 Copyright 2017 Google LLC

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at


 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

        Installation script for FLARE VM.
        ** Only install on a virtual machine! **

        Installation script for FLARE VM that leverages Chocolatey and Boxstarter.
        Script verifies minimal settings necessary to install FLARE VM on a virtual machine.
        Script allows users to customize package selection and envrionment variables used in FLARE VM via a GUI before installation begins.
        A CLI-only mode is also available by providing specific command-line arugment switches.

        To execute this script:
          1) Open PowerShell window as administrator
          2) Allow script execution by running command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"
          3) Unblock the install script by running "Unblock-File .\install.ps1"
          4) Execute the script by running ".\install.ps1"

    .PARAMETER password
        Current user password to allow reboot resiliency via Boxstarter. The script prompts for the password if not provided.

    .PARAMETER noPassword
        Switch parameter indicating a password is not needed for reboots.

    .PARAMETER customConfig
        Path to a configuration XML file. May be a file path or URL.

    .PARAMETER customLayout
        Path to a taskbar layout XML file. May be a file path or URL.

    .PARAMETER noWait
        Switch parameter to skip installation message before installation begins.

    .PARAMETER noGui
        Switch parameter to skip customization GUI.

    .PARAMETER noReboots
        Switch parameter to prevent reboots (not recommended).

    .PARAMETER noChecks
        Switch parameter to skip validation checks (not recommended).


        Execute the installer to configure FLARE VM.

        .\install.ps1 -password Passw0rd! -noWait -noGui -noChecks

        CLI-only installation with minimal user interaction (some packages may require user interaction).
        To prevent reboots, also add the "-noReboots" switch.

        .\install.ps1 -customConfig "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mandiant/flare-vm/main/config.xml"

        Use a custom configuration XML file hosted on the internet.


param (
  [string]$password = $null,
  [string]$customConfig = $null,
  [string]$customLayout = $null,
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

# Function to test the network stack. Ping/GET requests to the resource to ensure that network stack looks good for installation
function Test-WebConnection {
    param (

    Write-Host "[+] Checking for Internet connectivity ($url)..."

    if (-not (Test-Connection $url -Quiet)) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] It looks like you cannot ping $url. Check your network settings." -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep 3
        exit 1

    $response = $null
    try {
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$url" -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive
    catch {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Error accessing $url. Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)`n`t[!] Check your network settings." -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep 3
        exit 1

    if ($response -and $response.StatusCode -ne 200) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Unable to access $url. Status code: $($response.StatusCode)`n`t[!] Check your network settings." -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep 3
        exit 1

    Write-Host "`t[+] Internet connectivity check for $url passed" -ForegroundColor Green

# Function used for getting configuration files (such as config.xml and LayoutModification.xml)
function Get-ConfigFile {
    param (
    # Check if the source is an existing file path.
    if (-not (Test-Path $fileSource)) {
        # If the source doesn't exist, assume it's a URL and download the file.
        Write-Host "[+] Downloading config file from '$fileSource'"
        try {
            (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($fileSource, $fileDestination)
        } catch {
            Write-Host "`t[!] Failed to download '$fileSource'"
            Write-Host "`t[!] $_"
    } else {
        # If the source exists as a file, move it to the destination.
        Write-Host "[+] Using existing file as configuration file."
        Move-Item -Path $fileSource -Destination $fileDestination -Force

# Set path to user's desktop
$desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
Set-Location -Path $desktopPath -PassThru | Out-Null

if (-not $noChecks.IsPresent) {
    # Check PowerShell version
    Write-Host "[+] Checking if PowerShell version is compatible..."
    $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
    if ($psVersion -lt [System.Version]"5.0.0") {
        Write-Host "`t[!] You are using PowerShell version $psVersion. This is an old version and it is not supported" -ForegroundColor Red
        Read-Host "Press any key to exit..."
        exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Installing with PowerShell version $psVersion" -ForegroundColor Green

