Community Edition Build 0.9.180: * NEW: RAR5 Support (Default & SharpCompress) * NEW: New PDF Engine using Google's PDFium is now the Default. Options to configure added to ComicRack.ini. (See Wiki) * NEW: Support for HEIF, AVIF image supports. Only enabled in 64bit. (Requires up to date VC++ Redistributable) * NEW: Added Virtual Tags. Combine multiple fields, use advanced functions. Can be used with grouping, sorting, smart lists & in search browser. (See Wiki for functions syntax) * NEW: Built-in "Open With" external programs. Ability to override the default viewer with your extrnal program. * NEW: Added the Git version to the Splash Screen, to more easily identify bugs in specific releases. * NEW: Added the "-local" command line switch, to have the program load in portable mode. * NEW: Added links to The Organizer guide & manual in the help system. * NEW: Added "Actual File Format" field that will be the actual file format of the archive and not simply based on the extension. * NEW: Unknown elements that may have been added by other softwares to the ComicInfo.xml will no longer be stripped and are also stored in the database. * NEW: Articles in IgnoredArticles can now terminate with an apostrophe (Like L'). * NEW: Added French articles (Le, La, Les, L') as default in IgnoredArticles. * NEW: Remembers the Location & Size of Script Output Console by the Workspace system. * NEW: Quick Search (using Mode All) will now search Scan Information & Custom Fields. * NEW: Added the Web field to smart lists. * NEW: Added an "Is Missing" smart list entry. * NEW: "__MACOSX" & ".DS_Store" folders will be ignored inside archives. * NEW: Images smaller than 256 bytes will be ignored inside archives (so that thumbnails are excluded). * NEW: Added a "Published (Regional)" column that will use the OS regional setting for the Published date. * NEW: Added support for wildcard for "KeepFiles" in a script "Package.ini" (used for Data Manager multiple profiles). * NEW: Added a way to merge pages together. (See Wiki) * NEW: Added a check for update feature. * NEW: Added the Scan Information & Web field to the Search Browser. * NEW: Added a "-hiddden" command line switch that disables the Splash and forces loading in the tray regardless of settings, used to have ComicRack load with windows. * NEW: The Back & Forward mouse buttons (Mouse 4 & 5) now call Previous & Next List. * NEW: Added the Ctrl+Alt+F keyboard shortcut to open Quick Search (used to search your lists). * NEW: Read support for the "MetronInfo.xml" metadata file. The "ComicInfo.xml" still has priority and only fields used in it are imported. Exporting a file will remove any "MetronInfo.xml" that existed, but the imported data is preserved in the "ComicInfo.xml" on Export. * NEW: Using Backup Database while using an SQL database now includes the book details. It can be used to convert to XML or to restore the SQL database. * NEW: Added a feature to force refresh metadata from embedded ComicInfo.xml (or MetronInfo.xml). Open the context menu, then hold Ctrl and select Refresh. Metadata remains if no XML is embedded but may be removed if fields are empty. * NEW: Added a DisableNTFS option in ComicRack.ini (or "-ntfs" command line switch) to disable reading/writing ComicInfo to the NTFS alternate stream, useful for NAS systems that don’t support it. * NEW: Added the Translator field as per the anansi-project/comicinfo. * NEW: The Preference dialog is now resizable and is remembered by the Workspace system. * NEW: Added a Delete API setting in the ComicRack.ini that let's you change which API is used to move files to the recycle bin. (See ComicRack.ini) * NEW: Possible to add icons that apply to any writable string fields. Just give the zip the name of the field with the "_" prefix in front. (Ex: "Carl Barks.png" inside "_Writer".) * CHANGE: Program renamed to Community Edition, this means that a new config folder will be used %appdata%\cYo\ComicRack Community Edition. * CHANGE: Removed Android Validation of APK signature to enable compatilibity with cracked version. * CHANGE: Updated default sort to be natural sorting (numeric). * CHANGE: Switched MySQl library to MySQLConnector for better speed & compatibility with MariaDB (Yes current versions work). * CHANGE: Alternate config (-ac) can now be used with portable mode (UseLocalSettings) (-local). * CHANGE: The default docking mode is now Fill, instead of Bottom. * CHANGE: Improved performances while handling Tar files (by Apiweb). * CHANGE: The field Tags is now saved inside the ComicInfo.xml. * CHANGE: ParallelConversions now maxes out at the number of processor (was hardcoded at 8 previously). * CHANGE: Made News window bigger and replaced it with commit histtory from GitHub. * CHANGE: Replaced the ComicRack.ini setting of "DisableGhostscript" by "PdfEngineToUse", choosing between Pdfium, Native & Ghostscript. * CHANGE: Values for Maximum Memory now have a bigger possible range. Unlimited is unchanged. * CHANGE: The magnifing glass can now be twice as big as before (512 x 512 => 1024 x 1024) * CHANGE: Series: Gaps will take into consideration range of numbers (Ex: 5 - 10) * CHANGE: Changed the default method for resizing thumbnails changed from FastBilinear (Bilinear) to FastAndUgly (Nearest Neighbor). You can revert the change in ComicRack.ini. * CHANGE: Summaries will not contain the same artists multiple time anymore. * CHANGE: The Search Browser will no longer remove any leading/trailing spaces. * CHANGE: Updated Format & Publishers icons. Thanks @ ucapato & others. * CHANGE: Publisher icons name can now be set by year & month (ex: "DC Comics(2016_05-2024)") * CHANGE: Updated the Splash Screen. * CHANGE: Updated links & reference to the website. * CHANGE: Removed everything to do with Validation/Donation/PayPal. * CHANGE: Removed everything to do with Twitter. * CHANGE: Made some combobox lists bigger. The source list in smart lists is 3x longer. Publisher, Imprint & Age Rating are 2x longer. * CHANGE: The Contains Any & Contains All smart list can now separate entries with a comma (,) or semicolon (;). Previously only spaces were used to separate entries. The separation by spaces still takes priority if there are no comma or semicolon, so existing lists should not change. * CHANGE: Updated file assocation done by the program to use registry keys recommended by Microsoft for Windows XP+. * CHANGE: Replaced the API used to move files to the recycle bin to the newer Windows API. This should fix some issues with the recycle bin. * UPDATE: Updated to .NET Framework v4.8. * UPDATE: Updated 7-Zip to to v24.07. * UPDATE: Updated SharpZipLib to v1.4.2. * UPDATE: Updated SharpCompress to v0.39. * UPDATE: Updated WindowsCodePack to V1.15. * BUGFIX: Fixed Crash when the clipboard contained some objects while the program is idle. * BUGFIX: Fixed Crash if window size is less than 0 (Usually when using high DPI scaling). * BUGFIX: Smartlist using "in range" for dates, wasn't taking into account the second field. * BUGFIX: Clicking a folder that didn't exists anymore, would show the files from the program installation directory instead. * BUGFIX: Entries MainCharacterOrTeam, Review & CommunityRating were not being saved in ComicInfo.xml. * BUGFIX: Increased performance of files loading when clicking a folder. * BUGFIX: Enabling fullscreen didn't minimize the gui when reader was in it's own window, with option to do it at the same time enabled. * BUGFIX: Files were not being deleted if they contained Unicode characters. * BUGFIX: Increase performance (dragging, searching lists & opening edit smart lists dialog) when a lot of smart list existed. * BUGFIX: Exporting files already in WebP or DejaVu would secretly be jpegs. Thanks @ BrokenkRSA * BUGFIX: Wrong corner of the page was chosen when the options to zoom out on page change & true right to left reading were both enabled. * BUGFIX: Detection of the ComicInfo.xml file is now case insensitive. * BUGFIX: The negation button in the Search Browser didn't work correctly under some conditions. * BUGFIX: In the folder view, international characters are now sorted like in windows. * BUGFIX: Fixed an error that would prevent syncing/pairing an android device. * BUGFIX: Fixed a rare crash that would happen when more than 10k handles were created. Usually happens when converting a lot of files. * BUGFIX: Fixed a problem were using Backup Database might not backup the latest changes. A ComicDb.xml.xml file was created instead but would backup the regular database (possibly outdated). * BUGFIX: Fixed tabs not rendering correctly when switching to tab view (while double-clicking). ^^^^^^^^^^ Community Edition ^^^^^^^^^^ Build 0.9.178: * NEW: ComicRack now fully supports HiDPI Screens (Surface Pro, Retina etc.) * NEW: Added new format values {numberonly} and {volumeonly} for caption/filename formatting (see example in comicrack.ini CaptionFormat) * CHANGE: Removed usage of default ComicRack.ini if alternate configuration is specified Build 0.9.177: * CHANGE: Upped .NET version to 4.5 * CHANGE: Added background saving of cache index. Should help with lost cache items when ComicRack crashes * CHANGE: Extended search depth to find connected USB devices * CHANGE: Added column header to group list * CHANGE: Added group size to group list * CHANGE: Double click on group header list splitter closes the list * BUGFIX: Fixed some spelling errors * BUGFIX: Multiple Comics Dialog showed custom fields in tab mode even if turned off * BUGFIX: Fixed spinner positions when switching between panel/tab style in dialogs * BUGFIX: Fixed mousewheel scrolling in browser in some cases * BUGFIX: Fixed possible failure to create first thumbnails immediately after startup of application Build 0.9.176: * NEW: Optional side panel in comic browser to show all group headers * NEW: Option in preferences to force all stacks in a list to the same layout * BUGFIX: Fixed possible failed installation of plugins during restart * BUGFIX: Fixed setting invalid temp path in comicrack.ini * BUGFIX: Fixed display of custom values in multi comic dialog Build 0.9.175: * NEW: Added WifiSyncReceiveTimeout, WifiSyncSendTimeout, WifiSyncConnectionTimeout, WifiSyncConnectionRetries values to ComicRack.ini * BUGFIX: Fixed Ctrl-I shortcut in Browser * BUGFIX: Fixed missing Undo entries for Quick Rating * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exceptions for syncing lists (Dialog and syncing) * BUGFIX: Fixed position of Designer/Query button in Smartlist Dialogs Build 0.9.174: * BUGFIX: Fixed name parser bug for some years * BUGFIX: Fixed opening files from Quickopen Build 0.9.173: * NEW: Quick Rating dialog with Twitter support like in the mobile versions * NEW: Added sorting by Story Arc to device syncing * NEW: Option to adjust the width for exported double pages * NEW: Option to keep the original image file names in exported/converted comics * NEW: You can now also drag&drop selected books into library folders and create a list there (and not only on the top level) * NEW: Designer/Query button in Smartlist Editor to switch between the two editing modes * NEW: Dropping a book onto a folder while pressing Alt will insert a Series based smartlist instead of a reading list * NEW: Dropping a book onto a smartlist will add a Series based query entry to the smartlist * NEW: Dropping a stack onto a folder while pressing Alt will insert a smartlist based on the stack criteria * NEW: Dropping a stack onto a smartlist will add a stack based query entry to the smartlist * NEW: Dropping a Search Browser entry into the library browser will now create/add a smartlist entry (Alt modifies to create a reading list) * NEW: Quick Search for Library lists * CHANGE: Removed the "Custom" prefix for custom field headers in detail mode * CHANGE: Sorting folder now uses the same sorting as in lists (ignoring the, etc.) * CHANGE: Activated copies will recheck state once a month * CHANGE: Name parser now understands YYYY/MM constructs * CHANGE: Current changes are now used as defaults for new sync settings * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exceptions when detecting devices * BUGFIX: Fixed parsing "four covers" in file name * BUGFIX: Fixed reordering of devices in sync dialog Build 0.9.172: * NEW: Setting the quality to 0 for WebP will switch to the lossless compressor * BUGFIX: Fixed non working quality slider for WebP * BUGFIX: Revert of original counter bugfix, as it broke all kinds of other counters * BUGFIX: Implemented new counter bugfix * BUGFIX: Recompiled Google's WebP libraries to remove msvctr100 dependency * BUGFIX: Fixed conversion of WebP to Jpeg * BUGFIX: Fixed initial setup for MS SQL server * BUGFIX: Fixed sync of WebP Comics to devices not supporting WebP Build 0.9.171: * NEW: Added WebP support for viewer/converter/sync * NEW: If device supports it, webp is used for optimized sync (30% less space with better image quality) * NEW: SyncWebP and SyncOptimizedWebP setting comicrack.ini to turn WebP for sycning on/off (default is on for optimized sync) * NEW: Paired devices can now initiate a sync even if they're manually setup (needs CRA 1.77+, CRIOS 1.0.6+) * NEW: Added new advanced setting to manually enter wireless ip address and test them (alternative to editing comicrack.ini) * NEW: Speed up of comic export/conversion through parallelization (can be controlled with ParallelConversions in ComicRack.ini) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible parsing errors of smartlist query language * BUGFIX: Fixed matcher for custom values to work properly with empty values * BUGFIX: Fixed slow updates of the sql database * BUGFIX: Fixed counter display in devices dialog Build 0.9.170: * NEW: SyncResampling setting in ComicRack.ini * NEW: Option in Preferences/Behavior/Application to set default value for checked field * NEW: Network folders are now sorted (can be turned off in ComicRack.ini with SortNetworkFolders) * NEW: Added autocomplete to custom values in Multi Comics Dialog * BUGFIX: If data source connection failes on start up no changes are saved to the local db part * BUGFIX: Reading comicrack.ini files from alternate configurations (-ac) * BUGFIX: Fixed default cover image for fileless entries * BUGFIX: Explicitly closing the sql database when shutting down * BUGFIX: Fixed paste of custom values in Multi Comic Dialog Build 0.9.169: * NEW: Implemented a way for mobile devices to detect if CRW is available (CRA 1.76+) * NEW: Added Scan Information to Tile display * CHANGE: Sync optimization now defauls to no sharpening * CHANGE: Some layout optimizations * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when opening empty comic list with the "Open..." command Build 0.9.168: * CHANGE: Sync now keeps at least 128 MB free on devices (defined in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Changed grouping of custom values to use a name grouper * CHANGE: Sorting custom values now correctly handles numbers * BUGFIX: Fixed Wireless device detection on Windows XP * BUGFIX: Fixed deselecting "Only show selected" in Device Editor * BUGFIX: Fixed possible setting of page type to wrong page in reader with keyboard shortcuts Build 0.9.167: * BUGFIX: Fixed Smartlist Editor bug * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in browser inline editing Build 0.9.166: * NEW: New hook to run scripts on shutdown (with option to cancel shutdown) * NEW: Added Flick Left/Right for Windows 8 * CHANGE: Better Matcher Selector in Smartlist Editor * CHANGE: Needs CRA 1.74+ for sync * BUGFIX: Fixed thumbnail updates in the database (bug had all kinds of ugly side-effects) Build 0.9.165: * BUGFIX: Fixed non working commands line parameters * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong application folder initialization * BUGFIX: Fixed in some cases missing/wrong located UI elements in Preferences Dialog Build 0.9.164: * NEW: Support for shared database (MSSQL and MySQL supported) * NEW: Added support for custom book values with API support * NEW: Added new compression engine SharpZip * CHANGE: ComicRack.ini has new settings to choose the engine for each file type (CbzUses, CbrUses, Cb7Uses, CbtUses) * BUGFIX: Added Frequent jumplist for Windows 7+ * BUGFIX: Fixed the Alternate Series setting for syncing * BUGFIX: "Released" no longer displays the time * BUGFIX: Added missing "Opening Database" message to the splash screen * BUGFIX: Faster initial update of smartlist live counters (if caching disabled) * BUGFIX: Fixed Smartlist User Scripts (like "All books starting with...") * BUGFIX: Updated missing Wiki links Build 0.9.163: * CHANGE: Better 3D cover rendering for ultra wide covers * CHANGE: Relased does no longer display the time * CHANGE: Empty "is" clause for date matchers now works as expected * CHANGE: Faster response to sync requests if paired with multiple devices * CHANGE: Faster initial search for devices * CHANGE: Pairing dialog no longer shows already paired devices * BUGFIX: Fixed some thumbnail size issues in browser with ultrawide covers * BUGFIX: Fixed pasting of device sync settings * BUGFIX: Multipe running ComicRack instances in different user accounts can now wireless sync at same time Build 0.9.162: * NEW: Added Week Smartlist matcher * NEW: Added "Series: Last Released" property * NEW: Progress dialog now shows detailed information during sync * NEW: Option in Preferences to display all cover thumbnails in the browser with same size * NEW: Reader Tabs can now be closed with a middle click * CHANGE: Needs CRA versions 1.68+ for synchronization * CHANGE: Better 3D books rendering if book has double cover * CHANGE: Expression matcher no longer breaks early on error * CHANGE: Remapped default open eComic shortcuts to correctly handle the shift modifier (open in new tab) * CHANGE: Most date matchers now ignore the time part * BUGFIX: Fixed some smartlist caching issues * BUGFIX: Fixed some wrong entries in publisher icons * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting problems on multi processor machines * BUGFIX: Fixed list values in the search browser * BUGFIX: Fixed handling empty values for numeric matchers * BUGFIX: OK button is now disabled in the text based smartlist editor if there's an error in the definition Build 0.9.161: * NEW: Added Released Date to Catalog fields * NEW: Added UseNativeCbz setting in ComicRack.ini to toggle between native and 7Zip based CBZ support * NEW: Option in Devices Dialog to only show the selected lists * NEW: You can now copy sync setups between paired devices * CHANGE: Added Time is now always editable (and not only for fileless entries) * CHANGE: Added day to default caption format * CHANGE: Format strings now support all fields (DefaultCaptionFormat etc.) * CHANGE: Book Dialog overview no longer shows dates not set (opened etc.) * CHANGE: During sync the Win7+ Task icon now shows the Device icon * CHANGE: Switched Published Grouper to default Date Grouper * CHANGE: Some visual tweaks * CHANGE: Some code hardening * BUGFIX: Group sorting for Published * BUGFIX: Selecting Unspecified in Search Browser did not work as expected * BUGFIX: Fixed Autonumber script error for numbers greater 100 * BUGFIX: Fixed Apply button in listlayout editor Build 0.9.160: * NEW: Added Day field for published date * NEW: Added Week of Year column to browser * NEW: Collapsed/Expanded states of Groups are now remembered * CHANGE: Changes in duplicate matcher to always handle month/year * CHANGE: Updated Publisher Icons * BUGFIX: Expanded Cover Detail View mode did only work in English/German * BUGFIX: Fixed sort order for combined stacking/grouping * BUGFIX: Changed "Is bigger" to "Is Greater" in query syntax * BUGFIX: Missing numeric spinner for Month column in browser * BUGFIX: Better handling of number spinners in the browser * BUGFIX: Fixed inline editing of Format, Main Character, Scan Information, Series Group and Story Arc in detail view * BUGFIX: Fixed Apply button in Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed Workspace storage * BUGFIX: Some code hardening Build 0.9.159: * NEW: Apply button in Comic Book Dialog * NEW: You can now enter Smartlist query expressions in the quicksearch text field * NEW: New Expanded Cover Detail View mode (turned on by moving Cover column left/right most in detail list) * NEW: Items can now be reordered in the Workspaces/List Layouts/List Columns with the Mouse (additionally to the up/down buttons) * NEW: Up to three Stacking/Grouping criteria can be combined by selecting the type in the menu while pressing Ctrl * CHANGE: Import reading list now supports selecting multiple files * CHANGE: Adjustments in "Fit columns" * CHANGE: Some visual and size tweaks to group headers * CHANGE: Fixed hires mouse wheel scrolling (if supported by mouse) * BUGFIX: Fixed escaping of '"', '[' and ']' in the smart list query language parsers * BUGFIX: Some missing translations Build 0.9.158: * CHANGE: Ctrl+Del does now exactly the same as Del and hitting OK (all defaults of the checkboxes are used) * CHANGE: Checking "Remove also from Library" is now remembered in the remove/delete dialog * CHANGE: Wikipedia search menu entry is now at the bottom of context menus * CHANGE: Removed Maximum limits from renumber script * BUGFIX: Further layout fixes when using big fonts * BUGFIX: Hopefully fixed possible lock during fast paging * BUGFIX: Fixed USB Sync with Windows 7 (introduced with Windows 8 fix) Build 0.9.157: * NEW: Books can now be removed from Smart Lists (reset is in smart list editor) * NEW: Added new Publisher Icons * NEW: Option to cancel wireless syncs from the device * NEW: New command in Comic Dialog to order pages by different criteria * NEW: Publisher Icons can now be extended with an applicable year range (see DC Icon) * NEW: New setting in export to rotate double pages by 90° * NEW: Setting in Advanced Preferences to limit the system memory ComicRack is using * NEW: Implemented a query language (like SQL) for Smartlists. * NEW: Added Copy/Paste support for Smartllists and the new query language * NEW: Added simple text based Smartlist editor (press ctrl while clicking "Edit") * NEW: Reordering of devices in the Device Dialog with drag & drop * CHANGE: New dialog for removing books * CHANGE: For synching Android Client 1.67 and up is required * CHANGE: Switched CBZ handling to the SevenZip engine (higher compatibility) * CHANGE: Moved the Gauge settings from the Library view to the Library Settings in Preferences * CHANGE: Better description for collapsed smartlist groups * CHANGE: Rewrote selection/focus display of items * CHANGE: First line in detail groups is always gray * CHANGE: Better drawing of checkboxes in lists * BUGFIX: Fixed USB syncing on Windows 8 * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting of Stacks by Rating/Community Rating/Read