import noesis, rapi, json, io, os from inc_noesis import * from pprint import pprint def registerNoesisTypes(): handle = noesis.register("Marmoset View", ".mview") noesis.setHandlerTypeCheck(handle, checkType) noesis.setHandlerLoadModel(handle, loadModel) # noesis.logPopup() return 1 def checkType(data): return 1 def loadModel(data, mdlList): bs = NoeBitStream(data) files = extract(bs) meshes = [] texList = [] matList = [] # load the scene fscene = find(files["application/json"], "filename", "scene.json")["data"] scene = json.loads(fscene.decode("cp1252")) # load all the materials for mat in scene["materials"]: name = mat["name"] fdiffuse = mat["albedoTex"] diffuse = loadTex(files, fdiffuse) texList.append(diffuse) material = NoeMaterial(name, fdiffuse) if "normalTex" in mat: fnormal = mat["normalTex"] normal = loadTex(files, fnormal) texList.append(normal) material.setNormalTexture(fnormal) if "reflectivityTex" in mat: fspecular = mat["reflectivityTex"] specular = loadTex(files, fspecular) texList.append(specular) material.setSpecularTexture(fspecular) if "alphaTest" in mat: material.setAlphaTest(mat["alphaTest"]) matList.append(material) # load all the mesh for mesh in scene["meshes"]: name = mesh["name"] file = mesh["file"] indexCount = mesh["indexCount"] wireCount = mesh["wireCount"] vertexCount = mesh["vertexCount"] texCoord2 = 0 if "secondaryTexCoord" in mesh: texCoord2 = mesh["secondaryTexCoord"] vertexColor = 0 if "vertexColor" in mesh: vertexColor = mesh["vertexColor"] indexTypeSize = mesh["indexTypeSize"] stride = 32 if vertexColor > 0: stride = stride + 4 if texCoord2 > 0: stride = stride + 8 fdat = find(files["model/mset"], "filename", file)["data"] df = NoeBitStream(fdat) posList = [] uvsList = [] subMeshes = [] for i, subMesh in enumerate(mesh["subMeshes"]): material = subMesh["material"] indexCount2 = subMesh["indexCount"] wireIndexCount2 = subMesh["wireIndexCount"] idxList = [] for f in range(indexCount2): if indexTypeSize == 2: idxList.append(df.readUShort()) else: idxList.append(df.readUInt()) mesh = NoeMesh(idxList, posList) mesh.setName("%s_%d" % (name, i)) mesh.setMaterial(material) subMeshes.append(mesh) * indexTypeSize, 1) for v in range(vertexCount): posList.append(NoeVec3.fromBytes(df.readBytes(12))) uvsList.append(NoeVec3([df.readFloat(), -df.readFloat(), 0])) df.readBytes(stride - 20) for mesh in subMeshes: mesh.setPositions(posList) mesh.setUVs(uvsList) meshes.append(mesh) mdl = NoeModel(meshes) mdl.setModelMaterials(NoeModelMaterials(texList, matList)) mdlList.append(mdl) return 1 def extract(bs): files = {} files["image/derp"] = [] files["application/json"] = [] files["image/jpeg"] = [] files["image/png"] = [] files["model/mset"] = [] while not bs.checkEOF(): name = bs.readString() ftype = bs.readString() c = bs.readUInt() d = bs.readUInt() e = bs.readUInt() bin = bs.readBytes(d) if c & 1: bin = decompress(bin, e) files[ftype].append({ "filename": name, "data": bin }) return files def decompress(a, b): c = bytearray(b) d = 0 e = [0] * 4096 f = [0] * 4096 g = 256 h = len(a) k = 0 l = 1 m = 0 n = 1 c[d] = a[0] d += 1 r = 1 while True: n = r + (r >> 1) if (n + 1) >= h: break m = a[n + 1] n = a[n] p = (m << 4 | n >> 4) if r & 1 else ((m & 15) << 8 | n) if p < g: if 256 > p: m = d n = 1 c[d] = p d += 1 else: m = d n = f[p] p = e[p] q = p + n while p < q: c[d] = c[p] d += 1 p += 1 elif p == g: m = d n = l + 1 p = k q = k + l while p < q: c[d] = c[p] d += 1 p += 1 c[d] = c[k] d += 1 else: break e[g] = k f[g] = l + 1 g += 1 k = m l = n g = 256 if 4096 <= g else g r += 1 return c if d == b else None def find(lst, key, value): for i, dic in enumerate(lst): if dic[key] == value: return lst[i] return -1 def loadTex(files, fname): ftype = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] data = None if ftype == ".jpg": data = find(files["image/jpeg"], "filename", fname)["data"] if ftype == ".png": data = find(files["image/png"], "filename", fname)["data"] tex = rapi.loadTexByHandler(data, ftype) = fname return tex