#!/usr/bin/php ' [--composer=''] [--edition=''] [--repo=''] [--version=''] [--help] Required: --root='' Path to the Magento installation root directory Optional: --composer='' Path to the composer executable - Default: The composer found in the system PATH --edition='' Target Magento edition for the update. Open Source = 'community', Commerce = 'enterprise' - Default: The edition currently required in composer.json --repo='' The Magento repository url to use to pull the new packages - Default: The Magento repository configured in composer.json --version='' A composer version constraint for allowable 2.3 packages. Versions other than 2.3 are not handled by this script See https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/versions.md#writing-version-constraints for more information. - Default: The latest 2.3 version available in the Magento repository --help Display this message SYNOPSIS ); $opts = getopt('', [ 'root:', 'composer:', 'edition:', 'repo:', 'version:', 'help' ]); // Log levels available for use with output() function define('INFO', 0); define('WARN', 1); define('ERROR', 2); if (isset($opts['help'])) { output(SYNOPSIS); exit(0); } try { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '<') || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '>=')) { preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/',PHP_VERSION, $matches); $phpVersion = $matches[0]; throw new Exception("Invalid PHP version '$phpVersion'. Magento 2.3 requires PHP 7.1 or 7.2"); } /**** Populate and Validate Settings ****/ if (empty($opts['root']) || !is_dir($opts['root'])) { throw new BadMethodCallException('Existing Magento root directory must be supplied with --root'); } $rootDir = $opts['root']; $composerFile = "$rootDir/composer.json"; if (!file_exists($composerFile)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Supplied Magento root directory '$rootDir' does not contain composer.json"); } $composerData = json_decode(file_get_contents($composerFile), true); $metapackageMatcher = '/^magento\/product\-(?community|enterprise)\-edition$/'; foreach (array_keys($composerData['require']) as $requiredPackage) { if (preg_match($metapackageMatcher, $requiredPackage, $matches)) { $edition = $matches['edition']; break; } } if (empty($edition)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No Magento metapackage found in $composerFile"); } // Override composer.json edition if one is passed to the script if (!empty($opts['edition'])) { $edition = $opts['edition']; } $edition = strtolower($edition); if ($edition !== 'community' && $edition !== 'enterprise') { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Only 'community' and 'enterprise' editions allowed; '$edition' given"); } $composerExec = (!empty($opts['composer']) ? $opts['composer'] : 'composer'); if (basename($composerExec, '.phar') != 'composer') { throw new InvalidArgumentException("'$composerExec' is not a composer executable"); } // Use 'command -v' to check if composer is executable exec("command -v $composerExec", $out, $composerFailed); if ($composerFailed) { if ($composerExec == 'composer') { $message = 'Composer executable is not available in the system PATH'; } else { $message = "Invalid composer executable '$composerExec'"; } throw new InvalidArgumentException($message); } // The composer command uses the Magento root as the working directory so this script can be run from anywhere $composerExec = "$composerExec --working-dir='$rootDir'"; // Set the version constraint to any 2.3 package if not specified $constraint = !empty($opts['version']) ? $opts['version'] : '2.3.*'; // Composer package names $project = "magento/project-$edition-edition"; $metapackage = "magento/product-$edition-edition"; // Get the list of potential Magento repositories to search for the update package $mageUrls = []; $authFailed = []; if (!empty($opts['repo'])) { $mageUrls[] = $opts['repo']; } else { foreach ($composerData['repositories'] as $label => $repo) { if (is_string($label) && strpos(strtolower($label), 'mage') !== false || strpos($repo['url'], '.mage') !== false) { $mageUrls[] = $repo['url']; } } if (count($mageUrls) == 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No Magento repository urls found in composer.json'); } } $tempDir = findUnusedFilename($rootDir, 'temp_project'); $projectConstraint = "$project='$constraint'"; $version = null; $description = null; output("**** Searching for a matching version of $project ****"); // Try to retrieve a 2.3 package from each Magento repository until one is found foreach ($mageUrls as $repoUrl) { try { output("\\nChecking $repoUrl"); deleteFilepath($tempDir); runComposer("create-project --repository=$repoUrl $projectConstraint $tempDir --no-install"); // Make sure the downloaded package is 2.3 $newComposer = json_decode(file_get_contents("$tempDir/composer.json"), true); $version = $newComposer['version']; $description = $newComposer['description']; if (strpos($version, '2.3.') !== 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad 2.3 version constraint '$constraint'; version $version found"); } // If no errors occurred, set this as the correct repo, forget errors from previous repos, and move forward output("\\n**** Found compatible $project version: $version ****"); $repo = $repoUrl; unset($exception); break; } catch (Exception $e) { // If this repository doesn't have a valid package, save the error but continue checking any others output("Failed to find a valid 2.3 $project package on $repoUrl", WARN); $exception = $e; } } // If a valid project package hasn't been found, throw the last error if (isset($exception)) { throw $exception; } output("\\n**** Executing Updates ****"); $composerBackup = findUnusedFilename($rootDir, 'composer.json.bak'); output("\\nBacking up $composerFile to $composerBackup"); copy($composerFile, $composerBackup); // Add the repository to composer.json if needed without overwriting any existing ones $repoUrls = array_map(function ($r) { return $r['url']; }, $composerData['repositories']); if (!in_array($repo, $repoUrls)) { $repoLabels = array_map('strtolower',array_keys($composerData['repositories'])); $newLabel = 'magento'; if (in_array($newLabel, $repoLabels)) { $count = count($repoLabels); for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { if (!in_array("$newLabel-$i", $repoLabels)) { $newLabel = "$newLabel-$i"; break; } } } output("\\nAdding $repo to composer repositories under label '$newLabel'"); runComposer("config repositories.