": "没有未解决的对话", "There aren't yet any conversations on this pull request.": "此拉取请求尚无任何对话。", "View": "查看", "This pull request is still a work in progress": "此拉取请求仍在进行中", "Ready for review": "准备审核", "Draft pull requests cannot be merged.": "拉取请求草稿不能合并。", "This pull request can be automatically merged by project collaborators": "此拉取请求可以由项目协作者自动合并", "Only those with": "只有对此仓库具有", "write access": "写入访问权限", "to this repository can merge pull requests.": "的才可合并拉取请求。", "to this repository can mark a draft pull request as ready for review.": "的才可将拉取请求草案标记为可供审查。", // "Review required": "需要审查", // 拉取请求 页面状态词 "Add your review": "添加您的评论", // [/At least (\d+) approving reviews? are required by reviewers with write access./, "具有写入权限的审查者至少需要 $1 次批准审查。"], "Code owner review required": "需要代码所有者审核", "was requested for review as a code owner": "要求以代码所有者身份进行审查", "Conversation resolution required": "需要解决对话", "A conversation must be resolved before this pull request can be merged.": "在合并此拉取请求前,必须先解决对话。", "Learn more about pull request reviews.": "了解更多关于拉取请求审核的信息。", "Changes approved": "变更已获批准", "Approval not required": "不需要批准", "This pull request may be merged without approvals.": "可以在没有批准的情况下合并此拉取请求。", // [/(\d+) approving reviews? by reviewers? with write access./, "$1 个批准的审查由具有写入权限的审查者进行审查。"], // [/(\d+) approvals?/, "$1 项批准"], "Some checks haven’t completed yet": "有些检查还没有完成", // [/1 in progress check/, "$1个正在进行的检查"], "Some checks were not successful": "有些检查不成功", // [/1 skipped, 4 successful, and 2 failing checks/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 失败"], // [/1 skipped, 4 successful, and 2 expected checks/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 个预先检查"], "All checks have passed": "所有检查均已通过", "All checks have failed": "所有检查均失败", // [/5 successful checks/, ""], // [/6 checks passed/, ""], "Show all checks": "显示所有检查", "Hide all checks": "隐藏所有检查", "Details": "细节", "Required": "必须", // 未解决的评论 // [/(\d+) conversations? must be resolved before merging./, "合并之前必须解决 $1 个对话。"], "Merging is blocked": "合并被阻止", "The base branch requires all conversations on code to be resolved.": "基础分支要求解决所有关于代码的对话。", "The base branch requires all commits to be signed.": "基础分支要求所有提交都经过签名。", "Learn more about signing commits.": "了解更多关于签名提交的信息。", "View rules": "查看规则", "Merging can be performed automatically once the requested changes are addressed.": "一旦请求的更改得到解决,合并就可以自动执行。", "This branch is out-of-date with the base branch": "此分支相比基础分支已过时", "Merge the latest changes from": "将", "into this branch.": "的最新更改合并到此分支中。", "Update branch": "更新分支", "Update with merge commit": "使用合并提交更新", "The latest changes will be merged into this branch with a merge commit.": "最新的更改将通过合并提交合并到此分支中。", "Update with rebase": "使用变基更新", "This pull request will be rebased on top of the latest changes and then force pushed.": "此拉取请求将会在最新的更改之上进行变基,并且会使用强制推送的方式提交。", "This branch cannot be rebased due to conflicts": "由于冲突,无法对此分支执行变基操作。", "The base branch restricts merging to authorized users.": "基础分支合并仅限于授权用户。", "Learn more about protected branches.": "了解更多关于受保护分支的信息。", // [/Merging can be performed automatically with (\d+) approving review./, "合并可以通过 $1 次批准审查自动执行。"], "Merge without waiting for requirements to be met (bypass branch protections)": "合并而无需等待需求满足(绕过分支保护)。", // [/This commit will be authored by ([^@]+@[^\n]+)/, "此提交的作者是 $1"], // [/(\d+) workflow awaiting approval/, "$1 个工作流等待批准"], "First-time contributors need a maintainer to approve running workflows.": "首次贡献者需要维护者来批准正在运行的工作流。", "The base branch does not accept merge commits. Alternate merge methods are preferred.": "基础分支不接受合并提交。其他合并方法是首选。", // [/The ([^ ]+) branch requires linear history/, "$1 分支为要求线性历史记录"], "Learn more about required linear history.": "了解更多关于要求线性历史记录。", "Checking for ability to merge automatically…": "检测自动合并的能力…", "Hang in there while we check the branch’s status.": "请等待,我们正在检查该分支的状态", "Required statuses must pass before merging": "合并前必须通过所需的状态", "All required": "所有必需", "statuses": "状态", "and check runs on this pull request must run successfully to enable automatic merging.": "和检查运行在该拉取请求上必须成功运行,才能启用自动合并。", "Continuous integration has not been set up": "尚未设置持续集成", "several other apps": "其他一些应用", "can be used to automatically catch bugs and enforce style.": "可用于自动捕获错误和强制执行样式。", "This branch has no conflicts with the base branch": "该分支与基础分支没有冲突", "Merging can be performed automatically.": "可以自动地执行合并。", "This branch has no conflicts with the base branch when rebasing": "该分支基变时与基础分支没有冲突。", "Rebase and merge can be performed automatically.": "可以自动执行变基和合并。", "You’re not": "您无", "authorized": "权限", "to merge this pull request.": "合并此拉取请求。", "Merge pull request": "合并拉取请求", // 合并拉取请求 按钮下拉 "Create a merge commit": "创建合并提交", "All commits from this branch will be added to the base branch via a merge commit.": "该分支的所有提交都将通过合并提交加入到基础分支中。", "Not enabled for this repository": "未为此仓库启用", "Squash and merge": "压缩合并", // [/The (\d+) commits? from this branch will be added to the base branch./, "该分支的 $1 个提交将合并到基本分支中。"], "Rebase and merge": "变基合并", // [/The (\d+) commits? from this branch will be rebased and added to the base branch./, "该分支的 $1 个提交将变基合并到基础分支中。"], "Failed to load repo merge settings": "无法加载仓库合并设置", //确认合并 对话框 "Confirm merge": "确认合并", "Confirm squash and merge": "确认压缩合并", "Confirm rebase and merge": "确认变基合并", "Merging…": "合并中…", "You can also": "您也可以", "open this in GitHub Desktop": "在 GitHub Desktop 中打开", "or view": ",或查看", "command line instructions": "命令行指令", // "Merged": "已合并", "View details": "查看详情", "Hide details": "隐藏详情", "Revert": "还原", "Create a new pull request to revert these changes": "创建一个新的拉取请求以恢复这些更改", "Closed with unmerged commits": "已关闭的未合并的提交", "Pull request successfully merged and closed": "拉取请求已成功合并并关闭", "Delete branch": "删除分支", "Restore branch": "恢复分支", "Pull request closed": "拉取请求已关闭", "This pull request is closed, but the": "此拉取请求已关闭,但是", "branch has unmerged commits.": "分支具有未合并的提交。", "branch has unmerged commits. You can delete this branch if you wish.": "分支具有未合并的提交。您可以根据需要删除此分支。", "If you wish, you can also delete this fork of": "如果需要,还可以删除此复刻", "If you wish, you can delete this fork of": "如果需要,可以删除此复刻", "in the": "在", "settings": "设置", // "Only those with": "只有对此仓库具有", // "write access": "写入访问权限", // "to this repository can merge pull requests.": "的才可合并拉取请求。", "You’re all set — the": "一切就绪 —", "You’re all set—the": "一切就绪 —", "branch can be safely deleted.": "分支可以被安全删除。", "This branch has conflicts that must be resolved": "该分支存在冲突,必须解决", "Use the command line": "使用命令行", "to resolve conflicts before continuing.": "解决冲突后再继续。", "Checkout via command line": "通过命令行检出", "If the conflicts on this branch are too complex to resolve in the web editor, you can check it out via command line to resolve the conflicts.": "如果该分支上的冲突过于复杂,无法在 Web 编辑器中解决,您可以通过命令行检出来解决冲突。", "Step 1:": "第 1 步:", "From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.": "从项目仓库中,检出新分支并测试更改。", "Step 2:": "第 2 步:", "Merge the changes and update on GitHub.": "合并更改并在 GitHub 上更新。", "Resolve conflicts": "解决冲突", "Use the": "使用", "web editor": "Web 编辑器", "or the": "或", "command line": "命令行", "to resolve conflicts.": "来解决冲突。", "Conflicting files": "冲突的文件:", "Require approval from specific reviewers before merging": "合并前需要特定审查者的批准", "Branch protection rules": "分支保护规则", "ensure specific people approve pull requests before they're merged.": "确保特定人员在合并之前批准拉取请求。", "Add rule": "添加规则", // [/Ensure specific people or teams approve pull requests before they're merged into your ([^ ]+) branch./, "确保特定的人或团队在拉取请求被合并到您的 $1 分支之前批准它们。"], // 合并拉取请求 // [/(\d+) workflows? awaiting approval/, "$1 个工作流程等待批准"], "This workflow requires approval from a maintainer.": "此工作流程需要维护者批准。", "Learn more about approving workflows.": "了解更多关于批准工作流程的信息。", "Approve and run": "批准并运行", // 状态词 "reviewed": "审查", "requested a review from": "请求审查", "Reply...": "回复...", // 代码审查回复 "Suggestions cannot be applied on outdated comments.": "建议不要应用于过时的评论。", "Suggested change": "更改建议", "This code change can be committed by users with write permissions.": "具有写入权限的用户可以提交此代码更改。", // 拉取请求 --> 提交 标签卡 ///pull//commits "Commits": "提交", // [/Commits (.+)/, "提交于 $1"] "committed": "提交于", "Copy the full SHA": "复制完整的 SHA", "View commit details": "查看提交详情", "Browse the repository at this point in the history": "浏览该阶段的历史仓库内容", // 拉取请求--> 提交 --> 某提交详情///pull//commits/ "commit": "提交", // 修改的文件 左侧 展开按钮 "Expand all": "展开全部", "Expand All": "展开全部", "Expand Up": "向上展开", "Expand Down": "向下展开", // 修改的文件 右侧下拉 "Show comments": "显示评论", "Show annotations": "显示注释", "View file": "查看文件", "Edit file": "编辑文件", "Delete file": "删除文件", "Open in desktop": "在 GitHub Desktop 中打开", // 上一页 "You are viewing the earliest commit": "您正在查看最早的提交", // 下一页 "You are viewing the latest commit": "您正在查看最新的提交", "This merge commit was added into this branch cleanly.": "该合并提交被干净利落地添加到该分支中。", "There are no new changes to show, but you can still": "没有新的更改可显示,但您仍然可以", "view the diff.": "查看差异。", // 拉取请求 --> 更改的文件 标签卡 ///pull//files // 工具条 "Show file tree": "显示文件树", "Hide file tree": "隐藏文件树", "Changes from": "更改自", "all commits": "所有提交", // 下拉 "Show all changes": "显示所有更改", // [/(\d+) commits?/, "$1 条提交"], "Show changes since your last review": "显示自您上次评论以来的更改", // "You haven‘t reviewed this pull requeste": "您尚未审查过此请求请求", "You haven’t reviewed this pull request yet": "您尚未审查此请求请求", "Select commit": "选择提交", "Hold shift + click to select a range": "按住 shift + 单击以选择一个范围", "File filter": "文件筛选", "Filter by extension": "按文件后缀名筛选", "No extension": "无后缀名", // [/All (\d+) file types? selected/, "所有 $1 种文件类型被选中"], // [/Select all 1 file types?/, "选择所有 $1 种文件类型"], "Only manifest files": "仅清单文件", "There are no files selected for viewing": "没有选择要查看的文件", "Viewed files": "查看过的文件", // "filter file types": "筛选文件类型", // "filter viewed files": "筛选已查看文件", // "hide viewed files": "隐藏已查看文件", // "filter by context": "按内容筛选", "Clear filters": "清除筛选", "Conversations": "讨论", "Jump to conversation": "跳转到讨论", "Give feedback": "反馈", // [/Unresolved conversations/, "未解决的讨论"], "Nice work!": "干得好!", "All of your conversations have been resolved.": "您的所有讨论都已解决。", // [/Resolved conversations/, "已解决的讨论"], "No conversations yet": "尚无讨论", "Review conversations will show up here.": "审查讨论将显示在这里。", // "Jump to": "跳转到", "Jump to file": "跳转到文件", "Filter changed files": "筛选已更改文件", // 差异视图 "Diff view": "差异视图", // "Always": "总是", "Unified": "同屏", "Split": "分屏", // "Just for now": "仅当前", // "Hide whitespace changes": "隐藏空白更改", "Hide whitespace": "隐藏空白", "Apply and reload": "应用并重新加载", "Show whitespace": "显示空白", // "Refresh": "刷新", "files viewed": "查看过的文件", "Marking files as viewed can help keep track of your progress, but will not affect your submitted review": "将文件标记为已查看可以帮助您跟踪进度,但不会纠正您提交的审查", "Review in codespace": "在代码空间中审查", // "Review changes": "审查更改", // 使用 Selector 规则翻译 // 下拉 "Finish your review": "完成审查", "Submit general feedback without explicit approval.": "未批准,并提出一般性反馈意见。", "Approve": "批准", "Submit feedback approving these changes.": "批准,并提出反馈意见。", "Submit feedback and approve merging these changes.": "提交反馈意见并批准合并这些更改。", "Pull request authors can’t approve their own pull request": "拉取请求作者无法批准自己的拉取请求", "Only users with explicit access to this repository may approve pull requests": "只有对这个仓库有明确访问权限的用户才能批准拉取请求", "Request changes": "请求更改", "Submit feedback suggesting changes.": "请求更改,并提出更改反馈意见。", "Submit feedback that must be addressed before merging.": "提交合并前必须解决的反馈意见", "Pull request authors can’t request changes on their own pull request": "拉取请求作者不能在自己的拉取请求上请求更改", "Only users with explicit access to this repository may request changes to pull requests": "只有对这个仓库有明确访问权限的用户才能请求更改拉取请求", "Abandon review": "放弃审核", "Submit review": "提交审查", // 顶部提醒 "You need to leave a comment indicating the requested changes.": "您需要留下评论,说明所要求的更改。", "Cancel review": "取消审核", "pending": "条待处理", "comment": "评论", "comments": "评论", "Review changes": "审查更改", // 被锁定 "This conversation has been locked and limited to collaborators.": "此对话已锁定,并限制与协作者对话。", "Viewed": "已查看", "Comment on this file": "评论此文件", "Load diff": "载入差异", "This file was deleted.": "该文件已被删除", "Large diffs are not rendered by default.": "默认情况下,大的差异不会被呈现。", "Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about": "某些生成的文件默认不呈现。了解更多信息关于", "how customized files appear on GitHub": "更改文件在 GitHub 中的显示方式", "File renamed without changes.": "文件仅重命名,内容没有更改。", "These merge commits were added into this branch cleanly.": "这些合并提交已被干净利落地添加到该分支中。", "There are no new changes to show.": "没有任何新的变化。", // 建议更改 "Suggested change": "建议更改", "Sign off and commit suggestion": "签署并提交建议", "Suggestions cannot be applied from pending reviews.": "无法应用待审核中的更改", "Add suggestion to batch": "批量添加建议", "Add this suggestion to a batch that can be applied as a single commit.": "将此建议添加到可批量处理的单个提交中。", "Batching suggestions must be done from the files tab.": "批处理建议必须在 “文件” 选项卡中进行。", "Pending in batch": "待批量处理", "Remove from batch": "从批量处理中移除", "Remove this suggestion from those to be applied in batch": "从批量应用的建议中删除此建议", "Sign off and commit suggestions": "签署并提交建议", "Apply all batched suggestions as a single commit": "将所有批量建议作为单个提交应用", "Sign off and commit changes": "签署并提交更改", "Applying commit...": "正在应用提交...", "This diff has recently been updated.": "该差异最近已更新。", "Refresh and try again.": "刷新并重试。", "Multiple suggested changes can be batched together in a single commit. Each suggestion author will be attributed in the commit as a co-author.": "多个建议更改可以在一次提交中批量处理。每个建议作者都将在提交中被归为共同作者。", // 拉取请求 --> 更改的文件 标签卡 ///pull//files/ "You are viewing a condensed version of this merge commit. You can view the": "您正在查看该合并提交的浓缩版本。您可以查看", "full changes here": "完整的更改", // 拉取请求 --> 解决冲突 ///pull//conflicts "Resolving conflicts": "解决冲突", "between": "", "and committing changes": "并提交更改", // [/(\d+) conflicting files?/, "$1 个冲突文件"], // [/(\d+) conflicts?/, "$1 处冲突"], "Mark as resolved": "标记为已解决", "Remove all conflict markers to resolve this file": "删除所有冲突标记以解决此文件冲突", "Indent mode": "缩进模式", "Spaces": "空格", "Tabs": "制表符", "Indent size": "缩进尺寸", "Line wrap mode": "换行模式", "No wrap": "不换行", "Soft wrap": "软换行", "Commit merge": "提交合并", "Sign off and commit merge": "签署并提交合并", "Heads up, this will commit to": "请注意,这将提交到", // [/I understand, sign off and update/, "我明白了,依然签署并更新"], "You are": "您将", "signing off": "签署", // [/on this commit as ([^@]+@[^\n]+)/, "该提交以 $1 身份"], "Committing merge…": "正在提交合并...", "conflict": "冲突", "conflicts": "冲突", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], ...I18N.zh["repository/pull_issue_public"]["regexp"], [/([\d,]+) Open/, "$1 打开"], [/([\d,]+) Closed/, "$1 已关闭"], [/#(\d+) opened/, "#$1 打开于"], [/#(\d+) by/, "#$1 打开者"], [/(\d+) tasks? done/, "$1 个任务完成"], [/(\d+) of (\d+) tasks?/, "$1 / $2 个任务"], [/(\d+) tasks?/, "$1 个任务"], [/First time contributing to ([^ ]+)?/, "首次为 $1 做贡献?"], // 具体某条拉取请求 [/merged (\d+) commits? into/, "将 $1 个提交合并到"], [/([^ ]+) left review comments?/, "$1 发表了审查意见"], [/([^ ]+) approved these changes?/, "$1 批准这些更改"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 [/Request review from ([^ ]+)/, "请求 $1 审查"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 [/users with write access to ([^ ]+) can add new commits/, "对 $1 具有写权限的用户可以添加新的提交"], // 具体拉取请求 [/At least (\d+) approving reviews? are required to merge this pull request./, "至少需要 $1 次批准审查才能合并此拉取请求。"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 [/This user is a first-time contributor to the ([^ ]+) repository./, "该用户是第一次为 $1 仓库做贡献。"], [/(\d+) pending reviewers?/, "$1 名待审者"], [/([\d,]+) participants?/, "$1 位参与者"], [/At least (\d+) approving reviews? are required by reviewers with write access./, "具有写入权限的审查者至少需要 $1 次批准审查。"], [/(\d+) approving reviews? by reviewers? with write access./, "$1 个批准的审查由具有写入权限的审查者进行审查。"], [/(\d+) approvals?/, "$1 项批准"], // [/(\d+) reviews? requesting changes by reviewers with write access/, "$1 项审查,要求有写入权限的审查者进行更改"], [/(\d+) changes? requested/, "$1 项更改请求"], [/(\d+) in progress checks?/, "$1 个正在进行的检查"], [/(\d+) skipped and (\d+) successful checks?/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功检查"], [/(\d+) successful and (\d+) failing checks?