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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ //TITLE: LipSync_Wireless_Firmware //AUTHOR: MakersMakingChange //VERSION: 3.0 (27 June 2022) //Copyright Neil Squire Society 2016-2022. #include #include //***OUTPUT ACTIONS***// - DO NOT CHANGE // These are the different actions the LipSync can perform based on different sip and puff inputs. #define OUTPUT_NOTHING (int)0 // No action #define OUTPUT_LEFT_CLICK (int)1 // Generates a short left click #define OUTPUT_RIGHT_CLICK (int)2 // Generates a short right click #define OUTPUT_DRAG (int)3 // Initiates drag mode, holding down left click until cancelled #define OUTPUT_SCROLL (int)4 // Initiates scroll mode. Vertical motion generates mouse scroll wheel movement. #define OUTPUT_MIDDLE_CLICK (int)5 // Generates a short middle click #define OUTPUT_CURSOR_HOME_RESET (int)6 // Initiates the cursor home reset routine to reset center position. #define OUTPUT_CURSOR_CALIBRATION (int)7 // Initiates the cursor calibration to calibrate joystick range and reset center position. //#define OUTPUT_SECONDARY_SCROLL (int)8 // Initiates secondary scroll mode. This action is performed by press and holding mouse middle button. //***OUTPUT MAPPING***// - CUSTOMIZABLE //These values can be changed to remap different output actions to different input actions #define ACTION_SHORT_PUFF OUTPUT_LEFT_CLICK // Default: Left Click #define ACTION_SHORT_SIP OUTPUT_RIGHT_CLICK // Default: Right Click #define ACTION_LONG_PUFF OUTPUT_DRAG // Default: Drag #define ACTION_LONG_SIP OUTPUT_SCROLL // Default: Scroll #define ACTION_VLONG_PUFF OUTPUT_CURSOR_HOME_RESET // Default: Cursor Home Reset #define ACTION_VLONG_SIP OUTPUT_NOTHING // Default: No action //Example - Reverse sip and puff so puff does right click and sip does left click. //To use these settings, uncomment these lines and comment out the corresponding lines above. //#define ACTION_SHORT_PUFF OUTPUT_RIGHT_CLICK //#define ACTION_SHORT_SIP OUTPUT_LEFT_CLICK #define BT_CONFIG_FLAG false //Configure bluetooth ( Configure = true and Not Configure = false ). This is used to reset bluetooth module #define BT_CONFIG_NUMBER (byte)3 //Bluetooth Config number for LipSync Wireless //***CUSTOMIZABLE VARIABLES***// #define ROTATION_ANGLE 0 // CCW Rotation angle between Screen "up" to LipSync "up" {0,90,180,270} [degrees] #define PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT (byte)10 // Pressure puff threshold [percentage] #define SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT (byte)10 // Pressure sip threshold [percentage] #define PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED 150 // Threshold between short and medium puff input [cycle counts] #define PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG 750 // Threshold between medium and long puff [cycle counts] #define SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED 150 // Threshold between short and medium puff input [cycle counts] #define SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG 750 // Threshold between medium and long puff in [cycle counts] #define CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED 30 // Default USB cursor speed [pixels/update] #define SPEED_COUNTER (byte)5 // Default cursor speed level #define CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED 5 // Delta value that is used to calculate USB cursor speed levels [pixels/update] #define CURSOR_DELAY 5 // Current cursor delay [ms] #define SCROLL_LEVEL (byte)5 // Default scroll level #define SCROLL_BASE_DELAY 50 // Base or minimum scroll delay [ms] #define SCROLL_MAX_MOVE 100 // Scroll Maximum allowed movement #define SCROLL_BASE_MOVE 5 // Scroll base movement #define ACTION_HOLD_DELAY (int)175 // The delay used in drag and scroll functions before existing [ms] #define DEBUG_MODE_DELAY (int)150 // The delay used in debug mode between each reading [ms] #define SERIAL_DELAY (byte)5 // The delay after a serial write [ms] #define EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY (byte)10 // The delay after an EEPROM write [ms] #define PRESSURE_HANDLER_DELAY (byte)5 // The delay added between pressure read cycles [ms] #define BT_POLL_DELAY 75 // The delay after each bluetooth data packets sent //*** DRIFT REDUCTIONS ***// CHANGE WITH CAUTION #define CURSOR_DEADBAND 30 // Joystick deadband {ADC steps] #define CHANGE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE 3 // The tolerance in changes between current reading and previous reading [ADC steps] //***DON'T CHANGE THESE CONSTANTS***// #define LIPSYNC_MODEL (byte)3 // LipSync Wireless #define LIPSYNC_VERSION (byte)30 // LipSync Version #define SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MIN (byte)10 // Minimum Pressure sip threshold [percentage] #define SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MAX (byte)50 // Maximum Pressure sip threshold [percentage] #define PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MIN (byte)10 // Minimum Pressure puff threshold [percentage] #define PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MAX (byte)50 // Maximum Pressure puff threshold [percentage] #define CURSOR_DEFAULT_COMP_FACTOR 1.0 // Default comp factor #define INPUT_ACTION_COUNT 6 // Number of available sip and puff input types #define CURSOR_LIFT_THRESOLD 400 // Opposite FSR value nearing liftoff during purposeful movement [ADC steps] int BUTTON_MAPPING[INPUT_ACTION_COUNT] = { ACTION_SHORT_PUFF, ACTION_SHORT_SIP, ACTION_LONG_PUFF, ACTION_LONG_SIP, ACTION_VLONG_PUFF, ACTION_VLONG_SIP }; //***DON'T CHANGE THESE CONSTANTS***// #define XHIGH_DIRECTION 1 // Mouthpiece right movements correspond to positive (i.e. right) mouse movement #define XLOW_DIRECTION -1 // Mouthpiece left movements correspond to negative (i.e. left) mouse movement #define YHIGH_DIRECTION -1 // Mouthpiece up movements correspond to negative (i.e. up) mouse movement #define YLOW_DIRECTION 1 // Mouthpiece down movements correspond to positive (i.e. down) mouse movement //*** DEVELOPER CONSTANTS***// - Only change if you know what you're doing. #define DEBUG_MODE false // Enable debug information to serial output (Default: false) #define API_ENABLED true // Enable API Serial interface = true , Disable API serial interface = false #define API_OKAY_RESPONSE 0 #define API_COMMAND_MISSING_RESPONSE 1 #define API_INCORRECT_FORMAT_RESPONSE 2 #define API_INCORRECT_PARAMETER_RESPONSE 3 //***PIN ASSIGNMENTS***// - DO NOT CHANGE #define LED_GREEN_PIN 4 // LipSync LED Color1 : GREEN - digital output pin 5 #define LED_RED_PIN 5 // LipSync LED Color2 : RED - digital outputpin 4 #define BUTTON_DOWN_PIN 7 // Cursor Control Button 2: DOWN - digital input pin 7 (internally pulled-up) #define BUTTON_UP_PIN 8 // Cursor Control Button 1: UP - digital input pin 8 (internally pulled-up) #define MODE_SELECT_PIN 12 // LipSync Mode Select - USB mode (g_commMode = 0; jumper on) or Bluetooth mode (g_commMode = 1; jumper off) - digital input pin 12 (internally pulled-up) #define TRANS_CONTROL_PIN A3 // Bluetooth Transistor Control Pin - digital output pin A3 #define PIO4_PIN A4 // Bluetooth PIO4_PIN Command Pin - digital output pin A4 #define PRESSURE_PIN A5 // Sip & Puff Pressure Transducer Pin - analog input pin A5 #define X_DIR_HIGH_PIN A0 // X Direction High (Cartesian positive x : right) - analog input pin A0 #define X_DIR_LOW_PIN A1 // X Direction Low (Cartesian negative x : left) - digital output pin A1 #define Y_DIR_HIGH_PIN A2 // Y Direction High (Cartesian positive y : up) - analog input pin A2 #define Y_DIR_LOW_PIN A10 // Y Direction Low (Cartesian negative y : down) - analog input pin A10 const byte UNUSED_PINS[] = {2, // Unused pins 3, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17}; //***LIPSYNC EEPROM MEMORY***// - DO NOT CHANGE #define EEPROM_modelNumber 0 // int:0,1; 255 on fresh Arduino #define EEPROM_speedCounter 2 // int:2,3; #define EEPROM_defaultIsSet 4 // int:4,5; #define EEPROM_yHighComp 6 // float:6,7,8,9; #define EEPROM_yLowComp 10 // float:10,11,12,13; #define EEPROM_xHighComp 14 // float:14,15,16,17; #define EEPROM_xLowComp 18 // float:18,19,20,21; #define EEPROM_xHighMax 22 // int:22,23; #define EEPROM_xLowMax 24 // int:24,25; #define EEPROM_yHighMax 26 // int:26,27; #define EEPROM_yLowMax 28 // int:28,29; #define EEPROM_rotationAngle 30 // int:30,31; #define EEPROM_puffThreshold 32 // int:32,33; #define EEPROM_sipThreshold 34 // int:34,35; #define EEPROM_debugModeEnabled 36 // int:34,35; #define EEPROM_deadzoneValue 38 // int:38,39; #define EEPROM_buttonMode 40 // int:40,41; #define EEPROM_buttonMapping1 42 // int:42,43; #define EEPROM_buttonMapping2 44 // int:44,45; #define EEPROM_buttonMapping3 46 // int:46,47; #define EEPROM_buttonMapping4 48 // int:48,49; #define EEPROM_buttonMapping5 50 // int:50,51; #define EEPROM_buttonMapping6 52 // int:52,53; #define EEPROM_configNumber 54 // int:54,55; 3 when Bluetooth configured //#define EEPROM_compFactor 56 // int:56,57; #define EEPROM_changeTolerance 58 // int:58,59; #define EEPROM_versionNumber 60 // int:60,61; #define EEPROM_scrollLevel 62 // int:62,63; #define EEPROM_rawModeEnabled 64 // int:64,65; //***API FUNCTIONS***// - DO NOT CHANGE typedef void (*FunctionPointer)(bool, bool, int*); // Type definition for API function pointer typedef struct // Type definition for API function list { String _command; // Unique two character command code int _parameter; // Parameter that is passed to function FunctionPointer _function; // API function pointer } _functionList; // Declare individual API functions with command, parameter, and corresponding function _functionList getModelNumberFunction = {"MN,0", 0, &getModelNumber}; _functionList getVersionNumberFunction = {"VN,0", 0, &getVersionNumber}; _functionList getCursorSpeedFunction = {"SS,0", 0, &getCursorSpeed}; _functionList setCursorSpeedFunction = {"SS,1", 1, &setCursorSpeed}; _functionList getPuffThresholdFunction = {"PT,0", 0, &getPuffThreshold}; _functionList setPuffThresholdFunction = {"PT,1", 1, &setPuffThreshold}; _functionList getSipThresholdFunction = {"ST,0", 0, &getSipThreshold}; _functionList setSipThresholdFunction = {"ST,1", 1, &setSipThreshold}; _functionList getPressureValueFunction = {"PV,0", 0, &getPressureValue}; _functionList getRotationAngleFunction = {"RA,0", 0, &getRotationAngle}; _functionList setRotationAngleFunction = {"RA,1", 1, &setRotationAngle}; _functionList getJoystickValueFunction = {"JV,0", 0, &getJoystickValue}; _functionList getDebugModeFunction = {"DM,0", 0, &getDebugMode}; _functionList setDebugModeFunction = {"DM,1", 1, &setDebugMode}; _functionList getCursorInitializationFunction = {"IN,0", 0, &getCursorInitialization}; _functionList setCursorInitializationFunction = {"IN,1", 1, &setCursorInitialization}; _functionList getCursorCalibrationFunction = {"CA,0", 0, &getCursorCalibration}; _functionList setCursorCalibrationFunction = {"CA,1", 1, &setCursorCalibration}; _functionList getChangeToleranceFunction = {"CT,0", 0, &getChangeTolerance}; _functionList setChangeToleranceFunction = {"CT,1", 1, &setChangeTolerance}; _functionList getButtonMappingFunction = {"MP,0", 0, &getButtonMapping}; _functionList setButtonMappingFunction = {"MP,1", 2, &setButtonMapping}; // 2 denotes an array parameter _functionList getScrollLevelFunction = {"SL,0", 0, &getScrollLevel}; _functionList setScrollLevelFunction = {"SL,1", 1, &setScrollLevel}; _functionList getCommunicationModeFunction = {"CM,0", 0, &getCommunicationMode}; _functionList setCommunicationModeFunction = {"CM,1", 1, &setCommunicationMode}; _functionList getBluetoothConfigFunction = {"BT,0", 0, &getBluetoothConfig}; _functionList setBluetoothConfigFunction = {"BT,1", 1, &setBluetoothConfig}; _functionList factoryResetFunction = {"FR,1", 1, &factoryReset}; // Declare array of API functions _functionList apiFunction[29] = { getModelNumberFunction, getVersionNumberFunction, getCursorSpeedFunction, setCursorSpeedFunction, getPuffThresholdFunction, setPuffThresholdFunction, getSipThresholdFunction, setSipThresholdFunction, getPressureValueFunction, getRotationAngleFunction, setRotationAngleFunction, getJoystickValueFunction, getDebugModeFunction, setDebugModeFunction, getCursorInitializationFunction, setCursorInitializationFunction, getCursorCalibrationFunction, setCursorCalibrationFunction, getChangeToleranceFunction, setChangeToleranceFunction, getButtonMappingFunction, setButtonMappingFunction, getScrollLevelFunction, setScrollLevelFunction, getCommunicationModeFunction, setCommunicationModeFunction, getBluetoothConfigFunction, setBluetoothConfigFunction, factoryResetFunction }; const int cursorParams[11] = { CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED - (5 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED - (4 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED - (3 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED - (2 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED - (1 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED, CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED + (CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED + (2 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED + (3 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED + (4 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED), CURSOR_DEFAULT_SPEED + (5 * CURSOR_DELTA_SPEED) }; //***GLOBAL VARIABLE DECLARATION***// byte g_modelNumber; // LipSync model number variable byte g_versionNumber; // LipSync version number variable int g_actionButton[INPUT_ACTION_COUNT]; // Sip & Puff action mapping int g_rotationAngle = ROTATION_ANGLE; // Rotation angle variable (degrees) float g_rotationAngle11; // Rotation matrix components float g_rotationAngle12; float g_rotationAngle21; float g_rotationAngle22; byte g_cursorSpeedCounter; // Variable to track current cursor speed level int g_cursorMaxSpeed; // Current cursor max speed (at full joystick deflection) byte g_cursorScrollLevel; // Variable to track current scroll speed level int g_cursorScrollDelay; // Current Scroll delay int g_cursorPressure; // Variable to hold pressure readings int g_sipThreshold; // Sip pressure threshold [ADC steps] int g_puffThreshold; // Puff pressure threshold [ADC steps] unsigned int g_puffCount, g_sipCount; // The puff and long sip incremental counter variables int g_pollCounter = 0; // Cursor poll counter int g_xHighPrev, g_yHighPrev, g_xLowPrev, g_yLowPrev; //Previous FSR reading variables int g_xHighNeutral, g_xLowNeutral, g_yHighNeutral, g_yLowNeutral; //Individual neutral starting positions for each FSR int g_xHighMax, g_xLowMax, g_yHighMax, g_yLowMax; //Max FSR values which are set to the values from EEPROM const float g_deadband_squared = CURSOR_DEADBAND * CURSOR_DEADBAND; // Squared deadband distance from center int g_changeTolerance; // The tolerance of changes in FSRs readings float yHighComp = 1.0; // FSR compensation to normalize between axes float yLowComp = 1.0; float xHighComp = 1.0; float xLowComp = 1.0; bool g_debugModeEnabled; // Declare debug enable variable bool g_settingsEnabled = false; // Serial input settings command mode enabled or disabled bool scrollModeEnabled = false; // Declare scroll mode enable variable int g_cursorClickStatus = 0; //The value indicator for click status, ie. tap, back and drag ( example : 0 = tap ) int g_commMode = 1; // 0 == USB Communications or 1 == Bluetooth Communications //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //***MICROCONTROLLER AND PERIPHERAL MODULES CONFIGURATION***// // Function : setup // // Description: This function handles the initialization of variables, pins, methods, libraries. This function only runs once at powerup or reset. