# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup boost 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup python 1.0 github.setup Cantera cantera 2.5.1 v revision 4 checksums rmd160 e26fa93268a8e1108de31140cf6382c5014a4bf4 \ sha256 59f673cec686bc9b1eeccc1b1c9158a3978a3abe7491d00e8b355908c1c3be0a \ size 2492422 categories science maintainers {thomasfiala.de:macports @thomasfiala} openmaintainer license BSD description Cantera software package long_description Cantera is a suite of object-oriented software tools for \ problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, \ and/or transport processes. \ Fortran support is disabled by install using MacPorts. homepage https://cantera.org github.tarball_from archive python.default_version 310 boost.depends_type build set port_libfmt libfmt8 depends_build-append port:gtest \ port:py${python.version}-pythran \ port:py${python.version}-setuptools \ port:scons depends_lib-append path:share/pkgconfig/eigen3.pc:eigen3 \ port:${port_libfmt} \ port:py${python.version}-cython \ port:py${python.version}-numpy \ port:yaml-cpp depends_run-append port:py${python.version}-ruamel-yaml use_configure no universal_variant no # Needed for libfmt compiler.cxx_standard 2011 compiler.thread_local_storage yes # The SConstruct needs pkg_resources from setuptools so have scons run # with the same python we're already using so that we can declare a # dependency on that python's setuptools port. build.cmd ${python.bin} ${prefix}/bin/scons build.target build build.args prefix=${prefix} \ CC=${configure.cc} \ CXX=${configure.cxx} \ boost_inc_dir=[boost::include_dir] \ f90_interface=n \ googletest=system \ python_cmd=${python.bin} \ python_package=full \ python_prefix=${python.prefix} \ renamed_shared_libraries=n \ system_fmt=y \ system_eigen=y \ system_yamlcpp=y \ extra_inc_dirs=${prefix}/include/eigen3:${prefix}/include/${port_libfmt}:${prefix}/include \ extra_lib_dirs=${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt}:${prefix}/lib post-build { # It would be better to fix the build system to use the -install_name flag # when building the dylib, but since I don't know where in the build system # to do that... set old build/lib/libcantera.${version}.dylib set new ${prefix}/lib/libcantera.dylib system "install_name_tool -id ${new} ${worksrcpath}/${old}" system "install_name_tool -change ${old} ${new} ${worksrcpath}/build/python/cantera/_cantera.cpython-${python.version}-darwin.so" } destroot.cmd ${build.cmd} destroot.target install destroot.args {*}${build.args} destroot.destdir stage_dir=${destroot} notes " Cantera C++ demos are installed in: ${prefix}/share/cantera/samples Cantera python demos are installed in: ${python.pkgd}/cantera/examples Cantera data files are installed in: ${prefix}/share/cantera/data Try running the following in python${python.branch} to find the equilibrium\ composition of a stoichiometric methane/air mixture at 1000 K and 1 atm: >>> import cantera as ct >>> g = ct.Solution('gri30.xml') >>> g.TPX = 1000, ct.one_atm, 'CH4:1, O2:2, N2:8' >>> g.equilibrate('TP') >>> g() " variant sundials description {Build with sundials support} { set sundials_ver 5 set sundials_base ${prefix}/libexec/sundials${sundials_ver} set sundials_include ${sundials_base}/include set sundials_lib ${sundials_base}/lib depends_lib-append port:sundials${sundials_ver} build.args-append system_sundials=y \ sundials_include=${sundials_include} \ sundials_libdir=${sundials_lib} } default_variants +sundials github.livecheck.regex {([0-9.]+)}