/, "$1 个成功, $2 个失败检查"], [/(\d+) skipped, (\d+) successful, and (\d+) failing checks?/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 个失败检查"], [/(\d+) skipped, (\d+) successful, (\d+) cancelled, and (\d+) failing checks?/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 个取消, $4 个失败检查"], [/(\d+) skipped, (\d+) successful, and (\d+) expected checks?/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 个预先检查"], [/(\d+) skipped, (\d+) successful, (\d+) queue, and (\d+) expected checks?/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 个排队, $4 个预先检查"], [/(\d+) skipped, (\d+) successful, (\d+) in progress, and (\d+) expected checks?/, "$1 个跳过, $2 个成功, $3 个正在进行, $4 个预先检查"], [/(\d+) neutral checks?/, "$1 次中立检查"], [/(\d+) successful checks?/, "$1 次成功检查"], [/(\d+) checks? passed/, "$1 次检查通过"], [/Merging can be performed automatically with (\d+) approving review./, "合并可以通过 $1 次批准审查自动执行。"], [/(\d+) workflow awaiting approval/, "$1 个工作流等待批准"], [/The ([^ ]+) branch requires linear history/, "$1 分支为要求线性历史记录"], [/The (\d+) commits? from this branch will be added to the base branch./, "该分支的 $1 个提交将合并到基本分支中。"], // 合并拉取请求 按钮下拉 [/The (\d+) commits? from this branch will be combined into one commit in the base branch./, "该分支的 $1 个提交将合并到基础分支中。"], // 合并拉取请求 按钮下拉 [/The (\d+) commits? from this branch will be rebased and added to the base branch./, "该分支的 $1 个提交将变基合并到基础分支中。"], // 合并拉取请求 按钮下拉 [/Ensure specific people or teams approve pull requests before they're merged into your ([^ ]+) branch./, "确保特定的人或团队在拉取请求被合并到您的 $1 分支之前批准它们。"], // 合并拉取请求 [/(\d+) commits?/, "$1 条提交"], [/All (\d+) file types? selected/, "所有 $1 种文件类型被选中"], // 文件筛选 [/Select all (\d+) file types?/, "选择所有 $1 种文件类型"], [/Unresolved conversations/, "未解决的讨论"], [/Resolved conversations/, "已解决的讨论"], // [/Commits (.+)/, "提交于 $1"], // 提交标签卡 // 代码空间 [/Create a codespace on ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], [/Create codespace on ([^ ]+)/, "在 $1 上创建代码空间"], [/Codespace \"(.+)\" stopped./, "代码空间 “$1” 已停止。"], [/Codespace \"(.+)\" deleted./, "代码空间 “$1” 已删除。"], [/Are you sure you want to delete (.+)\?/, "您确定要删除 $1 吗?"], [/(\d+) conflicting files?/, "$1 个冲突文件"], //conflicts [/(\d+) conflicts?/, "$1 处冲突"], //conflicts [/Awaiting requested review from ([^ ]+)/, "等待 $1 审查请求"], // 具体的拉取请求 [/([^ ]+) is a code owner/, "$1 是代码所有者"], // 具体的拉取请求 [/This commit will be authored by ([^@]+@[^\n]+)/, "此提交的作者是 $1"], // 具体的拉取请求 [/This pull request resolved a Dependabot alert on ([^ ]+)./, "该请求解决了 $1 的 Dependabot 警报问题。"], [/(\d+) workflows? awaiting approval/, "$1 个工作流程等待批准"], [/(\d+) reviews? requesting changes by reviewers with write access./, "$1 条评论请求更改由具有写入权限的审查者进行更改。"], // 拉取请求 [/(\d+) resolved conversations?/, "$1 条对话已解决"], // 拉取请求 [/I understand, sign off and update/, "我明白了,依然签署并更新"], [/on this commit as ([^@]+@[^\n]+)/, "该提交以 $1 身份"], [/Notify someone on an issue with a mention, like: @([^ ]+)./, "在某个问题上通知并提及某人,例如:@$1。"], // 专业提示 [/(\d+) conversations? must be resolved before merging./, "合并之前必须解决 $1 个对话。"], ], "selector": [ // 元素筛选器规则 ["span[data-message='Review changes']", "审查更改"], // 拉取请求 --> 更改的文件 ], }; I18N.zh["repository/compare"] = { // 仓库 - 比较并创建拉取请求 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 变更比较 页面 ///compare "Compare changes": "比较变更", "Compare changes across branches, commits, tags, and more below. If you need to, you can also": "比较跨分支,提交,标签,和更多的变更。如果您需要,也可以", "compare across forks": "比较复刻库和源仓库", "Learn more about diff comparisons here": "点击此处了解更多关于差异比较的信息", // 分支选择栏 "base repository:": "基础仓库:", "Choose a Base Repository": "选择基础仓库", "Filter repos": "筛选仓库", "head repository:": "头部仓库:", "Choose a Head Repository": "选择头部仓库", "base:": "基础库:", "Choose a base ref": "选择基础引用", "Find a branch": "搜索分支", "Find a tag": "搜索标签", "compare:": "比较库:", "Choose a head ref": "选择头部引用", "Choose different branches or forks above to discuss and review changes.": "选择不同的分支或复刻来讨论和查看变化。", "Learn about pull requests": "了解拉取请求", "Create pull request": "创建拉取请求", "Compare and review just about anything": "比较和审查任何文件", "Branches, tags, commit ranges, and time ranges. In the same repository and across forks.": "分支,标签,提交范围和时间范围。在同一仓库和复刻的仓库。", "Example comparisons": "比较例子", // 提出合并分支 ///compare/...: // ///compare/... // //compare/...:: "Comparing changes": "比较变更", "Choose two branches to see what’s changed or to start a new pull request. If you need to, you can also": "选择两个分支,看看发生了什么改变,或发起一个新的拉请求。如果您需要,您也可以", "learn more about diff comparisons": "了解更多关于差异比较的信息", // "base fork:": "基复刻:", "Documentation has changed since you last contributed": "文件已发生变化,自您上次提交文件于", ". Take a look before submitting a pull request:": "。在提交拉取请求前,请先看一下:", "Contributing guidelines": "贡献指南", "Last updated": "最近更新于", "There isn’t anything to compare.": "没有任何东西可比较。", "We couldn’t figure out how to compare these references, do they point to valid commits?": "我们不知道如何比较这些引用,它们是否指向有效的提交?", "You’ll need to use two different branch names to get a valid comparison.": "您需要使用两个不同的分支名称来进行有效的比较。", "Check out some of these sample comparisons.": "看看这些比较的例子吧。", "is up to date with all commits from": "已是最新,提交于", ". Try": "。尝试", "switching the base": "切换基础库", "for your comparison.": "来进行比较。", "Discuss and review the changes in this comparison with others.": "与他人讨论并回顾此次对比中的变化。", "This comparison is big! We’re only showing the most recent 250 commits": "这个比较是很大的! 我们只显示最近的 250 个提交。", "You’ll need to use two different branch names to get a valid comparison.": "您需要使用两个不同的分支名称来进行有效的比较。", "are identical.": "是相同的。", "Create another pull request to discuss and review the changes again.": "创建另一个拉取请求,再次讨论和审查这些更改。", "Unified": "同屏", "Split": "分屏", // 直接提交拉取请求 ///compare/...?quick_pull=1 "Open a pull request": "新建一个拉取请求", "The change you just made was written to a new branch named": "您刚刚所做的更改已写入新分支", ". Create a pull request below to propose these changes.": ". 请在下方创建拉取请求,提出这些更改。", "Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches. If you need to, you can also": "通过比较两个分支的更改来创建一个新的拉请求。如果需要,还可以", // 提示框(第一次提交拉取请求时) "It looks like this is your first time opening a pull request in this project!": "看起来这是您在这个项目中首次发起的拉取请求呢!", "Be sure to review the": "请务必查阅", "contributing guidelines": "贡献指南", "Checking mergeability…": "检查可合并性…", "Don’t worry, you can still create the pull request.": "别担心,您仍然可以创建拉取请求。", "Able to merge.": "可被合并。", "Can’t automatically merge.": "无法自动合并。", "These branches can be automatically merged.": "该分支可被自动合并。", "View pull request": "查看拉取请求", //存在拉取请求时 "commit": "次提交", "commits": "次提交", "file changed": "个文件变更", "files changed": "个文件变更", "contributor": "位贡献者", "contributors": "位贡献者", // "No commit comments for this range": "该范围变更没有提交注释", "Reviewers": "审查者", "Loading suggestions…": "载入推荐…", // [/([^ ]+) left review comments/, "$1 发表了审查意见"], "At least 0 approving review is required to merge this pull request.": "至少需要 0 次批准审查才能合并此拉取请求。", "No reviews—at least 0 approving review is required.": "未经审查 — 至少需要 0 次批准审查。", "Re-request review": "重新请求审核", "Still in progress?": "仍在进行中吗?", // [/Awaiting requested review from ([^ ]+)/, "等待 $1 的审查请求"] "Learn about draft PRs": "了解拉取请求草案", "Convert to draft": "设置为草案", "Request up to 15 reviewers": "最多请求 15 个审查者", // [/([^ ]+) approved these changes/, "$1 批准这些更改"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 "Request": "请求", // [/Request review from ([^ ]+)/, "请求 $1 审查"], // 具体的拉取请求 审查者 "This pull request is waiting on your review.": "此拉取请求正在等待您的审核。", "Assignees": "受理人", "No one assigned": "无人受理", "No one—": "无人 - ", "assign yourself": " 受理自己", "Assign up to 10 people to this issue": "最多指定 10 人", // 议题 "Assign up to 10 people to this pull request": "最多指定 10 人", // 拉取请求 "Clear assignees": "清除受理人", "Type or choose a user": "输入或选择用户", "Suggestions": "建议", "Labels": "标签", "None yet": "暂无", "bug": "BUG", "Something isn't working": "有些东西不工作", "dependencies": "依赖性", "Pull requests that update a dependency file": "更新依赖文件的拉取请求", "documentation": "文档", "Improvements or additions to documentation": "文档的改进或补充", "duplicate": "重复", "This issue or pull request already exists": "这个议题或拉取请求已经存在", "enhancement": "增强", "New feature or request": "新功能或请求", "good first issue": "好的首发议题", "Good for newcomers": "适合新人", "help wanted": "需要帮助", "Extra attention is needed": "需要特别关注", "invalid": "无效", "This doesn't seem right": "这似乎不对", "question": "问题", "Further information is requested": "要求提供更多信息", "wontfix": "不会修复", "This will not be worked on": "这将不会被处理", "Apply labels to this issue": "应用标签", // 议题 "Apply labels to this pull request": "应用标签", // 拉取请求 "Edit labels": "编辑标签", "dependencies": "依赖关系", "Pull requests that update a dependency file": "更新依赖文件的拉取请求", "Recent": "最近", "User": "用户", "No projects": "无项目", "Milestone": "里程碑", "No milestone": "无里程碑", "Set milestone": "设置里程碑", "Nothing to show": "暂无", "Allow edits and access to secrets by maintainers": "允许维护人员编辑和访问机密", // 创建拉取请求 按钮下拉 "Automatically requests reviews from code owners": "自动请求代码所有者进行审查", "Create draft pull request": "创建拉取请求草案", "Doesn't request code owners review and cannot be merged": "不请求代码所有者审核并且无法合并", "Draft pull request": "拉取请求草案", "Remember, contributions to this repository should follow its": "请记住,对该仓库的贡献应遵循其", "security policy": "安全政策", "code of conduct": "行为准则", "Remember, contributions to this repository should follow our ": "请记住,对此仓库的贡献应遵循我们的", "GitHub Community Guidelines": "GitHub 社区准则", // 右侧栏补充 // 关联议题 "Use": "使用", "Closing keywords": "关闭关键词", "in the description to automatically close issues": "在描述中,以自动关闭议题", "Use Closing keywords to add a closing reference": "使用关闭关键词添加一个关闭引用", "Helpful resources": "帮助性资源", // "GitHub Community Guidelines": "GitHub 社区准则", // 标签对应版本比较 ///compare/... // 仅限 MD文件 "Display the source diff": "显示源差异", "Display the rich diff": "显示富差异", "Load more commits": "载入更多的提交", // ///compare/... "Commit comments": "提交评论", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/committed/, "提交于"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/commit"] = { // 仓库 - 提交页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 具体某个提交页面 ///commit/ "Commit": "提交", // 快捷键 "Browsing commits": "浏览提交", // "": "提交评论", "Close form": "关闭评论", "Parent commit": "父提交", "Other parent commit": "其他父提交", // 访问已删除的提交 "This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.": "这个提交不属于本仓库的任何分支,可能属于仓库以外的分支。", "Browse files": "浏览文件", "Loading branch information": "载入分支信息", // [/This commit closes issue (#\d+)./, "此提交关闭了提议 $1。"], //具体提交页面 "committed": "提交于", "commit": "提交", "Showing": "显示", "with": "包含", "always": "总是", "Whitespace": "显示空白字符差异", "Ignore whitespace": "忽略空白字符差异", "Unified": "同屏", "Split": "分屏", "Display the source diff": "显示源差异", "Display the rich diff": "显示富差异", "Comment on this file": "评论此文件", // new code view "Filter changed files": "筛选已更改的文件", // new code view 侧栏 "Show file tree": "显示文件树", // new code view 侧栏 "Hide file tree": "隐藏文件树", // new code view 侧栏 "Submodule": "子模块", "updated": "已更新", // [/from ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)/, "从 $1 到 $2。"], //具体提交页面 "Binary file not shown.": "不显示二进制文件", "Empty file.": "空文件。", "File renamed without changes.": "文件仅重命名,内容没有更改。", "Load diff": "载入差异", "This file was deleted.": "该文件已被删除", "Large diffs are not rendered by default.": "默认情况下,大的差异不会被呈现。", "Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about": "某些生成的文件默认不呈现。了解更多信息关于", "how customized files appear on GitHub": "更改文件在 GitHub 中的显示方式", "File renamed without changes.": "文件仅重命名,内容没有更改。", // 修改的文件 左侧 展开按钮 "Expand all": "展开全部", "Expand Up": "向上展开", "Expand Down": "向下展开", "Collapse expanded lines": "折叠展开的线", // 修改的文件 右侧下拉 "Show comments": "显示评论", "Show annotations": "显示注释", "View file": "查看文件", "Edit file": "编辑文件", "Delete file": "删除文件", "Open in desktop": "在 GitHub Desktop 中打开", //底部评论框上部 "Lock conversation": "锁定对话", "Lock conversation on this commit": "锁定关于此提交的对话", "Locking the conversation means:": "锁定对话意味着:", "Other users": "其他用户", "can’t add new comments": "无法添加新评论", "to this commit.": "到这个提交。", "You and other collaborators": "您和其他协作者", "with access": "有权限访问", "to this repository": "该仓库", "can still leave comments": "仍然可以发表评论", "that others can see.": "其他人可以看到。", "You can always unlock this commit again in the future.": "您可以随时再次解锁此提交。", "Unlock conversation": "解锁对话", "Unlock conversation on this commit": "解锁关于此提交的对话", "Unlocking the conversation means:": "解锁对话意味着:", "will be able to comment on this commit once more.": "将能够再次对此提交发表评论。", "You can always lock this commit again in the future.": "您可以随时再次锁定此提交。", "Subscribe": "订阅", "Unsubscribe": "取消订阅", "You’re not receiving notifications from this thread.": "您没有收到来自该话题的通知。", "You’re receiving notifications because you authored the thread.": "您收到通知是因为您编写了提交。", "You’re receiving notifications because you’re subscribed to this thread.": "您收到通知是因为您订阅了该话题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you’re watching this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您关注了该仓库。", // 提交 commits 页面 ///commits/ 或 ///commits "Commits": "提交", // 快捷键 "Copy file permalink": "复制文件永久链接", "Copy the full SHA": "复制完整的 SHA", "View commit details": "查看提交详情", "Browse the repository at this point in the history": "浏览该阶段的历史仓库内容", "Newer": "新的", "Older": "旧的", // 拉取请求悬浮卡 "You were mentioned on and commented on this pull request": "您在该请求中被提及并发表了评论", "You left a review": "您发表了评论", // 议题悬浮卡 "You commented on this issue": "您对此议题发表了评论", "You commented on and opened this issue": "您评论并打开了此议题", // /commits?since=&until=&author= "No commits history": "尚无提交历史记录", "There isn't any commit history to show here": "此处没有可显示", "for the selected date range": "所选日期范围内的任何提交历史记录", // 新版提交 commits 页面 ///commits/ 或 ///commits // 用户筛选 "All users": "所有用户", "Find a user...": "寻找一个用户……", "View commits for all users": "查看所有用户的提交", // 时间筛选 "All time": "所有时间", "Today": "今天", "Browse repository at this point": "查看此时间点的仓库", // 日历 "Su": "一", "Mo": "二", "Tu": "三", "We": "四", "Th": "五", "Fr": "六", "Sa": "日", // [/Copy full SHA for ([a-f0-9]{7})/, "复制提交 $1 的完整 SHA"], // [/Show description for ([a-f0-9]{7})/, "显示提交 $1 的描述"], // [/Hide description for ([a-f0-9]{7})/, "隐藏提交 $1 的描述"], // 提交中文件历史 ///commits// 或 ///commits// "History for": "历史:", "View at this point in the history": "在这一历史节点上查看", // [/Renamed from/, "重命名自"], // 提交中文件历史 "(Browse History)": "(浏览历史)", // 提交中文件夹历史 ///commits// 或 ///commits// "End of commit history for this file": "此文件的提交历史结束", // 2/commits?author=maboloshi&since=2021-09-30&until=2021-10-13 "Seeing something unexpected? Take a look at the": "看到了一些意想不到的东西?请看一下", "GitHub commits guide": "GitHub 提交指南", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/(\d+) parents?/, "$1 个父"], [/(\d+) changed files?/, "$1 个更改的文件"], [/(\d+) additions?$/, "$1 处增加"], [/(\d+) deletions?$/, "$1 处删除"], [/(\d+) changes: (\d+) additions? & (\d+) deletions?$/, "$1 处更改:$2 处增加和 $3 处删除"], [/This commit closes issue (#\d+)./, "此提交关闭了提议 $1。"], //具体提交页面 [/from ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)/, "从 $1 到 $2。"], //具体提交页面 [/([\d,]+) additions, ([\d,]+) deletions not shown because the diff is too large. Please use a local Git client to view these changes./, "$1 处增加,$2 处删除未显示,因为差异太大。请使用本地 Git 客户端查看这些更改。"], [/(\d+) comments? on commit/, "该提交有 $1 条评论"], // [/Commits (.