-- license:BSD-3-Clause -- copyright-holders:Carl -- -- json cheat file format -- [{ -- "desc": "text", -- "parameter": { -- "min": "minval(0)", -- "max": "maxval(numitems)", -- "step": "stepval(1)", -- "item" [{ -- "value": "itemval(index*stepval+minval)", -- "text": "text" -- }, -- ... ] -- }, -- "cpu": { -- "varname": "tag" -- ... -- } -- "space": { -- "varname": { -- "tag": "tag", -- "type": "program|data|io" -- }, -- ... -- }, -- "screen": { -- "varname": "tag", -- ... -- }, -- "region": { -- "varname": "tag", -- ... -- }, -- "ram": { -- "varname": "tag", -- ... -- }, -- "share": { -- "varname": "tag", -- ... -- }, -- "script": { -- "on|off|run|change": "script", -- ... -- }, -- "comment": "text" -- }, -- ... ] -- -- Scripts are lua scripts with a limited api. Most library functions are unavailable. -- Like the XML cheats, param is the current parameter value and variables are shared between scripts within a cheat -- Differences from XML cheats: -- - actions are only one line which include the entire script -- - "condexpr" is replaced with lua control statements (if-then-else-end) -- - variables are only limited by the limits of the lua interperter, you can have strings and tables -- - the address spaces in the "space" blocks are accessible to the script if included, -- same with regions (the "m" space in debug expr) -- - frame is replaced by screen:frame_number() so if you use frame a screen needs to be in the device section -- - output is a function and argindex isn't supported, output args need to be explicit and a screen device -- must be provided -- - cpu is only used for break and watch points, if it is defined and the debugger is not enabled (-debugger none is enough) -- it will disable the cheat only if a point is set, check var for nil first -- - watch points require the address space that you want to set the watch on, wptype is "r"-read, "w"-write or "rw"-both local exports = {} exports.name = "cheat" exports.version = "0.0.1" exports.description = "Cheat plugin" exports.license = "The BSD 3-Clause License" exports.author = { name = "Carl" } local cheat = exports function cheat.set_folder(path) cheat.path = path end function cheat.startplugin() local cheats = {} local output = {} local line = 0 local start_time = 0 local stop = true local cheatname = "" local consolelog = nil local consolelast = 0 local perodicset = false local watches = {} local breaks = {} local inputs = {} local function load_cheats() local filename = emu.romname() local newcheats = {} local file = emu.file(manager:machine():options().entries.cheatpath:value():gsub("([^;]+)", "%1;%1/cheat") , 1) if emu.softname() ~= "" then if emu.softname():find(":") then filename = emu.softname():gsub(":", "/") else for name, image in pairs(manager:machine().images) do if image:exists() and image:software_list_name() ~= "" then filename = image:software_list_name() .. "/" .. emu.softname() end end end end cheatname = filename local function add(addcheats) if not next(newcheats) then newcheats = addcheats else for num, cheat in pairs(addcheats) do newcheats[#newcheats + 1] = cheat end end end for scrfile in lfs.dir(cheat.path) do local name = string.match(scrfile, "^(cheat_.*).lua$") if name then local conv = require("cheat/" .. name) if conv then local ret = file:open(conv.filename(filename)) while not ret do add(conv.conv_cheat(file:read(file:size()))) ret = file:open_next() end end end end return newcheats end local function load_hotkeys() local json = require("json") local file = io.open(lfs.env_replace(manager:machine():options().entries.cheatpath:value():match("([^;]+)")) .. "/" .. cheatname .. "_hotkeys.json", "r") if not file then return end local hotkeys = json.parse(file:read("a")) for num, val in ipairs(hotkeys) do for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do if val.desc == cheat.desc then cheat.hotkeys = {pressed = false, keys = manager:machine():input():seq_from_tokens(val.keys)} end end end end local function save_hotkeys() local hotkeys = {} for num, cheat in ipairs(cheats) do if cheat.hotkeys then local hotkey = {desc = cheat.desc, keys = manager:machine():input():seq_to_tokens(cheat.hotkeys.keys)} if hotkey.keys ~= "" then hotkeys[#hotkeys + 1] = hotkey