<# .SYNOPSIS Script to setup Active Directory .DESCRIPTION This script is intended to set up a functioning AD forest with 1x root domain controller and one or more additional domain controllers The script uses - for now - a self-signed cert to encryot the password, the thumbprint of this should be supplied on the machine. .NOTES (Use the `Create-SelfSignedCert` function in the module to generate a cert if this is needed) .LINK https://codeandkeep.com/Dsc-Install-AD-Forest/ https://codeandkeep.com/Dsc-Encrypting-Credentials/ https://github.com/dsccommunity/ActiveDirectoryDsc/wiki/ADDomain https://github.com/dsccommunity/ActiveDirectoryDsc/wiki/WaitForADDomain https://github.com/dsccommunity/ActiveDirectoryDsc/wiki/ADOrganizationalUnit https://github.com/dsccommunity/NetworkingDsc https://github.com/dsccommunity/NetworkingDsc/wiki https://github.com/dsccommunity/NetworkingDsc/wiki/IPAddress https://github.com/dsccommunity/NetworkingDsc/wiki/DnsServerAddress .EXAMPLE # if (-not $cred){ # $cred = (Get-Credential -Message "Enter new domain's credential") # } # # install domain - using existing cert # & "\\tsclient\C\PROJECTS\dsc\SS.INFRA.DSC\NewAD\New-ADDSC.ps1"` # -domainCred $cred ` # -certThumbprint "67A454BF08E151ACB012108D2EC4094258A4F494" #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Store the current directory path #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] #$CurrentPath = (Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath), # Required modules #[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] #[String]$computerName = 'dc01' #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] #$modules = @{ # 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' = '6.4.0' # 'NetworkingDsc' = '9.0.0' # 'ComputerManagementDsc' = '9.1.0' #}, # If module installation is also needed #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] #$preReq, # DSC encryption certificate #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] #$certThumbprint, # Domain admin credential (the local admin credential will be set to this one!) #! user user@domain.com for the user #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [pscredential] #$domainCred, # The certificate file generated by 'Create-SelfSignedCert' #[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] #$certFilePath = 'C:\dsc\certificate\dscSelfSignedCertificate.cer' ) BEGIN { #region 1. DSC - Initialize Variables #region Initialize Variables - Missing Modules $modules = @{ 'PSDscResources' = '' 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' = '6.4.0' 'NetworkingDsc' = '9.0.0' 'ComputerManagementDsc' = '9.1.0' } #endregion #region Initialize Variables - Credentials #https://community.spiceworks.com/t/dns-issue-i-have-to-enter-fqdn-to-join-domain-but-why/636506/10 $AdministratorUserName = 'Administrator' $AdministratorPassword = 'Password1$' $AdministratorPasswordSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $AdministratorPassword -AsPlainText -Force $AdministratorCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($AdministratorUserName, $AdministratorPasswordSecureString) $SafemodeAdministratorUserName = 'Administrator' $SafemodeAdministratorPassword = 'Password1$' $SafemodeAdministratorPasswordSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $SafemodeAdministratorPassword -AsPlainText -Force $SafemodeAdministratorCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($SafemodeAdministratorUserName, $SafemodeAdministratorPasswordSecureString) $domainAdministratorUserName = 'lab.local\Administrator' $domainAdministratorPassword = 'Password1$' $domainAdministratorPasswordSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $domainAdministratorPassword -AsPlainText -Force $domainAdministratorCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($domainAdministratorUserName, $domainAdministratorPasswordSecureString) #if (-not $AdministratorCred){ # $AdministratorCred = (Get-Credential -Message "Enter new domain's credential") #} #endregion #region Initialize Variables - Folder structure # each time you modify the folder structure ammend the $arrayFolderStructure variable accordingly $dsc_FolderName = 'dsc' #C:\dsc\ $config_FolderName = 'config' #C:\dsc\config\ - # it stores the DSC configuration $localhost_FolderName = 'localhost' #C:\dsc\config\localhost\ - # it stores the configurations run locally on the localhost (Node) $certificate_FolderName = 'certificate' #C:\dsc\certificate\ - # it stores self signed certificate used to secure DSC credentials $function_FolderName = 'function' #C:\dsc\function\ $module_FolderName = 'module' #C:\dsc\module\ - # it stores the Module which contains various functions $output_FolderName = '_output' #C:\dsc\_output\ - # it stores the results of the DSC compilation $LCM_FolderName = 'LCM' #C:\dsc\_output\LCM\ $ADDS_FolderName = 'ActiveDirectory' #C:\dsc\config\localhost\ActiveDirectory\ - # it contains the configurations of ActiveDirectory #C:\dsc\ $dsc_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE" -childPath $dsc_FolderName #C:\dsc\config\ $dscConfig_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dsc_DirectoryPath -childPath $config_FolderName #C:\dsc\config\localhost\ $dscConfigLocahost_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dscConfig_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $localhost_FolderName #C:\dsc\config\localhost\ActiveDirectory\ $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dscConfigLocahost_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $ADDS_FolderName #C:\dsc\certificate\ $dscCertificate_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dsc_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $certificate_FolderName #C:\dsc\function\ $dscFunction_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dsc_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $function_FolderName #C:\dsc\module\ $dscModule_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dsc_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $module_FolderName #C:\dsc\_output\ $dscOutput_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dsc_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $output_FolderName #C:\dsc\_output\ActiveDirectory $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dscOutput_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $ADDS_FolderName #C:\dsc\_output\LCM $dscOutputLCM_DirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $dscOutput_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $LCM_FolderName #endregion #region Initialize Variables - Function - C:\dsc\function\New-SelfSignedCertificateEx.ps1 # it contains the Function to prepare the self signed certificate $newSelfSignedCertificateEx_FileName = 'New-SelfSignedCertificateEx.ps1' $newSelfsignedCertificateEx_GithubUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-libraries-for-net/master/Samples/Asset',$newSelfSignedCertificateEx_FileName -join '/' $dscFunction_NewSelfSignedCertificateEx_FullPath = Join-Path -Path $dscFunction_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $newSelfSignedCertificateEx_FileName $selfSignedCertificateParams = @{ Subject = "CN=${ENV:ComputerName}" EKU = 'Document Encryption' KeyUsage = 'KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment' SAN = ${ENV:ComputerName} FriendlyName = 'DSC Credential Encryption certificate' Exportable = $true StoreLocation = 'LocalMachine' KeyLength = 2048 ProviderName = 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0' AlgorithmName = 'RSA' SignatureAlgorithm = 'SHA256' } $selfSignedCertificatePrivateKeyPassword = 'Password1$' $selfSignedCertificatePrivateKeyPasswordSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $selfSignedCertificatePrivateKeyPassword -Force -AsPlainText #endregion #region Initialize Variables - Self Signed Certificate $dscSelfSignedCertificate_FileName = 'dscSelfSignedCertificate' $dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FileName = $dscSelfSignedCertificate_FileName,'cer' -join '.' $dscSelfSignedPfxCertificate_FileName = $dscSelfSignedCertificate_FileName,'pfx' -join '.' $dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FullPath = Join-Path -Path $dscCertificate_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FileName $dscSelfSignedPfxCertificate_FullPath = Join-Path -Path $dscCertificate_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $dscSelfSignedPfxCertificate_FileName #endregion #region Initialize Variables - Configuration - ADDS $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FileName = 'ADDS_configuration.ps1' $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_GithubUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeitcloudy/HomeLab/feature/007_DesiredStateConfiguration/005_ActiveDirectory' $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_GithubUrl = $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_GithubUrl,$dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FileName -join '/' #C:\dsc\config\localhost\ActiveDirectory\New-ADDSC.ps1 $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FullPath = Join-Path -Path $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_DirectoryPath -ChildPath $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FileName #endregion #endregion #region 2. DSC - Prepare Prerequisites #region 2.1. Create Directory Structure $arrayFolderStructure = @( $dsc_DirectoryPath, $dscConfig_DirectoryPath, $dscConfigLocahost_DirectoryPath, $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_DirectoryPath, $dscCertificate_DirectoryPath, $dscFunction_DirectoryPath, $dscModule_DirectoryPath, $dscOutput_DirectoryPath, $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath, $dscOutputLCM_DirectoryPath ) $arrayFolderStructure.ForEach({ if(!(Test-Path -Path $_)){ try { New-Item -Path $_ -ItemType Directory -Force } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong" } } else { Write-Output "$_ - already exist" } }) #endregion Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope LocalMachine -Force Install-PackageProvider -Name Nuget -MinimumVersion -Force #region 2.2. Download code from from Github # Function: SelfSigned Certificate #https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-libraries-for-net/master/Samples/Asset/New-SelfSignedCertificateEx.ps1 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $newSelfsignedCertificateEx_GithubUrl -OutFile $dscFunction_NewSelfSignedCertificateEx_FullPath -Verbose # DSC Configuration: - localhost ADDS #configuration_ADDS.ps1 #https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeitcloudy/HomeLab/feature/007_DesiredStateConfiguration/005_ActiveDirectory/configuration_ADDS.ps1 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_GithubUrl -OutFile $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FullPath -Verbose #New-ADDSC.psm1 #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_psm1_GithubUrl -OutFile $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_psm1_FullPath -Verbose #endregion #region 2.3. Self Signed Certificate - Generate and Export to CER & PFX if (!(Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq $($selfSignedCertificateParams.FriendlyName)})){ # Load the function into memory . $dscFunction_NewSelfSignedCertificateEx_FullPath try { New-SelfsignedCertificateEx @selfSignedCertificateParams } catch { } } else { Write-Output "Certificate already exist - Friendly Name: $($selfSignedCertificateParams.FriendlyName)" } # Exporting certificate to CER and PFX if(!(Test-Path -Path $dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FullPath)){ try { Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq $($selfSignedCertificateParams.FriendlyName)} | Export-Certificate -Type cer -FilePath $dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FullPath -Force } catch { } } else { Write-Output "Certificate CER File already exist - Path: $($dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FullPath)" } if(!(Test-Path -Path $dscSelfSignedPfxCertificate_FullPath)){ try { Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq $($selfSignedCertificateParams.FriendlyName)} | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath $dscSelfSignedPfxCertificate_FullPath -Password $selfSignedCertificatePrivateKeyPasswordSecureString } catch { } } else { Write-Output "Certificate PFX File already exist - Path: $($dscSelfSignedPfxCertificate_FullPath)" } #endregion #endregion } PROCESS { #region 2.4. Install Missing Modules - TODO: #region AUTOMATYCZNIE # AutomatedLab - contains functions which are crucial for the whole logic to work properly # Install-Modules is one of the functions within the AutomatedLab module Install-Modules -modules $modules #endregion #region MANUALNIE ### wywolanie manualne ##Install-Module -Name 'PSDscResources' -RequiredVersion -Force -AllowClobber ##Install-Module -Name 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' -RequiredVersion 6.4.0 -Force -AllowClobber ##Install-Module -Name 'ComputerManagementDsc' -RequiredVersion 9.1.0 -Force -AllowClobber ##Install-Module -Name 'NetworkingDsc' -RequiredVersion 9.0.0 -Force -AllowClobber #endregion #endregion #region 3. DSC - LCM - Self Signed CertificateCertificate - Thumbprint $selfSignedCertificateThumbprint = (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq $($selfSignedCertificateParams.FriendlyName)}).Thumbprint #$selfSignedCertificateThumbprint | clip #psedit $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FullPath #psedit $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_psm1_FullPath #endregion #^ Customize this with your details $configData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = '*' ManagementNodeIPv4Address = '' InterfaceAlias = 'Eth0' DomainName = 'lab.local' #FIXME: your domain FQDN DomainNetbiosName = 'mot' #FIXME: your domain NetBIOS Thumbprint = $selfSignedCertificateThumbprint CertificateFile = $dscSelfSignedCerCertificate_FullPath NTDSPath = 'C:\Windows\NTDS' LogPath = 'C:\Windows\Logs' SysvolPath = 'C:\Windows\SYSVOL' TimeZone = 'Central European Standard Time' #https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones?view=windows-11 Locale = 'pl-PL' #https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-input-locales-for-windows-language-packs?view=windows-11 } @{ NodeName = 'dc01' #FIXME: Role = 'RootDomainController' IPV4Address = '' #FIXME: DefaultGatewayAddress = '' #FIXME: # both domain controllers are configured at the same point of time # if only one DC is configured then the DNS settings should be configured this way #DNSServers = '','' # Carl Webster in his Webster Lab v2.1 documents state that the DNS should be configured # on first DC this way that # first DNS entry : points to itself by IP address # second DNS entry: points to the second DC # third DNS entry: points to the IPv4 loopback address DNSServers = '','','' # # domain settings --> ComplexityEnabled = $false MinPasswordLength = 8 FirstSite = 'Lab-Site' #FIXME: your first site's name #AdditionalSites = @('Lab-SH', 'Lab-HQ', 'Lab-BR') #FIXME: additional sites #SitelinkPrimaryMembers = @('Lab-OY', 'Lab-SH', 'Lab-HQ') #FIXME: optional #SitelinkSecondaryMembers = @('Lab-SH', 'Lab-OY', 'Lab-BR') #FIXME: optional NTPServer = '0.pl.pool.ntp.org' #FIXME: prefered NTP server FailOverNTPServers = ('1.pl.pool.ntp.org','2.pl.pool.ntp.org') #FIXME: alternative NTP server } @{ NodeName = 'dc02' #FIXME: additional DC Role = 'MemberDomainController' IPV4Address = '' #FIXME: additional DC IP DefaultGatewayAddress = '' #FIXME: # Carl Webster in his Webster Lab v2.1 documents state that the DNS should be configured # on second DC this way # first DNS entry : points to first DC IP address # second DNS entry: points to the the second DC itself by IP address # third DNS entry: points to the IPv4 loopback address DNSServers = '','','' #first DC + loopback Site = 'Lab-Site' #FIXME: any valid site created on the first DC IsGlobalCatalog = $true NTPServer = '0.pl.pool.ntp.org' #FIXME: prefered NTP server FailOverNTPServers = ('3.pl.pool.ntp.org','time.windows.com') #FIXME: alternative NTP server } ) } # load the configuration into memory for it's execution . $dscConfigLocalhostADDS_ps1_FullPath if ($ENV:ComputerName -match 'dc01') { Write-Output "$env:ComputerName - Role: RootDomainController" #^ Generate configuration MOF files for the first DC DomainFirstDC -ConfigurationData $configData ` -OutputPath $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath ` -DomainCredential $AdministratorCred ` -SafemodePassword $AdministratorCred } else { Write-Output "$env:ComputerName - Role: MemberDomainController" #^ Generate configuration MOF files for the additional DCs DomainAdditionalDCs -ConfigurationData $configData ` -OutputPath $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath ` -DomainCredential $domainAdministratorCred ` -SafemodePassword $SafemodeAdministratorCred } #^ Configure the LCM # LCM is included within the configuration # stored within the same directory as the compilation MOF files Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath -Force -Verbose # check if the certificate thumbprint is within the LCM settings #Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager -CimSession localhost #^ Apply the Dsc Configuration Start-DscConfiguration -Path $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath -Force -Wait -Verbose } END { #^ Verify status of the configuration #$state = (Test-DscConfiguration -Path $dscOutputADDS_DirectoryPath) #Write-Host $($state.ResourcesNotInDesiredState | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String) -ForegroundColor Red #Write-Host $($state.ResourcesInDesiredState | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String) -ForegroundColor Green #Write-Warning 'Please review resources displayed in RED!' }