+)/, "提交于 $1"], // 提交页面 ///commits///commits/ ], }; I18N.zh["repository/blob"] = { // 仓库 - 浏览代码 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 文件代码页面 ///blob// // 顶部提醒 "This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.": "此提交不属于该仓库上的任何分支,并且可能属于仓库的外部分支。", // 快捷键 "Source code browsing": "源代码浏览", "Jump to line": "跳转到行", "Switch branch/tag": "切换分支/标签", "Expand URL to its canonical form": "将 URL 扩展为其规范形式", "Show/hide all inline notes": "显示/隐藏所有内嵌注释", "Open blame": "打开追溯视图", "Copy file path": "复制文件路径", "Toggle symbols panel": "切换符号面板", "Toggle file tree": "切换文件树", "Open code view": "打开代码视图", "Open preview": "打开预览", "Open raw file": "打开源文件", "File tree": "文件树", "Move focus to row starting with string": "将焦点移至字符串", "Focus previous row": "聚焦上一行", "Focus next row": "聚焦下一行", "Collapse row, or focus parent row": "折叠行或聚焦父行", "Expand row, or focus child row": "展开行或聚焦子行", // 文件树侧边栏 "Expand file tree": "展开文件树", "Collapse file tree": "折叠文件树", // 搜索框 "Go to file": "转到文件", "No matches found": "未找到匹配项", // Action的 action.yml 文件 "You can publish this Action to the GitHub Marketplace": "您可以将此 Action 发布到 GitHub 市场", "Draft a release": "起草发布", // 工作流程文件 /blob//.github/workflows/xxxx.yml "View Runs": "查看运行情况", // 添加文件按钮, 文件夹模式下 "Add file": "添加文件", // 三个点 "Raw file content": "原始文件内容", "Download": "下载", // "Jump to line": "跳转到行", "Find in file": "在文件中查找", // 激活 “换行” 时显示 "Copy path": "复制路径", "Copy permalink": "复制永久链接", "View options": "查看选项", "Show code folding buttons": "显示代码折叠按钮", "Wrap lines": "换行", "Center content": "核心内容", "Open symbols on click": "单击打开符号", "Delete file": "删除文件", "Copied path!": "✅ 路径已复制!", "History": "历史", "Top": "顶部", "Jump to file": "跳转到文件", // 代码操作栏 "Blame": "追溯", // [/(\d+) lines? \((\d+) loc\) ·/, "$1 行 ($1 个位置) ·"], // Copilot 广告 "Code 55% faster with GitHub Copilot": "使用 GitHub Copilot 编码速度提高 55%", "Spend less time creating boilerplate and repetitive code patterns, and more time building great software. Try it in Codespaces or your favorite file editor.": "花更少的时间创建模板和重复的代码模式,花更多的时间构建优秀的软件。在 GitHub 代码空间或您最喜欢的文件编辑器中尝试一下哈。", "Get GitHub Copilot": "获取 GitHub Copilot", "Don't show again": "不再显示", "Raw": "源码", // 文件复制图标 "Copy raw file": "复制原始文件", // 文件下载图标 "Download raw file": "下载原始文件", // 文件编辑图标 "Edit this file": "编辑本文件", "Edit the file in your fork of this project": "在您的复刻中编辑文件", "Edit file": "编辑文件", "Edit in place": "就地编辑", "Open with...": "打开...", // 按钮提示 "Fork this repository and edit the file": "复刻此仓库并编辑文件", // 符号面板图标 "Open symbols panel": "打开符号面板", "Close symbols panel": "关闭符号面板", // 代码视图 行号栏 菜单 "Copy line": "复制行", "Copy lines": "复制行", "Copy permalink": "复制永久链接", "View git blame": "浏览 Git 追溯", "Reference in new issue": "引用到新议题", "Reference in new discussion": "引用到新讨论", "View file in GitHub.dev": "在 GitHub.dev 中查看文件", "View file in different branch/tag": "查看不同分支/标签中的文件", // 提醒 "This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.": "此文件包含双向 Unicode 文本,其解释或编译方式可能与下面的显示不同。要查看,请在一个能显示隐藏的 Unicode 字符的编辑器中打开文件。", "Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters": "了解更多关于双向 Unicode 字符的信息", "Show hidden characters": "显示隐藏字符", // 正文部分 // csv 文件 "Search this file": "搜索这个文件", // csv 文件 // 提醒 "We can make this file": "如果纠正此错误,我们可以使该文件", "beautiful and searchable": "美观且可搜索", "if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.": ":在此 CSV 文件中的第 0 行中找不到逗号。", // 大文件 "View raw": "查看原始数据", "(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)": "(很抱歉,但我们现在无法显示这么大的文件。)", // 无法渲染 "Sorry, something went wrong.": "抱歉,出了一些问题。", "Reload?": "重新加载?", "Unable to render code block": "无法渲染代码块", "More Pages": "更多页面", // 右侧大纲面板 "Outline": "大纲", // md 文件 "Filter headings": "筛选标题", // md 文件 // 右侧符号面板 "Symbols": "符号", "Symbol outline not available for this file": "大纲不适用于此文件", "To inspect a symbol, try clicking on the symbol directly in the code view.": "要检查一个符号,可以尝试在代码视图中直接点击该符号。", "Code navigation supports a limited number of languages.": "代码导航支持有限数量的语言。", "See which languages are supported.": "查看支持哪些语言。", "Find definitions and references for functions and other symbols in this file by clicking a symbol below or in the code.": "通过点击下方或代码中的符号,查找此文件中函数和其他符号的定义和引用。", "Filter symbols": "筛选符号", "All Symbols": "所有符号", "Search for this symbol in this repository": "在此仓库中搜索此符号", "all repositories.": "所有仓库。", "In this file": "在这个文件中", "Definition": "定义", "search-based": "基于搜索", "References": "引用", "Reference": "引用", "No definitions or references found": "未找到定义或引用", "Show more": "显示更多", "Show less": "显示更少", "Search for this symbol": "搜索此符号", // 代码追溯页面 ///blame// "Newer": "新的", "Older": "旧的", "Contributor": "贡献者", "Contributors": "贡献者", // 浮动搜索框 "Find": "查找", "Press": "按", "again to open the browser's find menu": "打开浏览器的查找菜单", "Search this file": "搜索此文件", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/(\d+) lines? \((\d+) loc\) ·/, "$1 行 ($1 个位置) ·"], [/(\d+) References?/, "$1 次引用"], [/Blame prior to change ([a-f0-9]{7}), made on/, "追溯更改之前 $1 ,修改于"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/blame"] = I18N.zh["repository/blob"]; I18N.zh["repository/discussions"] = { // 讨论页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 讨论页面 ///discussions // 组织讨论页 /orgs//discussions "Start a new discussion": "开始新的讨论", "Get started by creating the first": "开始吧,为您的社区创建", "discussion for your community.": "第一个讨论。", "Got it": "知道了", "About pinned discussions": "关于置顶讨论", "When you start a discussion,": "当您开始讨论时,", "you can choose to feature it": "您可以选择将", "here by pinning it.": "其置顶在此处。", "Personalize your categories": "自定义您的分类", "Choose categories that fit your community. These could be announcements, Q&A with marked answers, open-ended conversations, or polls for community voting.": "选择适合您社区的类别。这些可以是公告、带有标记答案的问答、开放式对话或用于调查的社区投票。", "Welcome to discussions!": "欢迎参与讨论!", "Discussions are to share announcements, create conversation in your community, answer questions, and more.": "讨论是为了分享公告,在您的社区创造对话,回答问题,以及更多。", "Discussions are to share announcements, create conversation in your community, answer questions, and more. To get started, you can create a": "讨论是为了分享公告,在您的社区创造对话,回答问题,以及更多。首先,您可以创建一个", // 组织讨论 "Welcome to Organization Discussions!": "欢迎参与组织讨论!", "There are no discussions here yet": "这里还没有讨论", "Organization discussions are to broadcast news, create conversation in your community, answer questions, and share ideas. To get started, you can": "组织讨论是为了广播新闻,在您的社区创造对话,回答问题,并分享想法。要开始,您可以", "create a new discussion.": "创建新的讨论。", // 左侧栏 "Submit search": "提交搜索", "Search all discussions": "搜索所有讨论", "Suggested filters": "推荐的筛选器", "filter by discussion author": "按讨论作者筛选", "filter by discussion category": "按讨论分类筛选", "filter by answered or unanswered": "按已答复或未答复筛选", "Categories": "分类", "View all discussions": "查看全部讨论", // 组织讨论 "View all": "查看全部", // 仓库讨论 "Most helpful": "最有帮助", "Be sure to mark someone’s comment as an answer if it helps you resolve your question — they deserve the credit!": "如果某人的评论有助于您解决问题,请务必将其标记为答案——他们值得称赞!", "Last 30 days": "最近 30 天", "Community guidelines": "社区指南", "Community insights": "社区见解", // "Sort by:": "排序方式:", "Latest activity": "最新活动", "Date created": "创建日期", "Top: Past week": "置顶:过去一周", "Top: Past month": "置顶:过去一月", "Top: Past day": "置顶:过去一天", "Top: Past year": "置顶:过去一年", "Top: All": "置顶:所有", "Label": "标签", "Filter by label": "按标签筛选", "Filter labels": "筛选标签", "Unlabeled": "无标签", "bug": "BUG", "Something isn't working": "有些东西不工作", "dependencies": "依赖性", "Pull requests that update a dependency file": "更新一个依赖文件的拉取请求", "documentation": "文档", "Improvements or additions to documentation": "文档的改进或补充", "duplicate": "重复", "This issue or pull request already exists": "这个议题或拉取请求已经存在", "enhancement": "增强", "New feature or request": "新功能或请求", "good first issue": "好的首发议题", "Good for newcomers": "适合新人", "help wanted": "需要帮助", "Extra attention is needed": "需要特别关注", "invalid": "无效", "This doesn't seem right": "这似乎不对", "question": "问题", "Further information is requested": "要求提供更多信息", "wontfix": "不会修复", "This will not be worked on": "这将不会被处理", "Edit labels": "编辑标签", "Filter:": "筛选:", "Answered": "已答复", "Unanswered": "未答复", "Locked": "锁定", "Unlocked": "未锁定", "All": "所有", "New discussion": "新建讨论", "There aren't any discussions.": "暂无任何讨论。", "There are no matching discussions.": "没有匹配的讨论。", "There are no matching answered discussions.": "没有匹配的已答复讨论。", "There are no matching unanswered discussions.": "没有匹配的未答复讨论。", "You can open a": "您可以打开一个", "new discussion": "新讨论", "to ask questions about this repository or get help.": ",询问关于这个仓库的问题或获得帮助。", "asked": "回复", "started": "标星", "· Unanswered": " · 未答复", "· Answered": " · 已答复", // 下拉补充 "Use": "使用", "click/return": "点击/回车", "to exclude labels.": "去排除标签。", // 状态词 "asked a question in": "提出了一个问题在", "Unanswered Question": "未解答的问题", "announced": "公布于", "in": "在", // 讨论分类 ///discussions/categories "Manage discussion categories": "管理讨论分类", "Sections are a dropdown of categories. Categories have types of discussions, and discussions within them.": "本栏目是类别的下拉菜单。类别中包含讨论类型和讨论内容。", // [/(\d+) categories?/, "$1 个分类"], "Categories without section": "无栏目分类", "Announcements": "公告", "Updates from maintainers": "维护者的更新信息", "General": "通常", "Chat about anything and everything here": "在这里谈论任何事情", "Ideas": "想法", "Share ideas for new features": "分享对新功能的想法", "Polls": "投票", "Take a vote from the community": "社区中进行投票", "Q&A": "问答", "Ask the community for help": "向社会寻求帮助", "Answers enabled": "已启用答案", "Show and tell": "展示与讲述", "Show off something you've made": "炫耀您所做的事情", "New section": "新建栏目", "New category": "新建分类", "Edit Announcements category": "编辑 “公告” 分类", "Edit General category": "编辑 “通常” 分类", "Edit Ideas category": "编辑 “想法” 分类", "Edit Polls category": "编辑 “投票” 分类", "Edit Q&A category": "编辑 “问与答” 分类", "Edit Show and tell category": "编辑 “展示与讲述” 分类", "Delete Announcements category": "删除 “公告” 分类", "Delete General category": "删除 “通常” 分类", "Delete Ideas category": "删除 “想法” 分类", "Delete Polls category": "删除 “投票” 分类", "Delete Q&A category": "删除 “问与答” 分类", "Delete Show and tell category": "删除 “展示与讲述” 分类", // 删除分类 "If this category has discussions associated, where would you like to reassign them?": "如果此类别有相关的讨论,您希望将它们重新分配到何处?", "Delete and move": "删除并移动", // 删除栏目 // [/Delete (.*) section/, "删除 “$1” 栏目"], "Are you sure you want to delete this section? All categories in this section will no longer belong to a section.": "您确定要删除此栏目吗?此栏目中的所有分类将不再属于一个栏目。", // 新建 & 编辑 分类 ///discussions/categories/new // ///discussions/categories//edit "Create category": "创建分类", "Edit category": "编辑分类", "Category name": "分类名称", "Description": "描述", "Add a description (optional)": "添加描述(可选)", "Discussion Format": "讨论形式", "Open-ended discussion": "开放式讨论", "Enable your community to have conversations that don't require a definitive answer to a question. Great for sharing tips and tricks or just chatting.": "使您的社区能够进行对话,不需要对问题作出明确的回答。很适合分享技巧和窍门,或者只是聊天。", "Question / Answer": "问 / 答", "Enable your community to ask questions, suggest answers, and vote on the best suggested answer.": "使您的社区能够提出问题、建议答案并投票选出最佳建议答案。", "Announcement": "公告", "Share updates and news with your community. Only maintainers and admins can post new discussions in these categories, but anyone can comment and reply.": "与您的社区分享更新和新闻。只有维护者和管理员可以在这些类别中发布新讨论,但任何人都可以发表评论和回复。", "Poll": "投票", "Gauge interest, vote, and interact with other community members using polls.": "调查兴趣,投票,并使用投票与其他社区成员互动。", "Cannot be changed to polls. Please create a new category for polls.": "不能更改为投票。请为投票创建一个新类别。", "Add this category to a section (optional)": "将此分类添加到一个栏目(可选)", "No section": "无栏目", "Create": "创建", "Save changes": "保存更改", "Submitting": "提交中", // 顶部提醒 "Category Announcements has been created.": "分类 “公告” 已创建", "Category General has been created.": "分类 “通常” 已创建", "Category Ideas has been created.": "分类 “想法” 已创建", "Category Polls has been created.": "分类 “投票” 已创建", "Category Q&A has been created.": "分类 “问与答” 已创建", "Category Show and tell has been created.": "分类 “展示与讲述” 已创建", "Category Announcements has been updated.": "分类 “公告” 已更新", "Category General has been updated.": "分类 “通常” 已更新", "Category Ideas has been updated.": "分类 “想法” 已更新", "Category Polls has been updated.": "分类 “投票” 已更新", "Category Q&A has been updated.": "分类 “问与答” 已更新", "Category Show and tell has been updated.": "分类 “展示与讲述” 已更新", "Category Announcements has been deleted.": "分类 “公告” 已删除", "Category General has been deleted.": "分类 “通常” 已删除", "Category Ideas has been deleted.": "分类 “想法” 已删除", "Category Polls has been deleted.": "分类 “投票” 已删除", "Category Q&A has been deleted.": "分类 “问与答” 已删除", "Category Show and tell has been deleted.": "分类 “展示与讲述” 已删除", // [/Category \"(.*)\" has been created./, "分类 “$1” 已创建。"], // [/Category \"(.*)\" has been updated./, "分类 “$1” 已更新。"], // [/Category \"(.*)\" has been deleted./, "分类 “$1” 已删除。"], // 新建 & 编辑栏目 ///discussions/sections/new "Create section": "创建栏目", "Section name": "栏目名称", "Add categories to this section": "向栏目添加分类", "A category can only belong to one section at a time.": "一个分类一次只能属于一个栏目。", // 顶部提醒 // [/Section \"(.*)\" has been created./, "栏目 “$1” 已创建。"], // [/Section \"(.*)\" has been updated./, "栏目 “$1” 已更新。"], // [/Section \"(.*)\" has been deleted./, "栏目 “$1” 已删除。"], // 新建讨论页面 ///discussions/new "Start a new discussion": "开始新的讨论", "Select a discussion category": "选择讨论分类", "Get started": "开始", "Category:": "分类:", "Contributing": "贡献", "It looks like this is your first time starting a discussion in this repository!": "看起来这是您第一次在此仓库中开始讨论!", "This is a community we build together. Please be welcoming and open minded.": "这是我们共同建立的社区。请保持热情和开放的态度。", // 投票类 "Poll question": "投票问题", "Ask your question here (required)": "在此提出您的问题(必填)。", "Poll options": "投票选项", "Option 1 (required)": "选项 1(必填)", "Option 2 (required)": "选项 2(必填)", "Option": "选项", "+ Add an option": "+ 增加选项", // 右侧栏 "Labels": "标签", "None yet": "暂无", "Helpful resources": "帮助性资源", "Code of conduct": "行为准则", "Security policy": "安全政策", "Support": "支持", "GitHub Community Guidelines": "GitHub 社区准则", "Ask a question, start a conversation, or make an announcement": "提出问题、开始对话或发布公告", // 新建讨论页面 ///discussions/new?category=general "If this doesn’t look right you can": "如果这个看起来不对,您可以", "choose a different category.": "选择不同的类别。", "Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.": "标有星号(*)的字段是必填字段。", "Discussion title": "讨论标题", // 新建讨论页面 ///discussions/new?category=announcements&welcome_text=true "Since you're new here, we're helping you to get started by generating your first post to the community. Don't worry, you can edit this discussion after you post!": "由于您是新来的,我们正在帮助您开始向社区发布您的第一个帖子。不用担心,您可以在发布后编辑此讨论!", // 某个讨论页面 ///discussions/ // [/Congratulations, you've created the first discussion in ([^ ]+)!/, "恭喜您,您已经在 $1 中创建了第一个讨论!"], // 顶部提醒 "Discussion has successfully been pinned.": "讨论已成功置顶。", "Discussion has been unpinned.": "讨论已取消置顶。", "Discussion pinned to Announcements": "在 “公告” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion pinned to General": "在 “通常” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion pinned to Ideas": "在 “想法” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion pinned to Polls": "在 “投票” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion pinned to Q&A": "在 “问与答” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion pinned to Show and tell": "在 “展示与讲述” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion unpinned from Announcements": "取消在 “公告” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion unpinned from General": "取消在 “通常” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion unpinned from Ideas": "取消在 “想法” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion unpinned from Polls": "取消在 “投票” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion unpinned from Q&A": "取消在 “问与答” 上置顶讨论", "Discussion unpinned from Show and tell": "取消在 “展示与讲述” 上置顶讨论", "Pinned": "已置顶", "announced in": "宣布于", "started this conversation in": "开始了这次讨论,在", "asked this question in": "提出了这个问题,在", "Maintainer": "维护者", "Discussion options": "讨论选项", "Category": "分类", // [/(\d+) answers?/, "$1 位答复者"], "Return to top": "返回顶部", // [/(\d+) comments?/, "$1 条评论"], // [/(\d+) replies?/, "$1 条答复"], // [/(\d+) suggested answer/, "$1 个建议答案"], "Answered by": "答复者:", "View full answer": "查看完整答案", "Oldest": "最早", "Newest": "最新", "Top": "置顶", "Comment options": "评论选项", "Events": "活动", "Marked": "标记为", "an": "一个", "Marked then unmarked an answer": "标记后,又取消标记", "Marked as answer": "标记为答案", "Answer selected by": "被标记答案由", "This comment was marked as off-topic.": "这条评论被标记为离题。", "Show comment": "显示评论", "Hide comment": "隐藏评论", // [/Show (\d+) previous repl(y|ies)/, "显示 $1 条之前的答复"], // [/(\d+) hidden items?/, "$1 条隐藏项目"], "Load more…": "载入更多…", "New": "新", "Remember, contributions to this repository should follow its": "请记住,对该仓库的贡献应遵循", "Remember, contributions to this repository should follow our": "请记住,对该仓库的贡献应遵循我们的", "code of conduct": "行为准则", // [/(\d+) new suggested answers?/, "$1 个新的建议答案"], "Answer selected": "已选择答案", // 右侧栏 // /([\d,]+) participants?