Percentage * BUGFIX: Fixed Shift+Ctrl Mouse selection in lists * BUGFIX: Fixed update problems in preview * BUGFIX: Fixed updates of Opened Time/Last Page when Track Current Page option is turned off * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting of special Number values (-1, .1, 1/2, 1A, etc.) * BUGFIX: Collapsing groups in the smartlist editor no longer jumps to the top * BUGFIX: Fixed limiting Smartlists. Till refresh always the same items are returned * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of Windows 8 and high DPI settings * BUGFIX: Fixed cache for Temporary list after restart Build 0.9.156: * NEW: Sync overlay icon for lists * NEW: "Sync with..." context menu command in library browser to quickly change syncing for a list * NEW: Added "Add to List" command to the folder view for books already in the library * NEW: Added "Track current Page" command in Reading Menu to turn on/off tracking of current pages when reading * NEW: Groups in Smartlist Editor can be collapsed * NEW: Create page thumbnails for portable devices (can be turned off in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: New "PageCachingDelay" setting in ComicRack.ini to set the delay for page caching * CHANGE: Custom List backgrounds now use the 3D cover view * CHANGE: For wireless sync needs ComicRack for Android 1.64+ * BUGFIX: Smartlist editor no longer jumps back to the top when adding/removing rules * BUGFIX: "Clear internet cache" did not work * BUGFIX: Fixed alternating line background in list details view Build 0.9.155: * CHANGE: For synching Android Client 1.63 and up is required * BUGFIX: Fixed missing Main Character/Series Group/Story Arc in the Search Browser * BUGFIX: Fixed missing autocomplete for Series Group/Story Arc in Multiple Comics Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed error synching empty smart lists * BUGFIX: Fixed crash when switching away from a script in the Smartlist Editor * BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash in splash dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash when opening the page context menu * BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash in page animation * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of memory caches > 2 GB * BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash in disk cache * BUGFIX: Hardened cleaning up of memory caches * BUGFIX: Hardened wireless sync communication * BUGFIX: Hardened Clipboard handling Build 0.9.154: * NEW: Added new script hook to execute scripts during startup (see sample scripts) * NEW: Added script commands ComicRack.Application.Restart()/ScanFolders()/SynchronizeDevices() * NEW: Option to keep last read eComic from series on device during sync ("But keep last read") * NEW: SyncKeepLastRead setting in ComicRack.ini * NEW: When exporting Reading Lists from Smart Lists you now can select to export as single entries (and not smart list) * NEW: Scripts can now set/get/delete custom values for books with book.SetCustomValue(key,value)/GetCustomValue(key)/DeleteCustomValue(key) * CHANGE: Redesign of sync options (may not be compatible in all cases with old settings) * CHANGE: Synching limited lists now interleaves by sort order * CHANGE: Synched lists now default to "sort by series" * CHANGE: Removed "Reverse" option for synching * CHANGE: For synching Android Client 1.62 and up is required * BUGFIX: Fixed missing translations in Script Preferences * BUGFIX: Fixed localization when scroll groups where toggled to tab groups in dialogs * BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash when scripts delayed startup process * BUGFIX: Fixed adding own smartlists to quick open * BUGFIX: Fixed saving of SeriesGroup & StoryArc in files * BUGFIX: Fixed performance issues when smartlist caching is turned on * BUGFIX: Fixed '&' display at various places * BUGFIX: Fixed various spelling mistakes in the german language pack * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when stepping through a list history with deleted lists * BUGFIX: Fixed encoding for "Export comic list" script * BUGFIX: Fixed missing icon for "Temporary Folder" in duplicate list command * BUGFIX: Fixed enabling of list settings in device dialog Build 0.9.153: * NEW: Duplicate list command now has a drop down list of the folders the duplicated list should be stored in * CHANGE: Limit by Series now sorts first by number, then by series * CHANGE: Limit by Alternate Series now sorts first by alternate number, then by alternate series * CHANGE: Duplicate list command now tries to find a good name for the new list * CHANGE: Comic Open Dialogs now generally remember the last filter selection * BUGFIX: Fixed proposed name of backup file * BUGFIX: Menu alphabetizer works with accents and umlauts * BUGFIX: Setup now correctly detects .NET 4 client profile installation and installs the full version Build 0.9.152: * NEW: Sync lists can now be limited by book count or size (size is only estimate when optimized or webcomic) * CHANGE: Needs at least ComicRack for Android 1.55 or up * BUGFIX: Fixed sending progress info during wireless sync * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of missing files during wireless sync (locked transfer) * BUGFIX: Fixed quicksearch support for the new meta data introduced in 0.9.151 * BUGFIX: Some layout adjustments in the comic book dialog Build 0.9.151: * NEW: Added Story Arc, Series Group, Main Character and Review meta data * NEW: Implemented data and check update from sync client * CHANGE: Updated 7z to version 9.20 * CHANGE: Updated ZipSharp to 0.86 * CHANGE: Keep wireless sync client alive during long conversions (WebComics) * BUGFIX: Fixed "+" and "!" modifier with webcomics (broke Freak Angels.cbw) Build 0.9.150: * NEW: Commands in sync dialog to select/deselect all lists in a folder * CHANGE: Added name of the book to sync conversion errors * CHANGE: ComicRack now works without KB2533523 installed * CHANGE: New SyncQueueLength setting in ComicRack.ini (defaults to 50) * CHANGE: New SyncWifiTimeout setting in ComicRack.ini (defaults to 60) * CHANGE: Better "Open Random" function (better randomization, each book only once in open sequence) * CHANGE: Much faster wireless protocol (needs Android version 1.43+) * BUGFIX: Fixed menu commands for toggling sidebar and small preview * BUGFIX: Fixed various sync issues * BUGFIX: Sync conversion now honors the temp folder setting in ComicRack.ini * BUGFIX: Added missing help references for sync dialogs * BUGFIX: Fixed possible lock when opening books * BUGFIX: Fixed Search Browser selection still active when closing Search Browser * BUGFIX: Fixed entries in Search Browser when selecting empty list * BUGFIX: Fixed selection drawing in Search Browser Build 0.9.149: * NEW: Scripts can now show the information dialog for books (ComicRack.Application.ShowComicInfo(books)) * NEW: Synchronizing page type changes back from the Android app * NEW: You can now drag/drop books somewhere on the main window to open them (caption, menu etc.) * NEW: WebComic parser now supports file:// Uris. This allows to make filesystem based webcomics * NEW: WebComic parser has predefined variables "ComicFileName" and "ComicFilePath" for relative image paths * NEW: Multi-image layouts for WebComics (see wiki for new Compositing element) * NEW: New pattern options for WebComics (see wiki) * CHANGE: Optimized WebComic engine * BUGFIX: Various code hardenings * BUGFIX: Fixed Search Browser shadow values and translations * BUGFIX: Fixed serious serialization bug of smartlists with cascading matcher groups * BUGFIX: Fixed wireless synchronizing of very large books * BUGFIX: Fixed traling '.'s in the Uri parser Build 0.9.148: * CHANGES: Better version control of the Android Client * BUGFIX: Fixed loading of JPEG images in 32 bit mode with non standard EXIF-chunks * BUGFIX: Fixed initial position of Tasks Window Build 0.9.147: * NEW: New property "Checked" for books * NEW: Option to sync only checked books * CHANGE: Custom IPs are now also used when searching for pair devices * CHANGE: Smartlists with limit criteria are no longer randomized * CHANGE: Browser Scraper now supports self refering last pages * BUGFIX: Using folders as source for syncing was broken (first sync cleared everything on the device) Build 0.9.146: * NEW: Support for wifi sync requests from the Android client * NEW: Better synchronization logic with multiple concurrent devices * NEW: Implemented size optimization for sync (used values are in comicrack.ini) * NEW: ExtraWifiDeviceAddresses setting in ComicRack.ini to specify a list of wifi device ip addresses (only if autodetection does not work) * CHANGE: Hidden Mac files are now ignored from scanning (can be changed in ComicRack.ini with MacCompatibleScanning) * CHANGE: Gracefully handle missing WPD API (e.g. Windows Server 2K3) * CHANGE: Export rescaling now default to BestQuality (which does make a difference) * CHANGE: Export quality slider now has a value tooltip * CHANGE: Sync entries now default to optimize false (as there is a slight quality reduction) * CHANGE: Optimized conversion/transfer process during sync to speed up slow connections (e.g. wireless) * BUGFIX: Fixed rename script (thanks to stonepaw) * BUGFIX: Sort lists in library browser did not work correctly Build 0.9.145: * NEW: Sync devices can now be renamed * NEW: Wireless synchronization * CHANGE: Better Device Editor * CHANGE: Sync now gracefully handles XML errors and just resyncs the file * BUGFIX: Various synchronization issues Build 0.9.144: * NEW: USB Synchronization with ComicRack for Android devices * CHANGE: Same style of Library view throughout the whole program * CHANGE: Images from WebComics are now also cached in the internet cache * BUGFIX: Fixed Library Path initialization for scripts * BUGFIX: Fixed Tab for inline editing in browser view * BUGFIX: Bookmarks are trimmed before used as filenames Build 0.9.143: * NEW: Library gauges can now be customized * NEW: Added Quick Introduction Manual (Opened the first time ComicRack is started & new Menu Entry in Help) * NEW: Support for .xml sidecar files for initial book information (currently only read, not updated) * NEW: "Web..." command in Book Context Menu to show website * NEW: Added new "Black" background texture * CHANGE: Better image caching in reader to minimize animation stuttering * CHANGE: Statusbar now also shows the name of the selected list * CHANGE: Stock background/paper textures have a fixed layout (can not be changed) * BUGFIX: The WebComic parser now honors the html-base element * BUGFIX: Del, Ctr-C, Ctr-V, Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-A now work as expected in list inline editing * BUGFIX: Better search code for ghostscript (thanks to forkicks) * BUGFIX: Correct enabling/disabling of context menu items with keyboard shortcuts * BUGFIX: Query Cache updates did not cascade properly to dependent lists * BUGFIX: All plugin scripts now run in their own context * BUGFIX: Fixed and * BUGFIX: MouseSwitchesToFullLibrary in ComicRack.ini is working again Build 0.9.142: * NEW: "Scan Information" field * NEW: Folder combine mode can now be set to empty (additionally to and,or) * CHANGE: Resources, ComicRack.ini and lists are now looked up in startup, %PROGRAMDATA% and %APPDATA% * CHANGE: Nicer display of sort arrows and drop down button in column headers * CHANGE: Added a question dialog before clearing data for books * CHANGE: Nicer Gap Information arrows * CHANGE: (Shift-)Tab now also changes edit fields in detailed view (additional to Alt-Left, Alt-Right) * BUGFIX: Fixed some errors in german translation pack * BUGFIX: White line at bottom in fullscreen when Aero OpenGl workaround is enabled * BUGFIX: Possible bugfix for initial server timeout with large libraries * BUGFIX: Alphabet groups in context menus where not sorted and sometimes too long * BUGFIX: Fixed alphabet groups in Value Editor Dialog context menu * BUGFIX: Browser Scraper refresh * BUGFIX: Fixed scrolling when clicking on header in detail browsers Build 0.9.141: * NEW: Added DoNotResetZoomOnBookOpen setting in ComicRack.ini to disable resetting zoom when opening a new book * NEW: Added "Clear Data" command for Books * CHANGE: Keyboard shortcut editor now supports directly pressing the keys instead of selecting them from the list * CHANGE: Again new "Unknown" Icon * CHANGE: New Publisher/Imprint/Format/Special icon sets * CHANGE: Selection of time/date format in detailed list * CHANGE: Tags field is also used for lookup in Special Icons * CHANGE: Names found in Format icon sets are now added to the default format list * CHANGE: Names in the age rating icon sets are now added to the default Age Rating List * CHANGE: Extended Manga field with "Yes (Right to Left)" * CHANGE: Support for MangaRightToLeft icon in Special Icon set * CHANGE: Quick search ínput field gets bigger when focused * BUGFIX: Fixed multiple Wikipedia result entries in text context menus * BUGFIX: Wiki was asked for results for empty texts * BUGFIX: Possible exception for control visibility tests * BUGFIX: Possible null exception during history next/prev * BUGFIX: Possible exception in animation interpolation code * BUGFIX: Possible thread sync exception * BUGFIX: Possible exception in Sync Browser command * BUGFIX: Possible exception during enumeration of books in book conversion * BUGFIX: Possible exception in dialog animation/update * BUGFIX: Possible lock in animation dispose on close * BUGFIX: Fixed black background for custom stack thumbnails (introduced in 0.9.140) * BUGFIX: Format lookup now uses ShadowFormat * BUGFIX: Book Dialog now correctly displays icons for changes in completed, black&white and manga in account Build 0.9.140: * NEW: Added "Icons" column in comic list to show all the icons (format, publisher ect.) * CHANGE: Reduced possible thickness of 3D book display * CHANGE: Book scripts with icons and configuration commands get a configuration dropdown menu * CHANGE: Fixed bottom margin of explorer view if no plugin pane is visible * CHANGE: Further speedup of list drawing (see OptimizedListScrolling in ComicRack.ini to turn off) * CHANGE: Optimized library tree rebuilding * CHANGE: Further optimizations for query cacher execution and update logic * CHANGE: Changed the default for "Reset zoom to 100% on page change" to false * CHANGE: During page change there is now a quick zoom out/in (can be changed in preferences/behavior) * CHANGE: Smoother part scrolling on fast machines * CHANGE: Name parser now always correctly handles c2c * CHANGE: Icon Lookups for Publisher etc. are now case insensitive * CHANGE: When opening a new book zoom is reset to 100% * CHANGE: Added Hardcover to the standard formats list * CHANGE: Added "Set to all" button to list layout editor * CHANGE: If only a single book is selected in the list, the file name is displayed in the statusbar * CHANGE: Icon packages are now read in alphabetically, so later packages can overwrite values from earlier ones * BUGFIX: Fixed help menu initialization (multiple copies of same entries possible) * BUGFIX: Possible null exception when using recursive lists * BUGFIX: Fixed hang when setting page in the reader to a filtered page type * BUGFIX: Text Matchers with empty values did not work correctly after a restart * BUGFIX: Fixed some spelling errors in the German Language Pack * BUGFIX: Fixed very longstanding part scrolling bug where visible part jumps left/right when reaching top/bottom border during scrolling * BUGFIX: Fixed severe Smartlist editor layout bug (introduced in 0.9.137) * BUGFIX: Browse Scraper for WebComics did miss the last page Build 0.9.139: * NEW: Script Console now also logs output for Web Comic Scraper * NEW: ComicRack.ini setting "NumericLibraryGauges" to turn on/off numbers in library gauges * NEW: Added Australian Age Ratings * NEW: Added ComicRack Online Manual * NEW: Support for separators in custom help menu entries * NEW: "HelpLink" entry in Package.ini to create a help menu entry for the plugin * NEW: Added bunch of new icons * NEW: Added bow shadow to thumbnails (ThumbnailPageBow setting in ComicRack.ini to disable) * NEW: Autotuning system for getting good defaults for the system (see ComicRack.ini DisableAutoTuneSystem setting) * CHANGE: Better drawing of library gauges if not enough display space * CHANGE: Update to Iron Python 2.7 * CHANGE: Support for multiple icon resource files * CHANGE: Support for custom resources in %PROGRAMDATA%\cYo\ComicRack\ (same path structure as in install folder) * CHANGE: Smart List Editor only allows to select lists without circular references * CHANGE: Library browser displays lists with circular references with red text * CHANGE: Changed default memory thumbnail cache to 50 MB * CHANGE: Removed main menu gradient * CHANGE: Much nicer and consistent display of toolbars/menus in Windows XP * CHANGE: Added fallback for older ghostscript versions * CHANGE: Fixed Top/Bottom paddings for sizable containers (more consistent user interface) * CHANGE: Moved selection of help system from preferences to Help menu * CHANGE: "Characters" in Comic Book Dialog is now 2 lines high * CHANGE: Nicer Splash/About screen * CHANGE: Due to hardware development changed the OpenGl texture memory default to 128MB * CHANGE: Slight adjustment to rating star sizes * CHANGE: Moved Network start to the end of initialization process * CHANGE: Made startup percent display a little more realistic * CHANGE: Optimization of Comic/Multipe Comic Dialog initialization * CHANGE: Faster initial preferences dialog startup * CHANGE: Some optimizations drawing thumbnails in the list * CHANGE: 3D book thickness now depends on the actual page count * CHANGE: Added small shadow below 3D books * CHANGE: Turning mouse wheel over cover image in Comic Info Dialog moves to next/prev comic in list * CHANGE: Moved text into the background for 3D covers * CHANGE: Blending animations wait till cache has actually loaded all required pages * CHANGE: New "Unknown cover" icon * CHANGE: Internal page cache management reworked * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting by Series/Format (introduced in 0.9.137) * BUGFIX: Possible fix for parallel query execution exception * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in retrieving PendingItemInfos * BUGFIX: Correct display of file format (e.g. CBZ instead of Zip); * BUGFIX: Navigation Panel highlighted wrong pages in true left/right reading mode * BUGFIX: Fixed recursion protection in query caching * BUGFIX: Fixed initial update of Cache/Gauges when Library Browser is scrolled * BUGFIX: Possible null exception in query book statistic creation * BUGFIX: Proper icon update during edit in Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Possible exception in book browser inline editor * BUGFIX: Possible exception with clipboard * BUGFIX: Possible exception with MarkAsRead/Unread * BUGFIX: Further hardening of StoreWorkspace * BUGFIX: Toggle Click did not work on Remote Library Tabs and newly added list tabs * BUGFIX: Fixed skewed numbers on page thumbnails (introduced in 0.9.137) * BUGFIX: Fixed stupid bug calculating the read percentage for series * BUGFIX: Fixed massive page cache trashing problem in dual page display and comics with more pages than cache size * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when loading of remote library fails Build 0.9.138: * NEW: Added Delete command to Rules Editor * NEW: Option to turn on/off gauges in the Library Browser (Preferences/Behavior/Application) * NEW: "IsRecentInDays" setting in ComicRack.ini to define the recent value ComicRack uses (Gauges, recently added/read) * CHANGE: Initial default list creation uses settings from ComicRack.ini * BUGFIX: Comic Book Dialog now correctly handles invalid Added Dates * BUGFIX: Date Grouper now correctly handles some invalid and future dates * BUGFIX: New Book entries where initially not editable * BUGFIX: Fixed locking of query caches * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when deleting files from disk * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception during workspace storage * BUGFIX: Fixed layout problem in Library Preferences * BUGFIX: Fixed drawing disabled state of spin button down arrow * BUGFIX: Fixed missing GUI refresh in some cases when changing preferences Build 0.9.137: * NEW: Support to edit Added/Opened for fileless entries * NEW: Support for faster query execution through internal caching * NEW: Gauges for new/unread/total books in a list (if query caching is enabled) * NEW: QueryCacheMode setting in ComicRack.ini to set how query caching works * NEW: BackgroundQueryCacheUpdate setting ComicRack.ini to enable/disable backgound query caching * NEW: Customization of texts displayed in Tile mode * NEW: Clicking on selected tabs toggles between browser/reader * NEW: Full support for {field} values in all smartlist matchers * NEW: Added expression matcher e.g. "{Rating} < {CommunityRating}" (python syntax) * NEW: Added expression editor (double click in match text fields) * NEW: Option to hide/show sample script in the scripts list * NEW: Added touch panning support to tabbar for easier tabs scrolling on touch devices * NEW: Series Stats: Published * NEW: Notes entry field in Smart List Dialog can be shown and hidden * NEW: If everything fails when opening an old database, a backup of the failed database is made before creating a new one * NEW: Rating stars are now displayed below thumbnails/tiles and can be edited with mouse clicks * NEW: RatingStarsBelowThumbnails setting in ComicRack.ini to define how thumbnail rating stars are displayed * NEW: Series matchers for highest/lowest Count * NEW: App wide support for the "Series completed" field * NEW: Help system now supports definition of custom menu entries (see readme.txt in help folder) * NEW: Filename parser now correctly handles "ctc", "23p", "12-1965" and some other stuff * NEW: Publisher, Imprint, Format and Age Rating icons in various places * NEW: GetComicPublisherIcon(book), GetComicImprintIcon(book), GetComicAgeRatingIcon(book) and GetComicFormatIcon(book) script methods * NEW: Yes/No values are now displayed as checkboxes in the list (and can be clicked to change values) * NEW: Column for displaying and turning on/off the proposed setting * NEW: Spin buttons in comic list to change numeric values (turn off in ComicRack.ini with DisableListSpinButtons) * NEW: Visual Gap Information column in details mode ("Gap Information") * NEW: "Has been Read" column with checkbox * NEW: Sidebar button in browser view for quicker open/close on touch displays * NEW: Added support for gamma color adjustments per comic and in general * NEW: Move Top/Bottom commands for ordered comic lists * NEW: "Apply current Order" command for ordered comic lists * CHANGE: No update to file info for standard page infos * CHANGE: Added support to date grouper for future dates * CHANGE: Added Up/Down spinners to numeric input fields in Comic Dialogs * CHANGE: Better layout in Folder Editor * CHANGE: Blank pages now use the BlankPageColor setting in ComicRack.ini (defaults to White) * CHANGE: Renamed "Flow scrolling" to "Inertial scrolling" * CHANGE: Slight design adjustment in reader settings * CHANGE: Reduction of toolbar flicker when opening book in fill dock mode * CHANGE: Search Browser ignores casing of values (can be set in ComicRack.ini with setting SearchBrowserCaseSensitive) * CHANGE: Multline message display during startup * CHANGE: Reworked smartlist editor with Cut/Copy/Paste/Move Up/Move Down for rules * CHANGE: Reworked new/edit dialogs for (folder) lists * CHANGE: Format is only added to captions if the series does not contain it * CHANGE: Number columns now also display count values if they are only proposed * CHANGE: Stacks now display the average (community) rating of the stack * CHANGE: Bookmarks on stack now display how many of the books in the stack have been read * CHANGE: Better zoom-gesture handling with slow touch displays * CHANGE: Better shadows during page turning animation * CHANGE: When removing eComics from a list, the nearest eComic gets selected * CHANGE: Added mousewheel support to small comic preview * CHANGE: All list creation commands in the library browser now add the new item directly after the selected one * CHANGE: Pressing F5 in the comic browser now always refreshes the list * CHANGE: Some sorting and grouping performance optimizations * CHANGE: Changed default age rating list to the ESRB system * CHANGE: Group name compression is now turned off by default (can be turned on again with EnableGroupNameCompression in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Changed the file size grouper to more reasonable ranges * CHANGE: Allow only numeric keys for number files in Comic Dialogs * CHANGE: Better responsiveness of application if background scan adds lots of eComics to a big selected list * CHANGE: Pages tab only visible if a comic is open * CHANGE: Database restore/backup now also saves any custom thumbnails * CHANGE: Minimum size for quickopen * CHANGE: Implemented multiprocessor support for some query operations * CHANGE: "Shown in list" command now disables any filters in the target list if the book is initally not found * CHANGE: Optimized mouse selection in big lists * CHANGE: Changed "Comic" and "eComic" in all text to the more consistent "Book" * CHANGE: Reworking of some message texts * CHANGE: Reader Toolbar buttons are only displayed if it makes actually sense * CHANGE: Optimized background command enabling/disabling * CHANGE: Python script initializer now also recognizes "# @Key" as script parameters * CHANGE: Optimized background animation threads * CHANGE: Reworked colors tab in the comic dialog with paging buttons * CHANGE: Renamed "Move to Start/End" to "Move to Top/Bottom" * BUGFIX: Fixed initial reader resize delay in fill mode * BUGFIX: "Pages" was shown in Paste Dialog for non fileless entries * BUGFIX: Fixed scroll-position bug when opening large stacks (introduced in 0.9.136) * BUGFIX: Correct sharing of dependent smart lists * BUGFIX: "Count" smartlist operator did not use proposed values * BUGFIX: Changed calculation of Read Percentage for Series Statistics * BUGFIX: Collection field drop down items where not sorted in the multiple comics dialog * BUGFIX: Double Click on expand/collapse in Library View does no longer opens the editor * BUGFIX: Fixed English field names in Search/Replace dialog * BUGFIX: ISBN could not be edited inline * BUGFIX: Missing smartlist matcher for Notes * BUGFIX: If multiple values are edited inline (Ctrl-Long Click) the focues item is also changed * BUGFIX: Fixed possible failure in script initializations * BUGFIX: Fixed possible multiselecting bug with the mouse (all items from start selected) * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong names for "Series: First/Last book" matchers * BUGFIX: Missing text/tooltip for Add Tab toolbar button * BUGFIX: Missing tooltips for page layout and docking button * BUGFIX: Fixed selection state in the library browser when moving lists with the mouse to a new location * BUGFIX: Fixed copy/paste of lists in the library browser * BUGFIX: Software filter does not longer interfere with blend animations * BUGFIX: Some context menu issues in remote Libraries * BUGFIX: Ratings could be edited for remote Libraries with clicking in the comic list * BUGFIX: Ratings could be edited for remote Libraries in the Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: General editing shield on the serverside (even if clients make changes) * BUGFIX: Availability of database only entries in paste/multiple edit dialogs * BUGFIX: "Commit Proposed" script correctly handles EnableProposed * BUGFIX: Correct handling of ISBN and Book Notes field in Multiple Comics Editor * BUGFIX: Comic list was not updated when selector in Search Browser was changed * BUGFIX: Fixed some undo captions and missing undo entries * BUGFIX: Autosize column did set the column width to 0 if no value was defined * BUGFIX: Hot item did not change when list was scrolled * BUGFIX: Any startup error messages are no longer hidden by the splash screen * BUGFIX: Config Script Hook not initialized when defined after main script * BUGFIX: Fixed parsing of default genre list * BUGFIX: Fixed Info, Page Type, Page Rotation commands in main menu * BUGFIX: Fixed Bookmark commands * BUGFIX: Plus Tab was displayed in the main window when reader was undocked * BUGFIX: Navigation buttons where visible in browser windows * BUGFIX: Keyboard definitions for Toggle Browser did not toggle minimal gui in full docking mode * BUGFIX: Filepath grouper is now case insensitive * BUGFIX: Fixed not working shift-select in Search Browser * BUGFIX: It was possible to initiate a reorder drag&drop for stacked lists Build 0.9.136: * NEW: Added "Random eComic" as new keyboard command (defaults to L) * NEW: Page count can be edited for fileless entries * CHANGE: Support for multi line notes in library lists * CHANGE: Better format for library browser tooltips with long lines * CHANGE: Smoother switching/openeing/closing of eComics in fill docking mode * CHANGE: Proper support for "Marked as Read/Unread" for fileless entries * CHANGE: Turned off drawing of ratings for stacks with custom thumbnails * BUGFIX: Possible missing/wrong scrollbars when groups are collapsed in the list view * BUGFIX: Smartlist entry "Series: Start of Gap" was labeled "Series: End of Gap" in English locale * BUGFIX: Correct hiding of main menu with minimal gui turned on in fill docking * BUGFIX: Possible Access Violation in resize images * BUGFIX: Fixed custom thumbnails most recent list when using icon files Build 0.9.135: * NEW: Support for Statistic Series Values (Book Count, Page Count, Pages Read Count, Read Percentage, First Number, Last Number, First Year, Last Year, Running Time Years, Average Rating, Average Community Rating, Gaps, Last Added, Last Opened, Is End of Gap, Is Start of Gap) for smartlists and columns * NEW: ISBN Number * NEW: Catalog Quicksearch category * NEW: List of open eComics in Page Context Menu * NEW: Added Position properties to pages (Near/Far) to set anchors for non cover to cover scans * NEW: Added Collapse/Expand all Groups command to the view menu * NEW: Double click on the group arrow collapses/expands all groups * NEW: Added Select All/Reset Background commands to view context menus for comic/page lists * NEW: Notes field for lists/smart lists (displayed as tooltip) * NEW: Setting custom thumbnails for stacks * CHANGE: XML Format optimizations * CHANGE: Groups for My Rating, Community rating now use the rounded values * CHANGE: minimal GUI also hides toolbar in dock=fill * CHANGE: Toggle Browser toggles minimal GUI when Comic Reader is in separate window/dock=fill * CHANGE: New aspect ratio for list tiles * CHANGE: Ratings/Status images are now displayed to the right of the cover in tiles mode * CHANGE: Export/Convert/Update File Info commands now work if one of the selected items a filebacked eComic * CHANGE: Better Trimming for Date columns * CHANGE: Additional render settings to ghostscript * BUGFIX: Resize columns did not ignore Community Rating * BUGFIX: Possible null exception when rendering pages * BUGFIX: Added generic english language flag for localization list * BUGFIX: Fixed delete file when exporting remote eComics * BUGFIX: Quicksearch All now also matches catalog entries * BUGFIX: Fixed "Advertisment" in interface and xml * BUGFIX: Fixed Ctrl-A shortcut in lists when no item is selected * BUGFIX: Wrong stacking in detail mode * BUGFIX: Fixed huge performance issue with stacking and big stacks Build 0.9.134: * NEW: Command "Close all to the right" in tab context menu * NEW: Nice animation for hiding/showing menus/toolbars (can be turned off by DisableMenuHideShowAnimation in ComicRack.ini) * NEW: Out of the box support for the default Ghostscript 9.0 installer * NEW: "QuickInfoHtml" and "QuickInfoUI" scripting hooks for adding custom panels to the Quick Open View * CHANGE: Packages are sorted by type/name * CHANGE: Scripts are now grouped by functional categories * CHANGE: Option to define special actions for tap, double tap (if not defined uses mouse click definitions) * CHANGE: Double Tap now defaults to "Toggle Zoom", Double Mouse Click to "Toggle Fullscreen" * CHANGE: Removed Alt-Enter for "Toggle Fullscreen" * CHANGE: Nicer single page pageturn animation * CHANGE: Optimized Panel animations * CHANGE: Better handling of thumbnail page curl for two page thumbnails * CHANGE: Color of thumbnail page curls can now be changed (ThumbnailPageCurlColor setting in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Changed activation - simply reactivate if you've donated * BUGFIX: Info dirty flag was not set to database entries if modify files was turned off * BUGFIX: Behavior settings where not saved if preferences where switched to tab layout * BUGFIX: Fixed navigation overlay hide/show with mouse movement * BUGFIX: Fixed scrolling of comic list while inplace editing * BUGFIX: Fixed group selection problem in book view * BUGFIX: Fixed the "ask for filename" option in export comics Build 0.9.133: * CHANGE: Local autoconnect does no longer ask for passwords * CHANGE: Scripts are now grouped by packages in the Preferences Dialog * CHANGE: Only scripts with valid hooks are displayed * CHANGE: Added SAFER option to Ghostscript support * CHANGE: Modified OpenGL initialization to get around some fullscreen bugs * CHANGE: Reworked how the Navigation Overlay works * CHANGE: Redesign Overlay options in Preferences * CHANGE: Gesture 8 now defaults to "Toggle Navigation Overlay" * CHANGE: Alt-Enter maps now to toggle fullscreen * CHANGE: Own Quick Open lists now precede the built in defaults * CHANGE: Moved network statistics into the pending tasks dialog * CHANGE: Pending Tasks are now grouped * CHANGE: Added custom rating control to rating context menus * CHANGE: ComicRack closes the browser if comics are opened through explorer * CHANGE: New setting HideBrowserIfShellOpen in ComicRack.ini to control above behavior * CHANGE: Slight layout changes in preferences dialog * CHANGE: Inner shadow in quick open box * BUGFIX: Quick Open Box should only display eComics (linked) * BUGFIX: No multi select for quick open * BUGFIX: Quick Open Box did not support drag&drop * BUGFIX: Fixed initial state of validation button in donation dialog * BUGFIX: After hiding visible part overlay with [x] turning it back on did not work without a restart * BUGFIX: Fixed "Show only..." options in the comic browser * BUGFIX: If connected to multiple shares from the same library, quickopen contained duplicate entries * BUGFIX: Closing remote libraries did not refresh the quickopen box * BUGFIX: Fixed fullscreen button Build 0.9.132: * BUGFIX: Fixed rendering of Quick Open caption in classic style * BUGFIX: Fixed empty folder browser * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exceptions in OpenNextComic * BUGFIX: "Book Location_s_" Build 0.9.131: * NEW: Added Quick Open feature when no comic open (with additions to preferences and smart list editor) * NEW: Added "window.external.Config" string value for HtmlInfoPanels to store configuration data * NEW: Added new fields for paper catalog management (plus support throughout the application) * NEW: Double click on background in Multiple Comics/Paste Data/Export Dialogs/Preferences toggles between scroll/tab layout * NEW: Support for scripts to draw overlays on thumbnails (see * NEW: Support for script local localization (simply put a language resource zip in the script package e.g. de.zp, * NEW: Added a close button to the visible part overlay to hide it * NEW: ComicRack.ini setting to hide close button on visible part overay (HideVisiblePartOverlayClose) * NEW: New Quick Open settings in ComicRack.ini * NEW: '+' Tab to add new reader tabs * NEW: ComicRack now also reads %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\cYo\ComicRack\ComicRack.ini after it read the default ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Moved javascript script engine to "window.external.ComicRack" * CHANGE: "HtmlInfoContextMenu" setting in ComicRack.ini to enable context menu in HtmlInfoPanels * CHANGE: "EnableHtmlScriptErrors" setting in ComicRack.ini to enable script error display in HtmlInfoPanels * CHANGE: Better drawing of star ratings on thumbnails * CHANGE: Option to "always save changes" when closing ComicRack * CHANGE: Moved history browse buttons to list (so they are available even when the library browser is collapsed) * CHANGE: Cue Text for quicksearch that displays current selected quicksearch type * CHANGE: Double Click on "fileless" entries opens info dialog * CHANGE: Redesign Multiple Comics Dialog * CHANGE: Redesign Paste Data Dialog * CHANGE: Redesign Smartlist Dialog * CHANGE: Export dialog remembers panel states * CHANGE: Fixed validation spam * CHANGE: New default is to not allow file updates * CHANGE: Update file status is only displayed if updating files is allowed * CHANGE: Changed default for "Always display Browser Docking Grip" to off * CHANGE: Slight Overlay Preferences layout change * CHANGE: Read Next/Prev eComic do work with the list the current comic was opened from * CHANGE: ComicRack leaves fullscreen when switching to a different application * CHANGE: UserLists.txt is now %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\cYo\ComicRack\DefaultLists.txt * BUGFIX: Missing localization for list editor * BUGFIX: Fixed "window.external.ComicRack.OpenBooks.OpenFile" script API call and changed the call in * BUGFIX: Fixed inappropriate animations during workspace changes * BUGFIX: Fixed info panel size handling when changing workspaces * BUGFIX: Fixed clicking with right mouse button on rating * BUGFIX: Missing text in comic preview if no/unlinked comic is selected * BUGFIX: Fixed iso code matching for languages * BUGFIX: Some handling errors with fileless comics * BUGFIX: Possible exception in workspace setting * BUGFIX: Fixed update problem with preview panels * BUGFIX: Fixed some spelling problems * BUGFIX: Removed not working edit option from List View Configuration Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed blending transition Build 0.9.130: * NEW: Import/Export of keyboard layouts with recent files list * NEW: Command to reset the keyboard layout to its default * NEW: Dialog to edit sequence/delete workspace/list layout settings * NEW: GetComicThumbnail(book, page) script command * NEW: Violet marker for fileless eComics * NEW: Added "OfValues" setting in ComicRack.ini to define "of"s for the name parser * NEW: Added Linked matcher, grouper, comparer * NEW: Page margin can now be set in the Display Config Dialog * NEW: Added script command ComicRack.OpenBooks.OpenComic(string file,...) to the OpenBooks script object (see samples) * NEW: HtmlInfoPanel now support javascript scriptability via the window.external object (see samples) * NEW: New ComicRack.Browser.SelectComics command to select books in the current list * CHANGE: Custom thumbnail button now also has a reset option and recent files list * CHANGE: "Copy Data" now also puts the XML representation into the clipboard * CHANGE: Redesign of Shares UI * CHANGE: Splash screen now fades in/out * CHANGE: Consolidated some Plugin APIs * CHANGE: Disabled the context menu in html info panels * CHANGE: Localize method for scripts also tries to open default text resources * CHANGE: Quicksearch filters are now saved (type and text) * CHANGE: Added % tooltips to trackbars in Comic Display Settings dialog * CHANTE: New Books script now automatically selects all new comics (if visible in list) * BUGFIX: Fixed german text in * BUGFIX: Fixed Script (generated series where 1 book too short) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in execute process * BUGFIX: Missing refresh after background connection process * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in multiple comics editor regarding float properties * BUGFIX: Fixed layout bug when switching closed info panels between bottom/right * BUGFIX: IgnoredArticles (the, der, etc.) where turned off by default * BUGFIX: Preview panels did not update when comic changed Build 0.9.129: * NEW: Thumbnail image can be set for "fileless" comics (drag&drop or "Thumbnail..." button) * NEW: "ComicBook ComicRack.App.AddNewBook (showDialog)" script command to add new books to the library * NEW: "bool ComicRack.App.RemoveBook (book)" script command to remove a book from the library * NEW: "bool ComicRack.App.SetCustomBookThumbnail(book, bitmap)" script command to change thumbnail image * NEW: New commandline switch -cdb to force a database consolidation (instead of every 50th run) * NEW: New "Toggle Zoom" command to quickly zoom in/out of the comic (defaults to double click) * NEW: Gestures show touch region when used (ShowGestureHint setting in ComicRack.ini) * NEW: Thumbnails can now display ratings either with stars or numeric (new setting in preferences) * NEW: Non blocking remote library connecting * NEW: Auto connection option for local shares (on by default) * NEW: -dfv (DisableFoldersView in ComicRack.ini) to disable Folders View (if not needed or wanted) * NEW: Script to add a range of comics ( * NEW: New "NewBooks" script hook to add additional new commands (see * NEW: New list view filters for "Show only eComics" and "Show only fileless" * CHANGE: Added missing "Community Rating" to Search Browser and Smartlist operators * CHANGE: Use "My Rating" and "Community Rating" labels throughout the software * CHANGE: Yellow stars for "My Rating", Blue Stars for "Community Rating" * CHANGE: Thumbnails display both ratings * CHANGE: Moved CommunityRating into ComicInfo.xml * CHANGE: Move to recycle bin only available if not "fileless" * CHANGE: Creating missing books is now optional when importing lists * CHANGE: List import now also facilitates the file name parser * CHANGE: Added progress dialog for long reading list imports * CHANGE: Language matcher for smartlists now correctly handles 2 letter iso codes * CHANGE: Different page layout settings for portrait/landscape (with tablet autorotate support) * CHANGE: Nagivation overlay now supports drag scrolling in the thumbnail area * CHANGE: Bigger Navigation overlay buttons for easier touch usage * CHANGE: Gesture Area sizes extended to 80 and made value a ComicRack.ini setting (GestureAreaSize) * CHANGE: Moved Toggle Fullscreen button into the toolbar * CHANGE: New default keyboard layout (toggle fullscreen is no longer double click) * CHANGE: Support for Double Gestures (double click/tap into a gesture area) * CHANGE: Right click on toolbar split buttons opens dropdown (makes touch interaction easier) * CHANGE: Rating menus now round to the nearest star * CHANGE: Small redesign of the Remote Connection Dialog * CHANGE: List view filter settings (read, unread, only doubles, etc.) are now saved * BUGFIX: Fixed "existant" text * BUGFIX: Missing Translation for "My Rating" and "Community Rating" * BUGFIX: Fixed rating selection in Search Browser * BUGFIX: Missing books always created database entries when import lists (even when cancelled) * BUGFIX: It was possible to open multiple dialogs with keyboard shortcuts * BUGFIX: Fixed performance issue with software filter and optimized memory images * BUGFIX: It was possible to invoke the smartlist editor for remote libraries with a double click * BUGFIX: Splitter handles where not correctly drawn when resized Build 0.9.128: * BUGFIX: Possible null exceptions in page menu / view updates * BUGFIX: Not operator for list was not correctly handled in smartlist editor dialog Build 0.9.127: * BUGFIX: Multiple Comics Dialog did not handle fractional ratings correctly Build 0.9.126: * NEW: DjVu read/write support for DjVu documents and single images in archive&web formats * NEW: ComicRack.ini settings for DjVu format * NEW: Reordering of Tabs with the mouse * NEW: Added "File Size" operator for smart lists * NEW: "14, 2-, 4-5, -78" like page selection for export * NEW: Added "Community Rating" field * NEW: Ratings can now be set in the browser in details view by clicking into the stars * NEW: "Not" operator for smart lists sources * NEW: ComicRack.App.GetLibraryBooks() script command to get all books from the library * NEW: Ability to add new "fileless" Comic book entries into the database * CHANGE: Language Combobox in Multiple Comics Dialog now works the same was as the one in the Comic Dialog * CHANGE: Context help support for external/internal display of manuals (pdf, djvu) * CHANGE: Rating now supports fractions (1.1, 4.9) * CHANGE: Redesign of first Comic Book Dialog Tab, Multiple Comics Dialog * CHANGE: Various optimizations in the list browser (especially with long lists) * CHANGE: Filename parser now correctly handles "vol." * CHANGE: "-schk" command line switch to display context help keys (for creating mappings) * CHANGE: Huge performance gain when using smart lists with lots of rules on huge lists * CHANGE: Fixed keyboard shortcuts for custom workspaces/list layouts * CHANGE: Added "Letterers" to the Search Browser * CHANGE: Reading list import creates new "empty" entries for not found books * BUGFIX: Fixed null exception when no book is open and a numeric key is pressed not handled by the reader * BUGFIX: Possible solution to matrix exceptions * BUGFIX: More robust broadcast code * BUGFIX: Better handling of initial folder browser exceptions * BUGFIX: Fixed wrongful deletion of output files (Cbz/cbz casing) * BUGFIX: Delete file in File Browser did not remove the book from