Sublime Text Code Test Switcher =============================== Overview -------- * Plugin allows you to easily switch between code and test (or vice versa). * Base on the current position of your cursor in test file it can generate test command for you, in a form: ``` shell testify [test_path] [test_class].[test_name] ``` Current version support only Python language. Maintainers: ------------ * Maciej Gajek ( * Grzegorz Smajdor ( Installation ------------ Go to your Sublime Text `Packages` directory - OS X: `~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages` - Windows: `%APPDATA%/Sublime Text/Packages/` - Linux: `~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/` and clone the repository using the command below: ``` shell git clone CodeTestSwitcher ``` Usage ----- - Switching between code <=> test: `Command-.` - Generate test command and copy it to clipboard: `Command-,` - Generate test class command and copy it to clipboard: `Command-Shift-,` Keys: 'Command' (OSX), 'Ctrl' (Linux / Windows) Note ---- Please open an issue at if you discover a problem or would like to see a feature/change implemented.