/* Madrang's SD-UI Render Tasks Plugin.js * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 2, December 2004 * * Copyright (C) 2022 Marc-Andre Ferland * * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified * copies of this plugin, and changing it is allowed as long * as the name is changed. * * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION * * 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. * * @link http://www.wtfpl.net/ * @source https://raw.githubusercontent.com/madrang/sd-ui-plugins/master/buttons.plugin.js */ (function() { "use strict" const GITHUB_PAGE = "https://github.com/madrang/sd-ui-plugins" const VERSION = ""; const ID_PREFIX = "madrang-plugin"; console.log('%s render tasks Version: %s', ID_PREFIX, VERSION); const MODE_REDO = 'img2img_redo'; const MODE_RESIZE = 'img2img_resize'; const MODE_WARP = 'img2img_warp'; const MODE_DISPLAY_NAMES = { [MODE_REDO]: "Mad's Redo Vars" , [MODE_RESIZE]: "Mad's Resize" , [MODE_WARP]: "Mad's Warp" }; Object.keys(MODE_DISPLAY_NAMES).forEach((key) => PLUGINS['IMAGE_INFO_BUTTONS'].push({ text: MODE_DISPLAY_NAMES[key], on_click: getStartNewTaskHandler(key) })) const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = ` #${ID_PREFIX}-popup { position: fixed; background: rgba(32, 33, 36, 50%); top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; z-index: 1000; } #${ID_PREFIX}-popup > div { background: var(--background-color2); max-width: 600px; margin: auto; margin-top: 100px; border-radius: 6px; padding: 30px; text-align: center; } #${ID_PREFIX}-popup-title { line-height: 10px; } #${ID_PREFIX}-popup-close-btn { float: right; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px; transform: translate(50%, -50%) scaleX(130%); } #${ID_PREFIX}-popup-apply-btn { background: rgb(8 132 0); border: 1px solid rgb(24 122 0); } #${ID_PREFIX}-prompt { width: 100%; height: 65pt; } `; document.head.append(style); function clamp(num, min = 0, max = 1) { if (min === max) { return min; } if (max < min) { return ( (num <= max) ? max : ( (num >= min) ? min : num ) ); } return ( (num <= min) ? min : ( (num >= max) ? max : num ) ); }; const invlerp = (start, end, amt) => clamp((amt - start) / (end - start)); const lerp = (start, end, amt) => clamp((1 - amt) * start + amt * end, start, end); const scale = (x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) => clamp((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min, out_min, out_max); function readAsDataURL(file) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", () => { // resolve file as base64 string resolve(reader.result); }, false); reader.addEventListener("error", (event) => { reject(new Error("Error occurred reading object")); }); reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } const KEYBOARD_SPEED = 0.001; class InputSurface extends HTMLCanvasElement { #image = undefined; #offset = undefined; #size = undefined; #ctx = undefined; constructor() { super(); // Allow to be focused for keyboard events. this.tabIndex = 0; // Keyboard Input this.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => this.#onKeyboardInput(event)); this.addEventListener('keyup' , (event) => this.#onKeyboardInput(event)); // Mouse Input this.addEventListener('mousedown' , (event) => this.#onMouseInput(event)); this.addEventListener('mousemove' , (event) => this.#onMouseInput(event)); this.addEventListener('mouseup' , (event) => this.#onMouseInput(event)); this.addEventListener('wheel' , (event) => this.#onMouseInput(event)); // Update Visual //document.addEventListener("focus", redraw, true); //document.addEventListener("blur", redraw, true); this.#onChanged(); // get context this.#ctx = this.getContext('2d'); } get disabled() { return this.hasAttribute('disabled'); } set disabled(val) { if (val) { this.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } else { this.removeAttribute('disabled'); } this.#onChanged(); } get size() { if (this.#size) { return this.#size; } if (!this.hasAttribute('size')) { this.#size = [ 1.0, 1.0 ]; return this.#size; } const attrVal = this.getAttribute('size'); this.#size = JSON.parse(attrVal); return this.#size; } set size(val) { if (val) { this.#size = val; this.setAttribute('size', JSON.stringify(val)); } else { this.#size = [ 1.0, 1.0 ]; this.removeAttribute('size'); } this.#onChanged(); } get offset() { if (this.