/, "$1 位参与者" "and others": "和其它", "Change category": "更改类别", "Converted from issue": "由议题转化而来", // [/This discussion was converted from issue/, "本讨论由以下议题转换而来"], "Notifications": "通知类型", "Subscribe": "订阅", "Unsubscribe": "退订", "You’re not receiving notifications from this thread.": "您没有收到来自该话题的通知。", "You’re receiving notifications because you’re watching this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您正在关注此仓库。", "You’re receiving notifications because you authored the thread.": "您收到通知是因为您提出了该话题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you’re subscribed to this thread.": "您收到通知是因为您订阅了该话题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you were mentioned.": "您收到通知是因为有人 @您。", "You’re receiving notifications because you commented.": "您收到通知是因为您发表了评论。", "You’re receiving notifications because you are watching pull requests on this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您正在关注此仓库上的拉取请求。", "You’re receiving notifications because you are watching issues on this repository.": "您收到通知是因为您正在关注此仓库上的议题。", "You’re receiving notifications because you modified the open/close state.": "您收到通知是因为您修改了打开/关闭状态。", "You’re ignoring this repository.": "您忽略了这个仓库。", // 锁定对话 "Lock conversation": "锁定对话", "Are you sure you want to lock conversation on this discussion?": "您确定要锁定此讨论的对话吗?", "Other users": "其他用户", "can’t add new comments": "无法添加新评论", "to this discussion.": "到该讨论。", "You and other collaborators": "您和其他合作者", "with access": "具有访问权限", "to this repository": "该仓库", "can still leave comments": "仍然可以留下评论", "that others can see.": ",其他人可以看到。", "You can always unlock this discussion again in the future.": "您今后仍可以随时再次解锁此讨论。", "This conversation has been locked and limited to collaborators.": "此对话已锁定,仅合作者可评论。", "Unlock conversation": "解锁对话", "Are you sure you want to unlock conversation on this discussion?": "您确定要解锁此讨论的对话吗?", "Everyone": "任何人", "will be able to comment on this discussion once more.": "将能够再次对这个讨论发表评论。", "You can always lock this discussion again in the future.": "您今后仍可以随时再次锁定此讨论。", "Transfer this discussion": "转移讨论", // 转移议题 对话框 "Results are limited to top repositories, search to find more.": "结果仅限于置顶仓库,请搜索以查找更多信息。", "Move this discussion to another repository you own.": "将此讨论移至您拥有的另一个仓库。", "Search repositories": "搜索仓库", "There aren't any eligible repositories that match your query.": "没有任何符合条件的仓库与您的查询匹配。", "Transfer discussion": "转移讨论", "Pin discussion": "置顶讨论", "You can pin up to 4 discussions. They will appear publicly at the top of the discussions page.": "您最多可以置顶 4 个讨论。它们将公开显示在讨论页面的顶部。", "Configure pinned discussion": "设置置顶讨论", "Background": "背景色", "Pattern": "图案", "Pinning discussion…": "置顶讨论…", "Edit pinned discussion": "编辑置顶讨论", "Unpin discussion": "取消置顶讨论", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion?": "您确定要取消置顶讨论吗?", "The discussion itself won't be deleted, it just won't be shown prominently above the list of discussions.": "讨论本身不会被删除,只是不会突出显示在讨论列表上方。", // 顶部提醒 // [/Discussion \"([^ ]+)\" has been unpinned./, "讨论 “$1” 已取消置顶。"], "Pin discussion to Announcements": "将讨论置顶到 “公告”", "Pin this discussion to this category": "将此讨论置顶到此类别", "This will pin this discussion to the top of the Announcements category.": "这将此讨论置顶到 “公告” 类别顶部。", "Pin to Announcements": "置顶到 “公告”", "Pin discussion to General": "将讨论置顶到 “通常”", "This will pin this discussion to the top of the General category.": "这将此讨论置顶到 “通常” 类别顶部。", "Pin to General": "置顶到 “通常”", "Pin discussion to Ideas": "将讨论置顶到 “想法”", "This will pin this discussion to the top of the Ideas category.": "这将此讨论置顶到 “想法” 类别顶部。", "Pin to Ideas": "置顶到 “想法”", "Pin discussion to Polls": "将讨论置顶到 “投票”", "This will pin this discussion to the top of the Polls category.": "这将此讨论置顶到 “投票” 类别顶部。", "Pin to Polls": "置顶到 “投票”", "Pin discussion to Q&A": "将讨论置顶到 “问与答”", "This will pin this discussion to the top of the Q&A category.": "这将此讨论置顶到 “问与答” 类别顶部。", "Pin to Q&A": "置顶到 “问与答”", "Pin discussion to Show and tell": "将讨论置顶到 “展示与讲述”", "This will pin this discussion to the top of the Show and tell category.": "这将此讨论置顶到 “展示与讲述” 类别顶部。", "Pin to Show and tell": "置顶到 “展示与讲述”", "Unpin discussion from this category": "从此类别取消置顶", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion from Announcements?": "您确定要从 “公告” 中取消置顶此讨论吗?", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion from General?": "您确定要从 “通常” 中取消置顶此讨论吗?", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion from Ideas?": "您确定要从 “想法” 中取消置顶此讨论吗?", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion from Polls?": "您确定要从 “投票” 中取消置顶此讨论吗?", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion from Q&A?": "您确定要从 “问与答” 中取消置顶此讨论吗?", "Are you sure you want to unpin this discussion from Show and tell?": "您确定要从 “展示与讲述” 中取消置顶此讨论吗?", "The discussion itself won't be deleted, it just won't be shown at the top of this category.": "讨论本身不会被删除,只是不会显示在该类别的顶部。", "Create issue from discussion": "从讨论中创建议题", "Delete discussion": "删除讨论", "Delete discussion?": "删除讨论?", "The discussion will be deleted permanently. You will not be able to restore the discussion or its comments.": "该讨论将被永久删除。您将无法恢复该讨论或其评论。", "Deleting discussion…": "正在删除讨论...", // 顶部提醒 "The discussion was successfully deleted.": "该讨论已成功删除。", "The original post will be copied into a new issue, and the discussion will remain active.": "原帖将被复制到一个新的议题中,讨论将保持活跃。", "OK, got it!": "好的,我知道了!", "Convert issues": "转换为议题", // [/Convert (\d+) issues? to discussions?/, "将 $1 个议题转换为讨论"], // 标签页面 // [/Are you sure you want to convert (\d+) issues? with the following label to discussions?/, "您确定要将带有以下标签的 $1 个议题转换为讨论吗?"], // 标签页面 // "What happens when an issue is converted into a discussion:": "将议题转化为讨论时,会发生什么:", "Issue will be locked": "议题将被锁定", // "Title, description, and author will be the same as the issue": "标题、描述和作者将与议题相同", "Existing links will redirect to the new discussion": "现有链接将重定向到新讨论", // "All comments and reactions will be the same as the issue": "所有评论和反应将与议题相同", "Discussions do not have milestones": "讨论没有里程碑", "Discussions cannot be added to projects": "讨论不能被添加到项目中", "Discussions do not have assignees": "讨论没有受理人", "You must choose a category for the discussion to belong to. You will be able to change this after the conversion is complete.": "您必须为讨论选择一个所属的类别。在转换完成后,您将能够更改此设置。", "Choose a category": "选择类别", "Future issues with this label will not be automatically converted into discussions.": "今后带有此标签的议题并不会自动转化为讨论。", "I understand, convert these issues to discussions.": "我明白了,依然把这些议题转化为讨论。", // 顶部提醒 // [/Open issues with label \'([^ ]+)\' are being converted to discussions./, "带有 “$1” 标签的打开议题正在被转换为讨论。"], // 标签页面 // 转移议题到讨论 //discussions/?converting=<讨论id> "This discussion is being migrated": "此讨论正在迁移", "The issue and any comments are still being copied to this discussion thread, please check back later.": "该议题和所有评论仍在复制到此讨论话题中,请稍后查看", "Refresh": "刷新", // //community/discussions // [/This is a ✨special✨ repository containing the organization level discussions for ([^ ]+). Everything posted here will also be visible at the organization level./, "这是一个 ✨ 特别的 ✨ 仓库,包含 $1 的组织层面的讨论。这里发布的所有内容在组织层面上也是可见的。"], "View organization discussions": "查看组织讨论", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Fillter: /, "筛选:"], [/(\d+) categories?/, "$1 个分类"], [/Congratulations, you've created the first discussion in ([^ ]+)!/, "恭喜您,您已经在 $1 中创建了第一个讨论!"], [/(\d+) answers?/, "$1 位答复者"], [/(\d+) comments?/, "$1 条评论"], [/(\d+) repl(y|ies)/, "$1 条答复"], [/(\d+) suggested answers?/, "$1 个建议答案"], [/(\d+) participants?/, "$1 位参与者"], [/Show (\d+) previous repl(y|ies)/, "显示 $1 条之前的答复"], [/(\d+) hidden items?/, "$1 条隐藏项目"], [/Discussion \"([^ ]+)\" has been unpinned./, "讨论 “$1” 已取消置顶。"], [/Convert (\d+) issues? to discussions?/, "将 $1 个议题转换为讨论"], // 标签页面 [/Are you sure you want to convert (\d+) issues? with the following label to discussions?/, "您确定要将带有以下标签的 $1 个议题转换为讨论吗?"], // 标签页面 [/Open issues with label \'([^ ]+)\' are being converted to discussions./, "带有 “$1” 标签的打开议题正在被转换为讨论。"], // 标签页面 [/Edited (\d+) times?/,"编辑 $1 次"], //评论框编辑次数 [/edited by ([^ ]+)/,"被 $1 编辑"], //评论框 被他人编辑 [/This is a ✨special✨ repository containing the organization level discussions for ([^ ]+). Everything posted here will also be visible at the organization level./, "这是一个 ✨ 特别的 ✨ 仓库,包含 $1 的组织层面的讨论。这里发布的所有内容在组织层面上也是可见的。"], [/Category \"(.*)\" has been created./, "分类 “$1” 已创建。"], [/Category \"(.*)\" has been updated./, "分类 “$1” 已更新。"], [/Category \"(.*)\" has been deleted./, "分类 “$1” 已删除。"], [/Section \"(.*)\" has been created./, "栏目 “$1” 已创建。"], [/Section \"(.*)\" has been updated./, "栏目 “$1” 已更新。"], [/Section \"(.*)\" has been deleted./, "栏目 “$1” 已删除。"], [/Edit (.*) category/, "编辑 “$1” 分类"], [/Delete (.*) category/, "删除分类 “$1”"], [/Edit section (.*)/, "编辑栏目 “$1”"], [/Delete section (.*)/, "删除栏目 “$1”"], [/Delete (.*) section/, "删除 “$1” 栏目"], [/(\d+) new suggested answers?/, "$1 个新的建议答案"], [/This discussion was converted from issue/, "本讨论由以下议题转换而来"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/orgs/discussions"] = I18N.zh["repository/discussions"] ; I18N.zh["repository/actions"] = { // 仓库 - 操作页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 复刻仓库操作页面提示 "Workflows aren’t being run on this forked repository": "这个分支仓库并未运行任何工作流程。", "Because this repository contained workflow files when it was forked, we have disabled them from running on this fork. Make sure you understand the configured workflows and their expected usage before enabling Actions on this repository.": "因为这个仓库在被分支时含有工作流文件,我们已禁止在此分支上运行它们。在开启此仓库的操作之前,请务必理解配置的工作流程及其预期的使用方式。", "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them": "我已理解我的工作流程,可以放心启用它们。", "View the workflows directory": "查看工作流程目录", //无工作流程 "There are no workflow runs yet.": "无工作流程运行。", // 新建操作 ///actions/new "Get started with GitHub Actions": "开始使用 GitHub Actions", "Choose a workflow": "选择工作流程", "Build, test, and deploy your code. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want. Select a workflow to get started.": "构建、测试和部署您的代码。以您想要的方式进行代码审查、分支管理和议题分类。选择一个工作流以开始使用。", "Skip this and": "跳过并", "set up a workflow yourself": "建立工作流程", "Search workflows": "搜索工作流", "Suggested for this repository": "建议该仓库采用", "Categories": "类别", "Configure": "设置", "Deployment": "部署", "Continuous integration": "持续集成", "Automation": "自动化", "Browse all categories": "浏览所有类别", "Code scanning": "代码扫描", "View all": "查看全部", "Learn more about GitHub Actions": "了解更多关于 GitHub Actions 的信息", "Getting started and core concepts": "入门和核心概念", "New to Actions? Start here. Learn the core concepts and how to get started.": "初次接触 Actions?从这里开始。了解核心概念和如何开始。", "Configuring and managing workflows": "配置和管理工作流程", "Create custom workflows to control your project's life cycle processes.": "创建自定义工作流程以控制项目的生命周期过程。", "Language and framework guides": "语言与框架指南", "Guides for projects written in many programming languages.": "项目指南由多种编程语言编写。", "Didn't find what you're looking for?": "没有找到您需要的?", "Fill out a 2-minute survey to request a new workflow template for GitHub Actions." :"填写一份 2 分钟的调查,为 GitHub Actions 申请一个新的工作流模板。", "Request": "申请", // 新建操作 ///actions/new?category=xxxx // [/Found (\d+) workflows?/, "发现 $1 个工作流程"], // 操作 ///actions // 快捷键 "Go to usage": "跳转到运用", "Go to workflow file": "跳转到工作流程文件", // /actions/runs/ "Toggle timestamps in logs": "切换日志中的时间戳", "Toggle fullscreen logs": "切换全屏日志", "Exit fullscreen logs": "退出全屏日志", "Actions main view search bar": "操作主视图搜索栏", "Automate your workflow from idea to production": "从创意到产品,使您的工作流程自动化", "GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub.": "GitHub Actions 现在可以使用世界一流的 CI/CD 轻松自动化所有软件工作流程。直接从 GitHub 构建、测试和部署您的代码。", "Learn more about getting started with Actions.": "了解更多关于开始使用 Actions 的信息。", "Linux, macOS, Windows, ARM, and containers": "Linux、macOS、Windows、ARM 和容器", "Hosted runners for every major OS make it easy to build and test all your projects. Run directly on a VM or inside a container. Use your own VMs, in the cloud or on-prem, with self-hosted runners.": "为每一个主要的操作系统提供的托管运行程序,使您能够轻松地构建和测试您的所有项目。直接在虚拟机上或容器内运行。在云端或本地使用您自己的虚拟机,以及自托管的运行器。", "Matrix builds": "矩阵式构建", "Save time with matrix workflows that simultaneously test across multiple operating systems and versions of your runtime.": "使用矩阵工作流程可同时跨多个操作系统和版本运行,节省时间", "Any language": "任何语言", "GitHub Actions supports Node.js, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Go, Rust, .NET, and more. Build, test, and deploy applications in your language of choice.": "GitHub Actions 支持 Node.js、Python、Java、Ruby、PHP、Go、Rust、.NET 等。以您选择的语言构建、测试和部署应用。", "Live logs": "实时日志", "See your workflow run in realtime with color and emoji. It’s one click to copy a link that highlights a specific line number to share a CI/CD failure.": "使用颜色和表情符号实时查看您的工作流程。只需单击即可复制突出显示特定行号的链接以共享 CI/CD 故障。", "Built-in secret store": "内置的机密存储", "Automate your software development practices with workflow files embracing the Git flow by codifying it in your repository.": "通过将工作流程文件编码到您的仓库,您的软件开发实践,包括 Git 流程自动化。", "Multi-container testing": "多容器测试", "Test your web service and its DB in your workflow by simply adding some": "在您的工作流程中测试您的网络服务和它的数据库,只需添加一些", "docker-compose": "docker-组合", "to your workflow file.": "到您的工作流程文件。", // 左侧栏 "Workflows": "工作流程", "New workflow": "新建工作流程", "Select workflow": "选择工作流程", "Show more workflows...": "显示更多工作流程...", "Management": "管理", "Caches": "缓存", "Deployments": "部署", "Runners": "运行器", "Help us improve GitHub Actions": "帮助我们改进 GitHub Actions", "Tell us how to make GitHub Actions work better for you with three quick questions.": "通过三个快速问题告诉我们如何让 GitHub Actions 更好地为您服务。", "All workflows": "全部工作流程", "Showing runs from all workflows": "显示所有工作流程的运行情况", //筛选条 "Filter workflow runs": "筛选工作流程", "Narrow your search": "缩小搜索范围", // [/(\d+) workflow runs?$/, "$1 个工作流程运行"], // [/(\d+) workflow runs results/, "$1 个工作流程运行结果"], "Event": "事件", "Filter by event": "按事件筛选", "Find an event": "查找事件", "push": "推送", "pull_request": "拉取请求", "pull_request_target": "拉取请求目标", "schedule": "日程", "watch": "关注", "workflow_dispatch": "工作流程调度", "dynamic": "动态", // 状态 "Filter by status": "按状态筛选", "Find a status": "查找状态", "queued": "排队", "in progress": "正在进行中", "waiting": "等待中", "completed": "已完成", "neutral": "中立", "success": "成功", "failure": "失败", "cancelled": "已取消", "action required": "需要采取行动", "timed out": "已超时", "skipped": "跳过", "stale": "陈旧", "Branch": "分支", "Filter by branch": "按分支筛选", "Find a branch": "查找分支", "Actor": "角色", "Filter by actor": "按角色筛选", "Find a user": "查找用户", // 日志 右侧按钮 "Cancel run": "取消运行", "Delete workflow run": "删除工作流程运行", // 删除工作流程运行 对话框 "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this workflow run?": "您确定要永久删除此工作流程运行吗?", "This action cannot be undone": "此操作无法撤消", "Yes, permanently delete this workflow run": "是的,永久删除此工作流程运行", // 顶部提醒 "Workflow run deleted successfully.": "工作流程运行删除成功。", // 筛选结果 "all workflow runs": "所有工作流程运行", "or try different filters.": "或尝试不同的筛选器。", // 列表区域 // 工作流程运行状态 "In progress": "进行中", "Queued": "排队中", "Pending": "待定中", // 顶部提醒 "You have successfully requested the workflow to be canceled.": "您已成功请求取消工作流。", // 缓存 ///actions/caches "Showing caches from all workflows.": "显示所有工作流程的缓存。", "Learn more about managing caches.": "了解更多关于管理缓存的信息。", "Filter caches": "筛选缓存", // [/(\d+) caches?/, "$1 个缓存"], "Sort": "排序", "Sort by": "排序方式", // 排序下拉菜单 "Recently used": "最近使用", "Least recently used": "最近最少使用", "Newest": "最新", "Oldest": "最早", "Largest size": "最大尺寸", "Smallest size": "最小尺寸", "No caches": "尚无缓存", "Nothing has been cached by workflows running in this repository.": "在此仓库中运行的工作流程尚未缓存任何内容。", "Learn more about caching": "了解更多关于缓存的信息", "dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time.": "依赖关系和构建输出以缩短工作流执行时间。", "Last used": "最近使用", // [/(\d+) cache results?/, "$1 个缓存结果"], "No caches matched your search": "没有与您的搜索相匹配的缓存", // [/No caches matched your search branch:([^ ]+)/, "没有与您搜索的分支: $1 相匹配的缓存"], "Remove the filters": "删除筛选器", "or try a different search query.": "或尝试不同的搜索查询。", "Remove cache": "删除缓存", "Are you sure you want to delete this cache?": "您确定要删除此缓存吗?", "Yes, permanently delete this cache": "是的,永久删除此缓存", "Deleting Cache...": "删除缓存中...", // 顶部提醒 "Cache deleted successfully.": "缓存已成功删除。", // 运行器 ///actions/runners "Runners available to this repository": "此仓库可用的运行器", "New runner": "新建运行器", "GitHub-hosted runners": "GitHub 托管的运行器", // [/(\d+) available runners?