end end end if #hotkeys > 0 then local json = require("json") local path = lfs.env_replace(manager:machine():options().entries.cheatpath:value():match("([^;]+)")) local attr = lfs.attributes(path) if not attr then lfs.mkdir(path) elseif attr.mode ~= "directory" then -- uhhh? return end if cheatname:find("/", 1, true) then local softpath = path .. "/" .. cheatname:match("([^/]+)") local attr = lfs.attributes(softpath) if not attr then lfs.mkdir(softpath) elseif attr.mode ~= "directory" then -- uhhh? return end end local file = io.open(path .. "/" .. cheatname .. "_hotkeys.json", "w+") if file then file:write(json.stringify(hotkeys, {indent = true})) file:close() end end end local function cheat_error(cheat, msg) emu.print_error("error cheat script error: \"" .. cheat.desc .. "\" " .. msg) cheat.desc = cheat.desc .. " error" cheat.script = nil cheat.enabled = nil return end local function is_oneshot(cheat) return cheat.script and not cheat.script.run and not cheat.script.off end local function run_if(cheat, func) if func then local stat, err = pcall(func) if not stat then cheat_error(cheat, err) end return func end return false end local function draw_text(screen, x, y, color, form, ...) local str = form:format(...) if y == "auto" then y = line line = line + 1 end if not screen then emu.print_verbose("draw_text: invalid screen") return end if type(x) == "string" then y = y * mame_manager:ui():get_line_height() end output[#output + 1] = { type = "text", scr = screen, x = x, y = y, str = str, color = color } end local function draw_line(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) if not screen then emu.print_verbose("draw_line: invalid screen") return end output[#output + 1] = { type = "line", scr = screen, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, color = color } end local function draw_box(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2, bgcolor, linecolor) if not screen then emu.print_verbose("draw_box: invalid screen") return end output[#output + 1] = { type = "box", scr = screen, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, bgcolor = bgcolor, linecolor = linecolor } end local function tobcd(val) local result = 0 local shift = 0 while val ~= 0 do result = result + ((val % 10) << shift) val = val / 10 shift = shift + 4 end return result end local function frombcd(val) local result = 0 local mul = 1 while val ~= 0 do result = result + ((val % 16) * mul) val = val >> 4 mul = mul * 10 end return result end local function time() return emu.time() - start_time end local function periodiccb() local last = consolelast local msg = consolelog[#consolelog] consolelast = #consolelog if #consolelog > last and msg:find("Stopped at", 1, true) then local point = tonumber(msg:match("Stopped at breakpoint ([0-9]+)")) if not point then point = tonumber(msg:match("Stopped at watchpoint ([0-9]+")) if not point then return -- ?? end local wp = watches[point] if wp then run_if(wp.cheat, wp.func) -- go in case a debugger other than "none" is enabled -- don't use an b/wpset action because that will supress the b/wp index manager:machine():debugger().execution_state = "run" end else local bp = breaks[point] if bp then run_if(bp.cheat, bp.func) manager:machine():debugger().execution_state = "run" end end end end local function bpset(cheat, dev, addr, func) if is_oneshot(cheat) then error("bpset not permitted in oneshot cheat") return end local idx = dev:debug():bpset(addr) breaks[idx] = {cheat = cheat, func = func, dev = dev} end local function wpset(cheat, dev, space, wptype, addr, len, func) if is_oneshot(cheat) then error("wpset not permitted in oneshot cheat") return end if not space.name then error("bad space in wpset") return end local idx = dev.debug():wpset(space, wptype, addr, len) watches[idx] = {cheat = cheat, func = func, dev = dev} end local function bwpclr(cheat) if not manager:machine():debugger() then return end for num, bp in pairs(breaks) do if cheat == bp.cheat then bp.dev.debug():bpclr(num) end end for num, wp in pairs(watches) do if cheat == wp.cheat then wp.dev.debug():wpclr(num) end end end local function input_trans(list) local xlate = { start = {}, stop = {}, last = 0 } local function errout(port, field) cheat.enabled = false error(port .. field .. " not found") return end for num, entry in ipairs(list) do if entry.port:sub(1, 1) ~= ":" then entry.port = ":" .. entry.port end local port = manager:machine():ioport().ports[entry.port] if not port then errout(entry.port, entry.field) end local field = port.fields[entry.field] if not field then errout(entry.port, entry.field) end if not xlate.start[entry.start] then xlate.start[entry.start] = {} end if not xlate.stop[entry.stop] then xlate.stop[entry.stop] = {} end local start = xlate.start[entry.start] local stop = xlate.stop[entry.stop] local ent = { port = port, field = field } stop[#stop + 1] = ent start[#start + 1] = ent if entry.stop > xlate.last then xlate.last = entry.stop end end return xlate end local function input_run(cheat, list) if not is_oneshot(cheat) then cheat.enabled = false error("input_run only allowed in one shot cheats") return end local _, screen = next(manager:machine().screens) list.begin = screen:frame_number() inputs[#inputs + 1] = list end local function parse_cheat(cheat) cheat.cheat_env = { draw_text = draw_text, draw_line = draw_line, draw_box = draw_box, tobcd = tobcd, frombcd = frombcd, pairs = pairs, ipairs = ipairs, outputs = manager:machine():outputs(), time = time, input_trans = input_trans, input_run = function(list) input_run(cheat, list) end, os = { time = os.time, date = os.date, difftime = os.difftime }, table = { insert = table.insert, remove = table.remove } } cheat.enabled = false -- verify scripts are valid first if not cheat.script then return end for name, script in pairs(cheat.script) do script, err = load(script, cheat.desc .. name, "t", cheat.cheat_env) if not script then cheat_error(cheat, err) return end cheat.script[name] = script end -- initialize temp[0-9] for backward compatbility reasons for i = 0, 9 do cheat.cheat_env["temp" .. i] = 0 end if cheat.cpu then cheat.cpudev = {} for name, tag in pairs(cheat.cpu) do if manager:machine():debugger() then local dev = manager:machine().devices[tag] if not dev or not dev:debug() then cheat_error(cheat, "missing or invalid device " .. tag) return end cheat.cheat_env[name] = { bpset = function(addr, func) bpset(cheat, dev, addr, func) end, wpset = function(space, wptype, addr, len, func) wpset(cheat, dev, space, wptype, addr, len, func) end, regs = dev.state } cheat.bp = {} cheat.wp = {} if not periodicset then emu.register_periodic(periodic_cb) periodicset = true end end end end if cheat.space then for name, space in pairs(cheat.space) do local cpu, mem cpu = manager:machine().devices[space.tag] if not cpu then cheat_error(cheat, "missing device " .. space.tag) return end if space.type then mem = cpu.spaces[space.type] else space.type = "program" mem = cpu.spaces["program"] end if not mem then cheat_error(cheat, "missing space " .. space.type) return end cheat.cheat_env[name] = mem end end if cheat.screen then for name, screen in pairs(cheat.screen) do local scr = manager:machine().screens[screen] if not scr then local tag tag, scr = next(manager:machine().screens) -- get any screen end cheat.cheat_env[name] = scr end end if cheat.region then for name, region in pairs(cheat.region) do local mem = manager:machine():memory().regions[region] if not mem then cheat_error(cheat, "missing region " .. region) return end cheat.cheat_env[name] = mem end end if cheat.ram then for name, tag in pairs(cheat.ram) do local ram = manager:machine().devices[tag] if not ram then cheat_error(cheat, "missing ram device " .. tag) return end cheat.cheat_env[name] = emu.item(ram.items["0/m_pointer"]) end end if cheat.share then for name, tag in pairs(cheat.share) do local share = manager:machine():memory().shares[tag] if not share then cheat_error(cheat, "missing share " .. share) return end cheat.cheat_env[name] = share end end local param = cheat.parameter if not param then return end param.min = tonumber(param.min) or 0 param.max = tonumber(param.max) or #param.item param.step = tonumber(param.step) or 1 if param.item then for count, item in pairs(param.item) do if not item.value then item.value = (count * param.step) + param.min else item.value = tonumber(item.value) end end param.last = #param.item else param.last = ((param.max - param.min) / param.step) + 1 end param.index = 0 param.value = param.min cheat.cheat_env.param = param.min end local hotkeymenu = false local hotkeylist = {} local function menu_populate() local menu = {} if hotkeymenu then menu[1] = {_("Select cheat to set hotkey"), "", "off"} menu[2] = {"---", "", "off"} hotkeylist = {} local function hkcbfunc(cheat) local input = manager:machine():input() manager:machine():popmessage(_("Press button for hotkey or wait to clear")) manager:machine():video():frame_update(true) input:seq_poll_start("switch") local time = os.clock() while (not input:seq_poll()) and (os.clock() < time + 1) do end cheat.hotkeys = {pressed = false, keys = input:seq_poll_final()} manager:machine():popmessage() manager:machine():video():frame_update(true) end for num, cheat in ipairs(cheats) do if cheat.script then menu[#menu + 1] = {cheat.desc, cheat.hotkeys and manager:machine():input():seq_name(cheat.hotkeys.keys) or _("None"), ""} hotkeylist[#hotkeylist + 1] = function() return hkcbfunc(cheat) end end end menu[#menu + 1] = {"---", "", ""} menu[#menu + 1] = {_("Done"), "", ""} return menu end for num, cheat in ipairs(cheats) do menu[num] = {} menu[num][1] = cheat.desc if not cheat.parameter then if not cheat.script then if cheat.desc == "" then menu[num][1] = "---" end menu[num][2] = "" menu[num][3] = "off" elseif is_oneshot(cheat) then menu[num][2] = _("Set") menu[num][3] = 0 else if cheat.enabled then menu[num][2] = _("On") menu[num][3] = "l" else menu[num][2] = _("Off") menu[num][3] = "r" end end else if cheat.parameter.index == 0 then if is_oneshot(cheat) then menu[num][2] = _("Set") else menu[num][2] = _("Off") end menu[num][3] = "r" else if cheat.parameter.item then menu[num][2] = cheat.parameter.item[cheat.parameter.index].text else menu[num][2] = cheat.parameter.value end menu[num][3] = "l" if cheat.parameter.index < cheat.parameter.last then menu[num][3] = "lr" end end end end menu[#menu + 1] = {"---", "", 0} menu[#menu + 1] = {_("Set hotkeys"), "", 0} menu[#menu + 1] = {_("Reset All"), "", 0} menu[#menu + 1] = {_("Reload All"), "", 0} return menu end local function menu_callback(index, event) manager:machine():popmessage() if hotkeymenu then if event == "select" then index = index - 2 if index >= 1 and index <= #hotkeylist then hotkeylist[index]() return true elseif index == #hotkeylist + 2 then hotkeymenu = false return true end end return false end if index > #cheats and event == "select" then index = index - #cheats if index == 2 then hotkeymenu = true elseif index == 3 then for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do if cheat.enabled then run_if(cheat, cheat.script.off) bwpclr(cheat) end cheat.enabled = false if cheat.parameter then cheat.parameter.value = cheat.parameter.min cheat.parameter.index = 0 end end elseif index == 4 then for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do if cheat.enabled then run_if(cheat, cheat.script.off) bwpclr(cheat) end end cheats = load_cheats() for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do parse_cheat(cheat) end load_hotkeys() end return true end local function param_calc(param) if param.item then if not param.item[param.index] then -- uh oh param.index = 1 end param.value = param.item[param.index].value return end param.value = param.min + (param.step * (param.index - 1)) if param.value > param.max then param.value = param.max end end local cheat = cheats[index] if not cheat then return false end if event == "up" or event == "down" or event == "comment" then if cheat.comment then manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("Cheat Comment:\n%s"), cheat.comment)) end elseif event == "left" then if cheat.parameter then local param = cheat.parameter if param.index == 1 then param.index = 0 cheat.enabled = false cheat.cheat_env.param = param.min run_if(cheat, cheat.script.off) bwpclr(cheat) return true elseif param.index == 0 then return false end param.index = param.index - 1 param_calc(param) cheat.cheat_env.param = param.value if not is_oneshot(cheat) then run_if(cheat, cheat.script.change) end return true else if cheat.enabled and not is_oneshot(cheat) then cheat.enabled = false run_if(cheat, cheat.script.off) bwpclr(cheat) return true end return