-- hiscore.lua -- by borgar@borgar.net, WTFPL license -- -- This uses MAME's built-in Lua scripting to implment -- high-score saving with hiscore.dat infom just as older -- builds did in the past. -- local exports = {} exports.name = "hiscore" exports.version = "1.0.0" exports.description = "Hiscore" exports.license = "WTFPL license" exports.author = { name = "borgar@borgar.net" } local hiscore = exports local hiscore_plugin_path = "" function hiscore.set_folder(path) hiscore_plugin_path = path end function hiscore.startplugin() local hiscoredata_path = "hiscore.dat"; local hiscore_path = "hi"; local config_path = lfs.env_replace(manager:options().entries.inipath:value():match("[^;]+") .. "/hiscore.ini"); local current_checksum = 0; local default_checksum = 0; local config_read = false; local scores_have_been_read = false; local mem_check_passed = false; local found_hiscore_entry = false; local timed_save = true; local delaytime = 0; local positions = {}; -- Configuration file will be searched in the first path defined -- in mame inipath option. local function read_config() if config_read then return true end; local file = io.open( config_path, "r" ); if file then file:close() emu.print_verbose( "hiscore: config found" ); local _conf = {} for line in io.lines(config_path) do token, value = string.match(line, '([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)'); _conf[token] = value; end hiscore_path = lfs.env_replace(_conf["hi_path"] or hiscore_path); timed_save = _conf["only_save_at_exit"] ~= "1" -- hiscoredata_path = _conf["dat_path"]; -- don't know if I should do it, but wathever return true end return false end local function parse_table ( dsting ) local _table = {}; for line in string.gmatch(dsting, '([^\n]+)') do local delay = line:match('^@delay=([.%d]*)') if delay and #delay > 0 then delaytime = emu.time() + tonumber(delay) else local cpu, mem; local cputag, space, offs, len, chk_st, chk_ed, fill = string.match(line, '^@([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),?(%x?%x?)'); cpu = manager:machine().devices[cputag]; if not cpu then error(cputag .. " device not found") end local rgnname, rgntype = space:match("([^/]*)/?([^/]*)") if rgntype == "share" then mem = manager:machine():memory().shares[rgnname] else mem = cpu.spaces[space] end if not mem then error(space .. " space not found") end _table[ #_table + 1 ] = { mem = mem, addr = tonumber(offs, 16), size = tonumber(len, 16), c_start = tonumber(chk_st, 16), c_end = tonumber(chk_ed, 16), fill = tonumber(fill, 16) }; end end return _table; end local function read_hiscore_dat () local file = io.open( hiscoredata_path, "r" ); local rm_match; if not file then file = io.open( hiscore_plugin_path .. "/hiscore.dat", "r" ); end if emu.softname() ~= "" then local soft = emu.softname():match("([^:]*)$") rm_match = '^' .. emu.romname() .. ',' .. soft .. ':'; else rm_match = '^' .. emu.romname() .. ':'; end local cluster = ""; local current_is_match = false; if file then repeat line = file:read("*l"); if line then -- remove comments line = line:gsub( '[ \t\r\n]*;.+$', '' ); -- handle lines if string.find(line, '^@') then -- data line if current_is_match then cluster = cluster .. "\n" .. line; end elseif string.find(line, rm_match) then --- match this game current_is_match = true; elseif string.find(line, '^[a-z0-9_]+:') then --- some game if current_is_match and string.len(cluster) > 0 then break; -- we're done end else --- empty line or garbage -- noop end end until not line; file:close(); end return cluster; end local function check_mem ( posdata ) if #posdata < 1 then return false; end for ri,row in ipairs(posdata) do -- must pass mem check if row["c_start"] ~= row["mem"]:read_u8(row["addr"]) then return false; end if row["c_end"] ~= row["mem"]:read_u8(row["addr"]+row["size"]-1) then return false; end end return true; end local function get_file_name () local r; if emu.softname() ~= "" then local soft = emu.softname():match("([^:]*)$") r = hiscore_path .. '/' .. emu.romname() .. "_" .. soft .. ".hi"; else r = hiscore_path .. '/' .. emu.romname() .. ".hi"; end return r; end local function write_scores ( posdata ) emu.print_verbose("hiscore: write_scores") local output = io.open(get_file_name(), "wb"); if not output then -- attempt to create the directory, and try again lfs.mkdir( hiscore_path ); output = io.open(get_file_name(), "wb"); end emu.print_verbose("hiscore: write_scores output") if output then for ri,row in ipairs(posdata) do t = {}; for i=0,row["size"]-1 do t[i+1] = row["mem"]:read_u8(row["addr"] + i) end output:write(string.char(table.unpack(t))); end output:close(); end emu.print_verbose("hiscore: write_scores end") end local function read_scores ( posdata ) local input = io.open(get_file_name(), "rb"); if input then for ri,row in ipairs(posdata) do local str = input:read(row["size"]); for i=0,row["size"]-1 do local b = str:sub(i+1,i+1):byte(); row["mem"]:write_u8( row["addr"] + i, b ); end end input:close(); return true; end return false; end local function check_scores ( posdata ) local r = 0; for ri,row in ipairs(posdata) do for i=0,row["size"]-1 do r = r + row["mem"]:read_u8( row["addr"] + i ); end end return r; end local function init () if not scores_have_been_read then if (delaytime <= emu.time()) and check_mem( positions ) then default_checksum = check_scores( positions ); if read_scores( positions ) then emu.print_verbose( "hiscore: scores read OK" ); else -- likely there simply isn't a .hi file around yet emu.print_verbose( "hiscore: scores read FAIL" ); end scores_have_been_read = true; current_checksum = check_scores( positions ); mem_check_passed = true; else -- memory check can fail while the game is still warming up -- TODO: only allow it to fail N many times end end end local last_write_time = -10; local function tick () -- set up scores if they have been init(); -- only allow save check to run when if mem_check_passed and timed_save then -- The reason for this complicated mess is that -- MAME does expose a hook for "exit". Once it does, -- this should obviously just be done when the emulator -- shuts down (or reboots). local checksum = check_scores( positions ); if checksum ~= current_checksum and checksum ~= default_checksum then -- 5 sec grace time so we don't clobber io and cause -- latency. This would be bad as it would only ever happen -- to players currently reaching a new highscore if emu.time() > last_write_time + 5 then write_scores( positions ); current_checksum = checksum; last_write_time = emu.time(); -- emu.print_verbose( "SAVE SCORES EVENT!", last_write_time ); end end end end local function reset() -- the notifier will still be attached even if the running game has no hiscore.dat entry if mem_check_passed and found_hiscore_entry then local checksum = check_scores(positions) if checksum ~= current_checksum and checksum ~= default_checksum then write_scores(positions) end end found_hiscore_entry = false mem_check_passed = false scores_have_been_read = false; end emu.register_start(function() found_hiscore_entry = false mem_check_passed = false scores_have_been_read = false; last_write_time = -10 emu.print_verbose("Starting " .. emu.gamename()) config_read = read_config(); local dat = read_hiscore_dat() if dat and dat ~= "" then emu.print_verbose( "hiscore: found hiscore.dat entry for " .. emu.romname() ); res, positions = pcall(parse_table, dat); if not res then emu.print_error("hiscore: hiscore.dat parse error " .. positions); return; end for i, row in pairs(positions) do if row.fill then for i=0,row["size"]-1 do row["mem"]:write_u8(row["addr"] + i, row.fill) end end end found_hiscore_entry = true end end) emu.register_frame(function() if found_hiscore_entry then tick() end end) emu.register_stop(function() reset() end) emu.register_prestart(function() reset() end) end return exports