/, "$1 个可用运行器"], "Larger GitHub-hosted runners": "大型 GitHub 托管运行程序", "New": "新", "Unprovisioned": "未配置", "Team & Enterprise": "团队与企业", "Sizes up to:": "尺寸可达:", "Standard GitHub-hosted runners": "标准 GitHub 托管的运行器", "Ready-to-use runners managed by GitHub.": "由 GitHub 管理的即用型运行器。", "Learn more about GitHub-hosted runners.": "了解更多关于 GitHub 托管运行器的信息。", "Copy ubuntu-latest": "复制 ubuntu-latest", "Copy windows-latest": "复制 windows-latest", "Copy macos-latest": "复制 macos-latest", "View larger runner docs": "查看大型运行器文档", "See pricing": "查看定价", "Self-hosted runners": "自托管运行器", "You don't have any": "此仓库尚无任何", "self-hosted": "自托管", "runners for this repository": "运行器", "Self-hosted runners are virtual machines for GitHub Actions workflows that you manage and maintain outside of GitHub.": "自托管运行器是您在 GitHub 外部管理和维护的 GitHub Actions 工作流程的虚拟机。", // ///actions/workflows/.yml "This workflow has a": "这个工作流程有一个", "event trigger.": "事件触发器。", "Run workflow": "运行工作流程", "Use workflow from": "使用工作流程来自:", "Branch:": "分支:", "Select branch": "选择分支", "Select ref": "选择引用", "Select a tag": "选择标签", "Nothing to show": "暂无", "Workflow does not exist or does not have a": "工作流程不存在或没有", "trigger in this branch.": "触发在此分支。", "Learn more about manual workflows": "了解更多关于手工工作流程的信息", // 顶部提醒 "Workflow run was successfully requested.": "工作流程已成功请求运行。", "This scheduled workflow is disabled because there hasn't been activity in this repository for at least 60 days.": "此计划工作流程已禁用,因为此仓库至少 60 天没有活动。", "Enable workflow": "启用工作流程", // 顶部提醒 "Workflow enabled successfully.": "工作流程已成功启用。", "Disable workflow": "禁用工作流程", // 提醒 "This workflow was disabled manually.": "工作流程已被手动禁用。", // 顶部提醒 "Workflow disabled successfully.": "工作流程已成功禁用。", "Re-run jobs": "重新运行作业", "This workflow has no runs yet.": "此工作流程尚未运行。", "No results matched your search.": "没有与您的搜索匹配的结果。", "You could search": "您可以搜索", // ///actions/runs/ // 顶部提醒 "Logs deleted successfully.": "日志已成功删除。", // 标题 "Re-run all jobs": "重新运行所有作业", "Cancel workflow": "取消工作流程", //右侧按钮 "View workflow file": "查看工作流程文件", "View workflow runs": "查看工作流程运行", "Workflow run options": "工作流程运行选项", "Create status badge": "创建状态徽章", "Copy status badge Markdown": "复制状态徽章 Markdown 代码", "Delete all logs": "删除所有日志", // 左侧栏 "Summary": "摘要", "Jobs": "作业", "Run details": "运行详情", "Usage": "运用", //状态条 "Triggered via pull request": "通过拉取请求触发", "Triggered via issues": "通过议题触发", "Triggered via push": "通过推送触发", "Triggered via schedule": "通过计划表触发", "Triggered via dynamic": "通过动态触发", "Triggered via GitHub Pages": "通过 GitHub 页面触发", "Manually triggered": "手动触发", // 状态 "Success": "成功", "Failure": "失败", "Cancelled": "取消", "Total duration": "总时长", "Billable time": "计费时间", // 右侧中间栏 "This workflow graph cannot be shown": "无法显示此工作流图表", "A graph will be generated the next time this workflow is run.": "下次运行此工作流时将生成一个图表。", "This run and associated checks have been archived and are scheduled for deletion.": "此运行和相关检查已存档并计划删除。", "Learn more about checks retention": "了解更多关于检查保留的信息", "Artifacts": "附件", "Produced during runtime": "在运行期间生成", "Name": "名称", "Size": "大小", // [/Delete artifact ([^ ]+)/, "删除附件 $1"], "Expired": "已过期", "This artifact has expired and you can no longer download it": "此附件已过期,您无法再下载", "Annotations": "说明", // [/1 error/, "$1 个错误"], "Show more": "显示更多", "Show less": "显示更少", // ///actions/runs//jobs/ // ///actions/runs//usage "Run and billable time": "运行和计费时间", "Learn about OS pricing on GitHub Actions": "了解 GitHub Actions 上的操作系统定价", "Job": "工作", "Run time": "运行时间", "Billable": "计费", "time": "时间", // ///actions/runs//workflow "Workflow file": "工作流程文件", "Workflow file for this run": "本次运行的工作流程文件", // ///runs/ "The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.": "此运行日志已过期,不再可用。", "Search logs": "搜索日志", "Re-run this job": "重新运行此作业", // 设置按钮 "Show timestamps": "显示时间戳", "Show full screen (Shift+F)": "全屏显示(Shift+F)", "Download log archive": "下载日志存档", "View raw logs": "查看原始日志", "Try broadening your search filters.": "尝试扩大您的搜索筛选器。", // GitHub Pages "GitHub Pages / Page Build": "GitHub Pages / 页面构建", "Page Build": "页面构建", "succeeded": "成功于", "GitHub Pages successfully built your site.": "GitHub Pages 成功构建了您的站点。", "Your website is ready at": "您的网站已准备就绪,网址为", "View more details on GitHub Pages": "在 GitHub Pages 查看更多细节", //顶部提醒 "You have successfully requested checks from GitHub Pages.": "您已成功请求来自 GitHub Pages 的检查。", "Re-run all checks": "重新运行所有检查", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Found (\d+) workflows?/, "发现 $1 个工作流程"], [/(\d+) workflow runs?$/, "$1 个工作流程运行"], [/(\d+) workflow runs? results?/, "$1 个工作流程运行结果"], [/Delete artifact ([^ ]+)/, "删除附件 $1"], [/(\d+) errors?/, "$1 个错误"], [/(\d+) cache results?/, "$1 个缓存结果"], [/(\d+) caches?/, "$1 个缓存"], [/No caches matched your search branch:([^ ]+)/, "没有与您搜索的分支: $1 相匹配的缓存"], [/(\d+) available runners?/, "$1 个可用运行器"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/runs"] = I18N.zh["repository/actions"]; I18N.zh["repository/deployments"] = { // 仓库 - 部署页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // ///deployments // [/Deployed to ([^ ]+)/, "部署到 $1"], "was deployed by": "部署者", "Deployment history": "部署历史", "Try the new deployments view": "尝试新的部署视图", "Show:": "显示:", "All environments": "所有环境", "Loading information…": "载入信息…", "at": "在", "Deployed": "部署", "Deployed by": "部署者", "Active": "活跃", "Inactive": "不活跃", "Abandoned": "废弃", "View deployment": "查看部署情况", "View full deployment history": "查看完整的部署历史", // 测试版部署 "Environments": "环境", "Manage environments": "管理环境", "Give beta feedback": "提供测试反馈", "Opt out of beta view": "选择退出测试版视图", "Active deployments": "活跃的的部署", "From select environments": "来自选择的环境", "Last": "最后", "deployed": "部署于", "Latest deployments from": "最新部署来自", "all environments": "所有环境", "Deployed to": "部署到", "Latest": "最新", "View logs": "查看日志", "View workflow run": "查看工作流程运行", "Status: Deployed (completed).": "状态:已部署(已完成)", "Status: Failed to deploy (completed).": "状态:部署失败(已完成)", "No status available for": "无可用状态", // ///deployments/activity_log?environment=github-pages "Deployments": "部署", "/ History": "/ 历史", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Deployed to ([^ ]+)/, "部署到 $1"], [/(\d+) deployments?/, "$1 次部署"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/watchers"] = { // 仓库 - 关注者页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 关注者页面 ///watchers "Watchers": "关注者", "No one’s watching this repository yet. You could be the first.": "暂无关注者。您可以成为第一个", "Learn more about how watching repositories works on GitHub": "了解更多关于如何在 GitHub 上关注仓库的工作方式", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], // [/Joined/,"加入于"], // 追星者,关注者页面 ], }; I18N.zh["repository/stargazers"] = { // 仓库 - 追星者页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 追星者页面 ///stargazers "Stargazers": "追星者", "All": "全部", "You know": "您关注的", "Be the first to star this repository.": "成为第一个为这个仓库加星标的人。", "about how starring works on GitHub.": "关于如何在 GitHub 上加注星标。", "Be the first of your friends to star this repository.": "成为第一个为这个仓库加星标的朋友。", // ///stargazers/you_know "No one you follow has starred this repository yet.": "您关注的任何人都未星标此仓库。", "Learn more about how starring works on GitHub.": "了解在 GitHub 上星标的工作原理。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], // [/Joined/,"加入于"], // 追星者,关注者页面 ], }; I18N.zh["repository/new"] = { // 仓库 - 新建/编辑/上传/删除文件页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 新建文件页面 ///new/ // 文件树侧边栏 "Expand file tree": "展开文件树", "Collapse file tree": "折叠文件树", // 搜索框 "Go to file": "转到文件", "No matches found": "未找到匹配项", "Name your file...": "文件名...", "in": "在", "Cancel changes": "取消更改", "You have unsaved changes. Do you want to discard them?": "您有未保存的更改。您想丢弃它们吗?", "Commit changes...": "提交更改...", "Preview": "预览", "Loading preview…": "载入预览…", "There is no content to preview.": "没有可预览的内容。", "There has been an error generating the preview.": "生成预览时发生错误。", "Unable to load this preview, sorry.": "抱歉,无法加载此预览。", "There are no changes to show.": "没有要显示的更改。", "But you can preview the whole file.": "但您可以预览整个文件。", // new code view // 代码编辑框 // Copilot 广告 "Code 55% faster with GitHub Copilot": "使用 GitHub Copilot 编码速度提高 55%", "Spend less time creating boilerplate and repetitive code patterns, and more time building great software. Try it in Codespaces or your favorite file editor.": "花更少的时间创建模板和重复的代码模式,花更多的时间构建优秀的软件。在 GitHub 代码空间或您最喜欢的文件编辑器中尝试一下哈。", "Get GitHub Copilot": "获取 GitHub Copilot", "Don't show again": "不再显示", "Indent mode": "缩进模式", "Spaces": "空格", "Tabs": "Tab", "Indent size": "缩进大小", "Line wrap mode": "换行模式", "No wrap": "不换行", "Soft wrap": "软换行", "Show Diff": "显示差异", // 提交对话框 "Sign off and propose changes": "签署并提出变更建议", "Sign off and commit changes": "签署并提交更改", // 编辑模式 "Commit message": "提交信息", "Extended description": "扩展描述", "Add an optional extended description..": "添加描述.. (可选)", "You are": "您将", "signing off": "签署", // [/on this commit as/,"该提交以"], "You can’t commit to": "您不能提交到", "because its is a": ",因为它是一个", "protected branch": "受保护分支", "Commit directly to the": "提交到", "branch": "分支", "Some rules will be bypassed by committing directly": "直接提交可以绕过一些规则", "Bypass rules and commit changes": "绕过规则并提交更改", "Create a": "创建", "new branch": "新分支", "for this commit and start a pull request": "为这个提交,并且发起一个拉取请求", "Learn more about pull requests": "了解更多关于拉取请求的信息", "Something went wrong. Please fork the project, then try from your fork.": "出错了。请复刻该项目,然后从您的复刻处尝试。", // 底部栏 "Use": "使用", "to toggle the": "切换", "key moving focus. Alternatively, use": "键移动对焦。或者使用", "then": "键,然后", "to move to the next interactive element on the page.": "键移动到页面上的下一个交互元素。", // 顶部提醒 // [/Your license is ready. Please review it below and either commit it to the ([^ ]+) branch or to a new branch./, "您的许可证已准备就绪。请在下面审查它并将其提交到 $1 分支或新分支。"], // 编辑文件页面 ///edit// // 非本人仓库 "You need to fork this repository to propose changes.": "您需要复刻此仓库以提出更改。", "Sorry, you’re not able to edit this repository directly—you need to fork it and propose your changes from there instead.": "抱歉,您无法直接编辑此仓库——您需要将其复刻并从那里提出您的更改。", "Fork this repository": "复刻此仓库", "Learn more about forks": "了解更多关于复刻的信息", "You’re making changes in a project you don’t have write access to. Submitting a change will write it to a new branch in your fork": "您正在对没有写入权限的项目进行更改。提交更改会将其写入您的复刻", ", so you can send a pull request.": " 中的新分支,这样您就可以发送拉取请求。", // 组织仓库 编辑文件页面 "You’re making changes in a project you don’t have write access to. We’ve": "您正在对没有写入权限的项目进行更改。我们已经", "created a fork of this project": "为该项目创建复刻", "for you to commit your proposed changes to. Submitting a change will write it to a new branch in your fork, so you can send a pull request.": "供您提交建议的更改。提交更改会将其写入复刻中的新分支,这样您就可以发送拉取请求。", // 混合换行符 "We’ve detected the file has mixed line endings. When you commit changes we will normalize them to": "我们检测到该文件具有混合行结尾。当您提交更改时,我们会将它们标准化为", "Windows-style": "Windows 样式", // 与用户名同名仓库 编辑 README.md 文件 "is a special repository: its": "是一个特殊的仓库:它的", "will appear on your profile!": "将出现在您的个人资料中!", "New": "新", "is now a special repository: its": "现在是一个特殊的仓库:它的", // 组织下.github 仓库 编辑 /profile/README.md 文件 "is a special repository: this": "是一个特殊的仓库:这个", "will appear on your organization's profile!": "将出现在您的组织资料中!", // 编辑 .gitignore 文件 "Choose .gitignore template": "选择 .gitignore 模板", ".gitignore template": ".gitignore 模板", "Filter…": "筛选…", "None": "无", // 编辑 工作流程文件 .github/workflows/xxxx.yml "Collapse help panel": "折叠帮助面板", // 帮助面板侧边栏 "Search Marketplace for Actions": "搜索 Actions 市场", "Featured Actions": "特色 Actions", "Featured categories": "特色分类", "Code quality": "代码质量", "Monitoring": "监控", "Continuous integration": "持续集成", "Project management": "项目管理", "Deployment": "部署", "Project management": "项目管理", "Testing": "测试", "Browse all actions on the GitHub Marketplace": "浏览 GitHub 市场 上的所有 Actions", // 底部栏补充 "Space": "空格", "to trigger autocomplete in most situations.": "在大多数情况下将触发自动完成。", "Documentation": "文档", // 编辑 LICENSE 许可证文件 "Choose a license template": "选择许可证模板", // 查找工具栏 "Find": "查找", "next": "下一处", "previous": "上一处", "all": "全部", "match case": "区分大小写", "regexp": "正则", "by word": "全字匹配", "Replace": "替换", "replace": "替换", "replace all": "全部替换", // 删除文件页面 ///delete// // 顶部提醒 "File successfully deleted.": "文件已成功删除。", // 上传文件页面 ///upload/ // 自有仓库 "Drag files here to add them to your repository": "拖拽文件添加到当前仓库", "Drag additional files here to add them to your repository": "拖拽其他文件添加到当前仓库", "Or": "或", "choose your files": "选择文件", "Drop to upload your files": "拖拽上传您的文件", // 处理反馈 "Yowza, that’s a big file. Try again with a file smaller than 25MB.": "我勒个擦,这么大的文件,单文件不得超过25MB", "Yowza, that’s a lot of files. Try again with fewer than 100 files.": "我勒个擦,这么多文件,一次不能超过100个", "This file is": "这个文件是", "empty": "空的", "Something went really wrong, and we can’t process that file.": "遇到错误,我们无法处理这个文件。", // 文件上传进度条 "Uploading": "文件上传中", "of": "/", // 提交框 补充 "Add files via upload": "通过上传添加文件", "Add an optional extended description…": "添加可选的扩展描述...", "branch.": "分支。", // 上传页面 "for this commit and start a pull request.": "为这个提交,并且发起一个拉取请求。", // 上传页面 "Learn more about pull requests.": "了解更多关于拉取请求的信息。", // 上传页面 // 他人仓库 "Uploads are disabled.": "上传功能已禁用。", "File uploads require push access to this repository.": "文件上传需要推送访问此仓库。", // new code view "Top": "顶部", "Jump to file": "跳转到文件", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/on this commit as/,"该提交以"], [/Your license is ready. Please review it below and either commit it to the ([^ ]+) branch or to a new branch./, "您的许可证已准备就绪。请在下面审查它并将其提交到 $1 分支或新分支。"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/edit"] = I18N.zh["repository/new"]; I18N.zh["repository/delete"] = I18N.zh["repository/new"]; I18N.zh["repository/upload"] = I18N.zh["repository/new"]; I18N.zh["repository/find"] = { // 仓库 - 查找文件页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // Find file 页面 ///find/ "You’ve activated the": "您已激活", "file finder": "文件搜索模式", ". Start typing to filter the file list. Use": "。输入关键词查找您的文件。使用", "and": "和", "to navigate,": "选择文件", "to view files,": "查看文件", "to exit.": "返回。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/wiki"] = { // 仓库 - wiki 页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // wiki 页面 ///wiki // [/Welcome to the ([^ ]+) wiki!/, "欢迎访问 $1 的 Wiki"], // wiki页面 "Wikis provide a place in your repository to lay out the roadmap of your project, show the current status, and document software better, together.": "Wiki 为您的仓库提供了一个更好的文档资料。", "Create the first page": "创建第一个页面", // [/edited this page/, "编辑此页"], // wiki // [/(\d+) revisions?/, "$1 次修订"], // wiki "New page": "新建页面", "Add a custom footer": "添加自定义页脚", // 右侧栏 "Pages": "页面", "Find a page…": "搜索页面…", "Add a custom sidebar": "添加自定义侧边栏", "Clone this wiki locally": "在本地克隆这个 Wiki", "Last updated": "最后更新", // 新建 wiki 页面 ///wiki/_new "Create new page": "创建新页面", "Title": "标题", "Write": "编辑", "Preview": "预览", "Edit mode:": "编辑模式:", "Edit message": "提交信息", "Write a small message here explaining this change. (Optional)": "在这里写一条小消息,解释这一变化。(可选)", "Save page": "保存页面", // 顶部提醒 "Your Wiki was created.": "您的 Wiki 已创建。", // 编辑 wiki 页面 ///wiki//_edit // [/Editing/, "编辑"], //编辑 wiki "Page history": "页面历史", "Delete page": "删除页面", "Are you sure you want to delete this page?": "您确定要删除此页面吗?", "Someone has edited the wiki since you started. Please reload this page and re-apply your changes.": "自您开始以来,有人编辑了 wiki。请重新加载此页面并重新应用您的更改。", // 顶部提醒 "The wiki page was successfully deleted.": "Wiki 页面已成功删除。", // wiki页面历史 ///wiki//_history "Edit page": "编辑页面", "Revisions": "修订", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Welcome to the ([^ ]+) wiki!/, "欢迎访问 $1 的 Wiki"], // wiki页面 [/edited this page/, "编辑此页"], // wiki [/(\d+) revisions?