    # Ensure script is ran as administrator
    Write-Host "[+] Checking if script is running as administrator..."
    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    if (-Not $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Please run this script as administrator" -ForegroundColor Red
        Read-Host "Press any key to exit..."
        exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Running as administrator" -ForegroundColor Green
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

    # Ensure execution policy is unrestricted
    Write-Host "[+] Checking if execution policy is unrestricted..."
    if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy).ToString() -ne "Unrestricted") {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Please run this script after updating your execution policy to unrestricted" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[-] Hint: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Read-Host "Press any key to exit..."
        exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Execution policy is unrestricted" -ForegroundColor Green
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

    # Check if Windows 7
    Write-Host "[+] Checking to make sure Operating System is compatible..."
    if ((Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Version -eq "6.1.7601") {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Windows 7 is no longer supported / tested" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        $response = Read-Host
        if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
            exit 1

    # Check if host has been tested
    $osVersion = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber
    # 17763: the version used by windows-2019 in GH actions
    # 19045: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO downloaded on April 25 2023.
    # 20348: the version used by windows-2022 in GH actions
    $testedVersions = @(17763, 19045, 20348)
    if ($osVersion -notin $testedVersions) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Windows version $osVersion has not been tested. Tested versions: $($testedVersions -join ', ')" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "`t[+] You are welcome to continue, but may experience errors downloading or installing packages" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        $response = Read-Host
        if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
            exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Installing on Windows version $osVersion" -ForegroundColor Green

    # Check if system is a virtual machine
    $virtualModels = @('VirtualBox', 'VMware', 'Virtual Machine', 'Hyper-V')
    $computerSystemModel = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).model
    $isVirtualModel = $false

    foreach ($model in $virtualModels) {
        if ($computerSystemModel.Contains($model)) {
            $isVirtualModel = $true

    if (!$isVirtualModel) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] You are not on a virual machine or have hardened your machine to not appear as a virtual machine" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[!] Please do NOT install this on your host system as it can't be uninstalled completely" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[!] ** Please only install on a virtual machine **" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[!] ** Only continue if you know what you are doing! **" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        $response = Read-Host
        if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
            exit 1

    # Check for spaces in the username, exit if identified
    Write-Host "[+] Checking for spaces in the username..."
    if (${Env:userName} -match '\s') {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Username '${Env:UserName}' contains a space and will break installation." -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[!] Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep 3
        exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Username '$extractedUsername' does not contain any spaces." -ForegroundColor Green

    # Check if host has enough disk space
    Write-Host "[+] Checking if host has enough disk space..."
    $disk = Get-PSDrive (Get-Location).Drive.Name
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    if (-Not (($disk.used + $disk.free)/1GB -gt 58.8)) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] A minimum of 60 GB hard drive space is preferred. Please increase hard drive space of the VM, reboot, and retry install" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[+] If you have multiple drives, you may change the tool installation location via the envrionment variable %RAW_TOOLS_DIR% in config.xml or GUI" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "`t[+] However, packages provided from the Chocolatey community repository will install to their default location" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "`t[+] See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19752533/how-do-i-set-chocolatey-to-install-applications-onto-another-drive" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        $response = Read-Host
        if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
            exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Disk is larger than 60 GB" -ForegroundColor Green

    # Internet connectivity checks
    Test-WebConnection 'google.com'
    Test-WebConnection 'github.com'
    Test-WebConnection 'raw.githubusercontent.com'

    Write-Host "`t[+] Network connectivity looks good" -ForegroundColor Green

    # Check if Tamper Protection is disabled
    Write-Host "[+] Checking if Windows Defender Tamper Protection is disabled..."
    try {
        $tpEnabled = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features" -Name "TamperProtection" -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($tpEnabled.TamperProtection -eq 5) {
            Write-Host "`t[!] Please disable Tamper Protection, reboot, and rerun installer" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection-31d51aaa-645d-408e-6ce7-8d7f8e593f87" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/123792-turn-off-tamper-protection-windows-defender-antivirus.html" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://github.com/jeremybeaume/tools/blob/master/disable-defender.ps1" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://lazyadmin.nl/win-11/turn-off-windows-defender-windows-11-permanently/" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] You are welcome to continue, but may experience errors downloading or installing packages" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
            $response = Read-Host
            if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
                exit 1
        } else {
            Write-Host "`t[+] Tamper Protection is disabled" -ForegroundColor Green
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
    } catch {
        Write-Host "`t[+] Tamper Protection is either not enabled or not detected" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "`t[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        $response = Read-Host
        if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
            exit 1
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