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initiate serial connection for debug and API control Serial1.begin(115200); //Setting baud rate for Bluetooth AT command initializePins(); // Initialize Arduino input and output pins Mouse.begin(); // Initialize the HID mouse functions delay(1000); getModelNumber(false, false); // Get LipSync model number; Perform factory reset on initial upload. setCursorInitialization(false, false, 1); //Set the Home joystick and generate movement threshold boundaries //TODO - may want to change to 2 so we trigger reset of comp values getCursorCalibration(false, false); // Get FSR Max calibration values g_changeTolerance = getChangeTolerance(false, false); // Get change tolerance using max FSR readings and default tolerance getSipThreshold(false, false); // Get the pressure sensor threshold boundaries getPuffThreshold(false, false); // Get the pressure sensor threshold boundaries g_commMode = getCommunicationMode(false,false); // Identify the communication mode ( Bluetooth or USB ) getBluetoothConfig(false,false); // Get bluetooth configure number and reconfigure if it is needed g_debugModeEnabled = getDebugMode(false, false); // Get the debug mode state getCompFactor(); // Get the default values that are stored in EEPROM g_cursorSpeedCounter = getCursorSpeed(false, false); // Read the saved cursor speed parameter from EEPROM g_cursorMaxSpeed = cursorParams[g_cursorSpeedCounter]; g_cursorScrollLevel = getScrollLevel(false, false); // Read the saved cursor scroll level parameter from EEPROM g_cursorScrollDelay = calculateScrollDelay(g_cursorScrollLevel); // Calculate scroll time delay getButtonMapping(false, false); // Get the input buttons to actions mappings g_rotationAngle = getRotationAngle(false, false); // Read the saved rotation angle from EEPROM updateRotationAngle(); ledBlink(4, 250, 3); // End initialization visual feedback forceCursorDisplay(); // Display cursor on screen by moving it } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //***START OF MAIN LOOP***// // Function : loop // // Description: This function loops consecutively and responses to changes. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void loop() { g_settingsEnabled = serialSettings(g_settingsEnabled); // Check to see if setting option is enabled in Lipsync cursorHandler(); // Read the joystick values and output mouse cursor movements. sipAndPuffHandler(g_commMode); // Pressure sensor sip and puff functions delay(5); pushButtonHandler(); // Check rear push buttons } //***END OF MAIN LOOP***// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //***INITIALIZE PINS FUNCTION ***// // Function : initializePins // // Description: This function initializes the input/output pins. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void initializePins(void) { pinMode(LED_GREEN_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin 1 as output(GREEN LED) pinMode(LED_RED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin 2 as output(RED LED) pinMode(TRANS_CONTROL_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set the transistor pin as output pinMode(PIO4_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set the bluetooth command mode pin as output pinMode(PRESSURE_PIN, INPUT); // Set the pressure sensor pin input pinMode(X_DIR_HIGH_PIN, INPUT); // Define Force sensor pins as input ( Right FSR ) pinMode(X_DIR_LOW_PIN, INPUT); // Define Force sensor pins as input ( Left FSR ) pinMode(Y_DIR_HIGH_PIN, INPUT); // Define Force sensor pins as input ( Up FSR ) pinMode(Y_DIR_LOW_PIN, INPUT); // Define Force sensor pins as input ( Down FSR ) pinMode(BUTTON_UP_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set increase cursor speed button pin as input pinMode(BUTTON_DOWN_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set decrease cursor speed button pin as input pinMode(MODE_SELECT_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the mode pin as input (USB mode = 0; jumper on , Bluetooth mode; jumper off) // Set unused pins as inputs with pullups for (byte pinIndex = 0; pinIndex < sizeof(UNUSED_PINS); pinIndex++) { pinMode(UNUSED_PINS[pinIndex], INPUT_PULLUP); } } //*** CURSOR HANDLER FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorHandler // // Description: This function handles the cursor movements based on the FSR values // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void cursorHandler(void) { // Reset cursor values bool outputMouse = false; int xCursor = 0; int yCursor = 0; int xHigh = 0; int xLow = 0; int yHigh = 0; int yLow = 0; // Measure FSR joystick and determine whether to output mouse commands outputMouse = readJoystick(xCursor, yCursor, xHigh, xLow, yHigh, yLow); // Apply rotation to cursor movement based on mounting angle. rotateCursor(xCursor, yCursor); if (outputMouse && !scrollModeEnabled) { // Normal Mouse output ( USB or Wireless ) (g_commMode==0) ? moveCursor(xCursor, yCursor, 0) : moveBluetoothCursor(g_cursorClickStatus, xCursor, yCursor, 0); // Output mouse command delay(CURSOR_DELAY); } else if (outputMouse && scrollModeEnabled) { // Scroll mode ( USB or Wireless ) int yScroll = scrollModifier(yCursor, g_cursorMaxSpeed, g_cursorScrollLevel); (g_commMode==0) ? moveCursor(0, 0, yScroll) : moveBluetoothCursor(g_cursorClickStatus, 0, 0, yScroll); delay(g_cursorScrollDelay); } //Debug information if (g_debugModeEnabled) { sendDebugRawData(xCursor, yCursor, sipAndPuffRawValue(), xHigh, xLow, yHigh, yLow); delay(DEBUG_MODE_DELAY); } } //***READ JOYSTICK FUNCTION**// // Function : readJoystick // // Description: This function reads the current FSR values, checks if values exceed deadband, and calculates // cursor movements. Outputs true if mouse should be moved. // // Parameters : xCursor : int : This is the output x cursor value. // yCursor : int : This is the output y cursor value. // xHigh : int : This is the xHigh FSR value. // xLow : int : This is the xLow FSR value. // yHigh : int : This is the yHigh FSR value. // yLow : int : This is the yLow FSR value. // // Return : outputMouse : bool : This variable is used to indicate if mouse values should be outputted or skipped. //*********************************// bool readJoystick(int &xCursor, int &yCursor, int &xHigh, int &xLow, int &yHigh, int &yLow) { bool outputMouse = false; // Measure force sensitive resistors xHigh = analogRead(X_DIR_HIGH_PIN); xLow = analogRead(X_DIR_LOW_PIN); yHigh = analogRead(Y_DIR_HIGH_PIN); yLow = analogRead(Y_DIR_LOW_PIN); //Check the FSR changes from previous reading and set the skip flag to true if the changes are below the change tolerance range bool aboveDelta = abs(xHigh - g_xHighPrev) >= g_changeTolerance || abs(xLow - g_xLowPrev) >= g_changeTolerance || abs(yHigh - g_yHighPrev) >= g_changeTolerance || abs(yLow - g_yLowPrev) >= g_changeTolerance; // Store FSR values for next skip check g_xHighPrev = xHigh; g_xLowPrev = xLow; g_yHighPrev = yHigh; g_yLowPrev = yLow; // Calculate the magnitude of the movement for each direction / quadrant // These are the squared vector magnitudes of each quadrant 1-4 when the // FSR measures a greater force than the neutral force float xHighYHigh = sq(((xHigh - g_xHighNeutral) > 0) ? float((xHigh - g_xHighNeutral)) : 0) + sq(((yHigh - g_yHighNeutral) > 0) ? float((yHigh - g_yHighNeutral)) : 0); float xHighYLow = sq(((xHigh - g_xHighNeutral) > 0) ? float((xHigh - g_xHighNeutral)) : 0) + sq(((yLow - g_yLowNeutral) > 0) ? float((yLow - g_yLowNeutral)) : 0); float xLowYHigh = sq(((xLow - g_xLowNeutral) > 0) ? float((xLow - g_xLowNeutral)) : 0) + sq(((yHigh - g_yHighNeutral) > 0) ? float((yHigh - g_yHighNeutral)) : 0); float xLowYLow = sq(((xLow - g_xLowNeutral) > 0) ? float((xLow - g_xLowNeutral)) : 0) + sq(((yLow - g_yLowNeutral) > 0) ? float((yLow - g_yLowNeutral)) : 0); // Test if radial position is outside circular deadband bool outsideDeadzone = (xHighYHigh > g_deadband_squared) || (xHighYLow > g_deadband_squared) || (xLowYLow > g_deadband_squared) || (xLowYHigh > g_deadband_squared); // If joystick is moved, opposite FSR will decrease in force and therefore decrease in voltate // (e.g. joystick unloaded->high resistance-> low voltage) bool joystickLifted = (xHigh < CURSOR_LIFT_THRESOLD) || (xLow < CURSOR_LIFT_THRESOLD) || (yHigh < CURSOR_LIFT_THRESOLD) || (yLow < CURSOR_LIFT_THRESOLD); //Check to see if the joystick has moved outside the deadband if( outsideDeadzone && (aboveDelta || joystickLifted) ) { g_pollCounter++; //Add to the poll counter //delay(20); //Perform cursor movement actions if joystick has been in active zone for 3 or more poll counts if( g_pollCounter >= 3) { g_pollCounter = 0; // Reset poll counter to zero outputMouse = true; //Quadrant 1 (Upper left) if ((xHighYHigh >= xHighYLow) && (xHighYHigh >= xLowYHigh) && (xHighYHigh >= xLowYLow)) { xCursor = XHIGH_DIRECTION * cursorModifier(xHigh, g_xHighNeutral, g_xHighMax, xHighComp); yCursor = YHIGH_DIRECTION * cursorModifier(yHigh, g_yHighNeutral, g_yHighMax, yHighComp); } //Quadrant 4 (Lower Left) else if ((xHighYLow > xHighYHigh) && (xHighYLow > xLowYLow) && (xHighYLow > xLowYHigh)) { xCursor = XHIGH_DIRECTION * cursorModifier(xHigh, g_xHighNeutral, g_xHighMax, xHighComp); yCursor = YLOW_DIRECTION * cursorModifier(yLow, g_yLowNeutral, g_yLowMax, yLowComp); } //Quadrant 3 (Lower Right) else if ((xLowYLow >= xHighYHigh) && (xLowYLow >= xHighYLow) && (xLowYLow >= xLowYHigh)) { xCursor = XLOW_DIRECTION * cursorModifier(xLow, g_xLowNeutral, g_xLowMax, xLowComp); yCursor = YLOW_DIRECTION * cursorModifier(yLow, g_yLowNeutral, g_yLowMax, yLowComp); } //Quadrant 2 (Upper Right) else if ((xLowYHigh > xHighYHigh) && (xLowYHigh >= xHighYLow) && (xLowYHigh >= xLowYLow)) { xCursor = XLOW_DIRECTION * cursorModifier( xLow, g_xLowNeutral, g_xLowMax, xLowComp); yCursor = YHIGH_DIRECTION * cursorModifier( yHigh, g_yHighNeutral, g_yHighMax, yHighComp); } } //end check skipchange and poll counter } //end check deadband return outputMouse; } //***ROTATE CURSOR FUNCTION ***// // Function : rotateCursor // // Description: This function applies a rotation to the two input coordinates using the global variable angles. // // Parameters : xCursor : int : the input x cursor value. // yCursor : int : the input y cursor value. // // Return : void //********************// void rotateCursor(int &xCursor, int &yCursor) { int uCursor = g_rotationAngle11 * xCursor + g_rotationAngle12 * yCursor; // Apply rotation matrix to inputs int vCursor = g_rotationAngle21 * xCursor + g_rotationAngle22 * yCursor; //Update inputs xCursor = uCursor; yCursor = vCursor; } // This function applies //***CURSOR MOVEMENT FUNCTION ***// // Function : moveCursor // // Description: This function applies a rotation to the two input coordinates using the global variable angles. // // Parameters : xCursor : int : the input x cursor value. // yCursor : int : the input y cursor value. // wheel : int : the input scroll wheel value. // // Return : void //********************// void moveCursor(const int xCursor, const int yCursor, const int wheel) { Mouse.move(xCursor, yCursor, wheel); // Output mouse movement } //***FSR CURSOR MOVEMENT MODIFIER FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorModifier // // Description: This function converts FSR voltage readings into mouse cursor movements. // // Parameters : rawValue : const int : raw FSR value. // neutralValue : const int : neutral FSR value. // maxValue : constint : maximum FSR value. // compValue : float : FSR compensation value. // // Return : cursorOutput : int : The modified cursor movement in pixels. //****************************************// int cursorModifier(const int rawValue, const int neutralValue, const int maxValue, float compValue) { int cursorOutput = 0; if (rawValue > neutralValue) { // FSR