/, "$1 次修订"], // wiki [/Editing/, "编辑"], //编辑 wiki [/Could not find version "([^ ]+)"/, "找不到版本 “$1”"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/branches"] = { // 仓库 - 分支页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 分支页面 branches ///branches // 标签卡栏 "Overview": "概况", "Yours": "您的", "Active": "活跃的", "Stale": "陈旧的", "All branches": "所有分支", "All": "所有", "branches": "分支", "New branch": "新建分支", // 创建分支对话框 "Branch source": "源分支", "Choose from this fork or its upstream repository.": "从此复刻或其上游仓库中进行选择。", "Choose a source branch": "选择源分支", "Share feedback": "分享反馈", "Search branches…": "搜索分支…", "Default branch": "默认分支", "Switch default branch": "切换默认分支", "View branch activity": "查看分支活动", "Default": "默认", // [/Your ([^ ]+) branch isn't protected/, "您的 $1 分支不受保护"], "Your": "您的", "branch isn't protected": "分支不受保护", "Protect this branch from force pushing or deletion, or require status checks before merging.": "保护此分支不被强制推送或删除,或在合并之前要求状态检查。", "Dismiss": "驳回", "Protect this branch": "保护该分支", "Updated": "更新于", "New pull request": "发起拉取请求", // 重命名分支对话框 "Rename default branch": "重命名默认分支", // 重命名默认分支 标题 "Rename this branch": "重命名分支", // 重命名其他分支 标题 "Rename": "重命名", "to:": "为:", "Most projects name the default branch": "大多数项目将默认分支名为", "Renaming this branch:": "重命名此分支:", // 该分支存在来自其他分支的拉取请求时 "Will update": "将更新", "pull request targeting this branch.": "条针对该分支的拉取请求。", "pull": "条拉取请求", "request": " ", "targeting this": "针对", "branch.": "该分支。", "branch protection rule that explicitly targets": "条分支保护规则明确针对", // 该分支存在用于其他分支的拉取请求时 "Will close": "将关闭", "open pull request for this branch.": "个该分支的拉取请求。", "open pull": "个打开的拉取请求", "for this branch.": "针对该分支。", // 重命名 GitHub Pages 所在分支 "Will unpublish current GitHub Pages site.": "将取消当前发布的 GitHub Pages 站点。", "Your current GitHub Pages site will become unpublished. A new commit on the renamed branch will publish the GitHub Pages site again.": "您当前的 GitHub Pages 站点将被取消发布。重命名分支上的新提交将再次发布 GitHub Pages 站点。", "Will not update your members' local environments.": "不会更新您成员的本地环境。", "Renaming this branch will not update your members' local environments.": "重命名此分支不会更新您成员的本地环境。", "Your members will have to manually update their local environments. We'll let them know when they visit the repository, or you can share the following commands.": "您的成员将不得不手动更新他们的本地环境。我们会在他们访问仓库时通知他们,或者您可以共享以下命令。", "Rename branch": "重命名分支", "Saving…": "保存中…", "Deleted": "已删除", // 删除分支后 "Restore": "还原", "Deleted just now by": "刚刚被删除", // 删除对话框 仅当该分支存在拉取请求 "The branch": "分支", // [/is associated with (\d+) open pull requests?:/, "与 $1 个拉取请求相关联:"], // 分支页面 "is associated with an open pull request:": "与 1 个拉取请求相关联:", // 分支页面 "If you delete this branch, the pull request will be closed.": "如果您删除此分支,则拉取请求将被关闭。", "Are you sure you want to delete this branch?": "您确定要删除此分支吗?", // 顶部提醒 // [/Branch ([^ ]+) will be renamed to ([^ ]+) shortly./,"分支 $1 将很快重命名为 $2。"], //分支重命名成功 "Your branches": "您的分支", "You haven’t pushed any branches to this repository.": "您没有推送任何分支到该仓库。", "Active branches": "活跃的分支", "There aren’t any active branches.": "没有任何活跃的分支。", "Stale branches": "陈旧的分支", "There aren’t any stale branches.": "没有任何陈旧的分支。", "View more active branches": "查看更多活跃的分支", "View more stale branches": "查看更多陈旧的分支", // [/(\d+) commits? ahead, (\d+) commits? behind ([^ ]+)/, "领先 $1 个提交,落后 $2 个提交于 $3"], // 新版分支视图 // 创建分支对话框 "Create a branch": "创建分支", "New branch name": "新分支名称", "Source": "源分支", "Switch branches": "切换分支", "Find a branch...": "查找分支...", "default": "默认", "Create new branch": "创建新分支", "Search branches...": "搜索分支...", "Check status": "检查状态", "Behind": "落后", "Ahead": "领先", "Pull request": "拉取请求", "Copy branch name to clipboard": "将分支名称复制到剪贴板", "This branch is protected by branch protections": "该分支受分支保护的保护", "Activity": "活动", "View rules": "查看规则", "View more branches": "查看更多分支", // 底部提醒 "You can't delete this protected branch.": "您无法删除此受保护分支。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Your ([^ ]+) branch isn't protected/, "您的 $1 分支不受保护"], [/Rename default branch/, "重命名默认分支"], [/Rename branch/, "重命名分支"], [/Delete/, "删除分支"], // [/is associated with (\d+) open pull requests?:/, "与 $1 个拉取请求相关联:"], [/Branch ([^ ]+) will be renamed to ([^ ]+) shortly./,"分支 $1 将很快重命名为 $2。"], //分支重命名成功 [/(\d+) commits? ahead, (\d+) commits? behind ([^ ]+)/, "领先 $1 个提交,落后 $2 个提交于 $3"], [/(\d+) commits? behind ([^ ]+)/, "落后 $1 个提交于 $2"], [/(\d+) commits? ahead ([^ ]+)/, "领先 $1 个提交于 $2"], [/Ahead behind count: (\d+)/, "领先落后数:$1"], ], "selector": [ // 元素筛选器规则 ["a[data-target='branch-filter.allFilter']", "所有分支"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/activity"] = { // 仓库 - 活动页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 活动页面 ///activity "Activity": "活动", "All branches": "所有分支", "Switch branches": "切换分支", "Find a branch...": "查找分支...", "Branches": "分支", "default": "默认", "View activity for all branches": "查看所有分支的活动", "All activity": "所有活动", "Direct pushes": "直接推送", "Pull request merges": "拉取请求合并", "Merge queue merges": "合并队列合并", "Force pushes": "强制推送", "Branch creations": "创建分支", "Branch deletions": "删除分支", "All users": "所有用户", "Find a user...": "查找用户...", "View activity for all users": "查看所有用户的活动", "All time": "所有时间", "Last 24 hours": "过去 24 小时", "Last week": "上星期", "Last month": "上个月", "Last quarter": "上季度", "Last year": "去年", "Showing oldest first": "显示最早的", "Showing most recent first": "显示最近的", "Compare changes": "比较变更", "Restore Branch": "恢复分支", "Previous": "上一页", "Next": "下一页", "Direct push": "直接推送", "Pull request merge": "拉取请求合并", "Force push": "强制推送", "Branch creation": "创建分支", "Branch deletion": "删除分支", "force pushed to": "强制推送到", "deleted": "删除", "Share feedback about this page": "分享关于此页面的反馈", // 活动页面 - 指定分支 ///activity?ref= "created this branch": "创建此分支", "deleted this branch": "删除此分支", "force pushed": "强制推送", "No activity matched your search.": "没有与您搜索相匹配的活动。", "Try expanding your search by selecting a different branch, activity type, user, or timeframe.": "尝试通过选择不同的分支、活动类型、用户或时间范围来扩大搜索范围。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/pushed (\d+) commits? to/, "推送 $1 个提交到"], [/pushed (\d+) commits?/, "推送 $1 个提交"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/releases"] = { // 仓库 - 发行版页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 发行版 页面 ///releases "Releases": "发行版", // 无发行版时 "There aren’t any releases here": "没有任何发行版", "You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in": "您可以创建一个发行版来打包软件,以及发行说明和二进制文件链接,供其他人使用。了解更多关于发布的信息查看", "our docs": "文档", "Releases are powered by": "发行版是指通过对仓库中", "tagging specific points of history": "特定历史点", "in a repository. They’re great for marking release points like": "进行标记来发布。用于发布的版本号类似", "Create a new release": "创建发行版", // 有发行版时 "Draft a new release": "起草发行版", "Find a release": "搜索发行版", // 左侧栏 "Pre-release": "预发行版", "Latest": "最新发行版", "Draft": "草案", "Compare": "对比", "Choose a tag to compare": "选择标签进行比较", "Find a tag": "搜索标签", "View all tags": "查看全部标签", "Read more": "阅读更多内容", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Assets": "资源", // [/Show all (\d+) assets?/, "显示所有 $1 个资产?"], "Join discussion": "加入讨论", // [/Edit: (.*)/, "编辑:$1"], // [/Delete: (.*)/, "删除:$1"], // 发行版 标签卡 ///tags "Create release": "创建发行版", "Edit release": "编辑发行版", "Toggle commit message": "显示/隐藏提交消息", "Notes": "说明", "Downloads": "下载", "Delete tag": "删除标签", // 删除标签 对话框 "Delete this tag?": "删除此标签?", "This will delete the information for the tag": "这将删除标签信息", "and cannot be undone.": "而且无法撤销。", "Delete this tag": "删除此标签", // 某个发行版标签 ///releases/tag/ // 不存在发行版时 // "Create release": "创建发行版", "from tag": "来自该标签", // "Edit": "编辑", "release": "发行版", // "Read release notes": "阅读发布说明", // 状态词 "released this": "发布于", "tagged this": "标记了", "drafted this": "起草了", // 删除标签对话框 "Delete tag?": "删除标签?", "This will delete the information for this tag and cannot be undone.": "将删除该标签的所有信息,并且无法撤消。", "I understand, delete this tag": "我明白了,依然删除该标签", // 存在发行版时 // 15 commits to master since this release "Delete release": "删除发行版", // 删除发行版对话框 "Delete this release?": "删除该发行版?", // "This will delete the information for this release.": "这将会删除该发行版的信息。", // [/This will delete the information for the release ([^ ]+)./, "这将删除发行版 $1 的信息。"], "Delete this release": "删除发行版", // 顶部提醒框 "Your tag was removed": "您的标签已删除", "Your release was removed": "您的发行版已删除", // 创建发行版 /releases/new 和 编辑发行版 /releases/edit/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // 提醒条 "This is a draft and won’t be seen by the public unless it’s published.": "这是一个草案,除非发布,否则不会被公众看到。", "Discard draft": "丢弃草案", "Choose a tag": "选择标签", "Find or create a new tag": "查找或创建新标签", "Target:": "目标:", "Pick a branch or recent commit": "选择分支或最近的提交", "Filter branches…": "筛选分支…", "Filter recent commits…": "筛选最近提交…", "Recent Commits": "最近提交…", "Choose an existing tag, or create a new tag on publish": "选择现有的标签,或在发布时创建新标签", "Choose an existing tag, or create a new tag when you publish this release.": "选择现有的标签,或在您发布这个版本时,创建新标签。", "Loading tag information…": "载入标签信息…", // 在筛选标签框输入 标签时 "Create new tag:": "创建新标签:", "on publish": "发布时", // 输入结果 "Duplicate tag name": "重复的标签名", "This tag already has release notes. Would you like to": "这个标签已经有发行说明。您是否愿意", "edit them?": "编辑它们?", "Existing tag": "已存在的标签", "Invalid tag name": "无效的标签名", "We weren’t able to create the release for you. Make sure you have a valid tag.": "我们无法为您创建发行版。请确保您有一个有效的标签。", "There was an error creating your Release: tag name can't be blank, tag name is not well-formed, published releases must have a valid tag.": "创建发行版时出错:标签名称不能为空,标签名称格式不正确,已发布的发行版必须有一个有效的标签。", "We can’t create a tag with this name. Take a look at the suggestions in the sidebar for example tag names.": "我们不能用这个名字创建标签。看看侧边栏的建议,看看标签名称的例子。", "Excellent! This tag will be created from the target when you publish this release.": "优秀! 当您发布这个版本时,这个标签将从目标创建。", "Release title": "发行版标题", "Previous tag:": "上一个标签:", "auto": "自动", "Select previous tag to compare": "选择上一个标签进行比较", "Find previous tag": "筛选上一个标签", "Generate release notes": "生成发行版说明", "Automatically add the Markdown for all the merged pull requests from this diff and contributors of this release": "自动为来自此差异和此发行版贡献者的所有已合并拉取请求,添加 Markdown 说明。", "Clear existing notes to automatically add the Markdown for all the merged pull requests from this diff and contributors of this release": "清除现有的注释,以自动添加来自此差异和此版本贡献者的所有合并的拉取请求的标记。", "There were no pull requests associated with the commits included in this release.": "此版本中没有与提交相关的拉取请求。", "Describe this release": "描述此发行版", // 编辑器按钮(老版) "Add heading text": "添加标题文本", "Add bold text, ": "添加粗体文本 ", "Add italic text, ": "添加斜体文本 ", "Add a quote, ": "添加引用 ", "Add code, ": "添加代码 ", "Add a link, ": "添加链接 ", "Add a bulleted list, ": "添加无序列表 ", "Add a numbered list, ": "添加有序列表 ", "Add a task list, ": "添加任务列表 ", "Directly mention a user or team": "直接提及用户或团队", "Reference an issue, pull request or discussion": "引用议题,拉取请求或讨论", "Add saved reply": "添加快捷回复", "Select a reply": "选择回复", "Filter saved replies": "筛选快捷回复", "Create a new saved reply": "创建新快捷回复", "Attach files by dragging & dropping, selecting or pasting them.": "通过拖拽、选择或粘贴来附加文件。", // 附加文件 "Attach binaries by dropping them here or selecting them.": "拖拽文件到这来或选择它们来附加文件。", "Uploading your release now…": "正在上传到您的发行版…", "An attachment with that filename already exists.": "同名附件已经存在。", "Try a different file.": "请尝试不同的文件。", "We don’t support that file type. try zipping it.": "我们不支持该文件类型,请尝试压缩它。", "Try another file.": "请尝试另一个文件。", "Yowza, that’s a big file.": "哟,这可是个大文件。", "Try again": "请尝试", "With a file smaller than 2GB.": "一个小于 2GB 的文件。", "This file is empty.": "这是一个空文件。", "with a file that’s not empty.": "一个非空的文件。", "Something went really wrong, and we can’t process that file.": "确实出了点问题,我们无法处理该文件。", "Try again.": "请重试。", "Delete and try uploading this file again.": "删除并重新上传。", "will be deleted": "将被删除", "Remove": "删除", "Undo": "撤销", "Set as a pre-release": "设置为预发布版本", "This release will be labeled as non-production ready": "此版本将被标记为非正式版本。", "Create a discussion for this release": "为此版本创建讨论", "People will be able to leave comments and reactions on this release using Discussions.": "人们将能够使用“讨论”对此版本发表评论和反应。", "Category:": "类别:", "Announcements": "公告", "General": "通常", "Ideas": "想法", "Polls": "投票", "Q&A": "问与答", "Show and tell": "展示与讲述", "Set as the latest release": "设置为最新版本", //edit "This release is labeled as the latest for this repository.": "此版本将被标记为此仓库的最新版本。", "Publish release": "发布发行版", "Publishing…": "发布中…", "Update release": "更新发行版", "Updating…": "更新中…", "Saving release…": "保存中…", "Save draft": "保存草案", "Saved!": "已保存", "Saving draft failed. Try again?": "保存草案失败。请重试?", // 丢弃草案 对话框 "Are you sure?": "您确定哇?", "This will delete the information for this draft.": "这将会删除该草案的信息。", "Delete this draft": "删除草案", // 右侧栏 "Tagging suggestions": "标签建议", "It’s common practice to prefix your version names with the letter": "通常的做法是在版本名称前加上字母", ". Some good tag names might be": "。一些好的标签名称可能是", "If the tag isn’t meant for production use, add a pre-release version after the version name. Some good pre-release versions might be": "如果标签不是用于生产的,就在版本名后面加上预发布版本。一些好的预发布版本可能是", "Semantic versioning": "语义版本管理", "If you’re new to releasing software, we highly recommend to": "如果您是发布新手,我们强烈您", "learn more about semantic versioning.": "了解更多关于语义版本管理的信息。", "A newly published release will automatically be labeled as the latest release for this repository.": "新发布的版本将自动标记为该仓库的最新版本。", "If \'Set as the latest release\' is unchecked, the latest release will be determined by higher semantic version and creation date.": "如果未选中 “设置为最新版本”,则最新版本将由更高语义版本和创建日期确定。", "Learn more about release settings.": "了解更多关于发行版设置的信息。", // 创建 Action 发行版到市场 /releases/new?marketplace 和 编辑 /releases/edit/... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Release Action": "发布 Action", "Publish this release to the GitHub Marketplace": "将此版本发布到 GitHub 市场", "You must": "您必须", "accept the GitHub Marketplace Developer Agreement": "接受 GitHub 市场开发者协议", "before publishing an Action.": "在发布之前。", "Publish this Action to the GitHub Marketplace": "将此 Action 发布到 GitHub 市场", "Your Action will be discoverable in the Marketplace and available in GitHub search.": "您的 Action 将在市场中被发现,并可在 GitHub 搜索中找到。", "Your action.yml needs changes before it can be published.": "您的 action.yml 需要更改才能发布。", "Everything looks good! You have all the required information.": "一切看起来都不错!您拥有所有必需的信息。", "Name": "名称", "- Name must be unique. Cannot match an existing action, user or organization name.": "- 名称必须唯一。不能与现有的操作、用户或组织名称相匹配。", "Description": "描述", "Icon": "图标", "Color": "颜色", "A README exists.": "已经存在 README 文件。", "Primary Category": "主要类别", "Choose an option": "请选择", "Another Category": "其他分类", "— optional": "— 可选", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Show all (\d+) assets?/, "显示所有 $1 个资产"], [/(\d+) commits?/, "$1 个提交"], [/to ([^ ]+) since this release/, "至 $1 分支,该发行版"], [/This will delete the information for the release ([^ ]+)./, "这将删除发行版 $1 的信息。"], [/Toggle (.*)'s commit message/, "切换 $1 的提交消息"], [/Edit: (.*)/, "编辑:$1"], [/Delete: (.*)/, "删除:$1"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/tags"] = I18N.zh["repository/releases"]; I18N.zh["repository/packages"] = { // 仓库 - 软件包页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // ///packages "Get started with GitHub Packages": "开始使用 GitHub 软件包", "Safely publish packages, store your packages alongside your code, and share your packages privately with your team.": "安全地发布包,将您的包与您的代码一起存储,并与您的团队私下共享您的包。", "Choose a registry": "选择注册表", "A software platform used for building applications based on containers — small and lightweight execution environments.": "用于构建基于容器的应用的软件平台——小型轻量级执行环境。", "A default package manager used for the Java programming language and the Java runtime environment.": "用于 Java 编程语言和 Java 运行环境的一个默认包管理器。", "A free and open source package manager used for the Microsoft development platforms including .NET.": "一个自由和开源的开源包管理器,用于包括 .NET 在内的 Microsoft 开发平台。", "A standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries used for the Ruby programming language.": "分发用于 Ruby 编程语言的 Ruby 程序和库的标准格式。", "A package manager for JavaScript, included with Node.js. npm makes it easy for developers to share and reuse code.": "npm 是一个 JavaScript 的包管理器,包含在 Node.js 中。