    # Check if Defender is disabled
    Write-Host "[+] Checking if Windows Defender service is disabled..."
    $defender = Get-Service -Name WinDefend -ea 0
    if ($null -ne $defender) {
        if ($defender.Status -eq "Running") {
            Write-Host "`t[!] Please disable Windows Defender through Group Policy, reboot, and rerun installer" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62174426/how-to-permanently-disable-windows-defender-real-time-protection-with-gpo" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-permanently-disable-windows-defender-windows-10" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] Hint: https://github.com/jeremybeaume/tools/blob/master/disable-defender.ps1" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[+] You are welcome to continue, but may experience errors downloading or installing packages" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`t[-] Do you still wish to proceed? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
            $response = Read-Host
            if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
                exit 1
        } else {
            Write-Host "`t[+] Defender is disabled" -ForegroundColor Green
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

    Write-Host "[+] Setting password to never expire to avoid that a password expiration blocks the installation..."
    wmic useraccount here "name='${Env:UserName}'" set PasswordExpires=False

    # Prompt user to remind them to take a snapshot
    Write-Host "[-] Have you taken a VM snapshot to ensure you can revert to pre-installation state? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    $response = Read-Host
    if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
        exit 1

if (-not $noPassword.IsPresent) {
    # Get user credentials for autologin during reboots
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($password)) {
        Write-Host "[+] Getting user credentials ..."
        Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds" -Name "ConsolePrompting" -Value $True
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
        $credentials = Get-Credential ${Env:username}
    } else {
        $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
        $credentials = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList ${Env:username}, $securePassword

# Check Boxstarter version
$boxstarterVersionGood = $false
if (${Env:ChocolateyInstall} -and (Test-Path "${Env:ChocolateyInstall}\bin\choco.exe")) {
    choco info -l -r "boxstarter" | ForEach-Object { $name, $version = $_ -split '\|' }
    $boxstarterVersionGood = [System.Version]$version -ge [System.Version]"3.0.2"

# Install Boxstarter if needed
if (-not $boxstarterVersionGood) {
    Write-Host "[+] Installing Boxstarter..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
    Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://boxstarter.org/bootstrapper.ps1'))
    Get-Boxstarter -Force

    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Import-Module "${Env:ProgramData}\boxstarter\boxstarter.chocolatey\boxstarter.chocolatey.psd1" -Force

# Check Chocolatey version
$version = choco --version
$chocolateyVersionGood = [System.Version]$version -ge [System.Version]"2.0.0"

# Update Chocolatey if needed
if (-not ($chocolateyVersionGood)) { choco upgrade chocolatey }

# Attempt to disable updates (i.e., windows updates and store updates)
Write-Host "[+] Attempting to disable updates..."
try {
  New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" -Name "AutoDownload" -PropertyType DWord -Value 2 -ErrorAction Stop -Force | Out-Null
} catch {
  Write-Host "`t[!] Failed to disable Microsoft Store updates" -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Set Boxstarter options
$Boxstarter.RebootOk = (-not $noReboots.IsPresent)
$Boxstarter.NoPassword = $noPassword.IsPresent
$Boxstarter.AutoLogin = $true
$Boxstarter.SuppressLogging = $True
$global:VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Set-BoxstarterConfig -NugetSources "$desktopPath;.;https://www.myget.org/F/vm-packages/api/v2;https://myget.org/F/vm-packages/api/v2;https://chocolatey.org/api/v2"
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar

# Set Chocolatey options
Write-Host "[+] Updating Chocolatey settings..."
choco sources add -n="vm-packages" -s "$desktopPath;.;https://www.myget.org/F/vm-packages/api/v2;https://myget.org/F/vm-packages/api/v2" --priority 1
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco feature enable -n allowEmptyChecksums
$cache = "${Env:LocalAppData}\ChocoCache"
New-Item -Path $cache -ItemType directory -Force | Out-Null
choco config set cacheLocation $cache

# Set power options to prevent installs from timing out
powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-ac 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-dc 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -disk-timeout-ac 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -disk-timeout-dc 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -standby-timeout-ac 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -standby-timeout-dc 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -hibernate-timeout-ac 0 | Out-Null
powercfg -change -hibernate-timeout-dc 0 | Out-Null

Write-Host "[+] Checking for configuration file..."
$configPath = Join-Path $desktopPath "config.xml"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($customConfig)) {
    Write-Host "[+] Using github configuration file..."
    $configSource = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mandiant/flare-vm/main/config.xml'
} else {
    Write-Host "[+] Using custom configuration file..."
    $configSource = $customConfig

Get-ConfigFile $configPath $configSource

Write-Host "Configuration file path: $configPath"

# Check the configuration file exists
if (-Not (Test-Path $configPath)) {
    Write-Host "`t[!] Configuration file missing: " $configPath -ForegroundColor Red
    Write-Host "`t[-] Please download config.xml from $configPathUrl to your desktop" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "`t[-] Is the file on your desktop? (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    $response = Read-Host
    if ($response -notin @("y","Y")) {
        exit 1
    if (-Not (Test-Path $configPath)) {
        Write-Host "`t[!] Configuration file still missing: " $configPath -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t[!] Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
        Start-Sleep 3
        exit 1

# Get config contents
Start-Sleep 1
$configXml = [xml](Get-Content $configPath)

if (-not $noGui.IsPresent) {
    Write-Host "[+] Starting GUI to allow user to edit configuration file..."
    ## BEGIN GUI
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    function Get-Folder($textBox, $envVar) {
        $folderBrowserDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
        $folderBrowserDialog.RootFolder = 'MyComputer'
        if ($folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
            $textbox.text = (Join-Path $folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath (Split-Path $envs[$envVar] -Leaf))

    function Get-InstallablePackages {
        $availablePackagesPath = "$desktopPath\available_packages.txt"
        if (-not (Test-Path $availablePackagesPath)) {
            Write-Host "[+] Downloading list of available packages, may take a bit. Please be patient..."
            choco search -s "https://www.myget.org/F/vm-packages/api/v2" -r | Out-File $availablePackagesPath
        (Get-Content $availablePackagesPath) | ForEach-Object {
            $Name, $Version = $_ -split '\|'
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                'Name' = $Name
                'Version' = $Version

    function Get-InstalledPackages {
        choco list -r | ForEach-Object {
            $Name, $Version = $_ -split '\|'
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                'Name' = $Name
                'Version' = $Version

    function Set-InitialPackages {
        foreach($package in $packagesToInstall)
            $selectedPackagesBox.Items.Add($package) | Out-Null
        $numSelectedLabel.text = "Total: $($selectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

        foreach($package in $allPackages)
            $unselectedPackagesBox.Items.Add($package) | Out-Null
        $numUnselectedLabel.text = "Total: $($unselectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

    function Add-SelectedPackages {
        $unselectedPackages = $unselectedPackagesBox.SelectedItems
        foreach($package in $unselectedPackages)
            $selectedPackagesBox.Items.Add($package) | Out-Null
        $numSelectedLabel.text = "Total: $($selectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

        while ($unselectedPackagesBox.SelectedItems.count -gt 0) {
        $numUnselectedLabel.text = "Total: $($unselectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

    function Add-AllPackages {
        foreach($package in $unselectedPackagesBox.Items)
            $selectedPackagesBox.Items.Add($package) | Out-Null
        $numSelectedLabel.text = "Total: $($selectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

