# Class Navigator
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Class Navigator helps to quickly jump between classes and functions/methods
in a current file.
# Install
Install using Package Control:
1. Package Control: Install Package
2. Select by name `Class Navigator`
# Usage
## Go to Class
Show the list of classes in a current file and go to selected one.
* Command Palette -> Class Navigator: Go to Class
version | shortcut
---- | ----
Linux | Super+Shift+C
Windows | Win+Shift+C
macOS | ⌘+Shift+C
## Go to previous/next function
Jump to previous or next function/method in a current file.
* Command Palette -> Class Navigator: Go to previous Function
* Command Palette -> Class Navigator: Go to next Function
version | Go to previous | Go to next
---- | ---- | ----
Linux | Super+Alt+↑ | Super+Alt+↓
Windows | Win+Alt+↑ | Win+Alt+↓
macOS | ⌘+Alt+Shift+↑ | ⌘+Alt+Shift+↓
# Contributing
Class Navigator is using "Goto Symbol..." under the hood with some additional
filtering defined in `naviclass.config`.
Currently class and function detection is tuned for Python source only.
For all other sources it is trying to detect first-level items for class and
consider all items in "Goto Symbol..." as functions.
Feel free to add more accurate detection for other source types - check
the `naviclass/config.py` or create the issue with details.