gImageReader 3.4.2 (Feb 05 2024):
* Bugfixes:
 - [Qt] Fix crash in FileTreeModel::findFile with temporary file
 - [Gtk] Correctly notify hOCR tree updates when merging items
 - [Win32] Fix dictionary installation directory
 - Quote x_font property in hOCR documents
 - Assorted Wayland fixes
* Enhancements:
- Add support for PoDoFo 0.10.x
- Apply brightness/contrast/resolution/invert to all selected images
* Updated translations
* See for details

gImageReader 3.4.1 (Jan 29 2023):
* Bugfixes:
 - Fix warning about text in pdf incorrectly shown even if PDF has no text
 - Adapt for enchant2 dictionary location change
 - [Qt] Fix setting custom font for text editor
 - Fix crash in batch export dialog when selecting folder with no hocr html files
 - Assorted Wayland fixes
 - [Gtk] Fix incorrectly passing export filename to hOCR text and ODT export
 - [Gtk] Rework Utils::string_html_escape to fix possible unicode string corruption
* Enhancements:
 - Add 2px margin to autodetected areas
 - Allow specifying custom script tessdatas by prepending prefix with script/ and leaving empty lang code
 - Use correct file extensions in crash save files
 - Make WConf visibility persistent
* Updated translations
* See for details

gImageReader 3.4.0 (Jan 28 2022):
* Add support for tesseract 5.0
* Add Qt6 support
* Add thumbnail view for source documents
* Add batch mode for recognizing multiple documents
* Display sources in a tree
* Allow opening output files directly from the source tree if they exist next to the source with the same basename
* Allow moving image selection boxes
* Text: Add multi-tab support
* HOCR: Allow specifying whether new output is inserted/appended
* HOCR: Allow opening multiple files at once, also from command line
* HOCR: Add proof-reading widget (Qt interface only)
* HOCR: New batch export dialog
* HOCR: Add quick navigation for low confidence words

gImageReader 3.3.1 (Jul 28 2019):
* HOCR: propagate attributes to manually added elements (@foghawk)
* HOCR: improve spelling of hyphenated words (@foghawk)
* HOCR: improve spelling of words with special characters (@foghawk)
* HOCR: allow specifying a DPI to assume for image sources when exporting to PDF (@foghawk)
* HOCR: allow use to choose whether to sanitize hyphens when exporting to PDF
* HOCR: Attempt to map 639-2 language codes to ISO 639-1 to set spelling language
* Allow specifying character whitelist / blacklist for recognition
* Various bugfixes
* Translation updates
* Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.3.0 (Sep 26 2018):
* Support tesseract-4.0.0
* Translation updates
* See 3.2.9x changelogs for all other feature changes since previous stable
* Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.2.99 (Feb 24 2018):
* gImageReader 3.3 beta
* Add support for reading DJVU documents
* Add support for encrypted PDF files
* Rewrite HOCR editor and greatly expand its functionality:
  - Allow displaying confidence values in HOCR tree
  - Allow clicking in the canvas to jump to the corresponding item in the HOCR tree
  - Support mass-editing of HOCR child item attributes from parent
  - Honour font family attributes if possible
  - Honour and allow toggling bold and italic attributes
  - Correctly honour the baseline
  - Add search/replace and substitution list support
  - Add preview mode while editing
  - Allow manually adding lines, words and paragraphs
  - Allow swapping items
  - Automatically adjust parent bounding boxes when resizing and removing children
  - Add navigation toolbar to facilitate navigating through the HOCR tree
  - Use relative paths to source files in HOCR HTML document if source files are on same level or below the HOCR file
  - Add export to text
  - Add export to ODT
  - Allow choosing paper size in PDF export
  - Allow setting document metadata in PDF export
  - Allow setting encryption in PDF export
  - [Qt] Allow using QPrinter as PDF export backend, which has better support for complex scripts

gImageReader 3.2.3 (Jul 01 2017):
* Fix broken hOCR export
* Add option to prepend source filename / page to plain text output

gImageReader 3.2.2 (Jun 30 2017):
* Attempt to use original source image for PDF output
* Allow collapsing/expanding branches of hOCR tree via context menu
* Recognize guillemets as quote characters
* Fix crash when adding zero-page sources
* Fix possible crash when rapidly switching documents
* [Gtk] Fix output pane orientation not properly restored
* [Gtk] Don't crash when rendering of image fails
* [Gtk] Fix icons not appearing with recent Gtk versions
* [Qt] Don't display empty image if rendering of downscaled image fails

gImageReader 3.2.1 (Feb 10 2017):
* Add possibility to rotate individual pages of multipage documents
* Ensure the tessdata manager downloads compatible tesseract language definitions
* Add CCITT Group4 compression option for monochrome PDF export
* Allow choosing between diffuse and threshold dithering for monochrome PDF export
* Preview JPEG compression quality in PDF output preview
* Make brightness/contrast/resolution changes affect all selected sources
* [Qt] Support multipage images through QImageReader (Qt5.9+ will support multipage TIFFs)
* [Gtk] Fix hang when saving selection image
* [Qt] Fix possible deadlock when rapidly switching sources
* Updated translations