        $numUnselectedLabel.text = "Total: $($unselectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

    function Remove-SelectedPackages {
        $selectedPackages = $selectedPackagesBox.SelectedItems
        foreach($package in $selectedPackages)
            $unselectedPackagesBox.Items.Add($package) | Out-Null
        $numUnselectedLabel.text = "Total: $($unselectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

        while ($selectedPackagesBox.SelectedItems.count -gt 0) {
        $numSelectedLabel.text = "Total: $($selectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

    function Remove-AllPackages {
        foreach($package in $selectedPackagesBox.Items)
            $unselectedPackagesBox.Items.Add($package) | Out-Null
        $numUnselectedLabel.text = "Total: $($unselectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

        $numSelectedLabel.text = "Total: $($selectedPackagesBox.Items.count)"

    # Gather lists of packages (i.e., available, already installed, to install)
    $excludedPackages = @("flarevm.installer.vm", "common.vm")
    $installedPackages = (Get-InstalledPackages).Name
    $packagesToInstall = $configXml.config.packages.package.name | Where-Object { $installedPackages -notcontains $_ }
    $allPackages = (Get-InstallablePackages).Name | Where-Object { $packagesToInstall -notcontains $_ -and $installedPackages -notcontains $_ -and $excludedPackages -notcontains $_}
    $envs = [ordered]@{}
    $configXml.config.envs.env.ForEach({ $envs[$_.name] = $_.value })

    $form                   = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
    $form.ClientSize        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(717,740)
    $form.text              = "FLARE VM Install Customization"
    $form.TopMost           = $true
    $form.MaximizeBox       = $false
    $form.FormBorderStyle   = 'FixedDialog'
    $form.StartPosition     = 'CenterScreen'

    $envVarGroup            = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Groupbox
    $envVarGroup.height     = 201
    $envVarGroup.width      = 690
    $envVarGroup.text       = "Environment Variable Customization"
    $envVarGroup.location   = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(15,59)

    $packageGroup           = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Groupbox
    $packageGroup.height    = 385
    $packageGroup.width     = 540
    $packageGroup.text      = "Package Installation Customization"
    $packageGroup.location  = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(81,285)

    $welcomeLabel           = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $welcomeLabel.text      = "Welcome to FLARE VM's custom installer. Please select your options below.`nDefault values will be used if you make no modifications."
    $welcomeLabel.AutoSize  = $true
    $welcomeLabel.width     = 25
    $welcomeLabel.height    = 10
    $welcomeLabel.location  = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(15,14)
    $welcomeLabel.Font      = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $selectedPackagesBox                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    $selectedPackagesBox.text            = "listBox"
    $selectedPackagesBox.SelectionMode   = 'MultiSimple'
    $selectedPackagesBox.Sorted          = $true
    $selectedPackagesBox.width           = 246
    $selectedPackagesBox.height          = 322
    $selectedPackagesBox.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(288,40)

    $unselectedPackagesBox               = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    $unselectedPackagesBox.text          = "listBox"
    $unselectedPackagesBox.SelectionMode = 'MultiSimple'
    $unselectedPackagesBox.Sorted        = $true
    $unselectedPackagesBox.width         = 246
    $unselectedPackagesBox.height        = 322
    $unselectedPackagesBox.location      = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(6,40)

    $removePackageButton               = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $removePackageButton.text          = "<"
    $removePackageButton.width         = 24
    $removePackageButton.height        = 26
    $removePackageButton.location      = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(258,170)
    $removePackageButton.Font          = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $removeAllPackageButton            = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $removeAllPackageButton.text       = "<<"
    $removeAllPackageButton.width      = 24
    $removeAllPackageButton.height     = 26
    $removeAllPackageButton.location   = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(258,140)
    $removeAllPackageButton.Font       = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',7,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

    $addPackageButton                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $addPackageButton.text            = ">"
    $addPackageButton.width           = 24
    $addPackageButton.height          = 26
    $addPackageButton.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(258,206)
    $addPackageButton.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $addAllPackageButton              = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $addAllPackageButton.text         = ">>"
    $addAllPackageButton.width        = 24
    $addAllPackageButton.height       = 26
    $addAllPackageButton.location     = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(258,236)
    $addAllPackageButton.Font         = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',7,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