#offset) { return this.#offset; } if (!this.hasAttribute('offset')) { this.#offset = [ 0, 0 ]; return this.#offset; } const attrVal = this.getAttribute('offset'); this.#offset = JSON.parse(attrVal); return this.#offset; } set offset(val) { const oldOffset = this.offset; if (val && oldOffset[0] == val[0] && oldOffset[1] == val[1]) { return; } if (val) { this.#offset = val; this.setAttribute('offset', JSON.stringify(val)); } else { this.#offset = [ 0, 0 ]; this.removeAttribute('offset'); } this.#onChanged(); } get image() { return this.#image?.src; } set image(val) { console.log("get image", val); getImg(val).then(image => { this.#image = image; console.log("cursor image", image); }); this.#onChanged(); } get height() { return super.height; } set height(val) { super.height = val; this.#onChanged(); } get width() { return super.width; } set width(val) { super.width = val; this.#onChanged(); } reset() { this.offset = [0,0]; this.size = [1,1]; } #onChanged() { this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // Redraw canvas this.raf = window.requestAnimationFrame((time) => InputSurface.prototype.draw.call(this, time)); } #onKeyboardInput(event) { //console.log('#onKeyboardInput', event); switch (event.key) { case "Down": case "ArrowDown": this.offset = [ this.offset[0] , clamp(this.offset[1] + (event.shiftKey ? KEYBOARD_SPEED * 10 : KEYBOARD_SPEED), -1, 1) ]; break; case "Up": case "ArrowUp": this.offset = [ this.offset[0] , clamp(this.offset[1] - (event.shiftKey ? KEYBOARD_SPEED * 10 : KEYBOARD_SPEED), -1, 1) ]; break; case "Left": case "ArrowLeft": this.offset = [ clamp(this.offset[0] - (event.shiftKey ? KEYBOARD_SPEED * 10 : KEYBOARD_SPEED), -1, 1) , this.offset[1] ]; break; case "Right": case "ArrowRight": this.offset = [ clamp(this.offset[0] + (event.shiftKey ? KEYBOARD_SPEED * 10 : KEYBOARD_SPEED), -1, 1) , this.offset[1] ]; break; default: return; } //console.log('offset', this.offset); // Cancel the default action to avoid it being handled twice event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.#onChanged(); } #onMouseInput(event) { //console.log('#onMouseInput', event); if (this.disabled) { return; } if (event instanceof WheelEvent || event.type == "wheel") { event.preventDefault(); //event.wheelDeltaX this.size = this.size.map((s) => s + (event.wheelDeltaY / 1000)); return false; } // mouseup, mousedown, mousemove let evButtons = event.buttons; if (event instanceof MouseEvent && event.type == "click" && !evButtons) { evButtons = 1; } if (!evButtons) { return; } if (evButtons === 1) { this.offset = [ scale(invlerp(0, this.width, event.pageX - (this.offsetLeft + window.scrollX)), 0, 1, -1, 1) , scale(invlerp(0, this.height, event.pageY - (this.offsetTop + window.scrollY)), 0, 1, -1, 1) ]; //console.log('offset', this.offset); } } static spiral(setPixel, width, height, x, y) { if (typeof x === "undefined") { x = width / 2; } if (typeof y === "undefined") { y = height / 2; } const startX = x; const startY = y; x = clamp(Math.round(x), 0, width - 1); y = clamp(Math.round(y), 0, height - 1); let upper = y; let lower = y; let left = x; let right = x; const getRatio = function() { let w; if (right >= width) { if (left < 0) { w = width * 4; } else { w = (startX - left) * 2; } } else if (left < 0) { w = (right - startX) * 2; } else { w = right - left; } let h; if (lower >= height) { if (upper < 0) { h = height * 4; } else { h = (startY - upper) * 2; } } else if (upper < 0) { h = (lower - startY) * 2; } else { h = lower - upper; } if (h <= 0) { if (w <= 0) { return 0; } return w; } return w / h; }; const keepCenter = function(edge) { switch (edge) { case "up": return startY - upper <= lower - startY || lower >= height; case "right": return startX - left >= right - startX || left < 0; case "down": return startY - upper >= lower - startY || upper < 0; case "left": return startX - left <= right - startX || right >= width; } } while (upper >= 0 || lower < height || left >= 0 || right < width) { if (upper >= 0 && getRatio() >= (width / height) && keepCenter("up")) { while (x < right && x < width) { setPixel(x, y, "up", Math.max(Math.abs(x - startX), Math.abs(y - startY))); x++; } upper--; } else { x = right; y = upper + 1; } if (right < width && getRatio() <= (width / height) && keepCenter("right")) { while (y < lower && y < height) { setPixel(x, y, "right", Math.max(Math.abs(x - startX), Math.abs(y - startY))); y++; } right++; } else { y = lower; x = right - 1; } if (lower < height && getRatio() >= (width / height) && keepCenter("down")) { while (x > left && x >= 0) { setPixel(x, y, "down", Math.max(Math.abs(x - startX), Math.abs(y - startY))); x--; } lower++; } else { x = left; y = lower - 1; } if (left >= 0 && getRatio() <= (width / height) && keepCenter("left")) { while (y > upper && y >= 0) { setPixel(x, y, "left", Math.max(Math.abs(x - startX), Math.abs(y - startY))); y--; } left--; } else { y = upper; x = left + 1; } } } static getPixelOffset(rawImage, x, y, edge, edgeOffset = 1) { switch (edge) { case "up": if (y - edgeOffset < 0) { return undefined; } return ((y - edgeOffset) * rawImage.width + x) * 4; case "right": if (x + edgeOffset >= rawImage.width) { return undefined; } return (y * rawImage.width + (x + edgeOffset)) * 4; case "down": if (y + edgeOffset >= rawImage.height) { return undefined; } return ((y + edgeOffset) * rawImage.width + x) * 4; case "left": if (x - edgeOffset < 0) { return undefined; } return (y * rawImage.width + (x - edgeOffset)) * 4; default: return (y * rawImage.width + x) * 4; } } makeNoise(rawImage, mode, mask) { const pix = rawImage.data; const maskData = mask?.data; const setPixel = function(x, y, edge, distance = 0) { let i = InputSurface.getPixelOffset(rawImage, x, y); if (pix[i + 3] > 0) { // Set mask if (maskData) { let maskVal = 0; const next = InputSurface.getPixelOffset(rawImage, x, y, edge, 1); if (next && pix[next + 3] == 0) { const overlapDist = 64; const fadeDist = 50; for (let p = 1; p <= overlapDist; ++p) { const prevMask = InputSurface.getPixelOffset(rawImage, x, y, edge, -p); if (!prevMask) { break; } maskVal = Math.max( Math.ceil(scale(Math.min(overlapDist - p, fadeDist), 0, fadeDist, 1, 255)) , maskData[prevMask] ); maskData[prevMask] = maskVal; maskData[prevMask + 1] = maskVal; maskData[prevMask + 2] = maskVal; maskData[prevMask + 3] = 255; } maskVal = 255; } maskData[i] = maskVal; maskData[i + 1] = maskVal; maskData[i + 2] = maskVal; maskData[i + 3] = 255; } // Ignore alpha values that have been set. return; } const prev = edge ? InputSurface.getPixelOffset(rawImage, x, y, edge, -(Math.floor(Math.random() * (distance / 2)) + 1)) : undefined; const gain = 30; // Max 40 let c = 7 + Math.sin(i / 50000); if (prev) { const lpGain = 0.05; pix[i] = lerp(pix[prev], gain * Math.random() * c, lpGain); pix[i + 1] = lerp(pix[prev + 1], gain * Math.random() * c, lpGain); pix[i + 2] = lerp(pix[prev + 2], gain * Math.random() * c, lpGain); } else { pix[i] = gain * Math.random() * c; pix[i + 1] = gain * Math.random() * c; pix[i + 2] = gain * Math.random() * c; } // Set alpha to be non transparent. pix[i + 3] = 255; // Set mask if (maskData) { maskData[i] = 255; maskData[i + 1] = 255; maskData[i + 2] = 255; maskData[i + 3] = 255; mask.modified = true; } }; if (mode === "fast") { for(let y = 0; y < rawImage.height; ++y) { for(let x = 0; x < rawImage.width; ++x) { setPixel(x, y); } } } else { InputSurface.spiral(setPixel ,rawImage.width, rawImage.height , scale(this.offset[0], -1, 1, -rawImage.width * this.size[0], rawImage.width) + ((rawImage.width / 2) * this.size[0]) , scale(this.offset[1], -1, 1, -rawImage.height * this.size[1], rawImage.height) + ((rawImage.height / 2) * this.size[1]) ); } } draw (time) { // Clear canvas surface. this.#ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); //TODO Blend image with noise using prompt strength this.#ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; // Draw current image const curImg = this.#image; if (curImg) { this.#ctx.drawImage(curImg , Math.round(scale(this.offset[0], -1, 1, -this.width * this.size[0], this.width)) , Math.round(scale(this.offset[1], -1, 1, -this.height * this.size[1], this.height)) , Math.floor(this.size[0] * this.width), Math.floor(this.size[1] * this.height) ); } else { // If missing, fill with gray square. this.#ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(128, 128, 128)"; this.#ctx.fillRect( scale(this.offset[0], -1, 1, -this.width * this.size[0], this.width) , scale(this.offset[1], -1, 1, -this.height * this.size[1], this.height) , this.size[0] * this.width, this.size[1] * this.height ); } this.#ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; // Add noize const rawImage = this.#ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.makeNoise(rawImage); this.#ctx.putImageData(rawImage, 0, 0); }; async render () { const curImg = this.#image; if (!curImg) { throw new Error("No image defined!"); } const offscreeCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas( Math.round(curImg.width / this.size[0]) , Math.round(curImg.height / this.size[1]) ); const ctx = offscreeCanvas.getContext('2d'); // Clear canvas surface. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, curImg.width, curImg.height); // Draw current image ctx.drawImage(curImg , Math.round(scale(this.offset[0], -1, 1, -curImg.width, offscreeCanvas.width)) , Math.round(scale(this.offset[1], -1, 1, -curImg.height, offscreeCanvas.height)) , curImg.width, curImg.height ); // Add noize const rawImage = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, offscreeCanvas.width, offscreeCanvas.height); const mask = ctx.createImageData(offscreeCanvas.width, offscreeCanvas.height); this.makeNoise(rawImage, undefined, mask); ctx.putImageData(rawImage, 0, 0); // Contert to URL. const imageData = await readAsDataURL(await offscreeCanvas.convertToBlob()); if (mask.modified) { ctx.putImageData(mask, 0, 0); const maskData = await readAsDataURL(await offscreeCanvas.convertToBlob()); return { image: imageData, mask: maskData }; } return { image: imageData }; } } customElements.define('input-surface', InputSurface, { extends: 'canvas' }); const DEFAULT_SCALE_RATIO = 200; const SURFACE_MAX_SIZE = 300; const mainContainer = document.getElementById('container'); // Help and Community links const links = document.getElementById("community-links"); // Header menu const navMenu = document.getElementById("top-nav-items"); // Tools menu hidden by defaults, shows when tasks are added. const toolsMenu = document.getElementById("preview-tools"); // List of render tasks const preview = document.getElementById("preview"); const keepMaxSelect = document.createElement('input'); keepMaxSelect.id = `${ID_PREFIX}-keep-max`; const popupContainer = document.createElement('div'); popupContainer.id = `${ID_PREFIX}-popup`; let popupCancelled = false; let showPopup = async (mode, defaults = {}) => {} (function() { if (links && !document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-link`)) { // Add link to plugin repo. const pluginLink = document.createElement('li'); pluginLink.innerHTML = ` Madrang's Plugins on GitHub`; links.appendChild(pluginLink); } if (!mainContainer) { return } // Max number of tasks to keep. if (toolsMenu) { keepMaxSelect.style.width = '64px'; const datalist = document.createElement('datalist'); datalist.id = 'keep-max-datalist'; document.body.appendChild(datalist); ['off', 4, 8, 16, 32, 64].forEach(function(data) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = data; datalist.appendChild(option); }); keepMaxSelect.setAttribute('type', 'text'); keepMaxSelect.setAttribute('list','keep-max-datalist'); keepMaxSelect.value = 'off'; const keepLabel = document.createElement('label'); keepLabel.innerText = "Auto-Remove after " keepLabel.appendChild(keepMaxSelect); keepLabel.insertAdjacentText('beforeend', ' completed tasks.'); toolsMenu.appendChild(keepLabel); } let intervalPtr = undefined; let keepOldVar = keepMaxSelect.value; keepMaxSelect.addEventListener("click", function() { // Remove old value to display all the choices. keepOldVar = keepMaxSelect.value; keepMaxSelect.value = ''; }); keepMaxSelect.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { if (!keepMaxSelect.value) { // If nothing, restore old choice. keepMaxSelect.value = keepOldVar; } }); keepMaxSelect.addEventListener("change", function() { if (!keepMaxSelect.value || keepMaxSelect.value == 'off') { if (intervalPtr !== undefined) { clearInterval(intervalPtr); intervalPtr = undefined; } return; } if (intervalPtr == undefined) { intervalPtr = setInterval(function() { if (!keepMaxSelect.value || keepMaxSelect.value == 'off') { if (intervalPtr !== undefined) { clearInterval(intervalPtr); intervalPtr = undefined; } return; } const keep = parseInt(keepMaxSelect.value); const taskContainers = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('#preview .imageTaskContainer .taskStatusLabel') ).filter(taskLabel => taskLabel.style.display == "none").map((taskLabel) => taskLabel.closest('.imageTaskContainer')); for (const imageTask of taskContainers) { if (taskContainers.indexOf(imageTask) < keep) { continue; } preview.removeChild(imageTask); } }, 10 * 1000); } }); popupContainer.style.display = 'none'; popupContainer.innerHTML = `

