var TellduAPI = require("telldus-live"); module.exports = function(homebridge) { Service = homebridge.hap.Service; Characteristic = homebridge.hap.Characteristic; homebridge.registerPlatform("homebridge-telldus", "Telldus", TelldusPlatform); }; function TelldusPlatform(log, config) { this.log = log; // The config this.publicKey = config["public_key"]; this.privateKey = config["private_key"]; this.token = config["token"]; this.tokenSecret = config["token_secret"]; TelldusLive = new TellduAPI.TelldusAPI({ publicKey : this.publicKey, privateKey : this.privateKey }); } function TelldusDevice(log, device) { this.device = device; =; =; // Split manufacturer and model var m = device.model ? device.model.split(':') : [ 'unknown', 'unknown' ]; this.model = m[0]; this.manufacturer = m[1]; // Device log this.log = function(string) { log("[" + + "] " + string); }; } TelldusPlatform.prototype = { accessories : function(callback) { var that = this; that.log("Loading accessories..."); TelldusLive.login(that.token, that.tokenSecret, function(err, user) { if (!!err) throw "Error while trying to login, " + err.message; that.log("Logged in with user: " +; var foundAccessories = []; var noAccessoryTypes = 0; that.getAccessories(function(err, accessories, type) { that.log("Adding " + accessories.length + " " + type); foundAccessories = foundAccessories.concat(accessories); if (++noAccessoryTypes == 2) { that.log("Loading " + foundAccessories.length + " accessories"); callback(foundAccessories); } }); }); }, getAccessories : function(callback) { var that = this; TelldusLive.getSensors(function(err, sensors) { var foundAccessories = []; var foundSensorsLength = 0; if (!!err) throw "Error while fetching sensors, " + err.message; that.log("Found " + sensors.length + " sensors."); foundSensorsLength = sensors.length; for (var i = 0; i < sensors.length; i++) { var accessory = new TelldusDevice(that.log, sensors[i]); foundAccessories.push(accessory); if (foundAccessories.length >= foundSensorsLength) { // that.log("Loaded " + foundAccessories.length + " // sensors."); callback(err, foundAccessories, "sensors"); } } }); TelldusLive.getDevices(function(err, devices) { var foundAccessories = []; var foundDevicesLength = 0; if (!!err) throw "Error while fetching devices, " + err.message; that.log("Found " + devices.length + " devices."); // Only supporting type 'device' for(var i = devices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (devices[i].type != 'device') { devices.splice(i, 1); } } foundDevicesLength = devices.length; for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(devices[i], function(err, device) { if (!!err) throw "Error while fetching device info, " + err.message; var accessory = new TelldusDevice(that.log, device); foundAccessories.push(accessory); if (foundAccessories.length >= foundDevicesLength) { // that.log("Loaded " + foundAccessories.length + " // devices."); callback(err, foundAccessories, "devices"); } }); } }); } }; TelldusDevice.prototype = { // Convert 0-255 to 0-100 bitsToPercentage : function(value) { value = value / 255; value = value * 100; value = Math.round(value); return value; }, // Convert 0-100 to 0-255 percentageToBits : function(value) { value = value * 255; value = value / 100; value = Math.round(value); return value; }, // Respond to identify request identify : function(callback) { var that = this; that.log("Hi!"); callback(); }, getServices : function() { var that = this; var services = []; // Accessory information var accessoryInformation = new Service.AccessoryInformation(); accessoryInformation.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, this.manufacturer).setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, this.model).setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber,; services.push(accessoryInformation); that.configureControllerServices(function(service) { if (service) { services.push(service); } }); return services; }, configureControllerServices : function(callback) { switch (this.model) { case "selflearning-switch": if (this.manufacturer.indexOf("magnet") > -1) { callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.ContactSensor(), [ Characteristic.ContactSensorState ])); } else { callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.Lightbulb(), [ Characteristic.On ])); } break; case "codeswitch": callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.Lightbulb(), [ Characteristic.On ])); break; case "selflearning-dimmer": if ( == "Skalskydd"){ callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.SecuritySystem(), [ Characteristic.SecuritySystemCurrentState, Characteristic.SecuritySystemTargetState ])); } else { callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.Lightbulb(), [ Characteristic.On, Characteristic.Brightness ])); } break; case "temperature": callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.TemperatureSensor(), [ Characteristic.CurrentTemperature ])); break; case "EA4C": // oregon protocol temperature sensor model callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.TemperatureSensor(), [ Characteristic.CurrentTemperature ])); break; case "temperaturehumidity": callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.TemperatureSensor(), [ Characteristic.CurrentTemperature ])); callback(this.configureServiceCharacteristics(new Service.HumiditySensor(), [ Characteristic.CurrentRelativeHumidity ])); break; } }, configureServiceCharacteristics : function(service, characteristics) { var that = this; for (var i = 0; i < characteristics.length; i++) { var cx = service.getCharacteristic(characteristics[i]); if (cx instanceof Characteristic.SecuritySystemCurrentState) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { if (dev.state == 2) { return 3; } if (dev.state == 16 && dev.statevalue !