the list * BUGFIX: Fixed flicker of html info panel * BUGFIX: Missing "*.crplugin" in Open plugin dialog * BUGFIX: Plugin file filter was not localizable * BUGFIX: Various spelling mistakes * BUGFIX: Fixed double tap handling in the reader * BUGFIX: "Not" construct did not work as expected in Search Browser with multiple selections * BUGFIX: Fixed possible start of multiple concurrent instances Build 0.9.125: * NEW: Package Files now support KeepFiles=File1,Folder1,... style entry for cleaner upgrades * NEW: .crplugin files can be dropped into the main window * NEW: A very simple Weblink panel (turned off by default) * NEW: Info Panels can now be docked right/bottom * CHANGE: Import list now also ignores "and" in Series * CHANGE: HtmlInfoPanels can now render urls (the script has to return "!" + url) * CHANGE: Smoother thumbnail fading * CHANGE: Renamed "Info" to "Details" in Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Missed translation for Quality settings in sharing * BUGFIX: "<Empty>" in list layout editor was not translatable * BUGFIX: Cover/Rating line entries in list layout editor did display nothing * BUGFIX: "Each List has own" typo * BUGFIX: Missing "Web" from Browser Columns * BUGFIX: Removed nonworking "Use System Colors" option * BUGFIX: Fixed restart after plugin install via explorer * BUGFIX: "Location", "Web" not localizable in Search Browser * BUGFIX: Quicksearch "All" did not include Teams, Locations Build 0.9.124: * NEW: Added scriptable comic info panels to the comic browser (HTML and coded UIs) * NEW: Server Activity icon in the taskbar * NEW: Server Statistics Dialog (button in library preferences or clicking on the Activity icon) * NEW: Served image quality settings for Shares. * NEW: New file type .crplugin for ComicRack plugins (simply change the .zip to .crplugin) * CHANGE: List value editor popups now have also a simple Text tab * CHANGE: If the eComic is remote, captions are displayed instead of filenames * CHANGE: Removed limitation of 5 script toolbar buttons * CHANGE: Different icon for Temporary Folder * CHANGE: Removed Parallel Query implementations * CHANGE: Added shortcuts to stack buttons (Alt-C, Alt-N, Alt-P). Translators have to add them in their packages. * CHANGE: Connecting to remote libraries is now handled in a progress dialog * CHANGE: Plugin Packages with the extension *.crplugin can now be install with a double click from the explorer * BUGFIX: Book matching for imported reading lists did not work as expected in some cases * BUGFIX: Better/faster tear down of tabs interface * BUGFIX: Copy Path/Show in browser was available for remote eComics in the tab context menu * BUGFIX: Pagelist in Comic Book Dialog did not use the correct page cache keys for remote eComics * BUGFIX: Error in group matcher if ParallelQueries was turned on * BUGFIX: Bookmark main menu did not display bookmark entries * BUGFIX: Open Next/Prev comic now correctly works (even with multiple libraries open) * BUGFIX: Sync to browser now correctly works with multiple open libraries * BUGFIX: Added missing wiki help link for Smart List Dialog * BUGFIX: Remote Libraries correctly display List-layout presets in the toolbar menu * BUGFIX: Library Browser View settings are now correctly saved for remote libraries * BUGFIX: After a restart the most recent list for remote servers was reverted Build 0.9.123: * NEW: Scanner supports comicrackscanner.ini file to finetune scanning (options = IgnoreFolder, IgnoreSubFolders) * NEW: Option in settings to always open eComics in new Tab * NEW: ComicCountAlpha setting in ComicRack.ini to change the strength of the comic count display * NEW: Option to enable parallel sorting in ComicRack.ini (EnableParallelSort) * CHANGE: Added "Open remote Library" to the toolbar menu * CHANGE: Paths can now be added to the Preferences/eComic Folders list with drag and drop * CHANGE: Added an open button to the Preferences/eComic Folders * CHANGE: Open Remote Server dialog no longer displays ip/uri information * CHANGE: Smoother fade in out About Dialog * CHANGE: Default is parallel sort turned off * BUGFIX: Fixed multi threading in itemview grouping * BUGFIX: Search Browser did not handle multi value Teams, Locations * BUGFIX: Fixed export of WebComics * BUGFIX: Fixed PDF export * BUGFIX: Wrong initial states for Preferences/eComic Folder buttons * BUGFIX: In some circumstances multiple concurrent scans could run (should fix duplicate entries) * BUGFIX: Pending Tasks Dialog could be resized too small * BUGFIX: "Export eComics" now correctly handles all cases for exporting remote eComics * BUGFIX: Broke special Index Scraper feature in 0.9.122 (notable in Freak Angels WebComic) * BUGFIX: Fixed expanding of group boxes in various locations * BUGFIX: Scripts/Script Settings/Add Folder did not work * BUGFIX: Package installer did not work with 32 bit png package images Build 0.9.122: * NEW: Windows 7 MultiTouch (Zoom/Pan/Rotate) * NEW: -ws "workspace name" command line switch to force ComicRack to use this workspace setting * NEW: Added locations/teams to meta data * CHANGE: Switched Project to .NET 4.0 * CHANGE: Caption File Name Format for exports can now be defined in ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Caption format can now be defined in export (leaving empty means the default) * CHANGE: Default mapping for Ctrl-Mouse Wheel in reader zooms in/out * CHANGE: Added default keyboard mapping for browse flicks * CHANGE: Some multiprocessor optimizations * CHANGE: Zoom now works on the expected center (and not always on the screen center) * CHANGE: Tile View now supports Stacks * CHANGE: Rewrote matching of imported reading lists * CHANGE: Dragging over tabs changes to this tab * CHANGE: Open last only opens if there was an eComic opened last time * BUGFIX: Server did communicate wrong id to clients -> not working caching on clients * BUGFIX: Expand/Collapse in Library did select the node * BUGFIX: Fixed missing "Unspecified" entry in Search Browser (introduced in 0.9.121) * BUGFIX: Context Sensitive help only when hitting unmodified F1 * BUGFIX: Forgot a private IP range * BUGFIX: Possible delay when selecting library entries with the mouse * BUGFIX: Multi value pop-up sizing in multimonitor situations * BUGFIX: Fixed stack navigation bug (next/prev not working sometimes) * BUGFIX: Fixed '&' in bookmark menu entries * BUGFIX: Fixed huge memory leak in background database saving * BUGFIX: Fixed huge memory leak when sharing full databases Build 0.9.121: * NEW: Option for not adding removed files to the library again (e.g. by scanning) * NEW: ConfigScript Hook to write configuration scripts (and config button in Preferences) * CHANGE: Added Wiki icon for top level wiki search menu entries * CHANGE: Moved initial Server connection into progress dialog with cancel button * BUGFIX: Fixed erratic scrolling behavior in Smartlist Matcher Selection Combobox * BUGFIX: Fixed various bugs in Search Browser (scrolling, refresh, selection) * BUGFIX: "Cut" in extended textbox popup menus * BUGFIX: Fixed cancel of export/conversion tasks * BUGFIX: Fixed Idle operation Timeout for remote connections * BUGFIX: Fixed possible cache conflicts for different remote libraries * BUGFIX: Fixed left/right scrolling blend-in with textured background * BUGFIX: Longstanding fixes for some part scrolling situations Build 0.9.120: * NEW: Global sharpening setting * NEW: During opening eComics, the status bar displays an update animation * NEW: "Include in Updates" for WebComics * CHANGE: BrowseScraper now supports multiple levels * CHANGE: Scraper ignores \r or \n in URLs * CHANGE: Implemented reconnect for dropped remote connections (survives even client hibernate) * CHANGE: Installer now checks for the correct service pack needed by ComicRack * BUGFIX: Fixed "Not" in the Search Browser * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting of Comboboxes in Multiple Comics Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in position code of itemview * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exception in remote connection code * BUGFIX: Fixed massive memory/threads leak in local broadcast receiving code * BUGFIX: Fixed performance issue when using auto adjusted background color and optimized images Build 0.9.119: * NEW: ComicRack can now run multiple shares with different settings at the same time * NEW: Network clients can now export eComics locally if the server allows it * CHANGE: Own Server is now displayed in the Server list (but can not be connected to) * CHANGE: Fixed going through some proxies with the services * CHANGE: InternetServerPort can now be set with command line (-isp) and ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: PrivateServerPort can now be set with command line (-psp) and ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Removed Alt+Fx keyboard shortcuts * CHANGE: Button in Export Dialog from "Add..." to "Save..." * CHANGE: Open Remote Dialog now displays local shares and internet shares (including the share settings) * CHANGE: Scraper now ignores multiple matches with the same link on a page (makes regexes easier) * BUGFIX: Fixed spelling "Updating" * BUGFIX: Final fix for setting page types in RTL mode * BUGFIX: Fixed possible progress bar drawing overflow for WebComic updates in Pending Tasks * BUGFIX: "Filter" in Open Remote Dialog was not localizable * BUGFIX: "eComics" in Page Menu was not localizable * BUGFIX: Alt+F4 did not do default Windows action * BUGFIX: Handling OpenGL error in blending animations * BUGFIX: Pressing End on the Browser Tabs could crash ComicRack * BUGFIX: Catch of possible clipboard errors Build 0.9.118: * NEW: Search link in comic list * NEW: Search is now scriptable (see * NEW: Tile/Center/Stretch/Zoom for paper and background textures * NEW: WebComic now has an index based scraper and a browse based scraper * NEW: Name info parser supports initial cover count * NEW: WebComics support automatic searching for new content (startup) * NEW: Command to search for updates for WebComics * NEW: Added Internet Address to eComics * NEW: Own internet cache with settings in preferences * NEW: Context sensitive help linked to the ComicRack wiki * NEW: Public directory of Internet shared servers * CHANGE: Repositioned View button in ComicBook Dialog * CHANGE: Crash Dialog is always displayed. Only submit button is disabled for some errors * CHANGE: Better caching for WebComics * CHANGE: Autohide cursor delay is now 5 sec and can be changed in ComicRack.ini (AutoHideCursorDelay) * CHANGE: eComics opened from explorer open in a new tab * CHANGE: Shadow was too big for small pages * CHANGE: Added -dbr (DisableBroadcast) switch to turn off network broadcasting * CHANGE: NetworkTimeout is 5 min and configurable in ComicRack.Ini (OperationTimeout) * CHANGE: Added ReadInternet to IApplication interface for Python scripts * CHANGE: New state images for covers (star theme) * CHANGE: New 3D display for Comic Book (Dialog, Open Overlay) * CHANGE: Only full scans are effected by the autoremove setting (better performance for intermediate scans) * CHANGE: Open Remote Server Dialog now supports browsing of public servers * BUGFIX: Fixed handling authentication proxies * BUGFIX: Setting page types in Reader while RTL is turned on * BUGFIX: Missing "Search..." entry in wiki menu if direct connection to the Internet failed * BUGFIX: Handle possible exception in visible part overlay rendering * BUGFIX: Switching to software renderer when opengl renderer failed did not work (exception) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception on displaying news at startup * BUGFIX: Fixed switching to software renderer during blending animation * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when copy/drag invalid imaged from the page view * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong update of Comic Search Browser * BUGFIX: Bugfix for ContextMenu Class and invisible items * BUGFIX: Autohide was not correctly turned off when leaving fullscreen * BUGFIX: Pages/Published columns where not translatable * BUGFIX: Favorites was initially expanded when opening shared libraries * BUGFIX: Clicking on the Read Info Activity Icon in the statusbar did not show the Pending Tasks Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed non working quicksearch type Build 0.9.117: * CHANGE: Optimized caching for slow providers (WebComic) * CHANGE: Python stuff no longer sends Crash Reports * BUGFIX: Preferences Dialog did not correctly draw in Windows Classic style * BUGFIX: Fixed Right to left reading modes * BUGFIX: Crash when creating a new Smartlist at the top level * BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash when ini file is in use Build 0.9.116: * NEW: Items in the Library Browser display the last item count * NEW: Added smart wikipedia links to textbox/combobox popmenus in Comic Dialogs * NEW: Scripts with icons are now added to the browser toolbar * NEW: Added undo/redo to the browser toolbar * NEW: Open stacks now have a prev/next button to change stacks * NEW: A Search and Replace Script * NEW: Added browser navigation * NEW: Custom texturing for paper * NEW: Support for Recent lists in Vista/Win7 * NEW: Win7 Taskbar Icon displays activity overlay * NEW: ComicRack.ini values can now also be specified on the commandline (/Name:value) * NEW: Pages can now be grouped by Bookmarks * NEW: ComicRack now supports elevated changing of file extensions * NEW: Setting to prohibit page browsing when reaching page margins during scroll * NEW: Added support for the new WebComic format * NEW: Dialog for donations * NEW: Added favorites to library browser * CHANGE: Big redesign of the main toolbar/tabbar * CHANGE: Big upgrade in pdf rendering quality (try reading an eBook) * CHANGE: Right mouse down + wheel maps to Tab, Shift-Tab (change tab in reader) * CHANGE: Mousewheel over tabs changes current tab * CHANGE: New GhostscriptExecutable setting ComicRack.ini to manually specify ghostscript * CHANGE: Apply button in Comic Display Settings * CHANGE: Tap gestures are now supported by the keyboard editor * CHANGE: Keyboard editor now supports 3 shortcuts for each action * CHANGE: Upon OpenGL problems, ComicRack turns off hardware acceleration and continues * CHANGE: Smartlists can now support all entries in the library as references * CHANGE: library browser now supports Ctrl+Drag to make copies of lists * CHANGE: No more limits on the count of rules in smartlists (but a max of 5 nested groups) * CHANGE: Matcher selection in the Smartlists editor displays used Matchers first * CHANGE: Next/Previous navigation in Smart List Editor * CHANGE: Changed the way textboxes suggest values (now with dropdown) * CHANGE: Same values are now always initially checked in the Multiple Comics Editor * CHANGE: Context Menu/Edit Item in browser now allows to directly edit a column * CHANGE: Optimized keyboard navigation in Library Browser * CHANGE: Browser toolbar dynamically shows/hides labels depending on available space * CHANGE: Sort in Library Browser now puts folders first * CHANGE: Long book names are ellipsed in the GUI * CHANGE: Filename checking now supports full unicode range * CHANGE: Volume Groups now correctly support V1234 * CHANGE: Added tootip to "!" buttons * CHANGE: Better tile fontsizing * CHANGE: Added filename to tile infos * CHANGE: Continous server ping for sharing * CHANGE: New Smartlist now immediately opens up the Smart List Dialog * CHANGE: Smart List Editor now supports changing the name of the list * CHANGE: Smart List text matchers now support {Field} as values (e.g. {ShadowSeries}) * CHANGE: Changed default caption format (number, volume before title) * CHANGE: Proper tabstops for tile texts * CHANGE: Nicer theme for configuration dialogs * CHANGE: ComicRack can now pass authentication proxies * CHANGE: Optimized generation of auto complete lists * CHANGE: All Covers are now displayed to the right in forced double page mode * CHANGE: "Duplicate List" Command now correctly creates smartlists for "Show all, unread, duplicates, etc." * CHANGE: "Show Duplicates" is now a separatley available matcher * CHANGE: Optmized update of of Search Browser * CHANGE: Comic Book Reading lists now support smartl lists * CHANGE: Small sort optimization * CHANGE: The Package list in the Preferences/Scripts now directly supports drag&drop of package files * CHANGE: Total rework of the keyboard shortcut layout * CHANGE: More failure tolerant searching from cbls * CHANGE: Various icon updates * CHANGE: rotate toolbar button now also displays autorotation state with an overlay * CHANGE: Texture selection in Comic Display Settings shows the small samples of the texture * CHANGE: Nicer page numbers for thumbnails * CHANGE: New option to include filenames in exported reading lists (off by default) * BUGFIX: Fixed authentication for sharing Libraries * BUGFIX: Save Workspace did not use the entered name * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exceptions in image memory handling * BUGFIX: Shortcut keys generation for scripts * BUGFIX: Autoscroll did no longer work in the browser * BUGFIX: Fixed building of "Show in List" menu * BUGFIX: Fixed star ratings display in dialogs * BUGFIX: Fixed too conservative thumbnail memory management * BUGFIX: Fixed multiple undo steps * BUGFIX: Jpegs with info chunks > 32k did hang ComicRack * BUGFIX: eComic Bookmarks are only added during export if eComics are combined * BUGFIX: Fixed list scrolling if a group containing the focused item was collapsed * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of non windows filenames in comic archives * BUGFIX: Duplicate finder did not honor ShadowFormat * BUGFIX: Fixed oversized panel expansions (grip no longer visible) * BUGFIX: It was possible to connect to the same remote library multiple times * BUGFIX: Fixed the broadcaster code for computers with multiple ipv4 addressed * BUGFIX: Fixed tab sequence in Smartlist editor * BUGFIX: Select in list now works also if list is stacked * BUGFIX: background zoom (with textures) was no correctly animated * BUGFIX: Greatly enhanced startup times on machines with broken network access * BUGFIX: Split double pages in export did not honor manga type (right to left) * BUGFIX: Rotating with animation now has correct clipping * BUGFIX: Fixed display of pagenumbers for forced two page mode * BUGFIX: Page Type popup menu for forced dual pages with one empty page * BUGFIX: "Editable" was enabled even if Library was not shared * BUGFIX: Fixed texturing bug for OpenGl software renderer (especially the VMWare breed) * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of "Never use as Cover thumbnail" * BUGFIX: Fixed a 3.5 SP1 requirement * BUGFIX: Exporter falls back to CBZ if format selection is "same as original" and a not writable format is encountered * BUGFIX: Navigating back in two page display did move to the start of the page and not the end * BUGFIX: Fixed dragging pages out of the page browser if page was not sorted by page. * BUGFIX: Open With command in explorer showed "ComicRack.exe" instead of "ComicRack" * BUGFIX: Registering filetypes did not refresh the shell * BUGFIX: Removed jagginess of Navigation Overlay buttons * BUGFIX: Copy Page did not copy the raw image but add shadows, bows etc. Build 0.9.115: * BUGFIX: Added missing Microsoft.Dynamic.dll to the setup * BUGFIX: Fixed debug output for scripts * BUGFIX: Selecting/deselecting sctipts did not work * BUGFIX: Fixed blurry software filter Build 0.9.114: * NEW: Border/Shadow for pages * NEW: Textures for comic background * NEW: Remove Dialogs remember settings (Move to Recycle Bin, Remove from Database) * NEW: Script section in Preferences Dialog to Install/Uninstall script packages * NEW: Moved all important Comic Display Settings (border, background etc.) into own dialog * CHANGE: Temporary list automatically expands when adding the first items * CHANGE: Better duplicate icon * CHANGE: Inner Cover is no longer a single displayed page * CHANGE: Added black frame when drawing realistic pages * CHANGE: Combined all page ornaments in setting "Realistic Pages" * CHANGE: Pressing Shift-Del removes without showing the dialog * CHANGE: Added description to scripts (with tooltip) * CHANGE: Upgrade to IronPython 2.6 * CHANGE: Deferred initialization of Python (faster startup) * CHANGE: Added uninstall option to completely remove database/cache/settings * CHANGE: Changed default display mode to fit width * CHANGE: Changed default to force two pages in two page display mode * CHANGE: Special single page paging transition if force two pages is not turned on * CHANGE: Comic Display Settings (border, background etc.) are now part of the workspace * CHANGE: When saving workspaces you can decide what settings are included * BUGFIX: Rotation text in toolbar was not correctly translated/displayed * BUGFIX: Copy/Paste Lists did not work * BUGFIX: Browser editing of Publisher/Imprint fixed * BUGFIX: Backcover type is now correctly handled * BUGFIX: Fixed focus handling for browser in-place editing * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong display of search tooltip in browser (ESC etc.) * BUGFIX: Possible exceptions when clearing cache if cache paths are locked by other apps * BUGFIX: Possible exception if no DotNet SP is installed (Collect) * BUGFIX: Possible null exception in browser context menu * BUGFIX: Possible null exception in handling of memory optimized images * BUGFIX: Delete in smart list editor removed wrong entries in some cases * BUGFIX: Fixed "&" drawing in search browser * BUGFIX: Fixed Grouping/comparing for Modify and Creation dates * BUGFIX: Update problem in library browser (sort etc.) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible double page drawing problem with last page in eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed window position when ComicRack was exited in fullscreen mode * BUGFIX: Fixed bug combining comics, if the comics have not been read * BUGFIX: Fixed memory cache corruption bug * BUGFIX: Fixed opening multiple eComics during startup Build 0.9.113: * CHANGE: "Long Click" for editing is no longer that sensitive to mouse movements * CHANGE: Changed Ctrl-Right/Left to Alt-Right/Left in lists * BUGFIX: In-place editing of items in the list always changed the currently selected item * BUGFIX: "Show in List" was available in the file browser and did crash the app * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong page browsing in combination with filter criteria (deleted etc.) Build 0.9.112: * NEW: Added High Quality 2nd pass software filters to the OpenGl renderer * NEW: "Show in list" command * NEW: "Duplicate List" command to generate new Smartlists from current selection (quick search, search browser) * NEW: Added Page Turn effect * NEW: Forced double page layout mode * NEW: New setting to turn off dog-ears for thumbnails * NEW: Navigation overlay can be docked to top or bottom * NEW: Two styles for the Magnifier (glass/simple) * NEW: Numeric keypad now changes pages in the reader (if not redefined for custom shortcuts) * NEW: Grouping constructs in Smartlist (like ITunes 9) * NEW: Reading lists can be opened like eComics (import to temporary container, last eComic opened) * NEW: LimitMemory setting in ComicRack.ini (-lm command switch) to limit the memory ComicRack uses * NEW: Setting to do page blending during fast paging * NEW: 16/24 bit OpenGl compression mode for low powered systems * NEW: ComicRack.ini setting DisableGhostscript to always use the built in PDF parser * NEW: "Edit (F2)" command in Comic Browser as an alternative to long click * NEW: Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right now moves to another editable column while in list edit mode * NEW: Current Page Overlay now can optionally display the page names (can be set in Preferences) * NEW: Single scripts can be disabled/enabled in the preferences dialog * NEW: Various ComicRack.ini settings for tuning the Page Bow effect * NEW: Views remember states (scrolling, open stacks, quicksearch) when switching between them * NEW: Setting in preferences to turn off local search settings for each list * NEW: Magnifier can be activated with a "long" click * NEW: ReaderResize hook for scripts (see * NEW: Bookmark Count Matcher for Smartlists * NEW: List/Smartlists can be opened in a new tab * NEW: MaximumQueueThreads setting in ComicRack.ini to set the maximum count of background threads for queues * CHANGE: Limited the number of entries in the "Add to List" popup menu (ListMenuSize in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Optimized Memory management for images together with OpenGl (Optimized Page Cache defaults now to true) * CHANGE: List switching is now faster * CHANGE: Updated inet links to the new ComicRack site * CHANGE: Better layout for the news dialog * CHANGE: Single mouse click does no longer show the Library (if docking is fill). Can be changed in ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Added scrollbars to Notes/Summary textboxes * CHANGE: Moved startup news fetching into the background * CHANGE: Small initial delay before showing navigation overlay * CHANGE: New Comic Lists now default to no grouping and sorted by position * CHANGE: Treeviews & comic lists now support scrolling during drag & drop * CHANGE: The pages column now displays plain numbers (no Page(s) anymore) * CHANGE: Some internal memory and image copy optimizations * CHANGE: Better display update during fast paging * CHANGE: Various caching optimizations * CHANGE: Some changes to grouping/sorting of behavior settings in the Preferences Dialog * CHANGE: Made working with ghostscript faster * CHANGE: Page type/rotation context menus now correctly work with two page display * CHANGE: Preferences Dialog now displays detailed information about the memory cache state * CHANGE: Changed some global keyboard shortcuts to make F2 free for rename * CHANGE: Faster access to cached page images while working on non cached images * CHANGE: Hardware Filtering is now turned off by default (can be turned on in Preferences) * CHANGE: Adjust background color is now the default * CHANGE: Removed the old and dated background for library/network/file browser * CHANGE: Optimized creation of rotated/color adjusted images if original already in cache * CHANGE: Moved "Edit List Layout" button to the left * CHANGE: Much nicer display/position of comic tab tooltips * CHANGE: Moved all magnfier settings into the magnifier drop down in the toolbar * BUGFIX: Sorting in Search Browser was not article agnostic * BUGFIX: New ComicCaptionFormat did produce captions starting with a space. * BUGFIX: "Add to List" command did show current list * BUGFIX: Visible part overlay was created in the background even when turned off * BUGFIX: Fixed library tabs display if tabs had not enough space * BUGFIX: Reset to 100% zoom option now also resets when opening a new book * BUGFIX: Fixed small preview bug for corrupt eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed Move Prev/Next eComic sometimes not working * BUGFIX: Performance improvement in low memory situations * BUGFIX: Fixed drawing of page bows in the magnifier * BUGFIX: Bug in freeing OpenGl textures (wrong calculation of used texture memory) * BUGFIX: Sort bug for special characters * BUGFIX: Moving pages did not mark eComic as dirty * BUGFIX: Fixed database optimization * BUGFIX: Fixed possible Access Violation in Fast BilinearHQ routine * BUGFIX: Current page overlay did only display one page number in two page mode * BUGFIX: Rotating pages in the viewer multiple times with the same value did not work * BUGFIX: Fixed Double Page Autoscrolling * BUGFIX: Clicking on [x] in a tab always closed the selected tab * BUGFIX: Disk Cache was not used for full pages * BUGFIX: Fixed mouse cursor flicker when magnifier is visible * BUGFIX: Fixed page drag&drop cursor (no overlays and effects where shown) * BUGFIX: Fixed display of non filepath entries in the folder view * BUGFIX: Fixed alphabetizing with article and with foreign letters * BUGFIX: Fixed "GetServerLibraryText" bug when refreshing remote libraries * BUGFIX: Fixed drawing bug for battery status * BUGFIX: Fixed drawing of node label while editing tree nodes * BUGFIX: Fixed FastBicubic resize for 32bit images * BUGFIX: Fixed library drag&drop bug Build 0.9.111: * NEW: ComicCaptionFormat setting in ComicRack.ini to customize the Comic Captions display * NEW: Added Format parsing to proposed values (Annual, King/Giant size, sketch, Director's cut, b&w) * BUGFIX: "Add to list" command was visible even when no lists where available * BUGFIX: Whitepoint was not correctly handled together with other adjustments * BUGFIX: Exception in the info dialog with chinese eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed "V" prefix for proposed volume values in Comic Dialogs * BUGFIX: Fixed parsing of hardware options (command line and .ini) * BUGFIX: Fixed "Paste Data..." Build 0.9.110: * NEW: Up/Down selects previous/next item in inplace editing of the browser * NEW: "Add to List" command in comic browser * NEW: Searchbrowser item selection with keys * NEW: Added Volumes selection to the Search Browser * CHANGE: New layout for Preferences Dialog (same as export) * CHANGE: Double click on group header in flow layout dialogs closes/opens the group * CHANGE: Clicking on prev/next in Comic dialog keeps the focus in the current text box * CHANGE: Added shadow to 3D cover * CHANGE: Adapted look for searchbrowser items * CHANGE: Pages can be selected with typing numbers in the page browser * CHANGE: Used languages are now at the top of the language selection combobox * CHANGE: Changed file update queue to last come/first served * CHANGE: Search Browser value selectors are now sorted * CHANGE: Tweaked the new Filename parser * BUGFIX: Fixed bookmark menu in undocked reader * BUGFIX: Trashing of image/thumbnail cache on slow processors during eComic file info update * BUGFIX: Fixed selection in Comic Dialog when browsing with keyboard shortcuts * BUGFIX: Fixed writing of shadow values in Comic Dialog when browsing with keyboard shortcuts * BUGFIX: Searchbrowser was empty if visible after startup * BUGFIX: Fixed duplicate finder (some duplicates where skipped) * BUGFIX: Default Genre Lists was not read correctly Build 0.9.109 (Dev): * NEW: Support for anamorphic scaling to add some tolerance for full page display * NEW: Option to change the 3D cover display in info dialog (either clicking on the cover or in Preferences) * BUGFIX: Iron Python scripting bugs did send error reports * BUGFIX: Fixed rescaling issue of navigation panel * BUGFIX: Fixed drag&drop from browser with multiple selections (introduced in 0.9.106) * BUGFIX: Fixed switching between different cover thumbnails (introduced in 0.9.106) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in pending task info retrieval * BUGFIX: Empty tab did show empty tool tip * BUGFIX: Page numbers where not correctly centered Build 0.9.108 (Dev): * BUGFIX: Fixed selection of lists in sharing dialog and smart list source selection * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception with image cache handling * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exception in export Build 0.9.107 (Dev): * BUGFIX: Fixed possible key not found exception in ProcessingQueue * BUGFIX: Possible fix for Application.Restart exception Build 0.9.106 (Dev): * NEW: Undo for editing eComic info of Library items * NEW: Added battery and current time info to Navigation Panel * NEW: Speed of mouse wheel can be set in preferences * NEW: Bookmarks setting in ComicRack.ini to define colors of bookmarks * NEW: Option to auto hide main menu * NEW: Added "Directory" matcher * NEW: Smartlists can now be scripted in Python * NEW: Command to manually update eComics if automatic update is turned off (default) * NEW: File Creation column for eComics * NEW: Edit dialogs remember last window position during session * NEW: Sort by state column * NEW: CBT files are now also updated with ComicInfo.xml * NEW: ThumbnailQuality setting in ComicRack.ini * NEW: InterpolationMethod settings for thumbnail and export in ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Switched to IronPython 2.0 * CHANGE: Switched RAR to 7z engine * CHANGE: New cache that supports changes of modification dates/file sizes (Write info no longer has to cheat) * CHANGE: Optimized -dso switch * CHANGE: Navigation Panel adapts to viewer size (percentage size can be set in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Nicer page layout in Navigation Panel * CHANGE: Highlight effect for clickable pages in Navigation Panel * CHANGE: Nicer text for the "OpenGL has crashed" warning * CHANGE: Sorting by file/path/series/alternate series handles numbers correctly * CHANGE: Nicer process icon display in status bar * CHANGE: "Opening book..." message also shows the 3D cover * CHANGE: Cache settings now also display the current amount of cache space used * CHANGE: Pages created for thumbnails are no longer cached by default (can be changed in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Comic Book dialog now uses thumbnail image (faster) * CHANGE: Option to turn automatic updating of eComics on * CHANGE: No restart required to switch between software and hardware renderer * CHANGE: Whole OpenGL section rewritten for better display quality and speed (see ComicRack.ini for new settings/switches) * CHANGE: Mip mapping is now turned on by default * CHANGE: Optimized reading eComics from disk * CHANGE: Optimized display update frequency in reader * CHANGE: Optimized page precaching * CHANGE: Optimized startup time with large databases * CHANGE: Optimized speed of cache updates * CHANGE: Optimized list sorting * CHANGE: Optimized loading of images * CHANGE: Moved docking command back to the main view * CHANGE: Closing stacks is now in the same screen area as "Display all" * CHANGE: Nicer cover view in ComicBook dialog * CHANGE: Same selection handling as windows explorer. Use Alt-click to initiate a long click edit with multiple selections * CHANGE: Optimized texts, size and layout of tile display * BUGFIX: Fixed deleting of old files during convert eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed scrolling in Navigation Panel during thumbnail update * BUGFIX: Missing "Size" translation in pages view * BUGFIX: No tool tips for pages view column headers * BUGFIX: Possible exception in marking pages as deleted * BUGFIX: Possible lock with background scanner * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when navigating empty lists * BUGFIX: Exported files had wrong page rotation info for rotated pages * BUGFIX: Fixed negative current page count * BUGFIX: Sorting of groups did not ignore articles * BUGFIX: Fixed initial sorting of images in eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed bug in navigation bar when using slider with filtered pages * BUGFIX: Closed some holes in atomic processing logic of cache entries * BUGFIX: Removed tool tip for thumbnail slider (problems in Vista if ComicRack is maximized) * BUGFIX: Fixed "Find Duplicates" (broken since 0.9.102) * BUGFIX: Fixed English texts in "Page Rotation" menus * BUGFIX: Fixed possible readwriter lock release error in eComic readers * BUGFIX: Big icons in Preferences Dialog displayed tool tips * BUGFIX: Possible access violation in OpenGL renderer * BUGFIX: It was not possible to turn off sorting in lists * BUGFIX: Comic Dialog set the eComic data dirty even if nothing was edited * BUGFIX: File Modified time was displayed in UTC * BUGFIX: Sort bug with ignored articles * BUGFIX: Alternate Series was not editable in the list * BUGFIX: Auto complete did not work in list edit fields * BUGFIX: Some German translation errors * BUGFIX: Fixed selection rectangle around thumbnail texts * BUGFIX: When exporting with embedded info, shadow values where not copied * BUGFIX: Export page saved 32 bit images * BUGFIX: Copy page did copy a 32bit image to the clipboard * BUGFIX: ComicRack Window did not move to visible area on startup if resolution/screens changed Build 0.9.105 (Dev): * BUGFIX: Possible exception in ExecuteProcess * BUGFIX: Possible null exception in GetOpenBooks * BUGFIX: Possible exception in lock cleanups Build 0.9.104 (Dev): * BUGFIX: Scanner exception (introduced in 0.9.103) Build 0.9.103 (Dev): * BUGFIX: Fixed thread lock in Tabs * BUGFIX: Fixed exception during editing Comic lists * BUGFIX: Fixed exception during scanning * BUGFIX: Fixed storage of local client list layouts when browsing remote libraries Build 0.9.102 (Dev): * NEW: Keyboard zoom stepping is configurable in ComicRack.ini * NEW: "Open random eComic" Command * NEW: Grouping and stacking based on Directory * NEW: -hwfmm switch and ForceMipMap setting in ComicRack.ini to force mip mapping of page images * NEW: -db switch and DatabasePath setting in ComicRack.ini to force a different database path (e.g. shared databases) * NEW: -cp switch and CachePath setting in ComicRack.ini to force a different cache path * NEW: Y, Shift-Y keyboard shortcuts to rotate page * NEW: TempPath setting in ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Switched the whole project to .NET 3.5 * CHANGE: Optmized idle processing * CHANGE: Changed the limit on disk cache sizes to 1TB * BUGFIX: Fixed possible stack overflow when reader undocked and ComicRack starts in the system tray (introduced in 0.9.100) * BUGFIX: Spelling error in rename script * BUGFIX: Fixed compatibility with Windows 7 Beta 1 Build 0.9.101: * CHANGE: The "Open remote server library" dialog preselects the last used server * CHANGE: Better icons for open/last states * CHANGE: Multiple covers selector on thumbnails is now only visible if eComic is selected * BUGFIX: Correct handling of lists that do not have anything in common in the Multiple Comics Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when finding open books * BUGFIX: Fixed location of oversized navigation panel * BUGFIX: Commandline switches also defined in the ComicRack.ini file did not work * BUGFIX: Automatic Contrast Enhancement did cancel out White Point Adjustments * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting of Published groups * BUGFIX: file name parser matched years at the beginning of the name * BUGFIX: Opening first eComic in remote library activated the main library * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in tab caption update Build 0.9.100: * NEW: Permanent rotation of pages * NEW: Smartlists can now be based on other lists (smart and dumb) * NEW: "Show Duplicates" View mode * NEW: "Not" option for the search browser (to filter by "Not Series, Character etc.") * NEW: Marker for last opened/open books in lists * NEW: "Open Remote Library" command for manual connection to shared Libraries * NEW: Manual close of remote Libraries * NEW: Option to combine multiple eComics into a single one during export/convert * NEW: Option to hide the Browser Docking Grip when browser is hidden * NEW: If multiple books are selected and one column value is edited, all selected items are updated with this value * NEW: "Published" smartlist selector * NEW: 64 bit support for CBR/RAR (without calling unrar.exe) * CHANGE: New ComicRack.ini file to keep all custom settings in one place * CHANGE: Visible part is set to top if browsing multiple pages at once * CHANGE: Articles to be ignored when grouping and sorting can be defined in ComicRack.ini * CHANGE: Incremental editor for list properties (Character, Author etc.) in the multiple books editor * CHANGE: Nicer rating star in list * CHANGE: Numerical (explorer like sort) for page names, file names, folder names * CHANGE: Display file sizes of selected comics in list * CHANGE: New and improved filename parser (legacy mode can be turned on in ComicRack.ini) * CHANGE: Changed the default cache sizes to 500 MB * BUGFIX: Wrong separator in library/files/pages tabbar dropdown * BUGFIX: Cursor down did not always change to next page with "Fit Height" * BUGFIX: "Cover Artist" matcher was not translatable * BUGFIX: Tabs did not update when eComic caption changed * BUGFIX: Black tooltip in eComic list on XP systems * BUGFIX: Fixed "Del" key during rename of library folder/list items * BUGFIX: Fixed bookmark navigation if pages where filtered * BUGFIX: Fixed focus bug in multiple item selection in book list * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting by "Published" * BUGFIX: Fixed possible partial left over files when export fails * BUGFIX: Pages with bookmarks where not correctly exported/converted * BUGFIX: Comic info was not correctly updated when exporting and replacing eComics Build 0.9.99: * BUGFIX: Page bow shadow gradient at the bottom * BUGFIX: Stupid bug breaking part scrolling (introduced in 0.9.98) Build 0.9.98: * NEW: Comic Covers can be set as list backgrounds * NEW: Size limiting for smart lists * NEW: eComic file size info in statusbar * CHANGE: Again rewrote the scrolling/flow methods and enabled smooth scrolling for non hardware renderer * CHANGE: Tile thumbnails for reader tabs * CHANGE: Autoscrolling is now off by default (space key works always anyways) * CHANGE: Some threading optimizations * CHANGE: Switching fields in the Smart List editor tries to keep current values * CHANGE: New category selection in the Preferences Dialog * BUGFIX: tabs to small * BUGFIX: Spelling error "Libray" in tabs * BUGFIX: calculation of nearest visible part when scrolling * BUGFIX: Flow scrolling had some issues on slow computers * BUGFIX: Editing of "Alternate Number" was not working in list view * BUGFIX: Wrong background color in list tooltips on vista * BUGFIX: Fixed broken whitepoint setting * BUGFIX: Missing info refresh for exported eComics Build 0.9.97: * CHANGE: Some visual tuning for the tab bars * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in navigation panel mouse handling * BUGFIX: Fixed possible lock in reader * BUGFIX: Fixed multiline in Notes/Summary editors Build 0.9.96: * NEW: Reworked Reader Tabs * NEW: Smart detection of OpenGL related crashes and optional disabling of hardware acceleration on restart * NEW: Ctrl+Double Click / Middle Button Double Click opens in new tab * NEW: Smooth scrolling for non part autoscrolling (cursor/wheel) when hardware is enabled * CHANGE: Crash Dialog localized * CHANGE: Crash Dialog now tries to restart the application * CHANGE: Page transitions don't block fast paging anymore * CHANGE: "Wait on Page change" is now the default * CHANGE: If "Wait on Page change" is turned on, scrolling also pauses at the beginning of the new page * CHANGE: Nicer 3D backdrop for the page browser * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in visible part overlay creation * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in disposing of OpenGL renderer * BUGFIX: Fixed page filter issues in combination with two page/navigation overlay * BUGFIX: Fixed initial navigation overlay positioning * BUGFIX: Fixed multithreading issues in panel renderer * BUGFIX: Fixed some DPI 120 scaling issues Build 0.9.95: * BUGFIX: Better handling of redraw errors (no blank screen) * BUGFIX: 0.9.94 had no correct manifest * BUGFIX: Fixed recurse problems in software renderer Build 0.9.94: * NEW: New OpenGL renderer with nice animation effects * NEW: Rewrite of whole Export/Save/Convert * NEW: New all in one navigation overlay with thumbnails and slider * NEW: "Recent Columns" menu entry in list view popups * NEW: Sharpening of display * NEW: Direct page move commands in the page context menu * NEW: Pending Tasks Dialog now includes the option to abort user tasks (export, scan) * NEW: Pending Tasks Dialog now includes state information about the tasks * NEW: Simple one click paging with clicks in the readers corners * CHANGE: Better click/selection handling for all checked lists * CHANGE: Removed overlay color schema * CHANGE: Expandable views slide in/out (option to turn off in preferences) * CHANGE: Sorted column headers have a different background color * CHANGE: Start up splash in secondary thread (more fluent start up) * CHANGE: Fixed flicker in Pending Tasks Dialog * CHANGE: Fixed flicker in Converison Error Dialog * CHANGE: Tasks in Pending Tasks Dialog are now listed in the "real" sequence * CHANGE: Slight re-layout of list context menu * CHANGE: More appropriate delete command icon * CHANGE: Updated Main edit menu * CHANGE: Re-layout of Preferences Dialog to make room for new settings * CHANGE: Changed default for page memory optimization to false * CHANGE: New design for overlay panels (black glass) * CHANGE: New design for Magnifier * CHANGE: Autoremove during scanning only remove files if the hosting drive/network is connected * CHANGE: Reworked the "Minimal Userinterface" stuff * CHANGE: Value tooltips for color adjustement sliders in Comic Book Dialog * CHANGE: ComicRack now default to "close minimizes to system tray" * CHANGE: "Close to system tray" displays a notifcation * CHANGE: Added "eComic Open" to the page context menu * CHANGE: Option to reset zoom level to 100% on page changes * BUGFIX: Removed invalid dispose checks * BUGFIX: Light blue background of eComic info in Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed border for tiles * BUGFIX: Fixed possible path too long exceptions in background watchers * BUGFIX: Fixed cancel in bookmark dialog * BUGFIX: Thumbnail size slider visible when list hidden * BUGFIX: Click in reader was very sensitive * BUGFIX: Fixed optional page transition pauses * BUGFIX: sort arrows on column headers did not adapt to text alignment * BUGFIX: Fixed delay when opening eComics with large libraries open * BUGFIX: Automatically generated series names where not trimmed * BUGFIX: Wrong name for CB7 export format * BUGFIX: Background queues where always displayed without the current working item * BUGFIX: If detached reader was full-screen, Export image dialog was hidden * BUGFIX: Headers in Pending Tasks Dialog where not translatable * BUGFIX: Letterer was missing from smartlists and quick search * BUGFIX: Load page information overlay was not always shown * BUGFIX: Fixed application lock while opening SLOW comic sources (Network etc.) * BUGFIX: Fixed getting images from rar/cbr starting with '-' * BUGFIX: Fixed panel alginment bug * BUGFIX: Keyboard shortcut for "Page Width (adaptive)" did not work * BUGFIX: Page loading bug when two page display and page filter is turned on together (workaround) Build 0.9.93: * NEW: Keyboard shortcuts for script commands * CHANGE: Some visual upgrades for List Views and Tree Views * BUGFIX: Drawing bugs in List View (introduced in 0.9.91) * BUGFIX: Possible deadlock in retrieving page info Build 0.9.92: * BUGFIX: Fixed number comparing for eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed series comparing if format present * BUGFIX: "All Files" and "All suported Files" in Open eComics Dialog where not localizable * BUGFIX: "Export reading list" did not check if the list name was a valid filename * BUGFIX: Fixed restart bug in Prefrences Dialog and share settings Build 0.9.91: * NEW: "Export eComic" command in eComic list * NEW: XMLless script definition (directly in python files) * NEW: Copy/Paste for Lists/Smart Lists in the Library tree * NEW: Exporting/Importing of Reading Lists (new file type .cbl) * CHANGE: Layout of Multiple Comics Dialog * CHANGE: search shortcut is now the nicer Ctrl-F * BUGFIX: Character data was not correctly transferred to ComicInfo data * BUGFIX: Another possible lock in page handling * BUGFIX: Format in multiple comics editor was not localizable * BUGFIX: Fixed reading of ComicInfo.xml (introduced in 0.9.90) * BUGFIX: Fixed layout bug in Smart List Editor * BUGFIX: Initial "New" caption for new Lists was not localizable * BUGFIX: Save/Load Dialog filter texts where not localizable Build 0.9.90: * NEW: New Script hook 'Editor' to add script commands to the Comic Book Dialog * CHANGE: Embedded info update only for CBZ, CB7 (and not ZIP, 7z) * CHANGE: Default Genres, Formats and Age Ratings in one file 'DefaultLists.txt' * CHANGE: Support for "UserLists.txt" to add own defaults * CHANGE: Search is shown in the pending tasks dialog * BUGFIX: Possible deadlock in Page handling * BUGFIX: Page views did not display pages if eComic was not found (even if stored in database) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible corrupt thumbnails (multithreading issue) Build 0.9.89: * NEW: Drag&Drop/Copy&Paste of page thumbnails into the Windows file system (Desktop, Explorer) * NEW: Published Column (consists of year/month) * NEW: Context Menu for reader tabs (close/close all but this/copy path/reveal in explorer) * NEW: 32/64 bit info in splash/about dialog * NEW: List selector for list properties (Genre, artists etc.) * NEW: Characters property * NEW: Added info about the translation quality of language packs to the preferences dialog * CHANGE: eComic List edit controls now always have the size of the value cell * CHANGE: After reaching last page, the next eComic is opened on the first page * CHANGE: Always show splash on same screen as main window * CHANGE: New header/column/arrange/stack menus layout * CHANGE: New Comic Book Dialog layout * CHANGE: Big rewrite of page information storage (faster and less memory) * CHANGE: Extended the search browser with some new fields * CHANGE: Added some missing Smart List operators (Editor, Cover Artist etc.) * CHANGE: Genre is now a multiple entries text field * CHANGE: Added "Pending Tasks..." command (till now you had to click on the activity icons in the status bar) * CHANGE: Added status icons to the Pending Tasks Dialog * CHANGE: Added separate activity icon for reading information from eComics * CHANGE: Performance optimization of Next/Previous button in Comic Book Dialog for huge libraries * CHANGE: Load page overlay shows correct page number(s) in Two Page Display * BUGFIX: Converted eComic archives always had image entries with extension ".jpg" * BUGFIX: Column Width in Preferences/Behavior was too small (some texts did not fit) * BUGFIX: Hunted down some small memory leaks * BUGFIX: Comic Book Dialog was not shown correctly when invoked from detached reader * BUGFIX: Possible missing thumbnails in Pages View when opening an eComic with changed page order * BUGFIX: Changed pages in the Comic Book dialog where always applied even when exiting with "Cancel" * BUGFIX: Fixed reset to Proposed Value in Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Search Browser did not use proposed values for some entries * BUGFIX: Embedded eComic Information was always updated even with no change * BUGFIX: Fixed overwrite bug of empty page count Build 0.9.88: * CHANGE: Removed change watching in the file browser (needs to be manually updated with refresh) * CHANGE: More responsive working with file lists (scanning, showing in file browser) * CHANGE: RAR support now defaults to unrar.exe for 32bit * BUGFIX: "Last Page Read" was always set to the current page (introduced in 0.9.86) * BUGFIX: Small Preview had Auto Rotate Double Pages turned on * BUGFIX: Small Preview changed the Current Page/Last Page Read values * BUGFIX: Missing info retrieval for eComics during scan (if not displayed in list) * BUGFIX: Fixed drawing of rating control * BUGFIX: Abort button while getting huge lists of files did not work as expected * BUGFIX: Fixed visibility of undocked reader while starting with no open eComic * BUGFIX: Refresh did not work in file browser * BUGFIX: Added missing "Write info to eComic" entries to Pending Tasks Dialog Build 0.9.87: * NEW: Autorotate double pages option (mainly for Tablet PCs) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible corruption of CBZ files * BUGFIX: Fixed Writing Proposed Values for Series entry (actually was updated with Proposed Title) * BUGFIX: Missing DefaultComicAgeRatings.txt Build 0.9.86: * NEW: Age Rating for eComics * NEW: Recently used list for quick search * NEW: Database Backup functionality in Preferences/Advanced/Extra * NEW: ComicRack system optimizations during setup * CHANGE: Removed Key property for page infos (reduction of memory usage) * CHANGE: Added Tags to quick search "Descriptive" * CHANGE: Page info overlay now shows from/to page for dual pages * BUGFIX: Load/Create Thumbnail only if visible in the list * BUGFIX: Do not read ComicInfo from files if the DB copy is still dirty * BUGFIX: Fixed "Last Page Read" for double page spreads * BUGFIX: Missing Rotation command translations * BUGFIX: Fixed browser arrow directions in "True right/left reading" * BUGFIX: Fixed possible error with country flags initialization * BUGFIX: Fixed possible shut down exception when displaying final progress bar * BUGFIX: Tags where not covers in quick search "All" * BUGFIX: Bookmark Set/Remove was available for remote eComics * BUGFIX: Missing cleanup code for quick search control * BUGFIX: Tab Sequence Comic Book Dialog/Pages Build 0.9.85: * BUGFIX: Shadow Title was actually Series * BUGFIX: Background filesystem watcher also reacted to temporary renames Build 0.9.84: * NEW: Added commands for browsing to Previous/Next Bookmark * NEW: New Zoom Tool (Zoom In, Zoom Out, Custom...) * NEW: Rotate Tool (Rotate Left, Right, ...) * NEW: Added Title, Format to proposable values * NEW: Added "File Format" to list columns and smart operators * NEW: Option to also turn off Tabs in Minimal User Interface * NEW: Country flags for translation list * NEW: Shift-PgUp / Shift-PgDn to adjust double pages * CHANGE: Minimal User Interface Shortcut is now F9 * CHANGE: Optimized background update of archive embedded info * CHANGE: Embedded archive info now always written * CHANGE: Drop down lists are now sorted * CHANGE: Fixed Number/of GUI inconsistencies in Comic Book / Multiple Comic Book dialogs * CHANGE: Previous/Next in Comic Dialog also syncs the current list * CHANGE: External Reader Window only visible if an eComic is open * CHANGE: Browser opens when last eComics is closed * CHANGE: Multithreading optimizations * CHANGE: Icons for Bookmark operations * CHANGE: New Group Header clicking behavior: Click on Arrow->Collapse, Click on Label->Select all items in group * CHANGE: Cover, Inner Cover and Back Cover are always displayed as single pages * CHANGE: Clicking "Abort" in the background operation warning box always cancels closing ComicRack * BUGFIX: Fixed Copy/Paste (introduced in 0.9.81 with the parse comic path feature) * BUGFIX: Incomplete read/write sync when updating cbz/cb7 files * BUGFIX: Possible arithmetic exception in mousewheel handling * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in Preferences Dialog while scanning * BUGFIX: Tab sequence in search browser * BUGFIX: Fixed possible timeout exception in read/write sync * BUGFIX: Fixed long standing bug of displaying part overlay even if everything is visible * BUGFIX: Fixed "Page Back" with double pages * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong storing of external reader bounds in some cases * BUGFIX: "Reveal in Explorer" did not work with comic files containing commas in the path Build 0.9.83: * NEW: CB7, 7z write support * NEW: Dynamic CB7 tag information update * CHANGE: In two page display mode, "Page Back" moves back two pages * CHANGE: New tabs open up on first position * CHANGE: Books selected in the overflow menu are moved to the first position * CHANGE: In archive contained Comic Info is always parsed if file has been externally modified * BUGFIX: Hard to read "Nothing selected" text in eComic preview * BUGFIX: Shift-Tab did not work * BUGFIX: Path parser script was initialized too late (it was only called in effect for imports) * BUGFIX: Fixed reading of packed localization packages (introduced in 0.9.82) Build 0.9.82: * NEW: Bookmarks * NEW: Experimental support for info update in ZIP archives (command line switch -ziu) * NEW: cb7, 7z read support * CHANGE: Removed Control Panel, Recycle Bin & Network from file browser * CHANGE: Removed "Open Error" messagebox * CHANGE: Changed hashing for image cache * CHANGE: Read/Write synchronization for eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed Unicode bugs in the folder browser * BUGFIX: Fixed Unicode filename bug in 64-bit cbr support * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong display of "could not open file" message * BUGFIX: Fixed invalid hook bug for scripts (introduced in 0.9.81) Build 0.9.81: * NEW: Ctrl-K sets focus to the quick search box * NEW: Arrow down in the quick search box opens the search menu * NEW: Proposed values (the ones generated from the filename) can be disabled for each eComic * NEW: Optional two page separator (mimics the bow shadows) * NEW: Option to switch display between multiple covers for eComics * NEW: Scriptable 'ParseComicPath' event to optionally override default value parsing * NEW: Scriptable 'BookOpend' event * CHANGE: "Views..." button in the Pages tab of the Comic Book Dialog * CHANGE: Reader now displays an error message if the book is missing * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong "Recent comics" list (always was one open operation late) * BUGFIX: Fixed missing live update of image info in Comic dialog pages list * BUGFIX: Fixed overflow of tabs * BUGFIX: Lock detection less rigid * BUGFIX: Fixed long standing bug displaying "Not Found" thumbnail for valid items in the pages lists Build 0.9.80: * CHANGE: Removed the whole hashing stuff from the database (was only used for scanning anyway) * CHANGE: C[h]number is now recognized as series number * CHANGE: Added cancel to news retrieval * CHANGE: "Right To Left" is stored in workspaces * CHANGE: If an eComic is opened, "Right to Left" is set only if the Manga property for the eComic is defined * BUGFIX: Fixed the locks during background database backup * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception when deleting files from the folder view Build 0.9.79: * CHANGE: "Right to Left" is set to true if a Manga eComic is opened * CHANGE: "Auto Scroll double pages" stored in workspace * BUGFIX: Fixed "Right To Left" reader setting * BUGFIX: Fixed "Autoscroll double pages" reader setting Build 0.9.78: * CHANGE: Removed writing data to CBZ/Zip files (corrupted file occured) * BUGFIX: Show comic in browser did switch back to reader if already in browser Build 0.9.77: * NEW: Native 64 Bit build for XP64/Vista64 * NEW: Option to auto hide menu/toolbar when switching to full screen * NEW: Support for AFPL Ghostscript * NEW: Background tasks information dialog (click on one of the background indicators) * NEW: Setup supports setting file associations * NEW: Link to the ComicRack Doku Wiki in the Help Menu * CHANGE: Big performance boost when removing multiple comics from huge lists * CHANGE: Hiding/Showing of toolbar/menu/statusbar is now a separate command * CHANGE: ComicRack generated CBZ files are now backward compatible with some legacy programs (e.g. CDisplay) * CHANGE: ComicInfo.xml is now updated/added to cbz/zip files * CHANGE: New Hash algorithm for eComics * BUGFIX: Fixed missing navigation arrows (introduced in 0.9.76) * BUGFIX: Duplicate use of 'D' as default shortcut key * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in "Copy Page to Clipboard" * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in "Remove List" * BUGFIX: Fixed "show browser" in integrated mode * BUGFIX: Fixed problems when switching to undocked reader while being in full screen * BUGFIX: Fixed "show in browser" command * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong lock detection during crash dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed possible access violation when deleting files * BUGFIX: Fixed selection of Library Tab when opening eComics * BUGFIX: Folder view displayed the Desktop folder of the default user * BUGFIX: Fixed mouse cursor during file move operation when files are dropped to a different application Build 0.9.76: * NEW: "Filled" docking mode has now integrated tabbar and reader * NEW: Load overlay * NEW: Move Page Start / Move Page End keyboard commands * NEW: Added fit only if oversized page layout option * NEW: List row height can now be changed * CHANGE: Entries in the folder browser are sorted by system defaults * CHANGE: Removed auto rotate page layout option * CHANGE: Rewrote part layout for left to right/double page * CHANGE: Double click on navigation arrows moves to last/first page * CHANGE: Moved List Config toolbar stuff into proper place above lists * CHANGE: Moved size slider into status bar * CHANGE: visual feedback for navigation arrows * CHANGE: Some animation optimizations * CHANGE: Magnify Icon displays on/off state * BUGFIX: Fixed missing previous/next buttons in comic info dialog * BUGFIX: Missing page overlay update when flipping left/right pages * BUGFIX: "Original Size" keyboard command did actually a Fit All * BUGFIX: Comic Book dialog did not show the current page in the color adjustment tab * BUGFIX: Fixed missing update of image sizes * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong folder icons on Vista * BUGFIX: Wrong background color in magnifier if autocolor was turned on * BUGFIX: Some keyboard shortcuts did not work in separated reader * BUGFIX: Possible null exception in SizeableContainer control * BUGFIX: Hardened "Show in Explorer" * BUGFIX: Hardened handling of invalid file names * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exception in item selection * BUGFIX: Fixed possible error when opening Preferences Dialog while background scan is running Build 0.9.75: * CHANGE: Fine tuned background page retrieval * CHANGE: RenameFile changed to not support paths (but correctly works with files like 'Continue... 01 (2006)') * CHANGE: Changed the behavior of the reader tab bar (visibility in various modes) * CHANGE: Changed the reader tab bar to be really a "tab" bar * BUGFIX: Optimized memory cache settings could not be edited * BUGFIX: Further hardening of page drawing * BUGFIX: Further hardening of slider drawing * BUGFIX: Fixed magnifier border * BUGFIX: Possible exception in collection class * BUGFIX: Possible null exception in find services * BUGFIX: Possible selection of invalid folders in preferences and files to library * BUGFIX: Possible exception when creating drag&drop cursors from lists * BUGFIX: Overwriting an already open file with "Save as..." killed the file content Build 0.9.74: * CHANGE: Optimized server/client library transfer * CHANGE: "smoothed" part scrolling on fast machines * BUGFIX: Displaying info of remote comics did no longer work (introduced in 0.9.73) * BUGFIX: Fixed slow client/server thumbnail retrieving (introduced in 0.9.72) * BUGFIX: Copy/Paste commands where enabled in remote library lists * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exception in page type context menu * BUGFIX: Fixed too early timeout in client * BUGFIX: Hardened service queries * BUGFIX: Hardened about dialog fade in/out * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of '&&' in menu translations Build 0.9.73: * NEW: Smooth scrolling for part navigation * CHANGE: Zooming in/out in the reader tries to retain the current screen center * CHANGE: New dynamic part repositioning when scrolling with mouse * BUGFIX: Fixed mouse panning if page is rotated * BUGFIX: "Two page" switch in context menu did not work * BUGFIX: Fixed broken mouse click handling (introduced in 0.9.72) Build 0.9.72: * CHANGE: Page Info memory optimizations * BUGFIX: Page reordering information was not correctly used in client/server protocol * BUGFIX: fixed broken mouse hit test for panels (introduced in 0.9.71) Build 0.9.71: * NEW: True and faked Manga mode (read right/left or only flip double pages) * CHANGE: Scanner ignores System/Hidden files * BUGFIX: Fixed possible out of range exceptions when clearing lists in multithreading conditions * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exception in library renaming * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in panel mouse hittest * BUGFIX: Hardened custom tab strip renderer (visual style exceptions) * BUGFIX: Hardened background page retrieval (out of context disposals) * BUGFIX: Hardened browser interaction in news dialog Build 0.9.70: * CHANGE: Less massive rating star image * BUGFIX: New scanner failed on non existing folders (it had to happen...) * BUGFIX: Preference Dialog crashed on Ok/Apply if empty Tab in reader was present Build 0.9.69: * NEW: Caption shows filename of open eComic * CHANGE: Scanning now starts immediately without collecting file names * BUGFIX: Changes of page infos where not reflected (cover etc.) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible lock situation in image memory handling * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exceptions in comic browsers * BUGFIX: Fixed possible animation exceptions during shutdown * BUGFIX: "Stop" was not translatable * BUGFIX: Scan/Stop did not correctly change text when clicking Build 0.9.68: * BUGFIX: Fixed new overlay lock bug introduced with animation fix in 0.9.67 * BUGFIX: Hardened drawing of custom trackbars (possible visual styles exception) Build 0.9.67: * CHANGE: News reader also marks message as unread again if content of message has changed * CHANGE: Thumbnail label font scales with size * BUGFIX: Changed lock for the CbrProvider - may solve the locks there * BUGFIX: Apply button in Smart List Editor was on wrong location * BUGFIX: changed lock mechanism for overlay panels ("object in use elsewhere") * BUGFIX: Fixed animation redraw bug for left/right arrows (since 0.9.64) * BUGFIX: Fixed color transformation for non truecolor source images (since 0.9.66) Build 0.9.66: * NEW: New settings to fine tune memory cache performance * NEW: Regular expression operator for smartlists * NEW: Apply button for smart list editor * CHANGE: Quicksearch in lists (pressing keys) ignores the format prefix for eComics * CHANGE: Aggressive memory management for in memory caches (with options) * CHANGE: Removed thumbnails drawing quality setting * CHANGE: Tiles are limiting the font size to 14 (larger tiles show now more information) * BUGFIX: "Count" was missing for Smart Lists * BUGFIX: Setting disk cache size limit did not work as expected * BUGFIX: Another possible lock in Animate * BUGFIX: Fixed possible null exception in item states * BUGFIX: final fix for regex code in "in List" operator * BUGFIX: Fixed further possible wrong lock detections * BUGFIX: Fixed possible duplicate file key bug in library * BUGFIX: Fixed possible exception in drawing blurred images * BUGFIX: Behavior group captions in Preferences Dialog where empty in English * BUGFIX: Fixed Zoom (Z, Shift-Z) commands (behavior and crash) Build 0.9.65: * CHANGE: Slight layout changes of Comic Book Dialog, because notes are now also saved in eComics * BUGFIX: eComic Lists crashed when a referenced eComic was deleted from the database * BUGFIX: Comic Dialog crashed when a book referencing a non valid eBook file was opened * BUGFIX: False lock alarms in heavy load conditions * BUGFIX: Double Page display was broken (introduced in 0.9.64) * BUGFIX: Scrolling (mouse/cursor) was broken in manga mode (introduced in 0.9.64) * BUGFIX: "In list" matcher failed when text included regular expression constructs Build 0.9.64: * CHANGE: Thumbnail drawing now defaults to the much faster "fast" mode * CHANGE: Part navigation honors double pages * CHANGE: Manga mode does not reverse left/right navigation by default (can be changed in settings) * BUGFIX: "Browse Comics->..." command now works correctly for list values (e.g. multiple Writers) * BUGFIX: Possible division by zero in plain trackbar drawing code * BUGFIX: Possible exception when out of range zoom values are stored in the workspace * BUGFIX: Possible null exception when opening eComics with non valid names * BUGFIX: Possible GDI+ exception in custom TreeView (Library etc.) (.NET bug) * BUGFIX: Possible lock in overlay renderers and animators * BUGFIX: Possible crash when shutting down with open secondary browser windows * BUGFIX: Fixed double entries in search browser Build 0.9.63: * NEW: "in list" matcher mode for string * NEW: "True" Manga mode for reading (full mirroring of left/right part navigation) * NEW: Crash and lock watchdog with user confirmable report feedback * CHANGE: Search Browser correctly handles list entries (,;) for Artists and Genres * CHANGE: Memory optimizations