Popup Settings



Tip: You can click on the transparent overlay to close
and by holding Ctrl quickly Apply.
Edit the prompt to control the alterations.

`; mainContainer.insertBefore(popupContainer, document.getElementById('save-settings-config')); popupContainer.addEventListener('click', (event) => { if (event.target.id == popupContainer.id) { popupContainer.style.display = 'none'; if (!event.ctrlKey) { popupCancelled = true; } } }); const closeBtn = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-popup-close-btn`); closeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { popupContainer.style.display = 'none'; popupCancelled = true; }); const applyBtn = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-popup-apply-btn`); applyBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { popupContainer.style.display = 'none'; popupCancelled = false; }); const popup_title = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-popup-title`); const popup_subtitle = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-popup-subtitle`); const popup_parallel = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-num_outputs_parallel`); const popup_totalOutputs = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-num_outputs_total`); const popup_guidanceScaleSlider = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-guidance_scale_slider`); const popup_guidanceScaleField = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-guidance_scale`); popup_guidanceScaleSlider.addEventListener('input', function() { popup_guidanceScaleField.value = popup_guidanceScaleSlider.value / 10; }); popup_guidanceScaleField.addEventListener('input', function() { if (popup_guidanceScaleField.value < 0) { popup_guidanceScaleField.value = 0; } else if (popup_guidanceScaleField.value > 50) { popup_guidanceScaleField.value = 50; } popup_guidanceScaleSlider.value = popup_guidanceScaleField.value * 10; }); popup_guidanceScaleSlider.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); const popup_num_inference_steps = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-num_inference_steps`); const popup_promptStrengthSlider = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-prompt_strength_slider`); const popup_promptStrengthField = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-prompt_strength`); popup_promptStrengthSlider.addEventListener('input', function() { popup_promptStrengthField.value = popup_promptStrengthSlider.value / 100; }); popup_promptStrengthField.addEventListener('input', function() { if (popup_promptStrengthField.value < 0) { popup_promptStrengthField.value = 0; } else if (popup_promptStrengthField.value > 0.99) { popup_promptStrengthField.value = 0.99; } popup_promptStrengthSlider.value = popup_promptStrengthField.value * 100; }); popup_promptStrengthSlider.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); const popup_scale_slider = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-scale_slider`); const popup_width = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-width`); const popup_height = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-height`); const popup_prompt = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-prompt`); const resolution_container = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-resolution_container`); const input_surface_container = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-warp_input_surface_container`); const input_surface_canvas = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-warp_input_surface`); const popup_warp_slider = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-warp_slider`); const popup_warp_width = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-warp_width`); const popup_warp_height = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-warp_height`); const compoundChanges_container = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-compoundChanges_container`); const compoundChanges = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-compoundChanges`); const popup_vram_level = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-vram_level`); const popup_vram_level_container = document.getElementById(`${ID_PREFIX}-vram_level_container`); showPopup = async (mode, defaults = {}, refImg) => { popupCancelled = false; popup_title.innerHTML = `${MODE_DISPLAY_NAMES[mode]} Settings