== "unde") { return parseInt(dev.statevalue); } return 2; }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting current state for security " + + " [" + (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice) == 3 ? "disarmed" : "armed") + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); cx.on('set', function(state, callback) { TelldusLive.dimDevice(that.device, state, function(err, result) { callback(); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.SecuritySystemTargetState) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { if (dev.state == 2) { return 3; } if (dev.state == 16 && dev.statevalue !== "unde") { return parseInt(dev.statevalue); } return 2; }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting current state for security " + + " [" + (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice) == 3 ? "disarmed" : "armed") + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); cx.on('set', function(state, callback) { TelldusLive.dimDevice(that.device, state, function(err, result) { callback(); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.ContactSensorState) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return (dev.state == 1 ? 1 : 0); }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting state for switch " + + " [" + (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice) == 1 ? "open" : "closed") + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.CurrentPosition) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return (dev.state == 1 ? 100 : 0); }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting current position for door " + + " [" + (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice) == 100 ? "open" : "closed") + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.PositionState) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return 2; }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting state for door " + + " [stopped]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.TargetPosition) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return 0; }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting target position for door " + + " [closed]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.CurrentTemperature) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return parseFloat([0].value); }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getSensorInfo(that.device, function(err, device) { that.log("Getting temp for sensor " + + " [" + cx.getValueFromDev(device) + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(device)); }); }.bind(this)); cx.setProps({ minValue : -40, maxValue : 999 }); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.CurrentRelativeHumidity) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return parseFloat([1].value); }; cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getSensorInfo(that.device, function(err, device) { that.log("Getting humidity for sensor " + + " [" + cx.getValueFromDev(device) + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(device)); }); }.bind(this)); cx.setProps({ minValue : 0, maxValue : 100 }); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.On) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { return dev.state !=2; }; cx.value = cx.getValueFromDev(that.device); cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting state for switch " + + " [" + (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice) ? "on" : "off") + "]"); switch(cx.props.format){ case Characteristic.Formats.INT: callback(false, (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)?1:0)); break; case Characteristic.Formats.BOOL: callback(false, (cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice))); break; } }); }.bind(this)); cx.on('set', function(powerOn, callback) { TelldusLive.onOffDevice(that.device, powerOn, function(err, result) { callback(); }); }.bind(this)); } if (cx instanceof Characteristic.Brightness) { cx.getValueFromDev = function(dev) { if (dev.state == 1) { return 100; } if (dev.state == 16 && dev.statevalue !== "unde") { return parseInt(dev.statevalue * 100 / 255); } return 0; }; cx.value = cx.getValueFromDev(that.device); cx.on('get', function(callback, context) { TelldusLive.getDeviceInfo(that.device, function(err, cdevice) { that.log("Getting value for dimmer " + + " [" + cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice) + "]"); callback(false, cx.getValueFromDev(cdevice)); }); }.bind(this)); cx.on('set', function(level, callback) { TelldusLive.dimDevice(that.device, that.percentageToBits(level), function(err, result) { callback(); }); }.bind(this)); } } return service; } };