AutoSoftWrap ============ SublimeText 2/3 to auto enable "Word Wrap" only for certain extensions Description ----------- AutoSoftWrap is a plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3 that when enabled, every time a new buffer is loaded, and the filename extension is listed in the plugin settings, automatically enables `View -> Word Wrap`. This is mostly useful when viewing/editing lightweight markup languages like [Markdown]( Really useful when reading documentation maintained inside code repositories, but enabling `Word Wrap` globally is not desirable. Installation ------------ AutoSoftWrap can be installed in a variety of ways: * Using [Package Control]( Open Package Control Select 'Install Package' Find and select 'AutoSoftWrap' * By cloning this repository in Packages cd into your Packages folder git clone . Configuration ------------- Right now there's only one setting to configure AutoSoftWrap `extensions`: It's a list of extensions to check when a file is first loaded, and if it matches one on this list, then `Word Wrap` is automatically enabled. By default the default extension list is set to: { "extensions": [ "markdown", "mdown", "md", "textile", "rdoc", "org", "creole", "mediawiki", "rst", "asciidoc", "pod", "txt" ] } This is the same list of lightweight markup formats supported by [GitHub Markup](