    $dontInstallLabel                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $dontInstallLabel.text           = "Available to Install"
    $dontInstallLabel.AutoSize       = $true
    $dontInstallLabel.width          = 25
    $dontInstallLabel.height         = 10
    $dontInstallLabel.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(7,20)
    $dontInstallLabel.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $numUnselectedLabel              = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $numUnselectedLabel.text         = "Total: ???"
    $numUnselectedLabel.AutoSize     = $true
    $numUnselectedLabel.width        = 25
    $numUnselectedLabel.height       = 10
    $numUnselectedLabel.location     = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(6,355)
    $numUnselectedLabel.Font         = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',9)

    $numSelectedLabel                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $numSelectedLabel.text           = "Total: ???"
    $numSelectedLabel.AutoSize       = $true
    $numSelectedLabel.width          = 25
    $numSelectedLabel.height         = 10
    $numSelectedLabel.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(288,355)
    $numSelectedLabel.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',9)

    $doInstallLabel                  = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $doInstallLabel.text             = "To Install"
    $doInstallLabel.AutoSize         = $true
    $doInstallLabel.width            = 25
    $doInstallLabel.height           = 10
    $doInstallLabel.location         = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(289,20)
    $doInstallLabel.Font             = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $resetButton                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $resetButton.text            = "Reset"
    $resetButton.width           = 48
    $resetButton.height          = 18
    $resetButton.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(485,358)
    $resetButton.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',9)

    $vmCommonDirText                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $vmCommonDirText.multiline       = $false
    $vmCommonDirText.width           = 385
    $vmCommonDirText.height          = 20
    $vmCommonDirText.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(190,21)
    $vmCommonDirText.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $vmCommonDirText.text            = $envs['VM_COMMON_DIR']

    $vmCommonDirSelect               = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $vmCommonDirSelect.text          = "Select Folder"
    $vmCommonDirSelect.width         = 95
    $vmCommonDirSelect.height        = 30
    $vmCommonDirSelect.location      = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(588,17)
    $vmCommonDirSelect.Font          = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $selectFolderArgs1 = @{textBox=$vmCommonDirText; envVar="VM_COMMON_DIR"}
    $vmCommonDirSelect.Add_Click({Get-Folder @selectFolderArgs1})

    $vmCommonDirLabel                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $vmCommonDirLabel.text           = "%VM_COMMON_DIR%"
    $vmCommonDirLabel.AutoSize       = $true
    $vmCommonDirLabel.width          = 25
    $vmCommonDirLabel.height         = 10
    $vmCommonDirLabel.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(2,24)
    $vmCommonDirLabel.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',9.5,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

    $vmCommonDirNote                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $vmCommonDirNote.text            = "Shared module and metadata for VM (e.g., config, logs, etc...)"
    $vmCommonDirNote.AutoSize        = $true
    $vmCommonDirNote.width           = 25
    $vmCommonDirNote.height          = 10
    $vmCommonDirNote.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(190,46)
    $vmCommonDirNote.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $toolListDirText                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $toolListDirText.multiline       = $false
    $toolListDirText.width           = 385
    $toolListDirText.height          = 20
    $toolListDirText.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(190,68)
    $toolListDirText.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $toolListDirText.text            = $envs['TOOL_LIST_DIR']

    $toolListDirSelect               = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $toolListDirSelect.text          = "Select Folder"
    $toolListDirSelect.width         = 95
    $toolListDirSelect.height        = 30
    $toolListDirSelect.location      = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(588,64)
    $toolListDirSelect.Font          = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $selectFolderArgs2 = @{textBox=$toolListDirText; envVar="TOOL_LIST_DIR"}
    $toolListDirSelect.Add_Click({Get-Folder @selectFolderArgs2})

    $toolListDirLabel                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $toolListDirLabel.text           = "%TOOL_LIST_DIR%"
    $toolListDirLabel.AutoSize       = $true
    $toolListDirLabel.width          = 25
    $toolListDirLabel.height         = 10
    $toolListDirLabel.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(2,71)
    $toolListDirLabel.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',9.5,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