它使开发人员能够轻松地分享和重用代码。", "Containers": "容器", "A single place for your team to manage Docker images and decide who can see and access your images.": "为您的团队提供一个管理 Docker 镜像的单一场所,并决定谁可以看到和访问您的镜像。", "Package settings": "软件包设置", "Repository source": "仓库来源", "This is the repository where the package's source code is stored. This is defined in the repository's package.json file using the": "这是软件包源代码的仓库。这是在仓库中的 package.json 文件使用字段", "field.": "定义的。", "A GitHub repository has been identified as the source for this package. This package will be displayed in this repositories package list.": "GitHub 仓库已被确定为该软件包的来源,该软件包将显示在此仓库的软件包列表中。", "You have referenced a non-GitHub source for this package that cannot be verified.": "您引用了一个无法验证的非 GitHub 来源的软件包。", "Manage Actions access": "操作访问权限管理", "Add Repository": "添加仓库", "Pick the repositories that can access this package using": "选择可以访问此软件包的仓库,用于", "Role:": "角色:", "Choose role": "选择角色", "Change role": "更改角色", "Read": "只读", "Write": "编辑", "Admin": "管理", "Remove": "删除", "Actions repository access": "操作仓库访问", "Pick the repositories that can access this package using GitHub Actions.": "选择可以使用 GitHub Actions 访问此软件包的仓库。", "Permissions added for selected repositories.": "为选定的仓库添加了权限。", "Permissions updated for selected repositories.": "更新了选定仓库的权限。", "Can upload and download this package. Can read and write package metadata.": "可以上传和下载此软件包,并且可以读取和写入元数据。", "Can download this package and read package metadata.": "可以下载此软件包并读取元数据。", "Can upload, download, and manage this package. Can read and write package metadata. Can delete and restore packages.": "可以上传、下载和管理此软件包,可以读取和写入元数据,可以删除和恢复此软件包。", "Can upload, download, and manage this package. Can read and write package metadata. Can grant package permissions.": "可以上传、下载和管理此软件包,可以读取和写入元数据,可以授予软件包权限。", "Manage Codespaces access": "代码空间访问管理", "Codespaces repository access": "代码空间仓库访问", "Pick the repositories that can read this package using GitHub Codespaces.": "选择可以使用 GitHub 代码空间 读取此软件包的仓库。", "Pick the repositories that can read this package using": "选择可以读取此软件包的仓库,用于", "Inherited access": "继承访问", "Inherit access from source repository (recommended)": "从源仓库继承访问权限 (推荐)", "Go to": "转到", "to change access, or remove inherited access to manage it separately. Inherited access is recommended.": "的访问设置以更改访问权限,或删除继承的访问权限以单独管理它,建议使用继承访问权限。", "Danger Zone": "危险操作", "Change package visibility": "更改软件包可见性", "This package is currently public.": "该软件包当前是公开的", "This package is currently private.": "该软件包当前是私有的", "Change visibility": "更改可见性", "Delete this package": "删除软件包", "Once you delete a package, there is no going back. Please be certain.": "您一旦删除了软件包,将再也无法恢复,请确认!", "Manage access": "访问管理", "Invite teams or people": "邀请团队或人员", // 仓库链接对话框 "Confirm you want to unlink this repository": "确认您要取消与此仓库的链接", "Yes, unlink this repository": "是的,取消链接此仓库", // 添加仓库对话框 "Select repository that can access this package using GitHub actions": "选择可以使用 GitHub 操作访问此软件包的仓库", "Add repositories": "添加仓库", // 删除仓库对话框 "Confirm you want to remove this repository": "确认要删除此仓库", "Once removed,": "删除后,", "will no longer have access to the": "将无法再访问", "package.": "软件包。", // 代码空间添加仓库对话框 "Select repository that can access this package using GitHub codespaces": "选择可以使用 GitHub 代码空间访问此软件包的仓库", // 更改软件包可见性对话框 "Make this package visible to anyone.": "使这个软件包对所有人都可见。", "Make this package visible privately, to organization members that have access.": "仅这个软件包有权访问的组织成员可见。", "Please type": "请输入", "to confirm:": "进行确认:", "I understand the consequences, change package visibility.": "我明白后果,依然更改软件包可见性", // 删除软件包对话框 "Are you absolutely sure?": "您真的确定吗?", "Once this package is deleted, it will no longer be accessible.": "一旦删除了这个软件包,您将无法再访问它。", "This action will delete package": "此操作将删除软件包", ". Versions of this package will no longer be accessible, and it will not appear in searches or package listings.": "。此软件包的版本将不再可访问,并且不会出现在搜索结果或软件包列表中。", "I understand the consequences, delete this package": "我明白后果,依然删除这个软件包", // 更改仓库角色对话框 "Select a new role": "选择新角色", "Recommended for non-code contributors who want to view or discuss your package.": "推荐给想要查看或讨论您的软件包的非代码贡献者。", "Recommended for contributors who actively push to your package.": "推荐给积极推送代码到您的软件包的贡献者。", // 更改成员角色对话框 "Recommended for people who need full access to the package, including sensitive and destructive actions like managing security and package visibility.": "建议需要完全访问软件包的人员使用,包括管理安全性和软件包可见性等敏感和破坏性操作。", // 访问管理删除对话框 "Confirm you want to remove this user": "确认删除该用户", // 邀请团队或人员对话框 "Invite teams or people to": "邀请团队或人员参与", "Search by username, full name, or email": "搜索用户名、全名或电子邮件" }, "regexp": [ [/Are you sure you want to unlink (.*) from (.*)\?/, "您确定要取消 $1 与 $2 的链接吗?"], [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies) selected…/, "选中 $1 个仓库"], [/Change the role of (\d+) repositor(y|ies)\?/, "更改 $1 个仓库的角色?"], [/(\d+) repositor(y|ies)/, "$1 个仓库"], [/(\d+) members? selected…/, "选中 $1 个成员"], [/Change the role of (\d+) members?\?/, "更改 $1 个成员的角色?"], [/(\d+) members?/, "$1 个成员"], [/(.*)'s access settings/, "$1 访问设置"], [/Removed access from repository (.*)\./, "删除了仓库 $1 的访问权限。"], [/Removed (.*) as a package collaborator\./, "删除了 $1 作为软件包的协作者。"], // 删除仓库对话框 [/Remove (.*) from (.*)/, "从 $2 中删除 $1"], // 更改仓库角色对话框 [/Change (\d+) Roles?/, "更改 $1 个角色"], ], } I18N.zh["repository/pkgs"] = { // 仓库 - 软件包 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository/packages"]["static"], // ///pkgs/container/ "Installation": "安装", "Learn more about packages": "了解更多关于软件包的信息", "Learn more about npm packages": "了解更多关于 npm 软件包的信息", "Install from the command line": "从命令行安装", "Install from the command line:": "从命令行安装:", "Install via package.json:": "通过 package.json 安装:", "Use as base image in Dockerfile:": "在 Dockerfile 中用作基础镜像:", "Recent tagged image versions": "最近被标记的映像版本", "latest": "最新", "Latest": "最新", // [/Published (.*) · Digest/, "发布于 $1 · 摘要"], "View all tagged versions": "查看所有被标记的版本", "Details": "详细信息", "Readme": "自述文件", "Last published": "最新发布", "Total downloads": "总下载量", "Start a discussion": "开始讨论", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Open an issue": "打开一个议题", "Package settings": "软件包设置", "Recent Versions": "最近版本", "View and manage all versions": "查看和管理所有版本", "Add a Readme to the linked repository": "添加一个 README 自述文件到链接的仓库", "The linked repository's Readme will be shown here.": "链接仓库中的 README 自述文件将在此处显示。", // 全部版本 ///pkgs/container//versions "All versions": "所有版本", // [/Published (*)/, "发布于 $1"], // [/(\d+) tagged/, "$1 个标记"], // [/(\d+) untagged/, "$1 个未标记"], // 某个版本 ///pkgs/container// "About this version": "关于这个版本", "Manifest": "清单", "No description provided": "未提供说明", "This package version was published": "此版本软件包发布于", "To provide a description, add the following line to your Dockerfile:": "要提供描述,请将以下行添加到您的 Dockerfile 中:", "For multi-arch images, set a value for the": "对于多架构镜像,请设置", "key in the": "值在", "field of the manifest:": "字段:", "Learn more about labelling container images": "了解更多关于标记容器镜像的信息", "Download activity": "下载活动", "Download activity of this version": "此版本的下载活动", "Last 30 days": "最近 30 天", "Last week": "最近一周", "Today": "今天", "Other tags on this version": "此版本的其他标签", "View all versions": "查看全部版本", // 版本删除对话框 "Are you absolutely sure?": "您真的确定吗?", "This cannot be undone. This will permanently delete the version": "这个操作不能撤销,这将永久删除版本", "so users and processes won’t be able to download this version.": ",用户和程序将无法再下载该版本。", "Please type": "请输入", "to confirm:": "进行确认:", "I understand the consequences, delete this version": "我明白后果,依然删除此版本" }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository/packages"]["regexp"], [/Published (.*) · Digest/, "发布于 $1 · 摘要"], [/Published (.*)/, "发布于 $1"], [/(\d+) tagged/, "$1 个标记"], [/(\d+) untagged/, "$1 个未标记"], [/(\d+) dependencies/, "$1 个依赖包"], [/(\d+) active/, "$1 个可用"], [/(\d+) deleted/, "$1 个已删除"] ], }; I18N.zh["packages"] = { // 软件包 - 未链接仓库的软件包 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository/pkgs"]["static"], "Link this package to a repository": "将此软件包链接到仓库", "By linking to a repository, you can automatically add a Readme, link discussions, and show contributors on this page.": "通过链接到仓库,您可以自动添加 README 自述文件、链接讨论、在此页面上显示贡献者。", "Connect Repository": "关联仓库", // 关联仓库对话框 "Select a repository to link to this package.": "选择一个仓库以链接到此软件包。" }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository/pkgs"]["regexp"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/security"] = { // 仓库 - 安全页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], // 安全标签卡 & 安全概述 ///security // 公共部分 "Reporting": "报告", "Policy": "政策", "Advisories": "咨询", "Vulnerability alerts": "漏洞警报", "Code scanning": "代码扫描", "Secret scanning": "机密扫描", "Disabled": "禁用", "Enabled": "启用", "Needs setup": "需要设置", "Security overview": "安全概述", "Security policy •": "安全政策 •", "Define how users should report security vulnerabilities for this repository": "定义用户应如何报告此仓库的安全漏洞", "Suggest how users should report security vulnerabilities for this repository": "建议用户应如何报告此仓库的安全漏洞", "Suggest a security policy": "安全政策建议", "View how to securely report security vulnerabilities for this repository": "查看如何安全地报告此仓库的安全漏洞", "View security policy": "查看安全策略", "Security advisories •": "安全公告 •", "View or disclose security advisories for this repository": "查看或公开此仓库的安全公告", "View security advisories": "查看安全公告", "View security advisories for this repository": "查看此仓库的安全公告", "Private vulnerability reporting •": "私下漏洞报告 •", "Allow users to privately report potential security vulnerabilities": "允许用户私下报告潜在的安全漏洞", "Enable vulnerability reporting": "启用漏洞报告", "See reported vulnerabilities": "查看报告的漏洞", "Dependabot alerts •": "Dependabot 警报 •", "— Active": "— 激活", "Get notified when one of your dependencies has a vulnerability": "当您的一个依赖项存在漏洞时得到通知", "Enable Dependabot alerts": "启用 Dependabot 警报", "View Dependabot alerts": "查看 Dependabot 警报", "Code scanning alerts •": "代码扫描警报 •", "Automatically detect common vulnerability and coding errors": "自动检测常见漏洞和编码错误", "Set up code scanning": "设置代码扫描", // 私有库 "Advanced Security is only available for Organizations": "高级安全只适用于组织", "Find out more": "了解更多", "Code scanning for private repositories is part of GitHub Advanced Security": "私有仓库的代码扫描是 GitHub 高级安全的一部分", //组织仓库 "Contact sales": "联系销售", //组织仓库 "Secret scanning alerts •": "机密扫描警报 •", "Get notified when a secret is pushed to this repository": "当机密被推送到仓库时得到通知", "Enable in settings": "在设置中启用", "View detected secrets": "查看检测到的机密", // "Vulnerability details": "漏洞详情", "High severity": "高风险", "Moderate severity": "中风险", "Low severity": "低风险", // "Create dependabot security update": "创建可靠的安全更新", "Suggest a policy": "建议政策", // 安全政策 ///security/policy "Set up a security policy": "制定安全政策", "Help your community understand how to securely report security vulnerabilities for your project.": "帮助您的社区了解如何安全地报告项目的安全漏洞。", "Start setup": "开始设置", "No security policy detected": "未检测到安全策略", "This project has not set up a": "该项目尚未设置", "file yet.": "文件。", // 安全公告 ///security/advisories "Security Advisories": "安全公告", "Privately discuss, fix, and publish information about security vulnerabilities in your repository's code.": "私人讨论,修复和发布仓库代码中的安全漏洞的信息。", "New draft security advisory": "新的安全建议草案", // [/(\d+) Draft/, "$1 项草案"], // [/(\d+) Published/, "$1 项已发布"], // [/(\d+) Closed/, "$1 项已关闭"], "There aren’t any draft security advisories": "没有任何安全建议草案", "There aren’t any published security advisories": "没有任何已发布的安全公告", "There aren’t any closed security advisories": "没有任何已关闭的安全公告", // 他人库 "View information about security vulnerabilities from this repository's maintainers.": "查看仓库维护者提供的安全漏洞信息。", // Dependabot 警报 ///security/dependabot "Dependabot alerts": "Dependabot 警报", "Ignore the false alarms": "忽略误报", "To help you focus on the alerts that matter, Dependabot now proactively dismisses low impact alerts. These alerts may only have limited effects (e.g. long-running builds or tests) or are unlikely to be exploitable.": "为了帮助您专注于重要的警报,Dependabot 现在会主动消除低影响警报。这些警报可能只会产生有限的影响(例如长时间运行的构建或测试)或不太可能被利用。", "Opt out": "设置", "learn more about auto-dismissing alerts.": "了解更多关于自动撤消警报的信息。", "Auto-triage your alerts": "自动分类您的警报", "Control how Dependabot opens pull requests, ignores false positives and snoozes alerts. Rules can be enforced at the organization level. Free for open source and available for private repos through": "控制 Dependabot 如何打开拉取请求、忽略误报和推迟警报。规则可以在组织层面强制执行。免费供开源项目使用,私有仓库需要通过", "GitHub Advanced Security.": "GitHub 高级安全性。", "Learn more about auto-triage": "了解更多关于自动分类的信息", "Dependabot alerts are disabled.": "Dependabot 警报已禁用。", "To receive Dependabot alerts, you must first enable Dependabot alerts in": "要接收 Dependabot 警报,必须首先启用 Dependabot 警报", "this repository’s settings": "在仓库的设置中", // "Tell us how to make Dependabot alerts work better for you with three quick questions.": "通过三个快速问题告诉我们如何让 Dependabot 警报更好地为您服务。", "Welcome to Dependabot alerts!": "欢迎使用 Dependabot 警报!", "Dependabot alerts track security vulnerabilities that apply to your repository's dependencies. As alerts are created, they’ll appear here.": "Dependabot 警报跟踪适用于仓库依赖项的安全漏洞。创建警报后,它们将显示在此处。", "Configure": "设置", "Manage repository vulnerability settings": "管理仓库漏洞设置", "Manage Dependabot rules": "管理 Dependabot 规则", "Manage account notification settings": "管理帐户通知设置", "Closed as": "关闭", "Filter by resolution": "按决议筛选", "A fix has already been started": "修复已经开始", "No bandwidth to fix this": "没有带宽来修复", "Risk is tolerable to this project": "风险可承受", "This alert is inaccurate or incorrect": "此警报不准确或不正确", "Vulnerable code is not actually used": "漏洞代码实际未使用", "Fixed": "已修复", "Package": "软件包", "Filter by package": "按软件包筛选", "Filter package": "筛选软件包", "Ecosystem": "生态系统", "Filter by ecosystem": "按生态系统筛选", "Filter ecosystem": "筛选生态系统", "Manifest": "清单", "Filter by manifest": "按清单筛选", "Filter manifest": "筛选清单", "All": "所有", "Severity": "严重等级", "Filter by severity": "按严重性筛选", "Sort": "排序", "Sort by": "排序方式", "Newest": "最新的", "Oldest": "最早的", "Most important": "最重要的", "Manifest path": "表现路径", "Package name": "包名称", "selected": "条被选中", "Dismiss alerts": "忽略警报", "Select a reason to dismiss": "选择驳回理由", "There aren’t any open alerts.": "尚无任何打开的警报。", "As alerts are created, they’ll appear here.": "创建警报后,它们将出现在此处。", // 底部信息 "surface known security vulnerabilities in some dependency manifest files.": "表面已知的安全漏洞在某些依赖性清单文件中。", "Dependabot security updates": "Dependabot 安全更新", "automatically keep your application up-to-date by updating dependencies in response to these alerts.": "通过响应这些警报更新依赖项,自动保持您的应用是最新的。", "Dependabot version updates": "Dependabot 版本更新", "can also help keep dependencies updated.": "也可以帮助保持依赖项的更新。", "Protip!": "专业提示!", "See auto-dismissed alerts with": "要查看自动解除的警报,请使用", "to see alerts without an available fix.": "来查看没有可用修复程序的警报。", // 具体某条Dependabot 警报 /security/dependabot/ "Dismiss alert": "忽略警报", "Opened": "打开", // [/Upgrade ([^ ]+) to fix/, "升级 $1 去修复"], // 某个 Dependabot 警报 // [/Upgrade ([^ ]+) to version/, "升级 $1 到版本"], // 某个 Dependabot 警报 "Create Dependabot security update": "创建 Dependabot 安全更新", // [/Dependabot cannot update ([^ ]+) to a non-vulnerable version/, "Dependabot 无法将 $1 更新为无漏洞的版本"], "The latest possible version that can be installed is": "最新可以安装版本是", "because of the following conflicting dependency:": ",但是存在以下冲突的依赖关系:", "because of the following conflicting dependencies:": ",但是存在以下冲突的依赖关系:", "The earliest fixed version is": "最早修复版本为", "Try again": "再试一次", "View logs": "查看日志", "Learn more about troubleshooting Dependabot errors": "了解更多关于排除 Dependabot 错误的信息", "Patched version": "补丁版本", "Impact": "影响", "Patches": "补丁", "Workarounds": "解决方法", "Workarounds / Mitigations": "解决方法/缓解措施", "References": "参考信息", "For more information": "更多信息", // [/Bump ([^ ]+) from ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)/, "将 $1 从 $2 升级到 $3"], "Merging this pull request would fix": "合并此拉取请求将修复", "Review security update": "审查安全更新", // 右侧栏 "CVSS base metrics": "CVSS 基本指标", "Attack vector": "攻击载体", "More severe the more the remote (logically and physically) an attacker can be in order to exploit the vulnerability": "攻击者为了利用该漏洞,可以在远程(逻辑上和物理上)攻击时更严重", "Network": "网络", "Local": "本地", "Attack complexity": "攻击复杂性", "More severe for the least complex attacks": "当最不复杂的攻击时更严重", "Privileges required": "所需权限", "More severe if no privileges are required": "当不需要权限时更严重", "None": "无", "User interaction": "用户交互", "More severe when no user interaction is required": "当不需要用户交互时更严重", "Required": "必须", "Scope": "范围", "More severe when a scope change occurs, e.g. one vulnerable component impacts resources in components beyond its security scope": "当范围发生变化时更严重,例如一个易受攻击的组件会影响超出其安全范围的组件中的资源", "Unchanged": "无变化", "Changed": "已变化", "Confidentiality": "保密性", "More severe when loss of data confidentiality is highest, measuring the level of data access available to an unauthorized user": "当数据保密性损失最高时更为严重,衡量未授权用户可获得的数据访问级别", "Integrity": "完整性", "More severe when loss of data integrity is the highest, measuring the consequence of data modification possible by an unauthorized user": "当数据完整性损失最高时更为严重,衡量未授权用户可能修改数据的后果", "Availability": "可利用性", "More severe when the loss of impacted component availability is highest": "当受影响的组件可用性损失最高时更为严重", "Weaknesses": "缺陷", "See advisory in GitHub Advisory Database": "请参阅 GitHub 咨询数据库中的咨询", "See all of your affected repositories": "查看您所有受影响的仓库", "See something to contribute?": "看到有什么可贡献的吗?", "Suggest improvements for this advisory on the GitHub Advisory Database.": "在 GitHub 咨询数据库上建议改进此咨询。", // 生成安全更新 // 顶部提醒 // [/Started generating a security update for ([^ ]+)./, "开始为 $1 生成安全更新。"], // [/Creating a security update for ([^ ]+)/, "为 $1 创建安全更新"], "Dependabot is creating a security update to fix": "Dependabot 正在创建一个安全更新来修复", // [/(\d+) Dependabot alerts?