greater than neutral // Calculate X left factor ( 1.25 multiplied by fsr compensation multiplied by ratio of current value to maximum value ) float neutralFactor = 1.25 * (compValue * (((float)(rawValue - neutralValue)) / (maxValue - neutralValue))); // Use the calculated X down factor to none linearize the maximum speeds float cursorFloat = round(1.0 * pow(g_cursorMaxSpeed, neutralFactor)) - 1.0; // Determine value when FSR at max int valueAtMax = round(1.0 * pow(g_cursorMaxSpeed, 1.25 * compValue)) - 1.0; // Map the values to a value between 0 and the selected maximum speed cursorFloat = map(cursorFloat, 0, valueAtMax, 0, g_cursorMaxSpeed); // Constrain the output to allowable limits cursorOutput = constrain(cursorFloat, 0, g_cursorMaxSpeed); } // End FSR pressed return cursorOutput; // Return cursor value [pixels] } //***FSR SCROLL MOVEMENT MODIFIER FUNCTION***// // Function : scrollModifier // // Description: This function converts y cursor movements to y scroll movements based on y cursor value and scroll speed level. // // Parameters : cursorValue : const int : y cursor value. // cursorMaxValue : const int : maximum y cursor value. // scrollLevelValue : const int : scroll speed level value. // // Return : cursorOutput : int : The modified scroll value. //****************************************// int scrollModifier(const int cursorValue, const int cursorMaxValue, const int scrollLevelValue) { int scrollOutput = 0; int scrollMaxSpeed = round(1.0 * pow(SCROLL_MAX_MOVE, scrollLevelValue / 10.0)) + SCROLL_BASE_MOVE; scrollOutput = map(cursorValue, 0, cursorMaxValue, 0, scrollMaxSpeed); scrollOutput = -1 * constrain(scrollOutput, -1 * scrollMaxSpeed, scrollMaxSpeed); return scrollOutput; } //***SCROLL TIME DELAY CALCULATOR FUNCTION***// // Function : calculateScrollDelay // // Description: This function calculates scroll time delay based on scroll speed level. // // Parameters : scrollLevelValue : const int : scroll speed level value. // // Return : delayOutput : int : The scroll time delay. //****************************************// int calculateScrollDelay(const int scrollLevelValue) { int delayOutput = round(1.0 * pow(2 * SCROLL_BASE_DELAY, (11 - scrollLevelValue) / 10.0)) + SCROLL_BASE_DELAY; return delayOutput; } //***FORCE DISPLAY OF CURSOR***// // Function : forceCursorDisplay // // Description: This function slighlty moves the cursor, which causes the cursor to appear on mobile // devices. Called during initialization. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //******************************// void forceCursorDisplay(void) { Mouse.move(1, 0, 0); delay(5); Mouse.move(-1, 0, 0); delay(5); } //***BLUETOOTH HID MOUSE COMMAND FUNCTION***// // Function : moveBluetoothCursor // // Description: This function outputs bluetooth cursor action through Serial1. // // Parameters : buttonCursor : const int : button click action value. // xCursor : const int : the input x cursor value. // yCursor : const int : the input y cursor value. // wheel : const int : the input scroll wheel value. // // Return : void //****************************************// void moveBluetoothCursor(const int buttonCursor,const int xCursor,const int yCursor,const int wheel) { byte bluetoothPacket[7]; bluetoothPacket[0] = 0xFD; bluetoothPacket[1] = 0x5; bluetoothPacket[2] = 0x2; bluetoothPacket[3] = lowByte(buttonCursor); bluetoothPacket[4] = lowByte(xCursor); bluetoothPacket[5] = lowByte(yCursor); bluetoothPacket[6] = lowByte(wheel); Serial1.write(bluetoothPacket, 7); Serial1.flush(); delay(BT_POLL_DELAY); } //***BLUETOOTH HID MOUSE CLEAR FUNCTION***// // Function : clearBluetoothCursor // // Description: This function outputs clear bluetooth cursor action through Serial1. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void clearBluetoothCursor(void) { byte bluetoothPacket[7]; bluetoothPacket[0] = 0xFD; bluetoothPacket[1] = 0x5; bluetoothPacket[2] = 0x2; bluetoothPacket[3] = 0x00; bluetoothPacket[4] = 0x00; bluetoothPacket[5] = 0x00; bluetoothPacket[6] = 0x00; Serial1.write(bluetoothPacket, 7); Serial1.flush(); delay(BT_POLL_DELAY); } //***SET BLUETOOTH CMD MODE FUNCTION***// // Function : setBluetoothCommandMode // // Description: This function sets/enters bluetooth command mode. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void setBluetoothCommandMode(void) { digitalWrite(TRANS_CONTROL_PIN, HIGH); //Set the transistor base pin to HIGH to ensure Bluetooth module is off digitalWrite(PIO4_PIN, HIGH); //Set the command pin to high delay(10); digitalWrite(TRANS_CONTROL_PIN, LOW); //Set the transistor base pin to LOW to power on Bluetooth module delay(10); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Cycle HIGH and LOW the PIO4_PIN pin 3 times with 1 sec delay between each level transition digitalWrite(PIO4_PIN, HIGH); delay(150); digitalWrite(PIO4_PIN, LOW); delay(150); } digitalWrite(PIO4_PIN, LOW); //Set the PIO4_PIN pin low as per command mode instructions delay(10); Serial1.print("$$$"); //Enter Bluetooth command mode delay(50); //Add time delay to visual inspect the red LED is flashing at 10Hz which indicates the Bluetooth module is in Command Mode } //***BLUETOOTH CONFIG FUNCTION***// // Function : setBluetoothConfigSequence // // Description: This function performs bluetooth HID configuration sequence. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void setBluetoothConfigSequence(void) { Serial1.println("ST,255"); // Turn off the 60 sec timer for command mode delay(15); Serial1.println("SA,2"); // Set Authentication Value to 2 delay(15); Serial1.println("SX,0"); // Set Bonding to 0 or disabled delay(15); Serial1.println("SN,LipSyncMouse"); // Set the name of BT module delay(15); Serial1.println("SM,6"); // Set the Pairing mode to auto-connect mode : "SM,6" delay(15); Serial1.println("SH,0230"); // Configure device as HID mouse and keyboard combo delay(15); Serial1.println("S~,6"); // Activate HID profile delay(15); Serial1.println("SQ,0"); // Configure for latency NOT throughput : "SQ,0" delay(15); Serial1.println("S?,1"); // Enable the role switch for better performance of high speed data delay(15); Serial1.println("R,1"); // Reboot BT module delay(15); } //***SET BLUETOOTH SLEEP MODE FUNCTION***// // Function : setBluetoothSleepMode // // Description: This function makes bluetooth module enter deep sleep mode. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void setBluetoothSleepMode(void) { setBluetoothCommandMode(); // Enter BT command mode Serial1.println('Z'); // Enter deep sleep mode (<2mA) when not connected delay(10); } //***GET COMMUNICATION MODE STATUS FUNCTION***// // Function : getCommunicationMode // // Description: This function gets the LipSync current communication mode status. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // Return : mode : The current communication mode. //****************************************// int getCommunicationMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int mode =0; //Set communication mode based on physical pin status if (digitalRead(MODE_SELECT_PIN) == LOW) { mode = 0; // Mode 0 is USB communication mode setBluetoothSleepMode(); delay(5); } else if (digitalRead(MODE_SELECT_PIN) == HIGH) { mode = 1; // Mode 1 is Bluetooth communication mode delay(5); } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CM,0", true, mode); return mode; } //***GET COMMUNICATION MODE STATUS FUNCTION***// // Function : getCommunicationMode // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getCommunicationMode function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getCommunicationMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled,int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getCommunicationMode(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET COMMUNICATION MODE STATUS FUNCTION***// // Function : setCommunicationMode // // Description: This function sets the LipSync current communication mode status. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // mode : int : The communication method ( 0 = USB , 1 = Bluetooth ) // Return : void //****************************************// void setCommunicationMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled,int mode) { bool isValidMode = true; if(mode == 0 || mode == 1){ g_commMode = mode; delay(10); isValidMode = true; } else { isValidMode = false; } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidMode, 0, "CM,1", true, mode); } //***SET COMMUNICATION MODE STATUS FUNCTION***// // Function : setCommunicationMode // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setCommunicationMode function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void setCommunicationMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled,int* optionalArray) { setCommunicationMode(responseEnabled, apiEnabled,optionalArray[0]); } //***GET BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION STATUS FUNCTION***// // Function : getBluetoothConfig // // Description: This function gets the LipSync current configuration number. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //****************************************// void getBluetoothConfig(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int configNumber= BT_CONFIG_NUMBER; EEPROM.get(EEPROM_configNumber, configNumber); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if (configNumber!=BT_CONFIG_NUMBER){ setBluetoothConfig(false,false, BT_CONFIG_NUMBER); delay(5); configNumber=BT_CONFIG_NUMBER; } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "BT,0", true, configNumber); } //***GET BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION STATUS FUNCTION***// // Function : getBluetoothConfig // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getBluetoothConfig function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getBluetoothConfig(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getBluetoothConfig(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION FUNCTION***// // Function : setBluetoothConfig // // Description: This function sets the LipSync current configuration number and configure the bluetooth module. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // configNumber : const int : The configuration number value. // // Return : void void setBluetoothConfig(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int configNumber) { bool isValidConfigNumber = true; if(configNumber==BT_CONFIG_NUMBER) { setBluetoothCommandMode(); // Call Bluetooth command mode function to enter command mode setBluetoothConfigSequence(); // Send configuarion data to Bluetooth module delay(5); isValidConfigNumber = true; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_configNumber, BT_CONFIG_NUMBER); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } else { isValidConfigNumber = false; } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidConfigNumber, 0, "BT,1", true, configNumber); } //***SET BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION FUNCTION***// // Function : setBluetoothConfig // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setBluetoothConfig function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void setBluetoothConfig(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { setBluetoothConfig(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, optionalArray[0]); } //***GET MODEL NUMBER FUNCTION***// // Function : getModelNumber // // Description: This function retrieves the current LipSync firmware model number. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getModelNumber(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_modelNumber, g_modelNumber); // Retrieve model number from EEPROM EEPROM.get(EEPROM_versionNumber, g_versionNumber); // Retrieve version number from EEPROM if (g_modelNumber != LIPSYNC_MODEL) { // If the previous firmware was different model then factory reset the settings factoryReset(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, 0); g_modelNumber = LIPSYNC_MODEL; // And store the model number in EEPROM EEPROM.put(EEPROM_modelNumber, g_modelNumber); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } else if (g_versionNumber != LIPSYNC_VERSION) { // If the previous firmware was same model but different version then soft reset the settings factoryReset(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, 1); g_versionNumber = LIPSYNC_VERSION; // And store the version number in EEPROM EEPROM.put(EEPROM_versionNumber, g_versionNumber); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "MN,0", true, LIPSYNC_MODEL); } //***GET MODEL NUMBER API FUNCTION***// // Function : getModelNumber // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getModelNumber function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getModelNumber(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getModelNumber(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***GET VERSION FUNCTION***// // Function : getVersionNumber // // Description: This function retrieves the current LipSync firmware version number. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getVersionNumber(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_versionNumber, g_versionNumber); if (g_versionNumber != LIPSYNC_VERSION) { //If the previous firmware was different model then factory reset the settings g_versionNumber = LIPSYNC_VERSION; //And store the model number in EEPROM EEPROM.put(EEPROM_versionNumber, g_versionNumber); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "VN,0", true, LIPSYNC_VERSION); } //***GET VERSION API FUNCTION***// // Function : getVersionNumber // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getVersionNumber function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getVersionNumber(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getVersionNumber(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***GET CURSOR SPEED FUNCTION***// // Function : getCursorSpeed // // Description: This function retrieves the current cursor speed level. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// int getCursorSpeed(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int speedCounter = SPEED_COUNTER; if (API_ENABLED) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_speedCounter, speedCounter); if (speedCounter < 0 || speedCounter > 10) { speedCounter = SPEED_COUNTER; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_speedCounter, speedCounter); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, // TODO Add comment for magic argument 0, // TODO Add comment for magic argument "SS,0", true, // TODO Add comment for magic argument speedCounter); return speedCounter; } //***GET CURSOR SPEED API FUNCTION***// // Function : getCursorSpeed // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getCursorSpeed function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getCursorSpeed(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getCursorSpeed(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET CURSOR SPEED FUNCTION***// // Function : setCursorSpeed // // Description: This function sets the current cursor speed level. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputSpeedCounter : bool : The new cursor speed level. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setCursorSpeed(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputSpeedCounter) { bool isValidSpeed = true; if (inputSpeedCounter >= 0 && inputSpeedCounter <= 10) // Check if inputSpeedCounter is valid { // Valid inputSpeedCounter ledBlink(inputSpeedCounter + 1, 100, 1); g_cursorSpeedCounter = inputSpeedCounter; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_speedCounter, g_cursorSpeedCounter); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if(!API_ENABLED){ g_cursorSpeedCounter = SPEED_COUNTER; } isValidSpeed = true; } else { // Invalid inputSpeedCounter ledBlink(6, 50, 3); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_speedCounter, g_cursorSpeedCounter); isValidSpeed = false; } g_cursorMaxSpeed = cursorParams[g_cursorSpeedCounter]; byte responseCode = 0; (isValidSpeed) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidSpeed, responseCode, "SS,1", true, // TODO Comment magic argument g_cursorSpeedCounter); delay(5); } //***SET CURSOR SPEED API FUNCTION***// // Function : setCursorSpeed // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setCursorSpeed function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputSpeedCounter : int* : The array of one element which contains the new cursor speed level. // // Return : void void setCursorSpeed(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inputSpeedCounter) { setCursorSpeed(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inputSpeedCounter[0]); } //***INCREASE CURSOR SPEED LEVEL FUNCTION***// // Function : increaseCursorSpeed // // Description: This function increases the cursor speed level by one. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void increaseCursorSpeed(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { g_cursorSpeedCounter++; setCursorSpeed(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, g_cursorSpeedCounter); delay(5); } //***DECREASE CURSOR SPEED LEVEL FUNCTION***// // Function : decreaseCursorSpeed // // Description: This function decreases the cursor speed level by one. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void decreaseCursorSpeed(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { g_cursorSpeedCounter--; setCursorSpeed(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, g_cursorSpeedCounter); delay(5); } //***READ PRESSURE***// // Function : readPressure // // Description: This function returns a single pressure sensor value in volts // // Parameters : void // // Return : int : The pressure sensor value in ADC steps //*********************************// // This function returns a single pressure sensor value in volts float readPressure(void) { return analogRead(PRESSURE_PIN); } //***GET PUFF THRESHOLD FUNCTION***// // Function : getPuffThreshold // // Description: This function returns the current puff pressure threshold in percentage and the nominal pressure [0.0V - 5.0V] multiplied by 100. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getPuffThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int pressureNominal = readPressure(); int puffThreshold = PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; if (API_ENABLED) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_puffThreshold, puffThreshold); if (puffThreshold <= PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MIN || puffThreshold > PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MAX) { EEPROM.put(EEPROM_puffThreshold, PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); puffThreshold = PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; } } // Create puff pressure threshold value g_puffThreshold = pressureNominal - (puffThreshold / 100.0 * 1023); int pressureValue[] = { puffThreshold, pressureNominal }; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, // TODO Comment magic argument 0, // TODO Comment magic argument "PT,0", 2, // Number of values in pressureValue ':', // Delimiter pressureValue); } //***GET PUFF THRESHOLD API FUNCTION***// // Function : getPuffThreshold // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getPuffThreshold function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getPuffThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getPuffThreshold(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET PUFF THRESHOLD FUNCTION***// // Function : setPuffThreshold // // Description: This function sets the current puff pressure threshold in percentage. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputPuffThreshold : bool : The new puff pressure threshold in percentage. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setPuffThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputPuffThreshold) { bool isValidThreshold = true; int puffThreshold = inputPuffThreshold; int pressureNominal = readPressure(); // Read neutral pressure transducer analog value [0-1023] if ( (puffThreshold >= PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MIN) && puffThreshold <= PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MAX) { isValidThreshold = true; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_puffThreshold, puffThreshold); // Update value to memory from serial input delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if (!API_ENABLED) { puffThreshold = PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; // If the API is disabled, use the default value from the code } // Update sip and puff pressure threshold variables // Larger values tend to minimize frequency of inadvertent activation g_puffThreshold = pressureNominal - (puffThreshold / 100.0 * 1023); } else { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_puffThreshold, puffThreshold); isValidThreshold = false; } int pressureValue[] = { puffThreshold, pressureNominal }; int responseCode = 0; (isValidThreshold) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidThreshold, responseCode, "PT,1", 2, // TODO Comment magic argument ':', // TODO Comment magic argument pressureValue); delay(5); } //***SET PUFF THRESHOLD API FUNCTION***// // Function : setPuffThreshold // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setPuffThreshold function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputPuffThreshold : int* : The array of one element which contains the new pressure threshold. // // Return : void void setPuffThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inputPuffThreshold) { setPuffThreshold(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inputPuffThreshold[0]); } //***GET SIP THRESHOLD FUNCTION***// // Function : getSipThreshold // // Description: This function returns the current sip pressure threshold in percentage and the nominal pressure. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getSipThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int pressureNominal = readPressure(); int sipThreshold = SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; if (API_ENABLED) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_sipThreshold, sipThreshold); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if (sipThreshold <= SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MIN || sipThreshold > SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MAX) { EEPROM.put(EEPROM_sipThreshold, SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); sipThreshold = SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; } } // Create sip pressure threshold value ***Larger values tend to minimize frequency of inadvertent activation g_sipThreshold = pressureNominal + (sipThreshold / 100.0 * 1023); int pressureValue[] = { sipThreshold, pressureNominal }; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, // TODO Comment magic argument 0, // TODO Comment magic argument "ST,0", 2, // TODO Comment magic argument ':', // TODO Comment magic argument pressureValue); } //***GET SIP THRESHOLD API FUNCTION***// // Function : getSipThreshold // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getSipThreshold function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getSipThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getSipThreshold(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET SIP THRESHOLD FUNCTION***// // Function : setSipThreshold // // Description: This function sets the current sip pressure threshold in percentage. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputSipThreshold : bool : The new pressure threshold in percentage. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setSipThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputSipThreshold) { bool isValidThreshold; int sipThreshold = inputSipThreshold; int pressureNominal = readPressure(); // Read neutral pressure transducer analog value if ( (sipThreshold >= SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MIN) && sipThreshold <= SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_MAX) { isValidThreshold = true; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_sipThreshold, sipThreshold); // Update value to memory from serial input delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if (!API_ENABLED) { sipThreshold = SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; // If the API is disabled, use the default value from the code } // Update sip and puff pressure threshold variables g_sipThreshold = pressureNominal + (sipThreshold / 100.0 * 1023); } else { isValidThreshold = false; EEPROM.get(EEPROM_sipThreshold, sipThreshold); } int pressureValue[] = { sipThreshold, pressureNominal }; int responseCode = 0; (isValidThreshold) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidThreshold, responseCode, "ST,1", 2, // TODO Comment magic argument ':', // TODO Comment magic argument pressureValue); } //***SET PRESSURE THRESHOLD API FUNCTION***// // Function : setPressureThreshold // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setPressureThreshold function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputPressureThreshold : int* : The array of one element which contains the new pressure threshold. // // Return : void void setSipThreshold(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inputSipThreshold) { setSipThreshold(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inputSipThreshold[0]); } //***GET PRESSURE VALUE FUNCTION***// // Function : getPressureValue // // Description: This function returns pressure value in steps [0-1023]. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getPressureValue(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int tempPressureValue = readPressure(); printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "PV,0", true, tempPressureValue); } //***GET PRESSURE VALUE API FUNCTION***// // Function : getPressureValue // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getPressureValue function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getPressureValue(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getPressureValue(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***GET JOYSTICK VALUE FUNCTION***// // Function : getJoystickValue // // Description: This function returns a set of single FSR measurements. // Output format: "JV,0:xHigh,xLow,yHigh,yLow" // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getJoystickValue(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int xHighTemp = analogRead(X_DIR_HIGH_PIN); // Read analog values of FSR's : A0 int xLowTemp = analogRead(X_DIR_LOW_PIN); // Read analog values of FSR's : A1 int yHighTemp = analogRead(Y_DIR_HIGH_PIN); // Read analog values of FSR's : A0 int yLowTemp = analogRead(Y_DIR_LOW_PIN); // Read analog values of FSR's : A10 int joystickTempValue[] = { xHighTemp, xLowTemp, yHighTemp, yLowTemp }; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, // TODO Comment magic argument 0, // TODO Comment magic argument "JV,0", // Command 4, // 4 output variables ',', // Delimiter between output variables joystickTempValue); } //***GET JOYSTICK VALUE API FUNCTION***// // Function : getJoystickValue // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getJoystickValue function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getJoystickValue(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getJoystickValue(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***GET DEBUG MODE STATE FUNCTION***// // Function : getDebugMode // // Description: This function retrieves the state of debug mode. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : debugState : bool : The current state of debug mode. //*********************************// bool getDebugMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { bool debugState = DEBUG_MODE; int debugIntValue; if (API_ENABLED) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_debugModeEnabled, debugIntValue); if (debugIntValue != 0 && debugIntValue != 1) // TODO Comment magic argument { EEPROM.put(EEPROM_debugModeEnabled, DEBUG_MODE); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); debugState = DEBUG_MODE; } } else { debugState = DEBUG_MODE; } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, // TODO Comment magic argument 0, // TODO Comment magic argument "DM,0", true,// TODO Comment magic argument debugState); if(responseEnabled && debugState==1){ sendDebugConfigData();} return debugState; } //***GET DEBUG MODE STATE API FUNCTION***// // Function : getDebugMode // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getDebugMode function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getDebugMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getDebugMode(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET DEBUG MODE STATE FUNCTION***// // Function : setDebugMode // // Description: This function sets the state of debug mode. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inpuDebugState : int : The new debug mode state ( true = ON , false = OFF ) // // Return : void //*********************************// void setDebugMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inpuDebugState) { bool isValidDebugState = true; // TODO Should this default to false? if (inpuDebugState == 0 || inpuDebugState == 1) { g_debugModeEnabled = inpuDebugState; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_debugModeEnabled, g_debugModeEnabled); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if (!API_ENABLED) { g_debugModeEnabled = DEBUG_MODE; } isValidDebugState = true; } else { isValidDebugState = false; } delay(5); int responseCode = 0; (isValidDebugState) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidDebugState, responseCode, "DM,1", true, // TODO Comment magic argument g_debugModeEnabled); if(inpuDebugState==1) { sendDebugConfigData(); } } //***SET DEBUG MODE STATE API FUNCTION***// // Function : setDebugMode // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setDebugMode function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inpuDebugState : int* : The array of one element which contains the new debug mode state. // // Return : void void setDebugMode(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inpuDebugState) { setDebugMode(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inpuDebugState[0]); } //***SEND DEBUG DATA FUNCTION***// // Function : sendDebugConfigData // // Description: This function serial prints the debug mode config data. // Output format: "LOG:1:0,0,0,xHighNeutral,xLowNeutral,yHighNeutral,yLowNeutral" // Output format: "LOG:2:0,0,0,xHighMax,xLowMax,yHighMax,yLowMax" // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void sendDebugConfigData() { int neutralValue[] = {0, 0, 0, g_xHighNeutral, g_xLowNeutral, g_yHighNeutral, g_yLowNeutral}; int maxValue[] = {0, 0, 0, g_xHighMax, g_xLowMax, g_yHighMax, g_yLowMax}; delay(100); // TODO This seems like a super long delay. printResponseContinuous("LOG", 1, 7, ',', neutralValue); delay(100); printResponseContinuous("LOG", 2, 7, ',', maxValue); delay(100); } //***SEND DEBUG RAW DATA FUNCTION***// // Function : sendDebugRawData // // Description: This function serial prints the debug mode raw data. // Output format: "LOG:3:xCursor,yCursor,Action,xUp,xDown,yUp,yDown" // // Parameters : x : int : The cursor x movement. // y : int : The cursor y movement. // action : int : The cursor button actions. // xUp : int : The xUp FSR value. // xDown : int : The xDown FSR value. // yUp : int : The yUp FSR value. // yDown : int : The yDown FSR value. // // Return : void //*********************************// void sendDebugRawData(int x, int y, int action, int xUp, int xDown, int yUp, int yDown) { int rawDataValue[] = {x, y, action, xUp, xDown, yUp, yDown}; printResponseContinuous("LOG", 3, 7, ',', rawDataValue); } //***GET COMP FACTOR VALUES FUNCTION***/// /// Function : getCompFactor // // Description: This function retrieves the FSR compensation factors. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void getCompFactor(void) { // Retrieve flag from EEPROM. int compFactorIsSet; float defaultCompFactor = CURSOR_DEFAULT_COMP_FACTOR; EEPROM.get(EEPROM_defaultIsSet, compFactorIsSet); // Check flag. If set, retrieve values from memory, otherswise set default. if (compFactorIsSet == 1) { // Get the Comp values from Memory EEPROM.get(EEPROM_yHighComp, yHighComp); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_yLowComp, yLowComp); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_xHighComp, xHighComp); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_xLowComp, xLowComp); } else { // Set the Comp values for first time EEPROM.put(EEPROM_yHighComp, defaultCompFactor); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_yLowComp, defaultCompFactor); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_xHighComp, defaultCompFactor); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_xLowComp, defaultCompFactor); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); // Set the flag compFactorIsSet = 1; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_defaultIsSet, compFactorIsSet); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } } //***SET COMP FACTOR VALUES FUNCTION***/// /// Function : setCompFactor // // Description: This function calculates the FSR compensation factors. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void setCompFactor(void) { // Determine maximum FSR max value int xMax = (g_xHighMax > g_xLowMax) ? g_xHighMax : g_xLowMax; int yMax = (g_yHighMax > g_yLowMax) ? g_yHighMax : g_yLowMax; float finalMax = (xMax > yMax) ? (float)xMax : (float)yMax; // Calculate compensation factors based on range from neutral to max yHighComp = (finalMax - g_yHighNeutral) / (g_yHighMax - g_yHighNeutral); yLowComp = (finalMax - g_yLowNeutral) / (g_yLowMax - g_yLowNeutral); xHighComp = (finalMax - g_xHighNeutral) / (g_xHighMax - g_xHighNeutral); xLowComp = (finalMax - g_xLowNeutral) / (g_xLowMax - g_xLowNeutral); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_yHighComp, yHighComp); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_yLowComp, yLowComp); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_xHighComp, xHighComp); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_xLowComp, xLowComp); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } //***GET CURSOR INITIALIZATION FUNCTION***// /// Function : getCursorInitialization // // Description: This function retrieves the FSR Neutral values from joystick Initialization. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getCursorInitialization(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int neutralValue[] = {g_xHighNeutral, g_xLowNeutral, g_yHighNeutral, g_yLowNeutral}; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, //TODO Comment magic argument 0, //TODO Comment magic argument "IN,0", 4, //TODO Comment magic argument ',', //TODO Comment magic argument neutralValue); } //***GET CURSOR INITIALIZATION API FUNCTION***// // Function : getCursorInitialization // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getCursorInitialization function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getCursorInitialization(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getCursorInitialization(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET CURSOR INITIALIZATION FUNCTION***// /// Function : setCursorInitialization // // Description: This function performs joystick Initialization. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // mode : int : The comp factor mode used during the joystick Initialization. // Get comp factors from memory if mode set to 1. // Set comp factors to memory if mode set to 2. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setCursorInitialization(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int mode) { ledOn(1); //Turn on Green LED int xHigh = analogRead(X_DIR_HIGH_PIN); // Set the initial neutral x-high value of joystick int xLow = analogRead(X_DIR_LOW_PIN); // Set the initial neutral x-low value of joystick int yHigh = analogRead(Y_DIR_HIGH_PIN); // Set the initial neutral y-high value of joystick int yLow = analogRead(Y_DIR_LOW_PIN); // Set the initial Initial neutral y-low value of joystick //Set the neutral values and change detection g_xHighPrev = g_xHighNeutral = xHigh; g_xLowPrev = g_xLowNeutral = xLow; g_yHighPrev = g_yHighNeutral = yHigh; g_yLowPrev = g_yLowNeutral = yLow; if (mode == 1) { getCompFactor(); // Get comp factors from memory if mode set to 1 } else if (mode == 2) { setCompFactor(); // Recalculate and set comp factors to memory if mode set to 2 } //Get the Comp values from Memory EEPROM.get(EEPROM_yHighComp, yHighComp); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_yLowComp, yLowComp); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_xHighComp, xHighComp); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_xLowComp, xLowComp); int neutralValue[] = {g_xHighNeutral, g_xLowNeutral, g_yHighNeutral, g_yLowNeutral}; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true,//TODO Comment magic argument 0, //TODO Comment magic argument "IN,1", 4,//TODO Comment magic argument ',',//TODO Comment magic argument neutralValue); ledClear(); } //***SET CURSOR INITIALIZATION API FUNCTION***// // Function : setCursorInitialization // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setCursorInitialization function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // mode : int* : The array of one element which contains the initialization mode. // // Return : void void setCursorInitialization(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* mode) { setCursorInitialization(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, mode[0]); } //*** GET CURSOR CALIBRATION FUNCTION***// /// Function : getCursorCalibration // // Description: This function retrieves FSR maximum values from joystick Calibration. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getCursorCalibration(bool responseEnable, bool apiEnabled) { // Get the max values from Memory EEPROM.get(EEPROM_xHighMax, g_xHighMax); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_xLowMax, g_xLowMax); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_yHighMax, g_yHighMax); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_yLowMax, g_yLowMax); int maxValue[] = { g_xHighMax, g_xLowMax, g_yHighMax, g_yLowMax }; printResponseMultiple(responseEnable, apiEnabled, true, //TODO Comment magic argument 0, "CA,0", // Command code, get 4, // Number of output arguments ',', // Delimiter maxValue); } //***GET CURSOR CALIBRATION API FUNCTION***// // Function : getCursorCalibration // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getCursorCalibration function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getCursorCalibration(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getCursorCalibration(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //*** SET CURSOR CALIBRATION FUNCTION***// /// Function : getCursorCalibration // // Description: This function starts the joystick Calibration. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setCursorCalibration(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { ledClear(); printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CA,1", true, 0); ledBlink(4, 300, 3); printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CA,1", true, 1); ledBlink(6, 500, 1); g_yHighMax = analogRead(Y_DIR_HIGH_PIN); ledBlink(1, 1000, 2); printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CA,1", true, 2); ledBlink(6, 500, 1); g_xHighMax = analogRead(X_DIR_HIGH_PIN); ledBlink(1, 1000, 2); printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CA,1", true, 3); ledBlink(6, 500, 1); g_yLowMax = analogRead(Y_DIR_LOW_PIN); ledBlink(1, 1000, 2); printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CA,1", true, 4); ledBlink(6, 500, 1); g_xLowMax = analogRead(X_DIR_LOW_PIN); ledBlink(1, 1000, 2); setCompFactor(); // TODO Check there isn't duplicated efforts between this and next lines of code. EEPROM.put(EEPROM_xHighMax, g_xHighMax); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_xLowMax, g_xLowMax); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_yHighMax, g_yHighMax); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); EEPROM.put(EEPROM_yLowMax, g_yLowMax); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); ledBlink(5, 250, 3); int maxValue[] = { g_xHighMax, g_xLowMax, g_yHighMax, g_yLowMax }; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CA,1:5", 4, ',', maxValue); } //***SET CURSOR CALIBRATION API FUNCTION***// // Function : setCursorCalibration // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setCursorCalibration function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void setCursorCalibration(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 1) { setCursorCalibration(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //*** GET CHANGE TOLERANCE VALUE CALIBRATION FUNCTION***// /// Function : getChangeTolerance // // Description: This function retrieves the current change tolerance. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : tempChangeTolerance : int : The current change tolerance. //*********************************// int getChangeTolerance(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int tempChangeTolerance = CHANGE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; if (API_ENABLED) { //Get the change tolerance from memory EEPROM.get(EEPROM_changeTolerance, tempChangeTolerance); } else { tempChangeTolerance = CHANGE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "CT,0", true, tempChangeTolerance); return tempChangeTolerance; } //***GET CHANGE TOLERANCE VALUE CALIBRATION API FUNCTION***// // Function : getChangeTolerance // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getChangeTolerance function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getChangeTolerance(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getChangeTolerance(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET CHANGE TOLERANCE VALUE CALIBRATION FUNCTION***/// // Function : setChangeTolerance // // Description: This function sets a new change tolerance [ 0 - 30 ]. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputChangeTolerance : int : The input change tolerance requested. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setChangeTolerance(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputChangeTolerance) { bool isValidChangeTolerance = true; if (inputChangeTolerance >= 0 && inputChangeTolerance <= CURSOR_DEADBAND) { g_changeTolerance = inputChangeTolerance; // Update value to global variable EEPROM.put(EEPROM_changeTolerance, g_changeTolerance); // Update value to memory from serial input delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if(!API_ENABLED) {g_changeTolerance = CHANGE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; } //Use default change tolerance if bad serial input isValidChangeTolerance = true; } else { isValidChangeTolerance = false; } delay(5); int responseCode = 0; // TODO change to byte? (isValidChangeTolerance) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidChangeTolerance, responseCode, "CT,1", true, g_changeTolerance); } //***SET CHANGE TOLERANCE VALUE CALIBRATION API FUNCTION***// // Function : setChangeTolerance // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setChangeTolerance function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputChangeTolerance : int* : The array of one element which contains the new change tolerance value. // // Return : void void setChangeTolerance(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inputChangeTolerance) { setChangeTolerance(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inputChangeTolerance[0]); } //***GET BUTTON MAPPING FUNCTION***// // Function : getButtonMapping // // Description: This function retrieves a new input button action mapping. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// void getButtonMapping(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { bool isValidMapping = true; if (API_ENABLED) { for (byte i = 0; i < INPUT_ACTION_COUNT; i++) { // Check if it's a valid mapping int buttonMapping; EEPROM.get(EEPROM_buttonMapping1 + i * 2, buttonMapping); if (buttonMapping < 0 || buttonMapping > 8) { isValidMapping = false; break; } else { g_actionButton[i] = buttonMapping; } } if (!isValidMapping) { for (byte i = 0; i < INPUT_ACTION_COUNT; i++) { // Save the default mapping into EEPROM if it's not a valid mapping EEPROM.put(EEPROM_buttonMapping1 + i * 2, BUTTON_MAPPING[i]); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); g_actionButton[i] = BUTTON_MAPPING[i]; } } } printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "MP,0", 6 , '\0', g_actionButton); delay(5); } //***GET BUTTON MAPPING API FUNCTION***// // Function : getButtonMapping // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getButtonMapping function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getButtonMapping(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getButtonMapping(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET BUTTON MAPPING FUNCTION***// // Function : setButtonMapping // // Description: This function sets a new input button action mapping. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputButtonMapping : int array : The input button action mapping requested. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setButtonMapping(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputButtonMapping[]) { bool isValidMapping = true; for (byte i = 0; i < INPUT_ACTION_COUNT; i++) { // Check each action for validity if (inputButtonMapping[i] < 0 || inputButtonMapping[i] > 7) // Up to 7 input actions but 6 available { isValidMapping = false; break; } } if (isValidMapping) { //Valid mapping for (byte i = 0; i < INPUT_ACTION_COUNT; i++) { EEPROM.put(EEPROM_buttonMapping1 + i * 2, inputButtonMapping[i]); // Save the mapping into EEPROM if it's a valid mapping delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); g_actionButton[i] = inputButtonMapping[i]; } if (!API_ENABLED) { memcpy(g_actionButton, BUTTON_MAPPING, INPUT_ACTION_COUNT); } } int responseCode = 0; (isValidMapping) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseMultiple(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidMapping, responseCode, "MP,1", 6, '\0', g_actionButton); } //***GET ROTATION ANGLE FUNCTION***/// // Function : getRotationAngle // // Description: This function gets the current rotation angle {0,90,180,270} // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : tempRotationAngle : int : The current rotation angle {0,90,180,270} //*********************************// int getRotationAngle(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int tempRotationAngle = ROTATION_ANGLE; if (API_ENABLED) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_rotationAngle, tempRotationAngle); // Get the rotation angle from memory } else { tempRotationAngle = ROTATION_ANGLE; } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "RA,0", true, tempRotationAngle); return tempRotationAngle; } //***GET ROTATION ANGLE API FUNCTION***// // Function : getRotationAngle // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getRotationAngle function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true.s // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getRotationAngle(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getRotationAngle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET ROTATION ANGLE FUNCTION***/// // Function : setRotationAngle // // Description: This function sets a new rotation angle {0,90,180,270} // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputRotationAngle : int : The input rotation angle {0,90,180,270} requested. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setRotationAngle(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputRotationAngle) { bool isValidRotationAngle = true; if ( inputRotationAngle == 0 || inputRotationAngle == 90 || inputRotationAngle == 180 || inputRotationAngle == 270) { isValidRotationAngle = true; g_rotationAngle = inputRotationAngle; // Update value to global variable EEPROM.put(EEPROM_rotationAngle, g_rotationAngle); // Update value to memory from serial input delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if (!API_ENABLED) { g_rotationAngle = ROTATION_ANGLE; // Use default rotation angle if bad serial input } } else { isValidRotationAngle = false; } int responseCode = 0; (isValidRotationAngle) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidRotationAngle, responseCode, "RA,1", true, g_rotationAngle); updateRotationAngle(); // Update rotation transform } //***SET ROTATION ANGLE API FUNCTION***// // Function : setRotationAngle // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setRotationAngle function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputRotationAngle : int* : The array of one element which contains the new rotation angle. // // Return : void void setRotationAngle(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inputRotationAngle) { setRotationAngle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inputRotationAngle[0]); } //***UPDATE ROTATION ANGLES FUNCTION***/// // Function : updateRotationAngle // // Description: This function updates global rotation angles. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //***************************// void updateRotationAngle(void) { // Set rotation angle components based on global rotation angle // Currently limited to 4 cadrinal switch(g_rotationAngle) { case 90: { g_rotationAngle11 = 0; g_rotationAngle12 = 1; g_rotationAngle21 = 1; g_rotationAngle22 = 0; break; } case 180: { g_rotationAngle11 = -1; g_rotationAngle12 = 0; g_rotationAngle21 = 0; g_rotationAngle22 = -1; break; } case 270: { g_rotationAngle11 = 0; g_rotationAngle12 = -1; g_rotationAngle21 = 1; g_rotationAngle22 = 0; break; } case 0: { } default: { // Default rotation angle g_rotationAngle11 = 1; g_rotationAngle12 = 0; g_rotationAngle21 = 0; g_rotationAngle22 = 1; break; } } // End switch case // More advanced angle calculation - removed to save memory //Convert rotation angle from degrees to radians //float rotationAngleRad = g_rotationAngle * M_PI / 180.0; //calculate transform matrix elements. //g_rotationAngle11 = cos(rotationAngleRad); //g_rotationAngle12 = sin(rotationAngleRad); //g_rotationAngle21 = -g_rotationAngle12; // -sin(rotation_angle_rad) //g_rotationAngle22 = g_rotationAngle11; // cos(rotation_angle_rad) } //***GET SCROLL LEVEL FUNCTION***// // Function : getScrollLevel // // Description: This function retrieves the current cursor scroll level. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // // Return : void //*********************************// int getScrollLevel(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled) { int scrollLevel = SCROLL_LEVEL; if (API_ENABLED) { EEPROM.get(EEPROM_scrollLevel, scrollLevel); if (scrollLevel < 0 || scrollLevel > 10) { scrollLevel = SPEED_COUNTER; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_scrollLevel, scrollLevel); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); } } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, true, 0, "SL,0", true, scrollLevel); return scrollLevel; } //***GET SCROLL LEVEL API FUNCTION***// // Function : getScrollLevel // // Description: This function is redefinition of main getScrollLevel function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // optionalArray : int* : The array of int which should contain one element with value of zero. // // Return : void void getScrollLevel(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* optionalArray) { if (optionalArray[0] == 0) { getScrollLevel(responseEnabled, apiEnabled); } } //***SET SCROLL LEVEL FUNCTION***// // Function : setScrollLevel // // Description: This function sets the scroll level. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputScrollCounter : bool : The new the cursor speed level. // // Return : void //*********************************// void setScrollLevel(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int inputScrollLevel) { bool isValidFactor = true; if (inputScrollLevel >= 0 && inputScrollLevel <= 10) // Check if inputScroll is within range { // Valid inputScrollLevel ledBlink(inputScrollLevel + 1, 100, 1); g_cursorScrollLevel = inputScrollLevel; EEPROM.put(EEPROM_scrollLevel, g_cursorScrollLevel); delay(EEPROM_WRITE_DELAY); if(!API_ENABLED){ g_cursorScrollLevel = SCROLL_LEVEL; } isValidFactor = true; } else { //Invalid inputScrollLevel ledBlink(6, 50, 3); EEPROM.get(EEPROM_scrollLevel, g_cursorScrollLevel); delay(10); isValidFactor = false; } g_cursorScrollDelay = calculateScrollDelay(g_cursorScrollLevel); int responseCode = 0; (isValidFactor) ? responseCode = 0 : responseCode = 3; printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidFactor, responseCode, "SL,1", true, g_cursorScrollLevel); } //***SET SCROLL LEVEL API FUNCTION***// // Function : setScrollLevel // // Description: This function is redefinition of main setScrollLevel function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // inputScrollLevel : int* : The array of one element which contains the new scroll speed level. // // Return : void void setScrollLevel(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* inputScrollLevel) { setScrollLevel(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, inputScrollLevel[0]); } //***FACTORY RESET FUNCTION***// // Function : factoryReset // // Description: This function performs factory reset. It can perform a soft or hard reset. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // resetType : int : The reset type ( 0 = hard reset, 1 = soft reset) // // Return : void //***************************// void factoryReset(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int resetType) { bool isValidResetType = true; int responseCode = 0; if (resetType == 0 || resetType == 1) { // Reset following settings only if a factory reset is performed isValidResetType = true; responseCode = 0; if (resetType == 0) { // HARD RESET // Resets pressure thresholds and button mapping to default setPuffThreshold(false, true, PUFF_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); // Set default pressure threshold setSipThreshold(false, true, SIP_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); // Set default pressure threshold setButtonMapping(false, true, BUTTON_MAPPING); // Set default action mapping setBluetoothConfig(false, true, BT_CONFIG_NUMBER); // Set default bluetooth configuration } setCursorSpeed(false, true, SPEED_COUNTER); // Set default cursor speed counter setScrollLevel(false, true, SCROLL_LEVEL); // Set default scroll speed level setRotationAngle(false, true, ROTATION_ANGLE); // Set default rotation angle setChangeTolerance(false, true, CHANGE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE); // Set default change tolerance setDebugMode(false, true, DEBUG_MODE); // Set default debug mode g_cursorSpeedCounter = SPEED_COUNTER; // Set the cursor speed values to default g_cursorMaxSpeed = cursorParams[g_cursorSpeedCounter]; g_cursorScrollLevel = SCROLL_LEVEL; // Set the default scroll speed values g_cursorScrollDelay = calculateScrollDelay(g_cursorScrollLevel); g_changeTolerance = CHANGE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; g_debugModeEnabled = DEBUG_MODE; // Set the default debug mode getCompFactor(); // Update the compensation factors ledBlink(2, 250, 1); } else { isValidResetType = false; responseCode = 3; //TODO Add comment with what this means } printResponseSingle(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, isValidResetType, responseCode, "FR,1", true, resetType); } //***FACTORY RESET API FUNCTION***// // Function : factoryReset // // Description: This function is redefinition of main factoryReset function to match the types of API function arguments. // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : The response for serial printing is enabled if it's set to true. // The serial printing is ignored if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : The API response is sent if it's set to true. // Manual response is sent if it's set to false. // resetType : int* : The array of one element which contains the reset type. // // Return : void void factoryReset(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, int* resetType) { factoryReset(responseEnabled, apiEnabled, resetType[0]); } //***SERIAL SETTINGS FUNCTION TO CHANGE SPEED AND COMMUNICATION MODE USING SOFTWARE***// // Function : serialSettings // // Description: This function confirms if serial settings should be enabled. // It returns true if it's in the settings mode and is waiting for a command. // It returns false if it's not in the settings mode or it needs to exit the settings mode. // // Parameters : enabled : bool : The input flag // // Return : bool //*************************************************************************************// bool serialSettings(bool enabled) { String commandString = ""; bool settingsFlag = enabled; // Settings mode or command mode bool responseSendFlag = false; // Send response if true , perform command if false bool responseStatusFlag = false; // Set status of the response ( SUCCESS = true, FAIL = false ) // Set the input parameter to the flag returned. This will help to detect that the settings actions should be performed. if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if serial has received or read input string and word "SETTINGS" is in input string. commandString = Serial.readString(); if (settingsFlag == false && commandString == "SETTINGS") { // SETTING received // Set the return flag to true so settings actions can be performed in the next call to the function settingsFlag = true; responseSendFlag = true; responseStatusFlag = true; } else if (settingsFlag == true && commandString == "EXIT") { // EXIT Recieved // Set the return flag to false so settings actions can be exited settingsFlag = false; responseSendFlag = true; responseStatusFlag = true; } else if (settingsFlag == true && isValidCommandFormat(commandString)) { // Check if command's format is correct and it's in settings mode settingsFlag = false; responseSendFlag = false; } else { settingsFlag = false; responseSendFlag = true; responseStatusFlag = false; } // Perform action based on the previous conditional statements (responseSendFlag) ? printResponseSingle(true, true, responseStatusFlag, 0, commandString, false, 0) : performCommand(commandString); Serial.flush(); } return settingsFlag; } //***VALIDATE INPUT COMMAND FORMAT FUNCTION***// // Function : isValidCommandFormat // // Description: This function confirms command string has correct format. // It returns true if the string has a correct format. // It returns false if the string doesn't have a correct format. // // Parameters : inputCommandString : String : The input string // // Return : boolean //***********************************************// bool isValidCommandFormat(String inputCommandString) { bool isValidFormat = false; int inputLength = inputCommandString.length(); if ((inputLength >= (6) && inputLength <= (11)) && inputCommandString.charAt(2) == ',' && inputCommandString.charAt(4) == ':') { isValidFormat = true; } return isValidFormat; } //***CHECK IF STRING IS A NUMBER FUNCTION***// // Function : isStrNumber // // Description: This function checks if the input string is a number. // It returns true if the string includes all numeric characters. // It returns false if the string includes a non numeric character. // // Parameters : str : String : The input string // // Return : boolean //******************************************// boolean isStrNumber(String str) { for (byte i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (!isDigit(str.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } //***CHECK IF CHAR IS A VALID DELIMITER FUNCTION***// // Function : isValidDelimiter // // Description: This function checks if the input char is a valid delimiter. // It returns true if the character is a valid delimiter. // It returns false if the character is not a valid delimiter. // // Parameters : inputDelimiter : char : The input char delimiter // // Return : boolean //******************************************// bool isValidDelimiter(char inputDelimiter) { bool validOutput; (inputDelimiter == ',' || inputDelimiter == ':' || inputDelimiter == '-') ? validOutput = true : validOutput = false; return validOutput; } //***SERIAL PRINT OUT COMMAND RESPONSE WITH SINGLE PARAMETER FUNCTION***// // Function : printResponseSingle // // Description: Serial Print output of the responses from APIs with single parameter as the output // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : Print the response if it's set to true, and skip the response if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : Print the response and indicate if the the function was called via the API if it's set to true. // Print Manual response if the function wasn't called via API. // responseStatus : bool : The response status (SUCCESS,FAIL) // responseNumber : int : 0,1,2 (Different meanings depending on the responseStatus) // responseCommand : String : The End-Point command which is returned as output. // responseParameterEnabled : bool : Print the parameter if it's set to true, and skip the parameter if it's set to false. // responseParameter : int : The response parameters printed as output. // // Return : void //***********************************************************************// void printResponseSingle(bool responseEnabled,bool apiEnabled, bool responseStatus, int responseNumber, String responseCommand,bool responseParameterEnabled,int responseParameter) { if (responseEnabled) { if (responseStatus) { (apiEnabled) ? Serial.print("SUCCESS") : Serial.print("MANUAL"); } else { Serial.print("FAIL"); } Serial.print(","); Serial.print(responseNumber); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(responseCommand); if (responseParameterEnabled) { Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(responseParameter); } else { Serial.println(""); } delay(SERIAL_DELAY); } } //***SERIAL PRINT OUT COMMAND RESPONSE WITH MULTIPLE PARAMETERS FUNCTION***// // Function : printResponseMultiple // // Description: Serial Print output of the responses from APIs with multiple parameters // // Parameters : responseEnabled : bool : Print the response if it's set to true, and skip the response if it's set to false. // apiEnabled : bool : Print the response and indicate if the the function was called via the API if it's set to true. // Print Manual response if the function wasn't called via API. // responseStatus : bool : The response status (SUCCESS,FAIL) // responseNumber : byte : 0,1,2,3 (Different meanings depending on the responseStatus) // responseCommand : String : The End-Point command which is returned as output. // responsePrefix : String : The prefix to be added before the parameter section of the response. // responseParameterSize : byte : The size of the array which holds output response parameters. // responseParameterDelimiter : char array : The delimiter used to separate multiple response parameters. // responseParameter : int array : The response parameters printed as output. // // Return : void //************************************************************************************// void printResponseMultiple(bool responseEnabled, bool apiEnabled, bool responseStatus, byte responseNumber, String responseCommand, byte responseParameterSize, char responseParameterDelimiter, int responseParameter[]) { char tempParameterDelimiter[1]; (isValidDelimiter(responseParameterDelimiter)) ? tempParameterDelimiter[0] = {responseParameterDelimiter} : tempParameterDelimiter[0] = {'\0'}; if (responseEnabled) { if (responseStatus) { (apiEnabled) ? Serial.print("SUCCESS") : Serial.print("MANUAL"); } else { Serial.print("FAIL"); } Serial.print(","); Serial.print(responseNumber); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(responseCommand); Serial.print(":"); for (byte parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < responseParameterSize; parameterIndex++) { Serial.print(responseParameter[parameterIndex]); if (parameterIndex < (responseParameterSize - 1)) { Serial.print(tempParameterDelimiter[0]); } } Serial.println(""); delay(SERIAL_DELAY); } // end output response } //***CONTINUOUS SERIAL PRINT OUT COMMAND RESPONSE WITH MULTIPLE PARAMETERS FUNCTION***// // Function : printResponseContinuous // // Description: Serial Print output of the continuous responses from APIs // // Parameters : responseStatus : String : The response to the API call (RAW,LOG) // responseNumber : int : 0,1,2 (Different meanings depending on the responseStatus) // responseParameterSize : int : The size of the array which holds output response parameters // responseParameterDelimiter : char array : The delimiter used to separate multiple response parameters // responseParameter : int array : The response parameters printed as output // // Return : void //************************************************************************************// void printResponseContinuous(String responseStatus, byte responseNumber, byte responseParameterSize, char responseParameterDelimiter, int responseParameter[]) { char tempParameterDelimiter[1]; (isValidDelimiter(responseParameterDelimiter)) ? tempParameterDelimiter[0] = {responseParameterDelimiter} : tempParameterDelimiter[0] = {'\0'}; Serial.print(responseStatus); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(responseNumber); Serial.print(":"); for (byte parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < responseParameterSize; parameterIndex++) { Serial.print(responseParameter[parameterIndex]); if (parameterIndex < (responseParameterSize - 1)) { Serial.print(tempParameterDelimiter[0]); } } Serial.println(""); } //***PERFORM COMMAND FUNCTION TO CHANGE SETTINGS USING SOFTWARE***// // Function : performCommand // // Description: This function takes processes an input string from the serial and calls the // corresponding API function, or outputs an error. // // Parameters : inputString : String : The input command as a string. // // Return : void //*********************************// void performCommand(String inputString) { int inputCommandIndex = inputString.indexOf(':'); // Extract command string from input string String inputCommandString = inputString.substring(0, inputCommandIndex); // Extract parameter string from input string String inputParameterString = inputString.substring(inputCommandIndex + 1); // Determine total number of API commands byte totalCommandNumber = sizeof(apiFunction) / sizeof(apiFunction[0]); // Iterate through each API command for (byte apiIndex = 0; apiIndex < totalCommandNumber; apiIndex++) { // Test if input command string matches API command and input parameter string matches API parameter string if ( inputCommandString == apiFunction[apiIndex]._command && ((int)inputParameterString.toInt() == apiFunction[apiIndex]._parameter || apiFunction[apiIndex]._parameter == 1 || apiFunction[apiIndex]._parameter == 2 )) { // Matching Command String found if ( isStrNumber( inputParameterString )) // Check if parameter is valid { // Valid Parameter // Handle parameters that are an array as a special case. if (apiFunction[apiIndex]._parameter == 2) // 2 denotes an array parameter { int inputParameterArray[inputParameterString.length() + 1]; for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < inputParameterString.length(); arrayIndex++) { inputParameterArray[arrayIndex] = inputParameterString.charAt(arrayIndex) - '0'; } // Call matching API function with input parameter array apiFunction[apiIndex]._function(true, true, inputParameterArray); //delay(5); } else { int tempParameterArray[1] = {(int)inputParameterString.toInt()}; // Call matching API function with input parameter string apiFunction[apiIndex]._function(true, true, tempParameterArray); //delay(5); } } else { // Invalid input parameter // Output error message printResponseSingle(true, true, false, 2, inputString, false, 0); } break; } else if (apiIndex == (totalCommandNumber - 1)) { // Command doesn’t exist - Output error message printResponseSingle(true, true, false, 1, inputString, false, 0); break; } } //end iterate through API functions } //***LED ON FUNCTION***// // Function : ledOn // // Description: This function is used to turn LEDs on. // // Parameters : ledNumber : int : The led number (1: Turn green on , 2: Turn red on). // // Return : void //*********************************// void ledOn(int ledNumber) { switch (ledNumber) { case 1: { // Turn GREEN LED on digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, HIGH); // delay(5); digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, LOW); break; } case 2: { // Turn RED LED on digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, HIGH); // delay(5); digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, LOW); break; } } } //***LED CLEAR FUNCTION***// // Function : ledClear // // Description: This function is used to turns both LEDs off. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void ledClear(void) { digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, LOW); } //***LED BLINK FUNCTION***// // Function : ledBlink // // Description: This function blinks the LEDs. // // Parameters : numBlinks : int : The number of LED blinks. // delayBlinks : int : The delay for each LED blink. // ledNumber : int : The led number (1: Flash green, 2: Flash red, 3: Alternate). // // Return : void //*********************************// void ledBlink(int numBlinks, int delayBlinks, int ledNumber) { if (numBlinks < 0) numBlinks *= -1; //todo is this error checking? switch (ledNumber) { case 1: { // Flash green for (byte i = 0; i < numBlinks; i++) { digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, HIGH); delay(delayBlinks); digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, LOW); delay(delayBlinks); } break; } case 2: { // Flash red for (byte i = 0; i < numBlinks; i++) { digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, HIGH); delay(delayBlinks); digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, LOW); delay(delayBlinks); } break; } case 3: { // Alternate flashing red and green for (byte i = 0; i < numBlinks; i++) { digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, HIGH); delay(delayBlinks); digitalWrite(LED_GREEN_PIN, LOW); delay(delayBlinks); digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, HIGH); delay(delayBlinks); digitalWrite(LED_RED_PIN, LOW); delay(delayBlinks); } break; } } } //***PUSH BUTTON SPEED HANDLER FUNCTION***// // Function : pushButtonHandler // // Description: This function handles the push button actions. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void pushButtonHandler() { if (digitalRead(BUTTON_UP_PIN) == LOW) { // Up button pushed delay(200); clearButtonAction(); delay(50); if (digitalRead(BUTTON_DOWN_PIN) == LOW) { // Up and down button pushed setCursorCalibration(true, false); // Call joystick calibration if both push button up and down are pressed } else { // Just up button pushed increaseCursorSpeed(true, false); // Call increase cursor speed function if push button up is pressed } } if (digitalRead(BUTTON_DOWN_PIN) == LOW) { // Down button pushed delay(200); clearButtonAction(); delay(50); if (digitalRead(BUTTON_UP_PIN) == LOW) { // Down button and up button pushed setCursorCalibration(true, false); // Call joystick calibration if both push button up and down are pressed } else { // Just down button pushed decreaseCursorSpeed(true, false); // Call increase cursor speed function if push button up is pressed } } } //***SIP AND PUFF ACTION HANDLER FUNCTION***// // Function : sipAndPuffHandler // // Description: This function handles the sip and puff actions using input button mapping. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void sipAndPuffHandler(const int mode) { // Read pressure sensor for sip and puff functions g_cursorPressure = readPressure(); // [ADC steps] // Puff handling: check if the pressure is under puff pressure threshold and measure how long until it is released if (g_cursorPressure < g_puffThreshold) { //Puff detected while (g_cursorPressure < g_puffThreshold) // Continue measuring pressure until puff stops { g_cursorPressure = readPressure(); g_puffCount++; // Count number of cycles pressure value has been under puff pressure threshold if (g_puffCount == PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED) // When first count threshold is reached, turn on light { ledOn(2); // Turn on RED LED } else if (g_puffCount == PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG) // When second count threshold is reached, turn off light { ledClear(); // Turn off RED LED } delay(PRESSURE_HANDLER_DELAY); } // end puff measurement // USB puff actions if (g_puffCount < PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED) { performButtonAction(g_actionButton[0], mode); // Perform Short puff action } else if (g_puffCount >= PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED && g_puffCount < PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG) { performButtonAction(g_actionButton[2], mode); // Perform long puff action } else if (g_puffCount >= PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG) { performButtonAction(g_actionButton[4], mode); // Perform very long puff action } g_puffCount = 0; //Reset puff counter } // Sip handling: check if the pressure is above sip pressure threshold and measure how long until it is released if (g_cursorPressure > g_sipThreshold) { // Sip detected while (g_cursorPressure > g_sipThreshold) { // Continue measuring pressure until sip stops g_cursorPressure = readPressure(); g_sipCount++; // Count how long the pressure value has been above sip pressure threshold if (g_sipCount == SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED) // When first count threshold is reached, turn on light { ledOn(1); //Turn on green led } else if (g_sipCount == SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG) // When second count threshold is reached, turn off light { ledClear(); // Turn off LEDs. } delay(PRESSURE_HANDLER_DELAY); } //USB Sip actions if (g_sipCount < SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED) { performButtonAction(g_actionButton[1], mode); // Perform short sip action } else if (g_sipCount >= SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED && g_sipCount < SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG) { performButtonAction(g_actionButton[3], mode); // Perform long sip action } else if (g_sipCount >= SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_LONG) { //Perform seconday function if sip counter value is more than 750 ( 5 second Long Sip ) performButtonAction(g_actionButton[5], mode); // Perform very long sip action } g_sipCount = 0; // Reset sip counter } // end sip handling } ////***SIP AND PUFF RAW HANDLER FUNCTION***// // Returns the raw pressure value // Function : sipAndPuffRawValue // // Description: This function outputs the raw pressure value from ADC // // Parameters : void // // Return : currentAction : int : The return raw pressure value int sipAndPuffRawValue() { g_cursorPressure = readPressure(); // Measure current pressure return g_cursorPressure; } ////***CLEAR BUTTON ACTION FUNCTION***// // Function : clearButtonAction // // Description: This function clears or releases active cursor button actions. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //*********************************// void clearButtonAction() { ledClear(); // Turn of status LEDs if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); // If left button is pushed, release } else if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_RIGHT); // If right button is pushed, release } delay(5); } //***PERFORM BUTTON ACTION FUNCTION**// // Function : performButtonAction // // Description: This function perform mapped output actions (e.g. left click) based on input action (e.g. short puff) // // Parameters : outputAction : byte : The output action number used to map sip and puff inputs. // // Return : void //*********************************// void performButtonAction(byte outputAction, bool modeAction) { if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT) || Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_MIDDLE) || Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT) || scrollModeEnabled) { ledClear(); Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); Mouse.release(MOUSE_MIDDLE); Mouse.release(MOUSE_RIGHT); scrollModeEnabled = false; } else { switch (outputAction) { case OUTPUT_NOTHING: { // Perform no action break; } case OUTPUT_LEFT_CLICK: { // Left Click: Perform mouse left click action // Default: puff counter value is under PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED ( 1 Second Short Puff ) cursorLeftClick(modeAction); delay(5); break; } case OUTPUT_RIGHT_CLICK: { // Right Click: Perform mouse right click action // Default: if sip counter value is under SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED ( 1 Second Short Sip ) cursorRightClick(modeAction); delay(5); break; } case OUTPUT_DRAG: { // Drag: Perform mouse left press action ( Drag Action ) // Default: if puff counter value is under 750 and more than PUFF_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED ( 3 Second Long Puff ) cursorDrag(modeAction); delay(5); break; } case OUTPUT_SCROLL: { // Scroll: Perform mouse scroll action // Default: if sip counter value is under 750 and more than SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED ( 3 Second Long Sip ) cursorScroll(); //Enter Scroll mode delay(5); break; } case OUTPUT_MIDDLE_CLICK: { // Perform cursor middle click cursorMiddleClick(modeAction); delay(5); break; } case OUTPUT_CURSOR_HOME_RESET: { // Cursor Initialization: Perform cursor manual home initialization to reset default value of FSR's // Default: if puff counter value is more than 750 ( 5 second Long Puff ) ledClear(); ledBlink(4, 350, 3); setCursorInitialization(true, false, 2); delay(5); break; } case OUTPUT_CURSOR_CALIBRATION: { // Cursor Calibration: Perform cursor Calibration to reset default value of FSR's // Default: if puff counter value is more than 750 ( 5 second Long Puff ) setCursorCalibration(true, false); delay(5); break; } /*case OUTPUT_SECONDARY_SCROLL: { // Scroll: Perform mouse scroll action using mouse middle button // Default: if sip counter value is under 750 and more than SIP_COUNT_THRESHOLD_MED ( 3 Second Long Sip ) cursorSecondaryScroll(modeAction); // Enter Scroll mode delay(5); break; } */ }// end switch } } //***CURSOR LEFT CLICK FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorLeftClick // // Description: This function performs cursor left click action. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void cursorLeftClick(int mode) { ledClear(); if (mode == 0) { if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); } else { Mouse.click(MOUSE_LEFT); delay(5); } } else { if(g_cursorClickStatus == 0){ g_cursorClickStatus = 1; //Click status 1 is used for left click action moveBluetoothCursor(g_cursorClickStatus, 0, 0, 0); } g_cursorClickStatus = 0; clearBluetoothCursor(); } } //***CURSOR MIDDLE CLICK FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorMiddleClick // // Description: This function performs cursor middle click action. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void cursorMiddleClick(int mode) { ledClear(); if (mode == 0) { if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_MIDDLE)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_MIDDLE); } else { Mouse.click(MOUSE_MIDDLE); delay(5); } } else { if(g_cursorClickStatus == 0){ g_cursorClickStatus = 5; //Click status 5 is used for middle click action moveBluetoothCursor(g_cursorClickStatus, 0, 0, 0); } g_cursorClickStatus = 0; //Click status 0 is used for release both left and right click actions clearBluetoothCursor(); } } //***CURSOR RIGHT CLICK FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorRightClick // // Description: This function performs cursor right click action. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void cursorRightClick(int mode) { ledClear(); if (mode == 0) { if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_RIGHT); } else { Mouse.click(MOUSE_RIGHT); delay(5); } } else { if(g_cursorClickStatus == 0){ g_cursorClickStatus = 2; //Click status 2 is used for right click action moveBluetoothCursor(g_cursorClickStatus, 0, 0, 0); } g_cursorClickStatus = 0; //Click status 0 is used for release both left and right click actions clearBluetoothCursor(); } } //***DRAG FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorDrag // // Description: This function performs cursor drag action. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //********************// void cursorDrag(int mode) { if (mode == 0) { if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); ledClear(); } else { //ledOn(2); //Turn on RED LED Mouse.press(MOUSE_LEFT); delay(ACTION_HOLD_DELAY); } } else { if (g_cursorClickStatus == 0) { //ledOn(2); g_cursorClickStatus = 1; } else if (g_cursorClickStatus == 1) { ledClear(); g_cursorClickStatus = 0; } } } //***CURSOR SCROLL FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorScroll // // Description: This function is an operating mode that enables scrolling action. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// void cursorScroll(void) { if (scrollModeEnabled) { scrollModeEnabled = false; ledClear(); } else { //ledOn(1); // Turn on Green LED scrollModeEnabled = true; delay(ACTION_HOLD_DELAY); } } //***CURSOR SECONDARY SCROLL FUNCTION***// // Function : cursorSecondaryScroll // // Description: This function is an operating mode that enables secondary scrolling action // by holding and pressing mouse middle click button. // // Parameters : void // // Return : void //****************************************// /* void cursorSecondaryScroll(int mode) { if (mode == 0) { if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_MIDDLE)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_MIDDLE); ledClear(); } else { Mouse.press(MOUSE_MIDDLE); delay(ACTION_HOLD_DELAY); } } else { if (g_cursorClickStatus == 0) { //ledOn(2); g_cursorClickStatus = 5; } else if (g_cursorClickStatus == 5) { ledClear(); g_cursorClickStatus = 0; } } } */