import bpy import re wolvenkit_project = "apartment_dogtown_cleaned_up" mod_directory = "C:\\Games\\Cyberpunk 2077\\archive\\pc\\mod\\" project_directory = "F:\\CyberpunkFiles\\world_editing\\" export_to_mod_dir = True consider_partial_deletions = True # Specify the filename where you want to save the output. Make sure to use an existing folder! output_filename = f"{project_directory}\\{wolvenkit_project}\\source\\resources\\{wolvenkit_project}.archive.xl" if export_to_mod_dir: output_filename = f"{mod_directory}\\{wolvenkit_project}.archive.xl" # if an item matches all strings in one of the sub-arrays, delete it delete_partials = [ [ "soda_can" ], [ "squat_clothes" ], [ "takeout_cup" ], [ "trash" ], ] # if an item matches all strings in one of the sub-arrays, keep it. Supports regular expression. keep_partials = [ [ "^q\d\d" ], # ["entropy_lamp.*"] ] # For indenting your .xl file indent=" " # --------------------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------- deletions = {} expectedNodes = {} # function to recursively count nested collections def countChildNodes(collection): if 'expectedNodes' in collection: numChildNodes = collection['expectedNodes'] return numChildNodes # Compile regular expressions for keep_partials compiled_partials = [[re.compile(p) for p in partials] for partials in keep_partials] # Function to find collections without children (these contain deletions) def find_empty_collections(collection): empty_collections = [] is_deletion_candidate = 'nodeIndex' in collection and 'nodeType' in collection # check if we want to keep this collection for keep_check in compiled_partials: if all( for p in keep_check): return empty_collections if len(collection.children) == 0 and is_deletion_candidate: if len(collection.objects) == 0: empty_collections.append(collection) if consider_partial_deletions and len(collection.children) > 0 and not collection.children[0]["Name"].startswith("submesh_00"): empty_collections.append(collection) elif is_deletion_candidate: for deletion_check in delete_partials: if all(partial in for partial in deletion_check): empty_collections.append(collection) for child_collection in collection.children: empty_collections.extend(find_empty_collections(child_collection)) return empty_collections # Function to write to a text file def to_archive_xl(filename): with open(filename, "w") as file: file.write("streaming:\n") file.write(f"{indent}sectors:\n") for sectorPath in deletions: deletedNodes = [] file.write(f"{indent}{indent}- path: {sectorPath}\n") file.write(f"{indent}{indent}{indent}expectedNodes: {expectedNodes[sectorPath]}\n") file.write(f"{indent}{indent}{indent}nodeDeletions:\n") sectorData = deletions[sectorPath] currentNodeIndex = -1 currentNodeComment = '' currentNodeType = '' for empty_collection in sectorData: if empty_collection['nodeIndex'] > currentNodeIndex: # new node! write the old one file.write(f"{indent}{indent}{indent}{indent}# {currentNodeComment}\n") file.write(f"{indent}{indent}{indent}{indent}- index: {currentNodeIndex}\n") file.write(f"{indent}{indent}{indent}{indent}{indent}type: {currentNodeType}\n") # set instance variables currentNodeIndex = empty_collection['nodeIndex'] currentNodeComment = currentNodeType = empty_collection['nodeType'] elif empty_collection['nodeIndex'] == currentNodeIndex: currentNodeComment = f"{currentNodeComment}, {}" # Iterate over matching collections and find empty ones for sectorCollection in [c for c in if"streamingsector")]: prefix, file_path = sectorCollection["filepath"].split('raw\\') file_path = file_path.replace(".json", "") expectedNodes[file_path] = countChildNodes(sectorCollection) collections = find_empty_collections(sectorCollection) if len(collections) > 0: deletions[file_path] = collections to_archive_xl(output_filename)