    $toolListDirNote                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $toolListDirNote.text            = "Folder to store tool categories and shortcuts"
    $toolListDirNote.AutoSize        = $true
    $toolListDirNote.width           = 25
    $toolListDirNote.height          = 10
    $toolListDirNote.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(190,94)
    $toolListDirNote.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $rawToolsDirText                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $rawToolsDirText.multiline       = $false
    $rawToolsDirText.width           = 385
    $rawToolsDirText.height          = 20
    $rawToolsDirText.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(190,113)
    $rawToolsDirText.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $rawToolsDirText.text            = $envs['RAW_TOOLS_DIR']

    $rawToolsDirSelect               = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $rawToolsDirSelect.text          = "Select Folder"
    $rawToolsDirSelect.width         = 95
    $rawToolsDirSelect.height        = 30
    $rawToolsDirSelect.location      = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(588,109)
    $rawToolsDirSelect.Font          = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $selectFolderArgs4 = @{textBox=$rawToolsDirText; envVar="RAW_TOOLS_DIR"}
    $rawToolsDirSelect.Add_Click({Get-Folder @selectFolderArgs4})

    $rawToolsDirLabel                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $rawToolsDirLabel.text           = "%RAW_TOOLS_DIR%"
    $rawToolsDirLabel.AutoSize       = $true
    $rawToolsDirLabel.width          = 25
    $rawToolsDirLabel.height         = 10
    $rawToolsDirLabel.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(2,116)
    $rawToolsDirLabel.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',9.5,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

    $rawToolsDirNote                 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $rawToolsDirNote.text            = "Folder to store downloaded tools"
    $rawToolsDirNote.AutoSize        = $true
    $rawToolsDirNote.width           = 25
    $rawToolsDirNote.height          = 10
    $rawToolsDirNote.location        = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(190,137)
    $rawToolsDirNote.Font            = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $metapackageNote1                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $metapackageNote1.text           = "Metapackages may install in a different location (package author`'s decision)"
    $metapackageNote1.AutoSize       = $true
    $metapackageNote1.width          = 25
    $metapackageNote1.height         = 10
    $metapackageNote1.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(220,157)
    $metapackageNote1.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $metapackageNote2                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $metapackageNote2.text           = "Metapackages are wrappers around tools that install via dependencies"
    $metapackageNote2.AutoSize       = $true
    $metapackageNote2.width          = 25
    $metapackageNote2.height         = 10
    $metapackageNote2.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(220,176)
    $metapackageNote2.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)

    $metapackageNote3                = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $metapackageNote3.text           = "Note:"
    $metapackageNote3.AutoSize       = $true
    $metapackageNote3.width          = 25
    $metapackageNote3.height         = 10
    $metapackageNote3.location       = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(182,157)
    $metapackageNote3.Font           = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

    $okButton                        = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $okButton.text                   = "OK"
    $okButton.width                  = 90
    $okButton.height                 = 30
    $okButton.location               = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(481,700)
    $okButton.Font                   = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK

    $cancelButton                    = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $cancelButton.text               = "Cancel"
    $cancelButton.width              = 90
    $cancelButton.height             = 30
    $cancelButton.location           = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(587,700)
    $cancelButton.Font               = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10)
    $cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel

    $form.AcceptButton = $okButton
    $form.CancelButton = $cancelButton


    $form.Topmost = $true
    $Result = $form.ShowDialog()

    if ($Result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
        Write-Host "[+] Installing selected packages..."

        # Remove default environment variables
        $nodes = $configXml.SelectNodes('//config/envs/env')
        foreach($node in $nodes) {
            $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) | Out-Null

        # Remove default packages
        $nodes = $configXml.SelectNodes('//config/packages/package')
        foreach($node in $nodes) {
            $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) | Out-Null

        # Add environment variables
        $envs = $configXml.SelectSingleNode('//envs')
        $newXmlNode = $envs.AppendChild($configXml.CreateElement("env"))
        $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("name", "VM_COMMON_DIR")
        $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("value", $vmCommonDirText.text);
        $newXmlNode = $envs.AppendChild($configXml.CreateElement("env"))
        $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("name", "TOOL_LIST_DIR")
        $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("value", $toolListDirText.text);
        $newXmlNode = $envs.AppendChild($configXml.CreateElement("env"))
        $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("name", "RAW_TOOLS_DIR")
        $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("value", $rawToolsDirText.text)

