# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Helper class intended for creation of Xymon Extension Modules in Python. This simple Python module provides a simple helper class that aims simplify the creation of Xymon Extension Modules in Python. """ __all__ = ['XymonClient', 'STATUS_OK', 'STATUS_WARNING', 'STATUS_CRITICAL'] __author__ = "Davide Madrisan " __copyright__ = "Copyright 2017 Davide Madrisan" __license__ = "GPL-3.0" __status__ = "Production" __version__ = "3" from datetime import datetime import os import socket STATUS_OK = '&green' STATUS_WARNING = '&yellow' STATUS_CRITICAL = '&red' _ALL_COLORS = (STATUS_OK, STATUS_WARNING, STATUS_CRITICAL) """list of all the allower colors (criticity levels)""" class XymonMessage(object): """Class for rendering the Xymon messages that will be sent to the server. Note: This class is not intended to be used directly from your code. """ def __init__(self): self._message = '' self._footer = None self._color = STATUS_OK self._lifetime = None """default criticity""" @staticmethod def _get_date(): """Return the current date.""" return datetime.now().strftime('%c') @staticmethod def _get_machine(): """Get the environment variable `MACHINE` exported by Xymon. Raises: RuntimeError: If `MACHINE` is not set. """ xymon_machine = os.environ.get('MACHINE') if not xymon_machine: raise RuntimeError('The environment variable MACHINE is not set') return xymon_machine @property def color(self): """Return the current color (message criticity level).""" return self._color @color.setter def color(self, value): """Set the color (message criticity level) to `value`. Note: The color is not updated when `value` has a criticity lower than the current one `self._color`. Attributes: value (str): The new color to be set. The following colors are the only valid ones: - pyxymon.STATUS_OK - pyxymon.STATUS_WARNING - pyxymon.STATUS_CRITICAL Raises: ValueError: If `value` is not a valid color string. """ if value not in _ALL_COLORS: raise ValueError('Illegal color for xymon: {0}'.format(value)) current_color_index = _ALL_COLORS.index(self._color) new_color_index = _ALL_COLORS.index(value) if new_color_index > current_color_index: self._color = value @property def lifetime(self): """Return lifetime in minutes in xymon format (str)""" return ''.join(['+', str(self._lifetime)]) if self._lifetime else '' @lifetime.setter def lifetime(self, value): """Set the lifetime in minutes (time until purple) to `value`""" try: self._lifetime = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('value must be a number: {0}'.format(value)) def title(self, text): """Set the message title. Attributes: text (str): The string containing the title. """ self._message += '


'.format(text) def section(self, title, body): """Add a section to the Xymon message. Attributes: title (str): The string containing the title of this section. body (str): The content of the section. """ self._message += ( '



'.format(title, body)) def footer(self, check_filename, check_version): """Add a footer the the Xymon message. Attributes: check_filename (str): The name of the check script. check_version (str): The version of the check script. """ self._footer = ( '
' '
xymon script: {0} version {1}
'.format( check_filename, check_version)) def _render(self, test): """Return the message string in a format accepted by the Xymon server. Attributes: test (str): The string containing the name of the Xymon test. Raises: RuntimeError: If `self._color` is an illegal color (this should never happen). """ date = self._get_date() machine = self._get_machine() if self._color not in _ALL_COLORS: raise RuntimeError( 'Illegal color for xymon: {0}'.format(self._color)) html = (self._message if not self._footer else self._message + self._footer) return 'status{0} {1}.{2} {3} {4}\n{5}\n'.format( self.lifetime, machine, test, self._color[1:], date, html) class XymonClient(XymonMessage): """Class for managing and sending the final message to the Xymon server. Attributes: test (str): Name of the Xymon test. Usage: import os import pyxymon as pymon check_name = 'mytest' check_version = 1 check_filename = os.path.basename(__file__) xymon = pymon.XymonClient(check_name) # do your logic... # you can set the criticity of the final xymon message by using: # xymon.color = pymon.STATUS_WARNING # or # xymon.color = pymon.STATUS_CRITICAL # The criticity is set by default to 'pymon.STATUS_OK' xymon.title('Title in the xymon check page') xymon.section('Section Title', 'Text containing the lines you want to display') # You can add here other sections, if required. xymon.footer(check_filename, check_version) xymon.send() """ def __init__(self, test): XymonMessage.__init__(self) self.test = test """Name of the Xymon test""" @staticmethod def _get_xymon_server_name(): """Return the content of the environment variable XYMSRV. Raises: RuntimeError: If `XYMSRV` is not set. """ xymon_server = os.environ.get('XYMSRV') if not xymon_server: raise RuntimeError('The environment variable XYMSRV is not set') return os.environ.get('XYMSRV') @staticmethod def _get_xymon_server_port(): """Return the content of the environment variable XYMONDPORT. Note: The default Xymon port (1984) is returned, when such a variable does not exist. """ xymon_port = os.environ.get('XYMONDPORT', 1984) return int(xymon_port) def send(self): """Send a rendered message to the xymon server. Note: The server and port are read from the environment variables XYMSRV and XYMONDPORT (default set to 1984 when not found). """ server = self._get_xymon_server_name() port = self._get_xymon_server_port() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((server, port)) xymon_string = self._render(self.test) sock.send(xymon_string.encode('utf-8')) sock.close()