V${VERSION}`; popup_guidanceScaleSlider.value = ('guidance_scale' in defaults ? defaults.guidance_scale * 10 : 75); popup_guidanceScaleField.value = defaults.guidance_scale || 7.5; popup_promptStrengthSlider.value = ('prompt_strength' in defaults ? defaults.prompt_strength * 100 : 50); popup_promptStrengthField.value = defaults.prompt_strength || 0.5; if (typeof vramUsageLevelField !== "undefined" && typeof vramUsageLevelField.value === "string") { popup_vram_level.value = vramUsageLevelField.value; } else { popup_vram_level.value = defaults.vram_usage_level; } switch (mode) { case MODE_REDO: resolution_container.style.display = 'none'; input_surface_container.style.display = 'none'; popup_vram_level_container.style.display = 'none'; popup_subtitle.innerHTML = 'Redo the current render with small variations.'; popup_parallel.value = defaults.num_outputs || defaults.parallel || 1; if (typeof numOutputsTotalField !== "undefined" && numOutputsTotalField.value && parseInt(numOutputsTotalField.value) > 1) { popup_totalOutputs.value = numOutputsTotalField.value; } else { popup_totalOutputs.value = 4; } if ("num_inference_steps" in defaults) { popup_num_inference_steps.value = defaults.num_inference_steps; } if (defaults.init_image) { compoundChanges.checked = true; compoundChanges_container.style.display = 'block'; } else { compoundChanges_container.style.display = 'none'; } break; case MODE_RESIZE: compoundChanges_container.style.display = 'none'; input_surface_container.style.display = 'none'; popup_subtitle.innerHTML = 'Resize the current render.
(Will include alterations/mutations.)'; popup_parallel.value = 1; popup_totalOutputs.value = 1; popup_scale_slider.value = DEFAULT_SCALE_RATIO; if ("num_inference_steps" in defaults) { popup_num_inference_steps.value = Math.round(defaults.num_inference_steps * (DEFAULT_SCALE_RATIO / 100)); } resolution_container.style.display = 'block'; popup_vram_level_container.style.display = 'block'; break; case MODE_WARP: compoundChanges_container.style.display = 'none'; console.log('defaults', defaults); console.log('refImg', refImg); popup_scale_slider.value = 101; if (defaults.width > defaults.height) { input_surface_canvas.width = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; input_surface_canvas.height = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE * (defaults.height / defaults.width); } else if (defaults.height > defaults.width) { input_surface_canvas.width = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE * (defaults.width / defaults.height); input_surface_canvas.height = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; } else { input_surface_canvas.width = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; input_surface_canvas.height = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; } input_surface_canvas.image = refImg || defaults.init_image; popup_warp_slider.value = 100; input_surface_container.style.display = 'block'; resolution_container.style.display = 'block'; popup_vram_level_container.style.display = 'block'; break; } popup_num_inference_steps.value = Math.max(25, popup_num_inference_steps.value); let width = defaults.width; let height = defaults.height; popup_width.value = round_64(width * (popup_scale_slider.value / 100)); popup_height.value = round_64(height * (popup_scale_slider.value / 100)); const setResolutionFields = function() { popup_width.value = round_64(width * (popup_scale_slider.value / 100)); popup_height.value = round_64(height * (popup_scale_slider.value / 100)); }; const setResolutionSlider = function() { const ratio = ((popup_width.value / width) + (popup_height.value / height)) / 2; width = popup_width.value / ratio; height = popup_height.value / ratio; popup_scale_slider.value = ratio * 100; if (mode == MODE_WARP) { if (popup_width.value > popup_height.value) { input_surface_canvas.width = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; input_surface_canvas.height = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE * (popup_height.value / popup_width.value); } else