        # Add selected packages
        $packages = $configXml.SelectSingleNode('//packages')
        foreach($package in $selectedPackagesBox.Items) {
            $newXmlNode = $packages.AppendChild($configXml.CreateElement("package"))
            $newXmlNode.SetAttribute("name", $package)
    } else {
        Write-Host "[+] Cancel pressed, stopping installation..."
        Start-Sleep 3
        exit 1

    ## END GUI

# Save the config file
Write-Host "[+] Saving configuration file..."

# Parse config and set initial environment variables
Write-Host "[+] Parsing configuration file..."
foreach ($env in $configXml.config.envs.env) {
    $path = [Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($($env.value))
    Write-Host "`t[+] Setting %$($env.name)% to: $path" -ForegroundColor Green
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("$($env.name)", $path, "Machine")
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('VMname', 'FLARE-VM', [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

# Install the common module
# This creates all necessary folders based on custom environment variables
Write-Host "[+] Installing shared module..."
choco install common.vm -y --force

# Use single config
$configXml.save((Join-Path ${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR} "config.xml"))
$configXml.save((Join-Path ${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR} "packages.xml"))

# Custom Start Layout setup
Write-Host "[+] Checking for custom Start Layout file..."
$layoutPath = Join-Path "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell" "LayoutModification.xml"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($customLayout)) {
    $layoutSource = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mandiant/flare-vm/main/LayoutModification.xml'
} else {
    $layoutSource = $customLayout

Get-ConfigFile $layoutPath $layoutSource

# Log basic system information to assist with troubleshooting
Write-Host "[+] Logging basic system information to assist with any future troubleshooting..."
Import-Module "${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR}\vm.common\vm.common.psm1" -Force -DisableNameChecking

Write-Host "[+] Installing the debloat.vm debloater and performance package"
choco install debloat.vm -y --force

# Download FLARE VM background image
$backgroundImage = "${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR}\background.png"
(New-Object net.webclient).DownloadFile('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mandiant/flare-vm/main/Images/flarevm-background.png', $backgroundImage)
# Use background image for lock screen as well
$lockScreenImage = "${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR}\lockscreen.png"
Copy-Item $backgroundImage $lockScreenImage

if (-not $noWait.IsPresent) {
    # Show install notes and wait for timeout
    function Wait-ForInstall ($seconds) {
        $doneDT = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($seconds)
        while($doneDT -gt (Get-Date)) {
            $secondsLeft = $doneDT.Subtract((Get-Date)).TotalSeconds
            $percent = ($seconds - $secondsLeft) / $seconds * 100
            Write-Progress -Activity "Please read install notes on console below" -Status "Beginning install in..." -SecondsRemaining $secondsLeft -PercentComplete $percent
        Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting" -Status "Beginning install..." -SecondsRemaining 0 -Completed

    Write-Host @"

- This install is not 100% unattended. Please monitor the install for possible failures. If install 
fails, you may restart the install by re-running the install script with the following command:

    .\install.ps1 -password <password> -noWait -noGui -noChecks

- You can check which packages failed to install by listing the C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad 
directory. Failed packages are stored by folder name. You may attempt manual installation with the 
following command:

    choco install -y <package_name>

- For any issues, please submit to GitHub:

    Installer related: https://github.com/mandiant/flare-vm
    Package related:   https://github.com/mandiant/VM-Packages

[!] Please copy this note for reference [!]
"@ -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor White
    Wait-ForInstall -seconds 30

# Begin the package install
Write-Host "[+] Beginning install of configured packages..." -ForegroundColor Green
$PackageName = "installer.vm"
if ($noPassword.IsPresent) {
    Install-BoxstarterPackage -packageName $PackageName
} else {
    Install-BoxstarterPackage -packageName $PackageName -credential $credentials