of the 2nd level thumbnail cache * BUGFIX: ComicRack had problems when Proposed Text was empty (possible crashes in editors) * BUGFIX: Fixed missing thumbnails in pages view in some conditions (update to 0.9.61 fix for same problem) * BUGFIX: missing proposed series for number only filenames (introduced in 0.9.62) * BUGFIX: fixed explorer integration for running ComicRack instance (broken since 0.9.61) * BUGFIX: fixed some possible lock situations Build 0.9.62: * CHANGE: Slight improvements of shadow value detection * CHANGE: Some performance optimizations for startup * CHANGE: Multiple Comics Dialog uses shadow properties * BUGFIX: Illegal command line options crashed ComicRack * BUGFIX: Turning off sorting was not remembered * BUGFIX: Problems with stack sorting (on close, list switch etc). * BUGFIX: When grouped AND stacked, opening the stack showed all items * BUGFIX: User Interface culture was set to regional culture (formats) * BUGFIX: ComicRack crashed if no valid top level culture was available (like nn for Norway) Build 0.9.61: * NEW: "Original Size" scaling mode * NEW: All mouse buttons are assignable * NEW: keyboard shortcuts editor with ctrl/alt/shift support and localizable key names * NEW: New keyboard commands in the reader * NEW: Each stack has its own view configuration * NEW: Support Format (Annuals, 1/2 etc), B&W and Manga data for eComics * NEW: Fast manga toggle command in the menu * NEW: conversion between cbz/cbt/cbr without recompressing the images (also a lot faster) * NEW: saving to cbz/cbt without recompression (also faster) * CHANGE: Moved workspaces menu * CHANGE: Better delay mechanism for page transitions * CHANGE: Mouse cursor hides when magnifier visible * CHANGE: Changed some initial startup defaults * CHANGE: undocked reader displays book information in the caption * CHANGE: If Stacker and Grouper are the same, the grouper is switched to alphabetic * CHANGE: Update IronPython to version 1.1 * CHANGE: Real progress bars on some lengthy book operations (update etc.) and not only marquees * CHANGE: Group headers now display the count of stacked items when stacking is turned on * CHANGE: Remove initial page counting from GhostView PDF provider (too slow) * CHANGE: Background refresh process always updates page counts (and not only for fast providers) * CHANGE: Less memory needed to store page infos * BUGFIX: Wrong "Missing Thumbnail" image in page views under some conditions (e.g. PDF files) * BUGFIX: Volume grouping captions where one volume count to high * BUGFIX: "Reset" buttons not translatable * BUGFIX: "Reader in own Window" tooltip not translatable * BUGFIX: Slightly wrong offset for non rectangular magnifiers * BUGFIX: Rename only checked filename and not path for execution * BUGFIX: Broke positional drag&drop in comic lists some time ago * BUGFIX: Wrong insert position if moving existing items back * BUGFIX: Missing error message when opening invalid files (could even lead to crash) * BUGFIX: Alphabet Grouper was broken (always returned 0-9) * BUGFIX: Multi Comic Dialog manga flag did not work in non English localizations * BUGFIX: Small Preview was always generated even if not visible * BUGFIX: Tags where not saved when edited with "slow click" * BUGFIX: "Page failed to load..." was not translatable * BUGFIX: "Stack by" context menu was still available in open stacks * BUGFIX: "Open With..." handlers where not correctly created * BUGFIX: Fixed performance problems with large file list drag&drop from explorer * BUGFIX: Fixed drag&drop of library list items to the end of the list * BUGFIX: "New List" on list drag&drop not translatable * BUGFIX: Fixed missing page count update in Comic Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed visible tab bar on initial startup after setup * BUGFIX: Fixed Next/Prev page commands (actually did part movement before) * BUGFIX: Browser did not hide on Open if comic was already open (even in different tab) * BUGFIX: Sort/Group/Stacker menus did not display '&' in items * BUGFIX: Tooltip on notify icon not localizable Build 0.9.60: * NEW: Donation link in splash and menu * NEW: Reader can be undocked into separate window * NEW: Support for Mouse Wheel tilt in Reader & ListView * NEW: Mouse Wheel always scrolls the window under the mouse cursor * NEW: Option to add eComics to the library when reading (defaults to off) * NEW: Adaptive fitting mode for double page spreads * NEW: Multi Column sorting * CHANGE: Bigger Preferences Dialog * CHANGE: Comic Book Dialog page editor is now the same as in the main page viewer * CHANGE: Added layout menu to header columns menus * CHANGE: Volumes are now correctly grouped up to 1000 * CHANGE: Optimized library scanning (specially if files where moved) * CHANGE: Optimized working with folders of eComics not in the library * CHAMGE: Redesigned reader menu * CHANGE: eComics hashes are now created in the background (speeds up scanning and opening) * CHANGE: Default for scanning is now "Don't Remove missing" and "Don't track files" (they have a severe performance hit on the scan). * CHANGE: Even with tracking files turned off, there's some simple name/size/date based tracking without using hashes. Turning it on, uses hashes (performance hit) * CHANGE: Correct Alt-Menu shortcuts for all languages * BUGFIX: OK/Cancel buttons not correctly set for Enter/Cancel keys (now fixed for real) * BUGFIX: Some missing translations * BUGFIX: Is before/after in smartlists was reversed * BUGFIX: Could not change positions of top level library folders item * BUGFIX: RSS news reader did not work with newsfeeds without item IDs - so no latest news update * BUGFIX: Fixed "Black Rectangle" when dragging with display color depths < 32 bit * BUGFIX: Refresh thumbnail did not refresh page cache * BUGFIX: Again some spelling corrections * BUGFIX: Fixed hash creation bug in scanner * BUGFIX: Scan button was not enable after adding first path to library * BUGFIX: Non database eComics did not correctly save page type/index information * BUGFIX: Cover thumbnails where not centered in the focus rectangle * BUGFIX: Script optimization logic was reversed * BUGFIX: Fixed missing wait cursors in various places * BUGFIX: Fixed page export bug if comic name included some illegal characters (e.g. '/') * BUGFIX: 'Page' in generated "Page Export" filename was not translated Build 0.9.59: * NEW: Column Tool Tips * NEW: Polish localization (thanks to marwinek) * NEW: Portuguese localization (thanks to Clayton Aguiar) * CHANGE: "Mark as deleted" now toggles the delete state * CHANGE: Added category to news display * CHANGE: ComicRack can better cope with illegal translation strings * BUGFIX: Missing text for the scan button in Preferences/English version * BUGFIX: Some texts where not localizable * BUGFIX: Some spelling errors corrected (english/german) * BUGFIX: "Open in new Window" was broken (introduced in 0.9.57) * BUGFIX: OK/Cancel buttons not correctly set for Enter/Cancel keys Build 0.9.58: * NEW: Full localization/globalization support * NEW: German localization * NEW: Month Grouper * NEW: Restart Command * CHANGE: removed text from Part overlays * CHANGE: Updated web links to the new site * BUGFIX: Wrong message if original database had a problem and the backup could not be found * BUGFIX: Activity icons for Convert/Update did not include the last background item working * BUGFIX: Unspecified in the Search Browser did not work for numeric values (e.g. Month) Build 0.9.57: * NEW: Assignable cover item for Stacks * NEW: Full CBT/TAR support (read, save, convert) * NEW: Command to quickly sort items in the Library Browser (without the need to reposition manually) * CHANGE: Stacked Thumbnails only display a stack if there are multiple eComics * CHANGE: Added "Page Layout" and "Two Pages" commands to reader context menu * CHANGE: Visible Part now correctly updates when scrolling * CHANGE: Continuous progress bar during Database loading * BUGFIX: No "V5" Group for Volumes * BUGFIX: Changed default for page transition delay to off (really now) Build 0.9.56: * BUGFIX: OEM Conversion for unrar.dll Build 0.9.55: * NEW: Added Next/Previous Part Keyboard command (defaults to Space) * NEW: Added "Restore Defaults" button to behavior settings * NEW: "Manga Style" Smart List operator * CHANGE: Added proper manifest for Vista UAC * CHANGE: Explorer Integration Preferences are disabled when there are insufficient user rights * CHANGE: Changed default for page transition delay to off * BUGFIX: Fixed not restoring scroll positions when opening new eComics or switching tabs * BUGFIX: Paste Data did not refresh data from files before changing * BUGFIX: Current Page panel was to small for "thick" comics * BUGFIX: Fixed display of units in the Smart List Editor Build 0.9.54: * NEW: List Layout Management * NEW: Size of Info Overlays can now be adjusted * NEW: Copy/Paste of selected values to multiple eComics * CHANGE: Changed the rar code * CHANGE: Wheel page transition delay is now time based (1 second) * CHANGE: Cursor keys also have a page transition delay * CHANGE: Added tooltips to trackbars in Preferences Dialog * CHANGE: Moved Workspaces Menu entry * CHANGE: Cleaned up Toolbar * CHANGE: New Folder, New List and New Smart List commands are now Dialog based * BUGFIX: Using "Open in new Window" in the File Browser did open two windows * BUGFIX: Minimize to Notification Area did not remember maximized state * BUGFIX: Not drawn '&' in tree node names * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong culture on background threads Build 0.9.53: * NEW: Optional delay before browsing to the next page when using the mousewheel * NEW: New fitting mode "Best Fit" * NEW: Automatic Background color option * NEW: If there's a problem with the database, ComicRack tries to restore a previous version. If this fails, it creates a new one. * CHANGE: Saving eComics did save the "Crumbled Paper" page on error conditions instead of erroring out * CHANGE: Changed "System Tray" to "Notification Area" * BUGFIX: Missing initial filling of folder eComic list if sidebar was hidden * BUGFIX: Folder Favorites item was not drawn till thumbnail was created * BUGFIX: Paths in Favorite items where cut at the end (instead of ellipsis) * BUGFIX: Fixed incompatibility issue with Windows 2000 * BUGFIX: Could drag&drop library nodes into itself (crash) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible bug when closing editors * BUGFIX: ComicRack does now get over a corrupt Database at startup Build 0.9.52: * NEW: Added "Manga Style" setting to Multiple Comics Dialog * CHANGE: Speedup of cache initialization and hit/update logic * CHANGE: Redesign of Multiple Comics Dialog * CHANGE: Library consolidation is only done every 50th startup * CHANGE: Moved Favorites functionality into the Folder browser * CHANGE: Separate background queues for slow thumbnails (have to be created) and fast thumbnails (already in disk cache). This means, that new thumbnail creation does no longer block loading of already cached thumbnails. Build 0.9.51: * NEW: Key assignable exit command for the reader (default is Q) * NEW: "Mark as deleted" command in the pages browser * CHANGE: Save Workspace now supports selecting an existing Workspace to update * CHANGE: Pressing [x] in Quicksearch sets the input focus to the Quicksearch textbox * CHANGE: "Include Subfolder" settings are stored * CHANGE: Current selected Browser is stored (Library, Folders, Favs, Pages) * CHANGE: Separate on/off switches for current page and visible page part overlays * CHANGE: Next open restores all open tabs (and not only last file) * CHANGE: Cache is always trimmed and not only on shutdown * CHANGE: All lists (and not only the library) get refreshed when the library changes * CHANGE: Writing meta info to comic files does no longer change the modified time * CHANGE: Scanning also hashes all files not previously hashed * BUGFIX: Fixed failed restore of docking state * BUGFIX: No favorites item was initially selected (empty view) * BUGFIX: Newly added items where initially added with an "Added" value of "Never" to the list * BUGFIX: When directly starting a second instance, the restored old one tried to open a null file * BUGFIX: "Track moved files" for scanning was broken * BUGFIX: Hash algorithm for files was broken (switched over to SHA1 now) * BUGFIX: Crashing bug when dropping a library folder in itself * BUGFIX: Drawing bug when a dragover item also was selected * BUGFIX: Correct handling of deleting/removing eComics from the library when they are still in use * BUGFIX: Paging Arrows where shown even when no eComic was open * BUGFIX: Ghostscript resolution was not clamped on the upside Build 0.9.50: * BUGFIX: Forgot some keyboard shortcuts in context menus and bars Build 0.9.49: * NEW: Workspace management * NEW: Export current page image to various formats * NEW: Option to autohide Magnifier when mouse is near border (default is on) * CHANGE: Sort folders in folder view * CHANGE: ZIP provider buffer size to 128KB * CHANGE: Lock toolbar now also locks the open files tab * CHANGE: Added keyboard shortcuts for the open files * CHANGE: Changing the Browser tab will correctly set the focus to the list * CHANGE: reassignment of all the general key shortcuts to avoid 3-key combinations * CHANGE: Open Previous/Next eComic from list now compensates for reverse sorting order * BUGFIX: Blurred drawing of still loading pages broken (introduced in 0.9.48) * BUGFIX: Wrong remove dialog in the main library list (introduced in 0.9.48) * BUGFIX: When closing Browser, focus was not moved to the Reader * BUGFIX: The "Show..." commands in "Browse" could brake the GUI (nobody using them?) * BUGFIX: Viewer kept focus even when browser docking was "Fill" Build 0.9.48: * CHANGE: Added "ScriptPath" global variable for Python scripts * CHANGE: Reduced Page arrow sizes to 60% * CHANGE: Whenever a new eComic is opened, the reader gets the focus (enabling up, down etc.) * CHANGE: Showing the Browser does not set the input focus to it anymore * CHANGE: Moved loading pages/thumbnails indicator into the statusbar * BUGFIX: Fixed closing open Stack when exiting ComicRack * BUGFIX: Switched RAR to single threading - seems to fix memory curruption problem * BUGFIX: Fixed invalid index in reader if image provider failed (0 pages situation) * BUGFIX: Fixed index out of range in tab management * BUGFIX: Fixed "Image in use" of the tab bar * BUGFIX: Removed animating "Gear wheel" to remove other 2nd "Image in use" bug * BUGFIX: Fixed skewed thumbnails in the Remove Question Dialog * BUGFIX: Comics where not removed from the displayed Smart List when deleted Build 0.9.47: * BUGFIX: Fixed possible missing Cover Background for the Pages Browser (introduced in 0.9.46) * BUGFIX: Cover creation in pages view could lead to the "crumbled paper" page * BUGFIX: Global color adjustments where only set to the open Tab * BUGFIX: Possible deadlock when changing book in viewer * BUGFIX: Possible trash of cache item even when still in use (remote reading bug) * BUGFIX: Main Window positions where only stored on resize and not on move * BUGFIX: Possible deadlock after "Reset Pages" in Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Possible wrong page thumbnail size after "Reset Pages" in Comic Book Dialog * BUGFIX: Small changes and fixes in Pages Context Menu Build 0.9.46: * NEW: Tab support for Reader (multiple eComics open at the same time) * NEW: Support for One Shots. Just enter "-" as the Number * NEW: Library Browser remembers last selected list or folder * CHANGE: Relayout of the main interface * CHANGE: Removed the overlap option for the browser * CHANGE: Some performance improvements for the page creation with ghostscript * CHANGE: Display of "Unknown Size" instead of "Size: 0 Bytes" if page size is unknown * CHANGE: Added Top/Bottom Buttons and auto repeat functionality to Up/Down Buttons to Page Editor * CHANGE: New default color theme * CHANGE: "Use System Colors" in Preferences to switch back to system themes (blues, green, sliver) * CHANGE: Some general redesign of the Preferences Dialog * CHANGE: Again redesign of Comic Book Dialog * CHANGE: "Opaque" to "Opacity" in Magnifier Setup * CHANGE: Removed "Copy" from the main Edit Menu as this is no universal command * CHANGE: Better page/image mapping validation on load * CHANGE: Secondary windows also minimize the main window * CHANGE: Reader now initially defaults to fit width * CHANGE: Removed the Comic Info Overlay in the Reader * CHANGE: Added Reset Button to color controls in Preferences (removed in 0.9.26) * BUGFIX: Fixed restoring current instance from system tray when ComicRack is started again * BUGFIX: Navigation Bar was partially hidden by new splitters in some cases * BUGFIX: Crash when switching from XP/Vista mode to Classic while running * BUGFIX: Fixed ugly icons in keyboard editor on XP * BUGFIX: Renamed "View" to "Views" in Page Viewer * BUGFIX: Displayed length of entries in the Search Browser was too short * BUGFIX: Main/Context Rating Menu for the current comic did not work * BUGFIX: Toolbar/Menu commands Rating/Show info only worked with the eComic in the Reader * BUGFIX: Forgot to remove "Increase Width" from the Display menu (introduced in 0.9.43) * BUGFIX: Comic Book Dialog Enter/Esc did not work for OK/Cancel * BUGFIX: Wrong shortcut "Ctrl-I" on page context menu in Page Browser * BUGFIX: Page Type Menu in Page Browser was broken when multiple pages where selected * BUGFIX: Main Menu command "Refresh" did not work in Page Browser * BUGFIX: 100% processor usage bug in background processing (in some special cases) * BUGFIX: Could not get pages from remote server in seldom cases (multithreading issue) * BUGFIX: Trackbar could crash with zero devision bug * BUGFIX: Finally fixed the changing size bug when switching from "Loading Thumbnail..." to real thumbnail * BUGFIX: Fixed overlapping text in tile renderer * BUGFIX: Wrong handling of reader keybordshortcuts if additional modifier was pressed (shift, ctrl etc.) * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong focus problem after application start * BUGFIX: Fixed Internet links in the help menu to also work with Internet explorer * BUGFIX: Fixed long stalls when connection to remote server is broken Build 0.9.45: * NEW: Option to put ComicRack into the System Tray when closing with the [X] button * NEW: Built optional Ghostscript support into the PDF parser. This should enable ComicRack to read all PDF files out there, if Ghostscript is installed on the system (this means also eBook reading :)) * CHANGE: Small redesign of Magnifier setup * CHANGE: General change of the splitter architecture. Splitters are now always visible. One click expands/collapses the panel. * CHANGE: Added tray context menu and changed open to a double click * BUGFIX: Fixed non square magnifier on rotated pages * BUGFIX: Comic Info Overlays displayed page information instead of comic information (introduces in 0.9.44) * BUGFIX: Fixed taskbar status when starting minimized and "Minimize to System Tray" is turned on Build 0.9.44: * CHANGE: Merged Color Adjustment/Pages Tab in the Comic Dialog * CHANGE: Comic Dialog now reads thumbnails in the background (no more hangs when using over slow network) * CHANGE: Remove dialogs only use cached thumbnails (no more hangs when using over slow network) * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong ghosting color for textboxes * BUGFIX: Fixed missing background thumbnail processing if one thumbnail was used multipe times * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong icon in secondary browser windows (was still the old RC icon) * BUGFIX: ComicRack should now properly run on x64 systems Build 0.9.43: * NEW: Language Property for eComics * NEW: Detailed Magnifier Control (width, height, opaque, zoom) * CHANGE: Much better multi resolution handling for thumbnails * CHANGE: Added "Unspecified" entries to the Search Browser * CHANGE: Added "Imprint" to Search Browser * CHANGE: Dropdowns in Comic Dialogs are now sized appropriately * BUGFIX: Fixed Double Click on Browser Arrows in the Reader * BUGFIX: Changed tooltip texts for browser buttons * BUGFIX: Fixed stack close button for long stack names * BUGFIX: Fixed eaten click in Magnifier * BUGFIX: Browser arrows in preview * BUGFIX: When preview was in zoom mode next/previous button actually did part navigation Build 0.9.42: * NEW: Proper File Open/Save Dialogs in Vista * NEW: Proper Folder Browser Dialogs in Vista * NEW: Vista Dialogs have links to Library/Favorites * NEW: Dynamic paging arrows in the reader (move mouse to middle of left/right border) * CHANGE: Renamed the format names in file save/close * CHANGE: Magnifier is now fully opaque * CHANGE: Adapted navigation icons to new navigation overlay * CHANGE: Removed Animation option from Preferences * BUGFIX: Fixed "jumping cursor" in quick search * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong key name "Next" for "PageDown" in Keyboard preferences Build 0.9.41: * NEW: Option to enable/disable the navigation bar * BUGFIX: Final Fix for the auto hiding of the navigation bar Build 0.9.40: * BUGFIX: Fixed tab sequence in page editor * BUGFIX: Fixed missing click positioning on the navigation bar * BUGFIX: Fixed keyboard focus problem when navbar auto hides Build 0.9.39: * NEW: Full resolution Thumbnails (better looking and better performance) * NEW: Very basic page editor in Comic Book dialog with option to reset page sequence * NEW: Navigation Bar for all pages at bottom of reader (shows when mouse it moved to bottom) * CHANGE: Renamed "Sync Browser" to "Show in Browser" * CHANGE: "Show in Browser" shows the browser if currently hidden * CHANGE: Finally fixed the ugly resize flickering of the library/files treeview * BUGFIX: Fixed mouse selection performance problem introduced with stacking (0.9.38) * BUGFIX: Fixed changing of viewmode when selecting Read/Unread etc in view menu (introduced in 0.9.28) * BUGFIX: Fixed shadow border for browsers Build 0.9.38: * NEW: Stacking of eComic Thumbnails in the list * NEW: Sync Browser Command * NEW: Positional drag&drop in smartlist tree (allows to change order) * CHANGE: Multiple Comics Editor has count in the caption * CHANGE: Changed the order of the Group/Arrange buttons in the listbar * BUGFIX: Page Type Menu was available in reader/page list even if eComic was remote * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong font in library tabs Build 0.9.37: * NEW: Page Type selector in the Reader Context Menu * CHANGE: Title now sorts by Title/Volume/Number * BUGFIX: Side Pane view state was not stored * BUGFIX: Severe bug in how reordered/deleted pages where NOT handles during convert * BUGFIX: Broke "Open last page" in 0.9.36 * BUGFIX: Various bugs in exporters * BUGFIX: Broke