$newLabel composer $repo"); } output("\\nUpdating Magento metapackage requirement to $metapackage=$version"); if ($edition == 'enterprise') { // Community -> Enterprise upgrades need to remove the community edition metapackage runComposer('remove magento/product-community-edition --no-update'); output(''); } runComposer("require $metapackage=$version --no-update"); output('\nUpdating "require-dev" section of composer.json'); runComposer('require --dev ' . 'allure-framework/allure-phpunit:~1.2.0 ' . 'friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer:~2.14.0 ' . 'lusitanian/oauth:~0.8.10 ' . 'magento/magento-coding-standard:~3.0.0 ' . 'magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework:~2.4.3 ' . 'pdepend/pdepend:2.5.2 ' . 'phpmd/phpmd:@stable ' . 'phpunit/phpunit:~6.5.0 ' . 'sebastian/phpcpd:~3.0.0 ' . 'squizlabs/php_codesniffer:3.4.0 ' . '--sort-packages --no-update'); output(''); runComposer('remove --dev sjparkinson/static-review fabpot/php-cs-fixer --no-update'); output('\nAdding "Zend\\\\Mvc\\\\Controller\\\\": "setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/" to "autoload": "psr-4"'); $composerData['autoload']['psr-4']['Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\'] = 'setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/'; if (preg_match('/^magento\/project\-(community|enterprise)\-edition$/', $composerData['name'])) { output('\nUpdating project name, version, and description'); $composerData['name'] = $project; $composerData['version'] = $version; $composerData['description'] = $description; } file_put_contents($composerFile, json_encode($composerData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); // Update Magento/Updater if it's installed $updateDir = "$rootDir/update"; if (file_exists($updateDir)) { $updateBackup = findUnusedFilename($rootDir, 'update.bak'); output("\\nBacking up Magento/Updater directory $updateDir to $updateBackup"); rename($updateDir, $updateBackup); output('\nUpdating Magento/Updater'); rename("$tempDir/update", $updateDir); } // Remove temp project directory that was used for repo/version validation and new source for Magento/Updater deleteFilepath($tempDir); output("\\n**** Script Complete! $composerFile updated to Magento version $version ****"); if (count($authFailed) > 0) { output('Repository authentication failures occurred!', WARN); output(' * Failed authentication could result in incorrect package versions', WARN); output(' * To resolve, add credentials for the repositories to auth.json', WARN); output(' * URL(s) failing authentication: ' . join(', ', array_keys($authFailed)), WARN); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getPrevious()) { $e = $e->getPrevious(); } try { output($e->getMessage(), ERROR, get_class($e)); output('Script failed! See usage information with --help', ERROR); if (isset($composerBackup) && file_exists($composerBackup)) { output("Resetting $composerFile backup"); deleteFilepath($composerFile); rename($composerBackup, $composerFile); } if (isset($updateBackup) && file_exists($updateBackup)) { output("Resetting $updateDir backup"); deleteFilepath($updateDir); rename($updateBackup, $updateDir); } if (isset($tempDir) && file_exists($tempDir)) { output('Removing temporary project directory'); deleteFilepath($tempDir); } } catch (Exception $e2) { output($e2->getMessage(), ERROR, get_class($e2)); output('Backup restoration or directory cleanup failed', ERROR); } exit($e->getCode() == 0 ? 1 : $e->getCode()); } /** * Gets a variant of a filename that doesn't already exist so we don't overwrite anything * * @param string $dir * @param string $filename * @return string */ function findUnusedFilename($dir, $filename) { $unique = "$dir/$filename"; if (file_exists($unique)) { $unique = tempnam($dir, "$filename."); unlink($unique); } return $unique; } /** * Execute a composer command, reload $composerData afterwards, and check for repo authentication warnings * * @param string $command * @return array Command output split by lines * @throws RuntimeException */ function runComposer($command) { global $composerExec, $composerData, $composerFile, $authFailed; $command = "$composerExec $command --no-interaction"; output(" Running command:\\n $command"); exec("$command 2>&1", $lines, $exitCode); $output = ' ' . join('\n ', $lines); // Reload composer object from the updated composer.json $composerData = json_decode(file_get_contents($composerFile), true); if (0 !== $exitCode) { $output = "Error encountered running command:\\n $command\\n$output"; throw new RuntimeException($output, $exitCode); } output($output); if (strpos($output, 'URL required authentication.') !== false) { preg_match("/'(https?:\/\/)?(?[^\/']+)(\/[^']*)?' URL required authentication/", $output, $matches); $authUrl = $matches['url']; $authFailed[$authUrl] = 1; output("Repository authentication failed; make sure '$authUrl' exists in auth.json", WARN); } return $lines; } /** * Deletes a file or a directory and all its contents * * @param string $path * @throws Exception */ function deleteFilepath($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return; } if (is_dir($path)) { $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('..', '.')); foreach ($files as $file) { deleteFilepath("$path/$file"); } rmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } if (file_exists($path)) { throw new Exception("Failed to delete $path"); } } /** * Logs the given text with \n newline replacement and log level formatting * * @param string $string Text to log * @param int $level One of INFO, WARN, or ERROR * @param string $label Optional message label; defaults to WARNING for $level = WARN and ERROR for $level = ERROR */ function output($string, $level = INFO, $label = '') { $string = str_replace('\n', PHP_EOL, $string); if (!empty($label)) { $label = "$label: "; } else if ($level == WARN) { $label = 'WARNING: '; } else if ($level == ERROR) { $label = 'ERROR: '; } $string = "$label$string"; if ($level == WARN) { error_log($string); } elseif ($level == ERROR) { error_log(PHP_EOL . $string); } else { echo $string . PHP_EOL; } }