{ "api": "0.13", "api_compatibility": ["14"], "space": "Stockholm Makerspace", "logo": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makerspace/spaceapi/main/logo.jpg", "url": "https://makerspace.se", "location": { "address": "Drottning Kristinas väg 53, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden", "timezone": "Europe/Stockholm", "lat": 59.3505623, "lon": 18.0676122 }, "contact": { "email": "info@makerspace.se", "twitter": "https://twitter.com/SthlmMakerspace", "facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/Stockholm.Makerspace/", "slack": "" }, "feeds": { "blog": { "type": "rss", "url": "https://www.makerspace.se/blogg/feed" }, "calendar": { "type": "ical", "url": "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/makerspace.se_dsd75rv0l7rblcq1sd627fab38%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics" } }, "issue_report_channels": ["email"], "state": { "open": true, "message": "Always open for members with lab membership." }, "projects": [ "https://github.com/makerspace" ], "links": [ { "name": "Slack", "description": "Stockholm Makerspace's Slack group", "url": "https://launchpass.com/stockholmmakerspace" }, { "name": "Wiki", "description": "Stockholm Makerspace's wiki. In Swedish.", "url": "https://wiki.makerspace.se/" }, { "name": "Flickr", "description": "Images on Flickr tagged 'Stockholm Makerspace'.", "url": "https://flickr.com/search/?text=stockholm%20makerspace" }, { "name": "Instagram", "description": "Stockholm Makerspace's Instagram feed.", "url": "https://www.instagram.com/stockholmmakerspace/" }, { "name": "Webshop", "description": "A webshop where you can buy membership, lab card and material.", "url": "https://medlem.makerspace.se/shop/" } ], "membership_plan": [ { "name": "Membership", "value": "200", "currency": "SEK", "billing_interval": "yearly", "description": "The membership fee. You are a part of the organization, you get to vote and you are welcome to join trainings and workshops." }, { "name": "Lab access fee", "value": "300", "currency": "SEK", "billing_interval": "monthly", "description": "Get 24/7-access to the facility for 1 month's time and make your project dreams a reality! Note that you already need to be a member and be at least 16 years old to purchase lab access." } ] }