gImageReader 3.2.0 (Nov 23 2016):
 * gImageReader 3.2.0 stable
 * Add PageUp / PageDown keyboard accelerators for browsing multipage documents
 * See 3.1.9x changelogs for all other feature changes since previous stable
 * Many bug fixes since 3.1.99 - special thanks to Daniel Plakhotich
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.1.99 (Oct 13 2016):
 * gImageReader 3.2 release candidate
 * General improvements:
   - Catch critical tesseract errors which otherwise result in the application crashing
   - Improve spelling dictionary auto-installation logic
   - Allow choosing whether to store language files (language definitions, spelling dictionaries) in system-wide or user-local directories
 * Plain text mode improvements:
   - Allow recognizing user-defined regions on multiple pages
   - Also treat \u2014 character as a hyphen
   - Make preserve paragraphs option correctly deal with trailing whitespace
 * hOCR editor improvements:
   - Add "Add to dictionary" and "Ignore word" actions to spell-checking menu in hOCR editor
   - Exclude non-word characters from spell-checking
   - Allow merging adjacent word items
   - Allow adjusting bounding boxes of document elements by resizing the selection in the canvas
   - Allow removing arbitrary items from the document tree
   - Allow defining custom graphic regions from context-menu of the respective page item
 * PDF export improvements:
   - Add previewing capability
   - Take into account baseline information to better position the words in the generated PDF
   - Add options to choose color format and compression of images written to PDF, allowing to greatly reduce the size of PDF
   - Correctly handle paper size and DPI
   - Improve logic for uniformizing word and line spacing
   - Make sure correct hyphen character is used, allowing PDF applications to correctly find hyphenated words
 * New and updated translations
 * Various bug fixes
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.1.91 (May 03 2016):
 * gImageReader 3.2 beta 2
 * Fix crash when editing items in the hOCR editor
 * Fix build with Ubuntu 14.04
 * Updated Czech translation
 * Fix some string typos
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.1.90 (Apr 28 2016):
 * gImageReader 3.2 beta 1
 * Add an initial hOCR editor implementation, with possibility to save as hOCR HTML, PDF with invisible text overlay, or a PDF reconstructed from the extracted text and graphics
 * Allow selecting and working on multiple sources at once
 * Add a tessdata manager, to conveniently manage tesseract language definitions directly from the application
 * Show a progress bar when recognizing, add a cancel button
 * Modernized Gtk UI
 * Expose script and orientation detection support
 * Possibility to pan via middle button drag
 * Remove the need to specify the culture code in custom language definitions, and use a built-in language-culture mapping instead to search for spelling dictionaries
 * Various bug fixes
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.1.2 (Jun 30 2015):
 * Fix incorrect behavior of "Append to current text" with multiple recognition areas
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.1.1 (Jun 11 2015):
 * Fix titlebar now shown when window maximized in Gnome 3
 * New translations: Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Taiwan)
 * Updated translations: Russian, Portuguese

gImageReader 3.1 (May 1 2015):
 * Add option to draw whitespace
 * Allow searching and replacing only in selected portion of output text
 * Add "preserve paragraphs" postprocessing option
 * Allow to open files via drag and drop
 * Improve rendering of certain PDF files with the Qt interface
 * Fix scanning broken with certain scanners under Windows
 * Support automatic spelling dictionary installation under Windows
 * Allow saving scans in other formats than png
 * Handful of bugs fixed
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 3.0.1 (Jan 4 2015):
 * Fix a bug in the Qt interface when loading substitutions list from file
 * Improve behaviour of strip line breaks functionality with multiple line breaks
 * Small UI improvements
 * Full details in commit log:
gImageReader 3.0 (Dec 12 2014):
 * gImageReader 3.0 stable
 * New Qt4/5 interface, as alternative to the Gtk interface
 * Fixed scanning on Windows
 * Memorize image settings (brightness, contrast, etc) when switching images
 * Search forward and backward, replace all, case sensitive search
 * Many bug fixes
 * Translation updates
 * Full details in commit log:
gImageReader 2.93 (Apr 30 2014):
 * gImageReader 3.0 beta 4
 * Add possibility to choose multiple recognition languages
 * Add button to show/hide output pane
 * Fix a crash when loading a scanned document
 * Allow toggling spell checking from context menu
 * Full details in commit log:

gImageReader 2.92 (Mar 19 2014):
 * gImageReader 3.0 beta 3
 * Add replacement-list feature, allowing the user to specify a list of replacements to perform on the recognized text
 * Fix saving output resulting in empty files
 * Fix crashes when rendering PDF files
 * Keep line-breaks if preeded by line-break
 * Fix localization not working on Windows
 * Full details in commit log:
gImageReader 2.91 (Feb 20 2014):
 * gImageReader 3.0 beta 2
 * Improve page-layout autodetection by merging overlapping regions
 * Use native file-chooser dialogs on Gnome/KDE/Windows
 * Allow performing multipage-recognition with page-layout autodetection
 * Fix broken search/replace which caused the application to crash
 * Add Win64 packages
 * Fix some other bugs, full details in commit log:

gImageReader 2.90 (Feb 11 2014):
 * First beta of the grand new gImageReader:
   - Support multiple selections (via CTRL-key). Rightclicking a selection opens a context menu which allows to:
     - Deleted and reordered individual selections.
     - Recognize the selected text, either to clipboard or to the output pane.
   - Basic automatic page layout detection.
   - The output pane now supports undo and redo.
   - Configuration is now automatic.
   - Proper arbitrary rotation of images.
   - Detect deleted/renamed files.
   - Cleaner UI.
   - Port to Gtk+3, rewrite in C++ using the Gtkmm bindings.