direct navigation (double click) in Pages list if some pages where hidden in 0.9.36 Build 0.9.36: * NEW: Added statusbar animation for background file updates * NEW: Added check if some background tasks are still running when closing ComicRack * NEW: Added position marker when manually reordering a list with drag&drop (sort by position, grouping turned off) * NEW: Reordering of pages * NEW: Page Filter is now also used in the Reader (allowes to hide curtain types of pages) * NEW: Batch conversion of eComics to CBZ/PDF format * CHANGE: Added a deleted flag to pages * CHANGE: New statusbar animation while scanning eComics * CHANGE: Nicer cover images for the delete dialog * CHANGE: smaller line heights in detail mode * CHANGE: Column separators in detail mode * CHANGE: PDF/CBZ export does not export pages flagged as deleted * CHANGE: PDF/CBZ export does honor page reordering * CHANGE: New overlay image for missing/deleted pages * BUGFIX: Volume Group Headers where off by 1 * BUGFIX: Fixed column autosize for Rating and State * BUGFIX: When grouped, last items in list where out of scrolling range (introduced in 0.9.34) * BUGFIX: Adding eComics to the Library did not read the Page count (introduced in 0.9.34) * BUGFIX: Ctrl+Wheel did not work in Page List * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong vertical scrollbar in lists * BUGFIX: Remove files did not work as expected in the files list * BUGFIX: Fixed locking of eComic files in some special cases Build 0.9.35: * NEW: Ctrl+Mouse Wheel sizes items in list * CHANGE: Moved Penciller & Imprint to second page of Comic Dialog * BUGFIX: Drawing of rating stars in detail mode fixed * BUGFIX: Stupid crashing bug in small preview because of "gearwheel" fix (introduced in 0.9.34) Build 0.9.34: * NEW: Rating Context menus now with stars (pretty) * NEW: Text messages of progress during startup * NEW: Genre Combo Box with "real" separators * NEW: "Hot" effect for column headers * NEW: Display of eComic state ("Missing File" for now) in own column and overlay * NEW: Blur effect for non ready pages in the reader * CHANGE: Rewrote the file meta info storage * CHANGE: Removed rounded edges on toolbars * CHANGE: Rewrote shutdown process to support all circumstances (close, logoff, shutdown). ComicRack no longer blocks shutdown. * CHANGE: Deferred compilation of scripts to speed up startup * CHANGE: Better image and better scaling used for rating stars when drawing thumbnails * CHANGE: Recent file menu shows also disk cached covers (and not only in memory) * CHANGE: Again slight redesign of quicksearch box * CHANGE: Some eComic commands are now only visible if they are useful (e.g. "mark as read" for an eComic not in the library) * CHANGE: Gradient shadows for the covers/pages (easier on the eyes) * CHANGE: Nicer error page (not the red monster anymore :)) * CHANGE: Found a workaround for the "gearwheel" performance problem -> default is now animate * BUGFIX: Drawing of columns was not correct when horizontally scrolled * BUGFIX: Metadata was in some cases still written to eComic files even if turned off in advanced settings * BUGFIX: File explorer did not remember last folder * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong "Nothing Selected" text in Small Preview * BUGFIX: Small Preview still displayed unselected books * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong scaling in "Adjust Color" page preview * BUGFIX: Fixed part overlay was not updated if visible and new part count was 1 * BUGFIX: Fixed unneeded update of page after first OK in Prefrences dialog Build 0.9.33: * CHANGE: ComicRack now prohibits the system to shutdown while running. This solves a lot of the problems of lost configuration settings (view settings, list settings etc.) Build 0.9.32: * CHANGE: List optimizations * BUGFIX: Even when Text was turned off for thumbnails, a small selection was drawn * BUGFIX: Wrong tooltip for the Fill button of the browser * BUGFIX: Column Autosize in Pages List was broken * BUGFIX: Layout changes where not saved anymore (introduces in 0.9.29) Build 0.9.31: * NEW: Fade in of thumbnails * CHANGE: With all the new visual stuff for thumbnails (fade in, page curl, peek into inside of comics) I came to the conclusion that the performance hit of 512 pixel thumbnails is just too big. Switched back to 256 pixels. Build 0.9.30: * NEW: Background saving of changed data * BUGFIX: Fixed crossthread bug in combination with the optional python script console * BUGFIX: Fixed gray lines in quicksearch textbox Build 0.9.29: * NEW: Full Browser mode (totally hidden reader) * NEW: Optional automatic open of previous/next comic when reaching beginning/end while reading * NEW: Grouping by Year * NEW: Mouse Buttons Left, 4 and 5 are now assignable in the reader * CHANGE: View button text is static now * CHANGE: Nicer looking quicksearch * CHANGE: Show Browser Menu/Popup command * BUGFIX: Some parts of the Comic Book Dialog where enabled even when remote * BUGFIX: Wrong icon for Show Previous Comic in Keyboard shortcut editor * BUGFIX: Finally fixed the data loss when ComicRack was forced to close with a shutdown or logoff Build 0.9.28: * NEW: Tags property for eComics * NEW: Imprint property for eComics * NEW: Added Script output window (display with -showscriptconsole or -scc command line switch) * NEW: Disabling of script compilations (-disablescriptoptimization or -dso command line switch) This allows to dynamically edit scripts while comicrack is running * NEW: Script settings in preferences (enable/disable, library paths) * NEW: User definable keyboard shortcuts for the reader * NEW: Auto Fit all columns command * CHANGE: New layout of commands in Main Menu * CHANGE: New layout for Comic Properties Dialog * CHANGE: Converted Autonumber Wizard & Commit Proposed to scripts * CHANGE: Textfields will use the proposed (gray) values as initial text to edit * CHANGE: Better mouse selection in the browsers (no "empty space" selection anymore) * CHANGE: Made cursor & wheel scrolling more usable (speed and accuracy) * CHANGE: Some keyboard shortcuts * CHANGE: Moved Unread/read/reading filter into the view menu of the browser * CHANGE: Combined all the quicksearch stuff into one control * CHANGE: Removed the list options button from the browser toolbar * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong hiding of cursor (introduced in 0.9.27) * BUGFIX: If last opened comicbook was deleted, it was re-added to the library during next start Build 0.9.27: * NEW: Drag & Drop of books directly into explorer (desktop etc.) to copy files * NEW: Basic Python Scripting engine * BUGFIX: Fixed fullscreen on vista (cursor and slow switching) * BUGFIX: Inkers where only stored in the database and not in xml files or comic files. Build 0.9.26: * NEW: Separated high quality setting for thumbnail/page display, because High quality can have a severe performance impact on drawing the thumbnail list (but it is still nice to display pages in the reader in high quality) * NEW: "Browse Comic" command to quickly switch the comic browser to values of the selected comics * CHANGE: Removed Reset button for color adjustments in Preferenced Dialog. You now can reset the values with a doubleclick on the slider. * CHANGE: Last Opened file is now a user setting. So remote readers do not change the this anymore. * CHANGE: New default definitions for Read/Reading/Not Read smartlists (now working with %) * BUGFIX: Fixed installer to include the proper config file (not App.Config but ComicRack.exe.config) * BUGFIX: Fixed some multithreading issues * BUGFIX: Fixed Drag cursor for lists * BUGFIX: Library was not saved when ComicRack was forced to exit during computer shutdown / logoff * BUGFIX: Wrong size of "Loading thumbnail..." thumbnail in some cases Build 0.9.25: * NEW: App.config file with UseLocalSettings switch. Setting this to true will store all settings in the application\Data folder and make the application portable (USB stick etc.) * CHANGE: Server does not send error image anymore * BUGFIX: Thumbnail page curl did not uncover current page, but last page read * BUGFIX: Fixed "Mark As Read". Wonder if I get this command ever right (see .24, .11) * BUGFIX: ComicRack crashed when no eComic Folder in Preferences/Library was defined and a click into the list happened. Build 0.9.24: * NEW: Added Manga Style property to comics for flipped two page display (manga reading mode) * CHANGE: Single click list checkboxes * CHANGE: Sorting by year now also sorts by series if year/month same * CHANGE: New maximum Thumbnail image size is 512 (small performance hit, but nice anyways :)) * CHANGE: Cover Thumbnails now honor the high quality settings * CHANGE: Moved Hide sidebar into the main menu and changed the keyboard shortcuts * BUGFIX: Mark as read did only work with not read comics * BUGFIX: Removed invalid shortcut Ctrl-I from "Invert selection" command Build 0.9.23: * NEW: Added cover images to the delete dialog boxes * NEW: Page forward in Two Page display mode advances two pages * CHANGE: Changed the icon for ComicRack (was about time) * CHANGE: page curl effect uncovers the current read page in the comic * BUGFIX: color names did not include needed spaces (wherever colors are to choose) Build 0.9.22: * NEW: Global filter for image keys never to use as cover thumbnail * NEW: Added Read/Unread/Reading filter to quicksearch dropdown * CHANGE: Restructured the Advanced Preferences Tab to make space for new settings * CHANGE: Moved image caches to local non roaming profile (better for corporate environments) * BUGFIX: Fixed possible deadlock in cache/drawing * BUGFIX: Fixed link to website in start menu * BUGFIX: Fixed installer for Vista * BUGFIX: Fixed performance for thumbnail mode list resizes * BUGFIX: Fixed Alternate Series in Search Browser * BUGFIX: Wrong second (uncovered) page displayed in lists in rare situations * BUGFIX: Open previous comic from list did not work in reader Build 0.9.21: * BUGFIX: Fixed sorting on column header clicks * BUGFIX: Fixed hilite/selected state for non cover thumbnail items * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong text color for selected favorites folder items * BUGFIX: Fixed vista/xp shell32 incompatibility Build 0.9.20: * NEW: Added startup progress indicator to the splash screen * NEW: Count of group items displayed in group headers * NEW: Text for thumbnails is now selectable * NEW: Library tree remembers collapsed/expanded states * NEW: Page Curl effect for thumbnail/tiles * CHANGE: Tile Background less transparent * CHANGE: More fluent initial window display * CHANGE: Better guessing of non loaded thumbnail sizes (less flicker and movement) * CHANGE: List selection code optimizations (less redrawing, faster) * CHANGE: Switched list fonts to default icon fonts of os (looks better on vista) * CHANGE: Smaller/nicer sort arrows in column headers * BUGFIX: Default List "Recently Added" was incorrectly named "Recently AddedTime" on inital install * BUGFIX: Fixed slow preview in Comic Book Dialog introduced with the full page change in 0.9.18 * BUGFIX: Fixed some cbr/rar issues on Vista (and maybe XP) * BUGFIX: Hack for correct drawing of browser tabs on vista * BUGFIX: correct IPv6 handling in Vista for server code * BUGFIX: Fixed handling of incorrect windows explorer objects (e.g. Nokia Phone Browser) * BUGFIX: Fixed vertial scrolling during column resize or header dragging * BUGFIX: Fixed incorrect restoring of panel sizes on startup * BUGFIX: Thumbnails in lists did not honor the high quality setting Build 0.9.19: * NEW: Command to hide/show the Sidebar in Library/Explorer/Favorites * NEW: Hot tracking effect in browsers * CHANGE: Switched Number & Alternate Number to Text (allowing now 0.5, 12a etc) * CHANGE: Comic Book Dialog remembers last active tab * CHANGE: Added Cancel button to Progress Dialog when getting big file lists in explorer * CHANGE: Keyboard shortcuts for switching list modes * CHANGE: Removed Searchbar and moved the items into a dropdown menu * CHANGE: Some changes in how thumbnails & tiles look (I hope for the better :)) * BUGFIX: Proposed Textbox background incorrectly displayed & as _ * BUGFIX: Preferences Dialog now correctly accepts Enter/Escape for OK/Cancel * BUGFIX: Month, Alternate Count, Alternate Series and Alternate Number was not editable in the details mode (long click edit) Build 0.9.18: * NEW: Scroll mode now automatically switches to next/previous page * CHANGE: Better Page Type Context Menus & Filter Drop Down in Pages Browser * CHANGE: Extended List Options Dialog with some new options * CHANGE: Better handling of quick search with big lists * CHANGE: Comic Book Dialog now always uses the full scale page image in the color settings Build 0.9.17: * BUGFIX: Crashing bug when clicking on a non valid folder in explorer view (e.g. My Computer) * BUGFIX: Killed scrolling in image preview for color adjustment preview in version 0.9.16 * BUGFIX: Fixed multi-selection with keyboard-only in comics lists * BUGFIX: 0.9.15 optimizations actually broke writing info back to eComics - that's what i call optimizations... Build 0.9.16: * NEW: Global Color Adjustment Settings * NEW: Auto Contrast option * NEW: Apply Button in Preferences * NEW: "Next/Previous from List" commands added to Viewer Context Menu * CHANGE: Default key shortcuts for messageboxes with checkboxes (press Alt to see the shortcut) * CHANGE: Small close button for comic preview * BUGFIX: Show View commands always toggled browser visibility (now only if selected view already visible) * BUGFIX: Fixed the pixel bug on the left side of the first entry in the comic list * BUGFIX: Bad hash code for color adjustment values that could lead to wrong images loaded from cache Build 0.9.15: * CHANGE: Optmizations when displaying folders with eComics which are not in the Library * CHANGE: Update to unrar.dll 3.70 - seems this fixes some problems * CHANGE: ComicInfo.xml in cbr/cbz files is now only read when the eComic is opened for reading or added to the database * CHANGE: Folder/File list in file browser is now built on first selection and not on application start * CHANGE: Embedded information in eComics only updated when the information really changes * CHANGE: Less foreground updates during scanning * BUGFIX: Image sizes where not displayed correctly for files not in the database * BUGFIX: Library entry could be removed in the Library Browser Build 0.9.14: * NEW: Search Browser has now selectable columns (Genre, Year, Penciller etc) * NEW: Magnifier Tool * NEW: Default Genre list taken from Genre.txt * CHANGE: Small changes in News Reader Dialog * CHANGE: Faster disk cache initialization on startup * CHANGE: Mousewheel has same behavior as up/down keys * CHANGE: Column headers have now the same alignment as the column * BUGFIX: Fixed missing image size in page display for PDF files * BUGFIX: Fixed shortcut for full screen command * BUGFIX: Selection bug in Search Browser * BUGFIX: Search Browser was empty when initially visible * BUGFIX: Shutdown exception till the first time a folder in Eplorer View got selected. This basically lead to not being able to store some preferences * BUGFIX: Network sharing had problems with multiple nics in the server * BUGFIX: Fixed Font bug in textboxes Build 0.9.13: * NEW: Added option to disable writing embedded meta info to eComic files. * NEW: News Reader for ComicRack news * NEW: Hitting space advances to next page * NEW: Alternate keyboard mode where cursor keys scroll instead of display the next/previous part * CHANGE: Meta Info from eComics is only read when adding to library or opening an edit dialog This should also lead to faster startup times * CHANGE: Embedded Meta Info is now written delayed in the background This speeds up changing info of large batches of files * CHANGE: Fixed unnecessary list updates when background scan added comics This greatly speeds up adding of lots of comics * CHANGE: Smoothed the stick scrolling * BUGFIX: Fixed wrong date grouping when ComicRack passed 00:00 Build 0.9.12: * NEW: Added a trackball like control to the lists for easier scrolling with pens * BUGFIX: Fixed crash when adding Favorites Folder containing no files Build 0.9.11: * NEW: Added "Change" button to the library folders in preferences * NEW: Added "Read Percentage" to the Smart List fields * NEW: Min/Max state of reader is correctly saved/restored * NEW: Storing list setups for remote libraries * NEW: Added "Include Subfolders" option to File/Favorites browser * CHANGE: New Align Images * CHANGE: Moved docking commands into the browser caption * CHANGE: Speedup in resizing cover thumbnails * BUGFIX: Fixed some sizing bugs when docking and/or resizing browser * BUGFIX: "Mark Page Read" correctly sets the last read page * BUGFIX: Fixed some navigation/part bugs Build 0.9.10: * NEW: Added Month to meta data * NEW: Added "Full Screen" Button to the toolbar * NEW: Browser can now be docked left/right/bottom * NEW: Option to close browser when opening a new eComic * CHANGE: Switched over to unrar.dll - maybe this fixed some cbr issues * CHANGE: Removed non working Library Folder from Preferences Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed background scan crash with non existing paths * BUGFIX: Fixed writing of meta comic information to files Build 0.9.9: * BUGFIX: Fixed Socket error on computers not connected to a network * BUGFIX: Fixed Enter/Escape for Ok/Cancel in Preferences Dialog * BUGFIX: Fixed All/Any selection in Smart List Editor * BUGFIX: ComicRack was not restored from tray if a second instance was started Build 0.9.8: * NEW: Optional minimizing to system tray * CHANGE: Changed the shared image transfer to a zip based data protocol (some speedup on slow networks) * BUGFIX: Fixed scan on startup option * BUGFIX: Fixed multithreading scanning & update bugs * BUGFIX: Fixed update of small preview when shown * BUGFIX: Fixed shell icons retrieval in Folder View * BUGFIX: Fixed some multithreading and priority issues on single processor machines * BUGFIX: Fixed server not reacting to client broadcasts Build 0.9.7: * NEW: Match All/Any for smart lists * NEW: Added password to sharing * NEW: ComicRack can now open comics even if they have the wrong extension (cbr/cbz comes to mind) * NEW: Drawing horizontal bookmarks in detail mode * NEW: Additional view modes and information for the pages browser * NEW: It is now possible to tag page images based on content (Cover, Letters, Story etc.) * CHANGE: Reduced the scrolling speed of the mouse wheel * BUGFIX: Forgot to add matchers for the alternate properties * BUGFIX: Fixed Program/Document icons for XP * BUGFIX: Fixed some drawing glitches in the user interface Build 0.9.6: * NEW: Sharing of Comic Library in the local network * NEW: Alternate Series, Alternate Number, Alternate Count meta data for comics * CHANGE: Grouping and sorting now tries to work with more tolerance (ignoring articles, typos, spaces etc) * CHANGE: Finer granularity in date groupings * CHANGE: Some labels in the GUI * BUGFIX: Cursor also hidden in non fullscreen * BUGFIX: Dismissing the page context menu does not open the GUI anymore (fix of bug reintroduced in 0.9.5) * BUGFIX: All open windows from the file browser showed the same content * BUGFIX: Duplicate Title in comic info drawing (Tile Mode, Comics Dialog) Build 0.9.5: * NEW: Search Bar * NEW: Small eComic Preview during browsing * NEW: Opening of lists as separate windows * CHANGE: Medium scale rewrite of the User Interface * CHANGE: Dynamic zooming in all display modes * BUGFIX: Crash when selecting Transparent as the background color for the display Build 0.9.4: * NEW: Panning of pages with the mouse in zoom modes (hold & drag) * NEW: Publisher entry for smart lists * NEW: Size column and grouping for the lists * NEW: Added command to open next/previous item from current list * CHANGE: Page Up/Down changes to next/previous page regardless of zoom mode * CHANGE: Dismissing the page context menu does not open the GUI anymore * BUGFIX: Part navigation roll over on last page fixed * BUGFIX: Redraw bug of the main splitter Build 0.9.3: * NEW: New Memory Cache-Manager for thumbnails and images with precaching (improves speed and memory usage) * NEW: Error Page if page image could not be loaded * NEW: New Animation Switch in Preferences The moving little gearwheels can have a serious performance impact on broken graphics drivers. That's why this defaults to off. * NEW: Color Schemas for overlays * CHANGE: Update to unrar 3.60 dll - hope this fixes some ugly bugs * CHANGE: New format for the Disk-Cache (not compatible with pre 0.9.3) You should manually delete the old cache folder 'C:\Document Settings\<User>\Application Data\cYo\ComicRack\Cache' * CHANGE: Moved the overlays to new default locations * BUGFIX: Unregister of File-Types did not work * BUGFIX: Color adjustment was always calculated, even if not needed * BUGFIX: Comics not updated correctly in browser * BUGFIX: Comic Information was written to eComics even when no information has changed * BUGFIX: Comic Information was not correctly imported into the database * BUGFIX: Fixed Selection drawing bug Build 0.9.2: * NEW: Added "Move To Last Page Read" Command * NEW: Added true positional drag & drop in lists * NEW: Added Page Up/Down for browsing * NEW: Support for reading ComicInfo.xml in archives * NEW: Two menu entries for ComicRack Blog and User Forum * CHANGE: Default information file in eComics is now ComicInfo.xml (without any path) * BUGFIX: Preliminary Fix for the "Black pages" bug * BUGFIX: Page Part Overlay not always shown when it should have (resize, zoom mode change) * BUGFIX: Switched back to 1.3 sharpPdf library as the 2.x beta broke the pdf export * BUGFIX: Wrong names for new lists/folders in the database view * BUGFIX: Incomplete serialization of the xml information * BUGFIX: Resize of the Database-Panel if main window is too small Build 0.9.1: * NEW: "All Supported Files" and "All Files" Filter to the Open Dialog * NEW: Display of proposed settings in background of textboxes in the Comic Dialog * NEW: Copy & Paste of view setup in database view * NEW: White Point Correction * NEW: Register Shell-Extensions in Preferences * NEW: Save as Zip Compressed Comic (CBZ) * NEW: View Options Dialog to provide an alternative way to turn on/off columns * NEW: Icon for Comics * CHANGE: Moved Database & Settings from "Application Data\cYo\ComicRack\Version" to "Application Data\cYo\ComicRack" * CHANGE: Sort order in Dialog Formats * CHANGE: Nice About Dialog fade * BUGFIX: Wrong Count in ComicBrowser (Genre, Author, Series) * BUGFIX: Range Editor in Smart Lists did not work * BUGFIX: Could not delete Folders in Database-Treeview * BUGFIX: Correct disable of group/arrange buttons in Pages View Build 0.9.0: * INITIAL RELEASE