# Description: A userspace virtual filesystem designed to work with the I/O abstractions of gio (glib) # URL: http://projects.gnome.org/ # Packager: Matt Housh, jaeger at crux dot ninja # Maintainer: Jay Lanagan, j at lngn dot net # Depends on: dbus-glib gcr gcr3 samba polkit libgphoto2 libsoup3 libgnome-keyring libgudev # Optional: fuse3 udisks2 avahi libbluray libnfs libcdio-paranoia libimobiledevice name=gvfs version=1.56.1 release=1 source=(http://download.gnome.org/sources/$name/${version:0:4}/$name-$version.tar.xz) build() { cd $name-$version prt-get isinst fuse3 && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D fuse=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D fuse=false ' prt-get isinst udisks2 && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D udisks2=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D udisks2=false ' prt-get isinst avahi && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D dnssd=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D dnssd=false ' prt-get isinst libnfs && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D nfs=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D nfs=false ' prt-get isinst libbluray && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D bluray=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D bluray=false ' prt-get isinst libcdio-paranoia && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D cdda=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D cdda=false ' prt-get isinst libimobiledevice && PKGMK_GVFS+='-D afc=true ' || PKGMK_GVFS+=' -D afc=false ' meson setup build $PKGMK_GVFS \ --prefix=/usr \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/$name \ -Dlogind=false \ -Dsystemduserunitdir=no \ -Dtmpfilesdir=no \ -Dgoa=false \ -Donedrive=false \ -Dgoogle=false \ -Dmtp=false DESTDIR=$PKG ninja -C build install rm -r $PKG/usr/share/locale }