false end elseif event == "right" then if cheat.parameter then local param = cheat.parameter if param.index == 0 then cheat.enabled = true run_if(cheat, cheat.script.on) elseif param.index == param.last then return false end param.index = param.index + 1 param_calc(param) cheat.cheat_env.param = param.value if not is_oneshot(cheat) then run_if(cheat, cheat.script.change) end return true else if not cheat.enabled and not is_oneshot(cheat) then cheat.enabled = true run_if(cheat, cheat.script.on) return true end return false end elseif event == "select" then if is_oneshot(cheat) then if cheat.parameter and cheat.script.change and cheat.parameter.index ~= 0 then param_calc(cheat.parameter) cheat.cheat_env.param = cheat.parameter.value cheat.script.change() local subtext if cheat.parameter.item then subtext = cheat.parameter.item[cheat.parameter.index] else subtext = cheat.parameter.value end manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("Activated: %s = %s"), cheat.desc, subtext)) elseif not cheat.parameter and cheat.script.on then cheat.script.on() manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("Activated: %s"), cheat.desc)) end end end return false end emu.register_menu(function(index, event) return menu_callback(index, event) end, function() return menu_populate() end, _("Cheat")) emu.register_start(function() if not stop then return end stop = false start_time = emu.time() cheats = load_cheats() local json = require("json") local file = io.open(manager:machine():options().entries.cheatpath:value():match("([^;]+)") .. "/output.json", "w") if file then file:write(json.stringify(cheats, {indent = true})) file:close() end for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do parse_cheat(cheat) end load_hotkeys() if manager:machine():debugger() then consolelog = manager:machine():debugger().consolelog consolelast = 0 end end) emu.register_stop(function() stop = true consolelog = nil save_hotkeys() end) emu.register_frame(function() if stop then return end for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do if cheat.enabled then run_if(cheat, cheat.script.run) end if cheat.hotkeys and cheat.hotkeys.keys then if manager:machine():input():seq_pressed(cheat.hotkeys.keys) then if not cheat.hotkeys.pressed then if is_oneshot(cheat) then if not run_if(cheat, cheat.script.change) then run_if(cheat, cheat.script.on) end manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("Activated: %s"), cheat.desc)) elseif not cheat.enabled then cheat.enabled = true run_if(cheat, cheat.script.on) manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("Enabled: %s"), cheat.desc)) else cheat.enabled = false run_if(cheat, cheat.script.off) bwpclr(cheat) manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("Disabled: %s"), cheat.desc)) end end cheat.hotkeys.pressed = true else cheat.hotkeys.pressed = false end end end for num, input in pairs(inputs) do local _, screen = next(manager:machine().screens) local framenum = screen:frame_number() - input.begin local enttab = input.start[framenum] if enttab then for num, entry in pairs(enttab) do entry.field:set_value(1) end end enttab = input.stop[framenum] if enttab then for num, entry in pairs(enttab) do entry.field:set_value(0) end end if framenum >= input.last then table.remove(inputs, num) end end end) emu.register_frame_done(function() if stop then return end line = 0 for num, draw in pairs(output) do if draw.type == "text" then if not draw.color then draw.scr:draw_text(draw.x, draw.y, draw.str) else draw.scr:draw_text(draw.x, draw.y, draw.str, draw.color) end elseif draw.type == "line" then draw.scr:draw_line(draw.x1, draw.y1, draw.x2, draw.y2, draw.color) elseif draw.type == "box" then draw.scr:draw_box(draw.x1, draw.y1, draw.x2, draw.y2, draw.bgcolor, draw.linecolor) end end output = {} end) local ce = {} -- interface to script cheat engine function ce.inject(newcheat) cheats[#cheats + 1] = newcheat parse_cheat(newcheat) manager:machine():popmessage(string.format(_("%s added"), newcheat.desc)) end function ce.get(index) return cheats[index] end function ce.list() local list = {} for num, cheat in pairs(cheats) do list[num] = cheat.desc end return list end _G.ce = ce end return exports