# eloquence sublime syntax * [eloquence](https://eloquence.marxmeier.com/) syntax files for sublime text * original based on/converted from the eloquence atom syntax [from kemichal](https://github.com/Kemichal/atom-language-eloquence) * can handle both eloquence program source files (**.eq** extension) and eloquence dialog files (**.dlg** extension) ## Installation Use [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation). This will ensure that the plugin will be updated when new versions are available. 1. Within Sublime Text, open the [Command Palette](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/sublime-text-3/extensibility/command_palette.html) 2. Type `install`. Among the commands you should see `Package Control: Install Package`. If that command is not highlighted, use the keyboard or mouse to select it. There will be a pause of a few seconds while Package Control fetches the list of available plugins. 3. When the plugin list appears, type `eloquence`. 4. Press enter. ## Version History: ### 0.0.8 DISBLE, ENTER, SUM, NUMPAGE ### 0.0.7 09/14/24 INPUT missing?! ### 0.0.6 09/14/24 longer tokens, e.g. FORM and DELAY should precede shorter ones, e.g. FOR and DEL, so they aren't partially matched, prematurely. ### 0.0.5 09/14/24 add NUMLINE, DELAY, FORM, HALT ### 0.0.4 08/22/24 modify captures ### 0.0.3 08/22/24 bugfix ### 0.0.2 08/22/24 modify scopes ### 0.0.1 08/06/24 First try