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[Full Wiki of ArtPlayer](https://github.com/maiwenchang/ArtPlayer/wiki) ### Features - Fullscreen,TinyWindow play - Support for playing in RecyclerView - Custom UI - Global playback in APP - Mute - Loop Playback - Gesture manipulation (small window: single finger drag, double finger zoom; full screen: volume, brightness, fast forward) - ijkPlayer support - ExoPlayer support - Gravity sensor support - Raw/Assets, and local playback support ### Getting started basic dependency ``` implementation 'org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-core:1.1.0' ``` using ExoPlayer ``` implementation "org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-exo:1.1.0" ``` using IjkPlayer ``` implementation 'org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-ijk:1.1.0' implementation "org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-armv7a:1.1.0" ``` support different cpu architecture ``` implementation "org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-armv5:1.1.0" implementation "org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-x86:1.1.0" //required minSdk version >= 21 implementation "org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-arm64:1.1.0" implementation "org.salient.artvideoplayer:artplayer-x86_64:1.1.0" ``` ### 使用方法 kotlin ``` kotlin import org.salient.artplayer.VideoView val videoView = VideoView(context) videoView.mediaPlayer = SystemMediaPlayer().apply{ setDataSource(context, Uri.parse("http://vfx.mtime.cn/Video/2018/07/06/mp4/180706094003288023.mp4")) } videoView.prepare() ``` xml ``` xml ``` `AndroidManifest.xml` ``` xml ``` Activity ``` kotlin // block the backpress event of the fullscreen playback override fun onBackPressed() { if (MediaPlayerManager.blockBackPress(this)) { return } super.onBackPressed() } ``` setup cover ``` java //If using the ControlPanel,we can get the ImageView of the cover by `findViewById()` method //of the ControlPanel which extends FrameLayout: Glide.with(context) .load("http://img5.mtime.cn/mg/2018/07/06/093947.51483272.jpg") .into(videoView.cover); ``` ### Support - Public technical discussion on github is preferred.[Technical problems](https://github.com/maiwenchang/ArtPlayer/issues) - [Wiki](https://github.com/maiwenchang/ArtPlayer/wiki) ### My Build Environment - Java 1.8 - Android Studio 3.6.0 - Gradle 5.6.4 - IjkPlayer 0.8.8 - ExoPlayer 2.11.3 ### Authors - [maiwenchang](https://github.com/maiwenchang) - [ironman6121](https://github.com/ironman6121) ### Contact - cv.stronger@gmail.com ### License ``` Copyright 2018 maiwenchang Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```