@ECHO OFF setlocal enabledelayedexpansion REM =================================================================================================================== REM helper script for troubleshooting: https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding/help/users-troubleshooting REM Up-to-date with 2.12a, don't expect it to break though REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Debug mode? set DEBUG_MODE=0 REM =================================================================================================================== REM for indenting user output set "tab= " set separator=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "%~1" == "" ( pushd "%~dp0" set "CYBERPUNKDIR=!CD!" popd ) else ( set param=%* :: remove potential quotes from string set param=!param:"=! set "CYBERPUNKDIR=!param!" ) REM ================================================================== REM Make sure that we're in the cyberpunk directory REM yell at user if we aren't REM ================================================================== REM make sure that we're inside the cyberpunk dir if not exist "!CYBERPUNKDIR!\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe" ( echo. echo !separator! echo !tab!File not found !CYBERPUNKDIR!\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe echo !tab!Please start this script from your Cyberpunk 2077 folder. echo !tab!If you don't know what that is, please check the following link: echo. echo https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding/for-mod-users/users-modding-cyberpunk-2077/the-cyberpunk-2077-game-directory echo. echo !tab!Aborting... echo !separator! pause goto :eof ) REM Add a prompt to ask the user if they are sure they want to uninstall all mods echo. echo Are you sure you want to uninstall ALL your Cyberpunk 2077 mods to a backup dir? echo Press "Enter" to continue, press any other key to abort. set /p user_input= if /i not "%user_input%"=="" ( echo !separator! echo !tab!You pressed "%user_input%". Mod Remover will abort. echo !tab!To reset your Cyberpunk install, run the script again and press "Enter" at the question. echo. pause goto :eof ) echo Checking existing backups, please wait... REM Create directory for backups if not exist "!CYBERPUNKDIR!\_MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS" ( mkdir "!CYBERPUNKDIR!\_MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS" ) REM Initialize counter variable set /a count=0 REM Count the number of subdirectories for /f %%i in ('dir /b /ad "!CYBERPUNKDIR!\_MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS" 2^>nul ^| find /c /v ""') do set count=%%i REM Check if the count is greater than 5 if %count% gtr 5 ( call :delete_old_backups ) set TIMESTAMP= REM Get timestamped string using PowerShell and store it in a variable for /f %%i in ('powershell Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"') do set "TIMESTAMP=%%i" set "BACKUP_DIRECTORY=!CYBERPUNKDIR!\_MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS\!TIMESTAMP!" if exist "!BACKUP_DIRECTORY!" ( move "!BACKUP_DIRECTORY!" "!BACKUP_DIRECTORY!_old" ) mkdir "!BACKUP_DIRECTORY!" set "LOGFILE=!BACKUP_DIRECTORY!\disable_all_mods.txt" if not exist "!LOGFILE!" ( echo. > "!LOGFILE!" ) else ( break > "!LOGFILE!" ) echo Resetting your install, please wait... REM ================================================================= REM the files that we want to remove/rename REM ================================================================= REM set "rename_paths=archive\pc\mod mods bin\x64\plugins r6\scripts r6\tweaks red4ext engine\tools engine\config\platform\pc" REM set "delete_paths=bin\x64\d3d11.dll bin\x64\global.ini bin\x64\powrprof.dll bin\x64\winmm.dll bin\x64\version.dll engine\config\base engine\config\galaxy engine\config\base REM engine\tools r6\cache r6\config r6\inputs V2077" set "rename_paths=archive\pc\mod mods bin\x64\plugins r6\scripts r6\tweaks red4ext engine\tools engine\config\platform\pc bin\x64\version.dll bin\x64\LICENSE bin\x64\global.ini bin\x64\d3d11.dll bin\x64\global.ini bin\x64\powrprof.dll bin\x64\winmm.dll bin\x64\version.dll engine\config\base engine\config\galaxy engine\config\base engine\tools r6\cache r6\config r6\input" REM some folders are outdated and ancient and you should NOT have them. set "delete_paths=V2077" REM ================================================================= REM do the actual work: move files and folders to backup dir REM ================================================================= REM pop them in an array for proper iterating set numRenamedFiles=0 set "renamed_paths_list=" for %%P in (%rename_paths%) do ( call :backup_file_or_folder %%~P ) REM pop them in an array for proper iterating set numDeletedFiles=0 set "deleted_paths_list=" for %%P in (!delete_paths!) do ( set "relative_path=%%~P" set "absolute_path=!CYBERPUNKDIR!