# ADOdb_snippets Sublime text 3 snippets for [ADOdb library](https://github.com/ADOdb/ADOdb) in PHP. ## Reference Snippet syntax referenced from the following [ADOdb documentation](http://adodb.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=v5:reference:reference_index "ADOdb - Database Abstraction Layer for PHP [ADOdb]") ## About ADOdb - Database Abstraction Layer for PHP > ADOdb is a fast, easy to use, popular database abstraction layer for PHP. It allows the same code to be used when accessing a wide range of databases. It has been actively maintained since 2000 by the project's founder and numerous community contributors. ADOdb contains components for querying and updating databases, as well as an Object Orientated Active Record library, schema management and performance monitoring. It also contains the following standalone extensions ## ADOdb library copyright > 2000-2013 © John Lim > 2014- © Damien Regad, Mark Newnham & The ADOdb Community > ADODb is dual-licensed under the BSD and Lesser GPL license(GNU General Public License), with the BSD License having priority.