if (popup_height.value > popup_width.value) { input_surface_canvas.width = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE * (popup_width.value / popup_height.value); input_surface_canvas.height = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; } else { input_surface_canvas.width = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; input_surface_canvas.height = SURFACE_MAX_SIZE; } } }; const set_width = debounce(function() { let tmp_width = popup_width.value; if (mode == MODE_RESIZE) { tmp_width = round_64(tmp_width); } if (tmp_width != popup_width.value) { popup_width.value = tmp_width; } setResolutionSlider(); }, 1000, false); const set_height = debounce(function() { let tmp_height = popup_height.value; if (mode == MODE_RESIZE) { tmp_height = round_64(tmp_height); } if (tmp_height != popup_height.value) { popup_height.value = tmp_height; } setResolutionSlider(); }, 1000, false); popup_warp_width.value = popup_warp_slider.value / 100; popup_warp_height.value = popup_warp_slider.value / 100; input_surface_canvas.reset(); const onCanvasChanged = function() { const [ sizeWidth, sizeHeigth ] = input_surface_canvas.size; popup_warp_width.value = sizeWidth.toFixed(2); popup_warp_height.value = sizeHeigth.toFixed(2); const ratio = (sizeWidth + sizeHeigth) / 2; popup_warp_slider.value = ratio * 100; }; const setWarpFields = function() { popup_warp_width.value = (popup_warp_slider.value / 100).toFixed(2); popup_warp_height.value = (popup_warp_slider.value / 100).toFixed(2); input_surface_canvas.size = [ popup_warp_slider.value / 100 , popup_warp_slider.value / 100 ]; }; const setWarpSlider = function() { const ratio = (popup_warp_width.value + popup_warp_height.value) / 2; input_surface_canvas.size = [ popup_warp_width.value , popup_warp_height.value ]; popup_warp_slider.value = ratio * 100; }; const set_warp_width = debounce(setWarpSlider, 1000, false); const set_warp_height = debounce(setWarpSlider, 1000, false); popup_prompt.value = defaults.prompt; try { popup_scale_slider.addEventListener('input', setResolutionFields); popup_width.addEventListener('input', set_width); popup_height.addEventListener('input', set_height); popup_warp_slider.addEventListener('input', setWarpFields); popup_warp_width.addEventListener('input', set_warp_width); popup_warp_height.addEventListener('input', set_warp_height); input_surface_canvas.addEventListener('change', onCanvasChanged); // Display popup popupContainer.style.display = 'block'; while (window.getComputedStyle(popupContainer).display !== "none") { await asyncDelay(1000); } } finally { popup_scale_slider.removeEventListener('input', setResolutionFields); popup_width.removeEventListener('input', set_width); popup_height.removeEventListener('input', set_height); popup_warp_slider.removeEventListener('input', setWarpFields); popup_warp_width.removeEventListener('input', set_warp_width); popup_warp_height.removeEventListener('input', set_warp_height); input_surface_canvas.removeEventListener('change', onCanvasChanged); } const response = { cancelled: popupCancelled , parallel: parseInt(popup_parallel.value) , totalOutputs: parseInt(popup_totalOutputs.value) , prompt: popup_prompt.value , prompt_strength: parseFloat(popup_promptStrengthField.value) , guidance_scale: parseFloat(popup_guidanceScaleField.value) , num_inference_steps: parseInt(popup_num_inference_steps.value) , width: round_64(popup_width.value) , height: round_64(popup_height.value) , vram_usage_level: popup_vram_level.value , compoundChanges: compoundChanges.checked }; if (mode === MODE_WARP) { const result = await input_surface_canvas.render(); response.init_image = result.image; response.mask = result.mask; } popupCancelled = false; return response; } })(); function getImg(src) { if (src instanceof HTMLImageElement || src instanceof SVGImageElement || src instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || src instanceof ImageBitmap ) { return Promise.resolve(src); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { try { const image = new Image(); image.