\!relative_path!" if exist "!absolute_path!" ( set /A numDeletedFiles+=1 set deleted_paths_list[!numDeletedFiles!]=!relative_path! if exist "!absolute_path!\*" ( rd /s /q "!absolute_path!" ) else ( del /f /q "!absolute_path!" ) ) ) REM ================================================================= REM show user feedback REM ================================================================= if (!numRenamedFiles!) gtr (0) ( echo. >> "!LOGFILE!" echo Your installation has been reset. Your mods and settings have been backed up to !BACKUP_DIRECTORY!: >> "!LOGFILE!" echo !separator! >> "!LOGFILE!" for /L %%i in (1,1,%numRenamedFiles%) do echo !tab!!renamed_paths_list[%%i]! >> "!LOGFILE!" echo. ) else ( echo. >> "!LOGFILE!" echo !separator! >> "!LOGFILE!" echo !tab!Your installation has been reset. >> "!LOGFILE!" ) if (!numDeletedFiles!) gtr (0) ( echo. >> "!LOGFILE!" echo The following outdated files were deleted: >> "!LOGFILE!" echo !separator! >> "!LOGFILE!" for /L %%i in (1,1,%numDeletedFiles%) do echo !tab!!deleted_paths_list[%%i]! >> "!LOGFILE!" echo. >> "!LOGFILE!" ) echo !separator! >> "!LOGFILE! echo. >> "!LOGFILE!" echo. echo. echo Your installation has been reset: echo All modded and potentially-modded files were moved to echo !tab!!BACKUP_DIRECTORY! echo. echo You can find the full list of files in the log file: echo !LOGFILE! echo. echo For further help, check our wiki: echo https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding/for-mod-users/user-guide-troubleshooting#a-fresh-install-starting-from-scratch echo. echo " !separator! " echo " _ __ " echo " /\ /\___ _ __(_)/ _|_ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ _____ __ " echo " \ \ / / _ \ '__| | |_| | | | | | | |/ _ \| | | | '__| / _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / " echo " \ V / __/ | | | _| |_| | | |_| | (_) | |_| | | | (_| | (_| | | | | | | __/ | | | | (_) \ V V / " echo " \_/ \___|_| |_|_| \__, | \__, |\___/ \__,_|_| \__, |\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| |_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ " echo " |___/ |___/ |___/ " echo " !separator! " echo . pause explorer !BACKUP_DIRECTORY! goto :eof :backup_file_or_folder set "relative_path=%*" set "source=!CYBERPUNKDIR!\!relative_path!" set "dest=!BACKUP_DIRECTORY!\!relative_path!" if not exist "!source!" goto :eof REM Check if the source is a directory if exist "!source!\*" ( REM Use powershell to recursively copy directory because it doesn't suck powershell.exe -Command "Copy-Item -Path '!source!' -Destination '!dest!' -Recurse -Force" if "!DEBUG_MODE!"=="1" goto :log_file_operation REM delete directory and create an empty folder rd /s /q "!source!" mkdir "!source!" ) else ( REM Create the destination directory if needed if not exist "!dest!\.." ( mkdir "!dest!\.." ) powershell.exe -Command "Copy-Item -Path '!source!' -Destination '!dest!' -Force" if "!DEBUG_MODE!"=="1" goto :log_file_operation del /f /q "!source!" ) REM no goto eof here, we want to run through this even without goto :log_file_operation REM append it to array so we can print it later set /A numRenamedFiles+=1 set renamed_paths_list[!numRenamedFiles!]=!relative_path! goto :eof :delete_old_backups echo You have more than 5 old mod remover backups under !CYBERPUNKDIR!\_MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS. echo You really should delete them before your disk runs full. set /p user_input="Should ModRemover auto-delete the files for you? (Only if you type [Y]) " if /i not "%user_input%"=="Y" goto :eof echo. echo !separator! echo Script will delete your old backups now. Last chance to back them up! echo Press a key when you're ready... echo. pause for /d %%i in ("!CYBERPUNKDIR!\_MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS\*") do ( rd /s /q "%%i" ) goto :eof endlocal