# Citations from BibTeX for Sublime Text This [Sublime Text 3](https://www.sublimetext.com/3) plugin provides citation search and Tab-completion for citations stored in a BibTeX file. Configure the file path and you are good to go! The default set up is optimized to work with [AcademicMarkdown](https://github.com/mangecoeur/AcademicMarkdown). Uses the [bibtexparser](https://github.com/sciunto/python-bibtexparser) library from sciunto. # Configuration You must specify the location of your BibTeX file or files in the `Citer-sublime-settings` preferences file. Multiple files can be added as a list. Optionally you can define - `search_fields` the BibTeX fields to search in when using Citer: Search - `citation_format` the citation format - `completions_scopes` the list of scopes to limit the operation of the plugin (by default, Citer will only suggest citations within plain text scopes and is disabled in source code) - `excluded_scopes` list of scopes to explicitly exclude from Citer completions - `enable_completions` enable/disable citation completions (when you hit @) - `quickview_format` customise the format when listing library entries in the quickview panel (e.g. with the Citer: Show All command). Place variables between `{}` braces. Available variables are `citekey`, `title`, `author`, `year`. - `auto_merge_citations` Whether to automatically merge citations that are inserted next to each other. `[@Fred2000][@Mary2001]` becomes `[@Fred2000; @Mary2001]`. Equivalent to running `Citer: Combine adjacent citations` on every insert See below for example (default) configuration ```js { //REQUIRED: "bibtex_file ": "example/path/to/file.bib", // You can also specify a list //"bibtex_file_path": ["example/path/to/file.bib", "example/path/to/fileTwo.bib"], //OPTIONAL: //By default Citer Search looks for your keyword in the //author, title, year, and Citekey (id) fields "search_fields": ["author", "title", "year", "id"] , //Default format is @Citekey "citation_format": "@%s", //list of scopes. Could be top level "text" or "source", or limit to // e.g "text.html.markdown" "completions_scopes": ["text"], "enable_completions": true, //Customise the quickview of you library, using python format syntax "quickview_format": "{citekey} - {title}", "auto_merge_citations": false, "excluded_scopes": [], } ``` # Commands **Citer: Search** - enter a search term. All results where the term is found in the author, title, citekey, or year fields will be shown (the searched fields are configurable) **Citer: Show All** - show all the entries in your BibTeX in a quick view (you can then search in the title) **Citer: Insert Title** - show all the entries in your BibTeX in a searchable quick view, inserts the title **Citer: Combine adjacent citations** - Combines neighbouring citations i.e. `[@Fred2000][@Mary2001]` becomes `[@Fred2000; @Mary2001]` # Completions Citer provides autocompletions for your citekeys, these are enabled by default and can be disabled in the config. # Compatibility Citer has been tested with BibTeX generated by [Mendeley](https://www.mendeley.com/), Jabref, and Zotero. It should work with any well-formed BibTeX file. # TODO - [ ] Look into providing snippets for [pandoc](http://pandoc.org/index.html) citation format in markdown files. # Licence LGPLv3. See [COPYING](https://github.com/mangecoeur/Citer/blob/master/COPYING) for details.