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(image)); image.addEventListener('error', () => reject(new Error('Failed to load image.'))); image.src = src; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); } function copyImg(ctx, src, dest={}) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const drawImage = function(image) { ctx.drawImage(image , src.x || 0, src.y || 0 , src.w || src.width || image.naturalWidth , src.h || src.height || image.naturalHeight , dest.x || 0, dest.y || 0 , dest.w || dest.width || ctx.width || ctx.canvas.width , dest.h || dest.height || ctx.height || ctx.canvas.height ); resolve(image); } try { if (src.data instanceof HTMLImageElement || src.data instanceof SVGImageElement || src.data instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || src.data instanceof ImageBitmap ) { drawImage(src.data); return; } const image = new Image(); image.addEventListener('load', () => drawImage(image)); image.addEventListener('error', () => reject(new Error('Failed to load image.'))); image.src = src.url || src.data; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); } async function goBig(img) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const newTaskRequest = modifyCurrentRequest(reqBody, { num_outputs: options.parallel || 1 }); newTaskRequest.numOutputsTotal = Math.max(newTaskRequest.reqBody.num_outputs, options.totalOutputs || 1); newTaskRequest.batchCount = Math.ceil(newTaskRequest.numOutputsTotal / newTaskRequest.reqBody.num_outputs); await copyImg(ctx, {data:img.src}, {}); newTaskRequest.reqBody.init_image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png") await doMakeImage(task); return canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); } function round_64(val) { val = Math.round(val); const left = val % 64; val = val - left; if (left >= 32) { return val + 64; } return val; } function buildRequest(mode, reqBody, img, options = {}) { const newTaskRequest = modifyCurrentRequest(reqBody, { num_outputs: options.parallel || 1 }); newTaskRequest.numOutputsTotal = Math.max(newTaskRequest.reqBody.num_outputs, options.totalOutputs || 1); newTaskRequest.batchCount = Math.ceil(newTaskRequest.numOutputsTotal / newTaskRequest.reqBody.num_outputs); if ('guidance_scale' in options) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.guidance_scale = options.guidance_scale; } if ('prompt' in options) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.prompt = options.prompt; } if ('vram_usage_level' in options) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.vram_usage_level = options.vram_usage_level; } newTaskRequest.reqBody.prompt_strength = options.prompt_strength || 0.5; newTaskRequest.reqBody.num_inference_steps = options.num_inference_steps || 25; switch (mode) { case MODE_REDO: case MODE_RESIZE: if (!newTaskRequest.reqBody.init_image || mode === MODE_RESIZE || options.compoundChanges) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.sampler_name = 'ddim'; newTaskRequest.reqBody.init_image = img.src; delete newTaskRequest.reqBody.mask; if (mode !== MODE_RESIZE) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000); } } else { newTaskRequest.reqBody.seed = 1 + newTaskRequest.reqBody.seed; } if (mode === MODE_RESIZE) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.width = options.width; newTaskRequest.reqBody.height = options.height; if (useUpscalingField.checked) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.use_upscale = upscaleModelField.value; } else { delete newTaskRequest.reqBody.use_upscale; } } break; case MODE_WARP: newTaskRequest.reqBody.width = options.width; newTaskRequest.reqBody.height = options.height; newTaskRequest.reqBody.sampler_name = 'ddim'; newTaskRequest.reqBody.init_image = options.init_image; if (options.mask) { newTaskRequest.reqBody.mask = options.mask; } else { delete newTaskRequest.reqBody.mask; } break; default: throw new Error("Unknown button.action mode: " + mode); } newTaskRequest.seed = newTaskRequest.reqBody.seed; return newTaskRequest; } function getStartNewTaskHandler(mode) { return async function(reqBody, img) { const options = await showPopup(mode, reqBody, img); if (options.cancelled) { return; } const newTaskRequest = buildRequest(mode, reqBody, img, options); createTask(newTaskRequest); }; } // Register selftests when loaded by jasmine. if (typeof PLUGINS?.SELFTEST === 'object') { PLUGINS.SELFTEST[ID_PREFIX + " render tasks"] = function() { it('should be able to run a test...', function() { expect(function() { SD.sessionId = undefined }).toThrowError("Can't set sessionId to undefined.") }) } } })();