/, "$1 个 Dependabot 警报"], // [/on ([^ ]+) in/, "关于 $1 在"], // [/Or, manually upgrade ([^ ]+) to version/, "或者,手动将 $1 升级到版本"], "or later. For example:": "或更高。例如:", // 具体某条Dependabot 警报 日志 /security/dependabot//update-logs/ "Update logs": "更新日志", // 代码扫描器 ///security/code-scanning "Automatically detect vulnerabilities in your code.": "自动检测您代码中的漏洞。", "Code Scanning uses Actions to run the analysis. Enabling this feature will create a new workflow file. Learn more about": "代码扫描使用 Actions 来运行分析。启用此功能将创建一个新的工作流程文件。了解更多关于", "Code Scanning": "代码扫描", "Configure CodeQL alerts": "配置 CodeQL 警报", "Configure other scanning tools": "配置其他扫描工具", "Configure tools that integrate with Code Scanning to keep the quality of your code under control. Learn more about": "与代码扫描集成的配置工具,使您的代码质量得到控制。了解更多关于", "Configure scanning tool": "配置扫描工具", // 机密扫描警报 ///security/secret-scanning "Secret scanning alerts": "机密扫描警报", "Secret scanning disabled": "机密扫描已停用", "To scan for secrets, you must first enable secret scanning in": "要扫描机密,您必须首先启用机密扫描在", "this repository's settings": "此仓库设置", "Bypassed": "绕行", "Validity": "有效性", "Active": "活跃", "Inactive": "不活跃", "Unknown": "未知", "Secret type": "机密类型", "Service Providers": "服务提供商", "Custom Patterns": "自定义模式", "Filter by secret type": "按机密类型筛选", "Filter secret type": "筛选机密类型", "Nothing to show": "暂无", "Provider": "提供者", "Filter by provider": "按提供者筛选", "Filter provider": "筛选提供者", // 排序 "Recently updated": "最近更新", "Least recently updated": "最早更新", "Clear current search query, filters, and sorts": "清除当前搜索查询、过滤器和排序", "No secrets found.": "没有发现任何机密", "Your repository doesn't have any unresolved secrets.": "您的仓库没有任何未解决的机密。", // 新建安全公告草案 ///security/advisories/new "Open a draft security advisory": "打开一个安全公告草案", "After the draft security advisory is open, you can privately discuss it with collaborators and create a temporary private fork where you can collaborate on a fix. If you've already fixed the vulnerability, just fill out the draft security advisory and then publish it.": "在安全公告草案打开后,您可以与协作者私下讨论,并创建一个临时的私有复刻,在那里您们可以协作进行修复。如果您已经修复了该漏洞,只需填写安全公告草案,然后发布即可。", "Advisory Details": "公告详情", "Title *": "标题 *", "CVE identifier": "CVE 标识符", "Request CVE ID later": "稍后请求 CVE ID", "I have an existing CVE ID": "我有一个现有的 CVE ID", "Description *": "描述 *", "Affected products": "受影响的产品", "Ecosystem *": "生态系统 *", "Don't see the ecosystem you're looking for? It may not be supported yet.": "没有看到您正在寻找的生态系统?可能还不支持。", "Select an ecosystem": "选择一个生态系统", "Go": "", "Other": "其他", "Affected versions": "受影响的版本", "Patched versions": "补丁版本", "Add another affected product": "添加另一个受影响的产品", "Select severity": "选择严重程度", "Low": "低风险", "Moderate": "中风险", "High": "高风险", "Critical": "关键风险", "Assess severity using CVSS": "使用 CVSS 评估严重程度", "Common weakness enumerator (CWE)": "常见弱点枚举器 (CWE)", "Search by CWE": "按 CWE 搜索", "Create draft security advisory": "创建安全公告草案", // 右侧栏 "Access and visibility": "访问和可见性", "Until it is published, this draft security advisory will only be visible to the owner of": "在发布之前,此安全公告草案仅对以下的所有者可见", ". Other users and teams may be added once the advisory is created.": "。 其他用户和团队可以在咨询创建后加入。", "Once published, security advisories on public repositories are visible to everyone.": "一旦发布,公共仓库上的安全公告对所有人都是可见的。", "Once reviewed by GitHub, security advisories may be broadcast on the": "一旦通过 GitHub 的审查,安全公告就可以出现在", "GitHub Advisory Database": "GitHub 咨询数据库", ". They may also trigger Dependabot alerts to users that depend on this repository.": "。它们还可能向依赖此仓库的用户触发 Dependabot 警报。", "Security policy": "安全政策", "Glossary and documentation": "词汇表和文档", "Dependabot language support": "Dependabot 语言支持", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/([\d,]+) Draft/, "$1 草案"], [/([\d,]+) Published/, "$1 发布"], [/([\d,]+) Open/, "$1 打开"], [/([\d,]+) Closed/, "$1 关闭"], [/(\d+) selected/, "$1 条被选中"], [/Upgrade ([^ ]+) to fix/, "升级 $1 去修复"], // 某个 Dependabot 警报 [/Upgrade ([^ ]+) to version/, "升级 $1 到版本"], // 某个 Dependabot 警报 [/Dependabot cannot update ([^ ]+) to a non-vulnerable version/, "Dependabot 无法将 $1 更新为无漏洞的版本"], [/Bump ([^ ]+) from ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)/, "将 $1 从 $2 升级到 $3"], [/Started generating a security update for ([^ ]+)./, "开始为 $1 生成安全更新。"], [/Creating a security update for ([^ ]+)/, "为 $1 创建安全更新"], [/(\d+) Dependabot alerts?/, "$1 个 Dependabot 警报"], [/on ([^ ]+) in/, "关于 $1 在"], [/Or, manually upgrade ([^ ]+) to version/, "或者,手动将 $1 升级到版本"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/contribute"] = { // 仓库 - 贡献页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 // 贡献页面 ///contribute "Contribute to": "贡献于", "Make your first contribution to this repository by tackling one of the issues listed below.": "通过解决下面列出的一个议题,为这个仓库做出您的第一个贡献。", "Each issue displayed here is a \"good first issue,\" selected for its relative approachability for first-time contributors.": "此处显示的每个议题都是 “好的首发议题”,因其对首次贡献者来说相对容易。", "Read the contributing guidelines": "阅读贡献指南", "Good first issues": "好的首发议题", "See all issues": "查看所有议题", "This repo doesn't have any good first issues, yet": "该仓库暂无任何好的首发议题", "Once its maintainers label issues and pull requests for new contributors, they will begin to appear here.": "一旦它的维护者为新的贡献者标记了议题和拉取请求,它们就会开始出现在这里。", "All issues in this repository": "此仓库中的所有议题", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["repository/subscription"] = { // 仓库 - 通知状态页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 // 仓库通知状态管理 ///subscription "Your": "您的", "notifications status": "通知状态", "A notification is created every time someone discusses something inside of the repository — Pull Requests, Issues, Comments, and Commit discussions. Whether you are watching the repository, not watching it, or ignoring it determines which notifications you receive.": "每当有人在仓库内讨论什么,比如拉取请求、议题、评论和提交讨论,都会产生一个通知。无论您是关注仓库、不关注还是忽略它,都决定了您会收到哪些通知。", "Not watching": "不关注", "You will only receive notifications when you participate or are @mentioned.": "只有当您参与或被 @您 时,您才会收到通知。", "Releases only": "仅发行版", "You will only receive notifications for new releases, or when you participate or are @mentioned.": "您只会收到新版本的通知,或者当您参与或被 @您 时。", "Watching": "关注", "You will receive all notifications for this repository.": "您将收到此仓库的所有通知。", "Ignored": "忽略", "You will not receive any notifications for this repository.": "您将不会收到有关此仓库的任何通知。", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["repository/invitations"] = { // 仓库 - 接受邀请页面 "static": { // 静态翻译 // 接受邀请 ///invitations "invited you to collaborate": "邀请您进行协作", "Accept invitation": "接受邀请", "Decline": "拒绝", "Owners": "所有者", "Your public profile information": "您的公开个人资料信息", "Certain activity": "某些活动", "within this repository": "在这个仓库中", "Country of request origin": "请求来源国家/地区", "Your access level for this repository": "您对该仓库的访问等级", "Your IP address": "您的 IP 地址", "Is this user sending spam or malicious content?": "此用户是否发送垃圾邮件或恶意内容?", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 [/of ([^ ]+) will be able to see:/, "$1 将能够看到:"], // 邀请页 ], }; // 洞察 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I18N.zh["repository-insights-menu"] = { // 仓库 -> 洞察 - 公共部分 "static": { // 静态翻译 // 公共部分 // 左侧菜单 "Pulse": "统计", "Contributors": "贡献者", "Community": "社区", "Community Standards": "社区准则", "Traffic": "流量", "Commits": "提交", "Code frequency": "代码频率", "Dependency graph": "依赖关系图", // "Punch card": "时刻", "Network": "网络", // "Members": "成员", "Forks": "复刻", "People": "成员", //组织仓库 // 私有库禁用部分功能的提醒 "Upgrade to GitHub Pro or make this repository public to enable this feature.": "升级到 GitHub Pro 或将此仓库设为公开以启用此功能。", // 他人私有库 "Contact an administrator to upgrade to GitHub Team or make this repository public to enable this feature.": "请联系管理员升级到 GitHub 团队或将此设为仓库公开以启用此功能。", "We want to know how these insights are helping you and where they could be improved.": "我们想知道这些洞察如何帮助您,以及在哪些方面可以改进。", "Give us your feedback": "向我们提供反馈意见", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ], }; I18N.zh["repository/pulse"] = { // 仓库 -> 洞察 - 统计 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository-insights-menu"]["static"], // 统计 ///pulse "Period:": "周期:", "Filter activity": "筛选活动", "24 hours": "24 小时", "3 days": "3 天", "1 week": "1 周", "1 month": "1 个月", "Active pull request": "活跃的拉取请求", "Active pull requests": "活跃的拉取请求", "Active issue": "活跃的议题", "Active issues": "活跃的议题", "Merged pull request": "合并的拉取请求", "Merged pull requests": "合并的拉取请求", "Open pull request": "打开的拉取请求", "Open pull requests": "打开的拉取请求", "Closed issue": "关闭的议题", "Closed issues": "关闭的议题", "New issue": "新议题", "New issues": "新议题", "Excluding merges,": "不包括合并,", // [/(\d+) authors?/, "$1 位作者"], "have pushed": "推送了", "has pushed": "推送了", "commit": "次提交", "commits": "次提交", // [/to ([^ ]+), and/, "到 $1 分支和"], // [/to all branches. On ([^ ]+),/, "到全部分支。在 $1 分支,"], // [/(\d+) files?/, "$1 个文件"], "have changed and there have been": "已经发生了变化,并且有", "has changed and there have been": "已经发生了变化,并且有", "additions": "处增加", "deletions": "处删除", "commit authored by": "次提交,作者:", "commits authored by": "次提交,作者:", "Want to help out?": "想帮忙吗?", "Fork this repository": "复刻仓库", "Release published by": "个发行版已发布由", "Releases published by": "个发行版已发布由", "published": "发布", "Pull request merged by": "个拉取请求已合并由", "Pull requests merged by": "个拉取请求已合并由", "Pull request opened by": "个拉取请求打开由", "Pull requests opened by": "个拉取请求打开由", "Issue closed by": "个议题已关闭由", "Issues closed by": "个议题已关闭由", "Issue opened by": "个议题打开由", "Issues opened by": "个议题打开由", "person": "人", "people": "人", "Sometimes conversations happen on old items that aren’t yet closed. Here is a list of all the Issues and Pull Requests with unresolved conversations.": "有时会针对尚未关闭的旧项目进行讨论。以下是所有未解决的讨论的议题和拉取请求的列表。", // [/• (\d+) new comments/, "• $1 个新评论"], "Unresolved conversation": "个未解决的讨论", "Unresolved conversations": "个未解决的讨论", "merged": "已合并", "opened": "打开", "closed": "已关闭", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/(\d+) authors?/, "$1 位作者"], [/to ([^ ]+) and/, "到 $1 分支和"], [/to all branches. On ([^ ]+),/, "到全部分支。在 $1 分支,"], [/(\d+) files?/, "$1 个文件"], [/(\d+) commented on/, "$1 评论于",], [/• (\d+) new comments?/, "• $1 个新评论"], [/There hasn’t been any commit activity on ([^ ]+) in the last 24 hours./, "在过去的 24 小时里,$1 没有任何提交活动。"], [/There hasn’t been any commit activity on ([^ ]+) in the last 3 days./, "在过去的 3 天里,$1 没有任何提交活动。"], [/There hasn’t been any commit activity on ([^ ]+) in the last week./, "在过去的 1 周里,$1 没有任何提交活动。"], [/There hasn’t been any commit activity on ([^ ]+) in the last month./, "在过去的 1 月里,$1 没有任何提交活动。"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/graphs/contributors"] = { // 仓库 -> 洞察 - 贡献者 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository-insights-menu"]["static"], // 贡献者 ///graphs/contributors "Loading contributions…": "载入贡献者…", // [/Contributions to (.*), excluding merge commits/, "贡献到 $1 分支,不包括合并提交"], "Contributions:": "贡献者:", // 下拉菜单 "Filter contributions": "筛选贡献者", "Additions": "添加数量", "Deletions": "删除数量", // [/Contributions to (.*), excluding merge commits and bot accounts/, "贡献到 $1 分支,不包括合并提交和机器人帐户"], "Crunching the latest data, just for you. Hang tight…": "正在为您准备最新数据,请稍后…", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/Contributions to (.*), excluding merge commits/, "贡献到 $1 分支,不包括合并提交"], [/Contributions to (.*), excluding merge commits and bot accounts/, "贡献到 $1 分支,不包括合并提交和机器人帐户"], [/([\d,]+) commits?/, "$1 次提交"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/graphs/community"] = { // 仓库 -> 洞察 - 社区 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository-insights-menu"]["static"], // 社区 ///graphs/community "Enable Discussions to unlock Community Insights!": "启用讨论,以解锁社区见解!", "Discussions is the central space for your community to share announcements, ask questions, and host conversations.": "讨论是您的社区共享公告、提出问题和主持对话的中心空间。", "Set up discussions": "建立讨论", "Community insights": "社区见解", "Period:": "周期:", "Filter activity": "筛选活动", "Last 30 days": "最近 30 天", "Last 3 months": "最近 3 个月", "Last year": "最近 1 年", "Contribution activity": "贡献活动", "Count of total contribution activity to Discussions, Issues, and PRs": "对讨论、议题和拉取请求的总贡献活动计数", "discussions": "讨论", "Quantity": "数量", "Timeline": "时间轴", // [/(\d+) pull requests created/, "$1 个拉取请求创建"], "We tried our best, but the graph wouldn’t load. Try reloading the page.": "我们尽了最大努力,但图表无法加载。尝试重新加载页面。", "Discussions page views": "讨论页面浏览量", "Total page views to Discussions segmented by logged in vs anonymous users.": "按登录用户与匿名用户划分的讨论的总页面浏览量。", "logged in": "登录", "anonymous": "匿名", "Not enough data yet.": "还没有足够的数据。", "It usually takes about a week to populate this chart.": "填充此图表通常需要大约一周的时间。", "Read more about insights": "阅读更多关于见解的信息", "Discussions daily contributors": "每日讨论的贡献者", "Count of unique users who have reacted, upvoted, marked an answer, commented, or posted in the selected period.": "在所选时间段内,作出反应、投票、标记答案、评论或发帖的唯一用户的数量。", "Discussions new contributors": "讨论的新贡献者", "Count of unique new users to Discussions who have reacted, upvoted, marked an answer, commented, or posted in the selected period.": "在所选时间段内,对讨论作出反应、投票、标记答案、评论或发帖的唯一新用户的数量。", "Crunching the latest data, just for you. Hang tight…": "正在为您准备最新数据,请稍后…", }, "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["regexp"], [/(\d+) pull requests? created/, "$1 个拉取请求创建"], [/(\d+) issues? created/, "$1 个议题创建"], ], }; I18N.zh["repository/community"] = { // 仓库 -> 洞察 - 社区准则 "static": { // 静态翻译 ...I18N.zh["repository-public"]["static"], ...I18N.zh["repository-insights-menu"]["static"], // 社区准则 ///community "Here’s how this project compares to": "以下是该项目内容,不同于", "recommended community standards": "推荐的社区标准", "Checklist": "检查清单", "Add": "添加", "Propose": "提议", "Description": "描述", "Add a description to your repository so people understand the goals of your project.": "向您的仓库添加描述,以便人们了解您项目的目标。", "README": "自述文件(README)", "Writing a README": "编写自述文件(README)", "Code of conduct": "行为准则", "What is a code of conduct?": "什么是行为准则?", "Contributing": "贡献", "Writing contributing guidelines": "编写贡献指南", "License": "许可证", "Choosing a license": "选择许可证", "Security policy": "安全政策", "Set up a security policy": "设置安全策略", "Issue templates": "议题模板", "Pull request template": "拉取请求模板", "Repository admins accept content reports": "仓库管理员接受内容报告", // 组织仓库? "What is": "什么是", "the community profile": "社区简介", // 添加许可证 ///community/license/new?branch=main "Add a license to your project": "为您的项目添加许可证", "Choose a license to add to your project": "选择要添加到项目的许可证", "Select a template on the left to get started.": "在左侧选择一个模板开始。", "Learn more about": "了解更多关于", "which license best fits your project": "哪种许可证最适合您的项目", // 添加许可证 ///community/license/new?branch=&template=